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1. Most words add s to the root forms without any change (barn - barns).
2. Words ending in sh, ch, ss, x, and z, usually add es to form the PLURAL (bush - bushes).
3. Words ending in a consonant and y change the y to i and add es (party - parties).
4. Some words ending in f change the f to v and add es (calf - calves).
5. Some singular words have different words for their plural form (man - men; mouse - mice; goose-geese).
1. A letter or a syllable placed after a word to form a new word is called a suffix. Some suffixes are s, es, ed, ing, er,
est, ly, ful, able, ible, ment, ive, ance, ence, ion, tion, ition, ation, sion, ous, ious, less, and al. Sometimes a word
will have two suffixes. For example, respectfully has the two suffixes ful and ly added to the root word respect.
2. Many words are formed by adding ed and ing without any change (furnish - furnished - furnishing).
3. Words ending in a silent e drop the e before adding ed and ing (move - moved - moving).
4. Words ending in a consonant and y change the y to i before adding ed, but do not make any change before
adding ing (deny - denied - denying).
5. Words ending in a vowel and y add ed and ing without making any other change (delay - delayed - delaying).
1. A syllable placed before a word to change its meaning is called a prefix. Some prefixes are im, un, in, co, dis,
1. Words of one syllable ending in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel double the final consonant before
adding ed and ing (trim - trimmed - trimming).
2. Words of two or more syllables double the final consonant before adding ed and ing when these conditions are
met: the last syllable ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, and the accent is on the last syllable
(refer - referred - referring).
1. Singular nouns form the possessive by adding an apostrophe and s (pilot - pilot's).
2. Plural nouns that end in s add only an apostrophe to form the possessive (aviators - aviators').
3. Plural nouns that do not end in s add the apostrophe and s to form the possessive (men - men's).
1. A word or phrase that has been shortened by leaving out some of the letters is called a contraction.
2. An apostrophe is used to show that the letters have been omitted (won't - will not), (o'clock - of the clock).
1. The beginning of a sentence is always capitalized (The day was bright and sunny.).
2. The names of holidays are capitalized (Christmas, Valentine's Day).
3. The names of the months of the year and the days of the week are capitalized (January, Monday).
4. The names of countries are capitalized (United States, Great Britain).
5. When you write the name of a particular avenue or street, capitalize the words avenue and street (Fifth Avenue,
Oak Street).
6. The abbreviations Mr., Mrs. and Ms. are always capitalized and followed by a period (Mr. Callahan, Mrs. Perry,
Ms. Smith).
7. The names of deities are capitalized (God, Allah, Buddha, Saviour).
8. The word republican is capitalized when it refers to the Republican party (The Republicans won the election.).
9. When words like senator and general are used as titles with a person's name, they are capitalized (General
Herkes distinguished herself in battle.).
10. We capitalize the words capitol, senate, building, supreme and court when referring to the Capitol Building, the
Senate, the Supreme Court of Canada.
1. The vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y and w. The other letters are consonants.
2. Two vowels written together often have the sound of a single vowel. (In brain the ai has the sound of a. In eagle
the ea has the sound of a long e, but in bread it has the sound of short e. This rule will help you with the ei and ie
words: i comes before e except after c or when sounded like a, as in neighbor and weigh.
3. A syllable is a word or part of a word which has one vowel sound and is spoken as a unit. (boy is a one-syllable
word; chil dren is a two-syllable word; or na ment is a three syllable word. In every word of two or more syllables
one syllable is given more emphasis than the other. This extra emphasis is called accent, and is shown in the
dictionary by an accent mark ( ' )
4. (In meet' ing the first syllable is accented.) Most words have only one accented syllable, but some have more than
one (in' for ma' tion). The accent that is the heavier is called the primary accent. The other accent is called the
secondary accent.
5. In your dictionary each word is re-spelled according to its pronunciation. The vowels are marked according to their
sounds, and the accented syllables are shown. The marks for the vowel sounds are called diacritical marks.
These marks vary from dictionary to dictionary. Please consult the beginning of your own dictionary for the
explanation of diacritical marks used in that particular publication.
6. The two words at the top of each dictionary page are called guide words. The guide words are the first and last
words on that particular page.
1. Compound Words are made by writing two small words together to make one larger word. (newspaper,
2. A root word is the root, or beginning word, from which another word is made. Play is the root word of plays, played
and playing.
3. Derived words are words that come from other words. Suitable is derived from suit; advertisement from advertise.
Sometimes the spelling of the root word is slightly changed in the derived word.
4. A synonym is a word having almost the same meaning as another word. (replied - answered; accurate - exact)
5. An antonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to another word. (private -public; good - bad)
6. Homonyms are words that are pronounced alike but which are spelled in different ways and have different
meanings (knew - new; steel - steal; deer - dear)
Spelling Lesson 1
properly budget virtue compass
establish excursion diary battery
annual blouse schedule society
gradually expression process university
informed entertainment sketch community
1. A singular noun means just one person, place, or thing. A plural noun means more than one.

Write the fifteen singular nouns given in the second, third, and fourth columns of New Words.

Opposite each singular noun write its plural form. Review the rules listed in your copy of Spelling Rules.
2. Two new words end in ly. Write them.
3. Write the New Word ending in ed.
4. Find establish and informed in your dictionary. Copy them in syllables, and then write the whole words.
Spelling Lesson 2
adopt trapped apply accompany
formal cease applied accompanying
misspell * advertise applying supplied
answered advertising replied delayed
elected seize replying ruined
* also spelled mis-spell
1. Write adopt and misspell. Make new words by adding ed and ing to these New Words
2. Write elected, and answered. Drop the suffix from each and write the root word.
3. Which rule for adding ed and ing should you follow for cease and seize?
Write cease and seize. Then add ed and ing to each word.
4. Write delayed and ruined. Then write the root word from which each is formed.
5. Find the meaning of formal in your dictionary. Write a sentence using formal.
6. Find advertise, advertising, accompany, and accompanying in your dictionary.
Write each word in syllables, and then write the whole word.
7. Write apply and the two New Words formed from it.
8. Write the root words from which replied and supplied were formed. Write replied and supplied.
9. Write replying. Write the rule that explains how to add ing to words like reply.
10. Write the word trapped. What is the rule for adding the suffix?
Spelling Lesson 3
convinced shipping occur committed
determine shopping occurred permitted
manager wedding submit compel
trimmed refer submitted compelled
wrapped referred commit constantly
1. Find these words in your dictionary: occur, refer, compel, commit, submit. Write each word in syllables and place
the accent mark correctly. In each word underline the final consonant and the single vowel that precedes it. Now
write the New Words formed from the five words given above.
2. Write permitted. Write the root word from which it is formed.
3. Five new Words were formed by doubling the final consonant and adding ed or ing to a word of one syllable. Write
the New Words and the root words.
4. Write the New Word that means "all the time".
5. Find convinced, manager, and determine in your dictionary. Write each word in syllables, and then write the whole
6. Write the New Word beginning with a silent w.
7. Write in alphabetical order all the New Words beginning with c.
8. Write the eight New Words that doubled the final consonant before adding ed. Write each of the words, using the
suffix ing instead of ed.
Spelling Lesson 4

secretary accurate audience committees
computer dictionary minister partners
perfectly considered missionary seniors
situation chairman companion rebels
opportunity janitor burglar explanation

