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0ata sheet

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A|ication-aware automated test case creation |atform he|s you to maximize business
returns from your a|ication investments by shortening time to market and e|iminating com|exity.
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|n today's constant|y changing business environment where modern
enterrise deends on software, the abi|ity to re|ease a|ications
faster with wor|d-c|ass qua|ity has direct imact on business
erfor mance. without automation, seed and qua|ity often become
conicting riorities that are subject to trade-o decisions, eventua||y
|eading to fai|ures by oor|y tested a|ications making it into
roduction or re|eases taking a |onger time than anticiated. RP 1est
Automation so|utions extended with acce|eration caabi|ities aim at
the critica| cha||enge of faster de|ivery of high-qua|ity a|ications.
RP |unctiona| 1est Automation acce|eration so|utions address the
time-to-market cha||enges by roviding out-of-the-box test |ibraries
and too|s for faster and easier creation of tests. 8ui|t on the ower
of RP Unied |unctiona| 1esting (U|1) and RP 8usiness Process
1esting (8P1) software, the acce|eration too|s from 1urnkey
, inc|ude the fo||owing comonents:
=!!272&#$%&/> RP 8P1 |ibraries for ackaged a|ications |ike
, 0rac|e, and SAP
are out of box test cases that
signicant|y reduce the test automation deve|oment and
maintenance costs.
!"#!$%&'(> A|ication-aware test creation so|ution for any
a|ication. c|actory
ana|yzes a|ication screens, forms, and
objects; automatica||y identies items to be tested; dis|ays icons
for drag and dro test creation. c|actory
a|so detects changes in
the software and automatica||y udates RP qua|ity Center.
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8usinesses, in order to de|iver better services and roducts to stay
cometitive, are demanding faster de|ivery of qua|ity-assured a|i -
cations. Rowever, a|ication de|ivery is becoming more com|ex
with emerging trends and disrutions around mobi|e, c|oud, comosite
a|ications. Lvo|ving deve|oment rocesses (waterfa||, agi|e, hybrid,
etc.) and distributed software deve|oment, integration teams with
mix of in/out sourced mode|s are a|so adding to the com |exity. As
a resu|t, automated software testing becomes crucia| for de|ivering
qua|ity-assured software at seeds that business demands whi|e
addressing the cha||enges introduced with emerging trends.
Re|iance on recording and scriting rocesses may resu|t in automation
de|ivering fewer benets than exected because rogramming ski||s
may not a|ways be readi|y avai|ab|e and scriting may not a|ways be
eective. Naintenance on these automated test scrits is just as
dimcu|t, requiring a technica| engineer to sift through vo|umes of
undocumented code in order to nd the few commands that need
udating. Lven keyword-based test automation aroaches, whi|e
better than record-and-|ayback, sti|| require the tester to record
the testing rocess or |ay out each ste by hand, |engthening the
time needed to create test cases or to maintain them |ater. A|| of
this adds u to signicant time and cost, reventing many teams
from fu||y uti|izing the advantages that automated software testing
can rovide.
e|iminates these rob|ems by automating the rocess of
creating or udating automated tests. c|actory
is an a|ication-
aware automated test case creation |atform that enab|es quick and
easy creation of test automation even by non-technica| business
users or business ana|ysts. 8y sim|y c|icking on a|ication screens,
ana|yzes them and automatica||y bui|ds keyword-driven
automated testing comonents. 1hese comonents can then be
easi|y drag and droed together to create end-to-end ows, which
fu||y automate a business rocess. Shou|d an a|ication change
|ater, c|actory
can be quick|y re-run to cature the new changes
and a|y them to the existing testing ows. 1he o|d rocess of
recording and scriting is e|iminated, enab|ing non-technica| subject
matter exerts and business ana|ysts to create their own automation,
and to maintain it throughout the a|ication's |ifecyc|e.
e|iminates the scriting or manua| ste-by-ste construction
of test cases by enab|ing them with true data-driven techno|ogy.
Using its integrated data0river
test data management engine,
creates tests that ana|yze their testing data and auto-
matica||y change the ow of the test to roer|y use that data. 1his
way of test creation oerates very simi|ar to how business ana|ysts
erform manua| testing today and de|ivers test automation readiness,
seeding adotion, and sim|ifying ease of use.
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"04.&2 @A Acce|eration so|utions extend RP |unctiona| 1est Automation.
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uses ru|es-based |ug-ins that contain information on how
forms or screens for a given a|ication are |aid out and organized.
P|ug-in ru|es basis are avai|ab|e for most major a|ication tech-
no|ogies, such as R1NL, web 2.0, ASP, .NL1, 1ermina| Lmu|ation,
1ava, and much more. Ru|es basis are a|so avai|ab|e for many of the
major ackaged a|ications in use today, such as SAP, 0rac|e
L-8usiness Suite, Peo|eSoft, and many others. |n addition, because
ru|es-based techno|ogy is quick|y customizab|e, unique
in-house or third-arty a|ications can a|so be easi|y automated.
with c|actory
, you can automate entire end-to-end business
rocesses for comosite a|ication environments that san
mu|ti|e dierent a|ication systems and techno|ogies.
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1he rst ste in test automation of an a|ication using c|actory

