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Access (n/v)
1. to access
2. have access to
3. gain access to
4. provide access to
5. deny access to
6. allow access to
7. direct access
8. unlimited access
9. restricted access
10. wheelchair access (+to)

Agree (v)
1. strongly agree
2. totally agree
3. fully agree
4. partially agree
5. broadly agree
6. agree that (+ Verb Phrase)
7. agree with
8. agree to (+inf)
9. agree on
10. agree about

Amount (n/v)
1. a considerable amount of
2. a substantial amount of
3. an increasing amount of
4. an increase in the amount of
5. a fall in the amount of
6. to raise the amount of
7. to double the amount of
8. to reduce the amount of
9. to halve the amount of
10. to amount to

Aware (adj), awareness (n)
1. to be aware
2. to be unaware
3. to make people aware
4. aware of (+NP)
5. aware that (+VP)
6. to raise awareness
7. to increase awareness
8. environmental awareness
9. cultural awareness
10. public awareness

Barrier (n)
1. psychological barrier
2. physical barrier
3. to constitute a barrier
4. to overcome a barrier
5. to break down a barrier
6. to be faced with a barrier
7. a barrier to growth
8. a barrier to communication
9. a barrier to development
10. trade barrier

Beginning/end (n)
1. at the beginning/end of
2. in the beginning/end
3. from the beginning to the end
4. beginning/end of the lesson
5. beginning/end of the century
6. beginning/end of the period
7. beginning/end of the work-day
8. beginning/end of the game
9. beginning/end of the year
10. beginning/end of the month

Belief (n)
1. a common belief
2. a widespread belief
3. a widely-held belief
4. a deep-seated belief
5. a strong belief
6. a superstitious belief
7. religious belief
8. have a belief in
9. undermine belief
10. respect the beliefs of

Benefit (n)
1. obtain benefit from
2. derive benefit from
3. enjoy the benefits of
4. reap the benefits of
5. substantial benefit
6. considerable benefit
7. long-term benefit
8. short-term-benefit
9. immediate benefit
10. enormous benefit


Budget (n)
1. allocate the budget
2. increase the budget
3. prioritize the budget
4. cut the budget
5. lack the budget
6. have a budget
7. limited budget
8. tight budget
9. education budget
10. provincial budget

Business (n)
1. do business
2. set up a business
3. operate a business
4. generate business
5. start a business
6. medium-sized business
7. family business
8. state-owned business
9. profitable business
10. successful business

Care (v/n)
1. to care about
2. to care for
3. to take care of
4. couldnt care less
5. healthcare
6. psychiatric care
7. to receive care
8. to provide care
9. care workers
10. care services

Cause (n)
1. root cause
2. underlying cause
3. major cause
4. indirect cause
5. likely cause
6. possible cause
7. principal cause
8. most obvious cause
9. immediate cause
10. chief cause

Cause (v)
1. cause suffering
2. cause illness
3. cause problems for
4. cause embarrassment
5. cause pollution
6. cause harm to
7. cause disease
8. cause global warming
9. cause anxiety
10. cause damage

Change (n)
1. dramatic change
2. momentous change
3. revolutionary change
4. bring about a change
5. undergo a change
6. a change takes place
7. a change for the better
8. climate change
9. a period of change
10. make a change

Child/children (n)
1. childhood
2. disobedient child
3. delinquent child
4. gifted child
5. give birth to a child
6. raise a child
7. an only child
8. child development
9. spoil a child
10. child mortality (rate)

City (n)
1. capital city
2. industrial city
3. cosmopolitan city
4. historic city
5. the city center
6. the outskirts of the city
7. sprawling city
8. city-dweller
9. port city
10. city life


Common (adj)
1. to have something in common
2. in common with
3. the common people
4. common sense
5. to be common
6. a common problem
7. a common occurrence
8. a common response
9. a common disease
10. a common approach to

Computer (n)
1. computer savvy
2. computer literate
3. computer skills
4. computer hacker
5. log onto/off a computer
6. store something on computer
7. computer industry
8. the computer age
9. computer screen
10. computer technology

Concern (v/n)
1. to concern everyone
2. to concern national development
3. to be concerned about
4. widespread concern (about)
5. national concern (about)
6. growing concern (about)
7. to be concerned with
8. as far as Im concerned
9. concerning the first issue
10. to show concern for

