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Mysticism & the Psychology of Audio-visual Events

Mysticism & the Psychology of Audio!isu"l E!e#ts
The $u# o$ %"ss& th"t 'ould h"!e it closi#g& comi#g f"st "#d (eyo#d& to se!e$"l isol"tio#s
'$ought& o$ #"med& " (uildi#g of elicit"tio#s "#d f$"gme#ts& 'ho is )#o'# "s " %"stu$e&
sym%osium o$ com(i#"tio# of %$i#ci%les "#d dou(ts* The #"me* A#d 'h"t h"s %"ss"ge& $el"+i#g
("c)& is the #"me th$ough e!e#ts& the e$"su$e of motio# "#d dy#"mism& #eithe$ l"c) #o$ %"st& (ut
" %$ecise "#d ecli%tic %"ss"ge of e!e#ts th$ough memo$y "#d flesh "s "ct "#d #"me* Neithe$
dome suffices& " %"$"llel of co##ecti!es& 'ithout met"%ho$& this "ffi$m"ti!e& he$e "#d %$ese#t&
'ithout sy#t"+ o$ motio#*
A#d goes $"ttli#g& th$ough the e"$s& o$ "$ou#d& di$ectio# "#d $eflectio#& "s o#e %"ss
th$ough the mou#t"i#s& 'he$e o#e might feel the e"$th mo!i#g& (o$ed i#to (y d$ills "#d (its& %"st
the emoti!e of s%"ce "#d elo,ue#ce& "s the (i$ds %"ss th$ough "ll they )#o' "#d cold "i$ suffices
to #"me 'h"t goes "s light o$ s%ots o$ e"se o$ de#omi#"tio#s* Sto%* The $u# out of sh"%e& 'he$e
demo#st$"tio#s c$"c) "#d sh")e& fi$st #othi#g& out of the "i$ c$e%t& "#d the# the "i$ c$e%t& "#d the#
the "i$& "#d the# the o#e of %$ecede#ce* All "s #othi#g "#d "ll "s "i$ "#d "ll "s o#e "#d the# "s
#othi#g* Re%e"ts& "#d goes to'"$d the co#tem%l"tio# of the o#e* No#e*
Th$ough the f"mili"$ l"c)i#g& #ome#cl"tu$e "#d dime#sio#& o$ e,ui!"le#ce& (ut %"st "ll
th"t& "s s%ots o$ m"$)s& "t le"st& of !isu"l sig#ific"#ce& c$e%t& l"c)ed& m"$)ed& the$e- A#d li#)ed&
c"used f$om the #othi#g#ess of cold "i$& dogs ("$)i#g& "#d 'o$ds f$om othe$ m"$)s "#d
$e%osito$!e."#d he"$s the l"%sed %"ss"ge& of )#o'i#g o$ ide#tific"tio#* His o'#
sou#ds "#d lights& 'hich c"me o$ %$eceded e!e# the c"use& %$io$ to $egist$y& utte$"#ce of flesh
light& o$ seedi#g& th"t he$ #"me (e c$ossed "#d m"$)ed& #o me"su$e "fte$ eithe$ f"the$ o$ mothe$&
(ut the %l"#e of sou#d& co#ti#uous "#d 'hole& eithe$ to defe"t o$ %ossessio#& "s myste$y*
A#d mo!eme#t& too& f$om the $idge%ole of the 'o$ld& "lte$#"ti#g (et'ee# m"$) "#d flu+&
" s%ot of e"$th see#& de!ised& e"sed& to $es%o#d f$om the l"!" (eds "#d se" sho$es& $ough c$"c)ed
l"!" %hotog$"%hs /"c$oss "ct to this cho$us of !oices "#d yells* The t$"i# $olls (y "#d "i$ mo!es
i#to s,u"$e s%"ce* Of %$io$ c"use& "#d he$ #"me utte$ed eithe$ out of #ecessity o$ memo$y& (ut
l"gged i#to meeti#g& " 0u#ctu$e& " %u#ctu$e th$ough e"se "#d colo$ to #oses "#d eyes& " 'et leg*
1eys to m"$) the "i$* Out of "ll o(0ects& the o(0ect itself& desig#ed i# sights of the close de#i"l of
O$ " to#gue& sh"ft* Sli%%i#g "s cle"$ "i$& "#d im"ge& th$ust "loft& (y he$& too& held do'#&
m"de out of '"+ "#d h"#ds& the im%ulse to d$i!e the "i$ (efo$e* To $emem(e$ the %"$"llel
te+tu$es of $ough#ess "#d decle#sio#& the i!y g"$l"#ded doo$'"ys of memo$y "#d ide#tific"tio#&
o#esu#* (ut the$e& "#d m"$)* To sto% o$ hold& " mi#d to it& $ef$"cto$y& "lie#& %ositi!e* 2hich
st"$ts it off* Rou#d#ess "#d e$ect#ess& " cyli#de$* O$ is#ess i# the sh"do' of the lights& figu$e
"#d g$ou#d& eme$ge#ce& 'hom& "#d$ogy#y3 I4ll '"it o# th"t& '"it o# #"mi#g& '"it o# %e"$s "#d
$ice fo$ he$ e+%losio#& %"ce o#e "#d t'o& the# $est*
5ut he$ el"stic& m"de " flo'e$ out& #o& "ll seei#g is #ot m"le& #o$ fem"le& #o$ 'ithout
$es%ect "#d dist"#ce* The$e '"s& 'e s"id& the #e' t$"!eli#g to m")e& thei$ ("gs s%$e"d out& (ut
u#'elcome& "s hum"#s "$e to e"ch othe$& "#d %"usi#g& e#'$"%t& th"t child& "s " c"tego$y& "#d
solid* 5ut the !e$y stuff %e$sists& d$o#es& it holds out solid& o# the g$"sses "#d ch"i$s& co#te#t "#d
touch& /#o#toc"$e6 "#d " #e' $el"tio#& I s"id& u#thought& (ut 'he$e3 7o#scious#ess "llo'ed it*
85ut ho' c"# you do "#ythi#g*8 Ag"i# the cho$us of $isi#g !oices& t$"i#s& "i$& loc)s& )eys& doo$s&
the (uildi#g settles* The e"$th holds "#d (lue s)y too*
A $hythm of %$ecisio#& "fte$ s%eech& l"+& '"itful& held li)e good 'ill& (ut #ot 'ithout
effect& "#d glo'i#g& this cle!e$ deceit& #ot to mo!e& "t "ll& e!e$ "g"i#& " cle!e$ "ct& "#d music"l&
o$ fo$m"l& I do#4t )#o'* 5egi#* The #"me of the d"#ce& "#y'"y& $el"tes fo$m"l ("l"#ce to its
motio#* 2h"t he me"#s is cle"$& (ut #ot& e+"ctly& ho'& #o$ could "#yo#e tell& though 8#o othe$s8
is "lso " $ule o$ $ule$* 2histli#g th$ough close ch"##els& "#d s'itched& "le$t* 9oi#g "lo#g& o!e$
to'"$d the left side /($"i# #odes6& "le$t to e!e$y shift "#d f$"gme#t* Is this %ossi(le3 O$
e+%e$ie#ci#g ("l"#ce %$io$ to its st"teme#t* 2hose %"use& 'hose "i$& #o$ legitim"te*
5ut the f$"gme#t holds& "t le"st "s " (eh"!io$& sus%e#sio# "#d isol"tio#& 'e"$i#g out the
#e$!e e#di#gs i# e#dless $e%etitio#& #o$ f"ctu"l di"log& though e#e$gy $et$e"ts "t th"t& "t di"log
"#d co#t"ct& though co#st"#t $e"ssu$"#ce is mo$e th"# f$e,ue#t* So the t'o of "cts "#d the th$ee
of $egist$y: it is #ecess"$y& she )#o's th"t too& "#d '"its& 0ust "s I do& fo$ 'hole#ess "#d light* It
%"uses& %"sses do'# %"st the lu#gs& $e!ol!i#g #e"$ the e,u"to$* Though #othi#g is )#o'#* This
"ffi$m"ti!e mode of c"use& "#d so u##ecess"$y& to "$ise out of the hedges li)e " lette$ o$ "
f$"gme#t& memo$y& %$io$* ;o$m*
I (uilt it u% li)e th"t& "s f"$ "s I could& #o %"use& (ut time& "#d !e$tic"l 'hich 'e "ll )#o'*
Ve$#"cul"$ "#d %$ecise& si#ce it is u#dem"#di#g* 5ut #othi#g is u#self$ighteous& (ut " '"y out
o$ i#& the Ho%i s#")e m"<e& "#d his o%e# eyes o%e#i#g& th"t4s cle"$& is#4t it3 Th$ough #o %"use
"le$t "#d dogm"tic* These cit"tio#s "#d mo$e: the !oice 'hich c"lls "#d summo#s& "#d ("c)
(eyo#d the lite$"l "ct& the sh"do' of the light c"st "s f$om: some o(0ects "#d cl"uses& o$
com(i#"tio#s* It is e"sie$ #o'& "#d $ecog#itio# ce"ses u%'"$d* The thi#g he$e& itself of "cts& "#d
#o i#cli#"tio# to do othe$'ise* Is th"t %$ose3 His close "#d tem%o$"l ide#tity* ;$esh "#d hot& the
o%e# doo$ of sec$ecy*
2hich e!e# I $emem(e$& to st$i#g it out& o$ hold it i#* Th"t should (e m"de cle"$& should
eme$ge& should %"$tici%"te /these fo$mul"e6* A#d %"ssi#g it "lo#g to othe$s& #o d$"fts& #o
g$o"#i#g guests& the o%e# 'i#do' u#defi#ed (y the st$eetlight* 5ut hold o#* The$e is mo$#i#g
"#d "fte$#oo#& the "i$ %"sses th"t '"y& th$ough the %$i<e$oom& "#d "#othe$ (ell$i#gi#g* 2he$e
st$eets3 A#d it is #ot yet em%ty* This cl"use of flesh& %$e#"med& his d"ughte$ out'"$d& "#d the
ecli%ses of mo$#i#g* =#th$ust "#d '"ited* 5l"sti#g "lo#g th$ough the h"lls& "#d loo)i#g out*
Loo)i#g out* The$e4s " doo$& they s"y& scoot i#& 'he$e3
Ve$tic"l %$ese#t of e!e#ts& "ll "tt$i(utes $el"ti#g u%'"$d& t$ee e+%ou#di#g the he"d of it&
h"i$ l"%sed to& o$ i#to %$ese#time#t* As l"%se of the field of "tt$i(utes to 'hich o#e "tte#ds& "s
%$o(lem "#d solutio# dissi%"te out of %$ocess to %$io$ c"use& the mood of ele!"tio# o$ the l"%se
of the !isu"l f$om te$mi#ology i#to co#te+t& o$ (ei#g 'ith 'o$ds& f$om #o #e' %$ete+t& out of the
'hole#ess of "d!e$(s "#d the t"#gle of fo$m& "t le"st f$om desc$i%tio# (e#t "$ou#d i# %"$"llel
ci$cuit$y& f$om the model $emo!ed& "s e"$thsome "#d u#$e%etitious& li)e " situ"tio# of seei#g&
'he$e it mo!es do'#'"$d "#d u%'"$d* At o#ce*
2ithout %"use& the %"use of selectio#& "#d to'"$d cl"$ity& "s " mo!eme#t& "#y'"y& i#
"ssum%tio# of the $esults& " lo#g %$ef"ce& f$om the system o$ mode o$ s%he$e /hemis%he$e6 of
"cti!ity& th"t 'hich co#t"i#s the esse#ce o$ mode* 2hich h"s " motio# to it& too& "#d e#ci$cles "s
it u#$"!els& %e#et$"tio#s of d"y($e") "#d mus)& out$idi#g "ll %le"su$e& li)e " c"t"log of thi#gs& "
%e$ce%tu"l mod"lity f$om the o#e& f$om the !isu"l of thi#gs "#d thei$ sou$ce* Those th$ee& "#d
the myste$ies of %ossessio#& mo!i#g "'"y "#d e#0oi#i#g /cl"use: co#t$"ct: $et$o"ct6& " sm"ll $ed
t"g& do'# #e"$ the (ottom of %l"stic e!e#ts*
2hich im"gi#es someo#e o$ " liste#i#g& i# the immedi"cies of $es%o#di#g& '"iti#g
,uietly i# the h"ll& "s do "ll fo$mul"tio#s "#d hesit"#cies& (ut "s " fo$ce of em%ti#ess& " 'elcome
#ost"lgi" 'hich %$ecedes !e$tigo "#d " solid co#t$"ctio#& "s if the $ecomme#d"tio#s 'e$e
%le"su$e& "s if "# u#)#o'# 'e$e m"de* Th"t& o$ th"t& o#e s"ys& o$ I do& "#d %"sses o#& u#li)ely
"#d %e$em%to$y& "($u%t& met"(olic e!ide#ce of eithe$ memo$y o$ $eflectio#& "#d& l"%se&
u#co#ti#uous %e#et$"tio#& fl"gs "#d 'et 'i#ds& o$ fl"%%i#g "#d sl"%%i#g& (ut #o& %"use& o#& s%lit&
slid& his e"$s out& light "t the edge& "# "i$ su#g& he"d "#d ce$emo#ies& the $est* Oh-
As mi+* As "dum($"ted flu+* As met"%ho$ic %"$"mete$ of the imme"su$ed& 'h"te!e$
edge the flo'e$ itself i#iti"tes& o$& child too& "#d e"$th "s 'o$m(eh"!io$& "# u#disco!e$ed
s"me#ess& "#d %"tte$#ed out of %$"ctice to'"$d itself& "#d #e' i#fo$m"tio# e#closed "#d
$edefi#ed& fl"t& out& the slight cu$!es "#d edges& o$& sh"%ed& the#& o$ #ot& (ut stic)y su(st"#ces to
'hich o#e $es%o#ds& $ed o$ $ou#d#ess& (ut #ot di<<y& "#d closi#g i# 0ust "s it goes& the "$$o' out
of memo$y "#d co#scie#ce& co#g$"tul"to$y& 8The$e-8 o$ o# the li#e "#d le"#i#g& (ut #ot "g"i#& "t
le"st i# th"t '"y& "s (efo$e the f"ll"cy itself*
He s"id& #ot to $e%e"t success* A h"i$y edge& loo)i#g u%& u#disclosed* I# te+t& 'ithout
me#tio#i#g it to "#yo#e& the s%"ce (et'ee#& #o sile#ce #o$ '"iti#g& (ut cl"us"l "#d el"%sed& fi#e&
'e h"!e ou$ t"ste& (ut #o #e' $i!e$ fi#e t'ice (ut slo' "#d the slid e#e$getic g$"%h d"t"& 'et o$
#e' $ed& (et'ee# "s "c$oss $ed 0"' "m " mocc"si# . to loo)& "#d do'#& "s $ed "i$ to 'et stic)y&
he"$d& out th$ough& e#lighted& ("c) "#d ("c) "#d ("c)& f$om #o "ctu"l (ut the this of it& he"!y
"#d mech"#ic"l 8mech"#ic"l38 "#d %ush%ushi#g th$ough the edges "#d $emo#st$"#ces& l"y off:
l"y off& "#d e"se o# do'#& li)e th"t "#d get it do#e*
5ut I )#o' th"t& 'he# he s%e")s o$ "cts out of cle!e$#ess& it is too cle"$ " mome#t fo$
th"t* As " $oom glo's f$om its $esou$ces* A s#")ed clim(* O$ %"uses* O$ 0ust 8the h"$d %"$t8&
"c$oss i#to the 'oods: 8ho' to gi!e "# im"ge to8: l"#gu"ge "ct& o$ the $eflectio# #ecess"$y to
"cts& 8ho' should it feel8& (ut clim(i#g ("c) i# f$om %"tte$# "#d desig#& this e!e#t "#d It : E!e#t&
goi#g "lo#g (eside the $o"d& li)e " sho$tcut& th$ough the lo#g '"y $ou#d of co#!e$s"tio#& "t le"st&
fo$m"lly& fo$ 'h"t "l$e"dy h"%%e#ed o$ is "l$e"dy h"%%e#i#g* A style is "lso " (eh"!io$: "#d
s#e")y& too& ho' it ("l"#ces out& o$ 'h"t th"t me"#s& 0ust he$e& ho'*
To co#t"i# it "ll* A %ictu$e of "# i#!isi(le i#fi#itely di!isi(le st"te& (ou#ded (y the
,u"lity of its "cti#g& ho'& i# di!isio#& it comes fo$'"$d& th$ough the fo$ms "#d fo$ces of "llusio#&
these he$e 'o$des& to th$ust& "lmost& out of seei#g i#to the see# /#o te#se6& th"t is& of "ll cl"ssic"l
)#o'ledge& to %ossess& ho'& "s does o$ comes& the#& 'h"t should o#e do 'ho is "l$e"dy doi#g
"#d ho' "#d 'he$e does th"t t$"#sfo$m o$ $el"te out to the l"%sed o$ m"te$i"l 8thi#g8& i# situ& the
"ctu"l o$ $e"l of 'h"t o#e is mutu"lly co#t$i(uto$y to o$ of& o$ f$om& some i#st"#eity of the "ct
itself& to $e"ct out to "#d i# to the $ecollectio# of t$"#sl"tio#& th"t it h"s 0ust (ee# com%leted*
2hich "llo's& u#$est$icti!e* I )#o' "ll the o(0ectio#s& h"!e m"de them out of dis
fu#ctio#"l $el"%si!e ecst"cy "#d %$ofou#d i#te#tio#s of futu$e co#!e$ge#ce* ;l"t out* Acce%t
"#d %e$%etu"l* 1#o'#* This "ct "s* Poetic dilemm"& so )#o'# o$ (ecome this: As: "s* Right*
A is A "#d A is #ot A* So cle"$ th"t the fo$mul"tio# is m"de out& %$osc$i%ti!e* "#d o#ce do#e&
#e!e$ do#e& (ut o$ (ut* " cl"use* A f$"gme#t* The "ll of the ice c$e"m co#e& side$e"l "#d lit u%*
;ocused "#d m"g#ifice#t& clutte$ o$ cluste$& "#d close& (ut s)i%%ed o$ sc$i%t* A#d o#*
=#de!elo%ed& th"t* A#d fl"t cl"ims to c"lm %$oficie#t& held: cluste$ of "#d fe"the$s* The !e$y
No of se#s"tio#* He s"ys*
2hich $esists& u#de#i"(ly* 2ithout touch& the flesh "#d (lood of $esist"#ce* "%$o%os to
the mood o$ selectio# . eithe$ '"y& "g"i#& u% o$ do'#& (ut "lso f$o#t "#d ("c) "#d $ight "#d left&
'hich le"!es #othi#g& ce#t$"l& "t le"st& #othi#g "#d the ce#te$* Poi#t* M"$)* S%ot* Ele!"tio#&
f$om 'h"t- The colo$ (lue& $ed& g$ee#& "ssig#"tio# of u#fo$esee"(le i#fo$m"tio#* Th"t (i$d o$
his mo!eme#t "#d fi$e& too& to clothe $emo!"l i# t'e#ty %"ges& (ut its !e$y ,u"lity to itself (ei#g
$el"tio#"l "#d "fte$ the f"ct* =#me#tio#"(le "s '"$%cl"use though the o#e follo'i#g the o#e is
method& the s"me "ct t'ice& #ot e!e$ $e%e"ted "g"i#& the !e$y he"d"che of it& "#d #o light o#ly
seei#g* ;i$e the ce#te$ "#d mo!e o# u%*
Im%$ecise $e%etitio# of #ecessity* Th"t holdout* No me"su$e fo$ the i#fi#ite "s it is&
though humo$ "llo's $e"l s%eech i# "cultu$"l modes* So the$e& l"ughte$ "#d stutte$i#g collide to
s%eech%"uses* Ho' the flesh decides i# the "(se#ce of "(se#ce* O$ 'h"t !e$y %$ese#ce im%els