is to |earn the screens of the a|ication. 1his is done by |everaging
RP Unied |unctiona| 1esting (U|1) too|set. 1he user |aunches U|1's
"Add 0bjects" wizard, and then sim|y c|icks on the a|ication
screens to be tested. Next, the user c|icks a button in c|actory
ana|yze the catured screens and a |ist of test automation com-
onents, or bui|ding b|ocks that can be created for the screens,
is |isted. 1he user then se|ects the screens for test automation
creation and where the tests shou|d be stored in the RP qua|ity
Center or RP A|ication Lifecyc|e Nanagement reository. A sing|e
mouse c|ick then creates the automated test comonents without
scriting or coding required.
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0nce test automation comonents are ready, users can then combine
these together to create test cases using a sim|e drag-and-dro
rocess. Automation comonents are sharab|e and reusab|e, so they
can be inc|uded in mu|ti|e test cases, a||owing users to create many
dierent tyes of tests. 1his means that each a|ication screen
needs to be automated once and on|y once, signicant|y seeding
im|ementation time whi|e reducing associated costs. 8est of a||,
when changes occur to an a|ication screen, a sing|e udate is
needed regard|ess of how many dierent tests use the same screen.
Users sim|y c|ick to re-|earn the new screen, c|ick again to regenerate
the automation comonents, and a|| test cases that touch that
screen are udated, automatica||y.
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Users can a|so combine individua| test cases into |arger end-to-
end business rocesses using sim|e visua|-|ayout techno|ogy.
1o do this, test cases are dragged and droed into a testing ow,
a|so ca||ed a test set, which can incororate mu|ti|e workstations
or virtua| machines. 1his a||ows for the recise simu|ation of |arge
conference room i|ot-sty|e tests, which revious|y required
mu|ti|e eo|e days or even weeks to com|ete.
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0nce an end-to-end test ow is |aid out, c|actory
data management engine ana|yzes the ow and creates a reository
in Nicrosof


