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Consider the Promises (Commitments) that each Christian

makes when he or she comes before the church to be baptized:

Every pastor who is faithful to do baptism like it is done
in the Bible will follow a similar example in wording.
Here is what the pastor said when you were

Upon your P______________ of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and in O________
to is C___________, ! baptize you in the name of "ather and of the #on and of
the o$y %host& 'uried in the $ikeness of is death& (aised in the $ikeness of is
to wa$k in )_________ of $ife with im
"__________ more*
+nd a$$ of %od,s peop$e say*Amen-
Here is what this means
1) .ou promised (profess) that you are a rea$ Christian& /he church cannot see
your heart but we are 2) commanded to baptize you if you be$ie0e in Jesus
Christ with a$$ of your heart $ike the 1thiopian eunuch did& )ow when you 2et
baptized you are picturin2 Jesus death, buria$ and resurrection& 3hen e died,
e died for your sins& .ou are then 3) commanded to wa$k in a NEW LIFE
with im& !f you do not do this and 4) continue to do this for the rest of your $ife
you wi$$ $ose your membership in Jesus, church& /hat means you 4U#/ be a
rea$ Christian who is pub$ic$y 2$ad and faithfu$ to obey the 'ib$e and witness to
others about how they can 2o to hea0en and escape he$$& 5Jn 6:789 +cts 8::;8<
;79 Co$& 8:86<;79 ; Cor& =:8>9 8 /im& ::8=,8?9 8 John ;:8@,;:,;=A
Read Romans 6:1-89 3rite out 0s& :
/herefore we are '___________ with him by '___________ into death:
that $ike as Christ was (_________ up from the dead by the 2$ory of the "ather,
e0en so 3__ a$so shou$d wa$k in )__________ of $ife&- +re you doin2 thisB
My friend if you do not Cua$ify to be a church member, we in0ite you to
come ta$k to a church member 5or pastorA and a$$ow us to show you how you can
be for2i0en of a$$ of your sins by acceptin2 %od,s 2ift of eterna$ $ife& .ou must
Rea!ize that there is a %od and e has made some ru$es& (ea$ize that you ha0e
broken these ru$es and you are 2oin2 to ha0e to pay for your rebe$$ion in e$$&
'ut if you wi$$ Repent and te$$ %od that you are sorry e wi$$ for2i0e you& 'ut
you cannot $ie& %od sees your heart and knows if you tru$y want to stop breakin2
is ru$es or not& /hat is what repentance means& .ou want to stop doin2 what
%od says is wron2 and you want to start doin2 on$y ri2ht& 3hen you ta$k to %od
e $ooks inside your heart to see if you mean what you say or not& /hen you
must Re"e#t tryin2 to pay %od to for2i0e you& .ou cannot do that& +nd you
cannot pay %od back after e for2i0es you& !t is a "ree %ift& Jesus died so that
you do not ha0e to die and 2o to e$$& e paid for your for2i0eness& +$$ that is
$eft now is for you to Re#ei$e %od,s 2ift& P$ease accept it today& /hen you wi$$
be for2i0en and %od wi$$ brin2 you to is ome in ea0en& e promised& Jesus
said, D!n my "atherEs house are many mansions* ! 2o to prepare a p$ace for
you* ! wi$$ come a2ain, and recei0e you unto myse$f9 that where ! am, there ye
may be a$so&D 5John 8::;<7A 3e want you to be there with us*3i$$ you comeB
%riend we in0ite you to come to Jesus and accept is free 2ift of for2i0eness
from your sins& /hen come and Foin a b$essed 2roup of Christians that are sharin2
%od,s $o0e G the Pa!au &aptist Chur#h we can ser0e the Lord to2etherH 58!"5#$
'ey (e)t : +cts 6: ;?<:I9 (om& ?:8<6
'ey (hou*ht : .ou are a Church 4emberB
3hat is the bi2 dea$B 3hat is so important
about bein2 a Church 4emberB + carefu$ $ook at the 'ib$e wi$$ show you that it
is a J1(. !4PO(/+)/ thin2 to be a member of the 'aptist Church&
