USFSP: Clean and Green: Team Head Bangers

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Michael Suppa
Lead Interviewer
Marko Bojkovic
Lead Editor
Grace Checo
Lead Researcher
Nichelle Taylor
Lead Compiler

USFSP: Clean and
Team Head Banger
!r" Franci To#ienne$ %r

Ta#le o& Con'en'
()ecu'ive Summary """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *
+n'roduc'ion """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,
Progre """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -
S'uden' Green (nergy Fund .SG(F/ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 0
College o& Buine (n'repreneurhip Program """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1
Green Technology """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *,
Compu'er !ipoal """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *2
S'uden' +n'ervie3 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *4
Gloary o& Term """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *0
5e&erence """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *6
7nno'a'ed Bi#liography """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *8
()ecu'ive Summary
The Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg .USFSP/ campu i on 'he rie o& #ecoming one
o& 'he many 3ell9kno3n :green; campue" USFSP i commi''ed 'o dipoing o& o#ole'e
'echnology in a reponi#le manner$ 3hich include recycling cen'er &or #a''erie$ recycling
cen'er &or compu'er par'$ au'o po3ering o&& &or claroom compu'er$ and ordering recycled
paper and recycling ued paper" The Univeri'y ha promo'ed going green #y uing recycle #in
around 'he campu$ and #y uing a3arene in&orma'ion packe'" +n pi'e o& ho3 :green; 'he
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg ha #ecome$ i' can al3ay do more 'o #ecome more
:green"; 7n e)ample o& 'hi 3ould #e 'eaming up 3i'h o'her univeri'ie 'o conduc' a group
'udy on ho3 our environmen' can #e a&&ec'ed" 7no'her 3ay i' can #e more :green; i 'o remove
napkin &rom 'he #a'hroom and replacing 'hem 3i'h hand dryer" Turning o&& 'he ligh' in 'he
#uilding 3ould alo #e help&ul #ecaue 'hey are al3ay 'urned on$ epecially during 'he day"
The S'uden' Green (nergy Fund i clu# on campu 'ha' promo'e pro'ec'ing our environmen'"
The clu# mem#er are reponi#le &or crea'ing and &unding projec' 'ha' make USFSP :green;
#y promo'ing u'aina#ili'y$ reducing 'he univeri'y< energy co' and greenhoue ga emiion$
and mi'iga'ing 3a'e and reource conump'ion" +n 'hi clu#$ 'uden' propoe projec' 'o
promo'e 'he Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg< u'aina#ili'y$ and i' mu' #e &unded in
order 'o #e implemen'ed" There have #een everal ucce&ul projec' &rom 'hi uch a 'he Solar
!ock #y 'he Har#or$ 'he Sol'ice Pole 'ha' i in &ron' o& 'he STG$ and =(! ligh' on 'he &ir'
&loor o& 'he parking garage" 5egardle o& 3ha' program or ho3 'he movemen' i handled$ 'he
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg campu i 3orking 'o3ard a #righ'er &u'ure in hope
o& &ur'her promo'ing a greener environmen'"
The Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg campu i a proud repreen'a'ive o& 'he green
communi'y" Thi repor' 3ill allo3 you 'o e)plore 'he in'rica'e de'ail o& 3hy 'he univeri'y
decided 'o u'ain a green environmen'$ 'he proce o& going green$ 'he con'inua'ion o& 'aying
green and many more ela#ora'e de'ail regarding 'heir journey"
7 a reno3ned reearch &acili'y$ Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida pride i'el& on #eing a#le 'o ue i'
reource 'o3ard crea'ing a greener 'omorro3" No' only are 'here 'uden'9run organi>a'ion 'ha'
&ocu on making USFSP more environmen'ally conciou$ #u' 'he pro&eor are alo involved in
'he green movemen' #y including relevan' apec' in 'heir curriculum" Toge'her$ 'he 'uden' and
'eacher 3ork 'o3ard decreaing USFSP< car#on &oo'prin' 3hile imul'aneouly crea'ing 'he
ne)' green leader"
Since Preiden' %udy Genha&'< igning o& 'he 7merican College ? Univeri'y Preiden'@
Clima'e Commi'men' in 7pril o& ,AA8$ USFSP< green movemen' ha een only progre" The
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida< S'" Pe'er#urg campu< con'inued e&&or' have$ #y e)'enion$
#ene&i'ed no' only 'he communi'y #u' alo plane' (ar'h"
Bherea mo' univeri'y repor' card are in re&erence 'o 'he academic a#ili'ie$ 'he
College Su'aina#ili'y 5epor' Card &ocue on grading univeri'y in 'erm o& ho3 3ell
'hey can mee' preen' need 3i'hou' compromiing 'he a#ili'y o& &u'ure genera'ion"
Thee repor' card &ocu on ince di&&eren' ca'egorie: 7dmini'ra'ion$ Clima'e Change
? (nergy$ Food ? 5ecycling$ Green Building$ S'uden' +nvolvemen'$ Tranpor'a'ion$