1. List the following words and then beside each write the possessive form:

chairman, janitor, audience, minister, missionary,

companion, burglar, committees, partners, seniors,

2. Write in alphabetical order the New Words in the first two columns.
3. Write secretary, opportunity, and dictionary. Now write the plural of each.
4. Write situation, explanation, and considered in syllables. Now write the whole words.
Spelling Lesson 5
aviator photograph verse prairie
helicopter democratic compare pasture
propeller apology resemble awkward
glider heroic sacred alcohol
parachute column bureau toboggan
1. Write bureau, prairie, and pasture. Now write each word in syllables.
2. Write column and awkward. Cross out the silent letters in these words.
3. Write the five New Words that refer to aviation and airplanes.
4. Write compare and resemble. Make new words by dropping the final e and adding ed to each word.
5. Write the New Words that might be used to describe (1) our form of government, and (2) a book such as the bible.
6. Write the New Word that begins and ends with ph. What sound has the ph in this word?
7. One New Word has only one syllable. Write it.
8. Write apology, alcohol, and toboggan. Find each word in the dictionary and notice the sound given each a and o,
whether long or short. Write each word in syllables and mark the a's and o's either long or short.
9. Write parachute. Say the word softly. What sound is given to the letters ch?
10. Find and write the two New Words that end in ic.
Spelling Lesson 6
firm certificate description create
immigrant admitted severe beautiful
glorious acceptable poverty envy
prospect skilled appearance favourably *
genuine author honestly happiness
*also spelled favorably
1. Find and write the New Word that follows the rule for doubling the final consonant before adding ed. Write the root
2. Write the New Word ending in the suffix able. Write the root word.
3. Find genuine and severe in the dictionary. Write the words in syllables.
4. Write honestly, beautiful, appearance, and skilled. What is the suffix in each word? Write the four root words.
5. Find glorious, happiness, description, certificate, prospect, and favourably in the dictionary. Write each word in
syllables. Write the whole word.
6. Write immigrant. What does the word mean? Use immigrant in a sentence.
7. Write the New Words that mean (1) a person who is a writer; (2) to bring into being or to make; and (3) the state of
being in need.
8. Write envy. Then change the y to i and add ed.
9. Write two different meanings for the word firm.
Spelling Lesson 7
confidence judgment * limited production
private favour * immediately opinion
strength accomplish faculty expressed
character superintendent management illustrates
personal operated humble sincere
*also spelled judgement
*also spelled favor
1. Write the words immediately, opinion and superintendent in syllables. Now write the whole words.
2. Find the meaning of strength.
3. Find and write the New Words that contain these words: express, limit, manage, person. Beside each word write
the suffix with which it ends.
4. Find and write the meanings of character, favour, and faculty.
5. Write judgment. Notice that you may drop the e in judge before adding ment.
6. Find these words in your dictionary: illustrate, accomplish, and confidence. Write the words in syllables. Write the
whole words.
7. Write the new word ending in tion.
8. Write sincere and private. Make new words by adding ly to each one.
9. Write operated. Change the ed to ing to form another word.
Spelling Lesson 8
editor original criticize career
journal magazine ignorant readily
publish feature entitled completely
collection popular literary personally
circulation campaign distinguish sensible
1. In your New Words, journal is spelled with a small letter because it is used as a common noun. Write a sentence
using journal as a proper noun.
2. Write editor. Then write the possessive form of the word. Use the possessive form in a sentence.
3. Write publish and distinguish. Add the suffixes ed and ing to each word.
4. Write two New Words ending in tion.
5. Find and write two New Words in which ly was added to a root word without any change. Now write another New
Word ending in ly and tell how the root word was changed.
6. Say the word campaign. What sound do the letters paign have? Write campaign.
7. Write the following words in syllables: ignorant, career, literary, entitled, sensible, feature, and popular.
8. Notice the z in the last syllable of criticize. Criticize may be spelled criticise, but the former spelling is preferred.
Write criticize.
9. Write the root word of original.
Spelling Lesson 9
musical opera generous friendship
talent violin assistance conduct
composition organize musician chorus
choir orchestra privilege arrange
director render affect leisure
1. Write two New Words containing the word music.
2. Find and write the New Words containing rr, ss, and ff.
3. Write two meanings for the word composition.
4. In your dictionary find and write the meanings of these words: render, opera, talent.
5. Write the New Word that is the name of a musical instrument.
6. Write leisure and friendship. Underline the ei in leisure and the ie in friendship.
7. Find orchestra, choir, and chorus in the dictionary. What sound has ch? Write each word.
8. Write the New Word ending in the suffix or.
9. Write generous, privilege, and organize in syllables. Write the whole words.
10. Write two meanings for the word conduct.
Spelling Lesson 10
particular frequently trolley modest
employee profitable physical tardy
promotion income mental courtesy
professor property activity fortunate
brilliant drafting beneficial decided
1. Write the New Word that means late.
2. Write activity, courtesy, and trolley. Now write the plural of each word. In which word does the y not change to i?
3. Write particular, profitable, brilliant, property, beneficial and promotion in syllables. Write the whole word.
4. Write physical. What sound has the ph?
5. Find and write the meanings of modest, income, mental, and employee.
6. Write frequently. Drop the ly and write the root word. Now write fortunate. Add ly to make a new word.
7. Write professor. Notice the ss.
8. Write decided and drafting. Drop the suffix from each one and write the root word.
9. Write the word employee. Drop the ee and write the new word.
10. Find and write the two New Words that have ll in them.

