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The Last Days

of the Third Age

a module for Mount and Blade
Check our forums at http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /board ,20.0. html
0. Installation guide
You need either Mount&Blade 1.011 or Warband to play TLD. Install your faourite
!ount"#lade $ame, then the module oer it. The instructions ary sli$htly dependin$ on the
tar$et, the latter re%uires some additional steps, described belo&.
Note: This mod is NOT for !ount"#lade '(a) *ever+
0.1. Installing Mount&Blade 1.011.
You may &ant to use the enhanced version of M&B 1.011 *more stable, &ith many fixes+. You
can $et the enhanced ersion from Tale&orlds, official site usin$ this lin-:
http :// forums .tale&orlds .com /index .php /topic ,.//0.1.0. html
Use the link above not the official do!nload "age. The latter has old inferior ersion for $od
-no&s &hat reason. If you hae mount&blade.exe file 2!b in si2e, you already hae
enhanced ersion, con$ratulations. If your mount&blade.exe file is 34 !b in si2e, you hae
an older inferior ersion, and &e stron$ly adise to reinstall !"# usin$ enhanced ersion 5 it &ill
be more stable in all the mods. You can safely reinstall atop your current normal !"# copy you
bou$ht from Tale&orlds, or in a box.
If #ou have M&B on $team #ou cannot do this % either install the enhanced version into
another location &#ou can do that #es' or follo! our $team guide from here:
http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,2465.0. html
0.(. Installing )*+ mod over Mount&Blade 1.011.
If you do&nloaded the auto installer, 6ust follo& the install &i2ard throu$h the installation and
ma-e sure you select the "ro"er install folder. *E.g., if your $ame is installed in M&B/ , that
folder is: M&B/Modules/TLD/+
If you do&nloaded the manual installer, ma-e use of a decent decompression utility li-e 7zip
or PeaZip to extract the contents of the do&nloaded .7z pac- into its /Modules folder.
#y default !ount"#lade is installed in the follo&in$ locations, and includes a Native module:
$tandalone version:
C:\Program Files (x86\Mou!"&Blade\modules\ or
C:\Program Files\Mou!"&Blade\modules\
$team version:
C:\Program Files (x86\#"eam\#"eam$%%s\&ommo!\mou!" a!d 'lade\modules\ or
C:\Program Files\#"eam\#"eam$%%s\&ommo!\mou!" a!d 'lade\modules\
E.g., if your $ame is installed in M&B/ , un2ip the content into: M&B/Modules/TLD/.
Note: )*+ is a mod that heavil# modifies the original game so it re,uires to change a
fe! files of Mount&Blade itself %% other!ise )*+ !ill not run- )here are ( !a#s to do so.
)hese are:
.a# 1: use the all%ne! Iron *auncher +**.
*this should be your prefered choice. It,s much cleaner and easier to maintain. 7lso it doesn,t produce
any issues some of you report as bu$s, een thou$h you 6ust did the manual installation &ron$+
)&yter has recently re&ritten his old ron !aun"#er into a tiny plu$in loaded by the $ame. 'hich
soles most, if not all, the installation problems in an ele$ant, stable and easy to use &ay.
8opy the ne& di!%u"8.dll file, located by default &here TLD resides *the folder you
extracted into the /Modules subdirectory+ to the main folder of your !ount"#lade installation,
ri$ht into your $ame root, &here the main $ame executable *mou!"&'lade.exe+ is found.
Then 6ust run the $ame as normal, this tiny DLL is loaded automatically and transparently by the
en$ine, and eerythin$ should &or- ma$ically &ithout replacin$ core files, aoidin$ traditional
!ount"#lade limitations &hile allo&in$ you to play TLD and other mods &ithout further complications.
In the unli-ely eent that it doesn,t &or-s for some reason, you hae to resort the other &ay
*belo&+. Tell us &hy it didn,t &or-ed by postin$ the contents of your di!%u"
Be !arned that if you mista-enly delete di!%u"8.dll TLD &ill no lon$er run correctly and
you,ll hae to copy it bac- in place, it has to be there eery time the $ame launches.
.a# (: Manuall# co"# the files. 9o to M&B/Modules/TLD/da"a/ folder. :ere are all the
TLD files &hich must replace ori$inal !"# files, so that TLD can run. )pecifically:
; copy all fie &ore().'r* files to: M&B/Commo!+es/ *oer&ritin$+<
; copy all three )."x" and both ).xml files to: M&B/Da"a/ *oer&ritin$+<
; copy m'.*xo , all fie ).%%, and the ).'i, files to: M&B/ *oer&ritin$+.