(ndo3men' Tranparency$ +nve'men' Priori'ie$ and Shareholder (ngagemen'" Their
overall grade i de'ermined #y 3ha' 'hey earn in 'hee individual ca'egorie" Since
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida< lack o& environmen'al ini'ia'ive in ,AA8$ Preiden' %udy
Genha&' proceeded 'o ign 'he 7merican College ? Univeri'y Preiden'< Clima'e
Commi'men'" +' 'a'e:
*" +ni'ia'e 'he developmen' o& a comprehenive plan 'o achieve clima'e neu'rali'y a
oon a poi#le"
a" Bi'hin '3o mon'h o& igning 'hi documen'$ crea'e in'i'u'ional 'ruc'ure
'o guide 'he developmen' and implemen'a'ion o& 'he plan"
#" Bi'hin one year o& igning 'hi documen'$ comple'e a comprehenive
inven'ory o& all greenhoue ga emiion .including emiion &rom
elec'rici'y$ hea'ing$ commu'ing$ and air 'ravel/ and upda'e 'he inven'ory
every o'her year 'herea&'er"
c" Bi'hin '3o year o& igning 'hi documen'$ develop an in'i'u'ional ac'ion
plan &or #ecoming clima'e neu'ral$ 3hich 3ill include:
i" 7 'arge' da'e &or achieving clima'e neu'rali'y a oon a poi#le"
ii" +n'erim 'arge' &or goal and ac'ion 'ha' 3ill lead 'o
clima'e neu'rali'y"
iii" 7c'ion 'o make clima'e neu'rali'y and u'aina#ili'y a par' o& 'he
curriculum and o'her educa'ional e)perience &or all 'uden'"
iv" 7c'ion 'o e)pand reearch or o'her e&&or' neceary 'o achieve
clima'e neu'rali'y"
v" Mechanim &or 'racking progre on goal and ac'ion
," +ni'ia'e '3o or more o& 'he &ollo3ing 'angi#le ac'ion 'o reduce greenhoue gae
3hile 'he more comprehenive plan i #eing developed"
a" ('a#lih a policy 'ha' all ne3 campu con'ruc'ion 3ill #e #uil' 'o a' lea'
'he U"S" Green Building Council< =((! Silver 'andard or eCuivalen'"
#" 7dop' an energy9e&&icien' appliance purchaing policy reCuiring purchae
o& (N(5GD ST75 cer'i&ied produc' in all area &or 3hich uch
ra'ing e)i'"
c" ('a#lih a policy o& o&&e''ing all greenhoue ga emiion genera'ed #y
air 'ravel paid &or #y our in'i'u'ion"
d" (ncourage ue o& and provide acce 'o pu#lic 'ranpor'a'ion &or all &acul'y$
'a&&$ 'uden' and vii'or a' our in'i'u'ion"
e" Bi'hin one year o& igning 'hi documen'$ #egin purchaing or producing a'
lea' *4E o& our in'i'u'ion< elec'rici'y conump'ion &rom
rene3a#le ource"
&" ('a#lih a policy or a commi''ee 'ha' uppor' clima'e and u'aina#ili'y
hareholder propoal a' companie 3here our in'i'u'ion< endo3men'
i inve'ed"
g" Par'icipa'e in 'he Ba'e Minimi>a'ion componen' o& 'he na'ional
5ecycleMania compe'i'ion$ and adop' - or more aocia'ed meaure 'o
reduce 3a'e"
-" Make 'he ac'ion plan$ inven'ory$ and periodic progre repor' pu#licly availa#le
#y u#mi''ing 'hem 'o 'he 7CUPCC 5epor'ing Sy'em &or po'ing
and diemina'ion"
Since 'hi igning$ Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida a een 'eady progre 'o3ard
u'aina#ili'y" USF< S'" Pe'er#urg campu ha 'ar'ed many program$ all o& 3hich have
con'ri#u'ed 'o 'he increae in USF< 5epor' Card
S'uden' Green (nergy Fund .SG(F/
The Univeri'y o& Sou'h
Florida rank ,
in Florida and
in 'he na'ion a a univeri'y
3i'h 'he lea' amoun' o&
municipal 3a'e produced per
'uden'" Fne o& 'he commi''ee
'ha' have played a huge role in
'hi a3ard i 'he S'uden' Green
(nergy Fund .SG(F/$
peci&ically a' USFSP$
ome'ime re&erred 'o a
:Green Ci'y;" Thi commi''ee
#egan in 'he Fall o& ,A** and i
reponi#le &or crea'ing and
&unding projec' 'ha' make
USFSP :green; #y promo'ing
u'aina#ili'y$ reducing 'he
univeri'y< energy co' and
greenhoue ga emiion$ and
mi'iga'ing 3a'e and reource
conump'ion" +' i made up o&
eigh' mem#er: &our &acul'y
mem#er appoin'ed #y 'he
7ocia'e Gice Chancellor &or
S'uden' 7&&air %ulie Bong$
and &our 'uden' peci&ically
elec'ed 'hrough an applica'ion
proce #y 'he preiden' o&
S'uden' Governmen'$ Cour'ney
Parih" Though 'he commi''ee
mem#er mu' apply &or 'he
poi'ion$ volun'eer are al3ay
3elcome and encouraged 'o
a''end SG(F mee'ing" Minu'e
are po'ed on 'he SG(F
The &unding come &rom
every 'uden'< 'ui'ion"
S'uden' have approved 'hi
:green &ee$; and pay H*"AA per
credi' hour in e&&or' 'o make
USFSP more environmen'ally
conciou" 7ccording 'o 'he
pu#lic USFSP #udge'
ummary$ 'he green &ee ha
already accrued H*2A$AAA$ all
o& 3hich i peci&ically allo''ed
&or USFSP< green endeavor"
By ,A*4$ 'he USFSP Green Fee
i e)pec'ed 'o reach H-AA$AAA"
7lready$ in ju' 'hree year
SG(F ha ucce&ully &unded
and main'ained i) projec' all
over 'he USFSP campu"
Becaue 'he Green Fee i only
H*"AA per credi' hour$ ou'ide
&unding i o&'enneceary"
From IDEA to
Amid the green movement,
stdent !nd "niversit# o$ %oth
F&orid! !re en'or!ged to
(!rti'i(!te in m!)ing !
di$$eren'e* The (ro+e'ts th!t
end ( ,eing $nded ,# the
-reen Fee st!rt o$$ !s !
(ro(os!& s,mission ,# !