Spelling Lesson 11
annually favourable * import liberal
quantities ample variety immediate
concur supplies quantity adjust
justify territory quality wages
recession export throughout midst
*also spelled favorable
1. Write quantity and quantities. Write the rule for adding es to words like quantity.
Now write quality, variety, and territory. Then write the plural of each word. Write supplies and
the root word from which it was formed.
2. Write import and export. Find the meanings of each word. Use each word in a sentence.
3. One New Word is a compound word. Write it. Write the two little words in it.
4. Write these words in a list: adjust, concur, justify. Use the rules for adding ed and ing to
help you to add ed and ing to each.
5. Write the New Words in which you see these little words: mid, recess, annual.
6. Find and write the New Word that means "pay received for work".
7. Use your dictionary to find and write the meanings for favourable, ample, liberal, and immediate.
Write these words in syllables.
8. Write all the New Words containing double consonants, such as nn, mm, pp, rr, ss.
Spelling Lesson 12
agriculture including solve elevator
practically combination difficulty conclude
vast dispose solution percentage
cereal entirely operate stomach
preparation customary excess urge
1. Write the New Words that mean (1) very large or great, and (2) a share or part.
2. Find and write the meanings of elevator and excess.
3. Write conclude, urge, dispose, solve, and operate in a list. Make new words by adding
the suffixes ed and ing to each one. What letter must you drop from the root word before
adding these suffixes?
4. Write the New Words in syllables: agriculture, difficulty, preparation, combination, practically.
Write the whole words.
5. Find and write the New Words containing these little words: custom, entire, prepare.
6. Write stomach. What sound has the ch ?
7. Find the New Word beginning with a c that is sounded like s. Write the word.
8. The word including was formed by dropping e from the root word before adding the suffix.
Write the root word and the New Word.
9. Write the root word for solution.
Spelling Lesson 13
expert prosperous retail cite
probable properly dealer wholesale
luncheon prepared poultry commission
cafeteria shipment convenient regularly
banquet inspection impression transferred
1. Write the New Word in which the consonant is doubled before adding ed. Write the root word also.
2. Write the New Words containing these words: prosper, deal, ship, inspect, regular, proper.
3. Find the meanings of these words: poultry, impression, commission.
4. The words wholesale and retail are opposite in meaning. Look up each word in the dictionary.
Write a sentence using each word.
5. The word banquet is a French word. Find and write its pronunciation in the dictionary. Write banquet.
6. Write luncheon. What is the sound of the eo in luncheon?
7. Write probable. Make a new word by changing the le to ly.
8. Write cafeteria and convenient in syllables. Write the whole words.
9. Write one New Word beginning with pre and three New Words beginning with pro.
10. Write expert. Write the plural form of the word.
11. Homonyms are words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Write the homonym for cite.
Spelling Lesson 14
advertisement delicious diet decay
announcement broccoli newspaper comparison
constant various preserve conceal
frequent guarantee instruct suitable
delivery wholesome loss vitamin
1. Write the one New Word having one syllable.
2. Your list of New Words contains eight two-syllable words. Find them and write them.
3. Two New Words were formed by adding ment to root words. Write the New Words and the root words.
Notice that the final e is usually not dropped before adding ment.
4. Write the New Words containing these words: whole, suit, deliver.
5. Two New Words end in ious. Find them and write them.
6. Write the New Word that names a vegetable.
7. Write the New Word ending in ee. Name the silent letter in the first syllable.
8. Write vitamin and comparison in syllables. Write the whole words.
9. One new word is a compound word. Write it.
10. The words loss, diet, and delivery form their plurals according to three different rules.
What are the rules? Write the three plural forms.
Spelling Lesson 15
recall oyster selection expand
diminish salmon tempt exception
highly occupation return nevertheless
distribute oppose depth preferred
location disagreeable attraction expensive
1. Write the New Word in which the final consonant was doubled before adding ed. Write the root word.
2. Find the meaning of the word return. Write a sentence illustrating the meaning.
3. Find and write five New Words ending in tion. Write each word in syllables.
4. Write diminish. Write its meaning.
5. Write the New Words having only one syllable.
6. Write the New Words that mean (1) costly; (2) to remember; (3) to grow larger; and (4) not agreeable
7. Write nevertheless, distribute, and oppose in syllables.
8. Write the New Word containing the word high.
9. Write the plural forms of oyster, salmon, selection, and exception. Which word is exactly the same in the singular?
10. Write the New Words containing double consonants.
11. Write three New Words beginning with ex.
Spelling Lesson 16
mere exhausted arouse debate
century extinct organized refused
horizon endure discuss meantime
attorney sympathy threat considerable
decline fate appeal official
1. Write these words in a list: attorney, official, sympathy, debate, century. Opposite each word write its plural form.
2. Write appeal and threat. Underline the ea in each word. What sound has each ea?
3. One New Word is a compound word. Write it.
4. Your list of New Words contains two one-syllable words ending in silent e. Write them.
5. Write the New Word containing the word consider.
6. Find and write the meaning of horizon. Write a sentence using horizon.
7. Write organized, refused, and exhausted. From what root word was each formed?
8. Write decline, arouse, and endure. Drop the e from each word and add the suffixes ed and ing.
9. Write discuss. Make new words by adding the suffixes es, ed, and ing.
10. Write the New Words that rhyme with conceal, secure, and recline.
11. Write the meaning of extinct.
Spelling Lesson 17
conservation reasonable majority occupied
licence * obliged normal cordially
protest limit register punishment
estimate appreciate consent stupid
moderate regulate kingdom maim
*also spelled license
1. The word protest is pronounced pro test or protest. In your dictionary find the
meaning of each form of the word. Write a sentence illustrating each meaning.
2. Four New Words end with the syllable ate. Write the words.
3. Find and write the meanings of majority, normal, and cordially.
4. Write the New Words ending with the suffixes ment and able.
5. Write the New Words that added ed (1) by changing the y to i and (2) by dropping the final e.
6. Write regulate, register, consent, and limit. Now write the suffix ed with each word.
7. Find stupid and kingdom in your dictionary. Write the words in syllables.
8. Write licence. What sound has the c in licence?
9. Write conservation in syllables. Write the whole word.
10. One new word is a one syllable word. Write this word and state its meaning.
Spelling Lesson 18
formerly aware maintain investment
purchased seriously secure homework
enormous effective reduction criticism
objection justified replace pursue
situation propose relieve policy
1. Among your New Words find those that mean (1) very large; (2) in time past; (3) bought.
2. Write maintain. Find and write its meaning. What sound has the ai in each syllable?
3. Find the New Words ending in these suffixes: ment, ly, ive. Write the New Words and the root words.
4. Write three New Words ending in tion. Write each word in syllables.
5. Write policy, fuel, and criticism in syllables. Write the whole words.
6. What does aware mean? Write a sentence using aware.
7. Write the New Word that changed y to i before adding ed. Write the root word also.
8. These words may be used as verbs: propose, secure, replace, relieve, pursue. Write the words.
Now drop the final e and add ed and ing to each one.
9. One New Word is a compound word. Write it.
Spelling Lesson 19
provision irrigate immense issue
satisfactory arid storage pamphlet
requirement federal brochure irrigation
moisture consideration cushion sanitary
cultivate numerous convenience employ
1. Write the New Words containing ss, mm, rr.
2. Write these words in syllables: satisfactory, cultivate, sanitary, convenience, consideration, provision.
Write the whole words.
3. Make new words by placing the prefix un before satisfactory and sanitary and the prefix in
before convenience. What do un and in mean?
4. Write the meanings of arid and federal.
5. Write the New Words in which you see the little words moist and require.
6. Write employ. Now add ed and ing to employ. What rule did you use for adding these
suffixes to the word employ?
7. Write the New Word that means "many".
8. Write the New Words in which (1) the syllable ion is pronounced un; (2) the second syllable begins with ph;
and (3) the final e is dropped from the root word before adding age.
9. Write the word in which ch sounds like sh.
Spelling Lesson 20
concern foundation established proposal
deposit wealth institute grateful
erosion argue retain urban
prompt department increasing rural
positive required conveyor decrease
1. The words rural and urban are antonyms. What does antonym mean? Write the meanings of rural and urban.
2. Write the New Words that are antonyms of increase, negative, ungrateful, and poverty.
3. Write the words institute, erosion, deposit, and argue. Beside each word write its meaning.
4. Write the New Words that mean (1) needed; (2) quick or on time; and (3) to keep.
5. Write concern and established in syllables.
6. Write proposal and conveyor. Beside each write the root word.
7. Write the New Word that dropped the final e before adding ing.
8. Write foundation in syllables. Write the whole word. Underline the root word in foundation.
Spelling Lesson 21
factor gymnasium conference appreciation
agreeable muscle co-operation advancement
compliment dentist attendance assured
instruction degree familiar further
observe cautious attention response
1. Write the word dentist. Write the plural form. Then write the possessive form of dentist.
2. Write the New Words that have added these endings without any changes in the root