Context (n)
1. to outline a context
2. to provide a context
3. take account of the context
4. put sth into context
5. in a specific context
6. a personal context
7. a global context
8. in a broader context
9. in a different context
10. out of context

Control (v/n)
1. to tightly control
2. to indirectly control
3. to establish control of/over
4. to take control of
5. birth control
6. quality control
7. traffic control
8. total control
9. parental control
10. under control

Cost (n/v)
1. the cost of living
2. total cost
3. estimated cost
4. average cost
5. to reduce the cost
6. to raise the cost
7. to come at a cost
8. to measure the cost
9. costs and benefits
10. to cost a lot

Crime (n) [1]
1. to commit a crime
2. to be guilty of a crime
3. to investigate a crime
4. to solve a crime
5. to tackle crime
6. to be accused of a crime
7. to be tried for a crime
8. to confess to a crime
9. to be punished for a crime
10. victims of crime

Crime (n) [2]
1. serious crime
2. white-collar crime
3. petty crime
4. violent crime
5. to prevent crime
6. to reduce crime
7. to deter crime
8. crime rate
9. crime prevention
10. crime wave


Culture (n)
1. indigenous culture
2. traditional culture
3. native culture
4. alien culture
5. contemporary culture
6. Western culture
7. to preserve culture
8. to protect culture
9. in some cultures
10. culture shock

Demand (n)
1. supply and demand
2. strong demand
3. huge demand
4. insatiable demand
5. growing demand
6. declining demand
7. reduced demand
8. demand for water
9. demand for accommodation
10. be in demand

Different (adj), difference (n)
1. to be completely different (from)
2. totally/entirely different
3. to tell the difference between
4. no one can tell the difference
5. theres no difference between
6. a fundamental difference
7. only a slight difference
8. a subtle difference
9. it doesnt make any difference
10. differences and similarities

Difficult (adj); easy (adj)
1. find it difficult/easy to
2. make it difficult/easy to
3. it is difficult/easy to
4. a difficult/easy problem to solve
5. quite difficult/easy
6. extremely difficult/easy
7. increasingly difficult/easy
8. particularly difficult/easy
9. surprisingly difficult/easy
10. exceedingly difficult/easy

Effect (n), influence (n), impact (n)
1. have an effect/influence/impact on
2. positive/negative effect
3. dramatic effect
4. disastrous effect
5. far-reaching effect
6. adverse effect
7. catastrophic effect
8. direct indirect effect
9. long-term effect/short-term effect
10. domino effect/knock-on effect

Exercise (n)
1. get exercise
2. do exercise
3. regular exercise
4. physical exercise
5. mental exercise
6. strenuous exercise
7. daily exercise
8. aerobic exercise
9. vigorous exercise
10. gentle exercise

Fact (n) [1]
1. undoubted fact
2. relevant fact
3. observable fact
4. obvious fact
5. undeniable fact
6. well-known fact
7. little-known fact
8. (it is a ) sad fact (that)
9. unpleasant fact
10. surprising fact

Fact (n) [2]
1. examine the facts
2. look at the facts
3. be aware of the fact that
4. recognize the fact that
5. accept the fact that
6. emphasize the fact that
7. draw attention to the fact
8. conceal the facts
9. despite the fact that
10. acknowledge the fact that


Family (n) [1]
1. large family
2. nuclear family
3. immediate family
4. extended family
5. low-income family
6. dysfunctional family
7. single-parent family
8. immediate family
9. well-to-do family
10. close-knit family

Family (n) [2]
1. family gathering
2. family background
3. family ties
4. family breakdown
5. family business
6. family connections
7. family commitments
8. family planning
9. family member
10. family life

Figure (n)
1. rough figure
2. approximate figure
3. precise figure
4. accurate figure
5. surprising figure
6. highest/lowest figure
7. projected figure
8. according to the figure
9. the latest figures (data)
10. the official figures (data)

Freedom (n)
1. press freedom
2. total freedom
3. personal freedom
4. religious freedom
5. artistic freedom
6. unlimited freedom
7. freedom of speech
8. freedom of the press
9. freedom of choice
10. freedom of religion

Fund(s), funding (n/v)
1. to provide funds for
2. to have limited funds
3. available funds
4. insufficient funds
5. to have access to funds
6. contingency fund
7. illegal funds
8. to fund a project
9. to fund the cost of
10. to fund ones education