8& Membership Requirements K 3hat it takes to be a member
;& Membership Responsibilities K !t is a $ifetime commitment
7& Membership Reards K +d0anta2es 0s& Lisad0anta2es
:& Membership Reparation K /he Process of (epairin2 your 4embership
=& Membership Re!ected K 4embership )O/ Permitted
?& Membership Relinquished K /he Lost 4embership
>& Membership Reunions K (eunitin2 those who $ose their membership
Con#!usion G +re .ou + 4emberB Lo you want to be a memberB /oday there
is an open in0itation if you Cua$ify* 4att& ;;
(he Re-uirements of Membership Pri$i!e*es (he Re-uirements of Membership Pri$i!e*es
8& Membership Requirements K 3hat it takes to be a member
a& On$y Christians +dmitted to membership G /hese are*
i& Peop$e who ha0e Rea!ized that they broke %od,s $aws,
ii& Peop$e who ha0e Repented of their sins to %od,
iii& Peop$e who ha0e Re"e#ted a$$ forms of works as payment,
i0& Peop$e who ha0e Re#ei$ed %od,s "(11 %ift&
b& On$y Christians who wi$$ pub!i#!y #onfess that Jesus is the on$y way to
hea0en are considered for membership& (om& 8I:88
c& On$y Christians who wi$$ *!ad!y submit to obeyin2 Jesus, .ord are
considered for membership G +cts ;::89 /his attitude of obedience
does not stop after 'aptism G 4att& ;6:;I, +$$ members are tau2ht to
obser0e (obey) a$$ thin2s Jesus commanded in the 'ib$e&
d& On$y Christians who wi$$ pub$ic$y, 2$ad$y submit to faithfu!!y
#ontinue in the 3ord wi$$ remain members after their baptism& Jn
6:789 +cts 8::;8<;79 Co$& 8:86<;79 (omans ?:8<?9 8 /im& 8=,8?
Notice Notice the requirements for Bible Baptism the requirements for Bible Baptism: :
4 Things Must be RIGHT for the Baptism to be the same as Bible Baptism!
1. Only the Right Person can be baptized Christians ONLY!
2. Only the Right Picture only emersion pictures the Death, urial and !esurrection!
". Only the Right Purpose #t is a $estimony o% obedience & %or church membership!
'. Only the Right Preacher $he only one (ith authority %rom )esus* church aptist!
/oti#e the Pro*ression of the Christian 0ife in the 0ife of Phi!ip !
Chur#h 0ife - %&ts #'(!("
/he church,s membership 2rew 0ery bi2& /he needs a$so 2rew& Out of
their membership ____ men, of ________ report, fu$$ of the _____ %______
and 3_________ were appointed to he$p with the these needs& Js& 7
Phi$ip was one of the Christian men chosen& e was a member of the
first 'aptist Church there in Jerusa$em& e pub$ic$y confessed Jesus G that is
why he was chosen& is /estimony was a 2ood testimony& e was 2$ad to
submit to %od,s 3ord and ser0e& e faithfu$$y continued in the work and 3ord
of %od by sharin2 the story of Jesus, Leath and (esurrection (the )ospel story)
to e0eryone who was not yet a Christian be$ie0er& is $ife showed that he was
fu$$ of the o$y %host because he $istened and obeyed %od,s directions for his
$ife& /his pro0es he was a wise man& /he times were not easy& Peop$e were
ki$$in2 Christians& 'ut that did not stop them from bein2 faithfu$H +cts >:=@<6::
+ne Member1s 2)amp!e 3 %&ts 8'5!($* +hilip,s life
'ecause of the persecution of the church, men and women went to
P__________ 0s& 7 Peop$e started mo0in2 away to different p$aces so that they
cou$d sti$$ ser0e %od& +s they mo0ed they stayed faithfu$ to their commitments
both to %od and to is church& /hey P________ the 3_____ 1_________ 0s& :
3here did Phi$ip 2oB #_____________ 3hat did he do thereB ______________
C________ to _________0s& = %od used Phi$ip to preach the %ospe$ and Phi$ip
was not ashamed to do it e0en in bad times& +s a resu$t Phi$ip brou2ht 2reat J___
to the city& Js& 6 4any peop$e had their $i0es chan2ed because of one Christian
