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Manuscript page header (1

2-3 words of the title) goes here
Running head: GOES ERE !" #$$ %#&S (li'it to () characters)
*itle (Should su''ari+e the 'ain idea of the paper in 1)-12 words, -hen the title/ center
it on the page and capitali+e onl. the first letter of i'portant words,)
!nstitutional #ffiliation
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
*he te1t of the a0stract goes here, !t should 0e a single paragraph has a 0loc2 for'at/ that is/ the
first line should not 0e indented, *he purpose of this section is to pro3ide a 0rief and
co'prehensi3e su''ar. of the stud., !t should 0e accurate (do not include infor'ation here that
is not in the 0od. of the 'anuscript)/ self-contained (spell out a00re3iations)/ concise (12) word
'a1i'u')/ and specific (0egin this section with the 'ost i'portant infor'ation and li'it it to
the four or fi3e 'ost i'portant concepts/ findings/ or i'plications of the stud.), #s part of the
the'e of 0eing concise/ use digits for all nu'0ers e1cept when the. 0egin a sentence, #3oid
citing references in the a0stract, &araphrase rather than 4uoting, 5se acti3e rather than passi3e
3oice (0ut without personal pronouns), 5se past tense for procedures and present tense for
results, !t is a good idea to write this section last, #lso notice that e3er.thing a0out this
'anuscript is dou0le spaced, *he ne1t section 0egins on a new page, !f .ou press and hold down
the ctrl 2e. while .ou press the enter 2e./ MS -ord will force a page 0rea2,
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
*itle of the 'anuscript is ret.ped here
6egin the introduction here, .our title and center it at the top of the introduction
as indicated a0o3e, "otice that these paragraphs should ha3e a nor'al (,( inch) indent, *he 'ain
purpose of this section is to tell the reader wh. .ou perfor'ed the stud., !n other words/ .ou
ha3e to infor' the reader of the research 4uestion and indicate wh. it is i'portant/ and how it is
uni4ue when co'pared to pre3ious studies, !t starts out 0road and 0eco'es 'ore and 'ore
specific, 7or e1a'ple/ .ou 'ight 0egin 0. defining an. rele3ant ter's, *hen go on to re3iew the
rele3ant literature, #3oid an e1hausti3e and historical re3iew, *hen go on to 'a2e clear the
connection 0etween pre3ious research and the present wor2, 8ou 'ight include an. h.potheses
and the rationale for the', *he final paragraph usuall. contains a state'ent which clearl. and
e1plicitl. states wh. the stud. was perfor'ed, *hus/ this section should contain an a0solute
'ini'u' of four paragraphs: the general introduction/ the literature re3iew/ the connection of
the present stud. to the literature and the e1plicit state'ent of purpose,,
Subjects or Participants
!ndicate who participated in the stud./ how 'an./ and how were the. selected, !nclude
an. details which are rele3ant to the stud. (e,g,/ gender/ age/ ethnicit./ strain/ weight/ etc,), !f the
su09ects were hu'an/ what of reward or 'oti3ation was used to encourage the' to
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
<escri0e what 'aterials were used and how the. functioned in the stud., !f .ou use a
piece of e4uip'ent/ .ou 'ust gi3e the 'odel nu'0er/ co'pan./ and state where the co'pan.
resides (as a two-letter a00re3iation), 8ou 'ust gi3e the di'ensions (and perhaps other
descripti3e details) of an. i'portant ite's used in the stud., Standard e4uip'ent such as
furniture/ stopwatches/ pencils and paper/ can usuall. 0e 'entioned without pro3iding a lot of
details, !n fact/ .ou 'a. often si'pl. 'ention these ite's in passing as part of the procedure, 6e
careful not to descri0e procedures in this section,
<escri0e the design and clearl. spell out the independent and dependent 3aria0les,
!ndicate what the le3els of the independent 3aria0les were/ and whether the factor(s) were
repeated/ 'atched/ or independent, <escri0e how the su09ects were assigned to groups, <escri0e
an. control procedures used,
%arefull. su''ari+e each step in the e1ecution of the stud., !ndicate what a t.pical test/
trial/ or session in3ol3ed, <escri0e an. phases that the stud. had or an. instructions that the
su09ects recei3ed, -hen referring to groups/ tr. to use descripti3e la0els,
$oo2 carefull. at the results, *hat is/ ta2e a good hard loo2 at all those nu'0ers .ou
collect, *hin2 of different wa.s to su''ari+e the'/ as well as to 'a2e sense of the', *his
section will 0e easier to write if .ou 'a2e an. ta0les and=or figures .ou intend to use first,
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
6riefl. state the 'ain findings in words, *hat is/ first gi3e a general description/ then go
