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1. Please give us a brief bio, where you are from and how you started in this field?

I am from the valley of Gilgit Baltistan (G.B) root wise, the land of the brave. My family
got shifted to Islamabad many years ba! and sine then it"s been a long time away from
G.B, though fre#uent visits are always on the ards. I neither had a ba!ground in musi
family wise, nor did I have a $ro$er full time training in any shool of musi. But out of
my own musial uriosity I went in hard to learn the musial theory all by myself. %hose
initial ste$s meant I had ta!en musi seriously and wanted to $ush the limits&
'.(hen did you first disover your reative talents?
)s far as my self disovery is onern, it all started ba! when I aidentally stumbled
u$on my interest in musi while I was $laying with some musi software"s while I was in
my *
lass. I disovered my talent as a om$oser long before I !new I ould sing as
well. +ine I already had been writing some $oetry as well in my blog by the name of
Guftar (htt$,--www.guftar.blogs$, I had no trouble in giving lyris to my sounds.
.ne by one I wor!ed hard to find e/ellene in all the fields of 0om$osing, mi/ing,
mastering, singing and lyris writing, though I had to s$end a lot of time on eah..
1.(hat ins$ires you to !ee$ going and how do you !ee$ yourself motivated?
Its really hard to !ee$ going s$eially when you are a dotor with full time ommitment
to your 2ob but I still find my time somehow. )t the end of a tiring day, all I need is to
s$end some time with myself as it gives me all the ins$iration I need. ) setting sun, a
old bree3e of the winters, olors of s$ring, those inredible eyes, an ins$irational e$ial
melody by ).4 4ehman, 0lassi )rrangements by 5ohn (illiams, the maestro Mo3art"s
evergreen om$ositions, an ever ins$iring #uartet of ellos and violins & all and almost
everything turns into an ins$iration for me.
6.7ow will you desribe your style of singing?
I li!e e/$erimenting a lot. +ti!ing to a single style never allows the freedom to ma!e
mista!es and learn more. I have sung soft lassial ballads (Behain, Pehli )ar3u), 4o!
(0hingum (alega,8hundunga %u2he), 9letronia-8ane (4angoo me duba,%a!e you to
the $arty, 4ang 5amane), :ol! (Goori )thii), 7i$7o$(.ut of +yn, 9m$tiness),
Ins$irational ( 0hange, Main 2ab uthunga), 0lassial-Bollywood (+ham se sham ta!, 5ag
+ara), 0ountry (;abhi 4ona <ahi)& to name a few
In one word, I am 9/$erimental.
=.8o u have any role model in your field?
<ot 2ust a single $erson to be honest but if still have to name some one than he would
undoubtedly be ).4 4ehman. :or his humbleness with ingenuity, he deserves all the
$raise that he an get.
*.what are you doing nowadays besides musi?
I am a dotor by $rofession, wor!ing as a house offier at )yub %eahing 7os$ital I have
to stri!e a balane between my wor! and my $assion. I am also managing a band by the
name of >4everberators? and we have already released our first single by the name of
Goori )thhii..
.n a lighter side, we dotors never get enough time to be free from our stri!es let alone
daring to do something else& lol
@.who is your favorite singer that do you thing is doing good musi nowadays?
In Pa!istani musial sene I really li!e 3ain still being a newomer though. )s a band,
strings and Mee!al 7assan band sore high. )broad im die hard fan of bob Marley, while
A' as a band never sto$s to ins$ire me.
B.7ow do you bridge the between you and your fans ?
I li!e to be live in onnetion whenever $ossible but on the internet I onnet using,
D.)ording to you why Islamabad musi sene is not as muh live as Eahore and
Islamabad always had the fuel to turn on the burner, but all that is la!ing is a festive
atmos$here that ould $rovide the o/ygen. Islamabad li!e any other ity has all the talent
that we need, we 2ust have to reate more hanes to interat and e/hange ideas.
4eently I have seen a lot more ollaboration between solo artists and bands and this
gives a ray of ho$e that we are moving in the right diretion.
(e need a lot more events, onerts, ollaborations, s$onsors and most im$ortantly time
out of our busy onsti$ated lives to reate that magi&
1F.8esribe yourself in = words.
0reative, %alented, Blessed, +uessful but above all a :ighter&
11.Eastly, any words of advie for as$iring young singers what they should do to
$rogress and beome a good singer?
Gou will never get anything in your life $resented to you in a dish. Be $re$ared to be
ritii3ed, seen down u$on and to be tested by fate. Be always o$en to ritiism in order
to im$rove u$on your mista!es and above all <ever give u$ on your dreams o3 you
might either turn them true or learn that they were not meant for you, either way you
1'.what u thin! about mnew3?
It"s a great initiative to be aware of our musial sene. Infat the youth of Islamabad were
always in need of suh a blog that they ould identify themselves with. Bringing the fan
to the artist is what mnews does so well..
..Hubair is ty$ing ....

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