APM Course Outline

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Course Outline

Agile Project
with Bob McGannon
Directions: Use this course outline to take notes while you view the course.
Agile Project Management with Bob McGannon
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1. Rapid _____________ _____________ are the trademark of agile projects.
2. Agile helps you make your project fexible enough to accommodate _____________ from your man-
agement and customers.
3. Agile projects have great potential to deliver _____________ more quickly and effciently.
Chapter 1. Understanding Agile Project Management
01. What is agile project management?
1) Some notable characteristics of agile projects are:
You produce deliverables via _____________ chunks of work
Value is presented to the client via _____________, or small deliveries
Management of scope is _____________ based
2) Traditionally, the waterfall methodology consists of these 5 phases:
_____________, _____________, _____________, _____________ and _____________.
3) The small chunks of work created in sprints beneft the business when needs are _____________. The
agile process also provides _____________ benefts early.
4) Examples of non-IT projects where agile techniques are viable include:
_____________ moves
Company _____________
Changing business _____________
5) Agile could be considered for any project with short _____________ and _____________ times.
6) Agile projects are typically structured with:
_____________- _____________ week sprints
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_____________ committed to agile
Requirements changes _____________ and accommodated
7) Fundamental environment elements that promote the success of agile projects include:
A _____________ for the end game
An understood project _____________
Understood _____________
A _____________ schedule
A _____________team
_____________ communication with stakeholders
02. Overview of the agile lifecycle
1) In the Envision stage, you:
Determine what you will _____________
Determine _____________ members
Establish team _____________ and _____________
2) Deliverables produced during the Envision stage typically include the:
Project _____________
Defned _____________ list
Set of _____________ tools you will use
Team _____________
3) In the Speculate stage, you produce:
A _____________-based delivery plan
Feature _____________
Your _____________ to manage
4) Additional deliverables produced during the Speculate stage typically include:
_____________ for the sprint or project
_____________ to be developed
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_____________ estimates
Risks by _____________
5) In the Explore stage, you typically engage in:
Daily_____________ _____________ meetings
Peer _____________
_____________ interactions
_____________ of deliverables
6) In the Adopt stage, you strive to:
Pause and _____________
Get _____________
_____________ things and move _____________
7) Typical activities during the Adopt stage include:
Final review of _____________
_____________ on performance
Capturing _____________ learned
Adjusting future _____________ plans
8) The Agile Close stage is not unlike traditional projects. Activities include:
Ensuring all _____________ are completed
_____________ lessons learned
03. The Envision Stage
1) The Envision phase provides the _____________for the project.
2) The purpose of the project charter includes defnitions of the:
_____________ for the project
_____________ vision
Target _____________, and _____________
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Project _____________ and their responsibilities
Level of _____________ given to the project manager
04. The Speculate Phase
1) Examples of features include:
Calculate tax for _____________ ordered
Display the name and address of _____________
Display the shipping name and address on the _____________
Enroll a _____________in a course
_____________ course completions
2) With a complete set of features:
Review and _____________
Ask _____________
Add _____________
Discuss _____________ for a future project
3) With agreed features:
_____________ the work effort
Verify estimates are _____________
Develop the Iteration, _____________, and Release Plan
4) The Iteration, Milestone, and Release Plan
List all _____________
When features will be _____________
When features will be _____________
05. The Explore Phase
1) The phase is about
Daily stand-up _____________
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2) The stand-up meeting:
What was _____________ yesterday
What is _____________ for today
Any help needed to _____________ work
Not for _____________ issues
3) The Project Manager at stand-ups
An _____________
Watch for _____________
Remove _____________
Ensure _____________ are decreasing over time
4) The Project Managers control mechanism
Track _____________
Use a feature _____________
Find out why any features are _____________
Make _____________ quickly
5) Dont let time get away
_____________ _____________ is essential
Maintain the _____________schedule
End the _____________ on time
06. The Adapt and Close Phases
1) The Adapt phase:
Review what has been _____________
_____________ to your plan
Discuss what is and what is not _____________
Agree to _____________
Review the _____________ with the customer
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_____________ if working as expected
Validate _____________ benefts
2) Typical adjustments:
Adding or removing _____________
Adjusting _____________
_____________ estimates
_____________ the daily stand-up agenda
Changing _____________ members
Updating the _____________ register
Modifying _____________
Adding _____________ , if essential
3) Close phase activities:
Ensuring _____________ are paid and payments are received
Reconciling _____________
_____________ people to other projects or work activities
Communicating the overall _____________ results
Ensure business benefts are _____________ and achieved
Chapter 2: Envisioning Project Selection and Design
01. Selecting an Agile Project
1) Characteristics of good agile projects
Need a _____________ quickly
_____________ may evolve
Capable _____________ _____________ are available
Independent _____________ making
Can deliver _____________ in pieces
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2) Not a good agile candidate
Been _____________ using other methods
Not ok to _____________ the project
Cannot deliver in _____________
02. Scoping the Project
1) The Product Data Sheet
Executive _____________ of the project
More detailed _____________
Easy to use _____________ tool
2) Typical contents of the Product Data Sheet include:
Product _____________
_____________ objectives
_____________ estimates
3) Common constraints for the typical project include:
_____________ date
_____________ standards
When _____________ can or cannot occur
