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Visual Weld Inspection


Revision 0

Effective Date: January 8, 2010

Topic: Quality Assurance

Hanford Mission Support Contract

Visual Weld Inspection

MSC-PRO-1607, Rev. 0 Effective Date: January 8, 2010 Page 1 of 6

NOTE: Before each use, check MSC Docs Online to ensure this copy is current.


This procedure implements a portion of the requirements of MSC-MP-599, Quality Assurance
Program Description, Section 8, Inspection and Acceptance Testing. Specified are the
minimum requirements to assure qualified and certified inspection personnel perform visual
weld examinations in a consistent manner.


This is a Level 2 Management Control Procedure, applicable to Mission Support Alliance (MSA)
team employees who perform visual weld inspections.

This does not apply to VT-1 examinations performed by in-service inspection personnel to verify
compliance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section XI, Rules for In Service Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components.


This revision is effective upon publication.


NOTE: For the tables in this section under the requirement "type" column, V means
verbatim and I means interpreted. .
V or I
1. Inspectors who perform visual weld inspections shall be
qualified and certified.
I MSC-MP-599,
Section 2.0,
paragraph 2.3.4
2. Inspection shall confirm the work conforms to the design
requirements, and that work and documentation are
V MSC-MP-599,
Section 8.0,
paragraph 2.2.3


5.1 General

Actionee Step Action
1. Inspector Qualification and Certification:

Ensure visual weld inspectors are qualified and certified in
accordance with MSC-PRO-263, Qualification and Certification of
Inspection and Test Personnel.

Hanford Mission Support Contract

Visual Weld Inspection

MSC-PRO-1607, Rev. 0 Effective Date: January 8, 2010 Page 2 of 6

NOTE: Before each use, check MSC Docs Online to ensure this copy is current.

Actionee Step Action

Ensure only inspectors certified as Level II or Level III in the visual
weld inspection discipline perform inspections for the purpose of

Weld Inspector 2. Select the Method of Inspection. Visual weld inspection is divided into
two method categories (direct and remote).

Direct Method The direct visual inspection method is used when
access is sufficient to place the eye within 24 inches of the surface to
be examined, and at an angle not less than 30 degrees to the surface
to be examined. Mirrors may be used to improve the angle of vision,
and aids such as magnifying lenses may be used to assist in the
inspection of welds.

Remote Method The remote visual inspection method may be
substituted when direct visual inspection cannot be achieved. Visual
aids such as mirrors, telescopes, borescopes, fiber optics, cameras, or
other suitable instruments may be used.

3. Qualify Method prior to use.

As a minimum, qualify the visual inspection method by
demonstrating the ability to detect a 1/32 inch (0.8MM) black line on
an 18 percent neutral gray card under both natural and artificial light.

The remote visual inspection method must give a resolution
capability at least equivalent to that obtainable by the direct visual
inspection method.

Document the remote visual inspection qualification, prior to use, on
a surveillance report in accordance with MSC-PRO-9769,
Surveillance Process.

NOTE: Substitution of one manufacturers equipment for anothers, or
changes in the details of the test arrangement, do not require
requalification of the procedure.

4. Verify Illumination. Verify the weld under examination has sufficient
lighting to allow for the inspection and comply with specified
engineering requirements.

Hanford Mission Support Contract

Visual Weld Inspection

MSC-PRO-1607, Rev. 0 Effective Date: January 8, 2010 Page 3 of 6

NOTE: Before each use, check MSC Docs Online to ensure this copy is current.

Actionee Step Action
5. Select Inspection Equipment Use appropriate measuring equipment
when performing visual weld inspections. Discard and replace damaged
or deteriorated inspection equipment.

6. Evaluate Surface Condition.

The surface condition of the weld to be examined is to be free of
paint, grease, dirt, or other foreign material, which may interfere with

As-welded surfaces are permitted as long as they conform to the
specified acceptance criteria. Do not inspect if coarse ripples,
grooves, or valleys interfere with the interpretation or inspection of
the weld.

When the surface of the weld requires grinding, take care to avoid
reducing the thickness of the weld or base metal below the required
minimum dimensions. Perform visual weld inspections after surface

NOTE: Assure grinding wheels and wire brushes used for surface
cleaning comply with engineering specifications.

7. Conduct evaluation of welds in accordance with the codes, standards,
specifications, or standard construction practices specified in governing
engineering documents.