"s #ecess"$y /"l$e"dy h"%%e#ed6 the %e$fect "lig#me#t of the desce#t* Poi#t* Refe$e#t* Stic)y
t"%e e"$ "#d slide* A segme#t of "llusio#s . 'hich i#cli#es to defi#itio#s* Th"t& the colo$ of
u#'i#di#g $oots* So: eithe$ loo)i#g u% o$ loo)i#g do'#& "#d " (e#t "#d $et$"cted "ctu"l* 5ut&
flight& 'h"t of th"t& this $esu$ge#ce of the i#dete$mi#"te* As ge#etic /o$igi#"l6* It is the !e$y
thi#g itself* I# #o motio# (ut the sudde#*
Of this e!e#tu"tio#& the#& out of the %sychology of s%"ce& i# 'hich the "ll co#stitutes
itself i# the mu#d"#e collectio#& "t %oi#ts $e!e"led /m"de )#o'#& o$ sus%ected6 !i" feeli#g*
I#te$sectio#& i# othe$ 'o$ds& of the #o#%e$so#"l "#d the feeli#g itself* A cou#te$"ctio#& o$ %"ss
$egist$y* A# i#timid"tio# of %ostu$es& o$ "ctu"l co#t"ct "c$oss co##ecti!es* No de#yi#g th"t& th"t
th"t 'hich t")es %l"ce& i# the "$chety%e of time& $eflected u%o# 8#"sce#t $e"so#8& he s"id& is "#
i#dic"tio# of the m"g#itude of the l"%se* I "m o#ly t$yi#g to c"tch u%& he$e& to $e!ise the d$ift of
i#fo$m"tio# "s it h"s filte$ed th$ough me* Out'"$d& to'"$d #o com%le+ity& o$ 'h"t he s"ys (e"$s
the im%$i#t& yes& of 'ho he is*
To #ote " $e"ctio# (eyo#d the $ee#"cti#g& the$e "$e the "(solute sim%licities of %l"ce
/locus6 "#d $e!isio#& o$ coll"tio#* As "cti!e* P"ss this& too& th"t 'h"t I s"id h"d "ffect& "#d the
c$isis of co#t"i#me#t& %$essu$e& fo$med& out& of& "s disti#ct& co#t$ol i#& o$ the l"g to& h"!i#g& o$
e"si#g& (ut the "ct itself& " fo$m"lity of the mood& the$e& he h"s& to se#d* Right3 A# "llo'"#ce of
%"$ticul"$s "#d $oots& "#d the $eco$d& the#& "s c"use "#d sym%tom of 'h"t '"s felt* The dog "#d
the le"f& o$ "#othe$ "(solute* 2hom* tot"l fu#ctio#"l g"the$i#g& 'hich h"s my %"$ts& "s
%$o#ou#s& "s e#e$gies: (eyo#d the met"llic& "t le"st& to'"$d %u$%ose "#d "ct*
7"tego$y of diso$de$ %$ese#t i# "cti!ity* As such* Light g"the$i#g locus& self "s o#e& the
$e"l (usi#ess he$e& out of "ttem%ts to ge#e$"te $hythm /"#d co#se,ue#t im"ge of loc"le "#d
du$"tio#6* The fi+& the#& 'he$e light "#d sh"do' co$$el"te to motio#& the se#so$i"l di"log of
e#e$gy& st"tus& "#d %ossi(ility "s #um(e$s o$ 'o$ds& "#d the ,u"lity of the "ct& i# %"$"llel* His
"#ti,uity* Light foc"l& i# the dis%l"ceme#t of the %"$"do+ of the c"!e& 'he$e is the 8sto$y83
Lighte!e#t co$el"ted to o$ i# s%"cetime e!e#t& c$ossh"tched (eyo#d the edges of the 8thi#g8
itself& 'hose "#o#ymous g$ey sh"do' looms u% f$om (ehi#d* Shift of "tte#tio#* The d"t"
2hich is to loc"te& o#ly& #ot c"use: could it (e othe$'ise3 This l"+#ess "mo#g the
co#stitue#cies& o#$ush of det"il& li#)ed "s st"tic %"ss* The co#ditio# of the "ct& the#& 'hich
defi#es itself u#solicitously& comes i# th$ough e$$o$& th"t is& "g"i#st disci#ctio# . the 'o$ld (y
e+clusio#* The th$ust fo$'"$d& le"#i#g i#to the "ffi$m"ti!e mode& "s discou$se& #o %"use i#
ch"#ge (ut "thletic "#d %$ed"to$y& "s the disti#ctio# of e#e$gy itself& loc"l focus fo$ the most u#
met"%ho$ic"l of "cts* 5ei#g /"d!isedly6 eithe$ 8i#field8 o$ 8outfield8& 'ith $es%ect to o#e4s
%e$ce%tio# of choice"cts* 2he$e "$e 'e #o'3 A#othe$ $esist"#ce to !o$te+ %e$me"tes: #o
"d!"#ce& disi#teg$"tio#* Th"t $e"di#ess to %e$%etu"te $esol!ed*
Th$ee mo!eme#ts out f$om t$"#sl"tio#& o$ the d$"m" defi#ed: u#sig#ific"#t "ffi$m"tio#s
$ele"se s%ecul"tio# 'hich $esol!es /'o$ds& fo$ i#st"#ce6* His u#s%o)e##ess& "#d the e!e# tem%e$
of 'h"t follo's& the !e$y disti#ctio# of the g"the$i#g* ;lu+ to ce#te$& co"gul"tio# "#d defi#itio#
to'"$d the oute$* Th"t is& fi$st co%ul"tio#& seco#d co%ul"tio#& thi$d co%ul"tio#& etc*& to'"$d "
%$o0ectio# of light o#to field o$ sc$ee# f$om /i# s%ite of the m"d#ess o$ $e!e$s"l of lite$"l "cti#gs
out6 the ce#te$ of the 'o$ld to the te$mi#"ls of c$e"tio#* 8;$om 'hich c$"g& e+"ctly& did he
le"%38 8I#to 'h"t "(yss38 A methodology of "ctu"l c"us"tio# follo's& u#decl"$ed& "s " t$o%e is&
i# its %ossessi!e#ess to i#cluded %"$ticul"$s& #ot (y 'him& (ut ce$t"i#ty*
The (loodf$e#<y& o$ the thu#de$i#g of the e"$s /i# ch"##el6 is "# i#!e$sio# sh$i#)"ge*
P$imiti!e loc"tio# defi#ed f$om "#othe$ out'"$d m"#ifest"tio#* He s%e")s- Light (u$sts f$om
his #ost$ils- A f$"gme#t of diso$de$ co"lesces (eyo#d desi$e* She h"s it he$ g"$me#ts& d"$)
gl"sses& "#d "# u#de$st"#di#g of the situ"tio# ,uite %l"i#ly dis%l"yed* 7o#st"#t i#te$%l"y i#
"ctu"l di"log of the "$chety%es* 2ould I $is) th"t3 No- 2h"t does th"t me"#& itself to itself*
This li#e ($o)e#& the myth co#ti#ued& " !e$tic"l su$$ou#di#g& #o co#!e#ie#t fluo$esce#t tu(es& he
m")es those $"di"tio#s felt /eg*& th$ough the eyes6 of c"me$" choice& "# "lchemic"l co##ectitude
of !"$i"(le %$ese#ts*
O1& the $eto$t itself defi#ed fo$ the co#!e#ie#ce of f"ce* The$e& "#d " co#0u#ctio# of
g"seous su(st"#ces to'"$d the %e$fectio# of the sto#e& its $ou#d#ess "#d selectio# m"de
%e$m"#e#t (y selectio#* No e$$o$* 5ut felt& "d!"#ceme#t& the co$e of& his co##ected#ess& u#
th$ust& $ecei%t "#d ch"#ge& l"%se out'"$d& 8to the "d!"#t"ge of e"$thly modes8 o$ "tte#tio#
c"ught& "ffi$med (y& the mutu"lity of time* 7o#flict "#d its su(se,ue#t fl"shes of de+te$ity*
;$om #ume$ic"l to #ume#& 8!oiceflesh"ct8& 'hi$l%ooled to'"$d the ce#t$ifug"l (l"c)& o$
ce#t$i%et"l fl"shes of the light*
Th"t focus& "#d selectio#: " %$ecise domi#io# fo$ the co#c$ete of i#dete$mi#"cy& "s "
motio#& I $e%e"t& "#d #o "#guish& se$!ed& emoti!e $eflectio#& the li#e th$ough the o$g"#ism& u%
i#to ci$cuit$y /co#!e#ie#t !oc"(ul"$y6& to (e ig#o$ed o$ c"t"logued* Th"t4s the sig#ific"#ce of /"6
sy#t"ctic"l disco!e$ies /code6& "#d /(6 the %$i#ci%le of the 'o$ld (y e+clusio# /focuslocus6*
=#t$"#sl"t"(le e%ic "#d " myth /e#e$gy "ct6 of ch"$"cte$& itself "# "cce%t"#ce of the light !ehicle*
5elief i#c"$#"ted (y s%eech& fo$ i#st"#ce& u#c"us"l though mythic: th"t te$m& its s%ecific diso$de$
#"med& his& "#d& the f$uits of& (ut " %u# #"mesout& A($"h"m4s discou$ses 'ith the light*
P$io$ity "s defi#itio#: " $ecog#i<ed Thus: 'ould you f"lte$3 A#d "$tfully& too* 2ith #o
($e")s* A#d the %$ecise "cce%t"(ility of its choices* A#d so& to $em"i#& 'he$e the$e is #othi#g to
(e g"i#ed out of $est& to "d!"#ce& to'"$d %$io$ co##ectio#& th"t ci$cul"tio# of "d!e$(s& i# thei$
li,uidity& "s " t$e"tise o# "ctio# /%sychic dy#"mism36& "#y te$m co"cts to'"$d dete$mi#"tio#*
=#t$"#sl"t"(le out of $e%etitio#& to'"$d the $ece%ti!e /locus of %"$"do+ic"l fi+ $u%tu$e6& o# " li#e&
fo$ i#st"#ce& u#shelte$ed& 8" f$"gme#t of the %oetic8& o$ 8ho' it '"s do#e8* A $emi#de$ "(out
o#e4s duty to '$estle& they s"y& to come f"ce to f"ce 'ith th"t !e$y ho$$o$ of $ecollectio#& SNAP-
Immedi"cies of $ece%tio# co"gul"te out& the di$est of c$ises& of " co#ti#uum fo$ !isu"l
#eglect& "l'"ys& it is m"#y 8thi#gs8 "#d o#e& th"t 'hich is t")i#g %l"ce /%$es* su(0*6& to offe$ it u%
out of o#e4s self to o#e4s self of hie$"$chies fo$ the e+%ected "%%$o!"l of c"use* 2hich co#stitutes
" %$im"$y e#"ctme#t& " $eco$d& soc"lled: yes& it %"ssed ,uic)ly& f$om the !e$y oute$most edges of
#"sce#ce& shudde$i#g th$ough& 8the sudde#8 of thu#de$ /th$ough the (loode"$thofe"$s6& i#
th$ough the logic"l ce#te$& u%setti#g "ll %ossi(les "#d $edesig#i#g the 'hole 'hich is "l$e"dy
%e$fect* No' th"t me"#s 8lets "chie!e the #e+t ,u"t$"i#8* He '"l)s "c$oss the #om"dic dese$t*
O#et'o& o#et'o& out i#to the o%e# "i$* Ah- A# i#si#u"tio#*
Pe$fect "d!e#t of the m"chi#e: $el"tio#s to co#scious#ess "#d %$efe$e#ce& i# #otio#s of
i#tim"cy& fo$ i#st"#ce& the co%ul"ti!e of eye "#d e"$& i# $eso#"#ce "lte$ed& 'ith fo$'"$d motio#
i#siste#ce& (eyo#d the %$ecise sc"le* Psychody#"mic"lly& "ll th"t I sus%ect of 8othe$8 is t$ue of
self* 7e#te$ di$ectio# of e#e$gy $ot"tio#& dist$"ctio# of co#t$ol& o$ di$ect /%$ese#t6 deflectio# of
i##e$ c"us"lity* Adfo$m"lity of i#e$ts . !oice coughi#g th$ough '"ll . th$ough i#te#tio#s to
%l"sticity* 81ic) it th$ough*8 I "m the sum of my sus%icio#s* >i$ect i#te#t of se#so$i"l "cti!ity
to %"ce self to'"$d solem#ity of co#c$ete ce#t$"li<"tio# of %$ocess* He '"!es his "$ms fee(ly* I
"m the sum of my dece%tio#s* ;ocused o# the utte$ $es%o#si(ility of my mech"#i<"tio#s of self&
the disguises
of h"(it& di$ected (y /d$e"m figu$e6& i#te#tio#"lity of $e!e$s"l motif /eg*& 8("c)'"$d
flo'i#g motio#86 of $emo!"l f$om the !e$y %$ocesses of 8the ,uestio#6 /'ho "m I6 i# its
"c,uisitio# of& fo$ i#st"#ce& shee$ 'eight /t'el!e %ou#ds6 i# the scheme of 8me#t"l e!e#ts8* The
%oi#t (ei#g& i# " se$i"lity of "cts& of co#st"#t $emo!"l f$om the co#fide#ce of the "ccu$"cy of the
im"ge* Ah"& it is 0ust th"t& th"t I "m& "#d ste%%i#g "'"y f$om th"t& to loo)3& o$ to see* 5ut
$emo!"l "s if th$ough the summ"$y of the co#t"i#me#t& o#e chooses /so he does6 to $e!e$se o$
o%e# o$ e#l"$ge& to "lte$ the tot"lity of the defi#itio#* Thus& the %ossi(ility& i# te$ms of
$ecog#itio#& of $edu#d"#cy* As "g"i#st "ll theo$ies of #o#$e%etitio#* The "cti!ity
g"i#s i# mome#tum& 'ithout %ossi(ility of co#t$ol& i# de!otio# to the %e$%etuity of the
!e$y im"ge* No $eflectio#* The %hotog$"%h h"s !"#ished- Thus& im"ge "#d se,ue#ce co#t"i#
the #ecessity "#d mood of t$"#sfo$m"tio# /8mo!i#g "c$oss86* The eye glitte$s ho%efully& s%illi#g
th$ough the i#te#sity of t$ue s%eech& to'"$d " f"mili"$* No c"tego$y i# the )#o'#* He ste%s
"')'"$dly i#to the mud& o$ shields his f"ce f$om the f"lli#g $"i#* Affi$m"tio# co#scious#ess
$esol!i#g to'"$d the memo$y of the d$e"m* 7o#t"ct 'ith 8"8 %$ese#t "#d ide#tific"tio# of the
d$e"mfigu$e /e#e$gy c"tego$y of co#t"i#me#t #"med& i# #"mi#g6 "#d hostility to'"$d
%$ese$!"tio# of the
ete$#"l %seudo%$ese#t of the d$e"m st"te* No memo$y& fl"shi#g of light& ($o)e# th$ough
h"(it& the c"$$ie$ of 'eights& though $hythmic "#d g$"ceful %uls"tio#s of "cti!ity& $esol!ed "s
8%$"ctice8 i# #o memo$y "cted& (ut do#e out of h"#d& "s " m"te$i"l "ct* Thus& co#st"#t i#te$%l"y
of #ecess"$y $emo!"l& ste%%i#g "'"y to the $im to e#com%"ss the 'hole of 'h"t '"s* 2hich is
to s"y& i# the de%th of %$o#ou#s& 'ho& e+"ctly& $emem(e$s i# the midst of #e' %uls"tio#s* 7loud
eme$gi#g f$om s)y& fi$st #"med& "#d the "i$ "fte$& (ut 'i#dflu+* His i#te#tio#s to $eco$d* O$ "
s%ecific i#!isi(ility& mo!i#g th$ough
'h"t '"s #ot me#tio#ed& "ccou#ted fo$ i# omissio#& (ut desc$i%ti!e& "s though the f$ie#ds
'e$e coo%ti!e& li)e the i#timid"tio# of sy#"%ses& e+h"ustio# /tem%o$"l6 of ch"##els& th$ough
successio#s of $egist$"tio# i# " mutu"lity of dem"#ds& "s if "ll loci 'e$e dimi#ished (y thei$
fu#ctio#s* The dem"#d& out of co#ti#uity& is th"t it should f"il to #e' i#:fo$m"tio#& "s the sh"%e
of the cloud does #ot ch"#ge i# its %$ocess of dissolutio#& 'he$e the successio#s of defi#itio#
/time6 $eflect o#ly " st"sis u#defi#ed "#y'he$e i# thei$ $egist$y* A# ultim"te ,u"#tity of
dis"%%e"$"#ce& 'he$e feeli#g loc"tes " flu+ of !isi(ilities& "s the eyes outfocus e"ch othe$ i#
thei$ %i#%oi#t co#t"ct 'ith 8o(0ects8*
The %e$fect sto#e& o$ fulfilled ci$cle& $ests& e#c"sed& 'ithi# the egg of co#scious#ess* The
%l"sticity of me"#s& o$ flu+& $esol!es to'"$d " h"$d#ess "#d i#fle+i(ility of ultim"te focus*
The$e- /"g"i#& i# #o mood to'"$d its o'# mo$#i#g& the %e$so#"l sto#e %lu#ged 'ithi# "# oce"#
of feeli#g* Its success "#d em"#"tio# u#)#o'#& '"$%ed "s the child i# the (ottle* =#
illust$"ti!e* A $efus"l to 8im"ge8: /!e$(6* Sy#t"+ /"cultu$"lly6 desig#"tes !e$( to el"%se
seclusio# "#d co#te#t* The sto#e su(mits to its $eflectio# i# the %"st of e!e#ts& though it $em"i#s
" sto#e& e!e# 'he# 8illust$"ted8 (y tech#i,ue* Mi#ute shift& h"#dled* He %"sses e!oc"tio#s of
He s,uee<ed the sto#e u#til it d$i%%ed '"te$& the gi"#t4s "ct& th"t* P"ssi#g f$om #ight i#to
mo$#i#g /$esu$$ectio# of the he$o6& o$ f$om the t$"#sitio# of e!e#t i#to sto#e& t$"#smut"tio# of
sto#e i#to (lood /(loodsto#e6& 'he$e the e"$ $ushes 'ith f"mili"$ity /8It is my !oice-86 "#d
(eyo#d the sim%licity of f$"gme#ts c"st* No moo# (ut i# time& 'he$e d"y $esol!es its %u$ity
th$ough memo$y to %u$%ose* 2he$e he is* A#d th"t %"st " co#st"#t $emi#de$ of #"mi#g "#d the
%l"# of "ctio#& "t le"st& to ide#tify the "lly* Th"t this& he$e& is th"t of 'hich it s%e")s& fo$
co#ti#uity "#d disco$d& 'he$e they cohe$e i# the $ecog#itio# /$eflectio#6 of 8memo$y8*
Thus& o#e4s (ody& the u#i!e$se& s%$e"d loosely (efo$e o#e& ce#te$ed u%o# the sto#e of
light& le")i#g f$om "ll o$ifices& d$"i#i#g f$om the #ose i#to the lu#gs& light (u$sti#g st"cc"to
/se$i"l $e%etitio#s of 'o$d6 %"st the fl"t#ess of '"lls /coughi#g6 o$ h"(it $egiste$ed "s " $e%etitio#
of light& fo$ e+"mi#"tio# /(y 8'hom86 i# " co#t$ol of e+cuses /fo$ the %e$so#"l st"tic6* Su$ely he
is doi#g 'h"t he must& this $o(ot i#h"(ito$* 2he# the su# does (u$st u% o!e$ the edge of the
mou#t"i#& the %l"# of the c"me$" eludes& u#coo$di#"tes& the setti#gs "$e $e!ised to'"$d g$e"te$
