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"A Beautiful Mind" lays out the story of mathematical genius John Forbes Nash Jr.

as he
enters Princeton, a bright student with a limitless future ahead of him. Obsessed with finding a
way to ro!e he truly matters, he cometes with the other students in Princeton"s brutally
cometiti!e math deartment, all of whom are searching for one truly original idea. #t is also
about a schi$ohrenic mathematician, who sends all of his days trying to find a re!olutionary
formula that will change life. %he irony, is that life doesn&t wor' out if we try to sol!e it li'e an
e(uation. #t is only when we let go and let life haen to us, that we will find our true hainess.
%he Beautiful Mind is an e)aggerated tale of this law and truly beautiful mo!ie , and how terrible
life can get if you try to sol!e its none)istent formula, and it should not be missed by anyone of
roer age to areciate its beauty.
John Nash is an aw'ward and frea' man, not good in social situations, but an ama$ingly
talented mathematician. #t could be named *unsocial+. In fact, that he spends most of his time
trying to find a revolutionary discovery in mathematics. %he twist of the mo!ie, which
haens about halfway through, is that Nash is suffering from a se!ere form of schi$ohrenia,
and half of the situations that e)ist in his life, are only art of his *beautiful+ mind. One
imaginary character that he creates is his roommate, ,harles. Nash gets along !ery well with
,harles, which ma'es the audience susicious from the start, seeing that John Nash doesn&t
really get along well with anyone else. %he other character that Nash creates is named Parcher,
who is wor'ing to sol!e a consiracy case of an atomic bomb threat towards the -... /hen the
consiracy situation goes wrong in Nash&s head, that is when he is in need of mental hel. 0e is
ta'en into a sychiatric hosital, and recei!es intense treatment. -on returning home, the
!isions are suressed, but so is e!ery asect of John Nash&s beautiful mind. 0e stos ta'ing the
medication, and loses another battle with his schi$ohrenia. #nstead of going bac' to the hosital,
he tries to battle the hallucinations on his own. %his is the turning oint of the mo!ie, where
Nash learns how to really live his life.
Nash learns that life is more than ma'ing a disco!ery, or sol!ing an e(uation. %here is lo!e
and emotion in!ol!ed. A wife, ta'ing care of your baby, and the e!eryday 1oys of life. #nstead of
focusing his time on himself, John decides to go bac' to teaching classes, and shares his ama$ing
'nowledge with his students. All this, while ignoring the characters that too' o!er his mind. %hat
is one of the most true and insirational (uotes he has ever heard. Dreams will gradually
disappear, if we do not focus on them, and take constant action towards them. Nightmares
will continue, as long as we feed them our attention. John Nash wins a Nobel Peace Pri$e at the
end of the mo!ie, for his contributions to society. A Beautiful Mind is a mo!ie about the
imortance of en1oying e!ery day of life, and not getting caught u in ridiculous theories or
fantasies for a future that may ne!er be. #f we don&t focus on the resent moment, it may be the
biggest regret in our life. 2mbrace life each day, don&t embrace a fantasy world.

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