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A proposal for Lorentz Invariance at Supraluminal Velocity

Author: David Madore

Email: david @ necropology .com
This file version: June 20 20!"
I. Abstract
#n this article the author offers a proposal for a simple alteration to the $orent% #nvariance
formula that provides for a mathematical e&pression of gamma at relative velocities at
'oth less than and greater than the speed of light relative to at rest o'servers. This
alteration of the $orent% #nvariance formula maintains current theoretical and o'served
manifestations of $orent% #nvariance at velocities 'elo( the speed of light (hile adding
predictions for future o'servations of invariance at relative velocities a'ove the speed of
light. The alterations further provo)e a symmetrical scaling of gamma and velocity on
'oth sides of the constant velocity * c +.
Keywords: ,hysics $orent% #nvariance -upraluminal .amma $ight -peed
1. Introduction
All systems and measurements must remain $orent% #nvariant. $orent% invariance
essentially means that all o'servers regardless of their o(n velocity relative to other
o'servers must agree on the constancy of speed of light for all o'servers. The $orent%
#nvariance formula reveals the ad/ustments to measurements re0uired 'et(een frames of
reference for the constancy of the velocity of light to 'e maintained.
$orent% invariance has 'een tested 'eyond dispute for velocities 'elo( the speed of light.
Any proposal for an alteration to the $orent% invariance formula must preserve the
historic o'servations and gamma predictions for velocities under the speed of light
currently provided 'y the formula.
The author proposes that the $orent% #nvariance formula is incomplete. 1hile it provides
for a value for 2 for o'serves traveling at a relative velocity 'elo( the speed of light it
does not yield a 2 value for o'/ects and information to have $orent% invariance (ith
velocities a'ove the speed of light. As ne( phenomena are proposed that may seem to
have a velocity a'ove the speed of light a ne( invariance formula could allo( for
invariance at those velocities for all o'servers across frames of reference that maintains
the constancy of light even for o'servers (ho themselves are travelling faster than the
speed of light relative to an o'server at rest.
Essentially the author3s formula maintains $orent% invariance for o'servers moving at
velocities a'ove and 'elo( the speed of light.
The current $orent% #nvariance formula
Figure 1. 4urrent $orent% Transformation 5actor
The formula in figure ! provides a $orent% #nvariance for velocities under the speed of
light. #n this instance 2 6 ! and (ill increase 'ut never surpass ! as the velocities
increase up to 'ut not reaching the speed of light * c +.
The current $orent% #nvariance only reflects the transformation 'et(een t(o o'servers
that 'oth have velocities below the speed of light.
7o(ever if one conducts a gedanken e&periment that imagines a traveler moving at
velocities greater than c *relative to at rest o'servers+ one finds that there is no
transformation and invariance availa'le if one *or 'oth+ of the o'servers are traveling
a'ove the speed of light.
As is )no(n the speed of light must remain invariant for all o'servers. As there appears
to 'e o'/ects information or forces that appear to travel faster than the speed of light *i.e.
E,8 parado&es including 0uantum entanglement etc.+ a hypothetical faster than light
invariance formula to maintain the constancy of light might 'e re0uired.
Is invariance possible at relative velocities greater tan ligt speed!
#n the author3s opinion simply ta)ing the a'solute value under the s0uare root *figure !
and figure 2+ (ill yield an interesting revelation regarding $orent% #nvariance namely
that invariance can 'e preserved even if the o'server *or the o'served+ is moving faster
than light relative to an at rest o'server.
Figure ". ,roposed Modified $orent% Transformation 5actor (ith A'solute 9alue Added under the
s0uare root.
,er figure 2:
#f v 6 c then 2 6 ! (hich is e&actly (hat has 'een o'served e&perimentally. The $orent%
transformation continues to (or) 0uite (ell for velocities 'elo( c.
7o(ever if v : c then 2 : ! and the constancy and invariance is preserved.
The ne( formula provides all of the results of the old formula (hile providing ne(
predictions for relative velocities greater than c ; (hile A$-< illustrating that the
constancy of light is preserved for those superfast moving o'/ects.
This simple modification allo(s for invariance at speeds a'ove and 'elo( the speed of
light. This modification preserves all e&perimental and theoretical o'servations regarding
velocities 'elo( the speed of light.
The constancy is preserved for all o'servers even (hile the range of velocities availa'le
for o'servers moving relative to other o'servers is e&panded. 1hat remains is that no
o'/ect can travel at c relative to c (hile any o'/ect may have a relative velocity greater or
less than c to other o'servers.
#ossible Implications$
<ne of the most o'vious implications is a possi'le resolution to the E,8 parado& in
0uantum entanglement. #n one resolution of the parado& information must 'e traveling
faster than light 'et(een the entangled pair. The parado& forms 'ecause that seems to 'e
impossi'le due to violations of $orent% #nvariance. <'viously if $orent% invariance is
maintained even if the information is traveling faster than light the parado& disappears.
#n the E,8 parado& information seems to 'e traveling 'et(een o'servers faster than light.
The author 'elieves the information is indeed traveling faster than the speed of light
relative to an at rest o'server (hile maintaining the constancy of light relative to itself
through the modified $orent% transformation. An a'solute value under the s0uare root
preserves invariance for all o'servers at all velocities.

9elocity on either side of c 'ecomes symmetrical (hen graphed. 5or velocities under c
gamma increases to(ards ! infinitely 'ut never reaches ! as velocity increases to(ards
c. 5or velocities a'ove c gamma increases infinitely. A symmetry of velocity on either
side of c is formed (hen graphed.
<ne interesting implication 'eyond a resolution to the E,8 parado& that the author feels
should 'e pointed out= .amma greater than ! causes interesting effects on the
o'servation of o'/ects from an at rest o'servation. -upraluminal o'/ects *or information+
appear less massive and (ith faster moving cloc)s (hen o'served 'y at rest o'servers.
The rest mass and rest cloc) of the o'/ect remains unchanged (hen vie(ed from the
o'/ect itself. -upraluminal particles e/ected from the >ig >ang (ould appear to 'e less
massive and shorter lived than their 'elo( c counter parts. ,articles may 'e moving at
speeds higher than the speed of light *relative to an at rest o'server+ and (ithout violation
of $orent% invariance yet they (ould seem to vanish *or never 'e o'served+ 'y an at rest
o'server yet e&ert gravitational or other interactions (ith the relatively at rest o'server.
The author 'elieves that gamma may continue to clim' (ithout limit past a value of !
and cause the virtual disappearance of o'/ects as seen 'y an at rest o'server.
There is no need to further 'ela'or the point that $orent% #nvariance maintenance for
o'servers moving faster than the speed of light *relative to ?at rest@ o'servers+ (ould
open many discussions a'out its application.
#n closing 'y ta)ing the a'solute value under the s0uare root $orent% invariance is
maintained for all o'servers regardless of initial o'served velocity.
Than) you for your time.
David Madore
This theory (as initially developed in colla'oration (ith .ina 7amilton and appeared in
an unpu'lished su'mission to the /ournal Annalen der Physik. The vie(s and notions
e&pressed here ho(ever are the responsi'ility of the author.
Aote: edited a fe( hours after pu'lishing to clean up synta& B typos. #t3s a (or) in
progress fol)s.

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