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Calculating Geometry and Drainage Density

Drainage density is calculated as total channel length/ basin area. In order to calculate drainage
density for a basin or sub-basin, you must first ensure that you have the lengths of all channels
within its boundaries (rivers, streams, etc) as well as the area for the entire basin. It is very
important to note that before any calculations are made, the data must be projected and units
must be set. If this is not the case then calculations will yield incorrect results.
Step 1 Adding Fields
In the event that the data you are using does not already contain length or area attribute data,
you are able to easily calculate these figures using ArcI!. In Arc"ap, right-clic# on the layer
name and select Open Attribute Table. $lic# the Options button at the bottom-right corner of the
table window and choose Add Field.
%ame your field &'%() and choose *ouble as the Type. $lic# +,.
Data and Image Laboratory Maps, Data and Government Information Centre Trent University November 2008 1
Step 2 Calculating Geometry
-hen performing field calculations, it is important that you ensure you are editing the data within
an editing session. (o do this you must first have access to the Editor toolbar. If this toolbar is not
present on your screen then clic# View > Toolbars and chec# the bo. ne.t to Editor. (he toolbar
will appear on your screen.
(o begin an editing session, clic# the dropdown arrow and select Start Editing. (hen, open the
attribute table and right-clic# on your new &'%() field. !elect Calculate Geometry from the
In the dropdown bo. beside Property select !engt". $hoose to use either the coordinate system
of the data source or the data frame. In this case the data has been projected to $anada Albers
'/ual Area $onic, and the units are set as metres. $lic# +,. (he length of each line segment is
calculated and entered in to the attribute table. $lic# the Editor dropdown arrow and select Stop
Editing. $lic# #es when prompted to save.
Data and Image Laboratory Maps, Data and Government Information Centre Trent University November 2008 2
(hese same steps can be followed to calculate the total area of the basin0 add a field to the basin
attribute table called A1'A (once again selecting a double data type), start an editing session and
choose to calculate Area rather than &ength.
!ince you will be calculating drainage density, you will li#ely want to add a field for the final
results of your calculation as well0 follow the steps for Adding fields to add a *'%!I(2 field with
a double data type to your basin attribute table.
Step 3 Using the Field Calculator
-hen you wish to calculate a variable that is not included as an option under the Calculate
Geometry dialog, you will use the field calculator. In this case, we #now that drainage density is
e/ual to the total length of all channels within the basin divided by the total area of the basin0
Drainage Density = total length channels (m) = m
basin area (m
3y loo#ing at this e/uation, you can see that you are re/uired to sum the lengths of the channels
that you calculated earlier. It is not necessary to do so manually0 instead, open the attribute table
that is associated with your channels, right-clic# on the &'%() field and select Statistics. (he
resulting dialog provides general statistics for the &'%() field, including the sum of its values.
"a#e note of the total sum as it will be used in the ne.t step.
!tart an editing session and open the basin attribute table. 1ight-clic# on the *'%!I(2 field and
select Field Calculator.
Data and Image Laboratory Maps, Data and Government Information Centre Trent University November 2008
In the dialog, enter the total channel length. $lic# the division sign and then double-clic# the
A1'A field in the list so that it is entered into the e.pression bo.. (he e.pression should loo#
something li#e the one below4
$lic# +,. (he drainage density will be calculated and entered in the basin attribute table. $lic#
Editor > Stop Editing and #es when prompted to save.
Data and Image Laboratory Maps, Data and Government Information Centre Trent University November 2008 !

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