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List of emotions

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This is a list of emotions.
This article is incomplete and may require expansion or cleanup. Please
help to improve the article, or discuss the issue on the talk page. (March 2010)
Plutchik!s "heel of emotions
# $motions %y groups
& 'n artificial languages
o &. $()*
+ ,ee also
- )eferences
. $/ternal links
[edit] Plutchik's wheel of emotions
)o%ert Plutchik created a "heel of emotions in 012 "hich consisted of 1 %asic
emotions and 1 advanced emotions each composed of # %asic ones.
Basic emotion Basic opposite
Joy Sadness
Trust Disgust
Fear Anger
,urprise Anticipation
,adness Joy
3isgust Trust
(nger Fear
(nticipation Surprise
Advanced emotion Composed of Advanced opposite
4ptimism (nticipation 5 Joy Disappointment
*ove Joy 5 Trust Remorse
,u%mission Trust 5 Fear Contempt
("e Fear 5 ,urprise Aggressieness
3isappointment ,urprise 5 ,adness !ptimism
)emorse ,adness 5 3isgust "oe
6ontempt 3isgust 5 (nger Su#mission
(ggressiveness (nger 5 (nticipation A$e
[edit] !motions "y #roups
7ere is a categorised, tree structured list of emotions as descri%ed in Parrot 8#229.
%ertiary emotions
(doration, fondness, liking, attraction, caring,
tenderness, compassion, sentimentality
(rousal, desire, lust, passion, infatuation
"onging *onging
(musement, %liss, cheerfulness, gaiety, glee, :olliness,
:oviality, :oy, delight, en:oyment, gladness, happiness,
:u%ilation, elation, satisfaction, ecstasy, euphoria
)est $nthusiasm, ;eal, ;est, e/citement, thrill, e/hilaration
Contentment 6ontentment, pleasure
*ride Pride, triumph
!ptimism $agerness, hope, optimism
+nthra((ment $nthrallment, rapture
Re(ie% )elief
,urprise Surprise (ma;ement, surprise, astonishment
(ggravation, irritation, agitation, annoyance,
grouchiness, grumpiness, crosspatch
+'asperation $/asperation, frustration
(nger, rage, outrage, fury, "rath, hostility, ferocity,
%itterness, hate, scorn, spite, vengefulness, dislike,
Disgust 3isgust, revulsion, contempt, loathing
+ny $nvy, :ealousy
Torment Torment
Su%%ering (gony, suffering, hurt, anguish
3epression, despair, hopelessness, gloom, glumness,
sadness, unhappiness, grief, sorro", "oe, misery,
Disappointment 3ismay, disappointment, displeasure
Shame <uilt, shame, regret, remorse
(lienation, isolation, neglect, loneliness, re:ection,
homesickness, defeat, de:ection, insecurity,
em%arrassment, humiliation, insult
Sympathy Pity, sympathy
(larm, shock, fear, fright, horror, terror, panic, hysteria,
(n/iety, nervousness, tenseness, uneasiness,
apprehension, "orry, distress, dread
[edit] &n artificial lan#ua#es
[edit] !A'L
The 7=>('?$ $motion (nnotation and )epresentation *anguage 8$()*9 classifies
the follo"ing +1 emotions.
?egative and forceful
o (nger
o (nnoyance
o 6ontempt
o 3isgust
o 'rritation
?egative and not in control
o (n/iety
o $m%arrassment
o Fear
o 7elplessness
o Po"erlessness
o Worry
?egative thoughts
o 3ou%t
o $nvy
o Frustration
o <uilt
o ,hame
?egative and passive
o @oredom
o 3espair
o 3isappointment
o 7urt
o ,adness
o ,tress
o ,hock
o Tension
Positive and lively
o (musement
o 3elight
o $lation
o $/citement
o 7appiness
o Joy
o Pleasure
o (ffection
o $mpathy
o Friendliness
o *ove
Positive thoughts
o 6ourage
o 7ope
o Pride
o ,atisfaction
o Trust
Auiet positive
o 6alm
o 6ontent
o )ela/ed
o )elieved
o ,erene
o 'nterest
o Politeness
o ,urprised
[edit] $ee also
$motional mood
$motion and memory
[edit] 'eferences
. ( Plutchik, ). BThe ?ature of $motionsB. http:CC""".fractal.orgC@e"ust;i:nsD
@esturingsD>odelC?atureDofDemotions.htm. )etrieved #221D2-D21.