words: ment, able, ance. Write the root words.
3. Among your New Words find four ending in tion. Write them in syllables. Write the whole words.
4. What meanings can you give for observe? Write sentences giving two meanings.
5. How many syllables have the words familiar and cautious? Write each word.
6. Find and write the meanings of these words: response, assured, factor, degree. Write the words.
7. The words further and farther are sometimes confused. Use each correctly in a sentence.
8. Write gymnasium and compliment in syllables. Write the whole words.
9. Write muscle. Then write the plural form.
10. Write the New Word that means a "meeting".
Spelling Lesson 22
visible hence defence hesitate
according severe caution consult
directly grief recognize suspect
responsible clever presence quotation
weapon author contact postpone
1. Write the two New Words that end in ible. What does each one mean?
2. Write presence and presents. Say each word. What does each mean?
3. Write grief. Underline the ie. Change the f to ve to make a new word. Pronounce grief and grieve
and use each in a sentence.
4. Write directly. Drop the ly to make another word. Now write severe and clever.
Make three words by adding ly to each one.
5. Find and write the meanings of hence and contact. Write each word.
6. Write caution. Change the ion to ious to make another word.
7. Make a list of these verbs: consult, suspect, recognize, hesitate, postpone.
Add ed and ing to each one.
8. Write the New Words ending in ing and ation.
9. Write weapon. Now write the plural form.
10. Write the new word that means "a person who writes books".
Spelling Lesson 23
mystery cure numerous hygiene
peculiar performed surgeon accepted
notion discovery investigate distinct
medical release mosquito evil
suggested dreadful remedy behalf
1. Write three New Words that added ed without any change in the root word. Write the root words.
2. Write mystery, discovery, and remedy. Write the plural form of each word.
What rule is used for making these words plural?
3. Write mosquito. Underline the qui. What is the sound of qui? Now add es to form the plural.
4. Write the word that means "many".
5. Write the New Word containing the word half.
6. Find the New Words that rhyme with sure and decrease. Write the words.
7. Write surgeon and hygiene. Underline the eo in surgeon and the ie in hygiene.
8. What New Word ends in ful? Write it.
9. Write investigate, medical, peculiar, distinct, and notion in syllables. Write the whole words.
10. Write the New Word meaning "harmful" or "wicked".
Spelling Lesson 24
pierce mild authority complaint
participate brief closely strictly
needle sole contract soul
treatment controlled otherwise hereafter
unpleasant legal argument epidemic
1. Among your New Words find two that are compound words. Write the words.
2. Your list of New Words contains a pair of homonyms. Find them and write them. Use each in a sentence.
3. Write the New Word that doubled the final consonant before adding ed. Write the root word too.
4. Write two words from the New Words that end in ment. Which one drops the final e before adding ment?
5. Find and write the New Words that mean (1) not pleasant; (2) lawful; and (3) moderate.
6. Two New Words end in ly. Write them.
7. Write brief and pierce. Underline the ie in each word.
8. With your dictionary find and write the meanings of authority, contract, and epidemic.
Write each word. Write them in syllables.
9. Write the New Word in which ai in the second syllable is pronounced like a long a.
10. Write needle. Then write the plural form.
11. Write participate. Drop the final e and add ed.
12. Write authority. What sound has the au? Use your dictionary to find the answer
Spelling Lesson 25
elsewhere advantage nervous appreciated
doubtless athletics affect overtly
discussion somewhat interfere hoarse
attach breathing disgust inquire
importance disaster extent indicate
1. Write the New Words containing tt, ff, and pp.
2. Write the New Words that rhyme with coarse, require, and content.
3. Find and write the New Words in which you see these words: doubt, athletic, discuss.
4. Write two New Words that are compound words.
5. Find each of these words in your dictionary: disgust, disaster, advantage, importance.
Write each one in syllables. Write the whole words.
6. Write indicate and interfere. Drop the final e from each word and add ed and ing.
7. Write the two New Words ending in ous and ing.
8. Three New Words begin with in. One begins with im. Find and write all four words.
9. Write the New Word overtly. Write its meaning.
10. The words affect and effect are often confused. What does each mean? Use affect and effect correctly in
11. Write attach. Add the suffixes es, ed, and ing to attach. Write the three new words.
invention volume machinery laundry
acceptance provided equally guarantee
furious additional household ideal
opposition engage reduce benefit
annual amusement domestic confident
1. Find these words in the dictionary and write them in syllables: laundry, machinery, acceptance, and opposition.
Write the whole words.
2. Find and write the meaning of domestic. Use domestic in a sentence.
3. One New Word is a compound word. Write it.
4. Write the New Words that added al, ion, ment, or ance without any change. Write also the root words.
5. Write equal and equally. Now write annual, furious, ideal, and confident. Add ly to these four words.
6. In your dictionary find and write at least two different meanings for volume. Write sentences illustrating two
7. Write provided. What rule was followed in adding ed? Now write guarantee, reduce, and engage. Use the same
rule for adding ed to each word.
8. How many syllables has benefit? Write benefit. Write its plural form.
9. Write engage. Without making any other change, add ment to form a new word.
10. Write four New Words having four syllables each.
thorough succeeded delivered definite
capable industrious urgent conclusion
naturally youth examine advance
unusual original arrangement satisfaction
energy appointment experiment inventor
1. Write one New Word of one syllable and three New Words of two syllables.
2. Write these words in a list: succeeded, naturally, appointment, arrangement, inventor, delivered.
Beside each word write first its suffix and next the root word.
3. Find and write two words ending in ion.
4. Write the New Word beginning with the prefix un.
5. Write these words in syllables: capable, original, definite, industrious. Write the whole words.
6. Write energy in syllables. Write the whole word.
7. Two new words begin with ex. Write them.
8. Write inventor and youth. Write the possessive form of each word.
9. Each of these words may be changed to an adverb by adding ly: thorough, unusual, definite, urgent. Write the
10. Write the New Words containing double letters.
operation connection instrument renew
spoken assistant patent communicate
delicate earnest realize communication
similar magic ambition commercial
human excitement comment necessity
1. Write the New Word that is the antonym of written.
2. Write the New Words that mean (1) serious and intense; (2) alike; and (3) tender or fragile.
3. Write communicate and communication. Underline the parts of the words that are the same.
4. Write the three New Words that end in ment. What does each mean?
5. Write the New Words in which you see these little words: connect, new, assist.
6. Find the New Word ending in c. Write it.
7. Write these words in syllables: necessity, commercial, realize, ambition. Write the whole words.
8. What does patent mean? Write a sentence using the word patent.
9. The plural of human is formed by adding s. Write the singular and plural forms.
10. Write two meanings for the word operation.
electricity nonsense disappointment dispatch
difficulties struggle telegraph basis
experience laboratory skillful reputation
wisdom equipment reliable electrical
discourage promptly telegram genius
1. Write telegraph and telegram. The first part of these words comes from the Greek word
meaning "far" or "far off". Write another familiar word beginning with tele.
2. Write the New Words that are the antonyms of encourage and awkward.
3. Write the two New Words containing the word electric.
4. Find the meanings of these words: dispatch, basis, promptly. Write the words and the meanings.
5. Write these words in syllables: laboratory, difficulties, reliable, disappointment, experience, reputation. Write the
whole words.
6. Write the New Word containing gg.
7. Make sure that you know the meanings of genius, nonsense, and wisdom. Write a sentence using each word.
8. Write two words in which ment was added to a word without changing its form in any other way.
9. The letter g has a hard sound as in girl and a soft sound as in gem. Write two New Words containing the
soft g sound and three New Words containing the hard g sound.
practical construction proceed improvement
vision acquaintance actual commerce
ability scarcely threatened instance
submarine venture deserve sacrifice
carpenter remarkable credit represent
1. Among your New Words find those that contain these words: threat, improve, remark,
acquaint, construct, scarce. Write the New Words.
2. Each of these words is singular: submarine, venture, carpenter. Write these words and
also the plural form of each.
3. Write sacrifice in syllables. Write the whole word.
4. Write the meanings of vision, actual, credit, and instance. Write the words.
5. Write ability in syllables. Write the word and its plural form.
6. The words proceed and precede are sometimes confused. Write the meanings of each.
Write a sentence using proceed.
7. Write deserve and represent. Make new words by adding the suffixes ed and ing to each word.
8. How many syllables has practical? Write it.
9. What does commerce mean? Write commerce. Use it in a sentence.
1. During the excursion the compass and battery would not work properly.
2. We will gradually establish a schedule for community entertainment.
3. He informed the university society of the annual budget.
4. She wore an expression of virtue.
5. I saw a sketch of a blouse in her diary.
6. How do you process wood into pulp?
1. Do not misspell words when you advertise.
2. He was elected to accompany her to the formal dance.
3. Have you applied for the advertising position?
4. They supplied new books for the ones that were ruined.
5. Seize the trapped robbers.
6. She answered that he had replied to her letter.
7. Did they apply to adopt a child?
