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Create Your Own Passion-Filled Career

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I ofthe
New ofe sion I
Create Your Own Passion-Filled Career

I 0 I
Authored By
Mike Klingler
"How ordinary people are creating extraordinary lives and how you can too,
leveraging the Internet you already know-to design a personalized career
fully aligned with your core values, interests, experiences, and goals."
Marketing Merge, Inc.
3601 SW River Pkwy, Suite 1008
Portland, OR 97239
The School of Online Business 101 Course Book
Physical Book
Digital Book
Copyright 2012 by Marketing Merge, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-938608-00-1
ISBN: 978-1-938608-01-8
All rights reserved. Except where permitted by law, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system,
without prior permission in writing from Marketing Merge, Inc.
Permissions may be sought directly from Marketing Merge, Inc.:
Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author (or authors)
have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or
warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book
and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales
representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained
herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional
where appropriate. Neither the publisher, author or authors shall be liable for any
loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special ,
incidental, consequential, or other damages.
"Marketing Merge," "The School of Online Business," "Coaching Cognition," "Marketing Funnel
Mastery," "Create Your Own Passion-filled Career," "Passion-filled Career," "Fuel Your
Purpose," "Empathy-driven Economy," "Empathy Economy," "Business-marketing with
Purpose," "Cultural-economic Transformation," "Socioeconomic Transformation," "Value
Creator," "Core-value Aligned," "Internet Illiteracy," "Internet Literacy," "RISE of the New
Professional ," the Marketing Merge logo, the Coaching Cognition logo, the Marketing Funnel
Mastery logo, and The School of Online Business logo are Trademarks of Marketing Merge, Inc.
Author: Mike Klingler
Publisher: Marketing Merge, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
Advisory Team & Contributors
Kristen Knight: Designer & Illustrator, Copy Editor
Robyn Linn: Editor, Content Writer
Lee Klingler: Copy Editor
Michael Hamilton: Copy Editor
Jo Zettler: Copy Editor
Rimma Tantasheva: Copy Editor
Kasey Hughes
ISBN: 978-1-938608-00-1
ISBN: 978-1-938608-01-8
2012 Marketing Merge, Inc.
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Discover Your Value
Package That Value
Create A Passion-Filled Career
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We recommend printing this book to effectively
engage with its lessons. As you read, write down any
questions or ideas entering your mind. You'll have an
opportunity to discuss your ideas with a certified life
coach or business coach-consultant in the Master's
"Your time is limited; so don't waste it living someone
else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which
is living with the results of other people's
thinking. Don't let the noise of others'
opinions drown out your own inner
voice. And most importantly, have
the courage to follow your heart
and intuition. They somehow
already know what you truly
want to become. Everything
else is secondary."
-Steve Jobs
(Stanford University Commencement, 2005)
Some To cs Covered ...
You Are Valuable
Align your core values &
personality with career.
Share Your Story
Share life lessons as an
author or speaker of your
own books, COs, & DVDs.
Mother Of All Skills!
Help people find solutions
as a certified life, career,
or business coach.
More To Covered ...
Transparency Power
Free marketing exposure;
exposing the REAL you.
Stake Your Claim
Innovate a new industry of
your own, starting on a budget.
New Models Of Teaching
Teach on ANY topic you know,
through various media, online.
More To Covered ...
Ignite Your Creativity
Create a career from a topic
of interest or hobby. See
examples inside.
Leverage Knowledge
Turn your experience in a
past career into more value.
Show Me The Money
How the Internet Economy
pays the New Professional.
Empathy Economy!
Love what you do.
Start now.
Mike Klingler has taught
tens of thousands of
students to discover thei r
authentic value and
package it- to create their
own personali zed
opportunity in the new
The world is changing radically.
Every aspect of our lives and culture will be affected.
Birthed out of the conceptual age, the NEW INTERNET
AGE has emerged ... affording you the means to create your
own career, aligned with your core values.
This socioeconomic transition empowers you to pursue your
personal interests as you contribute to a 'new' economy you
help define. We call this the Empathy-driven economy.
The New Internet makes this practical for anyone, whether
you are:
Planning your first career;
Looking to create a better career;
Seeking new purpose as you enter retirement.
It's likely you haven't been formally introduced to this opportunity.
"RISE of the New Professional" 101 Course Book illustrates the power of your potential.
Consider the common approach to education, career, money, and retirement. The
"old school" options lead down an uninspiring path when not aligned with who you are.
The School of Online Business begins with what makes you unique-to guide you on
a path that is fully aligned with you.
Pay close attention to the real-life stories because they make it vividly clear:
Mike Klingler
CEO & Co-Founder
The School of Online Business
Table of Contents
The Checklist ... .... ...... ... .... .. ...... ... ............. ........ ... ...... .... .... ..... ...... ..... ... Page 15
This checklist describes who will benefit from this book.
Discover The Value Within ....................... .... .... ...... ... .............. ........ Page 16-19
Review at-a-glance "thank you" notes from students like you. This gives insight
into the depth of self-discovery you can experience; and how our educational
community inspires confidence, competence, and creative momentum to thrive
in the new economy.
Who Are The New Professionals? .... .. ........ ........ .. .. ...... ... .. ..... ...... ...... Page 20
Meet New Professionals ..... .. ...... .. ... ... .. ... .... ..... ... ..... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... Page 21-33
Preview students' stories revealing how they became New Professionals. See
what they discovered about themselves and what happened next. You'll learn
how students uncovered their first business idea; or leveraged the Internet to
grow an existing business; or became authors, speakers, coaches, consultants,
or "experts" in a topic of interest for the first time.
How the "New" Internet Changed Everything ..... .... .... .. ... ... ... .. .... Page 34-42
Learn more about the new Internet and how it birthed a cultural-economic
transformation, opening up millions of new career opportunities-options that
never existed or were entirely out of reach before now.
A Closer Look At The "New" Internet ..... ..... .... .... ... ........ ..... .. .. .... .. Page 42-45
Why you no longer need to be tech-savvy to participate.
Opportunity Without Walls ........ ..... ........... .. ........ ...... .. .. .. ........... .... Page 46-69
Why many of the barriers that have separated you from your "ideal" career don't
exist online. We'll review the advantages of the New Professional's path over
traditional options for education, business, and career.
Real-Life Stories ... .. ..... ... .. ........... ............. ... ..................... ... .. .... Page 70-128
Read how students discovered their value and turned an interest, hardship, past
job experience, life purpose, or new skill into a career of their own design.
A Look At Your Options & Opportunities .. ... .... ..... ... ... .. ... .. ... ... . Page 129-202
An examination of how we help you create an online career, inspired by
your core values, life experiences, preferences, and goals.
Show Me The Money! .. ........... ... ........ .. .. ......... .... ..... ..... ...... .. ... .... Page 203-244
The inner workings of the Internet economy.
The Empathy-Driven Economy .... ...... .. .... .............. ..... .. ... ...... .... Page 245-252
Overcoming Fear & Apprehension ...... ... ..... ... ..... ... ..... .... ..... ... . Page 253-256
What if I don't have much to offer? What if I'm not creative, educated, or
disciplined enough? Why does the idea of learning the Internet landscape
intimidate me?
The Cost Of Not Knowing .. ...... ... ... .......... ... .. .......... .. .. ... ... .. .... ... Page 257-258
Getting Started .. ............... .. ...... ....... ............. .. ... ........ ........ .......... Page 259-260
Learning how to optimize the Internet to create your ideal career doesn't need
to be daunting. At The School of Online Business, it' s an exciting path of
self-discovery and actual ization. See how an introspective learning process
with one-on-one guidance, and "how-to" instruction, propels you forward in the
"new" economy.
"While most hide in a job they don't like, or run after money
in a system that stifles their spirit, The New Professional has
discovered a new way. For the first time, it's easier to create
and offer your own value than it is to avoid the responsibility.
Fuel the economy and your spi rit by sharing your gifts with the
world. You were born to do it YOUR WAY!"
- Mike Klingler
More From Students .... .... ........ ....... .. .. ... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. .. ...... ... .... .. . Page 261-272
Take a moment to really listen to how students are being impacted by this
community. The benefits extend far beyond just their business & financial gains.
Below is a brief outline of courses available at The School of Onl ine Business:
Course 101
Course 201
Course 301
RISE of the New Professional: An introduction to Creating
your Passion-filled Career. (Reviewing Now.)
Expanded introduction covering the Internet landscape,
online marketing, and inner workings of the Internet
economy. (90-Minute Video Class.)
Advanced study of designing your own online marketing
plan; including your brand, structure, message, and niche,
with click-by-click tutorials. (Self-Study Course.)
The Master's Program provides Course 301 , but goes
further to guide you through an introspective discovery
process aligning your core values, experiences,
interests, and goals with your plan; including your niche,
..... .., _ _ marketing message, and the development of products .
........,_,r This includes guidance from certified coach-consultants
throughout the planning process.
In addition, you learn coach-communication skills that
impact every aspect of your business and marketing.
Those who graduate receive opportunities to launch thei r
online career at The School of Onl ine Business.
The cr> list
You have no idea what kind of value you can offer, but are considering your
options for a better career.
You know what you 'could' offer to start a business, but need help creating,
packaging, and marketing it online with optimal leverage.
You're financially comfortable, but see an unusual level of instability in the
financial markets-you recognize your savings and investments are more at risk.
You're considering this information to stay "current" and explore possible options.
You already have a successful business and want to expand your reach or add
digital products to increase profits and leverage your time.
You've been laid off or find yourself in a situation where you need to do something
new for income. You're exploring your options.
You have a good job, but are seeking a more personally fulfilling direction.
You're involved in a legitimate "business opportunity" now-and realize you will
only succeed by becoming a credible authority in your niche-but how do you do
it authentically?
You want to make a difference in people's lives and know you have something
valuable to contribute-you need help bringing it to the surface, packaging it, and
marketing it professionally.
You've written a book, or want to, but need help turning this passion for writing into
enough revenue to support your goals.
You aim to become a successful life coach, consultant, or speaker. You' re
seeking guidance from A to Z on how to create a sustainable business that meets
your needs as you serve more people.
You've started learning marketing, or how to use video, blogs, and social media;
but you realize you're missing key components. You're ready to dig deeper and
take your goals to the next level with a comprehensive program guiding you from
start to finish.
" I was one of those completely unaware people you talk about! I would
have never imagined it possible to take my passion for yoga & helping
women in transition from the offline world to creating a real
online business for myself. .. yet here I am doing it!
NOTHING has given me the hands on, applicable
information like what you offer. It's changing
EVERYTHING for me. I've even started
making my own products .... yes ME with
MY own products! So cool!!"
-Kimberly Schulte
"Mike, if YOU didn't do what YOU do .. . I wouldn't BE where I
am and neither would my clients! The ripple effect you are
having throughout your community has only begun. YOUR
legacy will live on and on through every student you touch,
motivate, and inspire to step OUT of their fears and INTO
their greatness. From the bottom of my heart,
-Shan Larter
" Mike, one of your messages has always been that when
you merge your passion with your business, it becomes
almost effortless. My progress was anything but effortless
until/ really started to focus on the things I feel strongly
about. Ideas are suddenly coming from right out of the
blue. The fun factor has increased exponentially.
One of the wisest things you have ever said is
"You have to trust the process!"
All/ can say is ... WOW! "
-Dave Coggin
" The whole point of creating a business like this is so you
don't fee/like you are doing work, because of the passion
and belief in what you are doing. It becomes a joy and a
privilege, rather than a chore!!"
-Karl May
"WOW! MFM gave me so many ''Ah Ha" moments and
Mike impressed me so much with his very diligent,
dedicated commitment to spending focused time with so
many people one on one at the Portland event. That is '
a rare quality that is seldom seen at these type of
events! Thanks! Can't wait for the next one in LA!"
-Jackie Ulmer
~ \ ~
"It's 9:30p on a Friday night in NYC -I'm at my office, hashing
out the product rollout plan for the product/funnel I conceived
in more detail through the MFM workshop process. A
funnel & business concept so compelling I'll work into
the night on it just because I want to. That's one
of the things what I came from MFM with.
You can't buy this feeling. "
-Steve Jaffe
" Previous to MFM, I was giving value, value and more value
and then promoting affiliate products that sent people off to
the 'expert's' list! I estimate that following that path cost
me 12 months in valuable time. I am now building my
own business and creating my own products - all with
the help and guidance of MFM, of course - and now I
can see that I have a business happening that
reflects who I am and the skills and expertise that
I bring to the table. I think this shift in perspective
has really only just fully hit the attraction marketing
industry, starting with your launch of MFM. Now,
finally, I'm at the cutting-edge! "
-Kisane Slaney
" Just by creating sweet spots 2 and 3 (Class 1 and 2) we
made an extra $2,000 within TWO weeks! This
never happened before because we were only
throwing leads into a duplicated marketing
system. Thank you for telling us the truth
about building a real business! "
-Tammy Harmon-Morton
" Time and time again I have found myself scratching to survive. I kept
hoping the next 'lob' would be better, last longer, and I'd earn more
money. It was only when I faced my fear & began a business everyone
else said would fail.. . that I found true meaning in my life.
By realizing what I have to offer has value, I found true
prosperity; not just monetarily, but in all areas of my life.
No victim here ... I am riding out this tsunami on my own
terms. I have mentors like you, Mike, to thank for
my success! "
-Nancy Beach
" You know something Mike ... /like you, I really do. You inspire
me, move me, empower me to think greater thoughts, fill
my world with happier and more competent friends and
acquaintances, and open my eyes-not just to the world
out there, but the world in here. "
-Mary Hilty
" I would like to take the opportunity to thank you Mike-
for all you have done. I took the principles you taught me,
applied them one by one and obsessively set about making
something of myself. 12 months later I am consulting,
running my own seminars, created my own DVD series,
and am filming a complete TV documentary series next
year. It's a great feeling and something I am very proud
of. I mean it when I say 'You set me on a path where I
learned to value who I am and to put myself out
there.' A huge thanks! "
-Liz Hindley
" In 2010 I made a decision that I needed to connect with a marketing
group that exemplified my core values. That group was Marketing
Merge [parent company of The School Of Online Business]. Since
-- - -
then I have connected with Mike Klingler and participated in
3 events; and taken Marketing Funnel Mastery and Coaching
Cognition courses. This has helped me create a passion
filled business aligned with my core values and strengths.
The Coaching Training has given me the confidence and skill
set to connect and communicate with business clients. "
-Ed Hys/ip
" Mapping out my funnel on a big blank wall with 3x5 cards.
My business has never been so clear. The amount of
knowledge that I picked up just from shooting the
Marketing Funnel Mastery event and not even
attending is insane! I would say "clarity" and
"focus" are the main things I'm feeling
right now. "
-Glenn Arcaro
"Awesome event! You could just feel the synergy at work!
Offline meets are powerful, and this MFM event
is a breath of fresh air much needed
out there in the online fog. "
-Robert Peil
" When I heard about Marketing Funnel Mastery and Live event I
thought yes! This is exactly what I need right now to get me
focused. To solidify a great marketing funnel mastery plan
and get me into action and really start creating results.
One of the challenges that is happening with a lot of
people, myself included, online right now is that we
have been learning about these different components.
Marketing Funnel Mastery is helping me and so
many other people take all of this information
and knowledge and putt it into a specific
action plan. Marketing Funnel Mastery is
really going to launch my business to the
next level and will really get me to take
action so I can start seeing results. "
-Diyana Alcheva
" Being an architect, having a structure in place is very important
to me. MFM has given me that structure, and
a clear path to success. "
-Irena Skoda
Who Are The New Professionals?
New Professionals are tapping into the
limitless scope of personalized opportunities
online. They represent a cultural-economic
shift encouraged by the Internet but driven
by people's innate desire for greater purpose and
fulfillment. This shift encompasses our opportunity and
responsibility to seek, find, and share our own value
& gifts. And it allows us to strengthen our connection
with the economy, becoming part of a "sustainable"
solution. It allows us to align our core values, interests,
and goals with higher-quality needs developing
in the marketplace.
eet ew rofessionals
You're about to meet ordinary people who've created extraordinary
lives by joining their career with today's Internet.
In an economy where "good" jobs are hard to find-or often
unfulfilling-you'll see how people are making their own, fully
aligned with who they are.
Each story is unique because each person is unique-creating a
personalized career out of his or her core values, interests, life
experiences, and goals.
Read each story carefully or you might miss the point:
"You can Create YOUR OWN Passion-filled
Career by Personalizing what's Shared Herein."
../ You can start an ideal career from scratch, or expand a business you
already have with ideas that weren't practical until now .
../ You can become a successful author, speaker, coach, consultant,
teacher, or "expert" in a chosen field of interest.
../ You can create something brand new for yourself, even if you have no
idea what yet-just like the students you're about to meet. Most had
no idea before finding this community what they could offer, or how
big of an impact this information would have in their lives.
Read each summary starting on the next page. If you rush
over this next section, you won't internalize an early lesson:
"You can create a personalized career that suits YOU!"
Meet Shan Larter ...