#e sure to follo& the aboe instructions carefully=
>o& you hae all critical files in place to run TLD.
Be !arned that !"#, after this, &ill &or- only &ith TLD. Native and other mods !ill not run.
>o& launch !"# normally, choose TLD from module menu and en6oy.
0./. Installing )*+ mod over Mount&Blade .arband.
7s this module &asn,t ori$inally made for 'arband it needs an additional compatibility patch for
it to &or-, &hich is applied oer the standalone ..0.. ersion. ?ead the entire para$raph.
That means that you need to do&nload t&o files: The latest standalone ..0.. ersion and the
latest 'arband compatibility patch. @nce you hae both of them follo& the steps for !"# ..0..
described aboe, &ith the sole difference of the Iron Launcher DLL bein$ optional, in this case it
is 6ust used to play the intro ideo. The second &ay of copyin$ core files described aboe
doesn,t &or-s &ith 'arband and &ill corrupt your $ame files, so don,t attempt it.
#y default 'arband is installed in the follo&in$ locations, and includes a Native module:
$tandalone version:
C:\Program Files (x86\Mou!"&Blade -ar'a!d\modules\ or
C:\Program Files\Mou!"&Blade -ar'a!d\modules\
$team version:
C:\Program Files (x86\#"eam\#"eam$%%s\&ommo!\mou!"'lade .ar'a!d\modules\ or
C:\Program Files\#"eam\#"eam$%%s\&ommo!\mou!"'lade .ar'a!d\modules\
*Axtract the TLD folder from the standalone ..0.. inside /Modules+
@pen the compressed compatibility patch &ith 7zip or Peazip, extract its contents to the TLD
folder under your M&B/Modules/ subdirectory and replace all its files &hen as-ed.
Launch !ount"#lade 'arband, select TLD from the dropdo&n list and the $ame should start.
1. Introduction to )*+
TLD 5 T#e !a$t %a&$ o' t#e T#ird (ge, is a total conersion modification for !ount and #lade
..0... The mod is set in !iddle Aarth 5 a fantasy &orld created by B.?.?.Tol-ien in his noel
C!ord o' t#e )ing$D and others. TLD is inspired by the boo-s and is not a moie5based mod.
@ur $oal is to allo& the player to participate in the 'ar of the ?in$, in &hich forces of li$ht and
dar-ness battle oer the fate of !iddle Aarth *for practical reasons of &ar intensity, only the part
east of the !isty !ountains is coered by the map+.
Eersion 3.0 has been created in 20.0 and 20.., after much pro$ress and code &as lost &ith
the disappearin$ of the mod,s leader 7ncient&an-er.
(ollo&in$ ersions hae been released in 20..520.3 and contained mainly fixes, polish and
some ne& features.
Eersion 3.3 &hich also mar-s the enormous achieement of a 'arband port by )&yter &as
released in early 20.0.
!any people contributed to this mod and a complete list of deelopers and contributors is here:
http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,2465.0. html
*if you feel someone is missin$, let us -no&=+
(. .hat is there to do0
(.1 $tarting ti"s
You choose your faction at the start and you canFt chan$e it later. You can also choose from
different races: men, eles, d&ares, uru-s, uru-5hais or orcs. ?emember that both the faction
and the race you choose &ill limit you in certain &ays. )ome factions proide excellent soldiers,
but in small numbers. )ome hae &ea- troops, but you can hire many. )maller orcs canFt &ear
armors desi$ned for bi$ $uys, but can ride some beasts instead. D&ares hae exceptional
$ear, but canFt ride mounts.
)his is not designed to be full# &artificiall#' balanced. Glayin$ &ea-er races or factions can
be more challen$in$ *as a first $ame, you mi$ht &ant to prefer options, in the startin$ menus,
&hich are placed on top of the list of alternaties+.
You choose a faction and you fi$ht for it until your side &ins the $reat &ar, or until your faction
$ets &iped out. In that case you can still -eep fi$htin$ for your allies.
Note: TLD is mainly desi$ned to entertain you &ith the War o' t#e )ing. :o&eer, &e
encoura$e actie role5playin$ and exploration. There are easter e$$s, there are hidden scenes
and places on the map, uni%ue %uests and bits of Tol-ien lore stre&n eery&here.
)alk to "eo"le: )eriously. It,s not 6ust for role5playin$, tal-in$ to &al-in$ >G8s in settlements
proides you useful adice for $ameplay as &ell as information leadin$ to some of these easter
e$$s and %uests.