"%F%P stdent* .e'!se the
-reen Fee is on&# /1 (er 'redit
The (ro'ess is !s $o&&o0s1
-reen Ide!
%-EF Pro(os!& Form is
%-EF 2ommittee revie0s the
%tdent (resents their ide!
%-EF votes to !((rove or
de'&ine $nding
Administr!tive revie0
Ne'ess!r# P!(er0or) !nd
Forms !re 'om(&eted to ,egin
Pro+e't im(&ement!tion,
m!r)eting, !nd ()ee(
Amid the green movement,
stdent !nd "niversit# o$ %oth
F&orid! !re en'or!ged to
(!rti'i(!te in m!)ing !
di$$eren'e* The (ro+e'ts th!t
end ( ,eing $nded ,# the
-reen Fee st!rt o$$ !s !
(ro(os!& s,mission ,# !
"%F%P stdent* .e'!se the
-reen Fee is on&# /1 (er 'redit
The (ro'ess is !s $o&&o0s1
-reen Ide!
%-EF Pro(os!& Form is
%-EF 2ommittee revie0s the
%tdent (resents their ide!
%-EF votes to !((rove or
de'&ine $nding
Administr!tive revie0
Ne'ess!r# P!(er0or) !nd
Forms !re 'om(&eted to ,egin
Pro+e't im(&ement!tion,
m!r)eting, !nd ()ee(
EnerFusionSolar Doks
No one under'and 'he impor'ance o&
elec'ronic device more 'han univeri'y
'uden' in 'he year ,A*2" T3o epara'e
olar dock have #een in'alled on 'he
USFSP campu: one ou'ide 'he Nelon
Poyn'er =i#rary and 'he o'her near 'he
CoCuina Hall" To charge elec'ronic
device$ 'uden' imply i' a' 'he picnic
'a#le and 3ai' a 'heir device are
charged 3i'h 'he olar panel" USB por'
allo3 &or 'he charging o& mo' all
device" USFSP i one o& 'he &ir'
univeri'ie 'o in'all 'hi green
Hybrid Transportation
USFSP o&&er 'uden' Ba'er&ron'
7dven'ure Trip and Sailing 5ega''a$
and 'hey 'ranpor' 'uden' uing a
Chevy Silverado Hy#rid in a''emp' 'o
decreae 'heir energy co' and
Green Cardio Loft
USFSP promo'e a heal'hy 'uden'
li&e'yle$ in a green 3ay" The Fi'ne
Cen'er loca'ed up'air in 'he cardio lo&'$
USFSP ha decreaed 'he gym< energy
ue #y uing 'readmill and 'a'ionary
#ike 'ha' do no' run on elec'rici'y"
The Bood3ay Curve 'readmill and
Green Machine #ike have no mo'or or
#u''onI 'hey are con'rolled en'irely #y
'he 'uden' e)erciing" Thee
environmen'ally conciou machine
igni&ican'ly decreae energy co'"
Quantifiable Water Stations
+'< no'hing ne3 'o hear 'ha' drinking
&rom reua#le 3a'er #o''le i #ene&icial
'o 'he environmen'" Ho3ever$ 'ha'< no
al3ay 'he eaie' 'ak i& 'he 3a'er
doen<' come ou' 3i'h enough preure
'o &i' 'he #o''le under 'he &oun'ain" The
ne3 3a'er 'a'ion &unded #y SG(F
allo3 #o''le 'o #e &illed #y placing 'hem
under a ver'ical &oun'ain" 7ddi'ionally$ i'
coun' 'he amoun' o& #o''le 'ha' have
#een &illed in 'he 'op righ' corner &or
USFSP 'o keep 'rack o& ho3 many
#o''le i' ha aved"
Recycle Bins
Ba'e #in are a necei'y on a college
campu" 5ecycling and 'rah #in have
#een placed all around campu 'o preven'
li''ering 3hile promo'ing recycling" The
#in 'hemelve are manu&ac'ured &rom
recycled milk jug"
LED Li!tin
!ayligh' and mo'ion eni'ive
=(! ligh'ing$ 3hich are
e)'remely energy e&&icien'
uing only ,9*6 3a''$ have
#een pu' on 'he &ir' &loor o& 'he
parking garage" The o'her ligh'
ued in parking lo' uually
have ,4A 3a'' or more" =(!
