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Check one: X Original Updat In!"tigati#n Wantd
Date/Time: 6-20-2014 Release Prepared By: D. Smith
Distributed: X Yes ! / Distributed by: S. "rumbley
Type !# $%&ide%t: Hr#in/St#ln pr#prt$ arr"t"
Date a%d Time !# $%&ide%t: T%&r"da$ '&n ()* +,(-
'!&ati!%: (0)-* Salem St. Th!mas+ille "
On Thursday, June 19, 2014, the Thomasville Police Department and Homeland Security
nvesti!ations e"ecuted a search #arrant at $0%&' Salem Street, Thomasville (or suspected
controlled su)stance *heroin+ distri)ution, -em)ers o( the Special Operations .nit, /riminal
nvesti!ations .nit and the Department0s Special 1esponse Team e"ecuted the #arrant #ithout
2s a result, 2,% !rams o( heroin #as sei3ed, t#o stolen (irearms and a stolen laptop computer
#ere recovered, Three people are )ein! char!ed, one #as arrested on scene and #arrants have
)een issued (or t#o other su)4ects,

5e6ueta Shani6ue -urray, 2% years old #as arrested at the scene, -urray #as char!ed #ith the
&t#o counts o( possessions o( stolen (irearms
&possession o( stolen laptop computer
&possession #ith intent to sale and deliver heroin *Schedule +
&possession o( heroin
&conspire to sale and deliver heroin
&possession o( dru! paraphernalia
-s, -urray has a pendin! court date in Thomasville and #as placed under a 89%,000,00 secured
:arrants (or ;uavince Shamon -urray, 24 years old and 'raley /hristine Johnson, 24 years old
have )een o)tained,
;uavince Shamon -urray has pendin! char!es o(7
&three counts o( possession o( (irearms )y a convicted (elon
&t#o counts o( possession o( stolen (irearms
&possession o( stolen lap top computer
&possession #ith intent to sale and deliver heroin *Schedule +
&possession o( heroin
&conspire to sale and deliver heroin
&possession o( dru! paraphernalia
'raley /hristine Johnson has pendin! char!es o(7
&t#o counts o( possession o( stolen (irearms
&possession o( stolen lap top computer
&possession #ith intent to sale and deliver heroin *Schedule +
&possession o( heroin
&conspire to sale and deliver heroin
&possession o( dru! paraphernalia
The Thomasville Police Department appreciates the community and citi3ens0 telephone calls and
concerns a)out the ille!al activities at $0%&' Salem Street, 2s a result, the Thomasville Police
Department #as success(ul in recoverin! stolen property, stolen (irearms, and the sei3ure o( ille!al
and harm(ul narcotics, 2!ain the police community partnerships enhance our 6uality o( li(e #ithin
the /ity,
The investi!ation is continuin!, 2nyone #ith in(ormation is as<ed to contact Thomasville /rime
Stoppers at $$=&49=&TPS *>499+ or Thomasville Police at $$=&49%&42=9, /rime Stoppers o(
Thomasville o((ers cash re#ards to anonymous callers (or tips #hich lead to arrest, the sei3ure o(
ille!al dru!s or stolen property, or provides a solution to an unsolved, crimi nal case.
Thomasville Police Department
P#li. Dpart/nt C#nta.t0"1
ame: "apt. Darre% Smith Ph!%e: ((6-4,)-4264
ame: Ph!%e:
Cri/ St#ppr"* at 2234-5346-55* pa$" .a"% r7ard" 8#r in8#r/ati#n t%at lad" t# arr"t"* "i9&r"* #r t% "#l&ti#n" t# "ri#&"
&n"#l!d .ri/": Callr" r/ain an#n$/#&" and r.i! r7ard" &p t# ;(*,,,.
5e6ueta Shani6ue -urray
DO?7 2@20@19>9
;uavince Shamon -urray,
DO?7 %@$@1990

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