It,s not all about the fi$htin$, at least &e hope that,s not all you,re doin$ in TLD. :+
(.( )he !ar
7t the be$innin$ of the $ame the 'ar bet&een $ood and eil hasnFt started yet. YouFll be
notified &hen it does. *This does NOT depend on time spent playin$, rather on ho& ready your
character is for the &ar.+ 'hile !iddle Aarth mi$ht loo- li-e a pretty empty and %uiet place at
start, it $ets filled &ith hostile parties ery %uic-ly once the 'ar starts. #e prepared and use
your fe& days of peace &isely= You can perform %uests for the lords and leaders of all allied
factions, raise troops and train yourself in the barrac-s.
The &ar itself can be &on or lost, unli-e in the ori$inal !"#. Aery faction has a stren$th ratin$
5 &hich chan$es accordin$ to faction successes or failures in battles. 'ith stren$th droppin$
lo& enou$h, it becomes possible for enemies to sie$e faction cities/camps. 'hen a faction
drops to the lo&est status, it is possible to defeat it completely by stormin$ its capital.
>ote that player himself cannot initiate sie$es in TLD. :e can only help his faction and allies in
sie$e battles if their leaders decide that it is time to $o storm the enemy settlement.
*t#i$ i$ a de$ign de"i$ion, not a bug. t+$ al$o $o,et#ing -e -ant to t-ea. in 'uture relea$e$, $o
t#e option to $iege i$ available, but ver& "o$tl& and di''i"ult to obtain./
There are seeral theatres of &ar in TLD, defined by $eo$raphy. 'hen one side eliminates all
the enemies in its current theatre, it &ill send an expeditionary force to help allies on other
theatres. Axpeditionary force &ill build an adance camp in the other theatre and operate from
there. If the $ood forces are completely defeated, but !ordor and Isen$ard still stand stron$,
the t&o to&ers &ill battle each other oer total dominance.
(./ 12conomics3
There is no money in TLD. Instead you deelop relationships &ith factions 5 represented by
?esources, Influence and ?an-.
4esources are &hatFs needed to sustain the faction in &ar 5 you can redeem looted scraps and
items for it and youFre also $ien a certain number of resource allo&ance each &ee- dependin$
on your ran- &ithin a faction. You can use this allo&ance to $et soldiers, $ear, horses for you to
command and companions to follo& you, but only if you accumulated enou$h. You hae a
separate resource/influence/ran- pool for each (action, remember that=
Influence "oints are a&arded for finishin$ %uests and &innin$ tou$h battles. They can later be
spent on special items as a re&ard from the rulers of factions you $ot the influence &ith.
4ank points allo& you to rise up in the ran-s of your faction 5 this &ill determine your max party
si2e, &ee-ly resource income and unloc- other stuff.
Due to bein$ true to lore, &e hae also disabled by default the option of the so called Ccross5
dressin$D: a 9ondorian &ouldnFt li-ely eer &ear looted orc armour, and ice5ersa. 7fter most
battles, you &ill find fe& or no items in the loot &hich can be used directly. Instead, Hmetal
scrapsH are dropped, &hich represent sala$eable e%uipment and can then be $ien to your
smiths &ho re%uire them, for ?esource Goints.
'hatFs there for you to do in TLD, in a nutshell: raise your troops, deelop your character, help
your allied factions &ith battles and %uests. ?ise up in ran-s, $et special items, explore
locations, tal- to different people *and other creatures+, maybe you can learn somethin$ %uite
useful <+
7nd of course, hae fun=
/. 5actions
*>ote that &e,re not postin$ troop trees and detailed descriptions on purpose. You can $enerate
them easily usin$ the community5deeloped tools, if you feel you need to -no& all this.+
6uick start ti"s: Ales are EA?Y po&erful, the only frustration you,ll run into is lac- of troops to
recruit. Glayin$ !ordor can also feel easy, as the eil factions tend to steamroll 9ondor %uite
badly. 7s a leader of lar$e orc armies you,ll -eep runnin$ out of food soon. This is by desi$n, so
rest assured &e en6oy the taste of your s&eet an$ry tears. <G 9enerally, playin$ 9ood in the
>orth is a bit easier than in the )outh, it,s the reerse &ith Ail.
In the North
)he 7ood:
Woodmen -ere t#o$e Nort#,en -#o d-elt in t#e 'ore$t$ o' Middle0eart#, and e$pe"iall&
Mir.-ood in t#e T#ird and 1ourt# age$.
