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51 terms My flashcards for ACNP research comp review!

area of concern where there is a gap in the knowledge

base needed for practice.
research problem
concise, clear statement of the specific goal or aim of the
study that is generated from the research problem
Purpose statement
set of highly abstracted, related to constructs that broadly
explains the phenomena of interest, expresses
assumptions, and reflects a philosophical stance
conceptual framework
concise interrogative statements that are worded in the
present tense and includes one or more variables
research question
formal statement of the expected relationship(s) between
two or more variables in a specified population
an intervention or activity that is manipulated by the
researcher to create an effect on the dependent variable
independent variable
the response, behavior, or outcome that is predicted and
measured in research
dependant variable
a group of individuals who meet the sampling criteria and
to which the study findings will be generalized
target population
description of how variables or concepts will be measured
or manipulated in a study
operational definition
statements that are taken for granted or are considered
true, even though they have not been scientifically tested
overall plan for collecting and analyzing data
research design
randomization, comparison groups, manipulation of the
treatment are present
experimental design
designs with limited control that were developed to
provide alternative means for examining causality in
situations not conducive to experimental controls
quasi-experimental design
the strength of a design to produce accurate results.
Threats to validity are classified as internal and external.
validity (study )
the extent to which the effects detected in the study are a
true reflection of reality, rather than the result of
extraneous variables
internal validity
concerned with the extent to which study findings can be
generalized beyond the sample used in the study
external validity
responses change due to the number of times tested with
the same test due to previous known incorrect responses,
and change of experience due to previous testing
testing effect
# of subects that fall out of a study before its completion
sample growing older, wiser, stronger,hungrier, more
tired and its influence on the results
selection maturity
change in instruments between the pre and posttest
rather than actual results of a treatment
instrumentation (threat to validity)
movement or regression of extreme scores toward the
man in studies with a pre!post test design
differential statistical regression
event not related to the study but occurs during the study
individual differences that exist in the subects before
they are chosen to participate in a study
selection bias
the capacity of the study to detect differences, minimum
power is "#$
represents the consistency of the measure obtained
focused on comparing two versions of the same
addresses the correlation of various items within the
instrument or internal consistency% determined by split&
half reliability
the degree to which an instrument measures what it is
supposed to measure
validity (instrument)
tests the relationship of two concepts making the study
more specific
theoretical framework
conducted to reduce, organize, and give meaning to data
data analysis
precise, systematic gathering of information relevent to
the research purpose on specific obectives, 'uestions, or
hypotheses of a study.
data collection
subects may behave in a particular manner because they
are aware of their participation in a study
Hawthorne Effect
subects may alter their behavior because the treatment is
novelty effect
performance of the subects may be affected by
characteristics of the researcher
experimenter effect
method of decreasing a type (( error (accepting a false
null hypothesis&&minimum acceptable power is #."#
power analysis
alpha&&an index of how probable it is that the findings are
reliable, alpha of #.#) means that ) out of *## times the
researcher makes a type ( error (reecting a true null
level of significance
#.)# is considered medium% concerned with the
magnitude of the relationship between the variables
effect size
random sampling techni'ues
probability sampling
occurs when not every member of the population has an
opportunity to be selected such as in convenience
nonprobability sampling
must be identified as re'uirments for an element or
subect to be included in a sample
inclusion criteria
must be eliminated or excluded from an element or
subect from being in a sample
exclusion criteria
device that is used to collect data in a structured manner%
e.g. self report, observation, biophysiologic
hat is instrumentation!
exists in all studies and can affect the measurement of the
study variables and the relationship among these
extraneous variable
any influence or action in a study that distorts the
findings or slants them away from the true or expected
assigned to categories of an attribute that can be ranked%
categories must be exclusive and exhaustive% cannot be
demonstrated the the intervals between categories are
e'ual&&use +pearman ,ank&-rder .orrelation .oefficient
ordinal scale measurement
principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and ustice
relevent to the conduct of research
ethical principles
'uality, properties or characteristics of person, things, or
situations that change or vary and are manipulated,
measured, or controlled in research
study variables
portion of the population that represents the entire
examines the extent to which the method of measurement
includes all the maor elements relevent to the construct
being measured
content related validity
test for ordinal data
rank sum test
used to compare control to experimental group to
determine if statistically significant

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