June 2014 E-Newsletter

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ColumbusIn response to disastrous flooding
in eastern Cuyahoga and western Lake
Counties last year, Senator Turner has intro-
duced legislation to establish the Individual
Disaster Relief Fund. This fund, created by
Senate Bill 341, would provide monies to
eligible homeowners and small businesses
who suffer uninsured losses as a result of a
natural disaster or other catastrophe.

This past summer, several communities
suffered widespread flooding as a result of
heavy rainsas much as six inches fell in under
four hours. Although thousands of families and
businesses in the region suffered flooded
basements and cleanup costs associated with
the removal of tons of debris, no federal or
state disaster was declared, leaving these
Ohioans without the help they so desperately
needed to overcome the floods and move on.

This would allow those
affected by a catastrophe
to apply for aid to cover
uninsured losses.

This legislation would allow home and business
owners affected by a catastrophe in an area
designated to be a disaster area by a local
government or the state to apply for aid to
cover uninsured losses. Award amounts would
be limited to $10,000 or the actual cost of
repairs and cleanup, whichever is less.

State Representative John Rogers (D-Mentor)
has introduced an identical bill in the House,
and both are awaiting their first hearings.
President Obama has declared June to be Pride
Month, and the celebration is taking place
throughout Ohio. Be sure to mark your
calendar for the 26th annual Cleveland Pride
Parade on Saturday, June 28th. For more about
LGBT history in Cleveland, visit the Western
Reserve Historical Society's LGBT Archives.
They are expecting to have an LGBT exhibit
up in mid-July.

The month of June was chosen for LGBT Pride
Month to commemorate the Stonewall riots,
which occurred at the end of June 1969 in
New York City. As a result, many pride events
are held during this month to recognize the
impact LGBT people have had in the world and
their struggle to gain civil rights in the U.S.
ColumbusThe Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill
207, which would give a survivor of rape or
sexual assault the right to seek termination of
the attackers parental rightsincluding
custody, parenting time, and consent to
adoption over a minor child conceived as a
result of the sexual offense.

I am pleased to see bipartisan support for this
crucial piece of legislation, said Senator

As a joint sponsor of the bill, Senator Turner
has been following the progress of this legisla-
tion for over a year.

We must ensure that the power of rapists
ends with the assault by providing survivors of
rape and their children protection under the
law. Senate Bill 207 does just that.

Ohio is one of 31 states in the country that
does not provide protection for rape survivors
from being sued by their attacker for parental
Senate Bill 207
Passes Senate
June is Pride
The Earned Income Tax Credit increase from
5 percent to 10 percent of the federal credit

No restoration of funds cut to Local
Government Fund or Public Library Fund

Language declaring that college athletes are
not considered public employees
State Budget Bills
Pass Legislature
Disaster Relief Bill
Would Assist
More about Stonewall
ColumbusOn the General Assemblys final
day of session before summer recess, nearly all
Ohio Senate Democrats voted against House
Bill 483, the main finance and appropriations
bill of the Mid-Biennium Review (MBR).

The MBR process allows the legislature to
re-examine state agencies and programs and
propose new ideas and initiatives. The
legislation contains more tax cuts that
disproportionately benefit the wealthy while
shortchanging Ohios schools and local
communities. Majority Republicans also reject-
ed a Democratic amendment that would have
given homeowners tax relief by reinstating the
12.5% property tax rollback and the Homestead
exemption for all seniors. The main provisions
of HB 483 include:

Senator Turner and other Democratic
lawmakers sent a letter requesting Governor
Kasich to exercise his line-item veto power on a
provision that diminishes campaign reporting
requirements for political spending.

The measure, introduced by GOP leaders, will
reduce transparency and shroud the election
process in secrecy. Current law requires political
advertising to identify the source and location
of the funding, so that Ohioans know who is
financing political communications. If the bill is
signed unchanged, this measure would be in
place for the general election in November.

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