ligh' la' longer$ 3hich mean
'hey produce le 3a'e a 'hey
are replaced le o&'en"
Thee 'ep 'o3ard a green campu have igni&ican'ly reduced
USFSP< energy co' and 3a'e"
College o& Buine (n'repreneurhip
The College o&
Program o& 'he
Univeri'y o& Sou'h
Florida S'" Pe'er#urg
i 3idely conidered
'o #e one o& 'he #e'
college o& #uine in 'he 'a'e
o& Florida #ecaue o& ho3
'uden' 'end 'o make i' &ocued
on 'he univeri'y< &ocu o&
:#eing green"; Thi program ha
allo3ed 'uden' 'o par'icipa'e
in local$ 'a'e3ide$ and na'ional
en'repreneurial compe'i'ion$
3i'h everal 'uden' 'aking in
&ir' place" Fne peci&ic 'uden' in
'hi program 3ho 3on &ir' place
in 'hee compe'i'ion named Nick
Price ha made an ama>ing
con'ri#u'ion 'o i' and 'o 'he
univeri'y< &ocu o& :#eing
green; 3i'h 'he #uinee he
'ar'ed in ,A*," Price 'ar'ed an
eco9&riendly car 3ah called Ci'y
Sleeker$ 3hich i very #ene&icial
'o 'he environmen' #ecaue i'
allo3 car 'o #e 3ahed$ 3hich
can #e very #ene&icial 'o 'he
environmen' #ecaue o& dir' 'ha' can #e
con'ained 3i'hin 'hem" (ven'ually$ 'hi car
3ah #uine had opened i' &ir' oni'e
ervice a' 'he Coun'ryide Mall in
Clear3a'er$ #eing loca'ed on 'he econd
&loor near 'he Co## Movie Thea'er and
'hey 3ah car ou'ide on 'he re'auran' ro3
near 'he cour'ey vale' 'and" Price decri#e
'he di&&icul'y o& launching a 'ar'up &or a
#uine :+'< #een '3o 'ep &or3ard and
'hree 'ep #ack$;.Tala&er/"
The idea &or 'he Ci'y Sleeker
#uine came 3hen Price and hi &ormer
#uine par'ner 3ere #rain'orming &or
idea 'o #e environmen'ally &riendly$ and did
reearch on 'he +n'erne' 'o ee 'ha' a :green;
cleaning olu'ion ue a li''le 3a'er a
poi#le" Price ay :Be kne3 3e 3an'ed 'o
'hink up ome'hing di&&eren' 'ha' 3ould #e
environmen'ally &riendly$; and :Be &ocued
on 'he idea o& cleaning car 3i'hou' 3a'ing
3a'er; .Tala&er/" Bi'h 'ha' idea in mind a
3ell a 'he righ' produc' in poeion$ 'he
dup launched Ci'y Sleeker a a mo#ile
eco&riendly car company$ 3hich doe no'
clean 3i'h much 3a'er in order 'o pro'ec' 'he
3a'er upply 3e have$ 'hu pro'ec'ing our
environmen' and keeping i' :green"; +n'ead
o& #eing 'a'ionary$ 'hi group 'ravel 'o i'
clien' depending on 'heir loca'ion$ and 'hi
even'ually lead 'o 'heir agreemen' 3i'h Chi
Chi 5odrigue> Gol& Clu# in Clear3a'erI
addi'ionally$ 'hi company i alo
revolu'ionary in 3hich 'hey do no' ue car
'o 'ravel$ #u' #icycle in'ead" Bhile 'hi
company i 'a'ioned a' Be'&ield
Coun'ryide Mall in Clear3a'er$ 'hey hope
'o e)pand 'o o'her mall and 'o o'her place
'hroughou' Florida 'o 3ah up car and
pro'ec' our environmen'" .Tala&er/"
The Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'"
Pe'er#urg 3a gran'ed H4AA$AAA #y !uke
(nergy &or a olar array 'o no' only help
'uden' 'udy$ #u' allo3 reearch 'o 'udy
olar po3er in order 'o &ully o#erve 'he
e&&ec' 'ha' 'he un ha on our environmen'"
Thi make 'he Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida
S'" Pe'er#urg i 'he &our'h chool 'o receive
a SunSene gran' &rom !uke$ 3hich
acCuired S'" Pe'er#urg9#aed Progre
(nergy in ,A*,I 'he chool 'ha' received
'hee array #e&ore i' 3ere 'he Univeri'y o&
Cen'ral &lorida$ USF Tampa$ and 'he S'"
Pe'er#urg campu o& S'" Pe'e College" The
*AA9kilo3a'' array 3ill #e in'alled a'op 'he
garage #e'3een 4'h and 0'h 7ve" S$ acro
&rom 'he Univeri'y S'uden' Cen'er in a
carpor'9'yle e''ing 'ha' 3ill 'ill allo3 'he
'op &loor 'o #e ued &or parking" 7&'er loing
ou' on 'he a3ard &or everal year$ USF S'"
Pe'er#urg e' ou' 'o &ul&ill 'he peci&ic
Cuali&ica'ion !uke 3a eeking$ including a
u'aina#ili'y coordina'orI
in'alla'ion o& an energy
dah#oard$ or online y'em 'ha'
3ould allo3 anyone 'o moni'or
energy ue a' major #uildingI and
indica'ion 'ha' 'here 3ould #e an
educa'ional role and 'uden'
engagemen' in 'he proce
Bi'h 'he reearch o#'ained &rom
'udying 'he olar ray$
reearcher a' 'he Univeri'y o&
Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg 3ill
#e a#le 'o analy>e ho3 'he un
'ruly a&&ec' our environmen'" The