Aligning Herself
With Her Purpose
In spite of Shan making it past the exhausting
and expensive steps to complete her University
Law degree (while working full-time), she
abandoned this plan for a more adventurous
career as a Marine Unit Law Enforcement officer-
patrolling the border for smuggled weapons,
narcotics, and contraband.
Her position as the Trainer for the under water
submarine program meant her job was anything
but boring. It was secure, well paid, and
challenging, which she enjoyed.
But all the while, Shan was searching for more
meaning through her work. She believed there
was something 'bigger' she was supposed to be
As a young girl she had a vibrant imagination,
and with it, the belief she could do anything
she set her mind to.
But what was she really supposed to be
The search led Shan to some online courses where she learned how to
merge her past experiences, values, interests, and goals into a business
of her own.
Through this process she discovered that something from her past-a
personal challenge she overcame-held a key to finding her new path
and purpose.
You see, Shan had struggled
r'L .n... L for 13 years with a very serious
tlfter eating disorder (from age 17 to
Eatmg D1sorder FREEDOM Coach 30). While she had since
, ______________ overcome it, and had been living
a productive, healthy life, she came to understand that she could
dedicate herself to helping others who are still battling the affliction.
, (
,J J J .J
From Shan's story on page 70:
" .. . 5o I went and dove :nto the
tra.:n:n:3 Ma.ter:als w:th a. new
COMM:tMent. Not .f'roM a. ?I ace o.f'
'be;n:J a. nobody, try:n:J to be a.
SoMebody' ... but .f'ro/>1 a. ?lace o.f'
_:iv;n:J />1)1 un:?ue ?Ut-f?oSe, l:.f'e, and
:i.f'ts a. VOICE. ..
Shan is now a coach
with products and
services branching out
into two distinctly
successful directions.
First, she serves
those who suffer from
eating disorders like
anorexia, bulimia, and
binge eating, to find
recovery. She also assists others to create their own passion-filled
career online as she has.
Whether you personally relate to Shan's story
or not, there is tremendous value in reading it,
in her own words. It helps you gain deeper
insight into the power of what's happening in
this community, and the transformation in
store for you-be it of a financial nature, or
greater fulfillment through your work.
Shan tells her story on page 70.
Many student examples shared throughout this course book illustrate the
coaching skill. Note that "coaching" is just ONE of many categories you
can choose from to construct a new career or business. Coaching is a
common "starting point" because it opens the door to many competencies,
offering to serve many needs, and to be able to create many different types
of products and services. We'll discuss this and other options in the section,
"A Look At Your Options & Opportunities."
Meet Lee Wise ...
' I'
'' Coachong
My Pwaon81 1ntroduc:tlon: Mooetl.eeW...
{ u r e ~
After 21 years in a professional ministry
From ... Out Of A Job setting, Lee's seminary hits proverbial "hard
To Ceating A New One times" and he suddenly finds himself out of a
Not ready for retirement,
Lee ponders... Now what?
He goes online to research
his options.
After taking some courses
and joining a collaborative
online-based community, he
becomes a credentialed life
coach and is once again
impacting people's lives
positively, doing what's
important to him.
From Lee's story on page 83:
" '1/onestly, the dec:s:on to
j uM? aboard and tafe the
tra/n;n:3 w:th the ho?e of"'
beCoM;n:J a c oach c ould not
be deSCr;bed aS an ;MMed:ate,
easy, a/ MoSt dec :s:on-1 eSS
dec :s:on.
Lee Shares his story on page 83.
Meet Steve & Shannon Weiland ...
Minimizing Risk When
Starting A Brick &
Mortar Business Using
Steve and Shannon had a dream.
They wanted to open their own fitness
gym, but there were three problems:
1. They never did it before
2. They didn't know how
3. It was a BIG financial risk
They knew they had to do something
Even though Steve was able to earn over
$125 an hour programming, with as much
work as he wanted, he hated it.
He had programmed for much of his adult
life and wanted to do something different.
Shannon and Steve had two young boys,
and like most boys, they were a handful. Shannon was set on NOT
taking a job if it meant being away from them.
Having a fitness gym seemed like a perfect idea, but taking it from an
"idea" to reality seemed impossible, at first.
With no Internet skills herself (and no help
on the technical stuff from Steve who wanted to
GET AWAY from the computer), Shannon
created a simple Facebook strategy to start
building their dream of owning a fitness gym
before it even existed!
They created a makeshift gym out of their garage and went to work.
Through a low-risk strategy leveraging Facebook, Shannon and Steve
started attracting customers who would workout from their house garage!
Read their story on page 87:
'1/aSbaJ?d aJ?d tA..J;.f"'e teaM start
a " cross- .f";t" :JIM out o-1"' the:r
3ara.:3e. Levera.:J;n:J ,;iJ.ceboc;:_/: aJ?d
a shoeStr :n:J bad3et they attract
a :Jt'OlA..J;n:) MeMberSh;f/, a//otA..J;n:)
theM to MOVe the:r :J/M :nto a
to,ooo Sjl . -l"'oot bu:/d:n:J tA..J:thout
taf:n:J a hu3e r:sf.:.
The gym in the garage
At first, they didn' t charge a membership fee. But as it grew, they did.
Not long after, they were able to move
into a 6,000 sq. ft. building with a
good-sized membership al ready
established on day one.
They now have a career that's aligned
with their core values, interests, and how
they want to live their lives.
They can continue growing the
business using online strategies; but
they can also expand into different
topic-related online products, leveraging
their credibility as gym owners to
generate many passive income streams.
Read their entire story on page 87.
Meet Chloe Hodder ...
Like most of us at age 19, Chloe was still trying to
find solid footing, looking for a life direction that
would make some sense.
She knew she didn't want to end up confined to a
"typical" job.
She wanted something exciting, that was right for
her; something that offered an element of
freedom, flexibility, with opportunities for personal
growth, and new experiences.
"At age 20 I found
my purpose ... "
But what were her options?
Her guidance counselors plugged Chloe into their expensive computer
system to find out. Due to being creative and liking animals, guess what
they decided her ideal job would be? Taxidermist! That was when she
knew she'd have to discover her path on her own, outside the system.
From training as a wildlife ranger in
Kenya to becoming a professional
boxer, she considered it all (and
she seriously pursued some
uncommon paths with determination).
From Chloe's story on page 91:
" Be.f'ore MY eyes were o?ened '
to Crea6n:3 MY own career,
I was .:JO;n:J .f'ro/>1 col I e3e t 0
c olle3e try;n:J to .f/nd the
rtjht coarSe .f'or Me.
Health challenges got in the way
and knocked her off her feet.
How could she feed her spirit for
adventure if she was tired all the
She had something else to uncover
in her journey too. When visiting
two different health practitioners
about her fatigue problems, as a
side note, they both told her they
thought she had Asperger's
After picking the pieces off the floor
and applying what she learned at
The School, a door opened up that
led her to discover who she really
is, far beyond any label or opinion
of others. This led her to
discovering her value, and what
she can do with it!
Now at age 20, Chloe has found her purpose!
From Chloe's story on page 91:
" I .f'eel l;f:e I had been l;v;n:J the
last rq years ;n a huM;I;at;n:J, bl;nd
'!Jnora.nce. I d;dn't /:now how
?eo?le had ?erCe;ved Me all th;s
tiMe. I started to fUeStlon
Read Chloe's story on page 91.
This is a powerful story
showing how we often fail
to recognize that the very
things that make us
different-that we are told
are our liabilities-are
actually our assets, and a
source of strength.
For Those In The .. Money-Making .. Industry:
Here's How You Lead With Value
The example below is relevant to those involved in "income opportunities"
on or offline. The School of Online Business neither encourages nor
discourages the practice of promoting "opportunities" like network marketing,
or other referral-based systems that focus on promoting a "make money"
We do encourage those who participate in such models to create their own
value (services or products) to offer on the "front-end" so you have a
sustainable business and are uniquely contributing to the marketplace.
This allows you to establish credibility, which is key to your success. You
can then refer people to your "opportunity" on the back-end if you choose.
This is something you will learn at The School of Online Business.
Meet Rich Hazlett & Natash a Nassar ...
An Example Of Leading
With Value If Participating
In Income Opportunities
Like most who attempt network
marketing, Rich had a rough start.
Before meeting Natasha he spent
years, off and on, trying to make
various "opportunities" work.
With a history of various experiences
as an entrepreneur, Rich continued to
return to different endeavors, which
ultimately led him online.
Before meeting and marrying Rich,
Natasha was inexperienced with the
very idea of entrepreneurism.
She did, however, show signs of leadership;
including starting a teddy bear drive for
children who lost their homes from Hurricane
Katrina. In the end, she raised over 10,000
teddy bears!
That experience planted
r r a seed for Natasha. She
From their story on page 1 05:
"/he tee/;l?j o.f hail?j teotle ?o/
ttS tot So!Yleth;l?j that. we Created
tto!Yl scratch wa.s ex h,'/ a.rat.:l?j. It
.felt /,'fe we tr:nted Money ottt ot
t h,'n a!t .'
Working thei r way through both success
and struggle, they stumbled upon some of
the early training materials at The School
of Online Business.
They began creating their own products
in the marketplace, aligned with their past
experiences, know-how, and interests.
Their story illustrates how those in network
marketing, affiliate marketing, or who pursue
entrepreneurial endeavors online can
skyrocket their success by creating their own
products on the front-end of their marketing.
realized she could do
"BIG" things and make a
real difference if she set
her mind to it.
A practicing attorney by
trade, Natasha
eventually caught the
entrepreneurial bug
through Rich's influence.
Doing so establishes your credibility, which is key.
It also gives you a more successful and sustainable
business model.
Natasha and Rich illustrate how to properly build
an "online opportunity" if that is your goal.
You can read their full story, written in their own words,
on page 105.
Meet Carolin Hauser ...
Turning Past Trauma
Into A True Gift
Like many students, Carolin was initially
seeking a means to generate income by
merely improving her marketing skills.
But around the same time, she was starting
to unravel a bigger mystery that had been
haunting her over the span of her entire life.
She began to uncover something she had
been running from-a traumatic experience
from her past that she was able to face
and turn into a gift for others.
In this inspiring story, you'll learn how Carolin
discovered why many of her life pursuits were
merely an attempt to fill a void, because she
had been suppressing the pain of abuse since
As she began to become aware of herself,
she was able to transfer what she learned
and turn it into something empowering.
Carolin is now an author, traveling and
teaching others.
Her work is impacting lives.
Read her story, in her own words,
on page 116.
Meet Kelly Baader ...
Inspiring, Coaching,
Teaching With Vision
With an extensive background in sales and
marketing, Kelly keeps on the lookout for
opportunities to learn and network.
With a professional's attitude, she quickly
advanced from "student to contributor" at The
School of Online Business.
Since aligning with The School, Kelly has
pinpointed her purpose and niche.
She created new products aligned with her life
vision, including a book she published
representing a message now woven
throughout her entire brand.
Her book, A Little Girl Called Grace, is an
inspirational story about overcoming life's
challenges and living within one's values ...
even when it may seem, at first, easier to
do otherwise.
Kelly is using the book to advance herself
in the speaking circuit, to become an
influential world leader and champion for
causes supporting poverty and human
Kelly's vision is to speak
at the Millennium Dome
in London for causes that
support poverty & human
trafficking. Everything she
does in her business
moves her toward that
While the book produces revenue for Kelly, it's part of a much bigger plan
allowing her to promote other products she's created, and to attract new
Just days after releasing her book on Amazon, it shot up the charts to
#3 in best-selling books in its category.
Kelly is also a leader within our Coaching Cognition community as a
business and marketing coach-consultant.
.J .J
From Kelly's story on page 122:
" .. . -rJ,en a:f'ter the car acc,"dent
last year, I was refr?,"nded I a/>1
/;v;n:J on borrowed 6fr?e.
lofr?orrow ;s N'O/ 3uaranteed.'"
If you've ever wanted to turn
an inspirational message
into a career, or to learn
how to publish and market
a book successfully, read
Kelly's story on page 122.
How the New Internet Changed Everything: Here, we introduce how
the New Internet birthed a cultural-economic transformation, opening
up millions of new career opportunities-such options never existed, or
were entirely out of reach, until now.
You likely won't see how close you are to a huge raise in economic value,
even though you're already using many of the "new" tools that make
it possible.
Each day you go online and participate in a new digital economy that
continues to reshape our lives, but most play the role of consumer
(consuming content, interacting on social sites, making purchases).
Few consider they might a/so participate on the other side of the
equation-as value creator.
Value creators make their living offering something of their own.
And they get to do it by pursuing the very things that inspire them most.
Why not YOU?
We're not talking about creating some sort of complex platform, like
Google or Facebook, though you still could.
We're referring to New Professional opportunities available to everyone.
The Opportunity & Options Are Personal In Every Way
.u ... If A c N ~ - .. r - 2,942,232 ...
"19-Yr Old Woman Sky-Rockets
Her Career Opportunities By
Teaching How To Cover Severe
Acne With Make-Up"
Reported on Good Morning America
Unless you have acne and use make-up, you may not
relate to this example. But it illustrates how the world has
changed. You can create something personally gratifying and
very valuable for yourself and others being who you already
are. Let's look closer at this example.
Teaching Category:
This example falls under the
category of teaching. In
Course 201, we'll describe
many categories you can
choose from when designing
your ideal career.
In this case, Cassandra is
teaching: "How To Cover
Severe Acne Using
Cassandra's Developed
Steps For Application."
Note: If you choose the
teaching category, there are
many sub-topics to select
from, unique to your interests
and personality.
Our onl ine classes and
coach-consultants guide you
to discover & package your
own unique value, in your
own way.
2,942,232 ...
Cassandra Bankson shares on her video:
"/ am the most self-conscious
person about my acne. It looks
awful, but I'm going to show
you what my face looks like
without make-up. Then I'm
going to show you how I apply
my foundation and make-up so
/look like this."
http://www .youtube .com/DiamondsAnd Heels 14
Cassandra removes her make-up
and admits to being uncomfortable.
Her transparency makes this product
unique. In course 201, we'll
discuss why this kind of "authentic
message" creates an environment
where there's virtually no competition.
Next, Cassandra shows "how to"
apply the make-up to cover her acne.
Cassandra has created many "how to"
videos on related subjects. Each
represents unique value she' s
contributing to the marketplace.
Other topics she teaches:
How To Build Your Portfolio
How To Shape Lips In 30 Seconds
How To Whiten Teeth
Cassandra uses video on YouTube
as a "free product" to attract her
audience, which generates income
with YouTube & Google advertising,
and other monetization strategies.
She's also advancing her career
opportunities with free exposure.
Foundation Routi ne
Flawless Ski n (Full
by DiamoodsAru!Heels14
Modeli ng Tutorial. My
Experience, How to
by DiamoodsAndHeels14
How to shape lips in 30
... iijiij by DiamoodsAndHeels14
Acne Scaring and How
To Help Get Ri d Of It
by DiamoodsAndHoels14
How To
Contour/Highlight a
by DiamoodsAru!Heels14
How To Whiten Teeth +
Fix Bad Breath + White
by DiamoodsAndHeels14
What we learned
from Cassandra:
Teaching is ONE category to choose from when designing your
own career online. We'll cover other categories in a later section.
Within this category of teaching there are an unlimited number of
sub-categories (topics & subjects) you can choose to teach on. Like
Cassandra, it's based on your own personal preferences.
Cassandra showed us how to package value within a YouTube
video; however, there are many different "ways" to package one's
value. This was merely an illustration.
No two New Professionals are exactly alike. You get
to personalize this in every way.
Cassandra is merely reflecting her personality
through her work. What someone does, what
it looks like, and how it's done, is unique to
the individual.
"In fact, you dont
long list of options
available to you ...
There is something unique you can
offer online that will be interesting and
fulfilling for you, and that people will
For most, realizing this requires an
introspective shift in how you see
yourself and your role. (Follow
closely ... )
You have a unique blend of core values, interests, and life experiences
that define you. Whether you realize it yet or not, this "uniqueness" is
what makes you so valuable.
In fact, you don't have just one, but a long list of options available to
you-value to offer that's uniquely yours-that people will gladly pay for.
But you won't discover it without first recognizing what you're really worth,
and then looking at how to align that with the new economy. This may
require a perception shift.
Considering the insecurities of today's job and financial markets, and
the often unfulfilling promise of cookie-cutter business opportunities,
now might be the perfect time to reevaluate your role.
Kimberly Schulte shares how she internalized this shift:
I was one of tlwse completely unaware people you talk about! I would
have never imagined it possible to take my passion for yoga & helping
women in transition from the offline world into creating a real online
business opportunity for myself. .. yet here I am doing it! NOTHING has
given me the hands on, practical, applicable information on how to run
my own online business like wf1at you offer. It's changing EVERYTHING
for me. I'm even starting to make my own products ....
yes ME with MY own products! So cool!!
Once you experience this shift as Kimberly and many other students
have, it never leaves you.
This begins to drive at why we describe this as a cultural-economic
transformation unlike any we've seen before. To illustrate, let's look at
something else Kimberly shared-this time in a Facebook conversation
I found on my wall.
It demonstrates the inevitable migration in
many more people's career focus, from the You're Not Alone!
offline to the online world, as value creators.
Below Kimberly comments on a video she
just watched on F acebook. The video was
created by Lisa Lockworth who borrowed
"wording" from one of my posts to bring it
to life with music and imagery. Lisa shared
the video for others to see.
After watching the video, Kimberly
In addition to our classes
you'll get access to our
coach-consultants to
guide you in discovering
& creating your own
products, aligned with
your ideal audience.
Kimberly Schulte Great words by Mike Kl ingl er put to a really X
cool video, lisa! Awesome j ob ... That was really fun to watch.
Loved t he music & pies .. . Great talent! Li sa, have you t hought
of teaching a workshop on how to make videos for t he
technically challenged? You could market t hat ! 1
d sign up!!
November 10 at 5:04am .6 3
Mi ke Klingler Ki mberly Schulte, so t rue. People often don't
real ize how valuabl e and mar ketable t hei r ski ll s are because
the online economy i s so huge- - if you learn how to do
somethi ng you can quickJy sell i t .
November 10 at 5:13am .6 3
Above Kimberly asks Lisa that she consider offering an online
workshop to teach others how to make videos with similar effects.
The workshop Kimberly asks Lisa to consider is another
example of how New Professionals may create value by
Let's go back to Kimberly because there's a profound lesson in this
illustration-underscoring the inevitability of this phenomenon we call a
cultural-economic transformation.
In the same thread Kimberly adds:
Kimberly Schulte E.xacta- mundo cappuccino! But I never X
thought thi s way before I became aligned with you and what
you teach Mike Kli ngler! It's all a shift of percept ion in seei ng
endless opportunities in t he gifts people have and how they
can make a living onli ne. I now find mysel f in conversations
wi t h a fami ly member or a friend and quickl y identi fy what
uni que gift t hey have to offer that's of val ue and I say "You
know, you could build an entire brand around that and
market it online." Now, who does THAT sound l ike?! So
grateful f or the shift of perception and how I see what is
'possi ble' rather than not seei ng at all ! Thank you for what
you are teachi ng ... it is l ife changing, Michael. Uf e is our
oyster, but we have to cast our net! Namaste!
November 10 at 5:48am 16 3
Notice how Kimberly's recent perception shift allows her to now see the
economic value in others. As she shares this new insight, she inspires
them to consider their own role in the new economy-to seek new
opportunities they didn't know existed-helping them become aware of
the value within them that can now be brought out and packaged.
The Cultural-Economic
The dialogue above is an example of what I see happening on a grander
scale every day. More and more people will continue to learn how to
create their own "ideal " career in the new
Here is why we call this a cultural-economic
The advantages of the new Internet economy,
along with the pressures of the "physical"
economy, are shifting a noteworthy percentage
of our population into becoming value creators
for thei r first time.
People are migrating en
masse to the new onl ine
economy as value
~ -
~ \1,
There are other value creators worth mentioning
who made their way by leveraging television and
mass media. The Internet now allows you the
same "career freedom" they had, but without
requiring their superstar talent.
People like Oprah, Tony Robbins, Martha
Stewart, Suze Orman, and the creators
of The Secret transferred their personalities,
interests, experiences, and core values into
commodities much like New Professionals
get to do today online.
But these giants had to do it by stepping into the spotlight in front of millions
of people, mainly through TV and print media.
That's not as easily accessible for most people. Landing a national TV
show like Oprah and Martha Stewart, or purchasing millions of dollars in
infomercial time like Tony, isn't in the cards for most people.
The degree of discipline and professionalism to get where these folks did
puts them in a class of their own, among the elite, which is why they are
mega-multimillionaires and multibillionaires.
They had to overcome tremendous obstacles because just like the physical
economy, traditional mass media is a crowded stage. Too few can leverage
that platform to call it an opportunity for the mainstream.
In contrast, in the online digital space, there's plenty of room to attract an
audience, though it's likely going to be a lot smaller than Martha Stewart's.
Still, by applying far less discipline than she, but more than the average,
there' s plenty of room to create a multi-million dollar business online starting
as a New Professional if it's your goal.
Most New Professionals are happy with a smaller audience and income
than these giants, but the opportunities are limitless. We'll discuss how
income is generated in the section, "Show Me the Money."
The barriers that once stopped people from becoming value creators are
gone. The opportunity to discover one's purpose and direct their own
career, led by what they truly want to do, is in reach for everyone.
This new reality will continue to redefine our culture in empowering
The Internet gives us a new vehicle to make our living, fully aligned, while
inspiring us to dig deeper and ask, "How and who can I serve better?"
This helps move us toward a sustainable economy-because it fosters a
culture that encourages self-education, greater contribution, improved
communication, listening skills (understanding), personal responsibility,
and self-discovery.
Combined, these add up to greater awareness and connection to
ourselves, one another, and what's happening around us.
Why stay in the old economy when you can truly thrive in this new one?
A Closer Look At The "New" Internet:
Why you no longer need to be tech-sawy to participate.
Let's review what we mean by the "new" Internet, and what happened
recently, to open this opportunity up to the masses.
Some of us can remember back to
the late 1990s when we logged
online with an ultra-slow dial-up
But as high-speed Internet was
wired into our homes, things
changed fast. We could watch
video, listen to music ... The Internet
came to life.
As it evolved "non-techies" could start interacting
with the content.
This is when the "new" Internet was born.
By the mid 2000s, platforms like Facebook and YouTube (and hundreds
of others) appeared, giving us the ability to engage, socialize, and easily
contribute ideas online for the first time without having to be techie.
This is what brought the masses on
board-and not just as consumers;
it also opened the door for many to
realistically become value creators
(to create their own careers) for the
first time without the obstacles found
in the physical economy.
As more "ease-of-use" tools show up,
they open the door wider for those with
little technical skill-who can now
create websites, blogs, marketing funnels,
videos, membership sites, set up
merchant accounts, automate email
campaigns, and build an entire brand
with an audience of buyers without being
technically adept.
Between 2009 and 2012 there was an
explosive wave of new "ease-of-use"
tools created in the online space.
These next generation tools not only
made it simpler to set up shop, they
brought down the cost to nearly nil.
You can now use templates instead of
hiring programmers to create even the
most sophisticated membership sites
and sales funnels.
Most people are still unaware of how
simple and inexpensive the tools have
made it to join the ranks of the New
I first became aware of the 'shift'
underway in 2006 when I created a
click-by-click training course for
business people intimidated by the Internet.
With the simple
videos ... they
learned it fast.
At the time I was already teaching offline business practices; but after
I experienced the Internet's leverage, I wanted to teach students how
they could conduct business here as well.
It was all theory at first. .. Could they do it?
Many of my students were baby boomers on up in age, whom felt
uncomfortable in front of a computer. Could they start creating their own
blog, doing video, and using all the marketing tools I had?
How long would it take them to learn?
I don't consider myself very "tech-savvy"
so I understood their apprehension on a
personal level.
With the simple videos I created allowing
them to follow along, mouse-click-by-
mouse-click, they learned it fast.
And not a few of them, but the high majority-many creating
comprehensive online marketing campaigns when before the training
they were fumbling around just trying to send an email.
Since 2006 the Internet tools evolved considerably.
If you can get online and understand this sentence, you can learn how
to employ all the needed pieces to form your own version of the New
Professional opportunity-not just marketing other people's stuff, but
your own.
Know Someone Who
Could Use This Book?
Send them here for a
FREE copy@
If you have no idea what you can
offer yet, you can discover that here
at The School of Online Business
(we'll cover the vast array of options
later in this book).
If you have an offline business now,
you can start using simple methods to grow it in new "high-leveraging"
Use Promo Code: SOOB
ways-with results not possible using
traditional offline strategies. You can
add new digital products to boost the
effectiveness of your marketing or significantly increase profit margins,
while freeing up time.
Make no mistake about it; the only thing holding
millions of people back from migrating their
"career focus" to the online space is the
awareness that they can do it. .. and to realize
how much more rewarding-both personally and
financially-the move will be.
That's why we created:
The School of Online Business
We've discussed "why" the new Internet opened up millions of
career opportunities, setting into motion an unstoppable
cultural-economic transformation. Next we' ll review "how" this
translates into unprecedented advantages for anyone pursuing
a New Professional's path-as compared to "old-school "
options for career, money, and education.
Opportunity Without Walls
We'll explain why the barriers standing between you and your
"ideal" career don't exist online. Also, we'll review the advantages
of self-directed, New Professional education over trade schools,
colleges, and Universities. Plus, we'll describe other unprecedented
advantages for the New Professional.
The opportunity to spawn a career out of your own core values, life
experiences, and interests was inconceivable for most of us, until now.
Today, it's the most practical and ideal career path available.
Let's compare the path of a New Professional to other options for
business, money, and education.
We'll consider the:
- Time needed to make a plan for a new business
- Financial costs of creating & implementing that plan
