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Week 3

Aim: to explain and understand He maketh me to lie down in green pastures

- Thought: To understand the 4 requirements for sheep to lie down
- Am !"ing down in #ontentment or am wanting more$
I. The 4 Requirements for sheep to lie down
%& 'ree from all fear
(& 'ree from fri#tions from there own kind
3& 'ree from pests
4& 'ree from Hunger
II. The sheep must feel Free from all fears before he lays down
)& What are some fears of *hristians$
a+ ,f someone talking a-out "ou . He-&%3:)-/
-+ 0ot ha1ing an" food . 2att%3:3%
#+ 4eing poor . !uke %(:3%-3(5 34
d+ 6eath . 2att %3:(7
e+ 4ond to sin5 not a-le to stop sinning . 8om& 7:%(-%7
f+ 9our -oss
g+ 9our famil" -
h+ 'riends
i+ 0ot knowing where to go -
:+ 0ot knowing what ;od wants
k+ Afraid of asking ;od what he wants
l+ Afraid of what ;od might sa" . trust in the !ord< =ro&3:)->
m+ =ra" alwa"s. !uke %7:%-7
n+ Afraid of the unknown . He-& %%:> 0oah
o+ There is no fear in !o1e . %?n 4:%7
/& The shepherd wat#hes o1er H@ sheep to keep them safe
>& @heep will run at the littlest of things that s#are them
a+ @tor" of ra--it
-+ 'ear of the unknown what ifA
#+ And 6og
7& @heep will relax at the site of the shepherd in the field
B& The shepherd wat#hes the sheep da" and night . keep awa" the wol1es and thie1es
=s& 4:7 He makes me to lie down in pea#e
%3& 9ou #an fa#e the unknown5 the unexpe#ted with the !ord there . ( Tim& %:> 0o
fear -ut lo1eA
III. The sheep must feel Free From friction from there own kind before he lays down
Causes of Tension
%%& Tension5 ri1alr"5 and #ruel -eha1ior with in the flo#k itself . is a sour#e of unrest
and un-#ontentment
%(& The -utting orderCpe#king orderCeating order
a+ @i-lings5 :ealous"5 =ride5 holding some one a-o1e another person
-+ We #annot keep up withA fitting to sta" on top
#+ ;ossip
d+ Anger
e+ 4itterness
?ohn %/:33 o1er#ome the world
f+ 4eing stu--orn5 stiff ni#k
g+ Hatred . %?n& (:B5 3:%3-%/D Eph&4:3%
h+ What will happen - EFel& 34:%)-%/5 (3-(( ;od will ?udge -etween the sheep
and the ;oat& And then #hoosing to lo1e instead of hate is a #hoi#e& t is
not -ased upon what we feel like doing& ts doing right -e#ause ;od the
;ood shepherd sa"s its right&
What stops tension-
%3& Geep "our e"es on the shepherd . Tensions will stop
%4& ;odHs people l"ing down in quiet #ontentment
a+ ;entleness
-+ % Tim& /:/5 =hil& 4:%% we must keep our e"es on the shepherd and not on those
around us
#+ The #ontented sheep
d+ Are the hum-le5 not proud5 not wanting -etter than what the ;ood shepherd
wants for me5 not looking to get ahead
e+ s more then :ust happ" he is satisfied and not looking an" more& 8emem-er the
!ord is 29 shepherd5 @HA!! 0ot WantA
%)& When our e"es are on the shepherd
a+ We loose site of our own foolishness
-+ We loose site of our own selfish pride
#+ 8i1alr" will end
%/& Where are "ou tr"ing to get$
a+ 2att& %B:(B-33 the first shall -e last
b) When my eyes are on the shepherd the master they are not on those
around me. This is a place of peace!
%>& Those who donHt keep "our e"e on the shepherd ?esus :udges&
I. The sheep must feel Free from pests and bu!s before he lays down
%7& 4eing -ugged
a+ !ike opinions and peopleHs attitudes
-+ There is a medi#ine
%B& The Hol" @pirit . He s known as the #omforter& !ike oil on the sheepHs nose to
keep the -ugs awa"& @o to the Hol" @pirit will keep -ad attitudes awa" from -ugging
"ou if "ou allow him to&
(3& =ra"er . is talking to the shepherd for help from these -ugs&
(%& ;i1ing it to the !ord . %=t& ):> he #ares for "ou
. The sheep must feel Free from "un!er before he lays down
((& t takes work to get the sheep to the right pla#e
(3& The shepherd prepares the field
(4& He knows what is good and what the sheep needs
()& ?esus knows what "ou need
The shepherd laid down his life for his sheep- ?ohn %3:%)-%>
He makes me lie down in green pasturesA wh" -e#ause he is 29 shepherdA donHt want an"
thing else& am #ontentA keep m" e"es on The shepherd5 not other sheep or there attitudes&
'ollow m" shepherd and he leads me to his -estA He does not gi1e me what wantA he gi1es
me what needA its -etter then what wantedA
A8E 9,I =8E=A8E6 T, !E 6,W0 0 ;8EE0 =A@TI8E@$

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