Beornings -ere a people o' t#e upper 2ale$ o' (nduin, bet-een Mir.-ood and t#e Mi$t&
Mountain$. t i$ po$$ible t#at t#e Beorning$ be"a,e .no-n a$ a people t#roug# being
de$"endant$ o' Beorn. %uring t#e War o' t#e )ing, 3ri,beorn t#e Old, $on o' Beorn, -a$ t#e
leader o' t#e Beorning$.
These northmen only fi$ht on foot and their infantry is decent, if not ery &ell e%uipped. Earious
scout troops proide ran$ed support and the rest are mostly li$htly armoured axemen.
Dale i$ a "it& rebuilt b& nort#,en -#o $#are t#e an"e$tr& -it# t#e )o#irri, 4oined b& t#e
$urvivor$ 'ro, t#e la.e "it& o' E$garot#. *a'ter it -a$ burnt do-n b& 5,aug/.
!en of Dale proide tou$h infantry focused on polearms, famous archer troops topped by the
le$endary #ardin$ bo&men and a merchant $uard line actin$ as reasonably $ood caalry.
Dwarves are $#ort and toug#, ver& $trong and ver& -ell e6uipped. T#e& "o,e 'ro, t#e !onel&
Mountain and t#e ron 7ill$.
Their army consists of an infantry line, a scout/archer line and an Iron :ills line *the heaiest
hard5hittin$ infantry+.
Elves of Lothlrien are a po-er'ul group o' Nandor and 5indar living in t#e !8rien -ood$, led
b& lord 9eleborn and lad& 3aladriel.
Their forces consist of an infantry line and a scout line. 7ll their troops are ery s-illed, &ell
e%uipped and oerall deadly. 7 rain of arro&s from under the forests coer, follo&ed by a
deastatin$ infantry attac-, is their main tactic.
The Woodelves are 5indar living in Mir.-ood, led b& .ing T#randuil.
They too hae an infantry and a scout line, but focused more on the archers than the eles of
LIrien. Their infantry speciali2es on spears.
Elves of Imladris *)ivendell/ are 5indar and Noldor led b& lord Elrond and #i$ t-o $on$. Mu"#
o' t#e We$t o' old re,ain$ in t#eir #ou$e#old, po-er'ul elven lord$ and an"ient arti'a"t$. :nder
t#eir banner t#e %;nedain o' t#e Nort# ,ar"# a$ -ell 0 tall dar. #aired ranger$ and noble$ o'
,i<ed %;nedain blood "lad in an"ient ,aille.
Eery &ell e%uipped and hi$hly s-illed infantry, archers and also caalry.
)he Bad:
Men of Rhn are tribal ea$terling$ 'ro, around t#e $ea o' )#=n.
The bul- of their army is caalry 5 horse archers and lancers, both ery li$htly e%uipped, the top
tier caalry is much heaier or lar$er mounts. Their infantrymen are also %uite li$htly armoured
and &ield lar$e axes and s&ords.
Dol !ld!r i$ an old 'ortre$$ o' 5auron in Mir.-ood 0 or"$ no- laun"# atta".$ at t#e 'ore$t
elve$ 'ro, t#ere.
The Dol 9uldur troops are 6ust orcs, %uite similar to the !ordor types. @erall typical orc
infantry, archers and also the &ar$ riders.
!nda"ad u$ed to be a d-arven $a"red pla"e, later it be"a,e a ,a$$ive or" "it& in t#e
,ountain. t -a$ abandoned 'or a -#ile, but no- t#e or"$ returned in large nu,ber$.
The 9undabad orcs are ery similar to all other orcs, but their nature is more saa$e. Their
e%uipment is primitie and their fi$htin$ style barbaric.
#r$s of Moria o""up& t#e #all$ o' >#azad %;,.
@rcs li-e all others, but their e%uipment is better, because they use metal scraps and bits of
looted d&aren armour.
In the %o!th
)he 7ood:
ondor& t#e ?land o' $tone@, i$ in#abited b& de$"endant$ o' t#e an"ient N;,enorean$. Proud
,en $tanding a$ t#e la$t line o' de'en"e again$t t#e$$ o' t#e Ene,&, ruled over b&
$te-ard %enet#or.
9ondor,s military is composed of forces comin$ from all the different fiefdoms. You $et the
standard army &ith solid and &ell armoured troops oerall *infantry, archers and caalry+, Dol
7mroth famous for their heay caalry, $reen archers and spearmen from Ginnath 9elin,
bo&men from the #lac-root Eale, axemen of Lossarnach, heay marines from Gelar$ir or
hardened clansmen of Lamedon.