Gap (n)
1. widening gap
2. wide gap
3. generation gap
4. the information gap
5. the technology gap
6. the gender gap
7. unbridgeable gap
8. narrow the gap
9. bridge the gap
10. widen the gap

Government (n)
1. local government
2. central government
3. democratic government
4. government policy
5. to overthrow the government
6. to support the government
7. government regulation
8. a government-run business
9. the role of government
10. government subsidies

Habit(s) (n)
1. eating habits
2. shopping habits
3. spending habits
4. reading habits
5. viewing habits
6. Western habits
7. to change ones habits
8. a change in peoples habits
9. to give up a habit
10. to get into the habit of


Health (n)
1. healthcare
2. health center
3. health problems
4. health services
5. universal healthcare
6. to be harmful to your health
7. to be good for your health
8. physical/mental health
9. to promote health education
10. to improve maternal health

Holiday (n)
1. national holiday
2. religious holiday
3. annual holiday
4. school holiday
5. to go on holiday
6. to have a holiday
7. holiday resort
8. holiday destination
9. family holiday
10. holiday season/period

Home (n)
1. to get home
2. to go home
3. to leave home
4. to feel at home
5. home owner/ownership
6. home town
7. home schooling
8. homework
9. old peoples home
10. nursing home

Idea (n)
1. to have an idea
2. to come up with an idea
3. to generate ideas
4. to reject an idea
5. original idea
6. crazy idea
7. to exchange ideas
8. to get across your ideas
9. to present your ideas
10. to clarify your ideas

Identify (v)
1. to identify the problem
2. to identify the key points
3. to identify the gist
4. to identify the source
5. to identify the cause
6. to identify the topic
7. to identify the key issue
8. to identify the writers opinion
9. to be difficult to identify
10. to clearly identify

Improvement (n)
1. make improvements (in)
2. bring about improvements (in)
3. lead to improvement
4. show improvement
5. considerable improvement
6. significant improvement
7. marked improvement
8. gradual improvement
9. long-term improvement
10. much-needed improvement

Income (n)
1. income tax
2. high-income familes
3. low-income families
4. household income
5. to generate income for people
6. a drop in income
7. income per capita
8. a source of income
9. taxable income
10. to provide income

Increase (n/v)
1. a steady increase (in)
2. a 10% increase (in)
3. to lead to an increase (in)
4. a tenfold increase
5. a price increase
6. a temperature increase
7. to increase significantly
8. to increase twofold
9. to increase by 10%
10. to increase from 5% to 7%


Independence (n), independent (adj)
1. to gain independence (from)
2. to declare independence
3. to vote for independence
4. the struggle for independence
5. to be independent from
6. an independent issue
7. financially independent
8. to become an independent person
9. completely independent
10. fiercely independent

Individual (n/adj)
1. a talented individual
2. a particular individual
3. the needs of the individual
4. respect for the individual
5. to vary from individual to individual
6. the rights of the individual
7. individual liberty
8. individual human beings
9. each individual case is different
10. every individual is unique

Information (n) [U]
1. accurate information
2. up-to-date information
3. to gather information
4. to analyze information
5. to provide information
6. to disseminate information
7. the information age
8. information overload
9. information technology
10. too much information

The Internet (n)
1. use the Internet
2. have access to the Internet
3. shop on the Internet
4. Internet user
5. Internet shopping
6. Internet usage
7. Internet access
8. Internet connection
9. Internet banking
10. Internet security

Issue (n) [1]
1. raise the issue
2. debate the issue
3. discuss the issue
4. address the issue
5. deal with the issue
6. explore the issue
7. examine the issue
8. focus on the issue
9. highlight the issue
10. consider the issue

Issue (n) [2]
1. important issue
2. crucial issue
3. debatable issue
4. controversial issue
5. complex issue
6. global issue
7. social issue
8. ethical issue
9. moral issue
10. health-related issue

Job (n) [C] [1]
1. well-paid job
2. high-powered job
3. demanding job
4. rewarding job
5. dull job
6. part-time/full-time job
7. steady job
8. 9-to-5 job
9. temporary job
10. blue-collar/white-collar job

Job (n) [C] [2]
1. have a job
2. get a job
3. apply for a job
4. lose your job
5. change jobs
6. job satisfaction
7. job security
8. job opportunities
9. job seeker
10. job creation


Lack of (n) [C] = shortage of [1]
1. a lack of money
2. a lack of resources
3. a lack of time
4. a lack of public transport
5. a lack of energy
6. a lack of healthcare
7. a lack of regulation
8. a lack of materials
9. a lack of training
10. lack of know-how