1. After shopping she wrapped and trimmed the wedding gift.
2. He constantly referred to the misspelled words as they occurred in the paper.
3. He was compelled to cease his bad ways before he committed a real crime.
4. She was permitted to submit her shipping project late.
5. Did it occur to you to refer to an atlas?
6. Can you determine how he was convinced to commit the robbery?
7. He submitted his job form to the store manager.
8. Seize the spy and compel him to tell all he knows.
1. The chairman considered the most accurate explanation to give to the audience.
2. A minister, missionary, and janitor saw the burglar steal the computer.
3. A secretary can spell perfectly with the help of a dictionary.
4. The rebels were compelled to obey the laws.
5. The governor formed his committees at the earliest opportunity.
6. It was a happy situation when the two men became partners.
7. Is he a companion to many seniors?
1. The heroic aviator wore a parachute while he took a photograph of the glider.
2. The propeller of the helicopter was found in a pasture of prairie flowers.
3. Compare this verse to a sacred song.
4. The democratic bureau made an apology for the errors in the newspaper column.
5. Drinking alcohol can make you awkward.
6. Does this toboggan resemble mine?
1. The author gave a beautiful description of the glorious sunrise.
2. Although the immigrant was a skilled worker, he honestly suffered severe poverty.
3. He admitted that the certificate was not genuine.
4. The prospect of happiness is favourably acceptable to everyone in the firm.
5. The appearance of envy will create bad feelings.
1. The management immediately limited production of pulp and paper.
2. The superintendent expressed his sincere confidence in the faculty.
3. Your personal opinion illustrates the strength of his character.
4. Are you in favour of a private meeting?
5. In my humble judgement we will accomplish our aims.
6. The new clock operated perfectly.
1. The editor of this journal will publish a collection of original literary articles.
2. What is the circulation of this popular magazine?
3. Do not criticize if you are completely ignorant of the facts.
4. He is entitled to choose his career personally.
5. Everyone readily agreed to a sensible campaign.
6. Can you distinguish one feature from another?
1. The choir director wrote a musical composition for orchestra and chorus.
2. I hope you will render generous assistance to the opera committee.
3. That musician has a talent for the violin.
4. Try to organize and arrange your leisure time properly.
5. It was a privilege to conduct the symphony concert.
6. Did our friendship affect your decision?
1. Physical and mental activity is beneficial for the body.
2. He was fortunate to make a modest but profitable income from the sale of his property.
3. The brilliant drafting professor was given a promotion.
4. That particular employee is frequently tardy.
5. He decided to take a trolley ride in his leisure time.
6. The man showed no courtesy toward his guest.
1. We annually export ample quantities of wheat throughout the world.
2. We import a variety of quality supplies from the Yukon Territory.
3. How can you justify high wages midst a recession?
4. Do you concur with my immediate plan to adjust the quantity of work you do?
5. She has many liberal, but favourable, ideas.
1. A vast percentage of our agriculture is mainly cereal grains.
2. My stomach flips when I operate an elevator.
3. I conclude that you will dispose entirely of all excess food.
4. Please urge them to solve the difficulty quickly and to come to a solution.
5. Is it customary in the preparation of fruit cake to use practically any combination of fruit including nuts?
1. Was the luncheon banquet, which was held in the cafeteria, properly prepared?
2. They transferred the shipment from the wholesale company to the retail dealer.
3. The commission meets regularly to discuss probable poultry inspection.
4. Is it convenient to cite the expert in the paper?
5. That chubby fellow gives an impression of prosperous living.
1. Broccoli is a delicious and wholesome diet food.
2. There is a frequent advertisement in the daily newspaper to instruct us how to preserve a suitable vitamin level in our
3. That store has various ways to guarantee against loss or decay during delivery.
4. That constant radio announcement about comparison of breakfast cereals drives me mad.
5. Where did they conceal the treasure?
1. Can you recall the location and depth of the Dead Sea?
2. Cleaning salmon and oysters is a disagreeable occupation.
3. He preferred a more expensive selection, nevertheless he did not oppose, or take exception to the choice.
4. Do not tempt me to diminish or expand my ideas.
5. The coming attraction was highly praised.
6. After you distribute the papers, return to your desk.
1. The attorney was exhausted after the long debate with the official.
2. He refused to discuss their appeal for organized sports.
3. In the meantime try to arouse considerable sympathy for the fate of the birds.
4. A mere century ago some birds were under the threat of becoming extinct.
5. I cannot endure to see the number of birds decline.
6. The sun set on the horizon.
1. The conservation department is obliged to estimate, regulate, and limit the number of hunting licences.
2. It is not reasonable to register a protest against the majority who consent to the plan.
3. The normal punishment for that stupid act is a moderate kick in the pants.
4. We must not maim members of the wild kingdom.
5. I appreciate the way you treated her so cordially.
6. Who occupied that desk last?
1. He formerly purchased an enormous investment policy.
2. We must be aware of, and seriously pursue, any justified criticism.
3. Can you propose an effective way to relieve the situation?
4. Do you have any objection to homework reduction in schools?
5. To maintain a secure hold you must replace the tow line on your boat.
1. A satisfactory provision was made to cultivate and irrigate that arid area.
2. There is an immense need for irrigation storage in dry countries.
3. Did you take into consideration the federal sanitary requirements?
4. Did you read that brochure or pamphlet about how to employ numerous ways to collect moisture?
5. A cushion can be a convenience on a hard chair.
6. I will issue the test results tomorrow.
1. There is a concern about erosion in both rural and urban areas.
2. How can you argue against his proposal to retain the wealth of the rain forests?
3. The foundation of the institute needs prompt and positive attention or it will fall apart.
4. He was grateful that his marks did not decrease.
5. A department was established to look into increasing prices.
6. The airline required that she deposit her luggage on a conveyor belt.
1. One must be cautious and observe all rules while in the gymnasium.
2. The dentist strained a muscle while in attendance at a conference for the advancement of instruction to blind children.
3. A compliment is always an agreeable factor when showing your appreciation for co-operation.
4. They were assured of further response to the heart fund.
5. Are you familiar with the degree of attention a baby needs?
1. According to the paper that clever author was directly responsible for the quotation.
2. The suspect stole a defence weapon.
3. The presence of germs is not visible to the eye.
4. If you recognize the thief, take caution and contact the police.
5. Severe pain can cause much grief, so do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
6. The report is not finished; hence we must postpone the meeting.
1. Has the medical surgeon accepted the peculiar notion that hygiene will cure those dreadful mosquito bites?
2. Who suggested that we investigate the mystery of the new remedy?
3. Numerous people died from that evil disease.
4. You can hear a distinct click when you release the latch.
5. The discovery was performed on behalf of the animal foundation.
1. Hereafter, he has legal authority to stop that unpleasant treatment, otherwise, the epidemic will not
be closely controlled.
2. My sole complaint is strictly against your argument to participate in the strike.
3. A needle can pierce the skin.
4. Did that poor soul have a mild, brief case of the flu?
5. He signed a contract with the company.
1. It is doubtless that they will attach any importance to your discussion about the advantage of athletics.
2. Elsewhere, the disaster made everyone somewhat nervous.
3. To what extent can a cold interfere with, or affect, your breathing?
4. You indicate overtly your disgust.
5. It will be appreciated if you will inquire into the reason for her hoarse throat.
1. The invention of domestic machinery has helped to reduce the volume of household work.
2. Shall we engage additional amusement for the annual benefit dance?
3. The opposition was furious with the acceptance of the new tax increase.
4. I am confident that the poor will be provided equally with ideal housing.
5. Does that new soap guarantee a cleaner laundry?
1. The experiment was brought to a definite conclusion to the satisfaction of the inventor.
2. Naturally, a youth would have unusual energy.
3. He succeeded because he was capable, thorough, and industrious.
4. It is urgent that the flower arrangement be delivered in advance.
5. When was the original appointment to examine her eyes?
1. Do you realize her ambition is to be an assistant in a magic show?
2. Will you comment on your connection to this business operation?
3. To communicate is a human necessity.
4. Will you renew the patent on your commercial floor cleaner?
5. His earnest work caused an excitement similar to floating on a cloud.
6. He developed a delicate instrument for spoken communication.
1. An electrical genius needs reliable laboratory equipment.
2. Will you dispatch this telegram promptly?
3. We hope to discourage many difficulties on the basis of his wisdom and reputation.
4. His experience with electricity and the telegraph has made him very skillful.
5. The story, about his struggle and disappointment, is nonsense.
1. That carpenter has remarkable ability for practical construction.
2. The submarine venture will be threatened unless an actual improvement, for vision, is made.
3. Those who represent commerce deserve much credit in this instance.
4. You scarcely need to sacrifice your reputation for an idea.
5. Tell your acquaintance to proceed carefully.
Spelling Lesson 1 Answers
1. budget - budgets,