- Risks and lost time engaging in "typical" business opportunities
- Current job market vs. limitless options for New Professionals
- Educational advantages for New Professionals
- Additional advantages for New Professionals
In the physical economy, learning is slow and restrictive compared to
We're not just referring to how the Internet made it easy to research
words and topics.
You can now access all kinds of information in an instant.
We're referring to new ways to learn about yourself and the world to
boost earnings and opportunities, while aligning what you do "for
income" with your personality and goals.
Like Cassandra, the young woman you met earlier who uses video to
teach things like applying make-up and modeling.
Cassandra was able to see how
others who shared her interests
provided value online, which
gave her ideas to try that were
uniquely her own.
Before the new Internet, imagine how impractical it would seem for a
teenage girl to turn her insecurity about severe acne into a real
How would she discover what value to offer in the physical economy,
aligned with her interests and life experience?
How would she learn to package and market it?
How would she learn to make money from it?
The opportunity to discover any of this in the physical economy was
But with the Internet she could discover
her unique economic value with relative
She could research what others were
offering who shared her interests.
She could see what kind of "value" they
provided; how they packaged it; and
how they made money.
She could compare this to her own
ideas, which she could try. If something
didn't get the response she wanted,
she could make a quick adjustment.
From "Out Of A
Job" To Creating
A New One
After 21 years in a
professional ministry setting,
Lee's seminary hits proverbial
"hard times" and he suddenly
finds himself out of a job.
Not ready for retirement, Lee
ponders, "Now what?"
You'll find his story on page 83.
She was able to access resources to help
her figure things out, like how to load a
YouTube video; or anything else she needed.
Imagine the barriers she might face
in the physical economy trying
to create something of her own. The
process could seem overwhelming.
(that you would enjoy), while
aligning it with a need in the marketplace and your financial
goal, was overwhelming in the physical economy. Online, it
can be fun and much simpler with the right guidance.
As another example, imagine you've been an engineer your entire
You're nearing retirement and feeling financial pressure with
uncertainties in the market.
You've become fascinated over the past few years about a new interest:
"How the brain works, human behavior,
and why people do what they do. "
But how could you learn to turn that into
a career?
How would you even start exploring the
notion in the physical economy?
Imagine the challenge of trying to stay
current on the topic, without access to
the Internet.
Now imagine the complexity of figuring out what you might offer
related to the topic, and how, and to whom.
How would you make money with it? Where would you begin?
Comparatively, online, the answers to these questions can be unraveled
through a natural process of self-discovery, like Cassandra was able to
It doesn't have to take over your life to create the plan.
And you certainly don't have to do it alone. In fact, the only true mistake
I see people making on a large scale is trying to implement something
without having a sound plan in place first.
Key resources to create that plan are just a click away.
Accelerated Learning Skills - The Master
NLP Keys to Reading and Learning that
Academics Don't Want You to Know ...
If you could see a way of
dumping whole text books
of knowledge into your
head quickly and easily it
would make sense to
In this example, Mark took
his i nterest i n the study of
human behavior to carve
out his own niche. Mark
built his brand around
"Accelerated Learni ng
Skills," which he packaged
in the form of books. He
can also add on coaching,
consulting, or share his
message in CDs, DVDs,
or through an educational
subscription site; or offer
workshops (online or
offl i ne), just to name a few
options. By observing what
others offer who share your
interests, and with a little
guidance, you can quickly
research ideas to create
your own ideal plan.
In the .. Show Me The Money .. section, you might be
surprised to learn about many avenues for income
that most people don't consider, which can generate
leveraged income.
There are communities dedicated to assisting you with the entire
process; from discovering what you might offer that's perfect for
you; to lining it up with the right audience; and researching if it
can meet your financial goals; and then putting it all together.
Just like Cassandra started "playing around" on YouTube, you get to
"play" with different ideas. You're able to consider different ways
you might package and offer your value, (be it through writing, video,
blogging, social media, DVD's, books, online classes, coaching,
teaching, or however you choose).
You get to see how others are making money with related interests,
and how they put things together.
Once you understand the
basic landscape and your
options, it's merely a process, c
and one you can enjoy.
You make it yours.
Will it happen overnight?
Of course not! It's like anything worth having.
But whether you attend a traditional school , join a business opportunity,
or get a job, you will always experience new learning; however, on the
traditional paths you have much less flexibility or opportunity.
You aren't escaping "life" in the new economy; you're getting to design
a better one, defined by you.
The point is it can be fun, and you can start as
you continue doing whatever you do now.
With the proper guidance, it doesn't threaten
your lifestyle-it brings it to life because it puts
you on track to safely create your own
Passion-filled Career.
At the School of Online Business we'll guide you through
key details, like:
- Discovering what you can offer that ideally matches
your interests
- Seeing if there are people who will buy it, and how to
attract them
- Tweaking your offer to meet a need no one else saw
- Finding out what the profit potential is by researching
the market
- Setting up the technical details along the way
Taking the New Professional path means you're allowed to leverage
the new economy and take control of your destiny.
You'll learn how to increase what you earn, at will, by improving upon
what you create until you've reached your ideal lifestyle and chosen
level of contribution through your work.
You'll learn how to optimize the process by adding more leveraged
value (digital products, or optimized automated marketing strategies).
This means you can impact more people and generate more revenue,
as you free up time.
The time needed to discover what you can offer, how to offer it, and to
whom, is significantly lessened with the "new" Internet as compared to
options of the recent past.
Our coaches and consultants
are ready to help you:
- Discover Your Options
- Create Your Career
Access one-on-one guidance with every step!
Financial Costs of Putting Together a Plan & Implementing It
The financial cost of discovering and perfecting a new business idea is
far less online too.
Depending on the type of business, it may have been cost prohibitive
just to explore a single idea in the physical economy.
It might have required market research that meant laying down some
serious cash (like hiring a firm to help with public surveys, or doing
television ad testing). If it looked promising, there was still much to
spend before you were in business.
In the physical economy, it could take hundreds of thousands, or
millions of dollars, just to begin.
You might need to invest
large amounts of money
to develop the product, advertise
(TV, radio, and print media are
expensive), or invest into a real
estate lease and maybe hire
employees, before your first sale.
While the process might be a little
different for a doctor, lawyer, or
other type of professional opening
a practice-or when starting a
service-oriented small business
like landscaping-it is still costly,
in both time and money.
Professionals or small businesses
often have substantial upfront costs
before opening their office or doors.
Not to mention these traditional options require
a great deal of investment before expecting to
see time-leverage, which is when you generate
income without being present during the
transaction or delivery of value.
Relative to the past, it's now become
"lightning speed" fast to discover
your value and the best way to
package it to meet your goals... And
on a shoestring budget!
And another benefit:
In contrast, the digital online
economy offers an opportunity to
create a plan and build it for a
fraction of the cost. Many of the
tools cost nothing; literally. Others
you might choose are inexpensive.
The biggest cost is usually in
education to ensure the plan you
put together is sound. But this is
insignificant in comparison to
educational costs in the physical
In the online economy, you can take a step toward time-leverage
immediately, because the sales processes are automated.
This doesn't mean you set it up and completely walk away on day
one. But it's significant that you can begin generating income without
having to be present for every sale, and without a substantial
investment before experiencing time-leverage.
For a number of reasons, you, as the
New Professional, can enjoy many
unprecedented advantages that swing
the door wide open to create your own
It can be very advantageous to "see" how to employ
time-leveraging ideas as you learn the landscape
and create your plan. This is one of the key teaching
points at The School of Online Business.
G Cassandra being interviewd by Robin
Roberts on Good Morning America
Free Media Exposure
You can realistically
attract free media exposure
online as Cassandra did
(see page 47).
This is merely another
illustration of the
opportunities available
Consider two of our own
students who were featured
on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Pat and Lorna (The Coolest Couple) Twitter War with Jimmy Klmmei
Branded as the "coolest couple,"
they generated a huge following
after Jimmy mentioned them
extensively, not once, but twice
on two shows-jokingly
declaring a "Twitter War" on
who could get the most followers.
He simply ran across them on Twitter and was amused by their "coolest
couple" tag line.
But the joke's on Jimmy because, as he admitted on the show, each time
he mentioned the "Twitter War, " the "coolest couple" got more followers
out of it than he did!
As another example, Shannon
and Steve Wieland-while still
operating their Cross Fit exercise
gym out of their garage-were
featured at the end of a highly
publicized national newsreel
after sharing a "team photo" from
a charity event on their blog.
Shannon was able to share
this with her group on Facebook to offer more "inspiration" and further
build their brand. You'll find their story on page 87 about how they
leveraged Facebook to build early momentum before growing into
their new 6,000 sq ft. location in Portland, Oregon.
These are just a few examples showing how being online and linked up
with the digital world attracts opportunities inaccessible in the physical
economy, without aPR campaign.
Being online, developing your
own brand and message,
means you're linked up with
the new "living" digital economy,
with limitless access to
unprecedented opportunities
inconceivable any other way.
Giving value online provides
leverage in a multitude of ways,
never before seen, for the
'average' person.
Next let's consider how the Internet
transformed marketing and
advertising into a risk-free part
of the business process.
Regardless of whether your goal is
making $3,000; $30,000; or $3,000,000
per year, you can reach it using
legitimate marketing or advertising
strategies that either cost nothing, or
allow you to profit for every dollar you
spend, immediately (thus making the
advertising cost-free).
You can advertise online in such a way so that, even as you scale up,
the risk is nil.
You merely need to understand how to do it properly, which we
teach at The School of Online Business.
Opportunities for this "nil risk" leverage are hard to find in the physical
economy, while they are common and much easier to create online.
The path of the New Professional opens doors and creates opportunities
that don't exist for you elsewhere.
A Later Section Describes This Use Of "Zero Cost" Advertising
Note: Many New Professionals don't advertise. Other free methods, like social media, are available as an option.
After you have collected the lead & "broken even" on the advertising cost, you now
offer your 'main' products or services & begin generating PROFITS as your list grows.
The Job
Many people decided NOT to become a
value creator in the physical economy. It
either took too much time, too much money,
or was simply too difficult to discover what
"value" they could offer.
So what did they do instead?
Most got a job, fulfilling or not.
And while there are plenty of people who love their jobs, there are a lot
of limitations and unconsidered risks, particularly as the years go by.
There isn't a lot of flexibility in the workplace to line up your core values,
life experiences, and interests with what you do.
Since you spend a lot of your waking hours at a job, that's a big deal
to consider.
But even in a job where you're connected
to the purpose of your work, like maybe a
social worker or teacher, there are
limitations to creating a lifestyle that you
get to fully define.
There's nothing wrong with a job!
"People working for people" is part of a
healthy, collaborative economy; but this
shouldn't mean you have to accept having
a job your entire life without ever growing
into creating something of your own.
What we're sharing is the opportunity to do something that feeds your
spirit, adds value to your life on many dimensions-making it brighter
and more exciting-opening new doors to ideas and opportunities you
simply wouldn't have been able to experience otherwise.
It doesn't have to be an "either/or" situation with your job.
False security in the workplace.
With the job market as it is now, and
the economy in transition, this is an
appropriate time to learn how to create
a career of your own.
What we once leaned on for security no longer exists:
You can no longer rely upon ONE job for your lifetime
Social security benefits are in jeopardy
The cost of retirement is skyrocketing
Risk of retirement funds/plans is at an all-time high
Unemployment is high
The jobs available are often unsatisfactory
It's important to acknowledge that much of the "perceived"
security in the job market is gone.
"Job security is gone. The driving force of a career
must come from the individual." -Homa Bahrami
You gain true security when you know how to create a job for yourself, by
matching up a need in the market with YOU.
Once you know the Internet landscape and how to research the
profitability of ideas, you can shift with a changing world, addressing
new needs in the marketplace confidently and enjoyably.
This is the skill that offers security today and forward.
If you have a job now, you can start creating and
implementing your plan without it overtaking your
life. Once you're in a position to leave your job, if
that's your goal, you can do so AFTER your
New Professional career allows you to.
New Professional Path vs. The Business System
Instead of a job, some opted to purchase a business system with a
franchise or small business that a "value creator" already created
and sold.
But unless you had a million or more dollars to
purchase a wildly successful franchise like
McDonalds, this was often a glorified job in itself,
where you worked night and day, giving most
of the "profit" to the bank to pay off your loans
while enjoying very little freedom.
The challenge with the most common franchises
or small business "turn-key" systems (that
people can afford) is you end up being a
manager, if not the production worker, in a
very low-leverage process.
The "dream" of having a business system is
time-leverage (making money without working).
But in reality, as most purchasers of small
business systems or franchises realize,
it's quite different.
They usually end up working more hours than
anyone, and doing things that do not inspire them
(because they are not aligning their core values, interests, and life
experience with their work).
They end up working for the business, rather than the business working
for them; and often not enjoying the work they're doing.
Many people buy a business system to reduce risk (instead of creating
their own value), but it doesn't actually ensure less risk.
Consider a Krispy Kreme franchise,
which can cost over one million
dollars just to start (after location
development). Yet, recently many of
these franchises had to shut down
because of too little sales.
It's also very difficult to scale up (grow) with such a business system.
It requires tremendous additional investment, and with that, more risk.
As we continue to compare the New Professional
path to any other option available today, the
benefits and advantages are unprecedented.
Next, we'll compare network marketing (another
form of business system) to the New Professional
path. Once again, we'll consider the importance
_______ ___, of creating your own value.
Millions of people throughout
the world have joined a network
marketing (or similar "make
money fast") opportunity to date.
This is another form of business
system. The difference here is
you're filling the role of "sales
representative," rather than
investing large capital to operate
a franchise or small business.
The model pays commissions on the sale of products. What makes this
different from a typical commission-based sales job is it also pays
commissions on sales made by other people you have recruited into
a sales organization.
Since the upfront cost to join is usually very low, and the promise for
easy money and wealth is high, many people join and then quit. This
model is often criticized because of its promise for a big pay-off with
little effort.
The work involved to recruit and lead a sales team is often "out of
alignment" with a person's character. Traditionally, people are taught
to duplicate a system to sell and recruit; but little emphasis is placed on
finding a process the person might enjoy (that suits their personality and
interests). For most, this makes the "work" unpleasant.
Some companies focus mainly on selling their products, and only
introduce the "money-making" opportunity on the back-end. This is
considered the most sustainable approach, and by some the most
ethical. The most common strategy is to focus on recruiting new sales
associates, because many argue it can generate larger levels of income.
This subject is often debated.
The network marketing model does not
typically encourage you to create your
own value in the marketplace; on the
contrary, in most network marketing
models, it is discouraged because
the concern is you will be distracted
from the role of sales representative
(to find prospects to present the
business or products to, systematically).
The School of Online Business neither endorses nor discourages using a
model like network marketing. We simply ask you to consider what is
fact vs. hype if you are immersed in a "make-money-fast" culture that
pursues big earnings from sales made by people you have recruited.
If you engage in network marketing or similar
models, we encourage you to create your own
value as a New Professional; and align your
core values, personal interests, and personality
with "HOW" you market yourself.
Thousands of New Professionals successfully
offer their own value online to "attract" their ideal
audience and produce income. They then offer their network marketing
product (or opportunity) on the back-end. Rich and Natasha are an
For years, Rich struggled with the "business opportunity" model. But
as soon as he learned to create his own value as a New Professional,
everything turned around.
Just two years later, Rich and Natasha
are both seen as "experts" in their
industry. By offering value that they
create, they continually attract new
people to their offers, and grow their
business as authorities in their niche.
Read their story on page1 05.
The School of Online Business encourages those who promote a "make
money opportunity" to lead with unique value that you've created.
That is the sustainable and valuable way to approach this model.
Lost Time Risk Engaging In "Typical" Business Opportunities
When someone engages with a business
or money-making opportunity that doesn't
encourage creating value, they are taking
on some big risks.
First, they are avoiding one of the only true opportunities to achieve
security today, because if you're not learning to identify needs in the
marketplace and how to fill those needs, you are incapable of adapting
to change. That is a very vulnerable place to be.
Often, the people who need income the most fall victim to the promise of
"fast money" by purchasing an opportunity (or signing up into a low cost
money-making venture). In reality, these people are most often keeping
themselves in a holding pattern with the least chance for real financial
The time lost when you pursue these kinds of perceived "shortcuts" can
be significant. You overcome this risk permanently by getting on the
path of the New Professional.
Looking for shortcuts (that aren't legitimate shortcuts) will most likely
keep you in a precarious financially disempowered position indefinitely.
If you're in a financially difficult position, we suggest getting
started at once to create your own value in the marketplace as
a New Professional. If you're involved in a money-making opportunity
now, and it offers a support network you don't want to leave, begin
creating value of your own and offering the "opportunity" on the
back-end. This sets you apart as a credible authority, which is key to
success in that model.
More on the educational advantages for New Professionals:
The Internet has transformed the speed and value of learning.
An example:
Let's say you're not a confident writer, but you want to write a book.
Perhaps you'd like to use the book as a product, or as a marketing tool
to establish credibility while attracting your audience to other products
and services you offer.
You can now do a quick search online
and find a New Professional who once
struggled with writing, wanted to write
a book, and learned how.
Because they understand your need
on a personal level, and because they
have successfully overcome the same
challenge, they are likely to teach you
far more effectively than anyone else
can-assuming they have fair teaching
skills, which you can observe in their
initial marketing message.
If you relate to their message (and how
they present it) then you know
immediately they're likely the right
teacher for you.
They can teach you far more effectively
than a typical University writing course,
for a fraction of the cost, because what
they are teaching is specific to what you
are aiming to accomplish.
Books can be products you sell ;
or, they can be used to market
other products and services.
For example, if you wrote a
book, you can use it to attract
an audience to your Facebook
Fan page, or to build an email
list. Then you can sell "topic
related" products & services to
that audience, because you will
have established trust.
Someone else may have
created the products you end
up selling, but because you
wrote the book that attracted
an audience to you in the first
place, this audience will trust
your recommendations. This is
a highly effective model for
income, and just one of many
options that New Professionals
get to choose from.
I've had hundreds of students share with me that they learned more
from a 1 0-hour (6-week) course I've offered on how to write content for
books, blog articles, emails, etc., than they did in all of their college
courses combined.
And my course is merely a part of many such accelerated skill
development classes they get access to for a fraction of the cost
as compared to what they would pay in the physical economy.
Not to mention that all of these courses immediately increase one's
applicable, marketable value (they are skills that directly transfer into
increasing value in the new economy).
Allan Ell is
Hello Mike,
I wanted to take the time to thank you. I have been applying the
principals that you teach to my offline business. It is a water
damage business. To let you know, I have a very nice niche that I
am offering a 7 day free video course. I sell a book that I wrote
because of your Writing With Pull course.
If you want to see how I have applied the things I learned here is
the site: www.restorati
Thank you
Allan Ellis
This is a course I
offer that teaches
people who are
with writing how
to forever
break free to
open up their
"flow" of creativity.
It's helped
hundreds of
students forever
content creators.
Restoration Water Damage and Profits Can Be Yours -
Restoration Profits
Restoration water damage i s big busi ness. Thi s blog is
dedi cated to the carpet cleaners and others that want to do
restoration water damage. I want to show you t hat it is
possi bl e to get into water damage restoration.
Below you see a screen shot of Allan Ellis' blog, and an entry point into his marketing
sales funnel.
You can see he has learned how to establish a web presence and message, even
though this was recently a foreign concept for him. You can see he has written a
book, which is part of his marketing plan. He has a system of capturing emails and a
follow-up sales process. He is continually expanding his online revenue avenues.
He learned how to do all of this by plugging into our online classes. He has learned
new skills and re-positioned himself in the new economy much faster, and for far less
cost, than what traditional educational institutions can offer.
Gtab the RSS feed
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Restoration Water Damage and Profits Can Be Yours
Posted on October
6th. 2011
Witten by Alan Elis
lf)'OU're new here. you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for \-isiting!
Wel come To
Restoration Pr ofits
This blog is doo.icated to the carpet
cleaners that want to make more profit in
their company. I wanttoshowyou that it is
possible to get into water damage
re5toration. I am Allan Ellis and I do
restoration water damage. I am certified by
the IICRC/ CleanTrust, the largest restoration certification bodyintJ>.eworld. With the
collaboration of my team we ha\'(!de\'eiopcd this site for poople who want todiSCO\W
how to profit in tJt.erestoration water damage business. As a carpet cleaner 1
d.isot)\wt'd how to make profit in thev.-ater damage restoration business. Manyof)'OU
here today arc searching for infonnation about the restoration industry. Carpet
cleaners are especially interested because theyovmsome of the equipment N.'QuirOO.
Becausc)'OUare heremyhopcis become educated, certified aodan asset
to our iodustry.
My Story
Im996 l came within 15 minutes of purchasing a carpet cleaning van. As I sat in the
sales office it occurred to me that it would be \I(!J')'diffirult to make money cleaning
rooms for $10.00 a room. Therev...-as noway I could do that m.srriOO with3cltildrm.
fast forward to :!.008 I was hi rOO by a national restoration francltise to run the content
di\ision.A few months later I was put in charge ofthe\'o-ater, mold, fire and
rcoonstructiondi,isions. There I saw how to m.skesome real money ina business that
...dp.s poopleget U..eir li\-es back together after a disaster.
What We Do At Restorati on Profits
Restoration Profits \'o"8.S created by my team to assist in educating carpet cleaners and
others who an interest in th.erestoration industry. This iodustry has th.eability to
change}'OUT financial future. Howeo.-er, likeanybusiDe:SSthe:rearethings that }'OU must
get educated on. Training me the confidence to a pprosch clients, adjusters and any
one associated a water loss. He:re weoffe:r some resources that will
allow to m.ske cdl!Catcd decisions. We suppi)'}'OU tl-.einformation about
equipment, training and m.srkcting.
A-Team Residential and Commercial Services is th.erestorationcomp.anywefoundOO
in Phoenix Arizona. We undcrstaod that carpet cleaners work hard and want to
inc:reaseth.eir bottom line. A-Team Residential aDd Commercial Senioes hasdeo.ocloprd.
Na me:
To recieve your
f ree report fill
in the info box
The digital economy made self-guided education very cost effective.
The costs (in both time and money) of
going to a "physical school" are not
just higher, but can also offer far less
return on your investment because:
You're paying for the overhead
costs of the physical school,
which is high;
The travel time to a physical
location is costly;
The cost of "physical school"
education is greatly inflated
with a perception that it's more
valuable than it really is.
Let's consider four contributing factors:
First, the old model of education used to be the only
legitimate option for "structured learning. " This is
no longer the case.
Second, "physical school" education is price-inflated
because it often leads you to a job market that is
either shrinking, or requires new skills. The old model
(Universities, colleges, trade schools, etc.) once
prepared students for jobs that were waiting for them.
Now, technology has created an environment where
things change so rapidly, the old model can't
properly prepare students in time to meet the
"new" needs.
So you're paying for the perception that the education you're buying will
prepare you well for a successful career or job, based on how things
used to be-not on how things are now. You're not paying for it's true
ability to deliver what you're buying.
Third, we've also seen hyper-inflated prices in the old model of
education for decades because of government-backed student loans,
which created an exponential increase in demand, and with it, a bubble
that accelerated the cost of University and college education. This
has been increasing the costs substantially for a long time, forcing
people to get larger student loans year by year, until now it's become
Fourth, under financial pressure, many states have had to decrease
it's funding to public educational institutions, so the cost is now passed
onto students.