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'"
Pe'er#urg e' ou' 'o &ill 'he
peci&ic Cuali&ica'ion 'ha' !uke
3a eeking in order 'o achieve
'he SunSene array$ 3hich 3a
ome'hing i' ha #een 'rying 'o do
&or everal year .S'ock&ich/"
Scien'i' #elieve 'he un 'o #e
highly #ene&icial 'o our
environmen' #ecaue o& 'he role i'
play in 'he gro3'h o& plan'I 'he
gro3'h o& plan' &rom 'he un
ena#le no' only &ood &or human$
#u' alo &or o'her organim$ 'hu
leening 'he need 'o go ou' and
hun' 3ild animal &or &ood" The
proce o& plan' gro3ing due 'o
a#or#ing ray &rom 'he un i
called pho'oyn'hei$ and i'
'ake place in 'he chloropla'"
The chloropla' i loca'ed 3i'hin
'he cell o& 'he plan'$ and i
perhap 'he mo' cri'ical par' o&
'he plan' #eide 'he nucleu
#ecaue i' con'ain 'he green
pigmen' ued &or
pho'oyn'hei$ chlorophyll" The
impor'ance o& 'he un &or our
plan' canno' #e denied$ #u' i'
may alo have harm&ul e&&ec' &or
our plan'$ 3hich alo a&&ec' our
environmen'I 3i'h 'hee array$
reearcher o& 'he Univeri'y o&
Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg 3ill
&inally #e a#le 'o o#erve i& 'he
un ha any harm&ul e&&ec' on
Green Technology
T3o elec'ric vehicle charging
'a'ion 3ere in'alled a' 'he
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'"
Pe'er#urg a par' o& 'he
univeri'y< con'inuing
commi'men' 'o green ini'ia'ive"
The charging 'a'ion$ paid &or
3i'h a U"S" !epar'men' o& (nergy
gran' a3arded 'o USFSP #y
Progre (nergy$ 3ill #e &ree 'o
'he pu#lic during 'he '3o year o&
opera'ion$ and availa#le ,2 hour
a day" They are loca'ed in Parking
=o' ,$ on 'he ea'ern ide o& 'he
campu acro &rom 7l#er' Bi''ed
7irpor'" The Univeri'y 3ill
evalua'e 'he uage and co' o& 'he
charging 'a'ion during 'he &ir'
year 'o de'ermine i& any &ee 3ill
#e reCuired 'herea&'er" S'uden'
!avid Hakki$ ,A$ 3a 'he &ir'
peron 'o 'ake advan'age o& 'he
&ree charging 'a'ion$ hooking up
hi Chevy Gol' Bedneday
:+<ve al3ay had a paion
&or ne3 'echnology$<< aid Hakki$
an in&orma'ion 'echnology major
3ho gre3 up in Seminole" :+ ee
i' a an inve'men' in 'he &u'ure"<<
+'< alo aving him money
no3$ he ay" Be&ore he go' 'he
Gol' in !ecem#er$ he pen' a#ou'
H-AA a mon'h in ga" Since 'hen
he< driven -$4AA mile and &illed
up only '3ice :and + 'ill have a
hal& a 'ank o& ga"<< He alo like
'he &ac' 'ha' he< no' pollu'ing 'he
air and no' a dependen' on
&oreign oil" The ,2A9vol' charging
'a'ion 3ill po3er hi vehicle
'3ice a &a' a plugging i' in'o a
*,A9vol' ocke' a' home or in 'he
parking garage on campu$ he
aid" The ne3 'a'ion 3ill charge
in car in only a &e3 hour$ he aid"
The charging 'a'ion are 'he
la'e' e)ample o& USFSP<
emphai on u'aina#ili'y" Thi
ho3 'ha' USFSP i commi''ed
'o #e''ering our campu and
con'inuing 'o make change o
'ha' 'he 3ord 3ill pread a#ou'
ho3 green our campu ha
#ecome and 3ill u'ain 'ha'"
:Be are very pleaed 'o
add ano'her u'aina#le energy
oppor'uni'y &or our 'uden'$
&acul'y and 'a&&$; aid !r" 7hok
!hingra$ 5egional Gice
Chancellor &or 7dmini'ra'ive and
Financial Service" :USFSP i
dedica'ed 'o minimi>ing our
phyical imprin' on 'he plane'
3hile &o'ering 'e3ardhip o& 'he
5ecen' ini'ia'ive range
&rom 'he Gold =((! cer'i&ica'ion
o& 'he ne3 Univeri'y S'uden'
Cen'er no3 under con'ruc'ion
and e)pec'ed 'o #e comple'ed in
7ugu' 'o a olar9po3ered gol&
car' 'he &acili'ie 'a&& ue 'o ge'
around campu" The ne3 Science
and Technology #uilding a' USF
S'" Pe'er#urg 3ill #roaden
cience 'eaching and reearch a'
'he in'i'u'ion$ and i' 3ill do o a
'he &ir' #uilding in 'he USF
Sy'em 'o earn =eaderhip in
(nvironmen'al and (nergy !eign
.=((!/ cer'i&ica'ion" Facul'y
mem#er and admini'ra'or &rom
USF S'" Pe'er#urg and 'he USF
College o& Marine Science
colla#ora'ed 'o crea'e 'hi mul'i9
&unc'ional #uilding" Univeri'y
and communi'y leader ga'hered
Monday$ %an" ,4 &or 'he #uilding
dedica'ion" !ue 'o i'
planning$ con'ruc'ion ma'erial
and deign$ 'he #uilding earned
enough credi' &or Gold =((!
