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Word Processing Reflection

Lesson Idea 1. Grade Level, Subject Area, Topic
Grade 7, Social Studies, The Roman Empire
Students will create a table/chart in a word processor, Microsoft Word, to show
correlations between the Roman Empires innovations and technologies and the
modern world. The chart will contain pictures of these Roman ideas and their
correlating modern day analogy or pictures representing these ideas and their
modern day counterparts. There will also be an explanation of why the two ideas
or technologies/advancements are related.

Students will benefit from this use of word processing by practicing and
demonstrating their use of organizational and spatial skills. They create a
reference chart as well and must use concise and precise language to define and
explain terms, concepts, and/or events. This will aid them in being able to use
language efficiently.

Lesson Idea 2. Grade Level; Subject Area, Topic
Grace 7, Social Studies, The Norman Invasion and Reign
Students will write a paper analyzing the impact of the Norman Invasion of
England. They will use technology to gather information to write their summary
and analysis. They will also include pictures or clipart to demonstrate their
understanding of ideas and events.

This use of word processing will help build basic writing skills. Students must
structure proper paragraphs and organize their ideas and writing. There will also
be visual representations of these ideas and this will help the students to
improve their written descriptions so the reader can make the proper
connections to the visual representation since there will not be assigned captions
to each picture. The connection will need to be made obvious in the writing.

Page 2. Spreadsheets Reflection

Spreadsheet Lesson Plan Topic and Grade Level
Bubonic Plague, Grade 7
This spreadsheet student project has two elements. There is a written, Think
Sheet element as well as a spreadsheet portion. The guiding questions on the
Think Sheet are to be answered throughout the research of this project. The
spreadsheet will depict the population trend and effects of the bubonic plague in
Europe over a period of time. The spreadsheet will be made using numbers and
figures from the research found on some of the guiding websites provided. This
spreadsheet will help in the answering of some of the questions in the Think
Sheet. The Think Sheet will be the main thrust of this assignment and the
spreadsheet will be an element to help add dimension and a different perspective
or level of understanding to the project. The Think Sheet requires the students to
engage in higher-level thinking and the spreadsheet aids in this process.

New Lesson Idea I:
Students will make a spreadsheet and analyze the climate of the European
continent. This will be in accordance with TN State Standard for social studies
7.32-- Identify the physical location and features of Europe including the Alps,
the Ural Mountains, the North European Plain, and the Mediterranean Sea and
the influence of the North Atlantic Drift. Students will make a spreadsheet
showing the varying temperature trends through the year for the different
landforms and geographical areas described in the standard. They will use this
information to make assertions about how the geography of the continent and its
surrounding bodies of water affect the climate and weather. This will be used in
later lessons as a tool for analyzing certain events in history that may have been
affected by the weather.

New Lesson Idea II:
TN state standard 7.38-- Analyze the causes, course, and consequences of the
European Crusades and their effects on the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish
populations in Europe, with emphasis on the increasing contact by Europeans
with cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean world. In accordance with this
standard, students will analyze population trends of the different people groups
mentioned. They will create a pie graph to show percentages of the population in
the continent of Europe and in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Using these pie
graphs, students will be better able to visualize and analyze the effects of the
crusades on different populations throughout the course of the crusades in the
various regions that they impacted.

Page 3. Graphic Organizer Reflection

Graphic Organizer Topic and Grade Level
Forrest Gump, Grade 7
The graphic organizer for Forrest Gump shows the many complex relationships
and ideas in the story and is derived from a written paper about the story. There
is a central theme of overcoming hardships, particularly disabilities, learning and
physical, and addiction. The graphic organizer shows how each theme affects
each character and how they interact and or deal with the hardship. It also
shows the relationships between the main characters as described in the
corresponding written report.

Using a graphic organizer such as this concept map makes a concept go deeper.
It simplifies it, but also shows the depth and connection between people, ideas,
places, and things. The visual way that the concepts are interwoven proves the
complexity. It can also provide insight or spark further questioning. There is an
ease of reading the concept map with proper color coordination and
interpretation. Each concept and its connecting arrow/phrase create a single
sentence and fact about the story. The concept map makes a visual and written
connection between the many ideas and people represented in the story.

Page 4. Digital Presentations Lesson Plan
Digital Presentation Lesson Plan Topic and Grade Level
Cultural Diffusion, Grade 7
The student products of this are twofold. There is an oral presentation and
PowerPoint presentation as a supplement to the oral presentation. The oral
presentation outline and notes are produced in a word processed format. Then,
the PowerPoint presentation is used as a visual aid to help guide and drive the
oral presentation. The visuals of the PowerPoint will give students a better and
more imaginative picture than just hearing words read about the concepts and
events. Seeing a picture of a cow will be a little more interactive than just
hearing about the Europeans bringing livestock over to the Americas.