No e$$o$ i# the #"mes of thi#gs& thei$ %$o%e$ ide#tity %ossessed /8Scotch T"%e86* The
i#fo$m"lities of esc"%e /th$ough the sh"%e of thi#gs6& 'he$e he is 'h"t he s"ys& " locus of
tem%o$"lities& u#til the legitim"cy of the fe"$s %$ese#t themsel!es to the utte$ hostility of the
d$"go# i# the l"#dsc"%e* Not yet h"s the $eto$t co#t"i#ed its fusio#* No' the $i#g of fi$e
solidifies to'"$d the c"sti#g of the sto#e& the %e$fect sto#e& o#ly touch it& "#d fi#d its $ou#d#ess
"#d smooth#ess !e$y much li)e the e"$th itself* I me"# (y th"t& I me"# (y th"t* No'he$e the
s"me )#oc)i#g "t the doo$* 7oded*
Th$ough the coo%ti!e "ct& !isio# m"de !isi(le& "# "ct of the se#ses %$ecedes the model*
The co#figu$"tio# of the model l"%ses i#to e#e$gy "#d the #ecessity fo$ ultim"te $emo!"l to'"$d
light& th"t 'hich 8%"sses th$ough8 the lite$"l* Its #"me is locus* The 'eight of e#e$gies& "#d
othe$ %$ocedu$"l difficulties loc"ted i#8" theo$y of e!"%o$"tio#8* P"tte$#ed "$$"#geme#t of
successi!e #ulls& "s " t$"#sl"tio# of lite$"cies t")es o# the sh"%e of i#fo$m"tio# co#!eyed*
Successi!e #e$!efi$i#gs& "tte#tio# shift* ;i#"lly& " d$ift of 'hite #oises th$ough the ("$$ie$ of
'hite fo$ms& 'he$e light $eflects light& th"t %ool of memo$y*
The "cti!ity itself& the "ct& e!e#& i# its $el"tio# to %le"su$e& the u#foldi#g of (ei#g "#d the
%e$ce%ti(le field& th$ough the 8sudde#8 /cf* 5i#s'"#ge$6& th$ough to the o%e#* The femi#i#e of
co#scious#ess e#"cted (y the m"le of se,ue#ti"l "cts& o%e#ed to the child& yielded& th"t it& the
child co#t"i#ed 'ithi# " $i#g of fi$e& he$metic child i# the $eto$t* The s%he$e o$ sto#e& $educed i#
" fi$e of feeli#g& $isi#g out of the 8'"te$s of co#scious#ess8* The "cti!ity itself* The dou(le
figu$e& i# co#!e$s"tio#& o$ 8'ho4s '"tchi#g 'ho8* Ros"$y of si#gul"$ tem%e$s& " tem%o$"l figu$e
sus%e#ded i# s%"ce& 'hich su$$ou#ds the im"ge i# its defi#itio#s*
Th"t figu$e& l"%sed th$ough the e!e#t* Nothi#g h"s t$"#s%i$ed* Locus of $e%etitio#& the
e!oc"tio#s of %l"#"$ s"tu$"tio#& e!e#ed out (y co#se,ue#ce& "# occ"sio# fo$ s%eech& meeti#g
h"lf'"y& 'he$e the "ct is& t")e#* A $e%$oductio#& the#& "#d co#ti#uity of feeli#g to'"$d %le"su$e&
cu$iosity $oused f$om its de"th slee% (y the i#tuiti!e& th$ust out'"$d th$ough the i#dete$mi#"te
field of e!e#ts to c"use& o$ the o(0ect* ;i+ed o(0ect '"#i#g "c$oss "tte#tio#& "tte#tio#4s $el"+"tio#
o# itself to'"$d flight& the 8im"ge8 of flight& o$ "# "ct of flight& t$"#smo!"l of te$ms& to te$mi#"l
"#d out& sc"tte$ of %ossi(les to "ctu"l& "#d fi+- Set- The# l"%se out*
Atte#tio#4s '"#e& "#d flu+& mo!e to $eset& the desc$i%ti!e of self& the#& of "ct to set&
co#scious#ess "s "# illusio#& to '"$% o$ mo!e to #e' set& the$e st"(ili<e& utte$"#ces of i#te#t& the
figu$e is set 'ithi# its com%ositio#& "# i#t$usio# i# the light* The 'hole& ho'e!e$& is em"#"tio#
of 8the im"gi#"ti!e8& 'he$e the l"$ge$ figu$e e#com%"sses the i#te#t of the lesse$* >e#i"l of "ct*
Reset& $e%e"t* The l"$ge$ figu$e /the medium& the !e$y thi#g itself6 co"cts 'ith the i#te#t of the
o(se$!ed& its 'illto(e& thus c"used (y #otice* 7l"$ity of $ecog#itio# "#d selecti!ity of
!ie'%oi#t& to disti#guish e#e$gy (y its "(se#ce of fo$m*
Mome#t "s co#t"i#e$ of ,uestio#s& o$ " theo$y of i#fo$m"tio#& the c"use of /o$ 8"86 futu$e
(y i#c$e"se of "tte#tio#4s %"ce (eyo#d the met"(olic* Asse$tio# of i#fo$m"tio# "#d '"sh of %"ce
out to 8im"ge8 "#d ("c)* All i#fo$m"tio# co#t"i#ed i# e!e$y $e%etitio#: #e$!e fu#ctio# to'"$d
defi#itio# of $emo!"l /eg*& the co#t$"dicto$y %$ese#t& o$ the sh"do' figu$e6* 8Se#tie#t (ei#gs8
%$esc$i(ed "s i#fo$m"tio#& "s 8I "m th"t8* Life i# de"th "#d de"th i# life 'ould desc$i(e " flu+ of
the mome#t"$y /o$& sudde#6 out of %h"se th$ough i#te$stices of #otice /the field of det"il6 to
o(0ect& "s th"t 'hich $e%l"ces "tte#tio#4s fi+& li)e " sudde# #oise i#te$$u%ti#g
the co#ti#uity of $eco$di#g mech"#isms* 7le"$ i# th"t& though& he$e& #ot )ee%i#g $eco$ds&
(ut e+h"usti#g "ssum%tio#s of the %e$so#"l "#d co#ti#u"l fu#ctio#i#g of !oice /eg*& du$"tio#
m"#ifest i# l"#gu"ge6 o$ the l"%sedout f$i#ge of %oetic distu$("#ce& the loc"le of "tte#tio#
dimi#ished (y its st"teme#t& o$& h"!i#g 8#othi#g to s"y8& "ll c"ught u%* St"tic* A#d the#
$e%e"ted* Pl"yi#g out the $ese$!oi$& "$$i!i#g "t the edge of the dese$t& "ll co#t"ct "!oided* Hot
su# of $emo#st$"#ce* The effect of '$iti#g& the effect& the !e$y "ct itself& the co%ul"ti!e of
"tte#tio# "#d co#scious#ess to'"$d the o(0ect& the thi#g itself e+%loded& l"id o!e$ its com%ositio#
"s 8th"t8 o$ 8th"t8& me$ely& sim%ly& " $eco$d of motio#* A chemic"l disch"$ge* The uses
of "#om"ly& to'"$d " %$ese#t $ec"lcul"tio# of o%%osites& "c"us"l& #o#tem%o$"l& the ,u"lity of
i#siste#ce o$ im%"tie#ce $ecedes to'"$d the %e$so#"l f"mili"$* I me"# (y this* * *this 0ou$#"l* * *#o
effect* S'e"$i#g i# %u(lic& fo$ i#st"#ce& is se$ious* Ret$ie!"l of light& the $e!e$s"l& this "ct&
co#t"i#ed& "s& flight to "$$o'& #o o(0ects i# co#scious#ess (ut self& the #otio#s of em%ti#ess "#d
$eg"$d& #o c"lcul"tio# (ut& do#4t sto%& "#d h"#gi#g o#& li)e the dist"#ce to sho$e& o$
s%eci"li<"tio#& 'hich is this& th"t I "m "ll I thi#) "(out& "#d 'h"t I thi#) "(out is th"t I "m mo$e
th"# I thi#) I "m*
The "llo'"(le& i# those ci$cumst"#ces& is co#c$ete* He $esol!es to "ct* The gi$l smiled&
(oth* Pl"#s& e$otic* The e"se of the moo#4s situ"tio#& ho' it $ests i# the clouds "(o!e the
me$cu$y!"%o$ lights* Ac"demic dis$eg"$d& the %eo%le mo"#i#g& (ut e+%"#sio# "#d $egist$"tio#&
t'i# loc"tio#s of "ct "#d feeli#g& 'he$e they co"ct& $ele"se of light to'"$d the %l"#e of the
sh"do'& his life& the$e& th$ust& sudde#& "s& 'e s"y& "s& the met"%ho$ of met"%ho$& o$ the mi$$o$ of
mi$$o$: (ut flu+ed o$ di$ected& i#to the e"$& %"ced out li)e 'o$ds "#d cl"uses* A#y #otio# 'ill do&
(ut 8"s8& the thi#g itself& "#d out to $ele"se* The#-
To co#stitute th"t thi#g& o$ to "ct the d$e"m i# its sudde##ess* 2hich is li)e $e"di#g the
#e's%"%e$* 8Re%etitio# is the te"che$*8 A#d s%ecific co#te#t the$e& #ot "# imit"tio# of
%ossessio# (ut the %ossessio# ($ought "(out (y $e%etitio#& imit"tio#& "#d $eflectio#& his eyes out
to the (ottom* 2h"t is su$e& the se,ue#ce itself& o$ its se#s"tio#& is the doo$ out& o%e# it& go
th$ough& 8I "m out the doo$8* 7$ossi#g& t$"#sitio# f$om "cti!e to "cti!e& o# " co#st"#t %l"#e of
"ctio# 'he$e #othi#g t")es %l"ce "#d #othi#g is "chie!ed& 'he$e the !isu"l fli%s u%'"$d& th"t
%l"sticity of i#fo$m"tio#& th"t 'e "$e m"lle"(le& im%e$"ti!e "s it sou#ds& is #ot the 'hole thi#g*
5y 'hich is me"#t& this $oom& 'he$e it is& "#d use to its me#tio#& "#d goi#g th$ough the
s%ecific %"tte$# of %$ocess& if o#ly to em%ty "#d disco!e$ the co#t"i#e$ /th"t it is em%ty6 "#d
$e!ise its s%ecificity /fill it u%6& to %ote#ti"li<e* the$ei#& the $el"%se to (ei#g& de"th i# life& o$ the
locus of the e!e#t& (ei#g& ge#ui#ely oute$& '"l)i#g o# the su$f"ce of my shoes& the i##e$sole& o$
8the s%"ce (et'ee# 'o$ds6* H"s the disti#ct#ess of %"tie#ce& '"iti#g u#til it is o#ce "g"i#
%$o%e$& o$ $e"di#g "s o#e 'ishes to* Reflect th"t- He s#ee<es* Remi#d o#e4s self of its
e#com%"ssme#t* The l"+#ess of o#e4s !isi(le #eigh(o$s* 2h"t is co#t"ct li)e3
7o#t"ct "#d %le"su$e& out of cu$iosity& "'"y f$om the cu$ious& they s"y& "#d o!e$t& (ut
meeti#g "#d s%e")i#g "#d slo'ly& too& to o#e 'hom o#e 'ishes to s%e") 'ith& the co%ul"ti!e of
"cts& the thi#g comi#g i#to itself& to $emi#d& to "cti!"te& to c"use e+iste#ce& the %le"su$e i# th"t of
the o#e i# its $eflectio#& com(i#"tio# of i#te#tio#s& selfi#self* >ime#sio#& th"t it should (e
%"l%"(le& "#d !isio#& th"t it should i#clude feeli#g& o$ the !isu"l of co#t"ct& 'he$e I (li#d out&
'he$e the flu+ of o(0ects is o(lite$"ted /de"thi#life6 e!e# (y #otice itself* I#!e$sio# of se#ses
$el"tes o(0ect to o(0ect* Th"t the "(o!e is im%o$t"#t e#ough to $e%e"t& c"use the$e-
I#iti"l& c"us"l co##ected#ess of !"$ious %"$"llel co#ti#uities& (et'ee# $ecog#itio# "#d the
co#so#"#ce of !"$i"tio# i# st$uctu$e* ;o$m"l e+te#sio# of fo$m o#to the m"te$i"l of %$ocessi#
mo!eme#t& o$ motio# o# motio#& li)e $idi#g "#d (ei#g $idde#: se%"$"te "#t"go#isms of
co##ectio# $ege#e$"te o#to field "#d s%"ce* No $efus"l "dmi#iste$ed 'ithi# co#te+ts of o$de$i#g&
the %"th of "'"itme#t "#d %ost%o#eme#t: ho' $esolutio# e#l"$ges the tot"l co#t"i#e$ "#d
co#se,ue#t <o#es of i#fo$m"tio#: eg*& ho' much c"# (e co#t"i#ed (y e"ch !e$tic"l e#"cti#g& is to
s"y& ho' l"$ge 'ill the t$ee g$o' (efo$e the he"d %o%s out "t the to%& o$ to s"y it the othe$ '"y
"$ou#d& solidly*
;i#"l !i!ifyi#g %o'e$s of memo$yim"ge* 7ollectio# of e#e$gy f$om %"st $ecollectio#s&
o$ the (ody '"l)i#g tem%o$"$ily i# "d!"#ce of its co#ce%tio#i#g of its "cti!ity* 7"us"l im"ge&
"to#eme#t of %"st#ess "#d "lig#me#t i#to tem%o$"lity of e!e#t& locus "#d c"use "s simult"#eous&
th"t is& of "#y "#d "ll& si#ce histo$y /the o#e eliciti#g the m"#y i# its co#stitue#cy to itself6& (ut
mo!ed& (y the co##ected#ess "#d co#ti#uity of its st"sis* To h"!e 8come i#to8 the <o#e of c"use
o$ %$ese#ce& !i" memo$y& $ele"sed f$om the im%ulsio#s of the futu$e* Thus: im"ge o$ im"gi#"tio#
of the e#e$gy i# "d!"#ce of the '"l)i#g (ody& hu$$yi#g to c"tch u%& o$ c"use e#"ctme#t of 'h"t
h"s "l$e"dy h"%%e#ed i# the co#ce%tio#i#g*
;$om i#iti"l co#ce%tio#i#g of the mome#t"$y& of 'h"t h"s "l$e"dy h"%%e#ed /eg*&
com%ositio#6 th$ough to the fu#ctio#"l e!e#t of c"lcul"tio#& o$ th"t is& $eflectio#& the light
$emi#ded to its oute$ %l"ce& th$o'# f$om the ce#te$ to the out'"$d* St"tic %$o0ectio# f$om the
self o$ the o#e o#to the met"%ho$ic 'o$ldsc$ee#* >i"go#"l m"#ifest"tio# of se#so$y
mech"#isms to'"$d met"%ho$ic ("l"#ce* 2hich is to loc"te (et'ee# the desc$i%ti!e "#d the
c"us"l "s %$ecisely th"t 'hich c"##ot (e desc$i(ed& to disco!e$ th"t "t (est it c"# (e defi#ed&
desc$i(ed& loc"ted& c"used& used& li!ed& "cted& )#o'#& "#d "ll 'ith #o loss o$ g"i# to the s%ecies
of o#e4s self*
The th$e"t of the futu$e& the#& i# e!e#tte$ms& 'ould lie i# its $efus"l /"ssu$ed e!e# (y its
defi#itio#6 to (ecome %$ese#t* O$ the ig#o$"#ce 'ith 'hich o#e4s t$"#sfo$m"tio# /flesh (ecome
"ct6 f$om st"sis to !e$tic"l %$ese#t#ess i#to im%ulsio# o$ futu$e#ess& to mo!e f$om 'he$e o#e
'"s& i# the simult"#eity of )#o'# %"sts "#d i#te$$u%tio#s& of the c"use itself of mo!eme#t&
e#e$gy "#d light* Th"t such fo$m"l decl"$"tio# /the "$ous"l to sh"%e& fo$ i#st"#ce6 'ould %osit "#
i#te$$u%tio# of thought4s co#ti#uity "ll fo$ the s")e of some slight $ecog#itio# /8$ou#d#ess-86
'ould e#ge#de$ the co#t$"dicto$y of e#e$gy& th"t its i#te$$u%tio# i#!ol!es " dest$uctio# of the
u#i!e$se out of 'hich motio# is ge#e$"ted* Ve$y much touch"#dgo*
The$efo$e& th"t such g"mes of co#t"ct "s '"l)i#g o$ $u##i#g should (ecome fo$ms of
%e$ce%tio# is %$o(lem"tic i# te$ms of the s%ecific co#t$"dicto$y i#fo$m"tio# co#t"i#ed (y the
co#st$uctio# of such 8g"mes8* Th"t is& the thi#g itself $esists the !isu"l& "#d the !isu"l $esists its
c"uses* I#he$e#t mo!eme#t loses s'"y i# the %e#et$"tio#s of the e!e#t& though d"$) light
em"#"tes f$om "ll co$#e$s of "ll s%"ce* 8It8 is filled "#d (u$sti#g& "s touch elimi#"tes the c"use
of se#s"tio# i# its !e$y i#te$$u%tio#s* Loss "#d fo$'"$d c"use desig#ed (y the motio# of the
%ictu$e& the %"ge fli%%i#g o!e$ f$om f$o#t to ("c)& the im"ge of self $esidi#g o# its fl"ts "#d
$ou#ds& "s the d"ys "#d #ights c$oss co#fusedly*
The sc$ee# of the su$f"ce yields to the s%"ce (e#e"th it* The solid com%le+ity of %"$ticles
"#d the #otio# the$eof& th"t th"t is 'h"t o#e is %e$cei!i#g& the sc$ee#& o$ the !eil& lesse#s the
te#sio# of the o(0ect* O(0ect i# $el"tio# to su$f"ce& the ice(e$g& o$ the f$o<e# mome#t* 5"ll"st of
u#mo!i#g o(0ects& 'he$e co#scious#ess $ele"ses itself to its u%'"$d im%ossi(le flo"t o$ flight&
the mess"ge is #ot deli!e$ed& the mess"ge com%letes its ci$cuit (efo$e %e$ce%tio#& of such ("l"#ce
is #othi#g m"de& is #othi#g c"used& the$e is t$uly #othi#g em"#"ti#g f$om th"t 'hich is fi#ished&
%"$ticul"$ o$ si#gul"$* All moti!e $ests i# co#t"ct "#d $eflectio#& "s c"use em"#"tes li)e light
f$om d"$)#ess*
As i# 8#o thi#g m"ssed to itself8& o$ touched i# %le"su$e the$e(y f$om its isol"tio#s "#d
f$"gme#ts& #o motio# (ut i# "$$est"tio#& %$ocess i#com%lete (efo$e dest$uctio#& (ut touched "#d
c"used to %le"se i# doi#g "#d (ei#g: th"t is $es%o#se* Some ,u"#tity of the u#)#o'# 'hich
elicits defi#itio# f$om the fl"t %l"#e of $emem($"#ce* Locus of dest$uctio# %"$"lleled (y the
%"$ticul"$s of isol"tio#* O#e& t'o& th$ee: the colo$s o$"#ge& (lue& $ed: "#d $ou#d#ess& fl"t#ess&
di"mete$"ll $esult to em%ti#ess* The field of i#,ui$y $et"i#s its i#iti"l fl"!o$ /the ,uestio#-6 i#
the successio#s of d"t" "#d %"tte$#* A#y $eductio# to fo$m is efficie#t i# te$ms of futu$ec"use&