excursion - excursions,

blouse - blouses,

expression - expressions,

entertainment - entertainments,

virtue - virtues,

diary - diaries,

schedule - schedules,

process - processes,

sketch - sketches,

compass - compasses,

battery - batteries,

society -societies,

university - universities,

community - communities
2. properly, gradually
3. informed
4. establish - es tab lish , informed - in formed
Spelling Lesson 2 Answers
1. adopt - adopted - adopting

misspell - misspelled - misspelling
2. elected - elect, answered - answer
3. Drop the "e" before adding ed & ing.

cease - ceased - ceasing

seize - seized - seizing
4. delayed - delay

ruined - ruin
5. formal: proper, orderly We went to a formal dance.
6. advertise - ad ver tise

advertising - ad ver tis ing

accompany - ac com pa ny

accompanying - ac com pa ny ing
7. apply - applied - applying
8. replied - reply, supplied - supply
9. replying

just add "ing".
10. trapped - Double the final consonant before adding "ed".
Spelling Lesson 3 Answers
1. oc/cur - occurred,

re/fer - referred,

com/pel- compelled,

com/mit - committed,

sub/mit -submitted
2. permitted - permit
3. trimmed - trim,

wrapped - wrap,

shipping - ship,

shopping shop,

wedding - wed
4. constantly
5. convinced - con vinced, manager - man ag er,
determine - de ter mine
6. wrapped
7. commit, committed, compel, compelled, constantly, convinced
8. trimmed, trimming,

wrapped, wrapping,

referred, referring,

occurred, occurring,

submitted, submitting,

committed, committing,

permitted, permitting,

compelled, compelling
Spelling Lesson 4 Answers
1. chairman - chairman's

janitor - janitor's

audience - audience's

minister - minister's

missionary - missionary's

companion - companion's

burglar -burglar's

committees - committees'

partners - partners'

seniors - seniors'
2. accurate, chairman, computer, considered, dictionary, janitor, opportunity, perfectly, secretary, situation
3. secretary - secretaries

opportunity - opportunities

dictionary - dictionaries
4. situation - sit u a tion

explanation - ex pla na tion

considered - con sid ered
Spelling Lesson 5 Answers
1. bureau - bu reau

prairie - prair ie

pasture - pas ture
2. column (n) awkward (w)
3. aviator, helicopter, glider, propeller, parachute
4. compare - compared resemble - resembled
5. democratic, sacred
6. photograph (f)
7. verse
8. apology - pl gy

alcohol - l c hl

toboggan - t bg gn
9. parachute - ch - sh
10. heroic, democratic
Spelling Lesson 6 Answers
1. admitted
2. acceptable - accept
3. genuine - gen u ine,

severe - se vere
4. honestly - ly - honest

beautiful - ful - beauty

appearance - ance - appear

skilled - ed - skill
5. glorious - glo ri ous

happiness - hap pi ness

description - de scrip tion

certificate - cer ti fi cate

prospect - pros pect

favourably - fa vour a bly
6. immigrant: moving to one country from another

He is an immigrant from Poland.
7. author, create, poverty
8. envy - envied
9. solid, a company
Spelling Lesson 7 Answers
1. immediately - im me di ate ly

opinion - o pin ion

superintendent - su per in ten dent
2. strength: the quality of being strong
3. expressed (ed), limited (ed), management (ment), personal (al)
4. character
- quality
- moral strength or reputation
- symbol or sign