Rohirrim are t#e #or$e lord$ o' t#e Mar. o' )o#an led b& .ing T#Aoden.
?ohirrim hae ery $ood caalry 5 from heay lancers to a$ile horse archers. They hae an
infantry line as &ell, branchin$ into shield&all formin$ troops and heay s&ordsmen bearin$
)he Bad:
Mordor repre$ent$ 5auron+$ o-n 'or"e$ bred in t#e$$ o' t#e Bla". !and.
7rmies of !ordor consist of orcs, uru-s and eil men *#lac- >Jmenoreans+. Kru-s of !ordor
are the better e%uipped and stron$er breed of orcs, but hae no archery line. !ost re$ular orcs
are infantry, s-irmishers or archers, but there are also orc &ar$5riders. #lac- >Jmenoreans are
a rare, but ery dan$erous infantry and caalry. )auron has also bred fierce battle trolls, but
they,re extremely rare.
Isengard i$ ruled b& 5aru,an, t#e betra&er -izard. 7e "reated #i$ o-n ver$ion o' or"$B t#e
The forces of Isen$ard are %uite &ell *if crudely+ e%uipped. The orcs are comparable to any
other orcs, but the uru-5hai are truly deadly -illin$ machines 5 &ieldin$ pi-es, halberds, heay
axes and nasty cleaers. They also hae lar$est bo&s amon$ any orcs.
D!nlanders are -ild ,en, ene,ie$ o' t#e )o#irri, -#o drove t#e, 'ro, t#eir #o,eland.
They,re ery poorly e%uipped, almost no real armour and sharpened &ooden pi-es and antler
axes. Their chieftains &ear old maille, crudel helmets and rare s&ords. They also hae a
caalry line, but it,s also %uite &ea-.
'ariags of (hand are 'ier"e ea$terling raider$ -earing terri'&ing battle,a$.$.
They rely on fast li$ht infantry *s-irmishers and blademasters+ and heay axemen, &hile their
caalry line contains both li$htly armoured a$ile s-irmishers and heay cataphracts.
)aradrim "o,e 'ro, t#e de$ert$ and rain 'ore$t$ o' t#e 'ar 5out# 0 dar. $.inned -it# an
a''e"tion 'or gold.
:aradrim hae aera$e infantry *s-irmishers/archers and spearmen/s&ordsmen+ from 9reat
:arad, a caalry line *both heay caalry and horse archers+ from :arondor and a (ar :arad
line of tribal &arriors.
*orsairs of +m"ar are $out#ern ene,ie$ o' 3ondor, de$"endant$ o' t#e Bla". N;,enorean$.
8orsairs employ both li$htly armoured s-irmishers and heaier s&ordmasters as &ell as iron
8. Controls95eatures
)*+ o"tions: You can t&ea- the behaiour of the $ame in a number of &ays throu$h the CT!%
Option$D camp menu. You can access the menu &hen you camp on the map. 7ll options are
@>/@(( s&itches for the sa-e of simplicity.
)raits: You can $et traits in %uite a fe& &ays. They describe ho& you play your character and
re&ard or punish you for these decisions and actions.
You can ie& the list and descriptions of your character,s traits in the C?eportsD menu.
:thers: There are other features &hich only apply to certain situations or factions 5 li-e orcs,
ability to eat prisoners, or >G8s bein$ -illed in battle. 'e,d li-e to -eep those a surprise, you
should find them yourseles. In the &orst case, some $ood soul &ill ma-e a $ameplay $uide, no
8.1 5ormations and Battle ;I
Your troops &ill position themseles and hold at the be$innin$ of each battle, instead of blindly
@nly ma6or factions *all .1 of them+ use formations *4deserters+, bandits &ill simply char$e.
There is a sli$ht difference bet&een $ood and eil factions, $ood infantry &ill form shield &alls
*usually defensie 5 shielded troops first, but it can form a phalanx if you hae pi-emen+, &hile
eil infantry &ill form ran-s *best troops first+.
(ormations only &or- in field battles *meanin$ not in custom battles and sie$es+.
7ny time in5$ame that you hae a formation form or H:old,H it &ill set up near the position that
the player had &hen the command &as issued: infantry to the left, caalry to the ri$ht, and
archers up front. 7dditionally, the formations may maintain the same (78I>9 that the player
had *dependin$ on mod desi$n+.
'heneer a unit first forms a particular formation, troops may spread out for ease of formin$ up
*dependin$ on mod desi$n+.
Glayer troops start eery battle in formation.