though the i#iti"l 'o$)i#g th$ough of i#fo$m"tio# le"!es the o(0ect of i#,ui$y u#ch"#ged* Such
e+%losio#s of light-
Th"t is& the fi#"l decisio# to $esist defi#i#g the to%ic u#de$ h"#d is #ot o#e 'hich is e"sily
$is)ed* O#e does so o# the "ssum%tio# th"t the yield of i#fo$m"tio# /moti!e6 is i#c$e"sed* The
f"ll"cy lies i# $eflectio#4s c"use& light itself* The f"ll"cy of f"ll"cy decl"$es #othi#g#ess i# its
full#ess to $edi$ect %$ocess& to i#!e$t motio# to its "%ogee& of " fi#"l cu$!e to'"$d the (ottom of
e!e#ts& the c$ossi#g* The (usi#ess of the c$ossi#g& o$ the le"%& is #o sim%le c"lcul"tio#* ?;$om
i#iti"l coll"tio# th$ough to the fi#"lity of the #e'& the %$og$ess is u#e!e# "#d $e%etitious& "#d the
"ssu$"#ce is e!e$ th"t the f"mili"$ 'ill suffe$ f$om $edu#d"#cy& 'ill (e dimi#ished* O#e is $e"dy&
the#* fi#"lly& it is #o dist"#ce "t "ll& #o f"thomi#g of im%ossi(le de%ths& o$ st$etchi#g to
i#c$edi(le height* 7$ossi#g is fi#"lly the co##ectio# of mo!eme#ts i#to fo$mcluste$s*
2hich h"s the el"sticity of the e!e#t %e$fectly close* He loo)s u% closely* He mo!es
"c$oss the $oom to the doo$* the$e is e!e$y t$"#sitio# i# th"t decisio#& the$e is e!e$y i#fo$m"tio#
i# his $esist"#ce* The ultim"te e+%losio# is dis%l"ced (y th"t slight ,ui!e$ of the #e$!es*
>esc$i%tio# l"gs& the light $u#s dim& the 'i#ds ho'l& "i$ suc)s out& $u##i#g (lood$i!e$s sto$m
"#d s"g* The i#cess"#t ch"tte$ of #e$!ous#ess ce"ses* The im"ge coll"%ses to co#t"ct "#d thus&
the $e!e$s"l of co#t"i#me#t occu$s& o(0ect "#d su(0ect i# ci$cuit& "s !i($"tio#& "lte$#"tio#& ecli%se&
o$ 'o$d occu$s* =tte$"#ce is co#siste#t 'ith th"t& the im"ge lies fl"t o# the '"ll& (e#ds "$ou#d
the co$#e$& (ut is see#& "g"i#& tu$#i#g f$om colo$ to solid memo$y& %e#et$"ti#g do'# i#to the
;i#"l se#s"tio#s of selectio# "#d choice& "s %e$so#"l e#e$gies co"lesce to cluste$ "#d
%"tte$#* The i#st"#t"#eous is st$etched "lo#g thi# fi(e$s* Such o$g"#i<"tio#s $emi#d "#d $efe$*
The o#ly fi#"lity 'o$th co#side$i#g h"s "l$e"dy occu$$ed* As light co#t"i#s its e#e$gy& so too the
(ody $ecl"ims its fo$m i# mo!eme#t& "#d o#ly the$e* Such " touch is u#f"mili"$& is #e'& is
de$i!ed f$om %l"#s "#d "cts* 2h"te!e$ occu$s is "s " $esult of th"t thought& th"t the #e' is o#ly
th"t "#d little else* A cluste$ of e#e$gies to'"$d self "#d th$ough the co#t"i#me#t of "$ous"l to
di"go#"ls "#d ce#te$s* 2hich is #ot yet life* To c$oss is #ot to "chie!e life* To em"#"te is #ot to
"chie!e life* To (e co#ti#uous& to i#te$$u%t co#ti#uous#ess& is to i#dic"te life4s %ossi(le set "#d
=ltim"te %ossi(ility& the g$ou#d of $efe$e#ce& "t le"st& h"s the im"ge of itself
fo$esh"do'ed i# its ch"#ge& ("c) "t the mome#t of co#ce%tio#i#g& fu$the$ decl"$"tio#s $eg"$di#g
the e$u%tio# of the ide" 'he$e it %h"ses out i#to the $ecog#i<"(le "#d "dmiss"(le* O!e$t
ci$cumst"#ces of dis$eg"$d& the $egist$y of the oute$& 'he$e co#se,ue#ce e#l"$ges det"il& "s
though the sc$ee# 'e$e %e$fo$"ted 'ith the f"mili"$ities of se#s"tio#* 2h"t holds3 The
$esist"#ce of the %ossi(le e#ume$"tes "ll th"t %$ecedes& sc"les it "g"i#st the hoods of co#t"i#me#t*
The i#iti"l th$ust to #e' i#fo$m"tio# holds o#& li)e $emem(e$ed %le"su$e& the fu#ctio#i#g of
"(st$"ctio#& 'he$e the !isu"l shifts*
No del"ys* The th$ust to the %ossi(le is " g$"s% of the f"mili"$ i# "ct& is th$ust to i# its
esse#ti"lity& the %ossi(le $emi#ds th$ough the i#te$cessio#s of thought th"t some $eco$d is
m"i#t"i#"(le* No #e' i#fo$m"tio# "#y'he$e* The c"lcul"tio#s $es%o#si(le fo$ %le"su$e "$e
im%ossi(le& "$e& i# f"ct& memo$ies: o#ly the %ush to the %ossi(le 'ill suffice& #o #e' #"mes i# the
%$ese#t& sc"tte$i#gs of e!e#i#g& 'he$e light %e$me"tes the $oom& 'he# my eyes $oll u%& ("c) i#to
thei$ soc)ets* Such su(tle isol"tio#s "s 8d"t"4 eme$ge co#fused& 'hile the s%ecific !oice& s%ecific
fo$m "#d s%ecific e+t$"ctio# of :the $e"l is (eyo#d "ll dou(t* It is %$ese#t* A#y $el"%se to fo$m is
u#disco!e$"(le (eyo#d the im"ge* 2h"t %e$sists th$ough the e#e$gies of the #ume$ic"l se,ue#ce*
O$ is the s"me !oice utte$i#g the s"me %"te$#ity3 2hose sh"do's f"ll "c$oss the g$ou#d&
"s memo$y e#folds "ct i# the c"lcul"tio#s of its $es%o#ses* The$e "$e #o !oices %$ese#t "t o#e4s
solitude& the$e "$e #o se,ue#ces im"gi#"(le (eyo#d the i#iti"l (u$sti#g "#d flo'e$i#g of $egist$y&
'h"t i#iti"tes i#to c"use "s %e$cei!ed $es%o#se& the#& "s %le"su$e i# the %ossi(le "#d "ctu"l* The
touch out'"$d $emi#ds of #o st"sis& the cloc)s "#d em%ty %oc)ets $el"te sy#t"ctic"lly& "s this
!e$y "ct com%letes to cess"tio#* E#e$gy t$"#sfe$ to do'#locus& 'he$e %e$cei!e$ "#d c"use mo!e
i#to st"tic co#figu$"tio#& it is sh"%e "#d smell* The$e"fte$& to touch e#e$gy& 'hich is the
i#te$sectio# of mome#ts of 'hich 'e "$e #o' s%e")i#g*
Th"t close $el"tio#& fo$ focus "#d e!e#t& to mo!e "c$oss still#ess& sudde#ly& to shift the
g$ou#d (et'ee# the c"tego$ies of the ide" itself& "s it is ide" "#d light simult"#eously& "#d to
$es%o#d to th"t ("l"#ce& to $e!i!e the te#sio#s of the simult"#eous "s mome#te!e#t "#d "s "ct
e!e#t& 'he$e the solid "#d u#f"cto$"(le d"tum "$e co#se,ue#ti"l to the %$ocess e#"cted& "s
memo$y /"g"i#6 e#"cts %u#ctu"tio#s of the tot"l !oc"(ul"$y: the$e& 'he$e the f"ctu"l $esides& i#
the midst of the %e$cei!ed se,ue#ce& 'he$e it holds lo#gest "#d 'ith utmost %e#et$"tio#& to
succeed "t the %e$iod of $eside#ce& to $ely o# the f"ctu"l "s c"use& to $es%o#d to the se,ue#ce "s
"# immedi"cy& to $ec$e"te the mo!eme#t "s e+%licit#ess& to'"$d the s%ecific "lte$#"tio#
desc$i(ed& f$om #o %ossi(le $educed (ut e+te#t*
The f"cto$s $esol!ed tu$# "'"y f$om decisio# to'"$d the im"ge& to'"$d co#t"ct* The
memo$i<ed code of ($e")th$ough& t$"#sitio# i# situ& "s c"%"(le "ct "#d ,u"#tity& 'h"t '"s
$emem(e$ed out of mo#ologue& co#sisti#g of 'holly i#se%"$"(le sy#t"ctic"l u#its& "$$"#ged i# "
ci$cul"$ "#d $esidu"l e(( of $es%o#si!e#ess& th"t ,u"#tity $esto$es $heto$ic& fo$ i#st"#ce& to its
i#iti"l %ositio# /"s " fu#ctio#"l "#d "thletic ,u"lity of mi#d6 i# the hie$"$chies of the se,ue#ce: to
(e $el"ted to the %$ocesses of o#e4s ,uestio#i#g i# " '"y to (e "(le to $es%o#d to the %$essu$es to
fo$mul"te " fu$the$ se,ue#ce of %ostul"tes (efo$e "#y decisio# h"s (ee# m"de $eg"$di#g the
i#iti"l ,uestio#* Th"t "ccumul"tes*
The d"tum eme$ge co"lesce#t& c$ested slightly f$om "ll $emi#de$s to t"set/33336* 2h"t
o!e$t ,u"lity $esists: e!e# $e%etitio# h"s i# it " ,u"lity of $emo#st$"#ce o$ muscul"$ el"sticity*
Re(ou#d* =#(ou#d& "s "cts "$e& $eco#stituted "s e!e#ts "$e (y the o#goi#g %hysic"l el"sticity
of the motio#s u%'"$d& the$e thought h"s its h"lt "#d the im"ge (l"<es fo$th 'ith " sudde#
i#te$0ectio#& i#to some t'ilight& li)e " c"sti#g loose o$ li)e " u#i!e$se disest"(lished f$om !oice:
the %"$"mete$ is s%ecific& too* 2hich c"sts fo$th& sudde#ly& li)e " ch"i# of $e!e$s"ls& 'he$e o#e
c"sts sudde#ly out'"$d "#d c"tches& c"tches most su$ely i#to 'h"t 'ill $ecei!e& "s " #et of
ci$cumst"#ces 'elcomes the $e"l*
No omissio#s to thought& i# its comme#su$"te co#ti#uity: the s%ecificity of the %$ocess is
u##egoti"(le "#d u#chose#& li)e ou$ #otio# of !oc"tio#* Its sudde##ess "#d e+cl"m"tio#s fo$
$ele"se "#d $ecog#itio# "$e u#dimi#ished (y $el"%ses to fo$me$ ,uestio#s* The ste% ("c)'"$d
h"s the fu#ctio# of %e$se!e$"#ce& is the locus of desi$"(ility /"s " 'o$d6& i# 'h"t is $emi#ded out
of the 'hole to'"$d its co#stitue#cy* So the d$i!e to'"$d the illumi#"ted ce#te$& !i" the fo$ms of
the %ossi(le& l"ys out " %l"# of "ctio# o$ " se,ue#ce of $es%o#ses 'hich is li)ely to i#duce i# the
su(0ect& self i# its $el"tio#s& " ste"dy %$og$ess to'"$d the o(0ect& "ll ci$cumst"#ces $esol!e to'"$d
it* 5ut 'hich %e$fectio#3 Th"t $esists& "s it should*
5ut 'hich %e$fectio#3 Th"t $esists& "s it should* The ,u"#tity& he$e& 'ould i#dic"te me
"s %u$sue$ "#d com("t"#t /'illi#gly6 i#& (eyo#d& th$ough the !"$i"tio#s of the e!e#t to'"$d "
decl"m"tio# /#oise6 'hich "llo's ce$t"i# 'o$) to t")e %l"ce* At the outset& the i#iti"l i#,ui$y is
se$!ed o#ly (y the desi$e fo$ s%eech"ctu"l (eh"!io$& th"t co#t"ct th$ough the mi#im"ls of !isio#
should em($"ce "#d collect se#s"tio# to'"$d " 'o$d o$ defi#itio# of the e#e$gies "s 'ould
co#stitute "# e+%losio# f$om the met"(olic sets "#d $hythms out'"$d& to'"$d some
m"#ifest"tio#s di$ected /i#te#ded6 (eyo#d the set of the "ct& th"t th$ust to'"$d com%letio# "#d
(egi##i#g %$ecedes the feeli#g of t$"#s%o$t*
The#& f$om the i#iti"l& 'he$e it $esides i# " %ote#cy of "cts to'"$d the ide" "#d the o(0ect&
'hich is self "#d im"ge i# co$el"tio# to thei$ %$ocesses* Th"t4s e+%licit* T$"#sitio#s th$ough "#y
timelogic se$!e to "ccumul"te i#fo$m"tio# "s 'ell "s e#e$gy to the s%ecific of the set 'hich is
8th"t 'hich is lo!ed8* The (eh"!io$ "#d i#clusi!e $el"tio#s "%%$o%$i"te to lo!e "s co#0u#ctio#
ofo%%osites& the#& i#!ol!es the myste$y of i#h"(it"tio# "#d the s%ecifics of %ossessio#& "s
su(0ect "#d o(0ect e#te$ i# to %h"se $el"tio#s f$om 'ithout& to'"$d " cl"$ity of t$"#sfo$m"tio#& the
i#fo$m"tio# does i#clude th"t i# its defi#itio# of itself*
The ultim"te %ossi(le& $eco#stituted i# "ct "#d fo$m& to'"$d mo!eme#t i#te#ded* The
'illtofo$m& "s " co#se,ue#ce of "ll th"t %$ecedes "#d follo's& i#iti"tes the $eso#"#ces "#d
full#ess of s%"ce& o$ the solid geomet$y of thought* Th$oughout& the "ssum%tio# to ch"$"cte$
/(ei#g "#d %u$%ose i# %le"su$"(le "cte!e#t6 is "ssumed to (e moti!e& c"use& "#d locus of the
fi#"l e!e#t* Recog#itio# of c"use "#d i#clusio# i# the "ct of lo!e& "s co#0u#ctio#"l im"ge$y&
the#& 'he$e it s%e")s of u#its "#d "llego$ies* Postul"tio#s $e!ol!i#g "$ou#d 'h"t is sh"$ed i# the
s%o)e# "#d "dmitted* A c"lcul"tio# %$ecise to the %ossi(le* Reflectio# of the im"ge loc"tes the
o(se$!e$ i# his s%ecific& "ctu"l %e$ce%tio#se,ue#ce*
7o#f$o#t"tio# of the esse#ce& i# seei#g& i# com%leti#g the ci$cuit (et'ee# "ct& seei#g& "#d
o(0ect& 'he$e em"#"tio# goes out to the fl"t& to %e$cei!e& %ossess to th$ust "tte#tio# fo$'"$d i#to
its cl"im of time "#d mo!eme#t* Residu"l $em"i#s "$e 'h"t co#ce$# us& ho' to mo!e& fi#"lly&
out of the st"tic ho$$o$ i#to ,uest& "s& to loo) i# fo$ " d$ift of the %ossi(le& to get (eyo#d 8the
lighted8& o#e& to& i#to& s%he$es of $em"i#de$* 2ho she is* @ust th"t& sile#tly* Not e+"ctly i#
loc"tio#& #o$ to'"$d %$ecisio# "imed: #eithe$ i# o$igi# #o$ com%letio# #o$ the $ese$!oi$& (ut out
of o$ "'"y f$om the me"#i#g* Pote#ti"l to desc$i(e& "ct: im%ulse*
The c"tego$ies of (eh"!io$ i#!ol!ed i# t$"#sfo$m"ti!e (eh"!io$& i# " $eloc"tio# of the
se#su"l i#to its dom"i#& u%'"$d i#to the s%he$e of sto$"ge "#d %ote#ti"l* A# "ctu"l futu$e of
g$o'th i#to st"tes of %ote#ti"lity 'ould ch"$"cte$i<e the ,uest* Re"dy to com%lete the im"ge4s
desi$e to (e see#& $"the$& f$om the out'"$d i#to its %e$i%he$"l ci$cul"tio#s& ho' e#e$gy e#te$s i#
o$de$ to %ose the ,uestio#s of "ctio# "#d %"ce& ho' %$io$ c"use m"#ifests " disuse of the (ody
o#ly lo#g e#ough fo$ memo$y to )ic) it loose f$om its %ol"$ity 'ith 8the i#st"#t8& #eithe$ to loo)
#o$ to see& (ut "l'"ys to'"$d " f"mili"$& " le"$#i#g* Residu"l* O$ di$t f$om the g$ou#d& "
se%"$"tio# i#to c"%"city "#d mo!eme#t* Ho' the im"ge mo!es& "#d to'"$d 'h"t& "#d 'ith
'hose ste%s "lig#ed& 8#o' I "m %"ssi#g the (uildi#g8& ste%& ste%*
2hich is #ot e#ti$ely " muscul"$ memo$y& (ut "ctio# e#c"sed i# its %ote#ti"l fo$ co#t"ct*
Th"t she is (old& o$ 'ould (e& does#4t %"ss u##oticed& %e$h"%s it is o#ly fo$ %o'e$ th"t she
mo!es& "#d i #eithe$ u#'illi#g #o$ st"tic& (ut i# my self $ecog#i<ed "s the c"use "#d su(0ect of
he$ mo!es* No$ is it e#ti$ely to %ossess th"t 'e loo) "t e"ch othe$& (ut to h"!e eithe$ the g$"ce o$
the "(st$"ctio# #ecess"$y to %e$cei!e* Those dist$"ctio#s #ecess"$y to the %$elimi#"$ies: shifti#g
th$ough eo#s of se"'"te$& $u##i#g u% the hill to'"$d& 'he$e& some%l"ce u#desc$i(ed 'ould do*
It is #o "ssig#"tio# (ut " d$ift to'"$d the su#& the e#e$gies l"te#t i# seei#g "#d loc"tio#& mo!i#g it
i# th$ough the mouth& this hot su# of im"ge$y& "#d do'# th$ough l"ye$s of g"seous st"sis i#to the
%e$s%ecti!e of " solid ce#te$* Solid "#d %ossessi!e& o#e4s %e$se!e$"#ce to'"$d the im"ge itself*
As it le"!es us 'e") f$om defi#itio#& e+h"usted& " (egi##i#g of the (ottom m")es slight
e!oc"tio#s of sou#d* 2h"t im%ulses $em"i# of o(se$!"tio# "$e clouded* The$e- Th"t !e$y
cloudi#g $es%o#ds to somethi#g #ot so !e$y i#eluct"(le "s 8cloudi#ess8& it is its !e$y ,u"lity of
$est$"i#t 'hich "llo's " $eco$d to (e m"de "t "ll: 'e d$i!e o# togethe$& %"st "ll th"t $em"i#s of
'h"t 'e s"'* The 'i#d h"s its %l"ce i#side us "#d 'e m")e th"t #otice too: "s "#y %"ss"ge
//th$ough66 is m"$)ed "#d litte$ed 'ith the sim%licities of ou$ %e$ce%tio#s /%oems6& 'e come o#to