, which wi|| store, manage, and maintain the ow's

testing data. 1he testing data itse|f can be ou|ated into the
Nicrosoft Lxce| workbook in one of severa| ways. 0ata can be asted
or tyed into the reository, test data can be automatica||y generated
using data0river's
embedded modu|es, and data can a|so be u||ed
direct|y from an a|ication's metadata through direct database
|inks made by secia|ized data0river
modu|es. 8y combining a||
three of these caabi|ities, users can readi|y create comrehensive
data scenarios, which exercise a|| a|ication functiona|ity without
the menia| and time-consuming ractice of manua| data gathering.
"04.&2 EA 1est case generation with c|actory
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After the test data is generated, the end-to-end test is ready to be
run immediate|y, or schedu|ed for |ater execution. c|actory inc|udes
an enhanced schedu|er that a||ows test teams to schedu|e mu|ti|e
dierent test ows to run either one time, mu|ti|e times, or on a
regu|ar|y recurring basis. 1est ows can a|so be set to run in a given
order, with |ater test ows starting as soon as ear|ier ones com|ete,
in order to make maximum use of testing resources.
|or the test execution, c|actory
ana|yzes the testing data, which is
coming from the Nicrosoft Lxce| reository and changes how each
test in the ow is executed in order to roer|y uti|ize its secic
data. 1his is done for each execution of a test case, a||owing for a
sing|e c|actory
test to cover a|| of the dierent ways that a given
business rocess can be erformed. 1his signicant|y reduces the
number of test cases needed to rovide comrehensive testing
coverage for an a|ication, reducing both im|ementation time and
maintenance costs. 0ata-driving the tests a|so reduces com|exity
and strong|y increases ease of use by a||owing end users to work
with automated testing in the same way that they erform manua|
testing today, but one ste easier: Se|ect the data that matches the
system requirements you are |ooking to test for, then |et the system
gure out how to run the tests from there.
whenever se|ected test ows are executed, through tight integration
with RP ALN and RP qC, fu||y custom reorts can be generated
automatica||y and de|ivered to secica||y designated end users.
key features and benehts
kchieve autematien fast and with minimaI ehert
a||ows creation of new test cases quick|y, and without
the recording and scriting rocess. 1his signicant|y reduces the
time and cost to create automated tests, resu|ting in substantia|
business benets.
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Lasy test creation techno|ogy a||ows creation, customization, and
maintenance of automated tests without the need for any scriting.
1herefore automation of tests can be achieved with the existing
functiona| sta.
0ata-driven test hew
1hrough its integrated test data management system, data0river
the c|actory
|ets testing data automatica||y determine the actua|
ow of each test case, as oosed to a com|icated rogram or
scrit. 1his a||ows tests to be created and maintained in a fraction of
the time of rior test automation so|utions, increasing test coverage
and driving business va|ue.
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c|actory's a|ication-aware intuitive, visua| rocess a||ows easy
maintenance of tests, reducing maintenance costs, increasing test
coverage, and driving R0|.
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generates tests for most major a|ication techno|ogies
and LRP/CRN |atforms on the market today such as: R1NL, web 2.0,
, .NL1
, 1ermina| Lmu|ation, Adobe
and ||ex/i0ocs
, 0rac|e L-8usiness Suite
, Peo|eSoft
, and more.
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1o attain a|ication agi|ity with RP |1PS A|ication 1ransformation
software and so|utions, visit 8;A!%6L4%L*.1!$0%1#7$2/$014.
Connect with eers and RP Software exerts at:
+, F2&<0!2/
RP rovides high-qua|ity software services that address a|| asects
of your software a|ication |ifecyc|e management needs. with
RP, you have access to standards-based, modu|ar, mu|ti-|atform
software cou|ed with g|oba| consu|ting, education, SaaS, and
suort services.
1he wide range of RP rofessiona| service offerings he|s you achieve
business outcomes with the right combination of eo|e, rocess, and
techno|ogy. 1hese inc|ude ALN consu|ting, test center of exce||ence
services, RP Software im|ementation, and education services.
0ur RP SaaS can he| seed your time to va|ue and significant|y
|ower your u-front costs based on our 10 years of exerience
assisting hundreds of customers with SaaS. 0ur suort services
range from on|ine se|f-so|ve suort to roactive mission-critica|
services-enab|ing you to choose the services that best match
your business needs.
|or an overview of RP Software Professiona| Services:
|or an overview of RP Software as a Service:
"04.&2 MA c|actory
data0river" techno|ogy enab|es test ow to be
determined by an easy-to-manage Lxce|-based test data reository.
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Current RP driver, suort, and security a|erts
de|ivered direct|y to your deskto
Coyright 2012 Rew|ett-Packard 0eve|oment Comany, L.P. 1he information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
1he on|y warranties for RP roducts and services are set forth in the exress warranty statements accomanying such roducts and
services. Nothing herein shou|d be construed as constituting an additiona| warranty. RP sha|| not be |iab|e for technica| or editoria| errors
or omissions contained herein.
0rac|e, 1ava, and Peo|eSoft are registered trademarks of 0rac|e Cororation and/or its am|iates. SAP, SAP So|ution Nanager and
Crysta| Reorts are registered trademark of SAP A6 and/or its am|iates. c|actory, 1urnkey So|utions are registered trademarks of
1urnkey So|utions Cororation and/or its am|iates. Nicrosoft, Lxce|, ASP, and .NL1 are registered trademarks of Nicrosoft Cororation.
Adobe, P0|, and ||ex/i0ocs registered trademarks of Adobe Systems |ncororated.
4AA4-3210LNw, Created August 2012

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