2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
Academic Years Ending In May/June
40B f2
20B li;
0 ooJ;
*Note that online courses offered by physical schools (colleges,
Universities, etc.) are still passing on the overhead and inflated costs
mentioned above to those taking their courses online. So, just
because a course can be taken online doesn't mean it qualifies as a
New Professional course, or that it will properly prepare you for
the new opportunities we discuss throughout
this book.
The instructors at a physical school often
(though not always) have little experience
applying what they're teaching in the real
world. If they "are" teaching a timely topic (like
how to start an online business}, it's usually
more of a marketing perception than it is actual
value-to cash in on the trends. You're likely
paying inflated prices for far less value than
you could receive learning from one of the
many 'teachers' who are New Professionals,
who walk the talk. This isn't always the case, but is more often than not.
Physical schools often teach you a trade, skill or offer a degree, but
then you're left alone when it comes to actually turning that education
into an income. In the "new" Internet economy, you will often find just
as much emphasis on learning a skill , as you will on how to actually
capitalize on it and turn it into income.
We've summarized the unprecedented advantages for the New
Professional. Before we categorize and further describe the
limitless options available, please review the stories that begin on
the next page. These are written in the students' own words to share
how they al igned their core values and experiences with what they
created; to turn an interest, hardship, skill , or life purpose into a career
of their own design. These particular stories were chosen because
they show the depth of self-discovery that can arise through our
school's introspective learning process.
I was born t 0 be a. Coach. O.f'
course, I had no ;dea. th;s was the
ca.Se ... bui not /::now;n:J SoMeth;n:J
doesn't Ma./::e ;t any less true.
Looking back on my life I can see how every step, every dream, every
broken road, and every accomplishment has led right here.
How do I know this?
Well, I first had to WALK this journey ... blind ... confused ... frustrated ...
scared ... to get to a place where hindsight would fill in all the gaps for me.
The crazy thing about it is that I am 100% confident coaching is also a
part of your destiny ... whether you were born to BE a coach, or you are
in great need of the benefits of working WITH a coach; either way it is
one of THE most incredible sources of empowerment and transformation
provided to us in this life.
I would love to share with you
my personal journey because
a story speaks to us in ways
we can't explain, and are
forever touched by.
In the interest of accuracy, I didn't
want to share anything that 'my
parents told me' without the backing of a personal memory of it myself ...
so this story begins in the summer of my ninth year in this world.
I was outside in my back yard blasting Olivia Newton John' s " Let' s Get
Physical," and rocking it out through a self-choreographed routine of
unique dance moves that I am sure hadn' t been seen yet in the world.
I totally lost track of time. I was out there for hours, just feeling the music,
moving my body, loving the self-expression. I was lost in the moment,
living in a state of flow for hours.
After a long afternoon I was
trul y transformed. I remember
thinking in my nine year old
head, "WOW, I am so happy
right now! I love my body &
I love to dance! " I felt larger
than life. I felt invincible. I
loved just being.
My ah-ha! moment was interrupted by my mom who had found her
Olivia Newton John record melted into a warped bl ack jelly on the
deck, fallen victim to the sun' s rays and my inability to see past my own
' flow of authentic self-expression' enough to put it in the shade.
Despite not having wanted to disappoint my Mom or ruin something as
precious as Olivia' s record ... I wasn' t reall y as troubled about it as she
was. The record had been sacrificed for something GREATER.
I loved hopping on my bike, with a large knapsack on my back, and
heading over to an abandoned property looking for " buried treasure. "
Let me explain. There had once been a house there,
quite a large elaborate house in my recollection
that had been destroyed by a fire. I am not sure why
I was so drawn to it, but I just loved being there.
What was left of the house was structurally unsound. Even in my young
wisdom, I knew venturing inside was not a safe option, but there seemed
to be so much history about this house ... a story left untold that needed
expression, salvation, and rebuilding.
Most days while visiting there, I managed to find a few random items that
survived the fire strewn about the grass. I loved bringing them home,
dusting them off, and looking them over. They seemed special somehow.
Then one day I had a brilliant idea.
The car that had been parked beside
the house, which was now
swallowed by long wavy grass,
would become my rebuilding
project. I started collecting various
components of the car and stock
piling them in my bedroom.
Headlights, the gear shift knob, various metal pieces, the radio interior,
the side view mirror glass .. . I stuffed my bag full every day with various
car components and cleaned them up each evening in my bathroom at
home before proudly displaying them on top of my bedroom dressers.
I had quite the collection before my father started to be unhappy about
the grime collecting in the bathroom and the scratches that were starting
to appear from the metal brushing atop my delicately painted white
dressers with pink handles and trim.
"You can't just rebuild this car," he told me after inquiring about my plans.
"It is not possible."
I remember feeling confused, and asking lots of questions ... did he think
that there would be pieces missing? That somebody else would have had
the idea and be collecting items from the site as well? Did he think the
pieces wouldn't fit together due to fire damage?
I remember hearing a lovingly delivered message of, "you just can't DO
that sort of thing!"
More than his words, I remember the resolve in which I refused to let
that message in. As far as I was concerned, there was a system, a method,
or an answer for transforming those pieces into something wonderful.
"That restoration, redemption, and a new birth, is possible for anything;
even this car," I thought to myself.
One of the most striking things I realize in hindsight... is that it never
occurred to me that the reason my Dad said that it could not be done,
had anything to do with my abi I ity to get it done.
In my mind and in my heart, I could do anything.
My refusal to offer blanket acceptance to 'authority rules' is a theme that
has run its course throughout my entire I ife.
Please don't interpret this as me showing disrespect or being rude to
authority figures, but I have definitely always felt a resistance to just
accepting something as being true simply on the basis that 'this is the way
things are done' or that someone older (and in their mind wiser) said it
was so.
I remember wanting to learn how to box so badly
in my early teen years, and begging my Dad to
teach me. He was not on board with this idea at
all. In fact I remember him clearly telling me that
boxing would 'stunt my breast development'
(a statement he vehemently denies to this day ...
sorry Dad ... gotta' be real here).
Don't get me wrong, I know my Dad was totally
motivated by love, wanting to keep me safe from
being hurt... but I remember thinking to myself
"Yeah OK, and those are important because ... ?"
By the way, I came up with my own boxing regimen, and did it in secret
in my basement... but you probably already knew that:)
This tendency I had of 'challenging authority' was many times
misinterpreted. I can' t tell you how many times I was told as a kid, "You
should be a lawyer." I' m sure at some moments it was said with
encouragement and at other times probably more out of frustration.
Regardless, it was spoken over me countless times due to my unwavering
need to understand the WHY behind everything, and my commitment to
challenging the status quo and finding different, more creative, and more
enjoyable ways of getting the result I wanted. After all, if I got to where I
wanted to be ... if I got the results I was after, what was the big deal if I did
it MY WAY?
Shortly after my teen years began, I entered one of the most dark periods in
my life ... my struggle with disordered eating.
During all my years between the age of 17 and
30 I struggled daily with my self-image.
I was constantly punishing myself for never
feeling 'good enough' and expressed my
emotional imbalance through manipulating
food and my body in an attempt to make
myself into someone worthy of other people' s
time, love, and attention.
My relationships were a train wreck because
I never felt truly myself in any situation. I was
always trying to be perfect, look flawless, and
hide what I felt were shameful traits about
myself that, if exposed, would surely result in
me being seen as unlovable, and lead me to
being alone forever.
My self-expression and pure love of exercise was gone. Instead, working
out became a tool to punish my body and force it into submission.
Hanging out with me would have been much like kickin' it with a
chameleon. I was constantly trying to be and say what I thought
others wanted, never really letting them see the REAL me.
So you can imagine my confusion when I couldn't
stop having this specific vision in my mind. It was
an image of me, standing on a stage, speaking to
thousands of women, with them laughing out
loud, crying, smiling, supporting each other, and
feeling empowered. I kept seeing it in my mind
over and over again.
Why could I not stop thinking about this?
I eventually DID get a degree in law, but chose to go the more ' trailblazing'
route of law enforcement, specifically the West Coast Marine Unit of the
Canada Border Services Agency.
I loved how 'non-traditional' this job
was for a female, especiall y when I
first joined the unit. The look on the
Captain' s face of an ocean-going
cargo vessel as I was gearing up in
my 'confined space exam' gear, and
disappearing behind false walls, into
small dark compartments, or
descending into the void spaces of
his greasy engine components looking for illegal weapons and narcotics ...
well, it was priceless.
I loved my daily adventures in drug smuggling interdiction, climbing up
several story high ladders, down into vessel smokestacks, and crawling
through cargo containers. It was a bl ast.
Yet, as much fun as I was having there was still a huge void; a big part
missing in WHO I was and WHAT I was supposed to do with my life.
Many wondered what I was complaining about. I mean, I had it made:
Government job, pension, great salary, vacation leave, and stability. Why
would I want to look elsewhere?
But there was something missing ... and it nagged at me.
So it was at this crossroads in my life when I chose
something new for myself. After managing to quiet
the 'symptoms of my eating disorder' and feeling
that sharing this journey was a part of what I was
truly meant to do, and while contemplating a more
authentic career in response to these visions I was
having about being on stage and empowering others,
I chose to invest in myself and in my unsure future
as a coach.
I dove head first into training as a Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach at
one of the leading schools in North America. I also started learning about
how the Internet was opening doors for people to have authentic careers
based around their life's passions.
It all seemed great at first... but in
contemplating how to do this for
myself and my own business, I
was quickly met with LOTS of
fear, resistance, and a lack of
clarity about the 'how' of it all.
What do you mean I had to talk to real live people and find out what they
most needed and wanted? I don't even know what I am doing yet!
Interview people who were already successful in these areas? Why would
they want to talk to me? I am a nobody ... trying to be a somebody ... and
they will see right through me.
So I stalled. I kept buying 'personal improvement' courses ... trying to
convince myself that I was ' getting somewhere' but when it came to taking
action I felt paralyzed. Was it fear of failure? Yes. Was it fear of success?
Slowly, and very gently, I started to take a look at myself. I took the focus
off of helping others for a moment, and really looked at what was holding
ME back from taking risks, taking action, and making this happen.
I found that in many areas of my life, I knew what I WANTED to be doing,
but there was a gap between what I wanted and what I was actually doing.
It was a "worse feeling" than being without the approval of others.
I had lost my own approval.
How did I let this happen? Who was I? Apart from my eating disorder ...
apart from my quest for acceptance and approval ... who was Shan? I knew
I couldn't just accept myself and all my flaws and imperfections .. .
I had to find a way to actually CHOOSE them, BE them, and LOVE them.
I had to see myself in a whole new way.
I wanted to get in touch with my strengths, talents, and passions again; and
find a way to live them out daily. I wanted to connect with others in an
authentic and transparent way, so that my inner voice would allow me to
feel their love toward me, and so that I would be able to express my
appreciation, curiosity, and acceptance for them.
I also intuitively knew that this
'inner transformation' would
not only serve me in my
personal relationships, but that
it would also lay the framework
for a new business, and a new
way of contributing value to the
world that felt good, that had a
purpose, and that mattered.
I went back and dove into the training materials with a new commitment.
Not from a place of ' being a nobody, trying to be a somebody, ' but from
a place of giving my unique purpose, life, and gifts a VOICE .. .
Of creating the legacy that I am destined to create, that accompanies the
vision that I have been given.
So what made the greatest impact in my journey at this stage of
recommitment to myself, my life, and my legacy?
Well , although there have been many transformational training programs,
the most empowering has absolutely been my journey in becoming
certified with the International Coach Federation by getting trained at
Coaching Cognition [partner of The School of Online Business] .
Before Coaching Cognition, I thought
I knew what coaching was ... but I
actually had no idea. There is a HUGE
distinction between consulting,
mentoring, and coaching.
Many who offer coaching services
are actually not coaching at all,
which I have no doubt was part
of the reason why I felt that all
of my previous attempts at getting
help from a coach never felt
empowering or genuinely
"Many u.Jho o.f'f'er
C-oac_h;n:J Serv;c_es are
ac_taa/ly not C-oac_h;n:J
at a/ I, u.Jh;c_h I have no
doubt u.JaS ?a.t-t of' the
reaSon u.Jhy I .f'elt that
all of' MY ?reV;oaS
atteM?tS at :;ett/n:3 hei?
-FroM a C-oaC-h neVer .f'elt
efr!?ou.Jer;n:J or :;ena;nely
At Coaching Cognition, I learned how to harness the raw power of being a
true coach. I learned how to be an effective listener and supporter that my
clients can collaborate with, as they discover their own unique way to
achieve THEIR goals, THEIR freedom, and THEIR vision.
I stand for my clients' greatness. I genuinely care about them, am honest
with them, and am able to support them in finding their confidence;
trusting their own intuition, and acting in their own best interests.
I create a safe and judgment-free place, while acknowledging their
competencies, emotions, and ideas.
I ask powerful questions to help my clients reframe their perspectives
and inspire them to action that moves them toward their goals.
I am a resource for information, a collaborative partner, an advocate, a
support system, a sounding board, a safe place for expression, an
accountability agent, a trustworthy listener, an observer, and a personal
This skill set is SO important to achieving ANY goal that you envision
for yourself and your life because you craft a journey to create what
you want that is fully customized TO YOU.
You may be wondering ... what about speci alizing in something? What
if I am a consultant in a specific area and I want to help people achieve
success in their business and/ or life related to my expertise?
Think of it this way ... as a coach you have a tool kit full of LOTS of
amazing, powerful , life-transforming tools and strategies that you can
utilize during the coaching process.
These universal tools, when properly investigated and customized to each
unique client, are relevant for nearly every client you will coach.
These skills form the integral foundation of the mindset, strategies,
perspective shifts, ah-ha! moments, and motivations that empower your
clients to get out of their own way, and get moving in creating their vision
of success.
This intuitive process is really the only way I know of to truly enjoy the
JOURNEY along the way of creating what the client ultimately wants ...
otherwise it is a constant striving for ' someday' when things will feel
better, happier, more right.
Applying this coaching skill set FIRST to myself was a very important
part of the process of becoming an effective coach for my clients. I
truly believe that had I not practiced what I coach-had I not
investigated my OWN motivations, belief systems, mindset, past
experiences, innate ways of being, or gotten clarity on my own
purpose and the legacy that I am creating ... then my clients would
sense it.
They would know that I hadn' t walked my own talk.
How has becoming a coach impacted my life?
Well, I have achieved true FREEDOM from my eating disorder.
I am no longer 'living day to day' in a commitment to resist going back
to that I ife, but instead I am in a place of 1 00% mental, emotional,
physical, and spiritual freedom from any and all thoughts or tendencies
related to it.
I see myself as a
powerful , unique, and
intentional person.
I have a BIG purpose
and I am living into it.
I am totally in touch
with my gifts, talents,
strengths, skill sets, and passions!
Remember that girl who knew that exercise
was a form of self-expression and joy?
The one dancing around in the backyard in
a black leotard to Olivia Newton John, or
the one who wouldn't take no for an
answer and secretly trained in the forbidden
art of boxing?
Weill remember her too ... and I AM her again.
I love to move, dance, train, and I appreciate
my body for all it does to support me. I am
no longer beating my body into submission
trying to feel good enough, pretty enough,
or thin enough.
I love my body, I love taking up space in the world, and I treat my body
with kindness, care, respect, and FUN!
Remember that girl who couldn't stand "advice-giving authority figures?"
Remember the one that was perceived as argumentative?
Well now I LOVE that about myself!
I wouldn't stand for others telling me how to live my life because I had a
strong intuitive sense about what was and was not right for me.
That intuition is back in full force now! I am very aware of my emotions,
my values, and what is in my highest good.
Every choice I make is in line with this self-knowledge and intuition. I am
living by my own ethics, values and priorities, so I feel like a success from
the inside out!
I have my self-trust back now, and the confidence to create whatever I
want for myself and my life. It is so empowering.
As far as my business goes, the coaching skill
set I learned at Coaching Cognition is
supporting my journey to create a very large
legacy as a coach in two very impactful areas:
First, as an Eating Disorder FREEDOM Coach,
and second, as a business coach guiding others
to create their own passion and purpose driven
I specialize in authentic video marketing, unique brand messaging, ideal
client clarity, and entrepreneurial strategies that reveal powerfu I and
attractive brands for my clients' businesses and cause a ripple effect
throughout their personal life as a result. It really is a magical process.
I hope and pray that many others wi II navigate this path so that the gifts
that they have been uniquely granted wi II be fully expressed for the entire
world to soak up and benefit.
There is only one you, who can do what you do, how you do it.
As one of my favorite sayings goes:
" In a world where you can be anything ... be yourself. "
In love and support, Shan
Eat1ng D1sorder FREEDOM Coach
I honestly d:dn 't KnoUJ UJhat I
UJaS 30;11_3 to do. It hqp;;;ened So
suddenly... I d:dn 't aj ob
anyMore. 4.f'ter More than 21 years
:n a ;;;ro.f'ess:onal M;n:stry Sett/11_3,
the SeM:nary h;t SoMe ;;;roVerb;a/
" hard t:MeS and I UJaS 3one.
It took just one afternoon for my economic future to reach immediate
uncertainty. My entire career had been dedicated to helping train pastoral
interns in a ministry setting ... Now what?
It was crunch time. I knew my family was counting on me, especially
financially, so I began to research ways to supplement my income online
where I was still able to harness my skills.
While in the ministry, I had been looking for something "on the side" to
add to my income since I felt I would need future resources and, besides, I
also knew that anything could happen-and it did.
As I moved through the process of trying to regroup and take those all
important "next steps" into my future, I became aware of Coaching
Cognition and the hands on education it offered.
Honestly, the decision to jump aboard and take the training with the hope
of becoming a coach could not be described as an "immediate, easy,
almost decision-less decision."
So my wife and I prayed ... interacted ... reviewed the cost (literally), and
sought counsel from Barbara Silva. Within a few days, my wife and I
agreed to follow the heart journey into my being equipped to enrich the
lives of others through Coaching Cognition.
I' ll stop here and share my poem, as it represents how this ongoing
adventure continues to be exactly that: a journey of the heart.
Quiet Battles
It is on the quiet and unseen
pages of the heart where my most
significant times of victory or
defeat are embedded.
For it is here, on these sacred
pages, where my destiny is written
and forged by the choices I make.
I will, therefore, strive to choose
love over hate, truth over falsehood,
forgiveness over bitterness, joy over
despair, and mercy over revenge.
In short, I will seek to guard my
heart and write on its pages many,
many times over the positive results
of the good choices I have made during
my short stay on this eart
Lee Wise All rights reserved
I gravitated toward coaching
because it's parallel with my
own beliefs and goals ... It is
so close to what I was doing
in ministry in terms of helping
people. I felt like I was on the
right track and the motivation
was high!
The teachers provided an
environment where I truly
" I went .f'roM be;n:J :n a Secare
M;n:stry sett:n:3 to not /;:now:n:J
how I was 3o;n:3 to ta/;:e care
o.f' MY f'aM:Iy. I had no :dea
that I woald Soon develo?
ab;l:t:es that woald elevate MY
l:.f'e s/;::1 IS. .. .f' or l:.f'e .
wanted to be. I loved the training, the people and the information. There
was a strong emphasis on family core values, which I really appreciated.
It is an integrity-based organization where they really help people. I was
grateful to be able to share my time with such great leaders.
The best part was the direct
parallel with my values. Their
teachings are guided by a heart-
felt process and based on leading
people to their own unique
success. For my entire ministry
I ife I had followed my heart... so
this was a meaningful transition
for me: I loved it!
It was an unexpected time of
growth for me. Coaching
Cognition was the vehicle for that
growth: a vehicle for which I
remain extremely gratefu I.
Coaching is heart-to-heart
communication. The coaching
ski lis I learned have enhanced
my heart-felt desire to help
people. Whether I find myself in
a spontaneous or planned
situation, I am able to uti I ize
those skills to do what I love
doing: help others!
Of course, the skills I learned also contributed to my business mindset
and my passion-driven spirit. It was an adventure to study under the
perspective of showing someone what they are capable of.
If you have a dream ... especially one that involves listening to people
with a caring heart and helping them realize their own heart-felt passions
and desires ... then this training is for you. It certainly was for me.
May you and those you love experience a meaningful and enjoyable life!
5teve and I Met ;n the;c._a}
world. We both had really 3reat
jobS, bLdjast d;dn 't love what we
were do;n:J We were loof::;n:; to do
SoMeth;n:J we C-oald both beC-oMe
;nVolved w;th ... a bL-IS;neSS that we were ?ass;onate
Steve felt like he was rotting away at his desk job; sitting in a chair doing
coding and engineering for countless hours. He used to be so athletic and
in shape, especially after being a marine ... but his work was killing him.
He had always pushed himself and was very physically active ... from
cycling to hiking. He's 6'8" but soon weighed 300 pounds. He decided
to make a change.
Our business idea of opening a gym came about after Steve started
researching ways to get back in shape. He got back into cycling and then
found CrossFit. He immediately got certified and purchased fitness
equipment. Steve started to train our friends in the garage, who soon got
fantastic results!
For me, I was a bit apprehensive.
I didn't know anything about
CrossFit and it did not look
appealing. It took Steve
convincing me to try it out,
because I really loved to push
my athletic capacity, too.
I loved it!
It was a big change for me after being a technical recruiter, and then taking
care of my kids. But I wanted to help my husband.
I started to blog the dramatic
results from Steve's clients via
WordPress, and then created
a Facebook page. I posted
stories and tagged our friends
(on Facebook), which spread
exponentially. What soon
unfolded was a community of
followers who became interested
in what we did.
Utilizing the online component to develop our business model was
priceless for the growth of our brand, and was definitely the key ingredient
to making our business thrive. It served as a tool to keep the business
moving forward.
I felt connected ... finally. I was
connecting what I loved to do
with so many people. My mission
became a way to keep people
happy and healthy. It really caught
me off guard because I never
realized how much I enjoyed the
role of community building until
that point.
Our success grew from word-of-
mouth and sharing our posts
on I i ne. Soon, many of the
mom's at my kids' school wanted
to try CrossFit with us. They all
wanted to try it! Everyone was
cheering each other along to get
in shape. It was very exciting.
There was a demand for us to expand. We realized after a year and a half
(of training people in our garage) that it was time to grow and go with it.
While it would still be a risk, we had momentum.
With the work we'd been doing to build a local following on Facebook,
and having already built up a group of clients, we could now move into a
bigger space with members ready to move with us.
When I think back now, I remember feeling that there were many
obstacles to face, but a strong desire to grow was there. Even though we
didn' t know what we were doing or how we' d do it... we just decided not
to hold onto fears of the unknown. Why not overcome it?
We took one day at a time; step-by-step.
We made wise choices in moving forward.
In December of 2011 , we found a 6,000 sq.
ft. space for our new facility. It' s amazing
how you can move from a place of
wondering how to accomplish your goals
to really making it happen.
" We took: a hu:;e r:sf :n
.f'ollow:n:; our dreaM. We
d:dn 't k:now how we were
:;o:n:; to do :t ... wej ust
.f'ollowed our ? ass:on and
BELIN@) that we could
MaKe :t hqp?en.
"Always remember that you can."
There was something that Mike
Klingler said to me when I
doubted myself ... "CAN I? [An
acronym for] Constant And
Never-ending improvement."
It was during a stressful time
between my transition of
working for an employer and
working for myself, and has
stuck with and helped me to
succeed ...
Mike also says to "push through like a rhino." I can picture a rhino
charging through all of my fears and barriers, and it actually works! When
I use this image mingled with the CAN I approach, it always helps me.
Steve and I adopted Mike's advice
as we put the business modules into
place ... Our business is succeeding
because we had a deep desire to
follow our hearts and believe that
our goal was attainable.
I know that our business has succeeded
because we believed in ourselves and
constantly pushed through the unknown
with faith and a true belief in our dream.
2 n e ~ -one Goal-setting Consuttatlons.wlth . T ~ o o
Workout Journal
( 5 03) 810-4722
PRO-'<S .. rt< VJ"'rl.-l' l .ANP <'OM
Bel"'ore />17" eyes lA..Jere o?ened to
Crea.6n:; MY olA..Jn career, I lA..Ja.S
3o;n:J !"'roM co//e3e to co//e3e,
try;n:; to .f!nd the rtjht CoUrSe
!"'or Me ...
I seriously considered many directions, such as when I left school wanting
to train as a wildlife ranger in Kenya.
The career guidance counselors didn' t have a folder on that, or my second
option, stunt double; so they put me on their expensive computer program
to determine my fate.
Due to being creative and liking animals, can you guess what they said
my ideal job would be? Taxidermist!
That was the dawning of realization that I didn't fit into the system.
We weren't taught in school that we have other options outside of college
or a minimum wage job. So with gritted teeth I followed a well-trodden
I went from a Countryside Management course
to a Public Services course; then onto training at
the British Racing School; then an apprenticeship
at it's polar opposite-The Donkey Sanctuary.
I was also considering the police force or being
a PTI in the military.
This was much to the dismay of my
teachers, who wanted me to continue
on to the university.
I couldn't decide upon the right
direction for me. I started to feel the
pang of worry; it felt like I had fallen
off the wagon.
My friends from school had
all moved across the country,
well into their university
courses; while I was still
just two miles from the school
we left. They were moving
up to the next level, while I
was Plato-ing.
"I Coa/dn 't dec._,'de L-IJ?on the
r'jht d,'r-ect/on .f' or Me. I
started to .f'eel the ?a.n3 o.f'
L-Uorty) ;t .f'elt /,'fe I ha.d
.f' a./ I en o.f' .f' the L-Ua.:Jon.
Although I was academic at school, I loved practical work, from making
things to physical challenges to manual labor.
Teachers had the opinion that
because I was academic I should
do something academic. I
disagreed, and to their horror I
redid the same level I had
already completed at school
because it felt more practical.
I didn
t want to be stuck in a
classroom with higher -level
courses; I wanted to be outdoors.
/hen .f:na.lly, I thoa3ht
I .f'oand MY ? ...
I had been training long and hard
in Muay Thai and boxing, with
the hopes of becoming a
professional fighter. I was also
completing an Adventurous
Activity Leadership course and
working as a lifeguard.
The vision I had for my life was to be a pro fighter, while continuing to
gain experience and qualifications in outdoor adventure. I wanted to be
traveling around the world leading expeditions, and instructing on
activities like climbing and kayaking.
So what happened? How did I get off track when things seemed to be
going so well?
I had struggled with health problems for years,
but was too stubborn to let it get in the way.
The result was I overworked an already strained
After completing my Outdoor Leadership Course,
my body went into shut down mode.
But what REALLY happened?
I let go. I quit.
I took a break from the romance of that adventurous career vision, and
just collapsed, shut down, and shut off.
Up unti I then, I had been keeping up a relentless pace. I've learned that
the minute I let in a thought of taking it easy, I crumble.
I' ve always been " all or nothing."
"I k:new one th;n:J .f'or Sare.
I d;dn 't wc?t to be brok:en
;nto SoMe j ob /;f:e a horSe ...
I was to do MY own th;n:J
We hear a lot about having a
balanced life, all neat and
tidy-fitting our lives into IKEA
But I am not "that kind" of
I am force. I am passionate, inspired, and driven; otherwise I am lost,
overwhelmed, lethargic, indulging in escapism, to the point of wasting my
And at that stage of my I ife, I became the latter, and it was a lot faster to
fall than it was to climb.
Falling rapidly presented new challenges. If I spent most of my time
passed out, asleep, too fatigued, weak, dizzy, or in excruciating pain to
move-what could I do?
I bought a laptop.
Having been introduced to Network
Marketing through buying a product for
my health, I started researching that world.
I loved the product, but felt uncomfortable
in Networking Marketing. It wasn
t how I
saw myself.
I was rabb;sh at sel ;;n:J sta.f'.f'.
Now this is not one of those Network
Marketing stories. For me, Network
Marketing was just my "in" to the world of
possibilities of online business.
I knew one thing for sure. I didn' t want to be broken into some job like a
horse, and I wasn
t going to be
into one either. I was to do my
own thing.
Contrary to what some people might
think, this isn't about being 'difficult' .
It's merely what I like to call having a
mustang spirit.
If you have this spirit and try to tame it
by settling for a job, or doing anything
that overly limits your freedom, you
It's because you've stepped too far out of alignment. You' ve become
disconnected. You start to self-sabotage.
I' ve learned I'm someone who needs freedom, particularly of the creative
I get restless if I have a job, even if I enjoy the work. I have this innate
thing where I start hatching escape plans; looking for the exit.
Have you ever done that? Where you can't stop thinking about just getting
up, knocking over your chair, leaping over a desk and climbing out of the
window, because it' s more Bourne Ultimatum than walking through the
door- and GOGOGOGOGOOO running!!!!! Running!!!! Running!!!
Woooooooooo .. .
Or is that just me?
So yeah, this is how I began to
envision the blazing of my own
trai I.
I spent a year learning from courses
that taught how to go solo, but I
became more and more confused
the further I went.
Sometimes my hands were too weak to even use the laptop, so I would
just listen to business, marketing, or personal development videos.
Often I would have to play a video three times because I had this sweeping
sleepiness that would knock me out. My progress felt like it was in slow
I was following the big online gurus in various Network Marketing
opportunities, and was trying to convert their teachings into a business
that I felt comfortable with.
I could see how implementing their teachings could "technically" work for
me, but not how it would duplicate for others, especially long-term.
That bothered me big time. If it wasn' t practical or sustainable for other
people, I wasn
t going to be the one getting them involved.
By that point I didn
t know what
I was in: Home based business,
Internet marketing, network marketing, MLM, attraction marketing,
information products, affiliate marketing, consulting?
They all seemed to be some sort of mirage.
When I set off into a direction for answers
all I ended up with was more questions.
What I definitely understood was that it was all a lot more work than the
sales pages stated!
I really have no idea how I came across Mike Klingler
s blog. I don
remember any guru emails about him, but I must have somehow clicked
his blog open in my browser. Thankfully!
--rlJ;s was the start of' the sh;.f't .. .
How To Discover & Market Your Own
Value In The New "Empathy Economy"
What caught my eye was his "Climate of Hype"
recorded webinar.
It talked about business and marketing
sustainability. I listened, and man, I felt
so relieved! Someone was voicing what
I was thinking!
It was like the antidote to all the craziness I had found myself doing in those
intermixing worlds-trying to be some big shot business pro? This wasn't me.
I wanted to guide people through the journey, from start to independence.
I wanted to get people to a place where they could coach themselves, have
strong foundations, and know with clarity and definition what they wanted
and how to get it. I'm now doing that.
The fundamentals:
Mike Klingler was the only 'guru' I heard talking about this at that time.
avidly read his teachings, each one more and more solidifying my
subconscious musings into conscious clarity. My brain was finally fitting
the pieces together and his Facebook walls were a place for me to mind
I was impressed that he often took the time to reply to my eccentric musings.
It's strange and incredible how a virtual 'wall' can be a place of such growth.
I found his MFM course and knew the
next Coaching Cognition term would be
opening soon. I wanted to do both, but
was sti II recovering from the costs of
the last big guru launch.
Having had to leave my job as an
activity instructor due to health
problems, money was an issue. I hadn' t
worked in over six months.
A lot of money had already been
spent towards past efforts. I could
see the bottom of the barrel , and
although I have no problem
spending my own earned money,
it was extremely hard to spend
money that my grandad left
me after recently passing.
It was a dilemma. I hadn't made
any money online up to that point.
My Gra;,dad
I saw the looks in people
s eyes. They thought I was na"lve; that I had been
seduced by get rich quick schemes. While I knew intellectually that I had
nothing to prove, I still felt like I did.
" I thoa3ht ;t was MY body
hoi d;n:J Me hoSia:Je, bai MY
M;nd was ?lo/;n:J a c ~ j o r
Time was spinning by and I knew
I couldn' t hide out much longer
in the learning phase. People
where asking me what I was
doing. I didn' t know how to
answer. What did I have to show
for myself? I felt like a desk
jockey; so far away from the
person I thought I was.
For that past year, I had kept myself in the study, in near solitude. It was a
surreal time, almost like being a self-imposed prisoner. Ironically, it was for
freedom: Health freedom, creative freedom, and financial freedom.
I thought it was my body holding me hostage, but my mind was playing a
major role. While most people would be horrified at the prospect of
spending that much time with their thoughts, it reall y was a blessing.
Sometimes you wander onto a path and keep walking down it, without ever
really looking up: " lt
s a dangerous business, going out your door. You
step onto the road, and if you don
t keep your feet, there
s no knowing
where you might be swept off to." - j.R.R. Tolkien.
Up to this point in time, I had drowned
myself in Muay Thai, boxing, and
Then I had spent a year taking courses
that taught how to follow a system,
but didn't actually help me "create
something" that was right for me.
I had moved so far away from who I was-the little girl who refused to
return to class because she was saving worms that had beached themselves
in the playground after a heavy rain.
4t .f:ve-years-o/d I
had a. M;,s,s;on and
I wanted to 3et
So I made the decision to make a leap of faith with my remaining pride and
funds into Coaching Cognition and MFM [School of Online Business 301 ].
I could list all the reasons why that was a smart decision for me. You
probably already know.
It doesn't matter if you learn theory; it's how you FEEL about what you' re
doing that counts the most, because that's what determines your action.
I can't tell you that MFM and Coaching Cognition will be your making.
These courses won't work for you unless you make them work for you.
I definitely made the most out of it; I must be the most coached person on
that Coaching Cognition course.
I tA..Ja.Sn 't !JO;n:J to tali: about the next ?art o.f' MY
story. It tA..Ja.Sn 't ;n MY .;;rst dra..f't o-1' th;s letter.
But ;n the S?;r;t o-1' ra.tA..J tra.ns?aren(!_y, I dec:!.-;ded to
share ;t tA..J;th you. I've learned tha.t the Very Sa/>1e
tra.;ts tA..Je M'":Jht See ;n ourselves a.s l;ab;l;t:es, tA..Jhen
Un(!_oVered, a.c:!.-taally bec:!.-oMe the .f'ael -!'or oar ?;onS,
a.nd oar b;33est assets. lha.t 's tA..Jha.t th;s next ?art
o.f' the story ;s really all about.
While I purposely chose to forge my own path in life, the driving force
behind this decision was a sense I was somehow disconnected from
everyone else, and that I couldn't make the "typical way" work for me.
Discovering this, and that these traits that make me different are my assets,
turned out to be a BIG bonus.
Apparently, I wasn't a normal baby. I didn' t cry. I didn' t want for attention.
I am told that I was most happy being put outside in the garden in my pram.
My mum was worried that I was brain damaged; I didn
t speak for so long.
I just listened. When I finally spoke it was in sentences, not words.
When I look back on photos of group situations, I see a
group of people all intermixing, and then me, like I
was photoshopped in on the edge.
I was always on the edge and fiercely independent.
And while I care deeply, I have come to learn
that I often express it differently.
Before understanding and embracing
these ' unique' qualities about mysel( this
was often a source for real challenge and
confusion in my life.
For example, I' ve always needed my own
I often found it really hard and
wearing, to the point of physical
detriment, to go out and spend all
day, everyday, with lots of people
at work or college.
I often ended up unintentionally
making enemies with girls because,
I found later, they thought I was aloof,
distant, unemotional, and uninterested.
"It u.Ja.S /;f;:e MJI u.Jho/e
u.Jotid u_;a_S turned U?S;de
dou_;n, and I suddenly had
no ;dea. u.Jho I u.Ja.S.
I remember one college teacher trying to force me to engage and go have
lunch at McDonald's with a group of girls in my class. I said, " I don't eat
at McDonalds."
This was simply the truth. From a young age, I had decided that
McDonalds's didn't fit with my ethics.
The teacher must have taken personal offense. She got so angry with me,
saying I had an attitude problem.
All I wanted was to just get on with my work. I was happy doing that.
didn' t understand why anyone would have a problem with it.
Then, in this last year, two different holistic health practitioners who I went
to for fatigue problems said, on a side note, that they thought I have
Asperger' s syndrome.
It was like my whole world was turned upside down, and I suddenly had
no idea who I was.
I felt like the last 19 years had been lived in humiliatingly blind ignorance.
I didn't know how people had perceived me all this time. I started to
question everything.
I then read an article that said people with Asperger's are like a different
species. That felt like a body shot from Tyson. I felt like hiding away.
More than anything I wanted to be a leader. But how could I be a leader if
I barely had the energy to move and was no good with people anyway? It
was painfully comical.
I received some coaching around this from Kay
Gilby, one of the students of Coaching Cognition.
Then I got angry, but in a good way-an
empowering way that will forever stick with me.
I realized that we are all truly unique and how could
I have let some stranger define what I am.
While there is a norm that I am not a part of, there is a group I do fit into:
The entrepreneurs, visionaries, innovators, and leaders that do things
This is why coaching is so powerful.
It doesn't judge you, label you, or try to "fix" you toward average; it accepts
who you are and works with that.
It's important to be you first and foremost.
For example:
I C..M now eMbrac..e that :LM More of' a b1j th,"nfer
thM a doer .
Instead of pretending to be someone I' m
not to fit a certain "ideal" I've learned to
embrace my traits. This gives me energy
and allowed me to create a business that's
aligned with who I am, so it can give so
much more to my clients.
Online, you see a lot of people trying to be something they're not, or
pretending to be; sagely imparting someone else
s words instead of voicing
their own; living under the virtual facade of being a happy shiny person
and leaping on anyone who they' ve deemed to be " less developed" as
they impart their opinions.
Be yourself.
There is something
that you can do
better than any other.
Li sten to the inward voice
and bravely obey that.
The point isn' t to be the most well rounded, Supreme
Being. lt
s to be you.
Whoever the heck you are.
MFM and Coaching Cognition helped to set me on
the path of finding what it is about me that' s unique
so I could create something that works for me.
This is not about what works for other people; this is about who you are
and what works for you.
These courses can take the smallest of subconscious belief and make it
From using the processes taught, I am now able to move all the thoughts in
my head and direct them into creating new content and products for my
I now understand that I have value, what ;t ;s, and
what to do w;th ;t.
I now have a. rea.!, Substantia.!, susta.;na.ble f;.f'e sf;:;;;
that hei?S other ?eo?le.
I love c..oa.c..h;n:J
Coaching allows you to immeasurably increase the value of anything you
create because you can coach people through their specific obstacles.
How many people buy books, video products, audio COs-and never get
through them; or do but never implement?
It' s the one-to-one direct help that
people want and need.
I have forged some wonderful
friendships from Coaching Cognition
and MFM, and we will all continue to
be a great support team for each
other. This is immensely valuable.
"/he reSona.nc__e o.f' these
courSeS reaches that
Core, CV?d d:rects you
.f'roM the dee?eSt levels
o.f' who you are.
When you work online at home, you don't have that team that comes with
a job. Even for lone rangers I ike myself, it's huge!
I feel grounded and have the feeling that I beat out all the hype in the
online business world, with substance.
Change happens from the core.
The resonance of these courses reaches that core, and directs you from the
deepest levels of who you are.
Mike Klingler and his creation
of MFM, as well as through
co-founding Coaching
Cognition with Barbara Silva
and the rest of the team, were
the catalyst that shifted me in
the entrepreneurial world,
from becoming to being.
Note the difference!
T '
r ,
N O \\" i '.\ 1 I.F '\l NG THE 1'0 1-I EI.I' ,\IL 10
Internet O??ortL-tn;ty ever;ene._e
and entre?renear;a.J S?;r;t C.oMe
to3ether ...
Be.f'ore Meet/113 Nata.sha th;l?js were a
b;t roc.fy on MY road to entre?renear;a.J
I got off to an early start as an ' entrepreneur' ... a car wash business at
11-years-old ... mowing lawns in high school. .. and then a start-up
venture in college. It was rewarding to be able to work for myself and
make my own money. Although my passion-driven spirit was leading me
in a positive direction, I knew I had a long journey ahead.
Self-sabotage was a recurring theme for me .. . especiall y after my
parents' divorce. It seemed as if I was carrying a brick-load of emotional
baggage everywhere I went. I started using their split as an excuse why
I failed in various ways during high school and then early in college. This
emotional weight was a crutch that I depended on when things didn' t go
my way.
Then one night, in my college fraternity house, I saw an infomercial with
Tony Robbins. That was when the self-sabotage started to shift.
I didn' t have enough money to purchase the program,
so I went to the bookstore and bought Unlimited
Power. The irony is that my father had just purchased
the program for himself. I borrowed it immediately.
Finally, my life was starting to get on track. I actually
WANTED to work harder in college and achieve
greater goals. I set my intentions on becoming the best high jumper on
the track and field team. I was inspired.
With perseverance, I started my next business venture with two of my
former college track mates at an advertising agency. We formed a
marketing company that negotiated the exclusive rights to market a
vertical jump machine, called the Leg Loader-invented by a former
world record holder and Olympic medalist in the pole vault, Earl Bell.
\ .
My passion was burning and I
was thrilled to be doing
something that I loved. I still
remember the first time at 11-
years-old when I first heard
the term, ' entrepreneur' . I think
that' s what helped me to
continue to push for success .. .
my DRIVE . . . my PASSION . . .
Sales were not enough to quit my "day job". We eventually lost the
exclusive rights to keep the product moving forward. My lesson? I
learned that even if something works well. . . you MUST ensure that
there is a sufficient demand for what you' re selling.
It was faith and perseverance that brought me to continuing the desire to
follow my passions.
It's funny how you meet people along
the way that guide you to your next
mission in life. That's when I met a
27-year-old millionaire who had a
Ferrari convertible, two Mercedes
Benz convertibles and a really big
house. This guy introduced me to
the world of network marketing.
I wanted so much to succeed. He spoke to me about a new start-up
company he created and I soon recruited everyone I knew to join in.
I finally felt that this was the beginning of my new life toward financial
freedom. Nearly two months went by and the company went out of
business, but I was not going to give up.
I jumped around in four different companies after that point and learned
another valuable lesson ... Just because a person was successful in the
past, doesn' t ensure he will be successful in the future. I kept thinking
about this, over and over in my head. It all boiled down to passion ...
what drives you.
At that point, I felt distaste toward
the network marketing industry. My
heart led me to study business
leadership and study personal
development. I listened to every
audio program on " the"
businessmen who impacted our
world-like Donald Trump, Jim
Rohn, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and
Brian Tracy.
I knew that it was possible to change my life around. I wasn' t the type of
guy that was willing to work a "normal " job and pray for retirement.
That' s not me.
Out of the blue-at the exact
moment I needed help, an old
college acquaintance contacted
me. He brought his 'heavy-hitter'
guy along to convince me that
their latest Network Marketing
adventure was a sure winner.
We set a goal of $1 00,000 a
month through Network Marketing.
"I've a/wa;s been an
entre?renet-tr. Ijast neVer
Knew what ;t traly re?t<;red
to St<CCeed ant// I entered
the world of' networK
Mat-Kett'n:J ...
I had reservations, of course ... especiall y after my past failures.
persisted that THIS type of network marketing was different.
But they
Everyone soon quit and no one wanted to be a part of it, so I was back
at square one.
That' s when I met Natasha ...
I was a/wa;s ;nVolved w;th crea.t/n:3
3rot-t?S and or3an;zat;onS s;nce I
was a !;tt!e 3;rl. I was a natara/
leader... Ijast d;dn 't reaJ;ze what I was cqpa.ble of'.
In 1Oth grade, I took it upon myself to approach the Sunday school
director at my church and pitch the idea of a new youth group. Through
my innate ability to connect w ith people and speaking to groups, I
recruited members and wrote articles for the church. I did so well
pl anning charitable projects and social events that by the time I graduated
high school , I had left a legacy behind.
During high school, I was elected as our school's government club's vice
president for the "model United Nations" ... a mock state legislative group.
My campaign was full of clever slogans like Nat-in-the-hat, and colorful
promotional buttons ... Not to mention that my entire speech was a poetic
My interest in politics led me to join a political campaign for a U.S.
Congressional race the summer before I graduated high school. I earned
the trust of the campaign manager and was promoted from yard sign
distributor to researching issues for the candidates' speeches. I was later
promoted to press secretary at the tender age of 1 7. I was writing authentic
marketing copy long before I knew that copywriting was.
In my senior year of high school I applied to Southern Methodist University
and was determined to be the recipient of the prestigious Nancy Ann and
Ray L. Hunt Leadership Scholarship. The scholarship would be awarded
to only 20 students out of 700 and was based on leadership, academic
achievement, and community service.
J J ..J
" /hroa3h M;fe Kl;n:3er 's
Marfet/n:3 runnel Mastery
worfsho?S a.nd h,"s onl:ne
CoarSe we were a.ble to Create
a. well- develo?ed Ma.t-Ke6n:J
.f'annel ... resalt/n:3 ;n nearly da.;ly
sales o.f' oar ?rodact - not to
Ment/on oar to 3enera.te
leads a.t a. ?roFtt .
I decided to distinguish
myself from the rest of the
applicants. Instead of
writing a traditional 2,000
word essay I wrote, " Meet
The Nat In The Hat," a
storybook of rhymes
including unique
accomplishments of my
senior high school career
with pictures from my
That little book turned into a
$100,000 scholarship.
Looking back, I had unknowingly
created a successful Unique
Selling Proposition and my own
personal brand 1 0 years before
I knew what that even meant.
In college, I wasn't so sure about what I wanted to do. My double
major-political science and advertising-seemed great at first . . . until I
learned how little money one would make starting out at an ad agency.
Because of my self-doubt, I followed in my father's footsteps and went to
law school. The only thing that really enticed me about becoming a
lawyer was the lucrative salary that came with it. Because law was not my
passion, I continued to build organizations on the side.
Throughout my second year of practicing
law, Hurricane Katrina hit. I remember
watching the horrific images on TV. That
night, my sorority sister and I spoke about
the tragedy. Her family was originally from
New Orleans, so we began discussing
what we would take with us if we had to flee
our homes. My friend said . .. "A teddy bear."
Right then it hit me!
We could collect teddy bears for the youth survivors of Katrina. My friend
jumped on board. We named our effort, "Bear Hugs With Love."
We set up collection boxes in our respective hometowns of Houston and
Memphis. Tapping into my old resources during my time in government
positions, I quickly drafted a press release and contacted the local media.
Within a week I was featured on the local news. Soon several schools and
organizations began to contribute to our compassion-driven initiative.
The outpouring of support was so encouraging that I designed a Website
to spark more interest. I asked people via online forums to mail me their
stuffed animals so that I could take them to New Orleans. I was leading a
fully expressed Internet marketing campaign before I even knew what
Internet marketing was.
Inspired by this collaborative effort,
people started sending me
shipments of stuffed animals. Even
companies like the Vermont Teddy
Bear Company, and churches and
schools from across the country got
"Bear Hugs With Love" grew
beyond my wildest imagination.
We received donations from across the country and abroad. In the end,
we collected and delivered 10, 000 stuffed animals to children throughout
Mississippi and Louisiana.

