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20 June

No. 17

Quad Kids
On Saturday 14th June, 17 children from
Years 3-6 braved the variable weather to
take part in the annual Quad-Kids athletcs
event at Park House School.
Over 500 children from many local school
competed in four disciplines; sprint, long
distance run, standing long jump and vor-
tex (small javelin) throw. The children col-
lected points based on their performance
towards their own and their team totals.
At the end of fve gruelling hours during
which our team behaved impeccably we
were delighted to fnish 14th in the Year
5/6 team event, 9th in the year 3/4 event
and to have very impressive individual
results including from two of our youngest
compettors as Kian Hockaday fnished 6th
overall in the year 3/4 age group and
Aimee Dickson fnished 14th.
Partcular thanks also to Annelise Gale for
agreeing to compete above her age group
to ensure that the Year 5/6 girls had a full
I was very proud of all of the endeavours
on the day and look forward to watching
our children compete again next year.
Our team: Emma Morgan, Aimee Dickson,
Amelia Parker, Abigail Horton, Grace Da-
vies, Ethan Silcox, Kian Hockaday, James
Wallace, Harry Phillips, Annelise Gale, Ru-
by Johnson, Ella Willis, Tia Sleighter, Rhys
Green, Owen Clife, Scot Wallace and
Euan White
Events this Term are
detailed overleaf

News on Athletcs Relays
which took place on Thursday
19th will appear in the next
Francis Baily News

Out of Hours Clubs
It is now tme to register for the Out Of Hours
Clubs for the next academic year. Forms have
been included with the July invoices and are
also available on the school website or from
the school ofce. Please ensure you submit
your form by Friday 4 July.
Positve Behaviour

We are stll highlightng
the following

Being a great sport,
losing and winning
with equal good grace

On Wednesday two teams from Years 5
and 6 competed in the West Berks Kwik-
Cricket competton held at Falkland Crick-
et Ground. Afer inital group stages both
teams made the semi-fnals before bow-
ing out of the tournament.
Congratulatons to all involved, there were
some great wickets taken, sixes hit and
catches held.
Our team; Robbie Bovington, Owen Clife,
Adam Godwin, Abdullah Khurram, Ben
Wilcox, Thomas Dodds, Isaac Maynard-
Hancock, Ilan Goren, Rhys Green, James
Sherley, Ben Booth, Connor Ford, Euan
White, Ethan Wilding, Lewis Owen and
Mia Smith.

Id just like to clarify that I am very
happy for parents to park in the
school car-parks after 3.45pm and
particularly for evening events.
This helps to limit parking in Skill-
man Drive.
During school time up to 3.45pm I
would be grateful if you could limit
dropping off and picking up to
around the roundabout.
We have a number of staff who
join us at the end of the school day
to run after school clubs who need
to park in the grounds.
William WoodYear 5

Daisy MorganYear 3

Design Competton
We are very grateful for the many excellent design we had for
the Dubai Internatonal Arabian Horse Design Competton. Afer
careful consideraton 2 winners and a runner up were chosen.
However, as there were elements of many designs which im-
pressed the judges the fnal design for our horse will include ele-
ments of several diferent designs and not just those awarded
the overall prizes.
Congratulatons to our winners William Wood from Mr Davies
class and Daisy Morgan from Mrs Ardagh-Walter and Mrs Mor-
leys class. The runner-up prize went to Taylor Titchener from
Miss Fishers class.
Sainsbury Actve Kids Vouchers
Please send in remaining vouchers you stll
have at home. We will be placing our or-
der soon and this scheme allow us to ob-
tain items the school budget does not run

Sat 21 PTA Car Boot sale
Wed 25 Yr 6 Swimming starts
Governors meeting 7.00
Fri 27 Sports Day & Family Picnic



Year 6 to Douai Abbey
Year 5 to Kennet Trail
New Parents Info Evening 6.00pm
Thur 3 Foundation Sports morning
Fri 4 PTA Non uniform day
Tues 8 Foundation trip to Marwell Zoo
Kennet DT & MFL day for Year 5
Wed 9 Parents Info Evening maths 7.00pm
Thurs 10 Year 1 trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park
Reserve Foundation Sports morning
Saturday 12 PTA Summer Fayre
Mon 14 Reports Out
7.00 Year 6 Play to Parents
Tues 15 Yr 6 to Chessington
Wed 16 Governors meeting 7.00pm
7.00 Year 6 Play to Parents
Thurs 17 Year 6 Transition to Kennet
School Transition Day
Fri 18 Year 6 Transition to Kennet
Tues 22 Year 6 Leavers Party 7.00 -9.00pm
Wed 23 School finishes 2.00pm
Bill Mac Cup
Afer a very successful season our Year 5/6
School Football Team ended their season as
runners-up in the Bill Mac Cup. It was quite a
feat to make the fnal again afer winning the
competton last year. We came up against
Falkland Primary, the team we played last
year but this tme the result was reversed .
Our team for the fnal: Adam Melville, Thomas
Dodds, Rhys Green, Thomas Smith, Scot Wal-
lace, Thomas Jackson, David Rudkin, Luke
Thompson, Thomas Walter, Ryan Holmes,
Robbie Povey and Joe Wells

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