cer'i&ica'ion" The =((! green
#uilding cer'i&ica'ion program$
managed #y 'he U"S" Green
Building Council$ i a na'ional
ra'ing y'em &or #uilding
deigned$ con'ruc'ed and
opera'ed &or improved
environmen'al and human heal'h
Suppor' &rom 'he Progre
(nergy Founda'ion &unded 'he
Progre (nergy (ar'h Science
=a#ora'ory" Ma'ched #y 'he 'a'e
Cour'eli Capi'al Facili'ie Ma'ch
Program$ 'he gi&' eCuipped 'he
la#ora'ory and provided la#
cae3ork and eCuipmen' &or
reearch 'ailored 'o 'he 'udy o&
phyic$ geology and o'her
geocience" The e)panded
claroom pace uppor' a cro9
ec'ion o& univeri'y program
3hile 'he 'eaching and reearch
la# enhance 'he undergradua'e
and gradua'e (nvironmen'al
Science and Policy program and
'he Pre9Medical and Pre9Heal'h
Science 'rack" Many incoming
&ir'9year 'uden' e)pre in'ere'
in 'he in'i'u'ion< pre9medical
and pre9heal'h cience 'rack J
undergradua'e coure eCuence
'ha' give 'uden' 'he &le)i#ili'y 'o
purue a #road9#aed li#eral ar'
educa'ion 3hile in'egra'ing 'he
advanced9level cience
coure3ork reCuired #y gradua'e
and pro&eional program in 'he
heal'h cience" The #uilding i
-4$AAA Cuare &ee' and '3o 'orie
high" +' ha eigh' claroom and
one eminar room on 'he &ir'
&loor$ &our in'ruc'ional la# on
'he econd &loor: 'he Progre
(nergy (ar'h Science =a#$ a
General Chemi'ry =a# and '3o
General Biology =a#$ &ive USF
College o& Marine Science
reearch la# on 'he econd &loor$
and &our USFSP College o& 7r'
and Science reearch la# on 'he
econd &loor" There are 60 clae
in 'he #uilding 3i'h 'he large'
claroom accommoda'ing 0A
'uden'$ 'he malle'
accommoda'ing ,A"
Thee advancemen' are
ju' 'epping 'one 'o ho3 ho3
commi''ed 3e are 'o going green
a' USFSP" Bi'h 'he leader 3e
have$ 'here i no dou#' 3e 3ill
#e''er our campu a 3ell a 'he
communi'y around u" Green
'echnology i very impor'an' in
'he 3orld and 'he more 3e
promo'e i' 'he more i' 3ill ca'ch
on 'o o'her campu@ a 3ell a ju'
anyone looking 'o #e''er 'here
communi'y or 'he environmen'"
Thi 3ill help our &u'ure people
reali>e 'he impor'ance o& green
'echnology and 3hy 3e 3ork o
hard 'o promo'e and u'ain i'"
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg Compu'er
The Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida
e)pand 'heir green environmen'
#y promo'ing recycling #y
dipoing compu'er eCuipmen'"
Their main goal i 'o reduce 'heir
car#on &oo'prin' in hope o&
ho3caing a greener and (co9
&riendly environmen'" The campu
i commi''ed 'o :dipoing o&
o#ole'e 'echnology in a
reponi#le manner; .Compu'er
!ipoal/" +n correpondence$
'hey do o #y
+mplemen'ing recycle
cen'er &or #a''erie
+mplemen'ing recycle
cen'er &or compu'er par'
Uing au'o po3er o&& &or
claroom compu'er
Frdering recycled paper
and recycling ued paper"
Bi'h 'hoe li'ed promo'ion 'ha'
'he Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida i
u'ili>ing$ 3e are headed 'o3ard a
greener &u'ure a' 'he S'$
Pe'er#urg campu" USFSP
&ollo3 an (nvironmen'al
S'e3ardhip 'ha' guide 'hem in
upholding a green environmen'"
7 'a'ed under 'he
(nvironmen'al S'e3ardhip$ 'he
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'"
Pe'er#urg campu convenien'ly
place recycle #in all over campu
including 'he reiden'ial hall 'o
&ur'her prac'ice environmen'al
For proper dipoal$ Univeri'y o&
Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg
campu 3ork in conjunc'ion 3i'h
Cen'ral 5eceiving$ in 'he proce
o& dipoing old compu'er$
moni'or$ prin'er$ and o'her
elec'ronic" Cen'ral receiving a'
USFSP i kno3n 'o ervice in'ra9
campu mail" They are alo
kno3n &or :Shipping uing 'a'e
con'rac' 3i'h UPS$ and ai'
depar'men' and college 3i'h
Proper'y +nven'ory iue in
accordance 3i'h USF policy;
.Compu'er !ipoal/"
7 Green Campu &rom a S'uden'< Perpec'ive
7n email urvey 3a 'aken in correpondence 'o 'he developmen' and
ucce o& Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg green campu"
S'uden' 'ha' are &amiliar 3i'h 'he developmen' o& our green communi'y
3ere aked a varie'y o& Cue'ion regarding our going green ucce"
7 &e3 'uden' 'ha' a''end 'he Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida 3ere aked 'he
Cue'ion$ :Bha' doe going green mean 'o you;K 7 USF Senior an3ered$
:The 'erm going green mean 'ha' 3e ue 'hing 'ha' are recycla#le and
reua#le or any'hing 'ha' 3ouldn<' necearily harm 'he 3orld"
7 USF %unior 'a'ed$ :From 3ha' + have #een 'augh' LGoing Green< mean
prac'icing a li&e'yle o& recycling$ uing eco9&riendly produc' and 3i'ching
'o organic &ood;"
From 'hi Cue'ion$ + ga'hered 'ha' 'uden' 3ho are a3are o& 3ha' going
green mean$ i more likely 'o no'ice 'he green movemen' 'ha' i going on
around campu" +& 'uden' aren<' a3are o& 'he green movemen'$ 'hey are
le inclined 'o con'ri#u'e 'o 'he green environmen' ucce"