the o(0ects themsel!es& focus do'#& i# o$de$ to get solid "#d set& the g$ou#d& the$e& to e+%ose&
m"$) o$ $em"i# co#st"#t* The$e "$e #o othe$s& he$e& "#d the "lo#e#ess of s%eech (ecomes
"%%"$e#t* It is $esidu"l& this le"!i#g*
5ut to h"!e it "t th"t& the$e& is u#s"tisf"cto$y& is #ot motio#& (ut is th"t 'hich h"s mo!ed&
"s u#$ec"lled& h"s mo!ed* These im%ulses to commu#ic"tio# "$e $esist"#t& (ut they "$e "lso
fu#ded& d$"'# out of " 'hole& "s 'e d$"' o$ di$ect ou$sel!es i#to "ct "#d e!e#t& "s 'e co#0oi#
the$e th$ough 'h"t is %ote#ti"l to %$ese#ce& $elief f$om %$essu$e* Slightly: ho'e!e$& the t"s) is
u#mo!ed& e!e# (y its "c)#o'ledgeme#t* Let4s s"y th"t it is ,uest "#d #ot e#ti$ely 8he$o8* 2h"t
of th"t3 2he$e it mo!es i#to situ"tio#& the $el"tio# (ecomes some'h"t mo$e cle"$& though the
fi#"l defi#itio# of the "ct is #e!e$ m"de* It is o#ly 8"ct8 "#d 8e!e#t8 "t this loc"tio#* A#d the#
go#e& li)e th"t& "s 'e d$"' "lo#g& i#to the ce#te$ of co#side$"tio# "s 'e )#o' it* ;o$m eme$ges
f$om "ll di$ectio#s* P$im"$ily felt*
It could (e th"t it is 'h"t %$ecedes fo$m th"t gi!es the !e$y fo$m its life* 87"lm is the
i##"te "#d the u#diffe$e#ti"ted***8 /He!"0i$"t"#t$"6* 8The o(0ect h"s e#te$ed the %ictu$e***8
/A"$o# Sis)i#d6* Some sh"des of light fo$m the 'hole* 2h"te!e$ "#tici%"tio# %$eceded
i#t$os%ectio#& it is l"%sed e#ti$ely i# the m"tte$ of m")i#g* =#i!e$se is 'hole "#d o#e& the
%$o#ou# of "sc$i%tio#* Such dogm"tisms "s %e$sist th$ough e!e#t o#ly come to "tte#tio# to
dest$oy the diso$de$ of (elief: th"t is& e+%e$ie#ci#g "#d the thi#g itself& "s c"use& "$e u#ited i# "
mome#t of decisi!e#ess& e!e$ythi#g f"lls "'"y: !e$tigo& (ut "#y illusio# to 'o$ld& he$e& is u#felt&
u#s"id* 2o$ld "#d seei#g coh"(it i# the cele($"tio# of i#te$$u%tio# i#he$e#t i# "#y "tte#tio#& "#d
i# the cele($"tio# of i#te$$u%tio# i#he$e#t i# "#y "tte#tio#& "#d 'h"t %"sses fo$ $est o$ %"use is
o#ly the d"$) %"ss"ge to the #e'& 'hile the su# $ests u#de$g$ou#d& solidly "t the ce#te$ of the
5ut th"t 'ould do 'ith some e+%lic"tio#& the$e& ho' the m"tte$ $esists out of clim"+ to
%"ss"ge& (efo$e memo$y "#d co#scious#ess& "#d %e$sists o!e$ f$om %e") to %e")& #o m"tte$ ho'
'idely s%$e"d* It is "t the he"$t of the %e$so#"l se,ue#ce to h"!e m"tte$ "#d e#e$gy come i#to
e"ch othe$& "s e!e#t* A#d it is #ot sim%ly 8t$"#sce#de#ce8& (ut "# "$isi#g* Those %"$ticul"$s
"tt"ched to the #otio# of %ote#ti"l /eg*& futu$e& o(0ect& %ossessio#6 "$e #ot o#ly %sychologic"l
distu$("#ces& "$$est"tio#s of the met"(olic %"cefield& (ut "$e "lso i#cu$sio#s of the illusio# i#to
co#scious#ess* To s"y th"t co#scious#ess i# its "(st$"ctio#s is c"%"(le of illusio#s is
%$o(lem"tic"l& though the foldi#g ("c) of flesh u%o# flesh 'ould (e " mo$e f"mili"$ te$m& 'he$e
it #ot fo$ the i#te$fe$e#ce& he$e& of the %u$it"#ic"l disloc"tio# of the te$m& %le"su$e*
;o$ it is the$e& i# 'h"t %le"ses "#d i# ou$ #otio# of "$isi#g& th"t the co#0u#ctio# occu$s*
O#ce the (ou#d"$ies "$e se"led off /i#to "ct& fo$ i#st"#ce6 "#d some he"t o$ light o$ e#e$gy is
"%%lied& the$e is #o di$ectio# fo$ fo$ce to e,ui!oc"te (ut u%'"$ds* I# :m")i#g the solid thi#g out
of #o thi#g& the$e is #o'he$e fo$ %ote#ti"l to flo' (ut u%* P$essu$e to'"$d " ce#te$ i# s%he$ic"l
#otio#s of deli!e$y& of cou$se& (ut the fi#"l (u$st is u% "#d out* ;$om the e"$th c"st u%'"$ds&
shooti#g o$ (u$sti#g* No& #o e+%losio#s& (ut the ste"dy co#ce#t$"tio# of u#defi#ed "#d
im%$o("(le c"use o# the m"tte$ "t h"#d* Thus& $ele"se "#d %le"su$e "$e co#0oi#ed (y the
eme$ge#ce of the im"ge f$om "# e"$th of su(st"#ce& o$ 'o$)s* The fi#"l $esolutio#s of d"t" "$e
;i#"l "(st$"ctio#s $esume "#y tot"lity i#to the 'hole 'ithi# the 'hole& o$ the f"ll"cy of
f"ll"cy& o# the o(!e$se* A si#gle %oi#t of $efe$e#ce fo$ the t"#ge#ti"l: "#y 'o$d 'ill do to )ic) it
loose& si#ce o#e $ee+%e$ie#ces the se,ue#ce of e!e#ts u% to its cess"tio#* Ho'e!e$& 'he# the$e
is #o#e& #o co#clusio# of di$ect#ess& the# motio#& too& ce"ses* At the ce#te$& the$e is #o ce#te$*
2he$e o#e is& is o#e "#d #ot to the left #o$ to the $ight* O#e is o# o#e4s loc"tio# "s e!e#t& o#e is
e!e#t /#ou#& o#e& he$e6 (eyo#d the %"ss"ge "#d 8the le"$#i#g8* A fi#"l c"tego$y of im"ge
$em"i#s& f$om the e#e$gies of "ct $ele"sed /u%'"$d6 i#to " #otso!"%o$ous "tmos%he$e* The
ide#tity of the "ct "#d the im"ge$y of the e!e#t (e"$ some disti#ctio# f$om e"ch othe$* She is
#e' "#d h"s he$ #"me i# $e%etitio#*
I#sig#ific"#t me"su$es %e$sist& li)e st"$s set "'"y f$om the e#ti$ety of the #ight s)y&
cluste$s "#d %i#%$ic)s of se#s"tio# 'ithi# the em%ty (l"#)#ess of the co#scious#ess of s%"ce o$
the !oid* A !oid of "cts h"s some ,u"lity to (e $est$"i#ed* Selfishly& 'e %e$sist th$ough to e#d&
'hile %$im"$ily 'e %e$sist th$ough to the (egi##i#g* So " t$"#sl"tio# of e!e#ts o$ ,u"lities 'ould
g$ou#d us i# ou$ m"te$i"l e!e# fu$the$* ;"$ f$om $e%e"ti#g the !isi(ility of the )#o'# /'hich 'e
c"#4t $ec"ll& e!e#6& 'e st$uggle "t the $eco!e$y of the illusio#& though it (ecomes i#c$e"si#gly
im%ossi(le* It is my "ct& "#d out of h"(it& #o h"(it %ossi(le he$e& 'he$e the$e "$e #o u#its o$
me"su$es* th"t 'ould %osit " theo$y of "(so$%tio# fo$ us& "# "cce%t"#ce of the tole$"#ces "#d
limit"tio#s 'hich "$ise f$om %$io$ st"tio#s& "#d fo$ good $e"so#*
A# ultim"te $esolutio# 'ould h"!e us com%leti#g the ci$cuit of $eflectio#& i# "#
"c)#o'ledgeme#t th"t she is me* I# he$ im"ge$y& the$e is some t$"di#g& "#d 'h"t the m"s)
$e!e"ls& u%o# $emo!"l& is th"t I "m he$& too& i# " com%le+ity of u#de$st"teme#ts& "s the$e "$e #o
lo#ge$ "#y disti#ctio#s to (e m"de& "#d th"t is 'h"t is c$e"ted out of the %ote#ti"l to "cts* No
$esolutio# %ossi(le 'he$e #o#e is $e,ui$ed* 9$"du"l elo#g"tio# of the sh"do'* The sh"do'
"lig#s the !oid i#to its co#siste#t em%ti#esses* Lo#ge$ du$"tio#s meld i#to st$etches of #otime&
'he$e s%"ces e#fold "#d coll"%se li)e "i$ mo!i#g i#side "i$* It is motio# to'"$d the sto#eli)e
ce#te$ "s 'ell "s the ce#t$i%et"l fl"sh out'"$d i#to "#othe$ !oid of "i$ "#d d"$)#ess* 2h"t is
(o$#& ho'e!e$& %e$sists th$ough these $egist$"tio#s*
The co#clusio# of the e!e#t is its t$"#sit out'"$d& 'he$e " sc$ee# o%e#s th$ough to its
im"ge of the "ctu"l* The $es%o#se to im"ge is o#e4s co#t"i#me#t i# the e"$th& "s m"le %e#et$"tes
to the ce#te$ of co#scious#ess i# the fem"le of co#scious#ess itself* All loci $e!e$(e$"te to the
music of th"t fi#"l mo!eme#t& 'he$e c"use is fi+ed i# the "ct of seei#g "#d #"mi#g 'h"t is see#
"s t$ue "#d $e"l* M"tte$s of det"il "#d su$f"ce "$e see# "s dime#sio#s of the "ct* ;o$ the
he+"g$"m A$my& the '"te$s %ush u%'"$d th$ough the o%e# ce#te$ of the e"$th* 9e#e$osity /of
%u$%ose6 "#d the i#te#tio#"l of o$de$& i# the m"tte$ of moti!e "#d choice& I 'ould thi#)& "$e
im%$essed "s c"uses of "ctio#* Still& the st$uctu$e of music "llo's mo!eme#t i# its cl"im fo$
So 'e h"!e e"$ "s A%h$odite4s $emo!"l "#d E$os4s f$eedom& his "ct to $escue Psyche f$om
he$ cu$iosityi#duced slee%& he$ ultim"te f"ilu$e& "#d "ll the to%ics 'hich le"d us to he$ child&
Ple"su$e: e"$ "s sou$ce of e#t$y fo$ eye4s 'o$)* The %"$"llel i#te$$u%ted (y the "$$o' of sou#d*
So 8***$eflectio#s.i# the cu$$!e the still#ess of #ite.%"st the (e"ms.of the moo#8: 'e "$e
defi#ed (y %e#et$"tio#& the i#comi#g of light em"#"ted ("c) u%o# 'o$ld to gi!e it its dime#sio#&
though 'e he"$ its c"use i# us& too& ce#te$ed (et'ee# the o$g"#s of $ece%tio#* Ho' 'e "ct is %"st
co#0ectu$e& th"t 'e "$e is u#de#i"(ly e+%e$ie#ced* A#d th"t e"$thu#i!e$se is femi#i#e*
The %$o%e$ties of the !eget"ti!e "#d m"le dom"i# of the I chi#g $em"i# to (e defi#ed i#
thei$ $el"tio# to 'h"t (ecomes i# most mysticism "s the femi#i#e of co#scious#ess* Eg*& Rumi4s
8***He m")es )#o'i#g "#d 'o$ld(eholdi#g o#e (li#d f$om his mothe$4s 'om(*8 I# ou$ %$io$ity
'he$ei# "ct %$ecedes $eflectio#& the t$ue fu#ctio# of the se#ses i# $el"tio# to ou$ c"tego$y of m"le
"#d fem"le yieldi#g to the %$io$ity of the child& 'e "$e o(liged to "llo' ou$ $egist$"tio# of 'h"t
"t fi$st seems to (e out'"$d* The %$e%o#de$"#ce of 8e!ide#ci#g8 "s " (eh"!io$ mold us %$o%e$ly
i# ou$ di$ectio#s to'"$d " legitimi<ed $e"l& m"de so (y ou$ te$ms "#d "cce%t"#ces& (ut th"t is ou$
s%i$it of "llo'"#ce*
A#y hesit"tio# %$ecedi#g co#clusio# o$ the co#t"ct of co##ectio# /'ith the othe$ side6 is
see# o#ly to gi!e $ise to the "ssoci"tio#s "#d %e$mut"tio#s of the du"ls of f"#t"sy "#d memo$y&
eg*& 8medium8* So 'e "$e fi#"lly "t $es%o#se "#d the femi#i#e: out of the co#t"i#me#t of (ei#g&
the co#ditio# of e"$th#ess& do 'e "sc$i(e to ou$ futu$e& "s %e$so# "#d mythof%e$so#& im"ge of
self i# o#e#ess* Th"t th"t "$isi#g is co#ti#uous 'ith the "$isi#g of thought i#to co#scious#ess&
"#d sou#d4s li(e$ty th$ough the e"$& "s met"(olic "s the susu$"tio#s of ($e"th& is defi#ed i#
se,ue#ce (y ou$ $hythms of co#0u#ctio# "#d co#t$"st* The !ie' is cle"$ed u%o# co#t"ct o$ touch*
Th"t is memo$y4s $emi#de$& "s 'e %e#et$"te the folds of the d$e"m to its co$e*
Sy#o%tic co#scious#ess& o$ the !isu"l edito$i"l& se$!es i#te$$u%tio#4s c"use& "s i#e$ti"
yields to st"sis& e!e#* The$e& the st"te of the 'o$ldly h"s its mo!eme#t& too& i# 'h"t is see#*
Though 'e "$e $emi#ded th"t i# its tot"lity& 'h"t 'e "$e "#d seem to (e is %e$su"ded (y the sum
of ou$ tot"l o(se$!"tio#* 2e "$e 'h"t 'e see& "s 'h"t is see# (ecomes us& though 'e mo!e to
im"ge out of ou$ co#stitue#cy i# %$ocess& "s 'e h"!e it (efo$e us& "t ou$ i#clusio# i# it* Act h"s
it o#& o#to 'h"t is )#o'#& "s o#e im%ulse c"$$ies (efo$e it its c"uses "#d d"t"& 'e still touch*
Th"t is the isol"ted !ie'& %ol"$ to "ll i#dic"tio#s to the co#t$"$y* 2h"t h"s me"#i#g is ou$ sy#t"+
of "c,uisitio#& $eflectio#& "#d ge#e$"tio#*
Th"t some u#io# is u#de$stood to %$ecede ge#e$"tio#&m i# the self "#d its %$ocesses& c"#
(e e!ide#ced i# the se,ue#ce of e!e#ts "#d the 'o$)* 7o#t$"sti#g modes se$!e to illust$"te this&
"s ou$ )#o'ledge of them "s %u<<le "#d fo$m* 2e co#cede* Affi$m"tio#s of the #eg"ti!e
com%lete the ci$cuit& " 'hole#ess& o$ im"ge* 5ei#g see# th$ough& "t le"st 8ghosts see# "s
!"%o$ous su(st"#ces8& $emi#ds us of ou$ te#de#cy to'"$d the solid thi#g* A d$ift of "tte#tio#
o#to the fo$m of fo$m& "s (oo)s of o(0ets d4"$t %e$mit* Ho' 'o$ds i#h"(it the mi#d& the#& o$ ho'
se,ue#ce "#d sy#t"+ co#0oi#& %e$h"%s those "$e the ge#e$"lities* The s"fety of %$ese#ce '"$%s to
its s"c$ed %$io$ities*
At le"st& 'e see ce$t"i# loc"les "s holy& "#d see) them out co#ti#u"lly* A %e#et$"tio# (y
'h"t is %"l%"(le "s 'ell "s %$o("(le* 2hose ide#tific"tio# is this3 The othe$ memo$ies& eg*&
study& $emi#d (y "%%e"$"#ce "#d imit"tio# ou$ f"csimiles* Th"t dou(li#g of the solid& seei#g
8th$ough8 the 'i#do' to the clouds (eyo#d& o!e$l"id (y sh"do'& h"s us l"id i#to the mo!eme#t
of the $i!e$& c"st& "d$ift "#d le"#i#g fo$'"$d* 8***The mi#d c"# $es%o#d to o(0ects "s e!e#ts i#
time8& /5ulloc)6& li)e& 'he# did you see it3 8The (e"t& o$ the %uls"tio# of lifede"thlifede"th is
Ale%h4s %$o0ectio# i# its tem%o$"l co#ti#uity*8 /Su"$es6 5ut the (e"ts "$e f"#t"stic& fluctu"ti#g
"#d $hythmic*
Te#sio# i#dic"tes "#othe$ %$o%e$ty& 'he$e the u#i!e$se is ultim"tely '"lled i#* 5ut 'e
h"!e th"t& too& (efo$e us co#st"#tly& "#d ("tte$ o# it "s somethi#g suc)s !"cuously f$om its seed
ce#te$ of solidity* 7e#t$i%et"l "#d ce#t$ifug"l& "t the s"me time& ou$ u#i!e$se is !o$te+ed f$om
eithe$ side& 0ust "s the %u$ely ce#t$ifug"l /of "c$o%ho(i"6 is se$!ed !isu"lly (y ou$ te#de#cy to
follo' "lo#g 'ith somethi#g i# mi#d* I me"#& "(out the "$tist& 'e h"!e 'h"t he s"id "#d 'h"t he
did (oth "s cultu$"l "$tif"cts& motifs fo$ i#clusio# i# ou$ o'# se,ue#ce of 'h"t is tot"l* A#d
th"t4s #ot o(scu$e& 'e h"!e it (efo$e us "s soo# "s it occu$s to co#side$"tio#* Nou#s& "l'"ys& "t
the edges of !isio#* 8I 'ill #"me "#ythi#g*8
A#d #o "fte$thoughts* 2e come to the othe$ side "#d st"#d u% 'ithout hesit"tio#& the$e&
it is (efo$e us& 0ust "s 'e thought it 'ould (e* 8***O my coll"%sed ($othe$&.the (ody.does ($i#g'#.the im"ges.h"!e to ($"dicted.the met"mo$%hoses."$e to (e.u#do#e.the stic)&."#d
the e"$."$e to (e #o mo$e th"#.they "$e***8 /Olso#& The de"th of Eu$o%e& " fu#e$"l %oem fo$
R"#ie$ M* 9e$h"$dt6* 2e h"!e fi#"lly come to 'h"t 'e "$e& "s (oldly "s could (e do#e* 2h"t
the$e is i# th"t is " co#fide#ce "#d "# "ssum%tio# "(out the di$ectio# of t$"!el* The m"te$i"l /i#
"ll its s%ecious#ess6 is $e"dy fo$ us* The$e is #o hesit"tio# "#y'he$e& "#d 'e "$e i#st"#tly
$emo!ed* Th"t light is 'h"t $em"i#s is #o su$%$ise& the$e "$e #o su$%$ises "#y'he$e i# this tot"l
So " co#clusio# is the cele($"tio# of the 'it#essi#g of the s%ect"cle& 'he$e 'e "$e i# it&
m"#ifest* The 'hole& "s o#e4s $em"i#s "$e c"st "d$ift fo$ the (i$ds& is #ot 'holly gestu$"l thought*
