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STRUCTURE (25 points)

A. TENSES (15 points)
1. has been made
2. He has been given
3. becomes
4. married
5. did not take
6. was created
7. was
8. was generally spoken
. is
1!. has heard
11. may have been
12. had
13. reached
14. known
15. was
1. "illiam and #arry $ollege% which was &o'nded in 163% is the second oldest 'niversity inthe (nited )tates. *1 point+
2. He met with two advisors% both o& whom he had known &or years. *1 point+
3. ,ven tho'gh -ichard pre&ers to eat with a &ork% he chooses to 'se chopsticks in $hinese resta'rants. however% they aren/t easy to 'se. *2 points+
4. 0ltho'gh 1 like to go camping% 1 haven/t had the time to go lately% and 1 haven/t &o'nd anyone to go with. *2 points+
5. "e decided that the movie was too violent% b't o'r children% who like to watch scary movies% tho'ght that we were wrong. *2 points+
6. 0&ter 1 &inish two papers &or 2'siness 3olicy and a pro4ect &or 5iterat're o& 6at're% 1 have one co'rse le&t to take and then hope to grad'ate in 0pril. *2 point+ *any
similar answer is acceptable+
READING (5 points)
!"#t A
!"ss"$% 1 (11 points)
1. 0bo't what l'ng cancer is in general. )peci&ically% tobacco smoking as the main ca'se o& l'ng cancer. *or other possible answers+ 2 points
2. 7ends to worsen 8 can ca'se death 8 dangero's*hal& point+ 2 points
3. 7he beginning 8 the starting point 2 points
4. 7he illness itsel& 8 the symptoms o& the illness 1 point
5. 7here are more male teenagers in&ected compared to &emale teenagers with 391 ratio. 7his is beca'se smoking has been more pop'lar among male teenagers
than &emale teenagers. 2 points
6. 7obacco smoking is &"# 'o#% dangero's than inhaling radon particles 8 inhaling radon particles is not as dangero's as tobaco smoking *or other possible
anwers+ 2 points
!"ss"$% 2 (( points)
1. 2eing energy conscio's as a way to red'ce the 'se o& energy *2 points+
2. Heat:prod'cing halogen lamps *1 point+
3. air dry or hang the clothes *1 point+
4. ,veryone can red'ce the 'se o& energy by changing the way they do things daily and care&'lly choosing what they b'y. *2 points+
!"ss"$% () points)
!"#"$#"p* 1 9 ;nline degrees has made it possible &or people with problems attending classes in camp's setting to achieve higher ed'cation and the &act that it is not
that di&&erent &rom the camp's:based st'dying *or other possible answers+ 2 points
!"#"$#"p* 2 9 <espite the &act that online degree is done thro'gh the internet% yet it enables the st'dents to improve their skills *or other possible answers+ 2 points
!"#"$#"p* 9 7here are several programs provided in online degree% incl'ding several online acco'nting degrees and online master degree *or other possible answers+
2 points
2. ;nline ,d'cation *or other possible answers+ (2 points)
B. Co'p+%t% t*% p"ss"$%...(10 points)
1. 3oll'tion 6. 3rod'ced
2. ,nvironmental 7. =reatly
3. -eported 8. 3oll'tants
4. <estroyed . $ontib'te
5. #arine 1!. 3roblem
I,. LISTENING (15 points)
!"#t I () points)
1. 3arach'ting
2. >p't themselves in danger?
3. )ensation seeking
4. )omeone who always looking &or new sensations
5. Hard -ock m'sic
6. @rightening horror movies
7. )tarting a new b'siness
8. 2eing an emergency room doctor.
!"#t II (- points)
1. 1!5
2. 2inet was hired by the government to create a test to identi&y st'dents who were below average academically.
3. =ood memory skills% reasoning skills% and verbal comprehension skills. ( points)
4. 1ntelligence increases with age9 that the older one got% the smarter one got.
5. 0 pro&essor at )tan&ord (niversity.

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