Seeing 'ha' 'he in'ervie3ed 'uden' 3ere a %unior and Senior$ 'hey have
3i'need 'he environmen'al change 'ha' have occurred 3i'hin 'he pa'
'hree 'o &our year" + aked 'he 'uden' 3ha' recommenda'ion 'hey have 'o
improve on our green communi'y"
The USF Senior an3ered$ :Promo'e #e''er and 'ry 'o ge' 'uden' e)ci'ed 'o
recycleM (ven 'hough 'here are limi'ed moking ec'ion$ 'hey hould
elimina'e i';"
More promo'ion o& going green 3ould mo' de&ini'ely #e #ene&icial 'o our
movemen'" Be could implemen' promo'ion regarding our green
environmen' in every apec' o& our chool 'o enure a #e''er Cuali'y" Fne
canno' promo'e enough$ #u' in 'hi i'ua'ion$ 'here i no uch 'hing a 'oo
much promo'ion &or an eco9&riendly communi'y"
The USF %unior replied$ :+ 3ould ue hand air dryer &or all re'room$ ue
eco9&riendly napkin$ and have more recycling #in on campu;"
Bi'h 'hi par'icular advice$ &und 3ould have 'o #e made 'o go 'hrough 3i'h
'hi e&&or'" Fnce &und are made$ 'hi can #e an eay &i) 'o enhance our
green communi'y"
Gloary o& Term
AmericanCollege&University Presidents'ClimateCommitment (ACUPCC) an e&&or' 'o addre
glo#al clima'e #y a ne'3ork o& college and univeri'ie 'ha' have made in'i'u'ional commi'men' 'o
elimina'e ne' greenhoue ga emiion &rom peci&ied campu opera'ion$ and 'o promo'e 'he
reearch and educa'ional e&&or' o& higher educa'ion 'o eCuip ocie'y 'o re9'a#ili>e 'he ear'h<
climate ne!tral having ne' >ero car#on emiion
environmental s!staina"ility The main'enance o& 'he &ac'or and prac'ice 'ha' con'ri#u'e 'o 'he
Cuali'y o& environmen' on a long9'erm #ai"
going green 'o purue kno3ledge and prac'ice 'ha' can lead 'o more environmen'ally &riendly and
ecologically reponi#le deciion and li&e'yle$ 3hich can help pro'ec' 'he environmen' and u'ain
i' na'ural reource &or curren' and &u'ure genera'ion"
#reen $ee a H*"AA per credi' &ee aeed on USF 'uden'< 'ui'ion 'ha' uppor' &unding &or
u'aina#ili'y ini'ia'ive a' 'he Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida"
greenho!se gas one o& everal gae 'ha' can a#or# and emi' long3ave .in&rared/ radia'ion in a
plane'ary a'mophere
LE% lighting 'and &or :ligh'9emi''ing diode;I an energy e&&icien' elec'ronic device 'ha' emi' ligh'
3hen an elec'rical curren' i paed 'hrough i'*
Photosynthesis he proce #y 3hich green plan' and ome o'her organim ue unligh' 'o
yn'hei>e &ood &rom car#on dio)ide and 3a'er
&t!dent #reen Energy $!nd (&#E$) 7 'uden'9run commi''ee a' USFSP 'ha' &ocue on crea'ing
and &unding 'uden' projec' 'ha'promo'eu'aina#ili'y$ reduce'he univeri'y< energy co'and
greenhoue gaemiion$and mi'iga'e 3a'eandreource conump'ion
&olar %o' a olar9po3ered picnic 'a#le made &rom recycled ma'erial #y 'he company (nerFuion
'ha' provide a el&9u'aining$ elec'ronic device charging cen'er
Bork Ci'ed
7dam$ 7" .,A*2$ %une *A/" (mail in'ervie3"
NComple'ed Projec' 9 USFSP S'uden' Green (nergy Fund"N Co"pleted
#ro$ects % &SFS# Student Green Enery Fund" N"p"$ n"d" Be#" *-
%une ,A*2"
S'ock&ich$ %erome" :Gran' 'o help USFSP produce$ 'udy olar po3er";
&SFS#' %une *4$ ,A*2
NSu'aina#ili'y Program and +ni'ia'ive a' USF and around 'he Borld"N
#atel Sc!ool of Global Sustainability RSS" N"p"$ n"d" Be#" *- %une
Tala&er$ %anan" :S'uden' in USFSP (n'repreneurhip Program =aunch
Crea'ive S'ar'up"; &SFS#' May ,A$ ,A*2"
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg" :Compu'er !ipoal;" &SFS#"
%une *,$ ,A*2"
NUSFSP Ne3 Cen'er OFree (lec'ric Charging S'a'ion +n'alled on
Campu"N &ni(ersity of Sout! Florida St #etersbur" N"p"$ n"d" Be#"
*6 %une ,A*2"
NUSFSP Ne3 Cen'er OScience ? Technology Building (arn =((!
Cer'i&ica'ion"N &ni(ersity of Sout! Florida St #etersbur" N"p"$ n"d"
Be#" *6 %une ,A*2"
7nno'a'ed Bi#liography
7dam$ 7" .,A*2$ %une *A/" (mail in'ervie3"
+ conduc'ed an email in'ervie3 'o a &e3 Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida
S'" Pe'er#urg 'uden'" The in'ervie3 con'ained &ive Cue'ion 'ha'
3ere aimed 'o3ard 'he developmen' o& our green communi'y"
Surpriingly$ many 'uden' did no' kno3 3ha' :going green; all
3a a#ou'$ o + aked 'he in'ervie3 candida'e 3ha' 'hey 'hough' i'
3a" + alo aked 3ha' green &ea'ure 'hey have no'iced 'hroughou'
'he campu a 3ell a 'ip 'o addi'ionally promo'ing a green campu"
7hley provided grea' repone 'ha' 3ill #e #ene&icial 'o our 3hi'e
paper projec'" 7 'uden'< ou'look on our green environmen' 3ill
mo' de&ini'ely help 3i'h 'he developmen' o& our paper"
NComple'ed Projec' 9 USFSP S'uden' Green (nergy Fund"N Co"pleted
#ro$ects % &SFS# Student Green Enery Fund" N"p"$ n"d" Be#" *-
%une ,A*2"
Thi ource i 'he o&&icial homepage 'o Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida
S'" Pe'er#urg< S'uden' Green (nergy Fund$ 3hich i a commi''ee