To (e hum"#& i# "#y c"se& is me"#t to i#clude "ll the %$ecedi#g& "#d #ot "s "$gume#t* Th"t much
is cle"$ i# 'h"t is (old* 8N"mes "$e m"gic8& 2hitm"# s"ys* A cit"tio# of e!ide#cu"l $e"lity*
2e chose& to s%e")* A#d th"t %e$sists& th$ough the "fte$#oo#& (eyo#d& to dus)& "#d (eyo#d* A#d
'e h"!e it& close& f"mili"$& #ot out of des%"i$ '$ought& #o$ "#y of th"t& (ut "s co#ditio# "#d
%"use& "s " deme"#o$& "s $egist$"tio# e+e$cise& 'e "$e i# fi+& o# the isl"#d "t the ce#te$ of " sto$m
of (lood* The$e- Th"t4s th"t*
S"c$"me#to& 7"lifo$#i"& BCDE
P"$t O#e
Photog$"%hic $e"lism is "# o(0ecto$ie#ted fo$m of !isu"l e+%e$ie#ce* It de%e#ds o# si#glefocus
%e$s%ecti!e& sh"$%#ess of det"il& "#d to#"l fidelity* Its g$e"test st$e#gth is th"t it $eco$ds the o(0ecti!e 'o$ld th"t ou$
se#ses %e$cei!e* Its g$e"t 'e")#ess is th"t too much em%h"sis is %l"ced o# e+te$#"l %hysic"l ,u"lities of o(0ects* A#
o(0ect is "ctu"lly " !isu"l o$ me#t"l co#ce%t* It h"s #o i#de%e#de#t %hysic"l e+iste#ce* O#ly e!e#ts e+ist*
2y## 5ulloc)
Veil them& co!e$ them& '"ll them $ou#d
5lossom& "#d c$ee%e$& "#d 'eed
Let us fo$get the sight "#d the sou#d&
The smell "#d touch of the ($eed-
;"t (l"c) "sh (y the "lt"$sto#e&
He$e is the 'hitefoot $"i#&
A#d the dogs ($i#g fo$th i# the fields& u#so'#&
A#d #o#e sh"ll "ff$ight them "g"i#:
A#d the (li#d '"lls c$um(le& u#)#o'#& o4e$th$o'#&
A#d #o#e sh"ll i#h"(it "g"i#-
Rudy"$d 1i%li#g
2he# I m")e " %hotog$"%h I '"#t it to (e "# "ltogethe$ #e' o(0ect& com%lete "#d self co#t"i#ed****2h"t is
the su(0ect m"tte$ of this "%%"$e#tly !e$y %e$so#"l 'o$ld***3 2h"t I "m co#scious of "#d 'h"t I feel is the %ictu$e I
"m m")i#g***"#d its $el"tio# to othe$s I h"!e e+%e$ie#ced*
A"$o# Sis)i#d& i# A"$o# Sis)i#d& 9eo$ge E"stm"# House Mo#og$"%h FE& BCGH*
5et'ee# 'o$d "#d im"ge& (et'ee# 'h"t is de%icted (y l"#gu"ge "#d 'h"t is utte$ed (y %l"stic fo$m& the u#ity
(egi#s to dissol!e: " si#gle "#d ide#tic"l me"#i#g is #ot immedi"tely commo# to them*
Michel ;ouc"ult& M"d#ess & 7i!ili<"tio#
A#d "s I focused& the 'eddi#g %$ocessio# "%%$o"ched* =% the $oc)y l"#e they 'ou#d& stum(li#g& st"gge$i#g& led (y
" d$u#)e# h"g 'hi$li#g $ou#d "#d $ou#d& 'ildly gesticul"ti#g 'ith " %"i$ of stee$ ho$#s& lu#gi#g "t the ($id"l cou%le&
$et$e"ti#g& c$"<ily sc$e"mi#g'hile the o$chest$" (l"$ed fo$th ("$("$ic music* The othe$s '"!ed fl"gs o$ em%ty
(ottles& d$o'#i#g the music 'ith hoots "#d sh$ie)s*
Ed'"$d 2esto#& >"y(oo)s& Vol* I
THE 5ELOITS /cf* Olso#6
The 'o$ld is the im"ge
the im"ge is the 'o$ld
"c$oss& " lightce#te$&
lightc"used& thus&
'hich "cts& fu$the$s& e+te#ds& outf$om&
the light itself& em"#"tio# /of6*
2he$e 'o$d issues f$om: ce#te$& lighted&
"s 'o$d c"use&
e!e# "s the soul esc"%es&
/f$om mi#d
/f$om (ody
#o '"$% the$e& out of "ll th"t issues
to the 'o$ld& "s o#e & light & c"use&
5ut f$om & o#e (ehi#d&
" $et$"ctio# of #um(e$& outof
light s%illi#g f$om the eyes& fo$'"$d&
#ight4s ide#tific"tio# ("c)tossed*
'hich 0ou$#ey& se" $oc)ed& & s'um&
"s im"ge & 'o$ld co#0oi#ed& l"%%ed&
& i#to th"t se"& s#")ed& (ehi#d
the o#e& s#")ed "$ou#d& "s se$%e#t l"$ge&
"#d his $e%o$ts& o$ co#!e$se& & #"med*
N"med "s light "s the ce#te$& $emem(e$ed&
'o$ds fou#d f$om c"use & light& out*
the im"ge of the 'o$ld&
the 'o$ld4s im"ge*
& c$ossed
light "s
c"use & ce#te$*
"s m"tte$*
The s#")e (ehi#d the s#")e
"s #um(e$& m"tte$ "#d 'o$ld*
The g"l"+y& " !"%o$ous %lume of 'hite fi$e& %ou$ed do'# the southe$# s)y& e+ti#guished (y the (l"c)
i#cisi!e s%i$es of the fo$est* The st"$s loomed 'ith te$$ifyi#g ($illi"#ce& the d"$)#ess (eyo#d them th$o((ed 'ith
u#see# light* A cold 'i#d %"ssed (et'ee# me "#d the $emote s%le#do$ of the #ight& d$"'i#g sou#d "fte$ it th$ough
the g$o!es of e!e$g$ee# "#d "s%e#*The 'o$dless me"#i#g t$em(led o# the mi#d4s edge "#d %"ssed o#& 'hile 'ith
"lmost hy%#otic %e$siste#ce& I '"tched the st"$s slo'ly st$e"m o!e$ the e"$th* A sho$t s%ell of slee%& "#d the 'hite
to'e$ of d"'# h"d $e"$ed out of the e"st* I '"l)ed to'"$d the )#ife sh"$% fo$est 'ith the cold (u$#i#g of the
mo$#i#g st"$ gli#ti#g "(o!e me* I thought& "s I %loughed the de'd"m%e#ed g$"ss& th"t the$e could (e #othi#g so
com%lete i# its gl"ssy s%le#do$ "s the se,ue#ce of st"$light "#d d"'#light& 'ith the c$yst"lli#e ch"otic mu$mu$ of
the st$e"m& "#d the hollo' mo!eme#t of 'i#d* The$e '"s #o se#time#t"l %$ecede#t& the$e '"s #o im"gi#"ti!e
e+%e$ie#ce 'ith 'hich to com%"$e this m"gic "ctu"lity* My $e"ctio#s s%"$ed #eithe$ my emotio#s #o$ my (ody: I
d$e"med th"t fo$ " mome#t time stood ,uietly& "#d the !isio# of this "ctu"lity (ec"me (ut the sh"do' of "# i#fi#itely
g$e"te$ 'o$ld& th"t I h"d 'ithi# the g$"s% of co#scious#ess " t$"#sce#de#t"l e+%e$ie#ce*
***I '"s clim(i#g the lo#g $idge 'est of Mou#t 7l"$)* It '"s o#e of those mo$#i#gs 'he# the su#light is
(u$#ished 'ith " )ee# 'i#d "#d lo#g fe"the$s of cloud mo!e i# " lofty s)y* The sil!e$ light tu$#ed e!e$y (l"de of
g$"ss "#d e!e$y %"$ticle of s"#d i#to " lumi#ous met"llic s%le#do$: the$e '"s #othi#g& ho'e!e$ sm"ll& th"t did #ot
cl"sh i# the ($ight 'i#d& th"t did #ot se#d "$$o's of light th$ough the gl"ssy "i$* I '"s sudde#ly "$$ested i# the lo#g
c$u#chi#g %"th u% the $idge (y "# e+ceedi#gly %oi#ted "'"$e#ess of the light* The mome#t I %"used& the full im%"ct
of the mood '"s u%o# me: I s"' mo$e cle"$ly th"# I h"!e e!e$ see# (efo$e o$ si#ce the mi#ute det"il of the g$"sses&
the cluste$s of s"#d shifti#g i# the 'i#d& the sm"ll flots"m of the fo$est& the motio# of the high clouds st$e"mi#g
"(o!e the %e")s* The$e "$e #o 'o$ds to co#!ey the moods of those mome#ts*
A#sel Ad"ms& The Elo,ue#t Light
I me"#& lite$"lly& th"t to light th"t d"$) is to h"!e come to 'h"te!e$ it is I thi#) "#y of us see)s* A#d
t$o%ism to my mi#d"#d "ctu"lly he$e I do o$ "g"i# e+%$ess "# e+%e$ie#ce of& s"y& t'e#ty ye"$s "go& 'hich '"s to
me dogm"tic& 'he# I )#e' the$e '"s " su#& I me"# " helio i#side myself& so th"t e!e$ythi#g& th"t e!e$y othe$ hum"#
(ei#g& "#d e!e$y thi#g i# c$e"tio#& '"s somethi#g th"t I could see if I could )ee% th"t e+%e$ie#ce***My feeli#g is "
su# of (ei#g 'hich sits i# this m"ss of (l"c)#ess& o$ d"$)#ess (ette$& o$ eyeless#ess o$ sightless#ess& "#d le#ds
itself****It4s sim%ly "# e#t$"#ce i#to ou$ o'# self of 'h"t ou$ dogm"tic co#ditio#s***'hich 'e i#he$it (y (ei#g "li!e
"#d "c,ui$e (y see)i#g to (e "li!e***A#d th"t those t'o thi#gs "$e (oth t$ue f$om ou$ h"!i#g (ee# "t "ll* /Poet$y "#d
You4$e sim%ly stuc) 'ith the o$igi#"l !isio#"$y e+%e$ie#ce of h"!i#g (ee# you& 'hich is " hell of " thi#g*
A#d& i# f"ct& I "ssume th"t the e%ig$"%h I4!e offe$ed***is my o#ly '"y of su%%o$ti#g th"t& 'hich is: th"t 'hich e+ists
th$ough itself is 'h"t is c"lled me"#i#g* /7"us"l Mythology6
7h"$les Olso#
M"ste$ Lutsu s"id& th"t 'hich e+ists th$ough itself is c"lled the '"y /t"oIsi##Ime"#i#g:2ilhelm6* T"o
h"s #eithe$ #"me #o$ sh"%e* It is the o#e esse#ce /8hum"# #"tu$e8:7"$y ;* 5"y#es6& the o#e %$im"l s%i$it* Esse#ce
"#d life c"##ot (e see#* They "$e co#t"i#ed i# the light of he"!e#* The light of he"!e# c"##ot (e see#* It is
co#t"i#ed i# the t'o eyes* The Sec$et of the 9olde# ;lo'e$
t$* Rich"$d 2ilhelm*
I4m thi#)i#g #o'***0ust co#tem%l"ti#g o#***the g$ou#d out of 'hich sto$ies come* Sto$ies h"!e %eo%le i#
them& 'ho do o$ s"y o$ thi#) thi#gs& (ut e!e$y sto$y h"s " telle$& too& 'ho o#e su%%oses must su$!i!e his sto$y "#d so
he '"s the$e too (efo$e the telli#g (eg"#& is#4t th"t $ight3 5efo$e the telli#g& "fte$ the telli#g***2HO is the$e3 2e
do#4t )#o' him* He does#4t )#o' himself& if he does#4t m")e u% some sto$y* Actu"lly "ll he h"s to do& o$ c"# do& is
(egi#* I#iti"te* Mo!e***"g"i#st his self "(se#ce* A#d the# it goes o#***(y itself& #o3 the$e "$e thi#gs& %eo%le& ide"s&
feeli#gs& 'h"te!e$***the$e is some e!e#tu"ti#g* I#side the e!e#tu"ti#g& the$e4s #o (egi##i#g& #o e#d& is the$e3 It goes
o#* 5ut the$e is some ch"$"cte$& some s%eci"l style of goi#g o#& some %"$ticul"$ melody o$ $hythm& " ch"$"cte$istic
$e!e$(e$"tio#& "cco$di#g to ho' o#e (eg"#& the i#iti"l mo!eme#t***(ut o#e c"#4t e!e$ $emem(e$ th"t& (ec"use the
sto$y4s goi#g o#* If o#e $emem(e$s (efo$e the sto$y& the$e4s #o sto$y& is the$e3 If the$e4s #o sto$y& "#othe$ sto$y
(egi#s* Is it "#y diffe$e#t3 2ho could com%"$e i#iti"l mo!eme#ts of himself3 If he is#4t the$e fo$ himself (efo$e he
mo!es3 So he h"s to gi!e u% somethi#g& (ut he #e!e$ )#o's 0ust 'h"t to gi!e u% 0ust "t the $ight time* If he4s
mo!ed& it4s too l"te& is#4t it& to gi!e u% $est& em%ti#ess& "(se#ce3 Th"t h"s to come& e!e# though the$e4s mo!eme#t
o#'"$ds& the$e4s th"t ("c)'"$ds $ec"ll* A#d 'he# the$e4s #othi#g& it4s still "#d d"$)& so sudde#ly& it4s 0ust " (it too
l"te to gi!e u% (ecomi#g somethi#g& h"!i#g some feeli#g o$ thought& some mo!eme#t***to'"$ds (ei#g* So it4s the
s"me thi#g $e"lly& is#4t th"t so& "ll***to'"$ds (ei#g* so it4s the s"me thi#g $e"lly& is#4t th"t so& "ll the time& 'hethe$
the$e4s sto$y o$ #o sto$y& 'hethe$ the$e4s mo!i#g o$ #o mo!i#g& o$ fo$ th"t m"tte$ this )i#d of mo!i#g o$ th"t )i#d of
mo!i#g***it4s #ot diffe$e#t* 5ut 2HO3***2ho c"# %"y th"t "tte#tio#3 2h"te!e$ )i#d of mo!eme#t comes o$ goes&
'ho.s '"tchi#g 'ithout (li#)i#g3 2ho is It3 2e could s"y& #o o#e* No o#e* Not " o#e*
Ho' do :you feel "(out th"t 4#o o#e43 Is he "$ou#d o$ #ot3 7e$t"i#ly you c"#4t loc"te " #o o#e& #ot fo$ "#y
le#gth of time& "t le"st& #ot he$e o$ the$e& su%%ose you s"y& e!e$y'he$e3 Th"t4s out of time& is#4t it3 Out of time& you
h"!e e!e$y'he$e& you do#4t h"!e loc"tio#***so it is#4t %$"ctic"l* I me"# you c"#4t %$"ctice th"t )i#d of "tte#tio#& #ot
di$ectly* It might h"%%e#& (ut you c"#4t %$"ctice it*
5ut if I loo) "t you***0ust (ec"use I do h"%%e# to (e loo)i#g "t you***"s if you 'e$e #o o#e "t "ll- Although
you4$e $e"lly the$e& the$e is#4t "#y "(se#ce& othe$'ise I4d (e dist$"cted& I could#4t %"y th"t %u$e "# "tte#tio#* I c"# see
"ll you$ e+%$essio#s& the '"y you$ fi#ge$s mo!e " little& " ti#y flutte$& the sh"do' of " f$o'# comes "#d goes o#
you$ ($o'***I do#4t see these "s "#yo#e4s mo!eme#ts "%"$t f$om 'ho sees them& 0ust 'hile he sees them***"#d you
do#4t h"!e to he"$ me s%e")i#g "s if it me"#t some %e$so# 'ho '"s he$e #o' "#d so some othe$ time might (e
missed& I4m #ot t$yi#g to focus you$ "tte#tio# th"t '"y* So you c"# he"$ my 'o$ds 0ust "s sou#d if you li)e& o$ "s
sile#ce* You c"# )ee% the s"me style of "tte#tio#& you$ style of "tte#tio#& (efo$e me "#d 'hile me "#d "fte$ me&
the$e does#4t h"!e to (e "#y dis$u%tio#* If you mo!e& I4m mo!ed* O$ I c"# (e still& e!e# though you mo!e* A#d
the# you c"# see you$ mo!i#g& you$ sto$y& i# my em%ti#ess* E!e# though I go o# s"yi#g somethi#g& (ec"use you
do#4t mi#d& "#d 'e4$e i# this cl"ss$oom sto$y too& so it goes o# too* 5ut if the othe$s get $estless& %e$h"%s 'e4ll sto%
this s%eci"l "tte#tio# to e"ch othe$& "#d 'e c"# (ecome o#e "tte#tio# to them& 'e c"# feel "#d t")e u% thei$ goi#g o#*
2e m"y hel% e"ch othe$ to do th"t& (ec"use I c"#4t t")e u% 'h"t I do#4t feel***(ut th$ough you I m"y feel somethi#g I
did#4t (efo$e* I do#4t $e"lly h"!e "#ythi#g to do 'ith it& you do#4t eithe$* No o#e is he$e***"#d #o o#e is the$e***"#d
#o o#e is "ll "$ou#d* It4s !e$y ,uiet "#d i#tim"te* E!e$ythi#g e!e#tu"tes* I#iti"tio# is "lmost fo$gotte#* Almost*
Juite3 O$ #ot ,uite3
Rich"$d S"ssoo#& T"les of the ;"ithful
Light %ossesses " %$ofou#d %sychologic"l %o'e$ (ec"use it is dee%ly hidde# i# the i##e$most $ecesses of
ou$ su(co#scious& "#d it is "lmost ide#tic"l 'ith ou$ s%"cetime e+%e$ie#ces* 2ithout light the$e is #o s%"ce& #o $e"l
se#se of %e$cei!i#g s%"ce& o#ly %sychologic"l s%"ce 'hich is ("sic"lly (l"c)*
2y## 5ulloc)
P"$t T'o
7$e"tio#- Ve$tigi#ous mo!eme#t& imme"su$"(le mo!eme#t& mo!eme#t th"t t$"#sce#ds "ll co#ce%tio#* I#
the hidde# de%ths of mo!eme#t is the sec$et of e+iste#ce* A#d this mo!eme#t is the custodi"# of "ll %ossi(le
%ossi(ilities* E+iste#ce& %$o0ectio# of life& #eg"tio# of e+iste#ce* /E!e$ythi#g th"t e+ists must ce"se to e+ist*6
A%%"$e#t (et$"y"l of life* Re!el"tio#- Lifede"th is O#e* A#d the collisio#& the shoc) of %"ssi!e $esist"#ce of the
m"ss& the h"$d& the d$y& the sto#es: 5lessed $esist"#ce- 2ithout $esist"#ce the$e could (e #o (i$th* This is the
7"$los Su"$es
Light is #ot colo$& colo$ is #ot sig#*
7olo$ is #ot soci"l& colo$ is #ot $ecog#itio#* 7olo$
is the e!ide#ce of t$uth
it is " !e$y t$ust'o$thy thi#g&
7olo$ is the ;$uits
o$ the fou$ Ri!e$s of P"$"dise
7olo$ is $eflecti!e /the o%%osite of %$im"$y
7olo$ should come f$om some'he$e
It follo's* It is /g$"mm"tic"lly6
/K6 7olo$ is #ot the #ou# o$ the !e$(&
the su(0ect o$ the "ctio#* It is
the effect* It fi+es
the st"teme#t* A st"teme#t