Knless chan$ed by mod desi$n, formation -ey bindin$s are:
HJH for ran-s
HH for &eapon5based ran-s *shield&all, phalanx+
H!H for &ed$e *the player ou$ht to reassi$n the HLH for HLo$H mappin$+
H"H for s%uare
H#H for no formation *undo formation+
The Hran-sH command for archers puts them in a sta$$ered line.
8aalry &ill not ma-e any formation other than the &ed$e.
8har$e *and Dismount for caalry+ &ill undo a formation. The player may 7dance multiple
times to hae a formation moe to&ard the aera$e position of the enemy. @r use the order
panel or hold5(. to place them *or s&eep them across the enemy for the caalry &ed$e+.
8.( Battle Morale
7s a leader it,s your responsibility to -eep your troops in order durin$ battle. The more
casualties your side suffers, the more their morale crumbles. Leep &atchin$ for messa$es
poppin$ up= You can support your troops in t&o &ays:
.. Lillin$ enemies. If you do &ell, you impress your men and they fi$ht harder and don,t flee.
2. ?allyin$ them. If your troops are fleein$, press C$D. Your character &ill sound a horn and rally
the troops. You $et only a limited amount of rallies per battle= *the amount is based on your
8harisma and Leadership+
It can be %uite the adanta$e if you mana$e to defeat the enemy commander, because that
robs enemies of their leader, they cannot be rallied. Therefore once you mana$e to rout them,
they,re $one.
<. 5;6
<.1 7eneral 6uestions
Do you hae a %uestion not ans&ered in the (7MN 7s- a&ay on our forums:
http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,24%&.0. html
If it,s a $ood %uestion, &e,ll add it ri$ht here=
*:ere,s a player5compiled (7M for absolute dummies &ho refuse to read the !anual:
http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,2&26.0. html +
6: =our intro is anno#ing- Can I disable it0-
;: 'hy yes. In the main !ount"#lade folder there is a file called
?ename it to somethin$ li-e Cbin'play(disabled.exeD or delete it, the ideos &on,t
play anymore. If you eer chan$e your mind, rename it bac- to its ori$inal filename.
6: M# orc arm# is constantl# starving- .here can I get more food0
;: Anemies are a &al-in$ pantry for the say orc commander. ?eie& your troops
and slau$hter some prisoners, you,ll hae plenty of manflesh to feed your lads.
6: *ords aren>t sieging the enem# settlements0 .hat can I do0
;: 'ea-en the enemy further, as their faction stren$th $oes do&n, they become
more ulnerable and re%uirements for sie$es &ill $o do&n. You can also set these re%.
in TLD options.
6: .h# aren>t !e ever sieging Isengard0
;: Isen$ard and the to&er of @rthanc are special, you hae to $rind the enemy
force do&n so that they spa&n a last defence party. 'hen you defeat that party,
Isen$ard falls as the ents 6oin the fi$ht and crumble its &alls.
6: ?o! can I get rid of the :athbreaker trait &$@:I*24-'
;: You need to successfully complete another oath. Lill lots of smaller parties,
donFt $et help from allies *that doesnFt count+. 7l&ays -ill the precise faction &hoFd slain
the hero=
6: M# uruk can>t ride an#thing0 )hat blo!s-
;: There are hu$e &ar$s you can $et as re&ards from faction leaders, uru-s can
ride those.
6: .hat>s the deal !ith Moria0 .hat can I do !ith the item I found there0
;: >othin$, at the moment. It,s planned to be expanded into a %uest item. *no, you
can,t mine mithril+
6: *ooking for easter eggs is hard. Is there a &$U@24 $@:I*24' thread !ith
all of them0
;: Yes, there is: http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,2564.0. html
*you la2ybutt+
6: I can>t find the mountain trolls for $aruman !here the hell are the#0-
;: Let,s see, trolls lie in the !isty !ountains. They lie in caes. >o&, &here could
they be han$in$ aroundN.
6: .h# canAt I ca"ture enem# commanders0
;: You can only capture them if you hae the %uest Hcapture enemy commanderH
actie. 7s far as I -no&, if you hae the %uest actie, your chances of capture are hi$h,
and dependant on your prisoner mana$ement s-ill. I( you attac- an enemy commander
on your o&n, you &ill usually capture him, but if you 6oin in, this may not happen. 7(7IL,
this is due to !"# natie mechanics.
6: .h# canAt I ca"ture orcs9elves0
;: @nly humans can be captured *true to lore+ if you a $ood faction. If you,re eil,
eeryone is $ame for capture. Ales can neer be captured if you are an eil side.