Our effort was featured in The
Washington Post and National
Geographic Kids Magazine. I then
realized that I was destined to do BIG
things. I finally had a clear vision of my
mission . . . to make a difference in the
lives of people, somehow. But I didn' t
know how . .. yet.

It was during this time that I met Rich .
I sti II remember the first time he came
to my house . .. my living and dining rooms were filled with boxes of
stuffed animals.
Rich' s friend invited him to a millionaire's
house to learn about a new travel
business opportunity. I begged Rich to
tell more about the business. He told
me that we could look at it again in six
Rich would constantly get phone calls from his friend bragging about his
generous income in the new travel business . .. apparentl y his income grew
every week.
The concept of working from home and creating a residual income blew
my mind. I begged Rich to go into business with me. He agreed ...
probably because he didn't want to snuff out my fledgling entrepreneurial
I caught the "entrepreneurial bug" and Rich was determined to succeed . ..
But this time we'd do it on our own.
We started by Googling ways to get leads for our
.. network marketing company.
Rich discovered an online training platform that
introduced him to the world of Attraction
Marketing. I stumbled onto a course called
Magnetic Sponsoring and another called the
Renegade Network Marketer. It was then that I learned about the concept
of Attraction Marketing, You, Inc., and the importance of providing valuable
information and multiple streams of income.
As we jumped in head first into our respective training courses, Rich
became intrigued with Pay-Per-Click advertising. I found blogging. We
both took massive action on the strategies that we were learning.
Rich was the first to begin experiencing
results, and quickl y began rising up in the
leader boards for his program. I created
value by writing more articles for my blog
and connected with people in forums .. .
But I wasn' t having any success.
Rich showed concern and wondered what I
was doing . .. Was I reall y working on our
One day, someone contacted us about our business from an online ad
Rich posted. I answered his questions and he signed up immedi ately.
That was the start of our first " money clap" self-recognition. It felt good to
finally produce resu Its.
The floodgates opened up. In addition to
Rich' s successful PPC ad campaigns, leads
started flowing from my bloggi ng efforts.
We even became top performers for three
separate affili ate programs. Soon people
began joining our network marketing
company without needing to speak with us.
We knew that we had found our golden ticket.
One day, I got a call from our network marketing company. They
decided that they did not want their distributors writing about the
company. I was given 48 hours to delete 18 months of blogging content.
I was devastated.
I decided to quit. Rich continued to pursue his dreams and kept moving
During this time Rich and I got married and then followed our dream of
moving out West ... to Boise, Idaho. Rich started to work full-time building
our online business (working over 16 hour days, six days a week). I started
practicing law again full-time.
Although we were making money, we knew there was something missing.
Although we knew how to generate leads and online sales, we were
clueless about reaching our six- and seven-figure income goal. I thought. ..
There must be a missing link!
Rich attended a Webinar
hosted by Mike Klingler about
the importance of a Marketing
Funnel and how to create your
own informational product.
After the Webinar Rich shut his
laptop and said: "We need to
create and sell our own
informational product."
Mike Klingler with Rich Hazlett at MFM Event
As Rich began working on the product, I couldn't help but get a little
jealous. I wanted my name on the product, too. I knew I had to step up
my game. I just felt like I needed more support. We worked diligently for
a month to get our product launched. Our results were less than
spectacular, yet we did make two product sales.
Getting paid for something that we created from scratch was exhilarating.
It felt like we printed money out of thin air!
We headed to Mike Klingler's live Marketing Funnel Mastery Workshop
with the intention of further developing our product. It was there that we
connected with fellow entrepreneurs for the first time. We both saw the
"big picture" . .. finally!
Through Mike Klinger's Marketing Funnel
Mastery workshops and his online course
we were able to create a well-developed
marketing funnel. .. resulting in nearly
daily sales of our product-not to mention
our ability to generate leads at a profit.
Our success in creating informational products resulted in joint ventures,
several speaking engagements and a new stream of income from
coaching clients. It was amazing! In the 16 months following our first
Marketing Funnel Mastery event, we had developed, launched and sold
three different informational products.
Currently, we have more products in development as part of our new
brand: The Savvy Entrepreneur ...
Now we are helping like-minded professionals who are looking to build
an online business. It' s rewarding and fulfilling.
We' re having the time of our lives!
Thanks to the team at Marketing Funnel
Mastery who helped us cultivate our
inner strengths, LEAD with our PASSION,
and focus on our unique desires.
Together, our "mastermind" continues to
bring us success and happiness every
I came to the d.5. SeVen years c<jO
on a hanch. I had th;s SenSe that
GerMan; was too SMall .f'or what I
wanted to accoM?I;sh ;n My' l;.f'e.
I wanted to be Mar;anne t<J;II;a.mson
or Neale :Oona/d walsh, eylor;n:J the world) /;at I
d;dn 't /::now where to be_::;in.
Shortly after I arrived to the U.S., I met my husband and got pregnant with
my first child.
Prior to giving birth, I had always been able to somehow take care of
myself. At age 18, I began my own decorative painting business; I waited
a lot of tables; I became a naturopathic doctor and humanistic
psychotherapist... all before the age of 25.
Suddenly, with a little baby to care for,
everything changed. I couldn' t put in
the 10 to 12 hours each day working
for someone else.
Something inside of me knew that it
would serve me and my family best if
I focused on my own thing. When I
think back, I didn' t even realize that I
would be fulfilling my dreams and
supporting the ones I love by
following my own heart.
I started researching home-based businesses and even tried to start my
own Internet-based organic children
s clothing label.
Back in Germany, just before coming to the U.S., I had joined an MLM
organization and built up a solid team of 800 people. For some reason,
though, I was unable to transition that business to the U.S.
I needed more resources to guide me,
so in 2007 I joined a team that taught
how to attract an audience and build
a business through what
s called,
"attraction marketing. "
I immersed myself in all things revolving around the Internet, sales and
MLM. It was at that time when I came across Mike Klingler
s earlier
courses, and started building my very first marketing funnel. I became
pretty good at doing all of the required tasks, but instead of attracting
qualified leads for my own MLM, I started helping and coaching fellow
people in the community, as well as my German team, on attraction
It didn' t take very long before I realized that I wasn' t successful in MLM
because it wasn' t authentically me. I couldn' t completely stand behind
someone else's product. If I was going to promote something
wholeheartedly with passion, it had to be my own creation. I took the
summer of 2009 to really hone in on what that meant for me, and to find
out what I was meant to do here, on this planet. In hindsight, I was kind
of like an eagle circling the sky ... waiting to land in one spot.
While circling, and taking time to observe
myself and fully awaken into my life' s
purpose, I gained great clarity. I wanted to
empower women to find their voice. This
was a mirror of what was going on for me
in my personal life.
When my daughter turned
three-years-old, the
suppressed memories of
my own early sexual abuse
rose to the surface. At first, I
didn't know what to do with
these emotions. I actually
believed that I had worked
through all of my stuff
I wasn't brave or clear
enough years ago to see
" I had th;s dream that one
da.; I u.JoL.dd have MY ou.Jn
book: c?d teac...h u.Jh;/e trave/;113
the u.Jorld. fh;s -l'ee/;n:J u.JaS
stron:3, yet I had no c...lue o-1'
u.Jha.t MY M;ss;on, M e S S ~ e or
a.;y o-1' the teac...h;n:JS u.Jou/d
ac...tua./ ly re?reSent .
that I was meant to help women regain their power in their personal lives;
still I thought that I was to help them succeed in business. My site, was born. It finally felt like I was
creating something of importance.
While I started generating some leads, I still had this feeling of not having
quite landed ... again, as the eagle who so passionately wanted to live
with purpose. I found myself wanting to talk about deeply rooted
emotional issues. I tried to somehow make that fit into a business and
marketing coaching platform. I just wasn't tapping into it the way I knew
I could ... with my full potential.
It was at that time, in early 2010,
by mere coincidence or rather by
aligning to my authentic self that
I was invited to participate in
Family Constellation training.
Family Constellations are a
branch of humanistic psychotherapy,
which includes the work that I had
been immersed with during my time
in Germany.
I was thrown back at healing my own deepest wounds. For a while, I
couldn' t even focus on my business empowering other women. All I
could handle was dealing with my own stuff and raising my daughter.
Through my training, with guidance, I had all of the tools I needed to
help myself heal. . . fully.
It was as if a veil had been lifted. Even though it wasn' t exactly the most
pleasant experience, I realized that all of this time I had been trying to
be someone who I was not. I had so desperatel y tried to be someone
who appeared to have everything together. I admit, at that moment it
was not pretty . . . knowing that I spent most of my life trying to feel
whole and gain the approval of others and society. But through my
training, I knew that I must face my fears in order to help myself and other
women truly succeed.
I didn't have to become "someone else", like the authors I read or learned
from. I was me, Carolin Hauser, born to help women heal their deepest
wounds. I had done it for myself and I realized I could now help others
through a similar journey of self-discovery of their own. My work may
not seem very glamorous on the outside, but it's authentic.
Since then, I have found peace within myself. I can now look people in
the eyes and tell them exactly what I do with conviction.
The steps that I had to take to fully turn my purpose and passion into a
REAL BUSINESS have been very clear thanks to my training with Mike
Klingler and his team.
Helping Women !Ita! from Early Sexual Trauma
Create a Trust-Filled
and Deeply Connected
Relationship with Your Man
....... - ..,;_ .. , ...... -.,..,..-- ....
There is an exciting new book coming for you!
Blossom- A 7 Step Journey
Wbrn it comes to &1Maod intimacy, Bbssomwill bdp)'ou co from a piiCt tblt )'Ourstoryalwa)'S
IdS in the way, to a place wbae )'OUare me to express all olwboyou
now told the lim chapterof Blossomfor froe. You11 abobeooc of the first to koowwbcn the
1 book"""""" ......Wtble to thepublit, t'W'Ttntlyscbcdu.ltdforSpriJlli 2012.
Mike Klingler's decision to live out his dream and focus on his passion
allowed me to do the same, regardless of what my sponsor or other
people in my MLM group believed. They couldn't understand why I was
willingly going the "hard way" and taking the road less travelled. Their
old-school mentality created confusion around why I would want to
build my own brand, when I could just make good money without
having to deal with all the hassles of running my own business.
There is nothing more rewarding (aside from spending time with my
husband and children) than actively participating in the creation of
implementing an idea of pure inspiration, and living your purpose.
Creating and running my own business allows me to do just that.
I never have to compromise my integrity or do things that I don' t stand for.
My work and my business are an extension of my expression in pure form.
My business helps me to touch and impact many lives, everyday. To me,
all that matters is being of service and making a difference.
The road here was not an easy one to find. I had to be willing to take
risks, undergo many changes and corrections along the way, and even
endure ridicule. On the outside it looked like I had no clue what I was
doing with my life. Decoration painting, psychotherapy, catering,
marketing ... it wasn't obvious to my parents, friends or peers that all of
this was somehow connected. But I knew.
I just kept moving forward ...
following my heart. Today,
THAT DREAM, the nudge that
caused me to leave Germany,
is real. I am an author. I travel
and teach my work. I impact
the lives of many.
Thanks to Mike Klingler and his wonderful team, I' ve found my purpose
and am living it.
I' m so happy to be launching a 7-week tele-course and teaching my
"Blossom: A 7-Step Journey- Heal Early Sexual Trauma and Create a
Trust-Filled and Deeply Connected Relationship with Your Man"
process. Blossom is my branded system. Each letter stands for one of
the seven steps through the journey of healing. My new book is set to
come out early Spring 2012 ... just when things begin to blossom.
With much love and appreciation,
Carolin Hauser
I -Found frlljSel.f' at a C..roSSroads ;n
MY bt-tS;neSS ... trans;tJon;n:J out o.f'
the ho..s?;taJ;ty ;ndustry ... wantln:3
to MaKe a b;.:fJer C..ontr;but;on.
I've had a lot of experience in sales and marketing. It's taught me the value
of continually seeking new and better ways to network and serve others.
I saw an opportunity to do exactly that at The School of Online Business.
Like most of us, I've overcome many challenges in my life. These
"obstacles" have helped sculpt who I am today. They have defined the
value I have to offer, as well as my success.
My childhood wasn't easy ...
I grew up in Taiwan within a social
environment where baby girls were
seen as worthless.
My mom was the mistress to my
biological father, so I didn't grow
up with a positive male influence
in my life. When she got a boyfriend,
it only got worse. Both of them started
gambling and drinking. I remember
knives flying around when there was
an argument.
It was an emotionally trying childhood ...
and as a young adult I knew I needed healing.
" What I reaJ;ze now ;s that
when a bt.tS;neSS ;5 N ()/
aJ,jned w;th yoar /;.f'e J?t.lrJ?oSe
and Core values, ;t 's hard to
3et t.lf? ;n the Morn;n:J
My motivation came from
wanting to prove my father-
him and all men-wrong. I
continued to place all of my
attention on improving my
In Taiwan, it' s not easy to get
a job if you don' t pass a
national exam and graduate
from a university. So I
worked my butt off.
I found myself trying to escape the violence with my family and walked
into the wrong marriage. Emotionally, it was a very deep and dysfunctional
As I was going through my divorce, a colleague of mine knew of my
struggles and brought me to his church. That was when my "boot camp
with God" began.
I was moved in a very miraculous way. This has nothing to do with
religion ... lt
s about my relationship with my creator: God. I found out
the purpose of my life!
This message came through very clearly when
I was visited by God Himself on my birthday in
2004. During that quiet, reflective time I was
given the message to write my personal story.
This became the inspiration to write my book,
"The Little Girl Called Grace. "
I always knew that any project could be turned
into a creative business, so I wanted to see if it
was possible to create a sustainable business to support my book, and
more importantly this message of hope.
But the process of writing the book had me kicking and screaming. There
was a lot of fear that came up. I didn' t expect to get through the
emotional wounds that had been ingrained so deep in my soul all over
again! I had thought I was healed long before that. Somehow though,
because of that process (writing my book), I really received my healing.
Writing the book was like giving birth
to a child, taking over 10 months. It
was an intense healing process that I
went through ... a weaning period that
forced me to go back to my past and
fully be healed.
The actual steps of writing my book have helped me shape my online
I had a realization: It' s about serving others and sharing my own story with
people so they can feel supported. So that, they too, can heal their
When YOUR business-the thing you spend most of your hours each day
doing-is NOT aligned with your life purpose and core values .. . it' s hard
to get up in the morning. How can you serve your audience when it' s not
what you really want?
Image provided by
Then this vision came to me
about speaking to a large
crowd at the Millennium
Dome. I went online and
started researching venues and
came across an image (of the
Millennium Dome) that hit me
to my core. I became inspired
by the idea of empowering
women on a larger scale, and
speaking out on the front I i ne
on topics related to human
trafficking and poverty.
Now (after writing and publishing my book) I'm ready for the stage to
speak to the public on a grand level.
Two years ago I was in a car accident. .. and that
s when I realized and was
reminded-! am living on "borrowed" time. Tomorrow is NOT guaranteed!
Ever since the accident the question often flashes in my mind: "What can
I do from where I am now-and not just wait until everything is all grand
and pretty-to make the biggest difference in people' s lives?"
With insight, I began to surround myself with certain leaders that would
help me align myself with creating a successful business plan. Mike
Klingler was one of those leaders.
Through his courses and workshops,
Mike played an integral role in my
career development.
During a one-on-one telephone
coaching session with Mike after our
"official discussion" about my business,
I mentioned something personal.
"Mike, you know ... I have something, not so much about business ... but
it's from my heart, can you look at it?" Mike reviewed some PowerPoint
slides while we were still on the phone.
Then there was dead silence ...
Running through my mind were so many fears and insecurities . . . " I knew
it. He must be thinking I am silly & crazy ... "
But then he asked me some GREAT coaching questions ...
And then, after he listened, he responded by saying something I wasn
expecting: "It' s brilliant! Kelly, you have your heart and soul into this!
You' ve got to do it! I cannot help thinking how many lives will be
impacted if you follow through. "
This boiled down to a deeper meaning for me . .. to be a messenger of
Just like Mike would say . .. "You need to create your business in
accordance to how you live your life . .. not the other way around."
That' s why Mike is so unique. He teaches us to create a passion-dri ven
purpose. When you DO that you WILL believe. It' s funny how people
chase after success. Success will come automati call y once you pursue
your own significance.
I realized just how much coaching services provide " life changing"
experiences in a very practical way. So I decided to enroll myself into
Coaching Cognition, for the purpose to learn, serve, and contribute.
I began to reap the best rewards ... I ike this:
.6 Denise Winters likes this.
Denise Wint ers earli er today ... I didn't know where to
begi n .. NOW I know exactly what to do next ... and how to do
it ll YOU are amazing KellyHI
21 mi nutes ago Unlike 116 1 person
Denise Wint ers And I know what to do, because I spoke to
you, Kelly! Thank you sooooo much!!
20 mi nutes ago Unl ike 6 1 person
I writ e a comment ...
"awesome!" on Alex Smith's photo.
"Thank you so very much, Denise! ... " on Denise Winters's link.
Denise Winters
j ust got of f the phone wit h Kelly Baader OMG .. she is amazing . If you
want to create your own Vi deos and learn about brandi ng ... You have to
look at thi s!! Thank you Kelly!!!!!
Can you imagine how much heartache and resources we have saved
Denise and so many others through coaching services ... helping them li ve
their dreams!
And it all started from one response from ONE awesome coach: ;;Kelly,
you can do it, let's figure it out!"
Now that my book is published and has touched an audience, 1
m now
able to I is ten to their feedback and use that information to expand my
business and impact MORE lives.