8. Document results of visual weld inspections on the Visual Weld
Inspection Report (Site Form A-6002-529), or equivalent form (e.g.,
Traveler, Quality Assurance Inspection Plan, etc.), and include in the
governing work documentation package.

5.2 Performance

Actionee Step Action
1. Ensure applicable certification is current before performing visual weld

2. Adhere to visual acuity restriction requirements (e.g., corrective lenses)
during inspection activities.


Prior to performing designated visual weld inspections verify:

The governing engineering drawing or work document properly
identifies the welding criteria and is approved, released and controlled.
Hanford Mission Support Contract

Visual Weld Inspection

MSC-PRO-1607, Rev. 0 Effective Date: January 8, 2010 Page 4 of 6

NOTE: Before each use, check MSC Docs Online to ensure this copy is current.

Actionee Step Action

The weld procedure specification (WPS) is specified in the work
document and is approved and released.

Welder(s) performing the work is/are currently qualified to specified
WPS requirements.

The base material meets the requirements specified on the engineering
design documents and is in compliance with specified WPS

Weld filler metal issued and consumed is in compliance with specified
WPS requirements and controlled in accordance with applicable


Perform inspections as specified by engineering documents.

NOTE: Weld inspections not specified in engineering documents may be
performed on a random basis and documented via surveillance reports in
accordance with MSC-PRO-9769, Surveillance Process.

5. Prior to welding or during fit-up inspection, verify:

Unacceptable discontinuities are removed from base material.

Preheat requirements are in conformance with engineering documents
and specified WPS requirements.

NOTE: When preheat measurements are taken with temperature
indicating crayons; make sure the measurements are at least inch from
the weld preparation and not in the weld preparation area.

Weld joint geometry and root opening requirements meet specified
WPS requirements.

Proper joint alignment is in conformance with WPS or other specified
engineering documents.

Weld preparation cleanliness or final cleanliness requirements have
been achieved prior to final pressure boundary closure.

Purging gas and dams are in conformance with specified engineering

Tack welds meet applicable specified acceptance criteria.
Hanford Mission Support Contract

Visual Weld Inspection

MSC-PRO-1607, Rev. 0 Effective Date: January 8, 2010 Page 5 of 6

NOTE: Before each use, check MSC Docs Online to ensure this copy is current.

Actionee Step Action

6. During in-process weld inspection, verify:

Root pass or first layer meets the specified acceptance criteria.

Interpass temperatures meet the specified WPS requirements.

Cleanliness between weld passes, appearance of subsequent passes, and
general compliance with specified WPS is achieved.

Compliance of weld variables with specified WPS requirements.

Distortion control measures do not permit weld shrinkage to exceed the
tolerances specified by the engineering drawing or other specified

7. During final weld inspection, verify:

Finished weld, including weld profile, meets the specified acceptance

Weld shrinkage (distortion) does not exceed component/item tolerances
specified by the engineering drawing or other specified criteria.

Welder and weld traceability requirements are met.

8. During postweld heat treatment verify:

Postweld heat treatment process complies with engineering design
documents and;
The postweld heat treatment process complies with specified WPS

NOTE: Inspection, including nondestructive testing, repairs, and re-
inspections, are completed prior to post weld heat treatment, except when
specifically approved by the Design Authority.

9. Sign/stamp/initial and date applicable work control documentation adjacent
to the individual weld(s) to indicate acceptance. Sign/stamp/initial and
date the applicable forms(s) to indicate the documentation is complete and

Hanford Mission Support Contract

Visual Weld Inspection

MSC-PRO-1607, Rev. 0 Effective Date: January 8, 2010 Page 6 of 6

NOTE: Before each use, check MSC Docs Online to ensure this copy is current.


Visual Weld Inspection Report, A-6002-529
Surveillance Report, A-6003-678


All records are generated, processed, and maintained in accordance with MSC-PRO-10588,
Records Management Processes.

Table 7.1 Records Capture Table
Name of Document Submittal Responsibility Retention Responsibility
Visual Weld Inspection Report,
Design Authority Work Management
Surveillance Report, A-6003-
Initiating Surveillance
IRM Services Contractor


8.1 Source References

MSC-MP-599, Quality Assurance Program Description

8.2 Working References

MSC-PRO-263, Qualification and Certification of Inspection and Test Personnel
MSC-PRO-9769, Surveillance Process
MSC-PRO-10588, Records Management Processes

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