Lack of (n) [C] = shortage of [1]
1. address the lack of
2. overcome the lack of
3. deal with the lack of
4. cope with the lack of
5. solve the problem of the lack of
6. ease the lack of
7. suffer from a lack of
8. a basic lack of
9. a fundamental lack of
10. a serious lack of

Lack (v)
1. lack water
2. lack initiative
3. lack funding
4. lack resources
5. lack experience
6. lack coherence
7. lack healthcare
8. lack infrastructure
9. lack evidence
10. lack revenue

Law (n)
1. break the law
2. pass a law (to/about)
3. introduce a law (to/about)
4. enact a law (to/about)
5. make a law (to/about)
6. obey the law
7. observe the law
8. enforce the law
9. flout the law
10. against the law

Media (n)
1. the media
2. news media
3. social media
4. electronic media
5. media attention
6. media campaign
7. censorship of the media
8. media bias
9. the role of the media
10. through/via the media

Method (n)
1. to adopt a method
2. to use a method
3. effective method
4. reliable method
5. traditional method
6. alternative method
7. research method(s)
8. teaching method
9. a method of +V-ing
10. a method for +V-ing

Money (n) [1]
1. make money
2. earn money
3. spend money (on)
4. cost a lot of money
5. borrow money
6. waste money
7. squander money
8. run out of money
9. save money
10. invest money (in)

Money (n) [2]
1. lend money
2. pay back money
3. prize money
4. dirty money
5. counterfeit money
6. paper money
7. pocket money
8. taxpayers money
9. public money
10. money laundering


Opportunity (n)
1. to have the opportunity to
2. a job opportunity
3. a once-in-lifetime opportunity
4. a golden opportunity
5. equal opportunities
6. to take an opportunity
7. to seize an opportunity
8. to grasp an opportunity
9. to create opportunities
10. equality of opportunity

Order (n/v)
1. to order a drink
2. to order a taxi
3. in alphabetical order
4. in chronological order
5. in random order
6. to put in order
7. in the wrong order
8. out of order
9. to follow orders
10. law and order

People (n)
1. elderly people
2. young people
3. ordinary people
4. middle-class people
5. unemployed people
6. disabled people
7. single people
8. homeless people
9. indigenous people
10. native people/local people

The people (n) = the public
1. the public
2. the people
3. the general public
4. the man in the street
5. the citizenry
6. the populace
7. the common people
8. the masses
9. the general population
10. society

Problem (n) [1]
1. growing problem
2. chronic problem
3. acute problem
4. long-term problem
5. central problem
6. common problem
7. widespread problem
8. insoluble problem
9. personal problem
10. social problem

Problem (n) [2]
1. cause the problem
2. exacerbate the problem
3. tackle the problem
4. deal with the problem
5. solve the problem
6. overcome the problem
7. ease the problem
8. alleviate the problem
9. eradicate the problem
10. address the problem

Range (v/n)
1. to range from A to B
2. to range between A and B
3. outside the normal range
4. a whole range of products
5. a wide range of services
6. within the range of probability
7. a considerable age range
8. price range
9. long-range missile
10. a top-of-the-range product

Reason (n)
1. the most common reason
2. a plausible reason
3. justifiable reason
4. logical reason
5. for many reasons
6. for all sorts of reasons
7. for a variety of reasons
8. the reason for (their) actions
9. without good reason
10. it stands to reason that


Rate (n)
1. interest rate
2. crime rate
3. birth rate
4. fertility rate
5. unemployment rate
6. growth rate
7. rate of taxation
8. rate of inflation
9. a high/low rate
10. a rise in the rate

Receive (v)
1. to receive a decent salary
2. to receive a phone call
3. to receive guests/visitors
4. to receive unemployment benefit
5. to receive a pension
6. to receive compensation
7. to receive free healthcare
8. to receive a bonus/commission
9. to receive bad news
10. to receive an email

Recommend (v)
1. to recommend immediate action
2. to recommend a review
3. to recommend the death penalty
4. to recommend a change in policy
5. to recommend the abolition of
6. to recommend the following action
7. to recommend a new policy
8. to recommend that
9. to strongly recommend
10. to tentatively recommend

Record (v/n)
1. the data recorded in the chart
2. a world record
3. a record high/low
4. an up-to-date record
5. medical records
6. legal records
7. keep a record of
8. break the record
9. attendance record
10. to have a criminal record