The book has helped me understand my audience with greater clarity ... to
see what their values are ... to hear their fears and better understand their
own struggles. This leads to more coaching sessions where I can listen
even more intently. It leads to the creation of other products. From there,
I can get even more feedback ... and all the while 1
m generating income
and serving.
With the book, and all that unfolds after it, I can continually translate what
m learning about my ever-evolving audience into a message that will
inevitably place me on that stage at the Millennium Dome.
What helped me to succeed with my business?
It's about taking responsibility and the willingness to overcome challenges,
no matter how much you get caught up along the way. You just have to
keep moving forward.
True transformation happens when you shift your focus from the self to
serving others.
I know one day I will stand on that stage at the Millennium Dome in
London and influence the world with an expansive reach ... supporting
the causes against poverty and human trafficking.
I've seen women all over the
world being devalued and
mistreated. My mission is to be
a top influencer, like Oprah, and
really be a voice for women
who need empowerment.
Remember ... What doesn' t kill
us really does make us stronger.
In the end, nothing happens in our lives that will be wasted. I believe that
everything happens in our lives so we can help others through their own
Consider discovering and turning your life
challenges into value for others, as well.
Your audience is waiting for you!
Much Love,
Kelly Baader
A Look At Your Options & Opportunities: This section gives more
examples to demonstrate the limitless scope of opt ions available to create
your own career. We'll show you 10 categories, which are used to "tum on"
your creative process and formulate your entire online business (including
product creation, brand, message, and structure). The Master's Program
guides you through this process from A to Z.
Do You Like Lizards?
If you liked lizards (or anything else), this might become your muse; you
can use any 'subject of interest' to help inspire fresh ideas, and begin
formulating your new career.
An interest in "anything" can drive your entire planning process; or it
could play a smaller, but still important, role.
Using the lizard example, the role might be:
A character in a line of fiction books, or
To teach pet owners how to breed lizards
with a line of "how-to" products, or
If you cared about environmental issues, a
lizard might just become part of your logo.
Be it an interest in interior design, a general desire to help people in
need, motorcycles, sports, or saving bees from extinction, anything can
be your muse to influence or lead the creation of your business.
In The School of Online Business Master's Program, we
guide you through all of this, to align you with your
business so it's a win-win (a "win" for you, and a "win"
for your audience who will be interested in your offers).
There are 10 categories that drive your creative
process. A !PPiC (like lizards) represents just one of
these 10 categories. We'll discuss all 10 categories
later in this section.
Greta Jourdane
Let's look at an example of what a creative process might look like
before an actual business exists yet:
The person I interact with below (Greta) shares how she's creating
a business around books, inspired by her passion for animals, including
We' ll look at how
Greta's core values
and interests (like
animals) sparked the
early inspiration for
her own passion-filled
career, fully aligned
with who she is.
Read the brief
discussion on
your right:
This discussion
illustrates how you
can start formulating
a business without
it becoming a
daunting task.
The process can
actually "inspire"
Greta Jourdane
Hi Mike and everyone I'm Greta
Unlike Comment Sat urday at 4:22am . t,.<)
!6 You like this.
Mike Kli ngl er Hell o Greta, I see you like rept iles . . d'o you
have a business associated with t hem? j ust curious!
Saturday at ! 2:58pm Like 16 1
Greta Jo urdane Hi Mike, thank you for having me here a nd
thanks also t o Tim Holmes for making your page known t o
me just last night. To answer your question, I woudn't exactly
call it a business, j ust yet, as I am bui ldi ng a lot of trust
among animal lovers. My chief goal is to write educational
books that hold interest. The books will be targeted at
any age audience ... wit h children in mind (mainly). The best
way to get through to people on anima l awareness is
managing to keep their interest up and going as they read
the book. Good illustrat ions will be counted upon to help
generat e the intrest I' m wanting to create.
Yeste rday at 2:13am Unlike 16 1
Mike Klf ngler Wonderful! Keep me in t ouch as it progresses;
perhaps I could feature your story as it unfolds.
Yeste rday at 8:18am Like 16 1
. ~ Greta Jourdane Thanks Mike, I've started in a very small
way. I was approached by "Animals and Us," which is a
l program designed around t he young, teaching them positive
values. Word had got to them about my story and they askedl
if they o t ~ l d publish it on their website. The story makes
people reel thei r emotions and I t hink thats good. As today it
seems society out there as a whole discourages people to
have any emotion at all.
17 hours ago like
Did you notice Greta's core
values and personal interests
shining through as she described
the inspiration behind her work?
She spoke of "animal awareness,
educating the young, teaching
positive values, and helping
people connect to their emotions."
Because this process is driven by
what's important to you, it can be
energizing as it opens new doors
through self-discovery, even outside
the scope of career. It can increase
your awareness and with it, new
opportunities and options in your life
didn't see before.
Greta is aligning her work with her own core values and interests.
Did you notice that by putting her intention "out there" in the
Internet economy, while developing it, she's attracting
collaborations with people who resonate with who she is and
what she's doing?
Let's pause a moment to underscore the last point:
When you get in touch with your own interests and let what matters to
you "get expressed" online, you naturally attract others who share those
In the new economy, this 'authenticity' establishes trust and attracts
collaborations (like Greta attracting the organization who featured her on
their website after "word got out" about what she was doing).
This authenticity is the "core magnet" that attracts your ideal audience.
Not surprisingly, this also attracts "aligned" friendships along the way.
As you take this a step further and present your value through what's
called a marketing funnel (a means to build your contact list and
automate the selling process), your audience buys and even helps
promote what you offer, without need for manipulative marketing
strategies, because they like what you're doing.
Nothing in this process needs to be forced.
When approached correctly it is an authentic experience, and far simpler
than most make it who haven't attended The School of Online Business.
We'll help you piece this together to ensure everything you're building is
included and congruent.
By "congruent" we mean that you, your marketing structure, your
products/services, and your message and brand, are authentically
aligned to "attract" your ideal audience; while the "experience" of
planning, building, and supporting it feeds you because you're proud
of what you're doing, and how you're doing it.
With proper guidance and instruction you can turn a passion, topic of
interest, past career, a skill you've just learned, or a life lesson/
hardship into a successful New Professional career-even if you're
starting from scratch.
If you have a business now, online or offline-or already have value
to offer; such as consulting, coaching, books, workshops, products, or
services; or if you have knowledge on a subject of any kind; you can
start applying our holistic approach to serve more people, earn more
effortlessly, and enjoy far more time leverage by putting your focus
into making your model congruent in every way.
The key is to align the value you want to offer with a need in the
marketplace; and then put it into an optimized marketing funnel
structure, which should merely be an extension of who you are.
This is exactly what we assist you with at The School of Online
We've turned the mysterious art of helping you discover your
own authentic value-and teaching you how to package and
market it successfully-into a duplicatable science; but the end
result is unique and ideally suited for each person.
Creating Your Ideal Career: 10 Categories
How do you discover your own value and
then package it into a New Professional
career all your own?
We've developed 10 categories to help you
figure it all out. Consider these like 10 "puzzle
pieces" that help you construct a personalized plan, from start to finish.
In the Master's Program, we'll guide you through these 10 categories to
help you piece it all together.
Some of these categories offer the inspiration for your early ideas and
planning, like what your content and value will actually end up being.
One category represents how you might package your content, and
helps you create your own products and services.
Another category represents the structuring of your marketing funnel,
which automates the selling process.
Each category below has many options within it, which we walk you
through; so you end up building your ideal scenario based on your life
experiences, interests, personality, goals, and core values.
4J fr@f?cr fr OUiJ[p)crf? ~
f?fr WOllf? 0c9J0 f P O f l ~
(We describe these in further detail later in this section)
1. Source of Inspiration (This is where you look first to uncover
new ideas)
2. Goal (Short and long-term financial and lifestyle goals)
3. Impact (The intention behind your work. How does it serve or
benefit others?)
4 . Your Role (As a New Professional; not what you do as a career
offline now)
5. Topic (What subject does the value you' re delivering fall under?)
6. Packaging (How you might package the free or "at-cost" value
you offer into products)
7. Use (The purpose a particular content or value piece serves in
your model)
8. Who (The market/audience who wants what you offer; related
to your niche)
9. Marketing (How you will attract your ideal audience and customers)
10. Structure (The tools and process used to automate the marketing
& selling process)
*You will borrow from these different categories to create your own ideal
career. Some categories will be of great importance to you, while others
will not. It is dependant on what's inspiring or motivating you as we
look at your life experiences, interests, goals, values, and intentions,
among other things. We guide you through the entire self-discovery
process, with a simple step-by-step foundational system to help you
create your own plan (including products, niche, brand, message,