-- One challenge to be expected will be the task of keeping students on topic. As
they are not working in groups, they are only accountable to themselves. It
would be all too easy for them to wander on the web.
-- Another challenge to anticipate is a lackluster job on the oral presentation
outline and notes. Because it is not a full-fledged report to be written edited and
typed. Thinking that they can improvise while speaking in front of the class,
students may shortcut this by only having a few bullet points with little to no
-- An obvious challenge to this lesson will be emphasizing the oral presentation
and human interaction over the pomp and pizzazz of a PowerPoint presentation.
Keeping the students focused on the development of their presentation skills as
opposed to augmenting their visual aid will be a challenge.

A way to help mitigate these challenges is by constantly patrolling the computer
area so the students stay on task. Occasionally reminding the students that their
outlines are the most important preparation they could have for their oral
presentation. Constantly reminding the students of these important points will
help them to stay focused on the task at hand.

Page 5. Web Tools for Learning Project
Describe Web Tool 1
The first web tool is a website for my classroom. The website contains pages for
parents and students. There is a greeting page, school information, teacher
contact information, and resources for parents and students. For the parents,
and students, there are links to the state standards as well as the curriculum
maps put out by the Board. There is also sample work that has been previously
done in other lessons. Students can use this to study or as examples for doing
new assignments and work.
There are also links to websites that contain history facts about the current date
in history.

Describe Web Tool 2
The other web tool I have is a Mix book slideshow created about eating a
balanced diet. The pictures were taken on a trip to the grocery store with my
wife and little sister-in-law. The information is loosely based on the traditional
food pyramid. There are also accompanying facts and advice along with the
pictures of the food products. A special thanks to my local Kroger!

Describe how you plan to integrate use of Web Tools into your
These web tools can be used in instruction in different ways. I would most likely
create this as an instruction tool in itself and not have the students create these
products. Perhaps further into the semester and if time and resources permit the
students could create their own slide shows or websites. But for the time being,
these tools could be valuable resources for students to access when they are not
at home. They can use them as study aids for upcoming assessments. Or,
hopefully, they will use them just as educational and beneficial reference frames.
If they want to help their parents while shopping or if they want to show their
parents a certain project or objective that they have had in class, they can
reference the website and the mix book slideshow outside of class any time they
want to.

Describe how you plan to support your professional growth
through the use of Web Tools
Including links to important organizational websites can be a valuable resource
to professional growth. Staying current within the community will help a teacher
be better able to connect to his or her students and their families. Not only local
but also state oriented organizations and institutions should be monitored. By
staying connected with the state standards a precedent is set for remaining
current on policies and news. Links could also be made to news updates and
legislation concerning education in the state and local education systems.
Page 6. Overall Reflection
You will add this page as an additional page or tab in your portfolio.
In two to three paragraphs describe your overall beliefs in the role that
technology should play in K-12 education

I thoroughly enjoyed this class. I knew how to operate basic computer
programs, but I had never known about the many versatile ways that technology
could be integrated into the classroom. One of my favorite videos viewed in the
class was the Shift Happens video about the changing face of the world in light
of technology and the Internet. The facts presented in the slides were very
thought provoking and a quite intimidating. I believe this was the chief intention
of the video in order to raise awareness and encourage thought towards a more
integrated lifestyle with Internet and technology.
The world we live in is not the same world as in 1900. Britain was
supreme. They had the largest empire, their currency was the world standard
and they had the largest military along with a several other categories in which
they were supreme. This is no longer the case. The Internet and technology have
drastically leveled the playing field. A case could be made that many social and
racial barriers have been overcome with technology and the Internet as a vital
catalyst. The point being, the trend now will continue. Ten, five, even two years
from now we cannot know what the world or job market will look like. The role of
the teacher is to introduce technology to the greatest extent possible.
This technology will be what the students will have to build upon in their
lifetime. It may be outdated by the time they are in the job market, but they
need knowledge of it so that they can be the ones to improve it and build for the
next generation. This technology in the classroom should be like a PowerPoint is
to an oral presentation. Technology is a tool that we use to supplement and aid
in our instruction. Yes, technology may be the main point of instruction and its
use is the goal and objective, but this should not come at the expense of
teaching students the principles and responsibilities of using technology and not
just the how tos.

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