Reduce (v)
1. to reduce the price/cost
2. to reduce the rate of
3. to reduce tariffs
4. to reduce pollution
5. to reduce unemployment
6. to reduce crime
7. to reduce overfishing
8. to reduce absenteeism
9. to reduce emissions
10. to reduce domestic abuse

Regard (n/v)
1. with regard to
2. in regard to
3. in this regard
4. give my regards to Jane
5. to regard something as wrong
6. to regard something as inevitable
7. to be regarded as normal
8. to be widely regarded as
9. to be traditionally regarded as
10. to be universally regarded as

Region (n)
1. the eastern/western region
2. the surrounding region
3. remote regions of Indonesia
4. far-flung regions
5. autonomous region
6. arid region
7. oil-producing region
8. underdeveloped region
9. throughout the region
10. regional (adj)

Regulation(s) (n)
1. strict regulations on
2. tight regulations on
3. to impose regulations
4. to enforce regulations
5. to comply with regulations
6. to contravene regulations
7. rules and regulations
8. traffic regulations
9. safety regulations
10. building regulations


Related (adj)
1. to be related to
2. closely related
3. inextricably related
4. directly related
5. not necessarily related
6. these issues are related
7. the problems are related
8. a related issue
9. a related topic
10. to be (completely) unrelated

Relationship (n)
1. to have a relationship with B
2. the relationship between A and B
3. a close relationship
4. a direct relationship
5. an inverse relationship
6. a causal relationship
7. the parent-child relationship
8. a professional relationship
9. a romantic relationship
10. to examine the relationship

Same (adj)
1. to be the same as
2. to look the same
3. to sound the same
4. exactly the same
5. almost the same
6. not quite the same
7. to have the same problem
8. its the same with me/you/him
9. all the same
10. to stay the same

School (n)
1. vocational school
2. private school
3. state school
4. boarding school
5. co-educational school
6. single-sex school
7. attend school
8. skip school
9. complete school
10. drop out of school

Sector (n)
1. the private sector
2. the public sector
3. the manufacturing sector
4. the agricultural sector
5. the mining sector
6. the retail sector
7. the banking sector
8. sectors of the economy
9. sectors of the population
10. divide something into sectors

Solution (n) [1]
1. realistic solution
2. simple solution
3. effective solution
4. partial solution
5. workable solution
6. feasible solution
7. short-term/long-term solution
8. temporary solution
9. cost-effective solution
10. practical solution

Self (n)
1. be self-conscious
2. be self-confident
3. be selfish
4. be self-motivated
5. have self-control
6. in self-defense
7. in your own self-interest
8. have self-respect
9. take care of oneself
10. by oneself

Sense (n)
1. common sense
2. to make sense
3. the argument makes sense
4. in the sense of
5. sense of touch
6. sense of smell
7. sense of taste
8. sense of sight
9. sense of hearing
10. sixth sense


Service (n)
1. customer service
2. good/bad service
3. efficient service
4. out of service
5. provide (good) service
6. service sector
7. to do military service
8. medical services
9. security services
10. telephone service

Shopping (n)
1. online shopping
2. late-night shopping
3. 24-hour shopping
4. shopping mall
5. to go shopping
6. to do the shopping
7. shopping area
8. make a shopping list
9. shopping street
10. pedestrian shopping area

Solution (n) [2]
1. come up with a solution
2. find a solution
3. seek a solution
4. agree on a solution
5. brainstorm a solution
6. arrive at solution
7. provide a solution
8. put forward a solution
9. propose a solution
10. work towards a solution

Source (n)
1. reliable source
2. lucrative source
3. valuable source
4. renewable source
5. primary source
6. source of energy
7. source of nutrition
8. source of revenue
9. source of power
10. source of clean water

Supply (n/v)
1. water supply
2. food supply
3. energy supply
4. to be in short supply
5. supply and demand
6. adequate supply (of)
7. plentiful supply (of)
8. limited supply
9. to supply the needs of
10. to supply the people with

Support (n/v)
1. to support an argument
2. to fully support
3. to broadly support
4. growing support
5. popular support
6. widespread support
7. to lack support
8. to provide support
9. a means of support
10. support services

System (n)
1. efficient system
2. centralized system
3. elaborate system
4. the justice system
5. the education system
6. the healthcare system
7. the public transport system
8. design a system
9. set up a system
10. reorganize the system