Let's Look Closer At The Function Of Each Category:
1. Your Source Of Inspiration
When you begin the self-discovery
process in the Master's Program, we
start with "Your Source of Inspiration."
This single step can ignite your
creativity and direct the framing of
your entire plan.
Or, what's uncovered may simply play a small role as we work through
the next steps.
Either way, any of these (below) can be a starting point to begin
framing your business & new career.
A past career, profession, educational background, or skill
A painful life experience and what was learned from it
A life story that offers insight and meaning for you (and likely others)
A purpose, life vision, or higher calling; a desire to help others
A topic or subject you're interested in, or a hobby
Desperation (current financial or emotional desperation, for example,
can offer inspiration, to uncover value you can provide to others)
Refer back to the student's story summaries on pages 21-33. Consider
what inspired the creation of their careers (from the list above).
*We guide you through discovering "Your Source of Inspiration" in the
Master's Program.
2. Your Goals
It may seem obvious that having
clarity on your goals is a vital step,
and yet most don't factor this into
their plan responsibly because they
don't know how.
We include this in your early planning process when it counts the most.
As you connect the dots and begin formulating your plan, we'll help you
quickly research if ideas that spring forth can reasonably allow you to
meet your financial and lifestyle goals.
If not, we guide you through adjusting your plan (or your goals) so they
align accordingly.
You will consider your:
Short-term financial goals (Each: 6 months, 1 year, 2 years)
Middle range and long-term financial goals (Both: 5 years, 10 years)
Short-term lifestyle goals (pertains to what you'd like your life to "look
like" while implementing and supporting your new career in the first 1-2
Middle range and long-term lifestyle goals (pertains to what you'd like
your life to "look like" while implementing and supporting your career/
business once it is developed).
Consider for illustration purposes:
Do you want to create something that will eventually allow you to be
hands-off in your business-a true "4-Hour Workweek, like Tim Ferriss
discusses in his best seller?
Or, do you prefer human interaction and look forward to continuing to
support and assist people in a personal way?
Perhaps you want the option of both, so you can decide later, as you
develop your middle & long-term plan?
These are key questions to merge into the process early to create the
life of your design.
Let's say you have an interest in becoming a certified life or business
coach. You enjoy helping people, and you're attracted to the idea of
developing professional "life coaching" skills. You decide to enroll in a
coaching course and start your New Professional career in coaching.
In the early stages of your career, you begin coaching clients.
But should your career stop with just one-on-one coaching? Or,
should you create products for automated, leveraged income too? It
depends what you want to accomplish. If you think about these
questions beforehand, your progress will be faster.
In this example, let's imagine you plan to begin coaching one-on-one;
then, as a middle range plan, you'll move into making time-leveraged
income with group coaching; and as a long-term plan, you'll create
your own products-so you're not always dependent on trading time
for money.
Having this detailed out in your plan early, before you start, is
crucial. It allows you to begin preparing for your 'next phase' of
career through a natural progression.
To Meet Your Goal You Must Clearly
Know Not Just What It Is, But More
Importantly, The Intermediate Steps
That Take You To It!
3. Your Impact
It's powerful to consider the meaning
behind what you're setting out to do.
This part of the process is another
early step for creative inspiration.
You'll revisit this step several times
throughout your planning process,
while melding together your ideal
This helps ensure what you're doing feeds you, as it gives significantly
more value to your audience and customers with a sense of deep-rooted
It also helps authentically create "attraction power" in your message and
You'll ask and answer the question, "What's the DEEPER benefit people
might get when they access my free content or buy from me?"
By looking at the positive impact your "value" represents in people's lives,
you discover (without having to be a marketing genius) emotional "hot
buttons" that authentically attract an ideal audience.
This step assists greatly to uncover who your ideal audience is going to
be, and how to reach them.
This step will also emotionally connect you to your work, which is a key to
personal fulfillment (enjoying what you're doing long-term, as you make
Having clarity on 'Your Impact' inspires confidence in what youre doing. You
know itll be successful because you see the bigger purpose behind it. It
can turn something you're just trying to sell into something that really matters.
Let's consider Cassandra, the young woman who
created YouTube videos about "How To Apply
Make-Up To Cover Acne."
If she only considered the surface benefit of the information she
provided, she may not have been inspired enough to see the project
through. She may have never offered it.
But she recognized the bigger impact her "content"
would have in people's lives.
In fact, she mentioned this in media interviews as her
driving motivation. Watch interview:
She considered her audience's boost in self-esteem.
The impact of her work goes far
beyond "make-up."
By getting in touch with the deeper
purpose behind what you're doing,
you find inspiration and motivation you
can't force or fake.
You connect with your audience authentically.
You attract in your marketing, rather than chase.
We're referring to the 'heart and soul' here of what's called "attraction
Most people who teach attraction marketing teach merely the surface
of it, and it shows up in the results of thei r students.
Attraction marketing becomes "magnetic" when it's authentic.
Another Student Example:
Let's say you're planning to create an information product for
homeowners on how to sell a home via a rent-to-own program.
In other words, you'll be teaching homeowners how to find a buyer who
can't qualify for a loan, but still hopes to own a home someday.
How will this information really
impact someone's life?
What good will it really serve out
If the homeowner is heavily
burdened by a high mortgage
payment, but can't sell the home for
what they originally paid, because the market has changed, the "rent-to-
own" option could help them get out from under some stress in their lives;
it could even mean avoiding an eventual foreclosure or bankruptcy.
In this example, the impact of your product in their lives, and possibly
their children's lives, is profound.
You can go further, and you should.
It could also be a big benefit to the buyer, even though they'd be paying
much more for the home over the long run. They'll be able to own a
home when otherwise they couldn't.
This might help them get into a better neighborhood, giving their family
access to schools, and a lifestyle, and a sense of pride, they may have
otherwise never enjoyed.
Now this little information product starts to sound A LOT more valuable!
Digging deep like this helps you gain confidence and clarity about how
much you may be able to legitimately charge for a product or service.
This confidence inspires you to put more planning into what you're doing,
to follow through, and to create a win-win-win. A win for you financially; a
win for the homeowner needing to get out from under a stressful
situation; and a win for the home buyer.
By getting in touch with the deeper "meaningful" benefits
behind your offer, you connect emotionally to what you're
doing (this can inspire you, and bring clarity to the purpose
of your work; and also to those considering the product
because this "meaning" can now be communicated through
your brand, message, and marketing).
Most marketers (who aren't students of The School) don't spend
enough time, if any, digging into these questions, and it shows. It
shows in their marketing message, their brand, their "style" and
their results.
We go deep with you, and with the help of our coach-consultants, so
your plan is not only structurally sound, but also has an emotional
"truth" communicated all throughout it, that's meaningful and authentic.
That's what attracts your audience
and buyers in an effortless fashion,
once it's all set up. And that's what
will personally fulfill you most.
That's the result of authentic "attraction"
marketing, and the result of creating
your plan at The School of Online
4. YourRole
By considering which categories
suit you most (see below), you
begin to form a picture, or context,
for what your New Professional
career might look like. Remember,
you'll be walked through this entire
process in the Master's Program.
Roles you will consider:
Teacher (In any subject or topic of interest)
Coach (An ICF credentialed, professional coach)
Consultant (Usually one-on-one where you solve a problem for
the client)
Author (books, e-books, Kindle, audio author, newsletter, blog, etc.)
Entertainer (includes art, video, music, poetry, humor, greeting
cards, etc.)
Activist (Political, environmental, social , educational, spiritual, etc.)
Facilitator (Creating a platform, system, or service that empowers
others in some way; but you're not necessarily interacting with the
customer or creating the content).
Speaker (Online or by phone, in-person seminars, workshops, etc.)
*Often these roles blend together. For example, if you were an author,
you may be "teaching" something, but also offer drawings in your book
that offer elements of "entertainment", as just one example. In The
Master's Program, we help you discover your strengths and hone in on
what you'd enjoy doing most, including what you'd be most successful
at. We'll discuss these roles again, later in this section.
5. Topic
Considering the "Topic" you are
interested in helps formulate your
early content, products, and
marketing message.
For some, this will be a key element
in creating your career; for others it
will play a lesser role.
Below are some examples of random topics that could jump-start the
creative process. Of course, ANY topic could apply.
In the Master's Program, you're guided through uncovering key topics of
interest. With the assistance of our coach-consultants, and by
considering the other nine categories at play (such as your financial
goals), you create your ideal career.
Some Topic Examples:
ness . Architecture
u11a/tll fitness & we Public or Business Adml I

, lnlstration
l!!ftJ//tll tifJ!tiPjJ///f//1 lftltif!f!Ji; 1
, 'eetinl Brick and Mortal Business Marketmg
.fnffl/11 Online Marketing
.J/IJI//tlllt1itl (1/Jil!i Jltl!ll!t1 J/tlftl!IJ.veterinarian B I
usmess Development
-liu/'Uen/Pff -Pets
Wildlife In Your Area Math -Sports
Build Your 0 .
r wn K1tes
How lo
tal Issues sa
How the Brain

JHfDIDI/dff pooff
-At-Risk Kids

&iP! pctelf

i/fJII' {fJ get -Education
M HowToP/ayPiano
, PP Y akeUp
:ll)?k Q;ff -t\\\\\""
-How ro Quit smoking \\\\\
Anything could fall under this
"Topic" category. In addition to
general topic categories, we included
sub-topics in the examples.
In other words, "Relationships" may
be a general topic of interest for
you; and under it you may come
up with "Conflict Resolution."
In the exercises in the Master's Program, you are guided through a
detailed and rather fun process that pieces together topics of interest
you have. You then organize these into sub-topics so you can begin
researching possible "niche" target audiences that will ideally match
your financial goals, based on research we show you how to do online.
You are shown how to compare this information with the "results"
uncovered from the work you did in each of the other categories to meld
together the perfect plan for you.
Remember, you will also have coach-consultants assisting you at critical
points in your process.
6. Packaging
This category helps you formulate your products.
Some of what you create can be offered "free" to
attract your audience, while other products or
services are packaged to sell.
Will you create videos, write a book, offer offline
workshops, online classes, provide coaching
services? You have a lot of options, which
we'll cover on the next page.
- -
If you al ready have a business, this category helps you get clear on
how to package your "value" to attract more customers effectively
(whether it's an online or offline business); or to significantly increase
revenue over time with new offers.
Even if you have no idea what value (or products) you could possibly
offer, or how it will relate to your current business, this process
helps you discover what it will be.
You will meet with your coach-consultants
throughout this entire planning process, at
pivotal moments, to help you with the classes
and exercises.
This is a proactive and introspective process
that can be a lot of fun because you're going to
uncover things about yourself that influences much more in your life than
just your business. You'll gain confidence, clarity, and purpose as you
merge "who you are" into the New Economy.
Because of the depth of this planning process, it's not uncommon for
students to enter the program "thinking" they already know what they
want for a career or business, only to discover a more rewarding plan.
Here are some quick examples of "packaging" options you will
learn about, and select from, based on your personality, strengths,
interests, skills, preferences, and goals.
Physical books Offline Workshops
E-books Online Workshops Live
Books on Kindle Online Recorded Trainings
Webinars Live Subscription Products
Recorded Webinars Membership Sites
Information Products One-on-One Coaching
Coupons One-on-One Consulting
COs Video Instruction
Group Coaching Gift Certificates
Video Other Physical Products
Promo Codes Conference Calls
If you already have an offline business (selling anything from cupcakes
to a gym membership), you can create online products to help attract
business, or to expand your offers and increase revenue significantly.
7. Use
What is the PURPOSE of any
given piece of content used in
your business or marketing?
In other words, how are you
going to "Use" your content,
products, or seNices within your
entire business and marketing
structure to optimize profitability
and results?
As just one example, you might create something to offer free so you
can collect people's email addresses. You can then "sell" other related
products to that email list through an automated fashion, which is where
you'll generate your income (in this example).
This is just one of many possible options for "Using" content.
Let's look closely at this example:
Let's say you hire someone to set up a simple webpage (inexpensively)
for the sole PURPOSE of generating leads for your email list.
This would be your "Lead Capture Page." On this page you add a quick
video asking the visitor to enter his/her email address in exchange
for free information or something of value. This free value can be
packaged as:
An E-book, or
A Instructional Video Series, or
An Invitation To A Webinar, or
A Coupon For Cupcakes, or
Free Pass To Your Gym, or
* In the Master's Program, you don't just
learn "what" to do and "how" to do it; you
get access to one-on-one support from our
coach-consultants along the way. You are
also part of a close-knit community that
gives feedback as you practice the skills
within a safe environment.
In this example, the USE of this piece of content is to attract leads
for your main business.
Continuing With The Example:
You may be wondering how the example
of USING free content to build an email
list generates income. We expand on this
later, but let's continue briefly for
illustrative purposes.
Your email list is your potential buyer's list.
You already know what topics they are
interested in because it's related to the free
offer you used to attract them. You can
now sell topic-relevant products and services
to this audience.
~ c o n t a c t
By setting up an "auto-email" system, which is very easy to do and starts
under $1 0/month, you can send emails to dozens, hundreds, and
eventually thousands of people with the simple push of a button. In
the "Show Me The Money" section we'll illustrate just how fast the
income adds up. You can also pre-schedule your emails, and have them
sent to your audience, automatically, from the day they join your email list.
This allows you to build a relationship, establish trust, offer more free
value, and sell products and services like clockwork.
When you offer free content and send emails that you, yourself, would
want to receive (because it provides value in a non-sales-like manner)
you build trust and credibility, and your audience wants to buy from you
This was just one example of how you might "Use" content for the sole
purpose of attracting your email list (giving your content away free in
exchange for their email), so you can then automate the selling process.
Let's look at another example:
In the next example, let's say you're trying to sell a product or service
with a high price-point. Let's look at how you might create content to
"Use" to help you accomplish this, while generating revenue at the same
The Master's Program teaches you how to create your content in
such a way so it optimizes profitability, while aligning with your
interests & strengths.
We often see people making the same mistake. They create videos,
write emails, hold webinars, write a book, create e-books, and invest
a lot of time creating content that isn't effective. Why?
Because they haven't been trained on how to "Use" their content for a
grander purpose so the "pieces" work synergistically together to
leverage time and optimize results.
We illustrate on the next page.
If you don't create a plan with these considerations, and if you
don't know all of your options, you can end up producing a
fraction of the income you would with the same content,
products, and work.
This is a common issue for those who have never completed a
comprehensive online training program.
They have books, blogs, and even offer great value on their
webpage or Facebook page. They have marketing funnels. They
might create great videos.
But they didn't create a smart plan that would have made their
content profitable.
In the next example, we illustrate how "smart planning" can
significantly increase profitability, using the same content that may
have otherwise produced little result.
Let's say you have an idea for a topic you' ll be teaching about in a book
or class you'd like to offer.
Your original plan might be to sell the book or class at a high price-
point, because the information is valuable (the topic could be related
to buying distressed real estate properties, or how to find one's life
purpose, or perhaps it's related to raising a "special needs" child).
Consider a more effective way to "Use" the content:
Instead of having just one book, or one class, you might decide to
break this into three parts.
1. Some of the content might be "Used" as a free e-book or video, to
generate leads (as illustrated in a previous example).
2. Other content might be made into a low-priced product, which more
people will purchase because it costs less. This content is "Used" as
a funded proposal, which helps you attract more sales to the higher
priced product because it builds trust and works to pre-educate your
3. You still create your high-priced product, but because you've
considered "Use" carefully, you also have a better marketing strategy
and more cash-flow.
In this example, the content you offer is basically the same whether
you provide it in one product, or break it into three parts. But the total
value you offer has now significantly increased. You earn more income
because you generate more sales. At the same time, you serve
more people.
We teach you how to break up your "content" and package
your message effectively; from your Facebook posts onto
your high-end products, you'll know how to do it right.
How Content Might Be "Used":
To Build Your Email Database
To Sell As Your High-End Product I Service for Revenue
To Sell As A Low-End Product To Build Trust & Credibility
To Offer As A Funded Proposal*
More possibilities for "Use" are covered in future courses
* Funded Proposal is a term that describes "Using" a low-cost item to
help bring in revenue so you can afford to advertise. The low-cost
item is priced low to attract more buyers. It pre-educates the audience
on the value of the higher-priced item and leads them to purchase it.
They call this a funded proposal because you're getting funded
when the customer purchases the lower-cost item, while you're also
able to make your proposal to buy the higher-cost item (thus, the
term "funded proposal"). We also refer to this as a "Zero-Cost"
marketing strategy.
* In one of the examples, earlier in this
section, we mentioned you might
have someone else build a webpage
for you to collect email addresses
by offering free content. While it is
now very simple and inexpensive to
hire help, you may decide to create
the webpage on your own (even if
you're not tech-savvy) using simple
templatized tools.
We offer click-by-click (follow my mouse) tutorials making it simple to
either hire out, or create, a webpage; or anything else you need.
Refer back to the section, "A Closer Look At The New Internet" for a
discussion on how you no longer need to be tech-savvy to participate
in the new online economy.
B. Who
This is the audience interested
in what you offer.
In the Master's Program, we've
designed this discovery process
so you naturally arrive at aligning
"you" (personality, core values,
etc.) with them (your audience) to
attract people into your business
authentically, enjoyable, and more effortlessly.
Traditionally, most marketers approached marketing this way:
Find a need in the market and identify a "target audience" with that need.
Then fill that need and sell to them.
To do this, you would get clear on your target audience's emotional
triggers, so you could use those triggers in your message, brand, and
You would create "associations" to formulate the perception of a
"pleasure experience" with buying vs. a "painful experience" by not
This is why some people have developed a disdain for marketing and
advertising, considering it manipulative at best, when it aims to link new
(sometimes seemingly inappropriate) associations to products to get
people to buy. Or, when using strategies like "fear of loss."
Of course, we are each selling all the
time-on a resume, or to get the better deal
when negotiating. Even as a mother
convinces her son to brush his teeth, she
may need to apply some "selling" strategies
to get it to sink in.
We propose it is the "intention" behind selling, and not the mere act
of these tactics alone, that influences whether or not a strategy is
perceived as distasteful , or costly to our culture's highest values.
If "making money" is the primary drive for what, to whom, and how we
sell, the situation opens itself up to this scrutiny.
If money is merely a part of a much bigger, more thoughtful
equation, with one's core values leading the way in deciding
what, to whom, and how you market something, then there's
a good chance it will be a thoughtful message and a
valuable contribution to society when something gets sold.
What The School is teaching you is an authentic approach of
participating in the economy, to make money in a value-based way.
It is a subtly, yet profoundly different context than that of the old model
of marketing and advertising.
"Align what you would enjoy giving with what an
audience of people would enjoy receiving."
While this wasn't practical for most people in the physical economy
when approaching business, as we outlined in previous sections, it's
now a realistic "context" to operate from, in the new economy.
Most are still operating from
old paradigms when they market
online, or go about choosing
which opportunities to engage
with; making their job much
more difficult, and, if profitable,
far less fulfilling; perpetuating a
culture of online business no less
distasteful than what we're used
to seeing from old-school physical
economy industries.
While it's still very important to become
crystal clear on "Who" your target audience
is, and what their emotional triggers might be;
you will arrive at these conclusions through
a much more natural and authentic process
when approaching this as a New
As you move through the exercises in the
Master's Program in the other 9 categories,
you will be led to discover key traits and
characteristics that describe your "target
While discovering these traits, you'll be prompted to take notes in this
"Who" category.
The process will naturally lead you to discover your ideal audience, so
we can then put together the "ideal" plan to attract them. What you
discover about "Who" your audience is will influence the value you
create, how you package it, your brand, message, marketing structure-
There is a subtle yet powerful distinction between discovering your
ideal audience here at The School, vs. how it is most often taught in
business, marketing, and advertising courses. Here, you will be able to
attract your ideal audience authentically, by expressing your true core
values, personal interests, and insights gained through life experience,
etc; rather than through manipulation.
You may still use marketing tactics taught by "old school" marketing and
advertising models, but you will do it within a thoughtful , empathetic
context that becomes natural to you.
You may still choose to use "positive & negative" association strategies,
as you do when "selling" a child on eating broccoli, but it will be done
with sincere, "high value" intentions (by sincere we mean your own core
value systems are aligned with what you're selling and how you're
selling it).
Note: There are over 7 Billion people
on earth. There are hundreds of
millions of people online, and that
number is climbing by the second.
All you need is a fraction of a fraction
of a sliver of this online audience
to be interested in what you offer in
order to generate significant levels
of income.
The "New" tools of the Internet make it
real istic to attract niche target audiences,
without it being cost prohibitive as it
would have been in the physical
We'll share more details on this in the
"Show Me the Money" section.
Knowing "Who" your target audience
is helps you know how and where to
attract your audience, which we'll
show you how to do, authentically
and naturally, and in vivid detail,
as you move through the exercises
in the Master's Program.
9. Marketing
This refers to "How" you
will attract your ideal
audience & customers.
Will you use free social
media methods, like
Shannon and Steve
Weiland did to build their gym?
Or will you use the "Zero-Cost" advertising model?
Perhaps you'll use a hybrid marketing model of advertising and social
media combined.
What you discover about "Who" your ideal audience is (from category 8)
influences how you will attract them.
How you determine to "Package" your content (from category 6) will
also influence how you will attract your audience.
Your goals and present financial situation, as well as your personality
and strengths, will all factor into determining how you will choose to
market yourself online.
Through our coursework in the Master's Program, and with the help of
our coach-consultants, you will discover your ideal marketing strategy.
What you discover here in category 9 will impact
how you end up structuring your entire business
and marketing model (which is why that category is
last, at 1 0).
10. Structure
The work you do in the other
categories leads you to this final step
to create your own Marketing Funnel,
which is a "New Economy" asset
representing your new career.
Your funnel might support an offline
business you have, or be fully
online-based. It includes your
products, marketing, niche, brand,
Your Marketing Funnel is one of the
most valuable assets you can
acquire in the "new" economy.
It's how you automate the sales
Your Marketing Funnel Is
One Of The Most Valuable
Assets You Can Acquire In
The New Economy
It's not enough to just have a blog, website, book, or advertise a
business, provide coaching seNices, or sell products.
Everything you do online should have a "bigger" purpose within your
funnel in order to maximize results.
The Marketing Funnel allows you to gauge and "control" how much you
For example, there are tracking tools you can use to "watch" which part
of your funnel is weak. You get to see where to put your focus to
increase your income.
By the time you reach this final step in the planning process (Marketing
Structure), your most important "self-discoveries" will have already been
made (including what products or services you'll offer and how you'll
package them).
There will be some final adjustments as you work with your
coach-consultants to take what you learned from categories 1-9, and
place it all into your own structure.
Here's a quick glance at how a generic marketing structure might look:
Your Marketing
Funnel Collects
Your Funnel
Delivers Value
Your Funnel
Sells Products
& Services
By using a webpage called a "lead capture" page you
offer something free (it could be anything related to
the topic of your business, like a free book chapter,
free coaching session, free video class, free newsletter,
free emails with information your audience is
interested in, free relationship advice, free gym
membership, a coupon for a haircut, anything).
Your funnel now delivers what it promised (the
prospect can usually access this automatically; for
example, they access their free offer by email or it
could be found on the web page they immediately
see upon submitting their email address).
Your prospect is now on your email list and will begin
receiving emails relevant to the topic related to the
"value" you offer. Your funnel can now present many
offers to them over time, which will each be relevant
to the topic they originally inquired about. You do not
need to be the creator of all the products or services
you offer to earn income (more on this later).
NOTE: The Master's Program expands upon this in detail, with examples
for many different New Professional careers and business models,
including both online and offline business models.
More About The Marketing Funnel
By strategically offering many "related" services and products in your
funnel, you can provide more value to your audience and make more
money at the same time.
Remember: You can strategically offer someone else's products or
services in addition to your own (within the funnel). This allows you
to increase the value you provide while generating more income.
People trust your recommendations once you have established trust.
The School of Online Business teaches you how to do this
This diagram illustrates
the general marketing
structure for the New
Professional (to sell anything,
whether it's an online course,
coaching services, in-person
workshop, book, product,
an opportunity, gym
membership, cupcakes, etc.).
Planning the structure of your
marketing is key to meeting
your financial goals while
influencing how much time
your business requires to
maintain your chosen lifestyle.
Where people enter your funnel
The top of the funnel represents the entry point of
your marketing process. In other words, this is where
people are introduced to you and will "enter" your funnel.
We refer to these people as your "General Audience" because they are
viewing your content, such as in a YouTube video, or reading your blog and
Facebook posts; or, clicking on your ad.
Depending on your model, your General Audience might also be people you
interact with offline.
Those in your General Audience haven't formally expressed interest yet; but
they are getting exposed to your brand, message, or learning about what you
By the time you reach this step in creating your Marketing Funnel at The
School of Online Business, you will have already determined how people
will find you through the exercises you did in the previous categories.
Those who are in your General Audience may or may not ever purchase
from you. It' s expected that most never will .
And that's OK! You only need a small percentage of these people to become
customers in order to reach significant financial goals. We discuss this
further in the section, "Show Me The Money."
Those in your General Audience merely "see" your offers or interact with you
in some way.
Second phase in the process
When someone from your general audience submits
their email address for more information, or
subscribes to your newsletter at your blog, or joins your Fan Page on Facebook,
they are expressing interest.
At this point they have moved from your general audience to the "Expressed
Interest" phase of your funnel. In a typical funnel, this usually happens
automatically, without personal interaction with you.
Now that someone has Expressed Interest, your funnel is designed to begin
building a relationship with them and to establish trust, typically in an automated
As an example, pre-written emails are typically sent by a system for you to give
valuable information related to the topic of your business. If they have merely
started following you on Facebook (as just another possible example), they are
less qualified than if they had subscribed to receive emails; however, they are
still able to follow your posts and may take advantage of future offers or events
you share at your page.
By going through the exercises at The School of Online Business, you will have
already determined exactly how someone will Express Interest, and what kind of
content you would provide to lead them to the next phase of your funnel
(Customers phase).
The key is to provide "value" that is related in topic to the services or products
you sell, rather than merely giving a sales pitch.
In the Master's Program, you learn the difference between value versus a pitch,
and how offering "value" grants you the opportunity to present your offers with
permission, at the right time.
When someone purchases from you
When someone shows interest and consumes the
free information or services you provide, you
establish trust.
You then have permission to present your offer (products and/or services).
When they purchase, they move into the "Customers" stage of your funnel.
It's important to understand that just because someone doesn't buy today
doesn't mean they won't buy in the future after being exposed to more of your
pre-written emails or other content you share through the funnel process.
Through use of videos, power point sl ides, webinars, emails, Facebook posts,
newsletters (there are a number of options available), you can automate much
of this sales process effectively.
This underscores the power of the "new" Internet economy-it's this automation
that makes the model so attractive, and the new ease-of-use tools we discussed
on pages 53-54 that make this practical for anyone to set up.
By this stage in your planning process, you will have
already determined what "value" you're offering, and how
it's being packaged and used within your funnel.
* Note: In the "Show Me The Money" section we'll
discuss how you can add many layers (offers) to the
Customers phase of your funnel for multiple streams of
income, often leveraging other people's products and
services to generate significantly more than you could
ever do alone.
In the "Show Me
The Money"
section, you'll
see how realistic
it is to establish a
buying customer
base to meet
realistic income
Where your established relationship
aids you in continued sales
Those who move into the "Loyalty" stage of your funnel will often be interested
in anything you have to offer in the future because this is the group who "sees"
the value in what you do; they relate to you as a person, and they have
benefited from their prior purchases and enjoyed the interactions they've had
with you so far (emails, Facebook posts, etc.).
Your funnel automatically attracts a growing group of loyal customers when you
create your business as we teach it, infused with authenticity and transparency
(meaning, you let your core values and interests shine through by using "real
life" relatable illustrations in your emails, newsletter, videos, blog, or whatever
forms of content you share).
Friendships often arise.
This is a natural result for students at The
School because at every turning point in
your planning process, your core values,
life experiences, and personal interests
have been considered. This shines
through in your brand, the topics you
choose to discuss, the products and
services you offer, and in your message.
As your business
evolves, you can add
additional products
and services to your
funnel, which gives
additional value to
your customers while
empowering you to
earn more income
over time.
Where your audience refers
others to you
The Marketing Funnel allows you to automate much of the lead generation and
sales process.
It gives you the ability to gauge and increase the amount of income you
It allows you to create many income streams related to your core business.
It also develops loyal customers who will continually purchase based on your
recommendations, and gladly send you referrals.
Regardless of whether you already have a business you want to
improve, or you're starting from scratch with no idea yet what to
offer, The School of Online Business will assist you in creating
your own passion-filled career from start to finish.
By guiding you through the classes and exercises in the 10 categories we' ve
covered throughout this section, and then connecting you with our certified
coach-consultants at key moments throughout this process, you will create
your own passion-filled career.
To illustrate the importance of the Marketing Funnel, let's refer to an
Let's say you write a book.
How do you generate income without getting picked up by a major
Even if a big publisher distributes your book throughout the bookstores,
how do you produce enough income to support your lifestyle long-term?
Instead of relying on income from book sales alone, you can use the
book to establish credibility with your audience, and recommend many
"topic-related" products and services within your funnel (producing far
more income on top of what the book generates).
This allows you to create a much more valuable asset that doesn't just
produce more income for you, but represents more financial security
and lifestyle freedom, long-term.
It can all be automated so that once someone submits their email and is
on your list they are introduced to an opportunity to purchase your book.
They are also introduced to additional offers from pre-written email
messages they receive over time. Again, this allows for sales to occur in
an automated fashion, granting you time leverage.
The old publishing model isn't even necessary
today, though it's still an option many students
have chosen.
Today, it's very inexpensive to publish and
market a book on your own. You can sell this
through Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
You can also offer a digital version of the book on Kindle or Nook.
Regardless of how you would package the book, the key will be to have
a Marketing Funnel in place so you generate more revenue than what the
book can generate alone.
Consider Another Example:
(Imagine how this applies to ANY type of business.)
Let's say you owned a gym. How might you attract free clients?
You could write a book (or have someone else write it) about any related
topic you're passionate about.
Let's say it's a book about building lean muscle mass with proper diet
and exercise.
Using the Marketing Funnel, you can now leverage the book to bring
notoriety to your gym and attract clients.
You could sell the book with no intention
of making a profit from it (getting just
enough revenue to cover the cost of
advertising on Facebook to attract
people into your funnel who live in
your local area).
Here's how it might look:
After someone clicks on your ad, you
could give away a "free chapter" of the
book in exchange for the prospect's
email address.
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Immediately after they gain access to the free chapter, your funnel
begins selling the book. You can price the book low enough so it just
covers the costs of the advertising.
Now you're building your list at no cost, applying the funded proposal
strategy (the Zero-Cost advertising strategy we discussed on page 152).
This is a common strategy that can be used in any business model,
including coaching, online teaching, etc. And remember, the product can
be anything (it doesn't have to be a book). We simply used a "book" for
illustration purposes.
Continuing With The "Gym" Example ...
Now that you have an email list you're building at no cost, your pre-
written emails are sent automatically to provide more value. These
emails might be related to health and fitness topics. You could offer
a free workout session, or create other incentives that invite them to
visit your gym. You now have a steady flow of new members at no cost!
To increase earnings, you could later create a DVD series and sell this
to your audience as well. Now you are earning MORE income as you
attract customers into your gym.
You could even sell products to your list that others' have created, and
earn commissions for the referral. You can sell apparel, equipment, and
supplements. Some of these people may never come to your gym, but
you profit from their purchases anyway.
By creating the book and having a funnel with follow-up emails going out
automatically, you build trust and create sales even if someone doesn't
end up joining your gym!
Whether you want to be a successful author,
coach, speaker, create information products,
or offer "value" of any kind online in any area,
you can start to imagine how profitable the
Marketing Funnel can be for you, and how it
can liberate you financially while you create
"value" around topics you are interested in.
If you're teaching a topic, or you're a blogger,
marketing with video, selling information
products, raising awareness for a cause or
political campaign, offering workshops,
coaching services, or selling haircuts-
anything-the KEY in the new economy is
to set up the marketing structure so you
can offer many "topic related" products
and services through an automated process.
*We'll expand
more on this
with specific
examples of how
you can provide "topic-
related" products and
services to significantly
boost the earnings for
any business model. See
"Show Me The Money" on
page 203-
The process of discovery can be fun, inspiring, and revealing of who you
really are, and what your passions are!
Don't approach this like a job or a chore. Move into the creativity you
enjoyed as a child with construction paper, scissors, and glue! Have fun
creating something new!
More Examples: Considering Your Role
On page 142, we shared eight "Roles" to consider when creating your
new career from scratch, or when creating content that will attract
customers to an existing business.
You will often identify with more than one Role. However, during the
planning process, it's helpful to consider which roles you identify with
most. Below are some real-life examples to further demonstrate.
Example Of The "Activist" Role:
_ Youiim
Q. Browse Movie
Story of Stuff, Full Version; How Things Work, About Stuff
psychotruth 0 Subscrlbo 1,373 videos ...
At Uko IP + Add to Sharo r"
2,129,238 '"''
This example illustrates the primary defining Role of "Activist." It also
shows secondary roles: Teacher, Facilitator, Author, Speaker,
Entertainer (in that order of defining emphasis).
This is teaching about the importance of sustainability and the impact of
While this video is relatively simple,
it has produced over 2 Million views,
thus bringing tremendous ongoing
awareness to their non-profit
organization and cause, as it acts
as a "value-based" fundraiser (free
product) for their non-profit.
While there are elements of entertainment in the video (drawings and
illustrations), education defines it's purpose, so we place the Role of
"Teacher" before "Entertainer."
View it at: YXp8
"Activist" is the primary defining role for this example because their
"cause" defines the motivation behind the creation of their content and
career more than any other role. Because they use books and have
applied speaking into their model, both the roles of "Author" and
"Speaker" are included as secondary roles that help shape their content
and define how they package their message.
Remember, we guide you through this process in the Master's Program.
Next you'll see other "pieces" of
their Marketing Funnel, which
attracts funding to their
organization ...
Continuing with the same example, Facebook and Twitter are used to
attract an audience, and to deepen the relationship with those who
previously expressed interest, purchased an educational product, or
donated to the organization.
This example uses a low cost social media strategy, which is primarily
a combination of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and a blog.
facebook .1\ \?;