man,s obedience& /he sick and diseased, demon possessed and witches a$$ found
hope in the Jesus that Phi$ip preached& Js& ><8: +fter Phi$ip preached, what did
the men and women doB /hey '________ and then they were '________ 0s& 8;
Members %aithfu! Continue 3 %&ts 8'"5!
)ot on$y city peop$e need to hear the story of Jesus so do J_________
peop$e and L____________ peop$e 0s& ;=, ;? 3hat nationa$ity was Phi$ipB ___
________________ -int 5+cts ?:8A& 3hat nationa$ity of person did the Lord te$$
Phi$ip to 2o ta$k toB __________________ 5+cts 6:;>A what co$or are most
1thiopiansB _____________ 3hat rank 5tit$eA did this man ha0eB ___________
3as he rich or poorB __________________ 3as he a $oca$ man or a 0isitorB __
____________________ Lid he ask for he$p or was he worshippin2 his own
wayB __________________________ 0s& ;>
Notice ho quic"l# the church member obe#ed $ %s& 2'( 3)
3hen it was time to ta$k to someone about the 3ord of %od how fast did Phi$ip
2oB __________________________ 3hat did Phi$ip askB Lo you U_________
what you are readin2B Js& 7I !f you are 2oin2 to eMp$ain somethin2 to someone
it is pretty important to understand it yourse$fH 3hat did the treasurer want
Phi$ip to doB __________________________________________ 0s& 78
*he +ld *estament ,erses bein- studied as Isa& .3
/his is the story of a $amb bein2 taken to the p$ace where it wou$d
be ki$$ed& /he $amb went Cuiet$y and was
ki$$ed& /he $amb is was picture of Jesus and
$ike in this eMamp$e of the $amb, Jesus
ne0er opened is mouth to comp$ain or to
stop his death& Jesus is the Jud2e of the who$e
wor$d but for this one e0ent in history e became the 2ui$ty
person& e $aid down is $ife and e died& /he eunuch did
not understand whom the prophet was ta$kin2 about so Phi$ip
be2an to preach about J________& ere is when a Christian 2ets
the Foy of introducin2 Jesus to a friend& /he eunuch 2ot
#+J1LH +nd you can te$$ that it was rea$ because as soon as they passed by a
poo$ of water this new Christian wanted to be baptized& e had seen or at the
$east heard about the testimonies of Christians in Jerusa$em 2ettin2 baptized by
the hundreds& #o he asked what was keepin2 him from 2ettin2 baptized& Phi$ip
continued to faithfu$$y teach what the Jesus, +post$es tau2ht him&
%irst a pub!i# #onfession of their 4a!$ation is re-uired
5+cts 6:7?<7>A D+nd as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water:
and the eunuch said, #ee, here is water9 what doth hinder me to be baptizedB
+nd Phi$ip said, I/ thou belie%est with a$$ thine heart, thou mayest& +nd he
answered and said, I belie%e that Jesus Christ is the #on of %od&D
3rite down what the eunuch be$ie0ed <
o 3ho did he be$ie0e inB J_____________ (name of a real person)&
o 3ho did he think Jesus wasB /he C________ (title of the .avior of )od).
o 3ho did he think this Christ wasB /he #_____ of %______&
o 3as this 2ood enou2h for Phi$ip to baptize himB _________& Js& 76
Lid you be$ie0e a$$ of this before you 2ot baptizedB ________________&
+re you 8IIN sure that you wi$$ 2o to hea0enB _________& ow do you knowB

4e#ond e was ready to stop the chariot immediate$y and 2et baptized& /his
shows that he *!ad!y re#ei$ed 5od1s .ord without bein2 forced into be$ie0e it&
Lid you 2et baptized because someone forced you to do itB __________&
Lid you 2et baptized because you fe$t peer pressureB _______________&
0ast!y are you faithfu!!y #ontinuin* to obey is 3ordB ________ +re you
2$adB ______ +re you pub$icB ______ (hin6 about what you promised

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