6: ?o! do I gain rank and influence0
;: ?an- is similar to the Hreno&nH in !"# anilla. You $ain it by doin$ %uests,
fi$htin$ battles.
?an- points lets you $ain ran- in a particular faction.
Influence is $ained at about ./O of ran-. )o if you fi$ht a battle and $ain O ran-, you $ain
. influence. There are other &ays of $ainin$ influence as &ell.
6: I can onl# seem to get maBimum of 1/ rank in an# battle0
;: This is coded. 7t most you can $et .3 ran- and 2 influence althou$h if you assist
others, you sometimes $et t&o chec-s at ran-, ie you can $et .342 and then .342.
This also encoura$es people to do %uests.
6: Is there a list of items #ou can get for each faction and the influence cost0
;: Yes: http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,2546.0. html
6: Is there a list of com"anions0
;: Yes: http :// mbx .streetofeyes .com /index .php /topic ,2546.0. html
6: .hat is the "oint in the Cgift to another factionC ,uest0
;: Transfer resource points from one to the other.
6: ;nimal ambushes are anno#ing- ?o! can I get rid of them0
;: 7nimals are afraid of lar$e $roups of soldiers. If your party,s small, aoid
!ir-&ood and the mountains.
<.( :"timiDation9@erformance )!eaking
?int: 5or the most u"%to%date ti"s on o"timiDation and "erformance read this thread:
/""% :// m'x .s"ree"o*e0es .&om /i!dex .%/% /"o%i& 12345.4. /"ml
5irst u" % to avoid a bug that corru"ts #our save file !hile "la#ing the Mount&Blade 1.011
1. If #ou can: save onl# in scenes like )o!ns not on the ma". If #ou have to save on the
ma" $);N+ $)I** !hile saving. +on>t save !hile moving-
(. $ave often and into different slots. +on>t have onl# one save slot if it corru"ts #ou>re
/. If #ou load a game and it al!a#s crashes after #ou move an#!here for a fe! seconds
#our save file is corru"ted. Check the backu" !hich Mount&Blade makes- )he backed u"
save file sometimes !orks.
8. If #ou>re starting again after a corru"ted save tr# lo!ering the amount of "arties on
ma" in )*+ o"tions.
)*+ s"ecific "erformance ti"s that seem to hel":
1. If getting crashes in battles &either 47* errors or Eust no message crashes'
a. Turn off ra$dolls. *explanation: the ra$doll en$ine in !a# is really old and
doesn,t li-e our custom s-eletons. Axperience says this preents many crashes
mid battle.+ *!n#+
b. Lo&er corpses in @ptions. Try lo&erin$ it slo&ly and see &hat amount of troops
your computer mana$es to handle. *turn them off completely to be sure+
*!n# and 'arband+
c. Lo&er your battlesi2e. Try lo&erin$ it slo&ly and see &hat amount of troops your
computer mana$es to handle. *!n# and 'arband+
d. Try settin$ Pron!aun"#er.e<e, *if you,re playin$ an older ersion. 'hy don,t you
$et the ne&est one &ith )&yter,s updated launcherN+ and P,ount&blade.e<e,
compatibility to 'inQG *some users say 'inQG )G3 doesn,t &or-, try )G2 in that
e. *WarningB This option is only for s-illed computer users= D@ >@T T?Y T:I) K>LA))
Y@K,?A 7#)@LKTALY )K?A Y@K L>@' ':7T Y@K,?A D@I>9=+ Try increasin$
your pa$e file to ..Rx 5 2x your amount of ?7!. *!n# and 'arband+
f. *WarningB This option is only for reasonably able computer users== If youFre not sure ho&,
thereFs a thread about it some&here. )earch for that.+ 5 If you hae 'inS and
enhanced ersion *!"#.exe 2.0!b in si2e+ try set it as H!arge (ddre$$ (-areH.