- an act of kindness
- a gift or token

- the power of the mind
- staff of a school or university
5. judgment or judgement
6. illustrate - il lus trate

accomplish - ac com plish

confidence - con fi dence
7. production
8. sincere - sincerely

private - privately
9. operated - operating
Spelling Lesson 8 Answers
1. I read the Ladies Home Journal.
2. editor - editor's This is the editor's desk.
3. publish - published - publishing

distinguish - distinguished - distinguishing
4. collection, circulation
5. completely, personally, readily - changed y to i.
6. campaign - (pain, pane) pan
7. ignorant - ig no rant

career - ca reer

literary - lit er ar y

entitled - en ti tled

sensible - sen si ble

feature - fea ture

popular - pop u lar
8. criticize
9. origin
Spelling Lesson 9 Answers
1. musical, musician
2. arrange, assistance, affect
3. composition - the make-up of anything
- Something written
4. render - give in return
- melt as fat

opera - musical drama

talent - natural ability - money in ancient times
5. violin
6. leisure, friendship
7. orchestra, choir, chorus, (k)
8. director
9. generous - gen er ous

organize - or gan ize

privilege - priv i lege
10. conduct - behaviour
- to lead
Spelling Lesson 10 Answers
1. tardy
2. activity - activities

courtesy - courtesies

trolley - trolleys (no change)
3. particular - par tic u lar

profitable - prof i ta ble

brilliant - bril liant

property - prop er ty

beneficial - ben e fi cial

promotion - pro mo tion
4. physical - (f)
5. modest - humble, shy,

income - revenue from labour, business etc.

mental - of the mind - disease of the mind

employee - a person who works for a person or firm for pay
6. frequently - frequent

fortunate - fortunately
7. professor
8. decided, decide

drafting, draft
9. employee, employ
10. brilliant, trolley
Spelling Lesson 11 Answers
1. quantity - quantities (change the y to i and add es)

quality - qualities

variety - varieties

territory - territories

supply - supplies
2. import - to bring goods into a country. We import bananas from Central America.

export - to send goods out of a country - Wheat is an export of Canada.
3. throughout - through, out
4. adjust - adjusted - adjusting (add ed and ing)

concur - concurred - concurring (double the final consonant before adding ed and ing.

justify - justified - justifying (change y to i and add ed. Just add ing)
5. midst, annually, recession
6. wages
7. favourable - fa vour a ble - approving, promising (also spelled favorable - fa vor a ble)

ample - am ple - more than enough

liberal - lib er al - generous; broad minded

immediate - im me di ate - at once, without delay
8. annually, supplies, immediate, territory, recession
Spelling Lesson 12 Answers
1. vast, percentage
2. elevator - something that raises
- grain storage building

excess - more than enough
3. conclude - concluded - concluding

urge - urged - urging

dispose - disposed - disposing

solve - solved - solving

operate - operated - operating (drop the e)
4. agriculture - ag ri cul ture

difficulty - dif fi cul ty

preparation - prep a ra tion

combination - com bi na tion

practically - prac ti cal ly
5. customary, entirely, preparation
6. stomach - (k)
7. cereal
8. including - include
9. solve
Spelling Lesson 13 Answers
1. transferred, transfer
2. prosperous, dealer, shipment, inspection, regularly, properly
3. poultry - domestic bird such as chicken, turkey, geese, ducks

impression - an image or viewpoint, idea, notion
- something produced by pressure

commission - fee based upon percentage of item sold
- certain powers, privileges, duties, or rank
4. The wholesale company sells clothing to the retail store.
5. banquet - bang - kwit
6. luncheon - u
7. probable - probably
8. cafeteria - caf e ter i a

convenient - con ve ni ent
9. prepared, probable, prosperous, properly
10. expert, experts
11. sight
Spelling Lesson 14 Answers
1. loss
2. constant, frequent, wholesome, diet, preserve, instruct, conceal, decay
3. advertisement - advertise

announcement - announce
4. wholesome, suitable, delivery
5. delicious, various
6. broccoli
7. guarantee (u)
8. vitamin - vi ta min

comparison - com par i son
9. newspaper
10. losses - (add es)

diets - (add s)

deliveries - (change y to i and add es)
Spelling Lesson 15 Answers
1. preferred, prefer
2. return - go back
3. location - lo ca tion

occupation - oc cu pa tion

selection - se lec tion

exception - ex cep tion

attraction - at trac tion
4. diminish - lessen, make smaller
5. tempt, depth
6. 1) costly: expensive 2) remember: recall

3) to grow larger: expand 4) not agreeable: disagreeable
7. nevertheless - nev er the less

distribute - dis trib ute

oppose - op pose
8. highly
9. oysters, salmon, selections, exceptions (salmon - the same singular and plural)
10. recall, occupation, oppose, attraction, nevertheless, preferred
11. expand, exception, expensive
Spelling Lesson 16 Answers
1. attorneys, officials, sympathies, debates, centuries
2. appeal, (long e) threat (short e)
3. meantime
4. mere, fate
5. considerable
6. horizon - The mark where sky and earth meet.
The ship sailed over the horizon.
7. organize, refuse, exhaust
8. declined - declining

endured - enduring

aroused - arousing
9. discusses, discussed, discussing
10. appeal, endure, decline
11. extinct - no longer exists
Spelling Lesson 17 Answers
1. I protest. (verb) - to object or complain

The protest was orderly. (noun) - an objection or complaint
2. estimate, regulate, moderate, appreciate
3. majority - most

normal - average

cordially - nicely

punishment, reasonable
4. 1.) occupied

2.) obliged
5. regulated, consented, registered, limited
6. stupid - stu pid

kingdom - king dom
7. licence (s)
8. conservation - con ser va tion
9. maim - to wound or injure
Spelling Lesson 18 Answers
1. enormous, formerly, purchased
2. maintain - to keep
- to keep in order or repair

(long a sound)
3. investment, seriously, effective
4. objection - ob jec tion

reduction - re duc tion

situation - sit u a tion
5. policy - pol i cy

fuel - fu el

criticism - cri ti cism
6. aware - to know

I am aware of the meeting.
7. justified, justify
8. propose - proposed - proposing

secure - secured - securing

replace - replaced - replacing

relieve - relieved - relieving

pursue - pursued - pursuing
9. homework
Spelling Lesson 19 Answers
1. issue, immense, irrigation, irrigate
2. satisfactory - sat is fac to ry

cultivate - cul ti vate

sanitary - san i tar y

convenience - con ve ni ence

consideration - con sid er a tion

provision - pro vi sion
3. unsatisfactory, unsanitary, inconvenience (not)
4. arid - dry

federal - national
5. moisture, requirement
6. employ - employed - employing - (add ed and ing when a vowel comes before the final y.)
7. numerous
8. 1) provision, irrigation, cushion, consideration

