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Script for Tea for Two

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SRS - Sam
Hey Buddy
SRS - Danny
Hey man
SRS - Sam
So. How about it then?
SRS - Danny
What do you mean, "How about it then?"Wh-
what's meant by that?
SRS - Sam
Putting the kette on.
SRS - Danny
!h, "ight. #es. $ thought you meant, umm.
#eah, tea. How d'you take it?
SRS - Sam
%wo suga"s. &ike aways
SRS - Danny
%wo teas, 'oming u(
SRS - Sam
%hanking you.
SRS - Danny
We d"ink u( then
SRS - Sam
$t needs time to 'oo down
SRS - Danny
$t' 'oo down )ui'ke" i* you bow on it. %hat's
ike, the *i"st "ue o* 'ooing down tea
SRS - Sam
$s the se'ond "ue not to tak about it?
SRS - Danny
Don't be a tit. +ust d"ink it.
SRS - Sam
$' bu"n my tongue i* $ d"ink it now.
SRS - Danny
,ot i* you bow on it.
SRS - Sam
Bowing on it wi do bugge" a. $t' -ust sush
about the to( o* it and won't 'oo it down. $t'
ony 'oo down the to( o* it whe"e $ want
a o* it to be 'oo, not -ust the to(.
SRS - Danny
$ know, then you d"ink the to( bit, bow on it
again, and then d"ink the to( bit, and then
SRS - Sam
../kay, ye(. $ get it. $' -ust d"ink it.
SRS - Sam
0new $'d do that. $ bew on it and e1e"ything.
SRS - Danny
%hat wasn't a bow that was a showe" o* s(it.
%hat's not he(ing anyone.
SRS - Sam
%hat's not my ony 'om(aint. ,umbe" one,
how ong did you bag it *o"?
SRS - Danny
We sti taking about the tea.
SRS - Sam
..#es, o* 'ou"se $'m sti taking about the
tea, god man..
SRS - Danny
../kay man, -ust 'he'king. 2mm, $ don't
know. !bout a minute and a ha*.. Why?
SRS - Sam
..3ome on man, "eay?
SRS - Danny
%hat is a (e"*e'ty a''e(tabe (e"iod o* time
to ea1e a teabag in. $n *a't, $'d go to say that
is the (e"*e't amount o* time *o" a teabag to
be e*t in.
SRS - Sam
$diot. $t's ha* that time. 4a5. /the"wise it
sta"ts to taste o* bag.
SRS - Danny
SRS - Sam
SRS - Danny
%he bag doesn't ha1e a taste. %he bag wi
ony taste o* tea. %he bag has ony e1e" had
tea inside him and nothing ese. %he bag
"es(e'ts tea too mu'h to ha1e anything ese
inside o* him.
SRS - Sam
#ou'"e w"ong, but that's *ine, $' mo1e on to
me se'ond (oint...
SRS - Danny
..He"e we go...
SRS - Sam
..,umbe" two, Suga".
SRS - Danny
%wo o* them. &ike you "e)uested.
SRS - Sam
#es e5a'ty7 $ said two, %W/7 What we"e you
using *o" these two suga"s, hmm? &ades?
Bows? 8"uit bows? $t tastes ike the Honey
4onste" has taken a shit in it7
SRS - Danny
%wo tea s(oons o* suga". ,othing ese.
SRS - Sam
Show me how you did it.
We that9s whe"e you9"e going w"ong.
SRS - Danny
SRS - Sam
#e(. #ou didn't shake the s(oon.
SRS - Danny
%hat's be'ause you don't need to shake the
s(oon. $* you say a s(oon *u, su"ey that
that's amount you 'an (ut on a s(oon.
SRS - Sam
SRS - Danny
3ou"se $ am.
SRS - Sam
! s(oon *u is the e1e o* the s(oon.
!nything abo1e that is a hea(ed teas(oon.
SRS - Danny
3ou"se it is.
SRS - Sam
What's *o" un'h then?

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