into the details, -hen presenting the results of statistical tests/ gi3e descripti3e statistics 0efore
the corresponding inferential statistics, !n other words/ gi3e 'eans and=or percentages (perhaps
referring to a ta0le or figure)/ 0efore tal2ing a0out the results of an. statistical tests .ou
perfor'ed, -hen presenting 'eans/ it is reasona0le to use one additional digit of accurac. than
what is contained in the raw data, -hen presenting no'inal or ordinal data/ gi3e the percents
rather than fre4uencies (since percents are independent of the sa'ple si+e),
*he general for'at for presenting an inferential statistic is: Statistic(df) > 3alue/
pro0a0ilit. > 3alue, "ote that e1act p 3alues are preferred, #lso/ if the co'puter output sa.s the
pro0a0ilit. is ,))))/ then report it as ,))1, -hen possi0le/ include so'e indication of effect si+e,
-hen actuall. presenting the results/ tr. to e'phasi+e the 'eaning of the statistics, *hat
is/ clearl. descri0e what it is .ou are testing and what significance 'eans for the 3aria0les
in3ol3ed, <o not discuss the i'plications of the results in this section, <o not tal2 a0out the
'eaning of the alpha le3el or the null h.pothesis, !f .ou are presenting a lot of 'aterial here/ .ou
'a. wish to e'plo. su0headings (as is done in the 'ethods section), *hese su0headings should
ha3e 'eaning and rele3ance to the data and should help to organi+e .our presentation of it, !n
other words/ the. should not 0e organi+ed 0. the of anal.sis e'plo.ed, Since this is not
e1pected 0. the reader/ it is a good idea to precede the su0headings with a paragraph infor'ing
the reader of the logical organi+ation of this section,
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
6e careful with the word @pro3e@, Since statistical tests are 0ased on pro0a0ilit. and can
0e in error/ the. do not reall. pro3e an.thing, 8ou can onl. use wording that i'plies causalit. if
.ou actuall. 'anipulated the independent 3aria0le (i,e,/ perfor'ed an e1peri'ent),
*he purpose of this section is to e3aluate and interpret the results/ especiall. with respect
to the original research 4uestion, Start off with a 0rief/ non-technical su''ar. of the results, !n
other words/ tell the reader a0out the 'ain findings without using statistical ter'inolog., *hen
go on to discuss the i'plications of the results, !t is also i'portant to discuss how the results
relate to the literature .ou cited in the introduction, !n other words/ e'phasi+e an. theoretical
conse4uences of the results,
8ou 'ight (or 'ight not) also 'ention an. li'itations of the stud. and an. suggestions
for future research in this section, 7inall./ .ou need an ending paragraph in which .ou 'a2e a
final su''ar. state'ent of the conclusions .ou ha3e drawn, 8ou are also encouraged/ when
appropriate/ to co''ent on the i'portance and rele3ance of .our findings, ow are .our
findings related to the 0ig picture: *hus/ this section should contain an a0solute 'ini'u' of
three paragraphs: the non-technical su''ar./ discussion of the results and their i'plications/
and the concluding paragraph,
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
Binse./ #, %,/ &o'ero./ -, 6,/ Martin/ %, E,/ C Ge0hard/ &, , (1D(3), Sexual behavior in the
human female, "ew 8or2: -, 6, Saunders,
&lons2./ M, (2));), &s.cholog. with st.le: # h.perte1t writing guide (Eersion (), Retrie3ed
fro' the -e0 1=1A=);, http:==www,uwsp,;0,ht'
Rile./ E, &,/ $ochr./ E, #,/ C Shapiro/ ", R, (1DAD), $ac2 of response inhi0ition in rats
prenatall. e1posed to alcohol, Psychopharmacology, 62/ ;A-(2,
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
*a0le 1
Average Ages Sexual Information as Ac!uired "ompared ith the #oungest and $ldest Ages
Subjects %elieved the Information Should be Ac!uired
#ge #c4uired 8oungest #ge Oldest #ge
!nfor'ation Mean S< Mean S< Mean S<
How babies are
1),1 2,D F,( 2,F 11,D 2,A
How babies are
1),) 3,1 F,; 3,1 11,? 2,F
Sexual intercourse
11,? 2,? 1),; 2,? 13,1 2,?
11,? 2,2 D,D 2,1 12,? 2,1
12,( 2,? 1),F 2,? 13,; 2,A
13,) 2,? 11,; 2,F 1;,) 2,?
Birth control
13,D 2,; 12,) 2,2 1;,3 2,;
13,; 2,F 11,3 2,F 1;,1 2,(
12,; 2,D 1),; 3,3 13,1 3,3
1;,) 2,3 12,( 2,A 1(,) 2,?
1;,1 2,3 12,) 2,; 1;,A 2,;
S*<Gs > Se1uall. trans'itted diseases
Manuscript page header (1
2-3 words of the title) goes here
7igure %aptions
&igure ', &ercent of ti'e 'arried fe'ales ha3e orgas' during intercourse with their hus0ands,
<ata fro' Binse./ &o'ero./ Martin/ Ge0hard (1D(3),
&igure 2, Mean nu'0er of trials to learn a passi3e a3oidance tas2 as a function of age and
'aternal ethanol consu'ption in rats, <ata 0ased on Rile./ $oc2re. and Shapiro (1DAD),

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