#. ( 6hanging >inds: @asic emotions
&. ( Parrott, W. 8#229, $motions in ,ocial Psychology, Psychology Press, Philadelphia.
+. ( B7=>('?$ $motion (nnotation and )epresentation *anguageB. http:CCemotionD
research.netCpro:ectsChumaineCearl. )etrieved June &2, #22..
[edit] !xternal links
http:CC""".emotionalcompetency.comCrecogni;ing.htm That page presents
lists from $kman, *a;arus, 4rtony et al., and <oleman.
http:CC""".personalityresearch.orgC%asicemotions.html ( ta%le of %asic
emotions according to a variety of authors.
http:CC""".tai"as.netCemotions 6hart of # emotions 8"ith &3
http:CC""".derose.netCsteveCresourcesCemotion"ordsCe"ords.html (n
organi;ed list of over 122 $nglish emotion "ords, maintained %y ,teven
v ) d ) e !motions *list+
[hide] !motions
(doration ) (ffection ) (ggravation ) (gitation ) (gony ) (larm )
(lienation ) (ma;ement ) (musement ) (nger ) (nguish ) (nnoyance )
(n/iety ) (pprehension ) (rousal ) (ttraction ) @itterness ) 6aring )
6heerfulness ) 6ompassion ) 6ontempt ) 6ontentment ) 3efeat )
3e:ection ) 3elight ) 3epression ) 3esire ) 3espair ) 3isappointment )
3isgust ) 3islike ) 3ismay ) 3ispleasure ) 3istress ) 3read ) $agerness )
$cstasy ) $lation ) $m%arrassment ) $n:oyment ) $nthrallment )
$nthusiasm ) $nvy ) $uphoria ) $/asperation ) $/citement )
$/hilaration ) Fear ) Ferocity ) Fondness ) Fright ) Frustration ) Fury )
<aiety ) <ladness ) <lee ) <loom ) <rief ) <rouchiness ) <uilt )
7appiness ) 7atred ) 7omesickness ) 7ope ) 7opelessness ) 7orror )
7ostility ) 7umiliation ) 7urt ) 7ysteria ) 'nfatuation ) 'nsecurity )
'nsult ) 'rritation ) 'solation ) Jealousy ) Jolliness ) Joy ) Ju%ilation )
*iking ) *oathing ) *oneliness ) *onging ) *ove ) *ust ) >elancholy )
>isery ) >ortification ) ?eglect ) ?ervousness ) 4ptimism ) 4utrage )
Panic ) Passion ) Pity ) Pleasure ) Pride ) )age ) )apture ) )egret )
)e:ection ) )elief ) )emorse ) )esentment ) )evulsion ) ,adness )
,atisfaction ) ,corn ) ,entimentality ) ,hame ) ,hock ) ,orro" ) ,pite
8sentiment9 ) ,uffering ) ,urprise ) ,ympathy ) Tenderness ) Tenseness )
Terror ) Thrill ) Torment ) =neasiness ) =nhappiness ) Eengefulness )
Woe ) Worry ) Wrath ) Feal ) Fest
[sho"] ,orld views
,ource: Parrott, W. 8#229, $motions in ,ocial Psychology, Psychology Press,
)etrieved from Bhttp:CCen."ikipedia.orgC"ikiC*istGofGemotionsB
6ategories: $motions
7idden categories: (rticles to %e e/panded from >arch #22
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