DR Kranti Gouripur MS ENT

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Kranti Gouripur
Flat no. 301,Classic Homes Appartment,
Maratha Colony, Tilakwadi
Belgam ! "#000$
Mobile &o: +91 8939414929
Email: drkrantianand@gmail.om
"er#onal Detail# '(B ) 0*!0"!1#+*
,ender ) Female
Martial stats !! Married
"ermanent $ddre## ! Flat no. 301,Classic Homes Appartment,
Maratha Colony, Tilakwadi
Belgam ! "#000$
%peialt& 'tor(inolar&ngolog&
Eduation M.%.) 'tor(inolar&ngolog&*
.inayaka Mission/s Medical College, %araikal. 010112

Al!Ameen Medical College, Bi3apr.0100#2

M+$ 0Hospital 4 Health Care Management2
05harmacetical Management2
,$- 0Fellowship in Applied &trition2 Hydera6ad.
+.M/ Basic Corse in Medicine and 7aw , Mm6ai.
D"M 0'iploma 5harmacetical Marketing2 7cknow
0egi#tration 8egistered with %arnataka Medical Concil ! &o. +3$10
dated 01!0*!100#
Te3as9ini ,oripr, 5. B. 'esai, A:ita .ani, Kranti Gouripur, .i3ayeta 5atil.
Comparison o; lipid pero:idation prodct and en<ymatic antio:idants in newly
diagnosed plmonary t6erclosis patients with and withot hman de;iciency 9irs
in;ection. =nt > 5harm Bio ?ci 1011 >ly@ 3032A 3#1 ) 3#B
>anagond AB, Gouripur K, 'illirani ., Thenmo<hi9alli 58. ?6ctaneos
6asidio6olomycosis, an nsal case. =nternational > Biological Medical 8esearch

1(e#i# Cndoscopic and CT gided sinonasal anatomical 9ariations ) a

7angages known ! Cnglish, %annada, Hindi, Tamil 0spoken2 4 Marathi 0spoken2.
1. ,ood 9er6al and written commnication skills.
1. ,ood pro6lem sol9ing skills, good interpersonal skills.
3. Committed, reslt oriented, hard working and <eal to learn new technologies.
*. ,ood %nowledge a6ot 6asic compter applications and operating compters.
Conferences and CME attended
1. Workshop on implantable hearing solutions Arupadai veedu Medical College,
Pondicherry. From !"#
$ovember %1%
. &hyrosurg Workshop 'inayaka Mission(s )irupananda 'ariyar Medical college *
hospital, +alem " ,rom -"1%
+eptember %11
.. A/0 south 1one * )arnataka state con,erence, Mysore. From "2
2. 3$&" CM3 %1% 'inayaka Mission(s medical college, )araikal. /n #
0 hereby declare that the in,ormation ,urnished above is true to best o, my kno4ledge.

5ate6 %!"1"%1. 5r )ranti 7ouripur

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