Technology (n)
1. mobile technology
2. up-to-date technology
3. computer technology
4. information technology
5. telecommunications technology
6. to apply technology
7. to introduce technology
8. advances in technology
9. the impact of technology
10. to benefit from technology


Television (n)
1. television program
2. television series
3. television channel
4. television advertisements
5. cable television
6. local television
7. state television
8. watch television
9. broadcast something on television
10. see something on television

Time (n) [U] [1]
1. have time
2. waste time
3. make time for
4. take time
5. find time
6. save time
7. run out of time
8. give sb time
9. spend time
10. kill time

Time (n) [U] [2]
1. most of the time
2. all the time
3. a race against time
4. in time/on time
5. in ten minutes time
6. a waste of time
7. a period of time
8. some time ago
9. one at a time
10. at that time

Topic (n)
1. debatable topic
2. central topic
3. newsworthy topic
4. controversial topic
5. sensitive topic
6. topic of discussion
7. consider the topic of
8. focus on the topic of
9. cover the topic of
10. explore the topic of

Tourism (n)
1. international tourism
2. mass tourism
3. eco-tourism
4. to boost tourism
5. to be dependent on tourism
6. tourism sector
7. development of tourism
8. a decline in tourism
9. a downturn in tourism
10. earnings from tourism

Trade (n/v)
1. profitable trade (in)
2. booming trade (in)
3. international trade
4. to promote trade
5. to engage in trade
6. retail trade
7. illegal trade
8. trade surplus/deficit
9. trade restrictions
10. to trade with

Training (n)
1. job training
2. basic training
3. thorough training
4. proper training
5. vocational training
6. to receive training (in)
7. to provide training (in)
8. to undergo training (in)
9. training course
10. training workshop/session

Travel (n/v)
1. overseas travel
2. air travel
3. leisure travel
4. space travel
5. to travel widely
6. to travel together
7. to travel abroad
8. to travel to and from work
9. to travel between/through/to/along
10. to travel by (bus/ship/train, etc)


Trend (n)
1. an upward trend
2. a downward trend
3. a worldwide trend
4. an underlying trend
5. a noticeable trend
6. a cultural trend
7. a social trend
8. a trend towards
9. buck the trend
10. follow the trend

True (adj)
1. absolutely true
2. largely true
3. not strictly true
4. not quite true
5. by no means true
6. it is simply not true to say that
7. a true story
8. a true friend
9. my dream came true
10. thats very true, but

Use (n)
1. increased use (of)
2. frequent use (of)
3. widespread use (of)
4. everyday use
5. illegal use
6. industrial use
7. drug use
8. be no use (+Ving)
9. Internet use/computer use
10. use of English/Indonesian/Javanese

Value (n/v)
1. traditional values
2. shared values
3. cultural values
4. set a high value on
5. value system
6. symbolic value
7. sentimental value
8. to value ones privacy
9. to value ones cultural heritage
10. a rise/fall in the value of (the dollar)

View (n)
1. widely-held view
2. opposing view
3. conventional view
4. traditional view
5. in (my) view
6. from (my) point of view
7. adhere to a view
8. accept a view
9. put forward a view
10. have a view

War (n)
1. declare war (on)
2. prevent war
3. war breaks out
4. civil war
5. full-scale war
6. nuclear war
7. war crimes
8. war on drugs
9. war zone
10. the threat of war

Work (n) [1]
1. hard work
2. challenging work
3. rewarding work
4. manual work
5. paperwork
6. office work
7. get down to work
8. start work
9. do some work
10. seasonal work

Work (n) [2]
1. look for work
2. find work
3. work schedule
4. workplace
5. workstation
6. work experience
7. work permit
8. work roster
9. work mate
10. work-related stress


Work (v)
1. work hard
2. work full-time
3. work part-time
4. work alone
5. work independently
6. work round the clock
7. work together
8. work efficiently
9. work as a (nurse)
10. work for (a company, organization)

World (n)
1. the developing/developed world
2. the modern world
3. the ancient world
4. throughout the world
5. all over the world
6. in an ideal world
7. the world economy
8. world population
9. the world recession
10. worldwide (=global)

Year (n)
1. at the beginning of/end of the year
2. throughout the year
3. in ten years time
4. for years
5. by the year 2020
6. ten-year-old child
7. the previous year
8. the following year
9. the academic year
10. last year/next year/this year

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