'ha' i reponi#le &or crea'ing and &unding projec' 'ha' make
USFSP :green;" +' provided a general li' o& 'he projec' 'ha' have
#een ucce&ully implemen'ed in order 'o promo'e u'aina#ili'y"
Becaue i' i 'he o&&icial SG(F 3e#i'e$ and i' 3a linked 'o USF<
o&&icial 3e#i'e$ + kno3 'he in&orma'ion i relia#le" Thi 3e#i'e 3a
a grea' 'ar'ing poin' &or my reearch #ecaue i' provided me 3i'h
'he projec' 'ha' have #een comple'ed #y SG(F" Ho3ever$ i' did no'
go in'o dep'h on each projec' o + ued 'hi 3e#i'e 'o imply no'e
3hich projec' + could &ur'her reearch uing o'her ource"
S'ock&ich$ %erome" :Gran' 'o help USFSP produce$ 'udy olar po3er";
&SFS#' %une *4$ ,A*2
Thi ar'icle 'ell o& !uke (nergy a3arding a H4AA$AAA gran' 'o
USFSP &or a olar array 'o help reearcher 'udy olar po3er" Thi
i really #ene&icial &or keeping our campu green #ecaue 3e can
apply 'he da'a achieved &rom i' 'o aving our environmen'" USFSP i
ac'ually 'he &our'h chool 'o
receive a SunSene gran' &rom !uke Univeri'y" Thi 3a an a3ard 'ha' 3a ough' #y
USFSP &or everal year"
NSu'aina#ili'y Program and +ni'ia'ive a' USF and around 'he Borld"N #atel Sc!ool of Global
Sustainability RSS" N"p"$ n"d" Be#" *- %une ,A*2"
Though 'hi i'e in<' peci&ically &or 'he S'" Pe'er#urg campu$ i' i 'he o&&icial
homepage o& USF< College o& Glo#al Su'aina#ili'y" +' domain name ."u&"edu/
igni&ie 'ha' i con'ain relia#le in&orma'ion" + remem#er 3a'ching a video on 'he USF
homepage a#ou' USF< :green; campu prior 'o #eginning 'hi projec'" + e' ou' 'o &ind
'hi video 3hen + #egan my reearch$ and i' 3a linked 'o 'hi ource" +' provided
in&orma'ion on di&&eren' program USF ha 'aken par' in #o'h locally and na'ionally"
Though i' i 'he o&&icial i'e and provide ample in&orma'ion$ i' de&ini'ely hold #ia a i'
ak &or dona'ion 'o uppor' i' program" 5eearch on 'ride 'aken 'o3ard 'he green
movemen' in re&erence 'o USF proper 3a 'aken uing 'hi ource"
Tala&er$ %anan" :S'uden' in USFSP (n'repreneurhip Program =aunch Crea'ive S'ar'up";
&SFS#' May ,A$ ,A*2"
Thi ar'icle 'ell o& 'he launch o& a ne3 program 'o keep USFSP going green #y 'uden'
Nick Price and Paola Chamorro Bard enhancing 'heir companie &or 'heir #uine cla"
Price launched a car 3ah #uine called Ci'y Sleeker and Bard launched a #racele'
'ha' erve a a 'racking device called NeverBander$ and i 'ill eeking inve'or" Thi
program a' USFSP 3a named 'he 'op emerging program in ,A*-" More and more
'uden' are coming up 3i'h idea &or #uinee 'hank 'o 'hi clu#"
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg" :Compu'er !ipoal;" &SFS#" %une *,$ ,A*2"
The Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida S'" Pe'er#urg campu allo''ed a 3e# page direc'ed
'o3ard 'he implemen'a'ion$ movemen'$ and ucce o& 'heir campu :going green;" Fn
'hi par'icular 3e# page$ 'hey are dicuing 'he environmen'al 'e3ardhip o& compu'er
dipoal" They provide 'he goal o& 'heir 'e3ardhip$ 3hich i :3orking 'o3ard reducing
'heir o3n car#on &oo'prin';" +n o'her 3ord$ 'hey are e)erciing 'heir environmen'al
reponi#ili'y #y increaing 'he num#er o& recycling cen'er around campu" The dipoal
o& #a''erie$ compu'er par'$ mo#ile phone$ ink
car'ridge$ and many more compu'er9#aed i'em are increaing rapidly" Thi 3e# page
ha provided 'he #aic o& 3ha' + 3a looking &or 'o &ur'her learn a#ou' 'he e)panion o&
Univeri'y o& Sou'h Florida< progre in going green"
NUSFSP Ne3 Cen'er OFree (lec'ric Charging S'a'ion +n'alled on Campu"N &ni(ersity of
Sout! Florida St #etersbur" N"p"$ n"d" Be#" *6 %une ,A*2"
Thi ar'icle 'a'e 'ha' 'here 3ere '3o elec'ric vehicle9charging 'a'ion in'alled on 'he
USFSP campu promo'ing 'he campu@ commi'men' 'o i' green ini'ia'ive" The U"S"
!epar'men' o& (nergy paid &or 'hee charging 'a'ion 3i'h a gran' 'hey re3arded 'o
USFSP" Thee charging 'a'ion are availa#le ,2 hour a day and are loca'ed in parking
lo' , on 'he ea'ern ide o& campu" The charging 'a'ion are 'he la'e' e)ample o&
USFSP< emphai on u'aina#ili'y"
NUSFSP Ne3 Cen'er OScience ? Technology Building (arn =((! Cer'i&ica'ion"N &ni(ersity
of Sout! Florida St #etersbur" N"p"$ n"d" Be#" *6 %une ,A*2"
Thi ar'icle 'a'e 'he ne3 Science and Technology #uilding a' USFSP i 'he &ir'
#uilding in 'he USF Sy'em 'o earn =eaderhip in (nvironmen'al and (nergy !eign
.=((!/ cer'i&ica'ion" The H*, million dollar &acili'y 3a &unded #y P(CF$ 'he 'a'e
program 'ha' &und educa'ion con'ruc'ion 'hrough 'a)e on u'ili'y ervice" The #uilding
earned enough credi' &or Gold =((! cer'i&ica'ion" The =((! green #uilding
cer'i&ica'ion program$ managed #y 'he U"S" Green Building Council$ i a na'ional ra'ing
y'em &or #uilding deigned$ con'ruc'ed and opera'ed &or improved environmen'al and
human heal'h per&ormance"

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