$e,ui$es it* You could #ot h"!e " st"teme#t
'ithout colo$* 7h"$les Olso#
P"$t Th$ee
Pu(lic%$i!"te: Othe$s*
2hy you "s)3 It is " most %u(lic of ,uestio#s& is#4t it& you "s) it of y$self e!e# "s o#e of them& the 8othe$s8
. if co#scious#ess focuses i#to o#e& "l'"ys& the i#fo$m"tio# is #eithe$& the# the$e is i#fo "#d situ"tio#s* eithe$ it4s "ll
%$i!"te o$ "ll %u(lic /1ie$)eg"$d s"ys the %u(lic is the dum%i#g $ou#d of "ll ou$ feeli#gs of #othi#g#ess*6 5ut the
othe$s is " %sychod$"m"tic eleme#t of the situ"tio#* They "$e "l'"ys they* I& me& you& he& 'e& they& othe$s: those
"$e "ll my 'o$ds& my utte$"#ces "#d defi#e me "#d my o'# $el"tio# to co#scious#ess the '"y I come to them* /o$6
St"$t 'ith soli%sism /"ll is " figme#t of my im"gi#"tio#6 "#d %ut i#to th"t y$ feeli#g "(out it* The#& the l"'s of se$i"l
ch"#ge c"$$y you th$ough*
$e"lly& M* Este$ H"$di#g& Psychic E#e$gy: sou$ce & t$"#sfo$m"tio#& 5olli#ge#.P"#theo#*
If =M h"s#4t it& to i#te$li($"$y lo"# t$i%* The he"$t of it is 82h"t "m I doi#g8.i#te$sectio# of %e$so#"l "#d #o#
%e$so#"l i# th"t* No#%e$so#"l #ot 8soci"l8 (ut is 8the 'o$ld8*
I su%%ose the "ctu"l (eh"!io$ comes to& '"#ts to& $esem(les i# m"#y '"ys th"t 'hich the sh"m(li#g
(ou$geois ghost "cts out em%tily* I me"#& his feeli#gs "(out commu#ity & f$ie#dli#ess fo$ i#st"#ce "$e o)& (ut
de$i!ed f$om the co#se#sus & #ot the ce#te$* It is #ot his e!e#t solely*
P"$t ;i!e
It "%%e"$s to us th"t %"i#ti#g "%%e"$s to t")e i# the 'hole field of !ie' i# the sce#es $e%$ese#ted* 5ut it
gi!es " f"lse desc$i%tio# of the !ie'& "cco$di#g to the $ules of the "$t& em%loyi#g the sig#s th"t $esult f$om the
i#cide#ts of the li#es of !isio#* 5y this me"#s& the highe$ "#d the lo'e$ %oi#ts i# the !ie'& "#d those (et'ee#& "$e
%$ese$!ed: "#d some o(0ects seem to "%%e"$ i# the fo$eg$ou#d& "#d othe$s i# the ("c)g$ou#d& "#d othe$s to "%%e"$ i#
some othe$ '"y& o# the smooth le!el su$f"ce* So "lso %hiloso%he$s co%y the t$uth& "fte$ the m"##e$ of %"i#ti#g*
7leme#t of Ale+"#d$i"
The A%oc"ly%tic A#gel
***Th"t ye& (ei#g $ooted "#d g$ou#ded i# lo!e& m"y (e "(le to com%$ehe#d 'ith "ll s"i#ts 'h"t is 5REA>TH "#d
LEN9TH "#d >EPTH "#d HEI9HT*
The A%ostle P"ul
2h"t sh"ll 'e see3
P*E* Ous%e#s)y& Te$tium O$g"#um
Th"t life is "l'"ys #e'* It h"s the$efo$e #eithe$ %"st #o$ futu$e* It is #ot de%e#de#t o# time o$ s%"ce* It is
#ot 8co#scious8 i# the se#se 'e gi!e to th"t 'o$d& (ec"use co#scious#ess im%lies memo$y* The$efo$e it is #ot 'e
'ho $esu$$ect& (ut life im%e$so#"l* A#d (ec"use ou$ thought is "l'"ys " %$ocess of co#ti#uity i# du$"tio#& th"t
$esu$$ectio# is #othi#g th"t 'e c"# 8thi#)8*
7"$los Su"$es& The 7i%he$ of 9e#esis
My feeli#g of fou$ dime#sio#"l s%"cetime c"me di$ectly f$om my co#t"ct 'ith o(0ects I %hotog$"%hed*
2he# I fi$st (ec"me " %hotog$"%he$& I %hotog$"%hed 'ith o#ly " co#scious "'"$e#ess of o(0ects "#d thei$ %hysic"l
,u"lities& %lus "# "c"demic "'"$e#ess of ho' to com%ose o(0ects 'ithi# the fo$m"t of my %$i#t* It #e!e$ occu$$ed to
me th"t o(0ects h"d thei$ o'# $e"l time& "#d th"t s%"ce '"s full#ess& $"#gi#g %hysic"lly f$om solid o(0ects to
i#!isi(le "i$ "#d light* I# sho$t& I #e!e$ thought too se$iously of eithe$* O#ly 'he# I (ec"me diss"tisfied 'ith o(0ect
seei#g "#d %hotog$"%hi#g did I see) "# esc"%e* My se"$ch led me to " g$e"te$ "'"$e#ess th"t "ll o(0ects 'e$e e!e#ts
co#st"#tly ch"#gi#g o# su(mic$osco%ic& mic$osco%ic "#d m"c$osco%ic le!els i# time "#d s%"ce* This i#cluded
e!e$ythi#g* My e#ti$e !ie'%oi#t g$"du"lly ch"#ged "s did my %ictu$es* ;o$ myself& I #eeded #o defi#itio# to m")e
me "'"$e of fou$ dime#sio#"l s%"cetime e!e#ts: I feel them*
2y## 5ulloc)
P"$t Si+
Po$#og$"%hy does #ot me"# itself: it is #ot li#e"$& $om"#tic& cumul"ti!e& (ut " fo$m of 'i#di#g t"%est$y:
<o#"l& $e%etiti!e& " %"th of fl"!o$s th$ough ide#tic"ls& " 0ou$#ey 'hich e#ds i# its slee%y (egi##i#gs& 'ith #o slee% i#
(et'ee#* Po$#og$"%hy $e!e"ls 'h"t '"s hidde#: the# 'e $e"li<e it '"s #ot th"t th"t '"s hidde#& (ut somethi#g else*
Po$#og$"%hy "ttem%ts to shoc) us& shoc) us se+u"lly& (ut the o#e thi#g th"t 'ould t$uly shoc) us is fu$the$ o(scu$ed
(y the te+t*
Po$#og$"%hy is " tightly'ou#d te+t& " te+tu"l )ey to itself* It is "t o#ce " fo$m of di!i#"tio# "#d
m"stu$("tio#: " %e$so# telli#g his o'# fo$tu#e stum(les o# the se+u"lity of the Juee# of Pe#t"cles: she e+cites him:
he le"!es the o#tology of the fo$tu#e "#d comes i# he$ im"ge*
Po$#og$"%hy is tot"l& " 'o$ld lyi#g (e#e"th this o#e li)e "# Ice Age* The 'om"# is i# t$ees& i# se"'"te$&
i# (i$ds& "#d de"d (i$ds: he$ odo$ %ou$s f$om e!e$y cott"ge "#d f"$m* The see)e$ )#o's 'h"t it is i# his cells he
must feel: he 'eighs e!e$y se#s"tio# i# the 'o$ld "g"i#st this feeli#g: he 'ill loc) himself i# " t$u#) if the $ight cells
(egi# to t$em(le*
***Po$#og$"%hy (elo#gs to the im"gist %oets "#d %"i#te$s /5y$o#& >el"c$oi+6* E"ch of them sought to $e!e"l
the #"tu$"l 'o$ld "s his o'# delicious im"ge& his o'# s%ecific i#te#sity of %e$ce%tio#* They m"de thei$ (o'ls of
f$uit& thei$ od"lis,ues& f"t"lly desi$e"(le: this '"s to (e thei$ most %e$so#"l !isio#& this le"st %e$so#"l (y%$oduct: this
'"s e#tice othe$s i#to thei$ d"$)est soul*
Rich"$d 9$ossi#ge$
The ide" of the 89e#ius8 comes o$igi#"lly f$om e"$ly Rom"# times& 'he# it me"#s the %e$so#"l %$otecti#g
s%i$it& of m"#& "s o%%osed to 'om"#& 'he$e it is c"lled 8@u#o8 "#d co$$es%o#ds to the Egy%ti"# 81"8 "#d 9$ee)
8d"imo#8* 2ithout discussi#g this #otio# of " %sychic"l dou(le of m"#& 'hich is $e%$ese#ted i# diffe$e#t fo$ms i#
the diffe$e#t doct$i#es of the soul& let us #ote he$e th"t the Rom"# 9e#ius& i# )ee%i#g 'ith the cultu$"l ide" of Rome
'hich '"s (uilt u% o# the $ight of the f"the$& "c,ui$ed the lite$"l me"#i#g of 8(egette$8* 5ut /2*6 Otto is $ight i#
m"i#t"i#i#g th"t the cu$$e#t e+%l"#"tio# of 9e#ius "s " deified i#c"$#"tio# of m"sculi#e $e%$oducti!e %o'e$ does #ot
fully e+%l"i# the ide"* Thus& 9e#ius is "lso the god of o#e4s (i$thd"y"#d Otto co#cluded th"t the ide" co#t"i#s "s
'ell the #otio# of (egetti#g& th"t of the desce#t "lso "#d i#deed th"t of the co#ti#uity of "ll life* It is h"$d to see 'hy
%hilologists fi#d this !ie' so difficult& si#ce it is %$ecisely the st"ge of f"the$$ight th"t is ch"$"cte$i<ed (y the
collecti!i<i#g of the %e$so#"l $e%$oducti!e im%ulse* A#d so the Rom"# ide" of 9e#ius co#t"i#s f$om the (egi##i#g&
i# "dditio# to the i#di!idu"l u$ge to $e%$oductio#& " collecti!e eleme#t 'hich %oi#ts (eyo#d the i#di!idu"l& i# " '"y
th"t is #ot t$ue of the Egy%ti"# 1" "#d the 9$ee) d"imo#& (oth of 'hich "$e %u$ely %e$so#"l* fo$ this $e"so# it '"s
s%eci"lly fitted to (ecome " soci"l co#ce%tio# of ge#ius th"t should i#clude (oth i#di!idu"l "#d collecti!e eleme#ts*
Still the "$tist4s co#ce%t of ge#ius is mo$e %e$so#"l th"# collecti!e "#d thus #eeds " #e' ideology* This could #o
lo#ge$ (e " %e$so#"l %eculi"$ity of style deduced f$om " collecti!e ide" of the soul& (ut h"d to (ecome "# "esthetic of
feeli#g de%e#di#g o# co#scious#ess of %e$so#"lity*
Otto R"#)& A$t & A$tist
2h"t is 5uddh"3
Mi#d is the 5uddh"& 'hile the cess"tio# of co#ce%tu"l thought is the 2"y* O#ce you sto% "$ousi#g
co#ce%ts "#d thi#)i#g i# te$ms of e+iste#ce "#d #o#e+iste#ce& lo#g "#d sho$t& othe$ "#d self& "cti!e "#d %"ssi!e& "#d
such li)e& you 'ill fi#d th"t you$ Mi#d is i#t$i#sic"lly the 5uddh"& th"t the 5uddh" is i#t$i#sic"lly Mi#d& "#d th"t
Mi#d $esem(les " !oid* the$efo$e is it '$itte# th"t 8the t$ue >h"$m")"y" $esem(les " !oid:* See) fo$ #"ught
(esides this& else you$ se"$ch must e#d i# so$$o'* Though you %e$fo$m the si+ %"$"mit"s fo$ "s m"#y "eo#s "s the$e
"$e g$"i#s of s"#d i# the 9"#ges& "ddi#g "lso "ll othe$ so$ts of "cti!ities fo$ g"i#i#g E#lighte#me#t& YO= 2ILL
STILL ;ALL SHORT O; THE 9OAL* 2hy3 5ec"use these "$e )"$m"fo$mi#g "cti!ities "#d& 'he# the good
)"$m" they %$oduce h"s (ee# e+h"usted& you 'ill (e (o$# "g"i# i# the e%heme$"l 'o$ld* The$efo$e is it "lso '$itte#:
8The S"m(ogh)"y" is #ot " $e"l 5uddh"& #o$ " $e"l te"che$ of the >h"$m"* O#ly come to )#o' the #"tu$e of you$
o'# Mi#d& i# 'hich the$e is #o self "#d #o othe$& "#d you 'ill i# f"ct (e " 5uddh"-
Hu"#g Po& t$* @oh# 5lofield
***m"# h"s i# ge#e$"l t'o )i#ds of me#t"tio#: o#e )i#d& me#t"tio# (y thought& i# 'hich 'o$ds& "l'"ys
%ossessi#g " $el"ti!e se#se& "$e em%loyed: "#d the othe$ )i#d& 'hich is %$o%e$ to "ll "#im"ls "s 'ell "s to m"#& 'hich
I 'ould c"ll 8me#t"tio# (y fo$m8*
The seco#d )i#d of me#t"tio#& th"t is& 8me#t"tio# (y fo$m8& (y 'hich& st$ictly s%e")i#g& the e+"ct se#se of
"ll '$iti#g must "lso (e %e$cei!ed& "#d "fte$ co#scious co#f$o#t"tio# 'ith i#fo$m"tio# "l$e"dy %ossessed& (e
"ssimil"ted& is fo$med i# %eo%le i# de%e#de#ce u%o# the co#ditio#s of geog$"%hic"l loc"lity& clim"te& time& "#d& i#
ge#e$"l& u%o# the 'hole e#!i$o#me#t i# 'hich the "$isi#g of the gi!e# m"# h"s %$oceeded "#d i# 'hich his
e+iste#ce h"s flo'ed u% to m"#hood*
Acco$di#gly& i# the ($"i#s of %eo%le of diffe$e#t $"ces "#d co#ditio#s "#d d'elli#g i# diffe$e#t
geog$"%hic"l loc"lities& the$e "$e fo$med "(out o#e "#d the s"me thi#g o$ e!e# ide"& " #um(e$ of ,uite i#de%e#de#t
fo$ms& 'hich& du$i#g fu#ctio#i#g& th"t is to s"y& "ssoci"tio#& e!o)e i# thei$ (ei#g some se#s"tio# o$ othe$ 'hich
su(0ecti!ely co#ditio#s " defi#ite %ictu$i#g& "#d 'hich %ictu$i#g is e+%$essed (y this& th"t& o$ the othe$ 'o$d& th"t
se$!es o#ly fo$ its oute$ su(0ecti!e e+%$essio#*
Th"t is 'hy e"ch 'o$d& fo$ the s"me thi#g o$ ide"&m "lmost "l'"ys "c,ui$es fo$ %eo%le of diffe$e#t
geog$"%hic"l loc"lity "#d $"ce " !e$y defi#ite "#d e#ti$ely diffe$e#t so to s"y 8i##e$co#te#t8*
I# othe$ 'o$ds& if i# the e#ti$ety of "#y m"# 'ho h"s "$ise# "#d (ee# fo$med i# "#y loc"lity& f$om the
$esults of the s%ecific loc"l i#flue#ces "#d im%$essio#s " ce$t"i# 8fo$m8 h"s (ee# com%osed& "#d this fo$m e!o)es i#
him (y "ssoci"tio# the se#s"tio# of " defi#ite 8i##e$ co#te#t8& "#d co#se,ue#tly of " defi#ite %ictu$i#g o$ #otio# fo$
the e+%$essio# of 'hich he em%loys o#e o$ "#othe$ 'o$d& 'hich h"s e!e#tu"lly (ecome h"(itu"l& "#d "s I h"!e s"id&
su(0ecti!e to him& the# the he"$e$ of th"t 'o$d& i# 'hose (ei#g& o'i#g to diffe$e#t co#ditio#s of his "$isi#g "#d
g$o'th& the$e h"s (ee# fo$med co#ce$#i#g the gi!e# 'o$d " fo$m of " diffe$e#t 8i##e$ co#te#t8& 'ill "l'"ys %e$cei!e
"#d of cou$se i#f"lli(ly u#de$st"#d th"t s"me 'o$d i# ,uite "#othe$ se#se*
This f"ct& (y the '"y& c"# 'ith "tte#ti!e "#d im%"$ti"l o(se$!"tio# (e !e$y cle"$ly est"(lished 'he# o#e is
%$ese#t "t "# e+ch"#ge of o%i#io#s (et'ee# %e$so#s (elo#gi#g to t'o diffe$e#t $"ces o$ 'ho "$ose "#d 'e$e fo$med
i# diffe$e#t geog$"%hic"l loc"lities*
9eo$ge 9u$d0ieff& All "#d E!e$ythi#g
P"$t Se!e#
5et'ee# he"!e# "#d e"$th the$e e+ists #othi#g (ut l"' "#d e#e$gy* The e#e$gy c"$$ies the l"' "#d the l"'
$egul"tes the e#e$gy* L"' does #ot m"#ifest itself /h"s #o fo$m6: it is o#ly th$ough :e#e$gy th"t the im"ge is fo$med&
"#d the im"ge yields the #um(e$* /Im"ge he$e e,u"ls ide"& #um(e$ is the i#telligi(le "s%ect of l"' "s em(odied i#
the ide"6* If this l"' (ecomes (lu$$ed& the im"ge is #ot $ight "#d the #um(e$ is #ot cle"$* This $e!e"ls itself i# g$e"t
thi#gs "#d e+%$esses itself i# sm"ll thi#gs* Thus& o#ly " m"# of the highest i#teg$ity c"# u#de$st"#d this l"': ("si#g
himself o# its $e!el"tio# he c"# g$"s% the sym(ols& "#d o(se$!i#g its sm"ll e+%$essio#s& he c"# u#de$st"#d the
"ugu$ies* I# this '"y the "$t of the im"ge "#d #um(e$ /th"t is& co#sulti#g the o$"cle6 comes "(out (y itself*
7hou I Hei7hu"#& 2"#g ;uchih& BGCB
Ale%h& FB& is the u#thi#)"(le lifede"th& "(st$"ct %$i#ci%le of "ll th"t is "#d "ll th"t is #ot*
5"yt& FE& is the "$chety%e of "ll 8d'elli#gs8& of "ll co#t"i#e$s: the %hysic"l su%%o$t 'ithout 'hich #othi#g is*
9himel& FK& is the o$g"#ic mo!eme#t of e!e$y 5"yt "#im"ted (y Ale%h*
>"llet& FL& is %hysic"l e+iste#ce& "s $es%o#se to life& of "ll th"t& i# #"tu$e& is o$g"#ic"lly "cti!e 'ith 9himel* 2he$e
the st$uctu$e is i#o$g"#ic >"llet is its o'# $esist"#ce to dest$uctio#*
H"y& FH& is the "$chety%e of u#i!e$s"l life* 2he# it is co#fe$$ed u%o# >"llet& it "llo's it to %l"y the g"me of
e+iste#ce& i# %"$t#e$shi% 'ith the i#te$mitte#t lifede"th %$ocess*
V"!& FG& e+%$esses the fe$tili<i#g "ge#t& th"t 'hich im%$eg#"tes* It is the di$ect $esult of H"y u%o# >"llet*
M"y#& FD& is the "chie!eme#t of e!e$y !it"l im%$eg#"tio#: this #um(e$ o%e#s the field of e!e$y %ossi(le %ossi(ility*
Hh"yt& FN& is the s%he$e of sto$"ge of "ll u#diffe$e#ti"ted e#e$gy& o$ u#st$uctu$ed su(st"#ce* It e+%$esses the most
u#e!ol!ed st"te of e#e$gy& "s o%%osed to its "chie!ed f$eedom i# M"y#*
T"yt& FC& "s "$chety%e of the %$ime!"l fem"le e#e$gy& d$"'s its life f$om Hh"yt "#d (uilds it g$"du"lly i#to