_____________ of people
Tools or _____________
4) Client review of the PDS should:
Describe _____________ benefts
Confrm _____________
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03. The Sprint Structure
1) Options for grouping features include:
Business _____________
Available _____________
_____________ resources
_____________ of the business
2) Examples for size estimate categories:
Large - ____ hours
Medium - ____ hours
Small - ____ hours
04. Deriving Your Risk Management
1) Agile risks should be:
Assessed against _____________
_____________ by feature
2) Options for lowering overall risk include:
Make the frst _____________ lower risk
Work on more diffcult _____________ in the second sprint
3) When agile practice is needed:
Keep features _____________
Allow _____________ to get used to agile
Build the teams _____________
4) Other approaches to risk include:
Adjust the _____________ of features
Allow a _____________ to develop
Reduce features in _____________ sprints
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Chapter 3: Speculating Guiding the Agile Project
02. Designing Stand-Ups
1) The stand-up meetings characteristics:
Critical _____________ sharing
Typically ___ minutes long
Standing keeps it sharp, _____________ , and active
2) The Project Managers role in stand-ups:
Do not _____________ the meeting
Change the _____________
Assign a _____________
3) During the stand-up meetings
Do not _____________ issues
Limit to _____________ team members
_____________ is key
4) Items to observe during stand-ups:
New _____________
Common issues or _____________ issues
Anyone _____________
5) To end the stand-ups on a positive note:
_____________ wins
Demonstrate _____________
Keep positive _____________
6) On a weekly basis
_____________ others
_____________ how the project is going
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Create _____________
Open for _____________
03. Controlling and Adjusting the Plan
1) Managing scope activities include:
_____________ list
_____________ _____________ current sprint
2) Using velocity involves:
Average _____________ completed
Tracking against _____________ rate
Understanding changes in _____________
Adjusting plans as needed to _____________ velocity
3) The Burn Down Chart provides information including:
_____________ status
Targets when to _____________
Maximize _____________
Chapter 4: Exploring Managing the Building Process
01. Controlling without interfering the build
1) Items to investigate include:
Is the customer not _____________ with the development team?
Has the customer been too busy to spend time with the_____________ _____________?
Are _____________ confused about the iterative approach?
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02. Managing Constructive Collaboration
1) Plan, do, check, adjust
Plan the _____________
_____________ the work
Corrective _____________ if needed
2) When co-location is not feasible:
Provide additional _____________
Enable _____________ _____________ to information
Consider _____________
Meet _____________ to _____________ at least once if possible
Work the frst _____________ together
3) A potential framework for non-unanimous decision making involves:
Encourage _____________ sharing
_____________ to speak up
Listen carefully to _____________
Majority _____________ are feasible
Decision _____________ needs to be understood
Need support from those who _____________
No _____________ power
03. Managing Issues and Risks
1) Activities to consider when dealing with issues:
_____________ the team
Develop _____________ to resolve
Direct an _____________ conversation
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2) Healthy confict involves:
Attack the _____________
Address _____________ directly
Bring _____________ to the table
_____________ with pros and cons presented together
3) When you need to make a decision:
Make it _____________
Provide _____________
Ask for _____________
4) Evidence of a good working environment includes:
_____________ is critical
Make _____________ area available
Provide _____________
Allow _____________
5) Successful issue and risk management characteristics:
About _____________
Providing clear _____________
_____________ to resolve
Chapter 5: Adapting and Closing Fine-Tuning to Deliver
02. Accommodation Business Priority Changes
1) Accommodation principles include:
Business _____________ needs to be honored
Advise business of _____________
Re-estimate when _____________ are lost
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2) The rebuilding of features
Requires _____________
Normal, but needs to be ___________
Review any new ____________
Enable ___________ estimates
04. Closing the Project
1) When starting the Close phase:
Provide an overall _____________
A _____________
Invite additional _____________
2) Close phase begins when
All features are _____________ OR
You are out of _____________ OR
You are out of _____________
3) If you did not complete all features:
Determine _____________ of remaining features
Are other _____________ _____________ desired?
A new project may be _____________
4) A team event at the end of the project is critical. It:
Provides _____________
_____________ the project is over
Recognizes _____________
Provides an opportunity to discuss benefts and _____________ points
5) The people side of project closure involves:
Potentially _____________
People may be _____________
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Focus on overall _____________
Refect on _____________
Chapter 6: Agile Tips and Tricks
01. Spotting Signs of Trouble
1) Signs of trouble include:
_____________ features
Building _____________ _____________ features
_____________ features
Features need _____________
2) Typical root causes for problems include:
Not asking the _____________ _____________
_____________ does not understand what you are building
Inaccurate _____________ about business need
3) Potential actions for addressing root causes include:
Conduct a _____________ review
Revise the product _____________
4) Other trouble indicators include:
Team _____________ issues
Using up project _____________
Project manager vs. team is the _____________
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02. Adjusting Your Management Techniques
1) When trying agile for the frst time:
Expect _____________
Focus on what is important to _____________
Move _____________ thinking
2) Typical management priorities for projects include:
_____________ the business problem
Maintain _____________
Support team _____________
3) Maintaining control of the project involves:
_____________ management
_____________ management
_____________ management
4) Team morale drivers include:
_____________ skills
Sharing _____________
Delivering _____________ quickly
_____________ with repeated success
Letting them _____________ as they go

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