A.$. by usin$ 8(( explorer to edit .exe under F1ile 7eader C 9#ara"teri$ti"$ C
"li". #ere C and "#e". Dapp "an #andle CEgb addre$$ $pa"eH, *hat tip #arf+
*!n# only, because 'arband is already capable of usin$ more than 2 9# or
(. If getting crashes in sieges but not battles
a. Lo&er your battlesi2e to about half of your normal #), or lo&er. *explanation:
sie$es handle the troop amounts in a different &ay, experience says this helps
aoid crashes durin$ sie$es.+ *!n# and 'arband+
/. If getting bad "erformance &stuttering lo! 5@$'
a. Lo&er texture detail slo&ly until you see improement. )ome people say een
/0T helps, some need to $o lo&er. *!n# and 'arband+
b. In the most extreme cases, try playin$ in DQS mode. It,s not pretty, but it,ll allo&
you to play. *!n# and 'arband+
!ore $eneral tips:
.. @ptimi2e !ount and #lade/'arband itself 5 many useful tips can be found here:
http :// forums .tale)orlds .com /index .php /board ,6.0. html 5 !"# ..0..
http :// forums .tale)orlds .com /index .php *topic +,-.%-2.0 5 'arband
2. 'e,e already conerted sounds to .)a/, to increase performance and aoid the ertex
buffer crashes. )till, if you,re $ettin$ these crashes, try buyin$ and installin$ a sound
3. 5ave o'ten. The $ame &ill crash, for some more than for others. #e especially careful
&ith lar$e battles, sie$es and $oin$ into complex scenes *lar$e settlements and so on+.
0. (lora is optimi2ed as &ell as &e can ma-e it, but once in a &hile the $eneration of trees
and $rass &ill $o cra2y and you,ll end up in a 6un$le scene &hich may crash the $ame.
Knfortunate, but &e haen,t found a &ay to fix this yet.
R. 3et ,ore )(M. 7 better 9GK &ill result in smoother play and nicer $raphics, but lac- of
?7! seems to cause fre%uent crashes. Aspecially if you,re runnin$ 'indo&s S, you
definitely need at least 09# of ?7!.
<./ )*+ = U N:...
This section contains the common complaints &e used to $et and &hich &e expect to $et a$ain.
$o )*+ !h#...
6: F#ou don>t look like the movies0
;: #ecause TLD is a mod based on the boo-s.
6: Fdoes some of #our stuff look like in the movies then0-
;: #ecause it doesn,t contradict the boo-s and because &e li-e it.
6: Fdon>t #ou change the elves9!args9gondorian armour9orcs to look like the movies0
;: #ecause &e li-e them this &ay.
6: Fare there no mumakil9oli"hants as battle troo"s0
;: #ecause it,d be ery difficult to ma-e them &or- properly and loo- $ood.
6: Fcan>t I meet9kill the 5ello!shi" have them and 7andalf and *egolas in m# "art#0
;: They hae their o&n 6ourney, their o&n tas- to do. You,re fi$htin$ the 'ar of the
6: Fisn>t there an 2riador faction0
;: #ecause the Ariador area is not in the mod.
6: Fisn>t 2riador in the mod0
;: #ecause by the time of the War o' t#e )ing it &as mostly deserted and nothin$
important for the &ar happened there.
6: Faren>t there an# hobbits and men of Bree0 ;n#!here0
;: #ecause the preious t&o ans&ers.
6: Faren>t there an# s"ider%riding orcs0
;: #ecause punch yourself.
6: Fisn>t this mod for .arband0
;: #ecause it started bein$ deeloped for !n# and portin$ it in its current state &ould
re%uire much more additional time. >onetheless, )&yter is currently portin$ it on his o&n
initiatie since early 20.0 and a pre5release ersion may be released soon, &ith a stable
patch follo&in$ it shortly.
u"date: If you,re readin$ this, the 'arband port has been released. Yay= Uo/
<.8 5or the @urists
6: .h# aren>t elves taller than men0
;: #ecause &e,d hae to ma-e another s-eleton for them and scale all armours and
oerall it,d be too much &or- for little $ain.
u"date: >o& they are. :ah= *6ust a bit, but still taller+
6: .h# does the star of ;rnor have onl# 8 beams and not G0 &like the star of Harendil'
;: 7 small inention of ours 5 the missin$ beams mean there is no -in$*dom+ of 7rnor.
6: .h# are there orcs out in the da#light0 $houldn>t the# be afraid of the sun0
;: It,s for conenience,s sa-e. 'e are a&are of this trait of the orc breed and deal &ith
usin$ penalties to s-ills and stats durin$ the day..
6: .h# don>t the trolls turn to stone in da#light0
;: )imilar reasons 5 it,d be a hu$e pain differentiatin$ bet&een the arious breeds of
trolls and their in/ability to bear the li$ht of the sun. The shado& of !ordor is spreadin$,
the trolls can bear the sun for no&.
6: .h# isn>t the outer ring of Minas )irith made of black stone0
;: It 6ust loo-s a damned lot better this &ay. !ay Tol-ien for$ie us our sin...
6: .here>s 4ammas 2chor0
;: >ot in the mod. *yetN+ (or technical reasons.

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