2) pamphlet

3) storage
9. brochure
Spelling Lesson 20 Answers
1. antonym: opposite

country, city
2. decrease, positive, grateful, wealth
3. institute - organize or organization

erosion - the act of wearing away

deposit - lay down

argue - debate or discuss
4. required, prompt, retain
5. concern - con cern

established - es tab lished
6. proposal - propose

conveyor - convey
7. increasing
8. foundation - foun - da - tion
1. dentist - dentists - dentist's
2. advancement, agreeable, attendance - advance, agree, attend
3. instruction - in struc tion
co-operation - co op er a tion
attention - at ten tion
appreciation - ap pre ci a tion
4. observe - to see; to obey
Did you observe the birds? We must observe the laws.
5. familiar - fa mil iar (4 syllables)
cautious - cau tious (2 syllables)
6. response - answer; reaction
assured - make sure - certain; make safe - secure;
tell confidently
factor - element, condition, quality
- that helps to bring about a result
degree - a stage or step
- unit of measuring temperature, angles, music, etc.
- rank
7. further - abstract relationships of degree or quantity
He went further into his family history.

farther - distance He ran farther than I.

Today further and farther are interchangeable with no distinction.
8. gymnasium - gym na si um
compliment - com pli ment
9. muscles
10. conference
1. responsible - to be accountable - I am responsible for my actions.

visible - obvious - The shore was visible from the ship.
2. presence - being in a place - My presence at the meeting is vital.
appearance - His presence was very noble.

presents - to give - He presents his greetings.

gifts - He gave her two presents.
3. grief - grieve - I feel your grief. - I grieve for you.
4. direct - directly

severe - severely

clever - cleverly
5. hence - therefore - It is late hence you must go to bed.

contact - touching, or to get in touch - Did you contact your friend?
6. caution, cautious
7. consult - consulted - consulting

suspect - suspected - suspecting

recognize - recognized - recognizing

hesitate - hesitated - hesitating

postpone - postponed - postponing
8. according , quotation
9. weapon - weapons
10. author
1. suggested - suggest

performed - perform

accepted - accept
2. mystery - mysteries (Change the y to i and add es.)

remedy - remedies

discovery - discoveries
3. mosquito (key) mosquitoes
4. numerous
5. behalf
6. cure, release
7. surgeon, hygiene
8. dreadful
9. investigate - in ves ti gate

medical - med i cal

peculiar - pe cul iar

distinct - dis tinct

notion - no tion
10. evil
1. otherwise, hereafter
2. sole - The sole of his shoe ripped.

soul - Not a soul was on the street.
3. controlled - control
4. treatment

argument - (dropped final e)
5. unpleasant, legal, mild
6. closely, strictly
7. brief, pierce
8. authority - au thor i ty - the power to enforce obedience

contract - con tract - to shorten; an agreement

epidemic - ep i dem ic - a rapid spreading disease, fashion, or idea
9. complaint
10. needle, needles
11. participate, participated
12. authority (au - aw)
1. attach, affect, appreciated
2. coarse - hoarse, require - inquire, content - extent
3. doubtless, athletics, discussion
4. elsewhere, somewhat
5. disgust - dis gust

disaster -dis as ter

advantage - ad van tage

importance - im por tance
6. indicate - indicated - indicating

interfere - interfered - interfering
7. nervous, breathing
8. importance, interfere, inquire, indicate
9. overtly, openly
10. affect - to influence, stir emotions (verb) Disease affects the body.

effect - result (noun) The medicine had an immediate effect.
11. attach, attaches, attached, attaching
Spelling Lesson 26 Answers
1. laundry - laun dry
machinery - ma chin er y
acceptance - ac cept ance
opposition - op po si tion
2. domestic - regarding home or country; a servant
The domestic cleaned the house.
3. household - house - hold
4. additional - addition
invention - invent
amusement - amuse,
acceptance - accept
5. equal - equally
annual - annually
furious - furiously
ideal - ideally
confident - confidently
6. volume
1) a book, a tome - I bought a volume of poems.

2) amount, bulk - What is the volume of cereal in this box?

3) cubic measure - What is the volume of this jar?

4) depth & fullness of sound - Turn down the volume on the radio.
7. provided - drop the final e before adding ed
guarantee - guaranteed, reduce - reduced, engage - engaged
8. benefit - ben e fit, benefits
9. engage - engagement
10. development, opposition, additional, machinery
Spelling Lesson 27 Answers
1. youth, urgent - ur gent, advance - ad vance,
2. succeeded - ed - succeed

naturally - ly - natural

appointment - ment - appoint

arrangement - ment - arrange

inventor - or - invent

delivered - ed - deliver
3. conclusion, satisfaction
4. unusual
5. capable - ca pa ble

original - o rig i nal

definite - def i nite

industrious - in dus tri ous
6. energy - en er gy
7. examine, experiment
8. inventor - inventor's

youth - youth's
9. thorough - thoroughly, unusual - unusually, definite - definitely,

urgent - urgently
10. naturally, succeeded, appointment, arrangement
Spelling Lesson 28 Answers
1. spoken
2. 1) earnest 2) similar 3) delicate
3. communicate - communication
4. excitement - one who, or that which, excites

instrument - a tool, a mechanical implement
- a mechanical contrivance for producing musical sound

comment - a remark, a criticism
5. connection, assistance, renew
6. magic
7. necessity - ne ces si ty

commercial - com mer cial

realize - re a lize

ambition - am bi tion
8. patent - exclusive right to sell or make a new invention

He holds a patent for a new motor.
9. human - humans
10. operation 1) The way something works.

2) A medical procedure.
Spelling Lesson 29 Answers
1. telegraph, telegram, television, telephone
2. discourage, skillful
3. electricity - electrical
4. dispatch: 1) important message

2) to send off quickly

basis - foundation

promptly - quickly
5. laboratory - lab or a tor y

difficulties - dif fi cul ties

reliable - re li a ble

disappointment - dis ap point ment

experience - ex pe ri ence

reputation - rep u ta tion
6. struggle
7. genius - very great natural powers of the mind

She is a musical genius.

nonsense - foolishness - Don't speak such nonsense.

wisdom - knowledge and good judgment

King Solomon is remembered for his wisdom.
8. equip - equipment
disappoint - disappointment
9. struggle (hard g), telegram (hard g) telegraph (hard g)

discourage (soft g) , genius (soft g)
Spelling Lesson 30 Answers
1. threat - threatened, improve - improvement, remark - remarkable,

acquaint - acquaintance, construct - construction, scarce - scarcely
2. submarine - submarines, venture - ventures, carpenter - carpenters
3. sacrifice - sac ri fice
4. vision - sight; that which is seen; a mental representation of a visual object

actual - real; existing; present; current

credit: 1) promise of payment at a future time

2) a reputation inspiring trust or confidence

instance - an example, illustrative case or precedent
5. ability - a bil i ty - abilities
6. proceed - to go on; advance - We will proceed to the next town.

precede - to go before in time
7. deserve - deserved - deserving, represent - represented - representing
8. practical - prac tic al - 3 syllables
9. commerce: - buying and selling on a large scale.

The commerce in Europe is thriving.

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