Such is the fu#d"me#t"l e,u"tio# set "#d de!elo%ed i# ge#esis* The follo'i#g #i#e lette$s& f$om Yod FBO& to
Ts"dde& FCO& desc$i(e the %$ocess of the #i#e "$chety%es i# thei$ f"ctu"l& co#ditio#ed e+iste#ce: thei$ %$o0ectio#s i#
m"#ifest"tio#s "$e "l'"ys multi%les of BO* The #i#e multi%les of BOO e+%$ess the e+"lted "$chety%es i# thei$ cosmic
st"tes* The #um(e$ B&OOO is '$itte# 'ith "# e#l"$ged Ale%h***& (ut is seldom used* It e+%$esses " su%$eme %o'e$& "
t$eme#dous cosmic e#e$gy& "ll %e$!"di#g& timeless& u#thi#)"(le*
7"$los Su"$es& 7i%he$ of 9e#esis
2h"t is " %h"llust$"de3 It is "# "lchemic"l %$oduct com%osed of the follo'i#g eleme#ts: "# "utost$"de& "
("lust$"de "#d " ce$t"i# "mou#t of %h"llus* A %h"llust$"de is " !e$("l coll"ge* 7oll"ge c"# (e defi#ed "s "#
"lchemic"l com%ositio# of t'o o$ mo$e hete$oge#eous eleme#ts& $esulti#g f$om thei$ u#e+%ected $eco#cili"tio#
o'i#g eithe$ to " se#siti!e 'ill(y me"#s of " lo!e of cl"i$!oy"#ceto'"$ds system"tic co#fusio# "#d 8diso$de$ of
"ll the se#ses8 /Rim("ud6& o$ to ch"#ce& o$ to " 'ill f"!o$"(le to ch"#ce* ch"#ce& i# the se#se th"t Hume defi#ed it:
8The e,ui!"le#t of the ig#o$"#ce i# 'hich 'e fi#d ou$sel!es i# $el"tio# to the $e"l c"uses of e!e#ts8& " defi#itio#
i#c$e"si#gly co#fi$med (y the de!elo%me#t of the m"them"tics of %$o("(ility& "#d (y the im%o$t"#ce of this
disci%li#e i# mode$# scie#ce "#d %$"ctic"l life: mic$o%hysics& "st$o%hysics& "g$o#omy& demo#og$"%hy& etc* Also
"#d this !e$y difficult "s%ect of ch"#ce h"s (ee# #eglected (y the see)e$s of 8l"'s of ch"#ce8ch"#ce is m"ste$ of
humo$& "#d co#se,ue#tly& is " f"$ f$om $osy e$"& the o#e 'e li!e i#& 'he$e " good deed co#sists of losi#g (oth "$ms
i# ("ttle& m"ste$ of humo$'hichis#ot$osy& of (l"c) humo$* A %h"llust$"de is " ty%ic"l %$oduct of (l"c) humo$*
A# oo<i#g $elief t")e# f$om the lu#g of " fo$tyse!e#ye"$old smo)e$ is "#othe$* It h"s (ee# s"id th"t the
%$edomi#"#t #ote i# my coll"ge f$om the >"d" %e$iod is this humo$: (ut it is #ot the o#ly o#e& "#d i# ce$t"i# 'o$)s
the$e is #o t$"ce of it**** It seems to me th"t coll"ge is " hy%e$se#siti!e "#d $igo$ously 0ust i#st$ume#t& li)e "
seismog$"%h& c"%"(le of $egiste$i#g the e+"ct ,u"#tity of %ossi(le hum"# h"%%i#ess i# "#y %e$iod* The "mou#t of
(l"c) humo$ co#t"i#ed i# e"ch "uthe#tic is fou#d i# i#!e$se %$o%o$tio# to the %ossi(ilities of h"%%i#ess /o(0ecti!e
"#d su(0ecti!e6*
M"+ E$#st
****'h"t sh"ll 'e thi#) of& "fte$ "ll& 'he# 'e h"!e come to
s"yi#g e!e$ythi#g& !oice (y !oice& till they "$e
'o$)ed th$ough e"ch o#e "#d fou#d #e' still#esses
(et'ee#& to )ee% s%e")i#g& to )ee% s%e")i#g
he should h"!e 'o$ds th"t )ee% it #e'****
>"!id Sl"y("ugh
'ho flo"ts i#
" f$o<e# $i!e$
he sc$e"med
I do
s"' him si#)
to his )#ees
" c$yi#g child
'"tched the e+%$essio#
o# his f"ce fi#"lly
ch"#ge 'ith the ice
"s he (ec"me
it& could#4t
'e $e"li<ed
'e 'e$e losi#g
d$yi#g out
the $i!e$ %eo%le
'ould s"y
(lo'i#g off
i# fo"m
"$ou#d some
the cu$$e#ts t$y
too h"$d to 0oi#
you4!e see# th"t
)i#d of '"te$
the st$e"ms "g"i#st
e"ch othe$ ("#)s
d$"gged "'"y mud
chu$#ed u%
f$om the (ottom
the sou#d of " thous"#d
c$ushed fish
might h"!e to$#
us "%"$t
o$ d$o!e us
i#to o#e
'e 'o#4t )#o'
u#til 'e $e"ch
the ,uiet (e"ches
"#d ou$ !oices
the %"ss"ge
("c) i#
o# us
'ith "ll
th"t de%th
H"$old P$i#ce
So di$ect is my !isio#& so %u$e my se#ses& so clumsily com%lete my )#o'ledge& "#d so f$ee& so cle"$ my
f"#cy& "#d my le"$#i#g so co#summ"te th"t I see th$ough myself f$om the e+t$eme edge of the 'o$ld do'# to my
u#s%o)e# 'o$d: "#d f$om the fo$mless $isi#g thi#g of desi$e& "lo#g )#o'# fi(e$s "#d th$ough o$de$ed ce#te$s& I
follo' "#d "m myself& "#s'e$ myself& $eflect "#d echo myself& "#d ,ui!e$ to i#fi#ity i# my mi$$o$sI "m gl"ss*
P"ul V"le$y
P"$t Eight
Tues* #ite
H '"it& th"t4s y$ !oice& the$e& Ldsc% BO& it is& #o 5ullshit& I see it cle"$ly* I me"#& it4s %oiso#& (ut I get you
comi#g ut the$e& f$om the $hythm & the )i#ds of co#ce%tu"l u#its I got f$om the othe$s* O13
So 'h"t& he s"ys& if the im"ge is ce#t$ifug"l& he"dlo#g f"lli#g i#* The %$essu$e of mo!eme#t is "%%"$e#t&
you "$e dislodged& 'he$e I h"!e to s"y th"t focus d$i!es the focus se!e$"lly& $ushes "c$oss me& f"lls f"lls "'"y* I
me"# it4s st$o#g stuff fo$ this %e$ce%tu"l mode /eg A$t 9$ego$ "i#4t6& 'he$ei# im"ge $el"%ses th$ough l"ye$s of
co#scious loc"tio# to isol"te the 8sto%%i#g %oi#ts8* I#iti"l co#t$"dictio#s lie "ll "$ou#d& (ut $ight off& mo!eme#t*
5ut it4s you$s& the 'o$ds* Let me $el"te ("c) to the eme$ge#cy lette$* Si#ce they "$e close to e"ch othe$ i#
mood (ut #ot i# motio# & %l"stic tech#i,ue o$ o$g"#i<i#g the s%"ce* ;o$m"lity of %oem s%"ce& h"s it l"id out i# its
co#stitue#ts (ec"use 'e )#o' it4s 'hole& to st"$t 'ith* 5ut 0um% 0um% 0um% the mi#d of the %oem %$osecutes& 'he$e
the lette$ got th$ough successi!e u$ges of the %e$so#"l to s%eech& fi#"lly* I me"# it4s (oth 8)#o'i#gs8& 'he$e I get "
co#siste#cy* The locus of the im"ge shifts i# $el"tio# to the %$essu$e of 'h"t is comi#g i#* It is "# "thletic "#d
!isu"l shift& my $es%o#ses he$e& 'he$e 'h"t is e+%e$ie#ced is di$ect & %$im"$y& (ut ho' /co#ti#uous 'e "$e6 c"# it
(e othe$3
2he$e the %oeme!e#t %$esses o# me 'ith /usu"lly6 tot"l futility& (ut he$e& f$ie#d& cu$l the %"ss"ge ("c)*
is fo$ !oice& %sycho"cti!e& it is th"t !ie' i# he$e& 'h"t y$ s"yi#g h"s effect o# y$ cou$se of 'o$)to cu$l o# i# to
the ce#t$ifuge* 5ut he$eit is 'h"t it s"ys it is& the %oem& #ot " futu$e co#ditio# o$ " memo$y& it is " mo!eme#t
th"t gets m"de & it4s y$ choice the$e to go& you do& mo!e* Mi#d is hoo)ed o#* I tell you& it comes out of 'h"t 'e4!e
(ee# doi#g& 'hich is 'hy it h"s fo$ce he$e& fo$ me& 'e h"!e (ee# o# its cou$se* 2h"t I me"#& %sychologic"lly& etc*&
it %oses the %$o(lem /eg*& I "m th"t6 (ut the medium& %oem& & me& $e"de$& com%letes the se$i"l& li#es th$ough
$e%etitio# #ecess"$y to $e:e#"ctme#t& th"t is do#e & #ot t'ice* 2hich gets it to its %$o%e$ "(st$"ctio#& 'he$e 'h"t it
is /%$o(lem6 "#d ho' it is /#o %$o(lem6 is i# the$e& the %oetic& est"(lished solidly& he he"$s his !oice & $es%o#ds&
$e"cts& le"%s u% st"$tled* The$e4s th"t*
& 'o$ds& !e$#"cul"$ co%yi#g& y$ !oc"( (ut the# sometimes 'o$ds "$e flesh (ullets& (ut sometimes they "$e
#ot* The coll"%ses of the c$ushi#g st$e"m "$e "ctu"lly %$o!ide#t& (ut "$e 'h"t4s goi#g o#*
I c"#4t d$i!e this the $ight '"y***the im"ge & the ,u"lity of the i#s%i$"li#g !e$tigo is set i#to its co#te+t: its
fu#ctio#"l %$ese#ce is li)e " c$ite$i" fo$ the life i# the$e*
P"$t Ni#e
5lue s)y clouds& (ush&
c"me$"* 5"c) memo$y& holds&
the comm"#d&
l"%se& l"g* O#e&
"s 2o$ld is Im"ge & is m"tte$&
locus of m"te$i"l l"gs& uh& s)i%s)i%&
Still& (lue s)y& 'o$ld&
'o$ds* As& disti#ctio#&
%"$ts of s%eech3
His #"me& flood& the fl"%*
Pl"i# colo$s& (loc)ed i#& c"$efully*
H"s* 2o$ld h"s*
8I 'ill e#do$se "#ythi#g 'ith my #"me*8
L"%se "fte$ dus)& the se#se& of Olso#&
too& do#e o#& to tu$# o$ #"me his %l"i# colo$s*
A li#e* The#*
A(st$"ctio#4s c"use& "s #"me* Solid
f$"gme#ts of m"tte$& #o3
St$"ight li#e mi+ed* Is c"use& too*
The$e& he"$t sh"%ed& "#d flo"ti#g&
o!e$he"d& doom o$ du#e3 the 'i#e*
A(st$"ctio#s o!e$he"$d: ch"#ce*
ce$t"i# !isi(le $el"tio#s*
Moo#* ie& the $est*
"#d flo"ti#g& to %ic) it u%& $isi#g&
f$om the ce#te$ of out'"$d&
$e"li<ed "s u%'"$d "#d e+%"#si!e&
the e#e$gies of the e"$th
Su# "t ce#te$*
Su"$es& 7"$los& The 7i%he$ of 9e#esis& Sh"m("l"& 5e$)eley& BCDO*
9$ossi#ge$& Rich"$d& 5oo) of the E"$th "#d S)y& Vol* I& II& BCDB*
Oecologic"l Sectio#s: Sol"$ @ou$#"l& 5l"c) S%"$$o' P$ess& Los A#geles& BCDO*
9$ego$& A$thu$& A 5ed (y the Se"& >ou(led"y& Ne' Yo$)& BCDB*
E!"#s2e#t<& 2*Y*& The Ti(et"# 5oo) of the 9$e"t Li(e$"tio#& O+fo$d =#i!* P$ess& BCHL*
@u#g& 7*9*& Alchemic"l Studies& P$i#ceto# =#i!* P$ess& BCGD*
The S%i$it i# M"#& A$t& & Lite$"tu$e& P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)& BCGG*
Myste$ium 7o#iu#ctio#is& P"#thoeo#& Ne' Yo$)& BCGK*
Ni#& A#"is& The No!el of the ;utu$e& M"cmill"#& Ne' Yo$)& BCGN*
5e$ly#e& >*E* St$uctu$e & >i$ectio# i# Thi#)i#g& 2iley& Ne' Yo$)& BCGH*
R"#)& Otto& A$t "#d A$tist& Ag"tho#& Ne' Yo$)& BCGN*
Seligm"#& 1u$t& The Histo$y of M"gic& P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)& BCLN*
1"%l"#& A($"h"m& The 7o#duct of I#,ui$y& 7h"#dle$& S"# ;$"#cisco& BCGL*
2esto#& Ed'"$d& >"y(oo)s& Vol* I& II& Pete$ Smith& Ne' Yo$)& BCGB*
Photog$"%hs& Museum of Mode$# A$t& Ne' Yo$)& BCLG*
/See "lso& s%eci"l issue of A%e$tu$e*
7h"g"ll& M"$c& The @e$us"lem 2i#do's& 5$"<ille$& BCGD*
L"$tigue& @* H*& >i"$y of " ce#tu$y& M"cmill"#& BCDO*
R"y& M"#& Photog$"%hs& BCEOKL& R"#dom House& Ne' Yo$)& #*d*
Moo)e$0ee& A0it& T"#t$" A$t& 1um"$ 9"lle$y& BCGD*
E!"#s& 2"l)e$& Mess"ge f$om the I#te$io$& E")i#s P$ess& Ne' Yo$)& BCGG*
Olso#& 7h"$les& A$ch"eologist of Mo$#i#g& 9$ossm"#& Ne' Yo$)& BCDO*
Selected 2$iti#gs& ed* Ro(e$t 7$eeley& Ne' >i$ectio#s& Ne' Yo$)& BCGO*
The >ist"#ces& 9$o!e P$ess& Ne' Yo$) BCHO*
The S%eci"l Vie' of Histo$y& Oye<& 5e$)eley& BCDO*
7"us"l Mythology& ;ou$ Se"so#s& S"# ;$"#cisco& BCGC*
Poet$y "#d T$uth& ;ou$ Se"so#s& S"# ;$"#cisco& BCDB*
Pou#d& E<$"& Lette$s& BCODLB& H"$cou$t 5$"ce& Ne' Yo$)& BCHO*
Ous%e#s)y& P*>*& Te$tium O$g"#um& R"#dom House& Ne' Yo$)& BCDO*
The ;ou$th 2"y& R"#dom House& BCDB*
He$$igel& Euge#& Me# i# the A$t of A$che$y& R"#dom House& Ne' Yo$)& BCDB*
V"le$y& P"ul& Mo#sieu$ Teste& Mc9$"' Hill& Ne' Yo$)& BCGL*
Aesthetics& 5olli#ge#.P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)& BCHG*
5"$field& O'e#& Poetic >ictio#& Mc9$"' Hill& Ne' Yo$)& BCGL*
Neum"##& E$ic& Amo$ & Psyche& 5olli#ge#.P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)& BCHG*
The 9$e"t Mothe$& 5olli#ge#.P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)& PPPP*
2hitm"#& 2"lt& A# Ame$ic"# P$ime$& 7ity Lights& S"# ;$"#cisco& BCDO*
5$eto#& A#d$e& N"d0"& 9$o!e P$ess& Ne' Yo$)& BCGO*
2ilhelm& Rich"$d& t$*& The Sec$et of the 9olde# ;lo'e$& H"$!est& H"$cou$t5$"ce&
Ne' Yo$)& BCGE*
;ouc"ult& Michel& M"d#ess "#d 7i!ili<"tio#& Me#to$& Ne' Ame$ic"# Li($"$y& Ne' Yo$)&
Mu)ofs)y& Louis& All& No$to#& Ne' Yo$)& BCGG*
A$(e$$y& A* @*& t$*& The Mystic"l Poems of Rumi& =#i!* 7hic"go P$ess& BCGN*
5i#s'"#ge$& Lud'ig& 5ei#g i# the 2o$ld& H"$%e$Ro'& Ne' Yo$)& BCGK*
7"ssi$e$& E$#est& L"#gu"ge "#d Myth& >o!e$& BCLG*
Hughes& E*R*& t$*& The A$t of Lette$s& Lu 7hi4s 2e# ;u& 5olli#ge#.P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)&
L"#ge$& Su<"##e& Mi#d: A# Ess"y i# ;eeli#g& @oh#s Ho%)i#s P$ess& BCGD*
;e$$i#i& Vi#ce#t& I h"!e the 'o$ld& ;o$tu#e& Lo#do#& BCGD*
9u$d0ieff& 9eo$ge& All & E!e$ythi#g& >utto#& BCHO*
V"lle0o& 7es"$& Poem"s Hum"#os& 9$o!e P$ess& Ne' Yo$)& BCGN*
2ilhelm& H*& 7h"#ge: Eight lectu$es o# the I 7hi#g& 5olli#ge#.P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)&
Li%%"$d& Lucy& ed*& Su$$e"lists o# A$t& P$e#ticeH"ll& BCDO*
7l"$)& Tom& Ai$& H"$%e$ Ro'& BCDO*
Reich& 2ilhelm& The M"ss Psychology of ;"scism& ;"$$"$& St$"us& 9i$ou+& Ne' Yo$)&
7$eeley& Ro(e$t& St* M"$ti#4s& 5l"c) S%"$$o'& Los A#geles& BCDB*
Eli"de& Mi$ce"& Me%histo%heles & the A#d$ogy#e: mystic"l e+%e$ie#ces of light&
Sheed & 2"$d& Lo#do#& BCGH*
1h"#& H"<"$"t I#"y"t& The Sufi Mess"ge of H"<"$"t I#"y"t 1h"#& Vol* V& II& /The
mysticism of sou#d6& 5"$$i & Roc)liff& Lo#do#& BCGC*
9"$!e$& Tom& ed*& T'el!e Photog$"%he$s of the Ame$ic"# Soci"l L"#dsc"%e& Octo(e$
House& 7hic"go& BCGD*
7"l"h"#& H"$$y& Photog$"%hs& Museum of Mode$# A$t& Ne' Yo$)& BCGD*
M"l"#g"& 9e$"$d& Te# Poems fo$ Te# Poets& 5l"c) S%"$$o'& Los A#geles& BCDO*
M"##& Thom"s& Lette$s& BNNCBCHH& ed*& 2i#sto#& 1#o%f& Ne' Yo$)& BCDB*
2hitehe"d& A*N*& P$ocess "#d Re"lity& Soci"l Scie#ce 5oo)sto$e& BCEC*
H"$di#g& M"$y Esthe$& Psychic E#e$gy: Its Sou$ce & T$"#sfo$m"tio#&
5olli#ge#.P"#theo#& Ne' Yo$)& BCLD*
Ad"ms& A#sel& N"#cy Ne'h"ll& The Elo,ue#t Light& Sie$$" 7lu(& S"# ;$"#cisco& BCGK*
N"sh& P"ul& Outli#e& "# "uto(iog$"%hy& ;"(e$ & ;"(e$& Lo#do#& BCLC*
5e$t$"m& A#tho#y& P"ul N"sh& ;"(e$ & ;"(e$& Lo#do#& BCHL*
5ulloc)& 2y##& Photog$"%hs& Sc$imsh"'& 5e$)eley& BCDB*
2ilso#& 7oli#& Poet$y & Mysticism& 7ity Lights& S"#( ;$"#cisco& BCDB*
Phili%so#& Mo$$is& Outli#e of " @u#gi"# Aesthetics& No$th'este$# =#i!e$sity P$ess&
E!"#sto#& BCGK*
Pe#field& 2ilde$& 7e$e($"l 7o$te+ i# 7o#scious M"#& Mc9ill =#i!e$e$sity P$ess& To$o#to&
Pete$so#& Elme$& T$ist"# T<"$"& Su$$"tio#"l Theo$ist& Rutge$s =#i!e$sity P$ess& BCDO*
Rose#th"l& M* L*& Voice& Ne' Yo$) Ju"$te$ly& FD& Summe$ BCDB*
Le!e$to!& >e#ise& I#te$!ie'& Ne' Yo$) Ju"$te$ly& FD& Summe$ BCDB*
Sil!e$m"#& @uli"#& Sh"m"#s "#d "cute schi<o%h$e#i"& Ame$ic"# A#th$o%ologist& GC:BCGD&
%* EBKB*
A%e$tu$e M"g"<i#e i# its e#ti$ety*
S"c$"me#to& BCDE

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