IQ) Info
Sfl. Friend Activity (1 +)
Support SOS
lliJ Events

gg Quest ions
Turni ng the Movie into a
li ke this
talking about this
The Story of Stuff Project
Non- Profit Organi zation
Wall The Sto ry of Stuff Project Everyone (Most Recent)
Share: " Post lt!J Photo fll Link 'i" Video
. . .
The Story of St uff Proj ect
SWfF We reali ze we' re probably preaching to the choir here but maybe,
toget her, we can help others to not believe t he green- hype.
Waf mart's greenwash: Why the retail giant is s till
unsustainable I Grist
Waf mart adopted sustainabil ity as a corporate strategy
In 2005. It was struggling mightily at the time. Bad
headlines stalked the chain, as its history of
mistreating workers and s uppliers finally caug ht up
with it. One analysis found that as many as 8 percent of
Walmart's customers had stopped shop ...
fll Li ke Comment Share 20 hours
iJ 177 people li ke this .
Note the logo placed on this Facebook page. It's very
inexpensive and simple to hire someone to create this kind
of "branding material" for you. These kinds of projects can
often cost under $100 and can be used to exemplify a
professional brand.
Enlarged Snap-Shot Of Content Posted To Their Facebook Wall
The Story of Stuff Project
T ~ ~ (!1-
FF Want to get corporat i ons out of politics and people back in? Here are 9
,. tlJ
pl aces t o start!
9 Strategies to End Corporate Rule - YESJ Magazi ne
www.yesmagazine. org
Corporate power is behind the pol itics of cJimate
denial , Wal l Str eet bail outs, union busti ng, and media
consolidati on, to name just a few. And policies
advocated by the 1 percent ar e bankrupting the middle
class. But r eal people have power, too. Here are some
of their most successful strategi es.
cfll Like Comment Share March 15 at 10: 16am
.:] 114 people like t hi s.
~ V i e w all 9 comments !) 76 shares
Write a comment ...
The Story of Stuff Project
A big thank you to everyone that helped get The Story of Cosmetics mor e
t han a million views! http:/ /storyof cosmetj cs .org/ cc Campaign f or Safe
Cosmeti cs
The Story of Cosmetics (2010)
http:/ / The Story of
Cosmeti cs, released on July 21st, 2010,
examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals
in our everyday personal care ...
11=1 Like Comment Share March 14 at 9: 2 Sam 1/t
.:] 706 people like t his.
~ View all 26 comments
Writ e a comment .. .
The content posted to Facebook and Twitter is relevant to the subject
matter behind the organization. In this case, it's related to social , political ,
and environmental matters concerning unsustainable business and
consumer practices. Obviously, this is a topic important to the person
who created this organization and represents their "passion-filled" career.
The Story of Stuff
7\uning the Movie into a
Bay Area and Beyond
Stay in t ouch with The Story of
Jo<n TWI11er today
Ful name
1\tveet s
Recent Images
..,.. Froo Aango Studios
SUpport the storyofstun team on a nttN pro}oct to CON'I9C1 a
community of changemakers & storyteDers.
n Aeclveeted bf The Stocy or Stu!'f
The Story of Stuff S:ot')'Of51uft'
Stop believing the greeo-hype Walmart puts out.
Kendra P KendraWrtas
1 tnlnk of mys<o1t as a green ninja RT stor;otstufl Don't Think of
Yourseff as Consumer NYT ny1Jmes.oom/roomfordebato/ ... via
n Aetweeted b'f The StOtY of SMI
The Story of Stuff '"""ofstuff
d'l. rasllkldar Awesome. please let us know what tne kid$ tnlnkl
The Story of Stuff '""''""uff
medidneWords thankS fOf' StJpporting or pHCh to
newschaRenge! ...
... an reply to Ritz Telek
The Story of Stuff s.:OI)'Of!llln
rashkldar A friendly little FYI, the official (and without
r Follow
When using a social media strategy such as in this
example, the content posted on Twitter will often
1 , 778 TWEETS
be the same content as what's posted on Facebook,
shared in your emails, and posted to your blog.
Many people link their Twitter and Facebook
accounts so that when a post is made at one
location it automatically posts to the other location
Free Range Studios treerangestudlo 14h
Support the @storyofstuff team on a new project to connect a
community of changemakers & storytellers.
t.l. Retweeted by The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff storyolstuff 21 h
Stop believing the green-hype #Walmart puts out.
Kendra P KendraWrites 20 Mar
I think of myself as a green ninja. AT @storyofstuff Don't Think of
Yourself as #Consumer #NYT ... via
t.l. Retweeted by The Story of Stuff
The goal is to set up a
structure so you're
sharing related content
in multiple locations with
relative ease (that both
you and your ideal
audience is interested in).
The Blog Works Like A Hub
When using the social media marketing model, such
as in this example, your blog is like a hub where all
of the other posts and links point to (from YouTube,
Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
The blog further builds a relationship by offering more value (discussing
topics relevant to your business and of interest to you, and to your
The blog can also lead people to take the next step, which in this case
is either to donate, buy an educational product, or get onto the email list.
You lim
/ '""""""""'"I m

Home .. Bbg Ta!OOg That Arst S;ep
I roconUy hoard a yoga toochor ox.plain that tho hardost poso in yoga is tho ono that gots you
from your house to the yoga Once you're there, with a group, it'& a Sot easier, and a lot
more fun, to out wha1 to do next.
Community (84)
From1110 lnb0x (2)
-.. Vlcuxlesand &Jcill (35)
Featured Pott ( t)
Materials Economy (38)
COnsutnp1lOn (25)
[)jsposal (17)
[)jstribu1K>n (6)
E.x1rac1ion (6)
Proclucllon (13)
Movlos (121}
Stofy ol BottSe<l Water {17)
510fyof l!tol<e (16)
510<y of Cap & Trade (10)
5IOfy Of CltiZons Unl10d v FEC (20)
510<y of Cosmolk:s (18)
510<y of Elecln:lnlcs ( 12)
SIO<y of 51uf! (34)
Podcaats (4)
Pro.s (31)
face book
Capturing The Lead
The blog encourages visitors to submit their email
address. Typically, something free is given away in
exchange for the visitor's email. In this case, however,
people are subscribing to their email list without an incentive because
the content and message has evoked high interest by itself.
To improve their model they could add a free topic-related information
product in exchange for an email.
Home .. Joi n Our Community
Join Our Community
Thank you for joining the Story of Stuff Project communrtyl We look forward to keeping
working with you to build a better future!
Your Information
Please provide your information here. Items marked with an ... require a response for signup.
Fi rst Name
Last Name
Zip/Postal Code
Country ;.....--------;
There is always room to improve one's Marketing Funnel.
Once you learn how to create your own funnel, it becomes clear
where you'll want to focus next to significantly and continually
improve your results (growth in income). That's part of the fun
of it!
Raising Funds (Parallel To Selling A Product)

Homo Suppon tho Project Get tho Book
Get the Book
Annie managed to fit a whole lot of information in 20 minutes but, of course, theres so much
morel You can read the whole story-with graphs, diagrams, and details-by pid<ing up a copy
at your local bookstore or by ordering it online by cl icking one of the linked images below. We
also encourage you to donate a copy of the book to your focal library so that those who can'
purchase the book themselves can still acoess all the great information in ill
Also, if you want to get the Tire Story of Stun book and DVD, you can visit Hesperian's store
where they offer the two as a bundled discounted cost.

Shop by
Search Books
Their blog encourages
their audience to
purchase their book.
While the book helps
generate revenue, it's
main "Use" is to create
more awareness about
their cause, which
helps attract more
Oday's Deals Gift Gatds Help
Books Advanced Search Browse Subjects Now Releases Best Sellers The New York
cltck to LOOK INSIDE!
H:J' I( \J t H SI\J,
IS flt T,
- Ml 'JIS ::N fO' ..,,,[
The Story of St uff and over on
The Story of Stuff: How
Communities, and Our
Annie Leonard
A A A A (79 custome' rev ewsl
List Price; $26..00
Price; $17.12 & eligi ble fo
You Save; $8.88 (34%)
In Stock.
Ships from and sold by Amazon.o
Only 5 left in stock--order soon (m
Want i t deliver ed Monday, Mar c
checkout. Details
59 n ew from $1.94 75 used fro
They also offer a DVD as a product for generating revenue (raising
funds). Note that the content is basically the same as what you would
find in the book, as well as what you will find at their blog, on Facebook,
and in their emails. The difference is how the information is packaged.
Once you have a topic you are interested in, you can begin formulating
your passion-filled career around it, and merely package and re-purpose
your message to offer in various ways (in your marketing, emails,
products, etc).
Buy a DVD
Currently only DVDs for The Story of Stuff are available. II you' d like to watch our other movies
offline, please visit our downloads section.
Online Orders
You can buy The Story of Stuff DVDs through Hesperian, an allied organizati on.
Looking for La Historia de las Ccsas, The Story of Stuff DVD in Spanish? VJSit Hesperian here.
Order by Mail
If you'd prefer to order the film the good, old fashioned way, please send a check or money
order for $10.00 made out to "Tides Center I St ory of Stuff Project" . Be sure to include your
lull name, shipping address and emai l address.
The Story of Stuff Project
1442A Wal nut Street, #272
Berkeley, CA 94709 USA
All orders should be processed wijhin 10 days. We will do our best to get your DVDs to you
within two weeks. Rush shipping is available online. If you have any questi ons, please
email Thanks for your support!
Even if you have no idea how you could create products (or do any of
this), it's important to remember that most of our students who have
now created books, products, and complete marketing funnels once
felt exactly as you do now. Most knew nothing about how they would
go about it, what they would create, and lacked confidence when they
began. The point is, you CAN do this too. What you create will be
unique to you!
Because this is a non-profit organization, they request donations. This
can be considered a product within the Marketing Funnel structure.
When you give a grft to The Story ol Stuff PrCJiect. you join us in inlomting nUIIioos of people
v.'Orldwlde abou1 our broken production and const..rnp11on systems- and enable us all to
imagine real WOftj solutions, together.
Thank yoo for your generosity! We couldn, do it without you.
lc>l YES! I want to pitch in:$ 10
0 Monlhly Gl
First Name
Last Name
E-Mail '
Cily '
Zip/Postal Code
0 My oompany wll match my donation
0 This is a gift donation
Thank You!
We couldn't do this without your
generous contributions.
Every bit of support helps!
Project Costs
One month of locally owned, solar powered S75
GHtlng I 00 EcoDVEX lo schools and $I 00
non profits
One month of hosting for SIOI)' $280
Production of one pocfcast $450
Office rent
One minute of movie produc1ion
Mission Statement
The Story of Stuff Project's mission
is to build a strong, diverse,
decentralized, cross-sector
movement to transform systems of
production and consumption to
serve ecological sustain ability and
social well bein .
We've just demonstrated how someone leverages the New
Professional model in an "Activist" Role (along with other secondary
roles, like "Teacher'l Their Marketing Funnel represents their core
values, and the message shared throughout the marketing and
product content is congruent.
Next, we'll show a completely different example, where one of our
students who originally knew nothing about online marketing has
now become an "Author" and expert "Teacher" on the subjects she
learned here at The School of Online Business. If you have any doubt
that you can create your own passion-filled career, or become an
expert marketer, study the next example closely.
This example introduces you to Rachel Henke, and represents the
primary role of "Author." When Rachel started as a student here, she
didn't know she would gain so much knowledge about online business
she would soon become an expert and author teaching the topic! This is
common because the skills you learn at The School of Online Business
are highly valued in the marketplace. They give you the option of
generating income by sharing your knowledge and skills with others (in
the capacity as a coach, consultant, teacher, speaker, author, etc.).
In Rachel's case, she's taken on the primary "Role" of an author to
attract her audience and create products. Read the message (below)
that I received from Rachel after she took some of the earlier courses.
Rachel l! h e Expert
,. tyonline
. nts 8< pub1c1
rfect c 1e
Attract your pe
I've got good news a n d want to t hank you f or a ll t he i nspir at ion
you've g i ven me - t o do more than j ust be an M L M queen!
My paperback book is now publi shed and l isted in a ll the main
catalog u es. H er e it is n ewl y li sted o n amazon:
I'm getting som e good f eedb ack an d have t han ked you i n the
acknowl edg e m ents. I' m n ot at a ll su re that I'd have got so f ar as
attracting a rea l book contract w ithin a f ew m o nths of
est a bli shing m y n ew ni c he a n d f unne l if it wer en't f or all your
patie nt teaching in Ren egade Professi onal a n d MFM!
I'd love t o send you a copy and woul d be so grateful if you m ight
give it a quick g l ance over and provide a q uot e?
Let me know i f you can take a l ook and I' ll w hi z a copy off to you.
Have a lovely weekend and thanks agai n.
.... _ol ... _ .. _
..... --'""-
The Niche Expert: Harness the power of the internet to attract
perfect clients, publicity and opport .. ..
If you don ' t h ave an effecti ve o nline presence for your
busi ness you're going t o want t o pay at tention t o every word
i n t hi s book. Whet her you want t o st art or devel op an internet
based business of just want to attr act your perfect clients and
publ icity onl i n e f or your traditional bu .. .
Primary Role Of "Author"
Similar to "The Story Of Stuff' example, which represented the "Activist"
role, Rachel uses her blog as a hub where she shares valuable content,
generates her email list, and presents her products and services.
Rachel Henke
The Niche Expert
Attract your perfect clients & publicity online
hare he Love!
+1 0
IJ peopre , kelhis. Be orlyourtrlencs.
Get Started with The Niche Expert & establish yourself as the
'Go-To Expert' In your Niche Using the Power of the Internet &
The Niche Expert System.
Cct Your Free Audio & Spccbl
Perhaps it sounds good to you but you're aslcingyoursclf'who am I to
call myself ao expert?' ...
Report ' Insider Sttrtts ofQulcldy
Bceomtng an F..spc.rt i n Your
Niche & weekly Marketing &
1\find..o;c l c wit h cool liJ"O &
Maybe you're too busy to take time out to implement the marketing
systems you know you really need ...
tralnlng to market your
1 understaod because 1 used to be the same so take just a moment to ask
yourself the following questions and let's sec where you fit in:
Do you love the idea of using the internet to attract your ideal prospects and r- ma ..c .c.. ' -----.,
clients to your business on auto-pilot?
Rachel's books
are a defining
of her marketing
and business
to work less and
Send Me the Report & ADdiol
www. rachelhenke .com
About The Niche Expert Book
How to Create your Internet Empire &
Become an Expert in your Niche to
Attract your Perfect Clients, Publicity &
Big Opportunities Online.
Click on the button to l ist en to the short
Q&A Audio with answers to the
following frequently asked questions:
Below is a Facebook post Rachel shared after discovering she was
featured in the news. Her leading book, The Niche Expert, helps
attract her audience. The book frames the content in her emails,
Facebook posts, etc., and greatly defines how she markets her
3 mi nutes ago
just found out I was in the evening Star last week.
Unli ke Comment - Share
6 You and Loui sa Dunn like thi s.
Mi ke Klingler Congratulati ons Rachel Henke! Love what
you're doi ng!!
Rachel Henke Thanks Mi ke. Am blessed to have stumbl ed
into your tr aining back in 2009 - set me on a whole new
12 mi nutes ago Uke
'Geor ge Fourie Congrats Rachel that's awesome!
9 mi nutes ago Like
Here is a second book by Rachel.
It creates another path for Rachel's
audience to express interest. She
gives away the "Free Confidence
Building Blueprint," and "Day 1 of
the Confidence Building BluePrint"
in exchange for her audience's
email address, which leads them
to this book to purchase, as well as
her other products, services, and
Gain Immediate Access
To Your Free
Confidence Evaluation
& Day 1 of the
Confidence Building
Blueprint & e-course
Just enter your name and primary email to
receive your free confidence evaluation
Get Instant Access
We will not rent, trade. or release your name to
any third party for any reason. We respect your
privacy and hate spam with a passion. By
providing your name and email address to us
you will be able to download a free sample of
"Confidence in High Heels" Blueprint &
Evaluation. You'll also receive my periodical
newsletter delivered via email. In it I'll share my
tips on mar1ceting & mindset and you can
unsubscribe at any time by dicking a link at the
bottom of any email you receive.
By creating content that is congruent (the book subject relates to her free
offer, which relates to her high-ticket items), she is able to build trust and
credibility while guiding her audience to purchase through a streamlined
funnel process.
This third book by Rachel is "Used" as the free content for yet
another path her audience can take to express interest and get on
her contact list.
Are You Confused About
Which Type of Home Business
Is The Right One For You?
R 1 o
..... I} Ad ___ , 3 __ ... _
' ... Free Blueprint Reveals All.
Read This New Home
Business Report Now To Find
Out Exactly How to Select The
Ideal Home Business Model
to Suit Your Personality
Type ... '
Grab Your Free Access To This No Hype, No Fluff Report
Which Will Save You Time a. Money. Just Enter Your
Contact Details With Your Best Email Address And
Download YourFree Blueprint Right Now.
Just enter your name &
email to download the
blueprint immediately
Youl 81so receNe my weeldy marltebng &
mondset eZJne 8nd of course be able Ill
unsubsai>e easily at any bme
l:E-NE J
Below is an example of just two of Rachel's "high-ticket" products/
services offered within her funnel. These allow an additional source
of revenue for Rachel while also contributing to establishing her
credibility as an expert.
As her audience enters her marketing funnel (by giving their email
address through any one of Rachel's offer paths), they are introduced
to these and other higher-end products/services.
The VIP programme is a 6 month programme and your investment is Ssoo
per month (approx 300) or $2500 (approx. 1600) with 1 month compl etely
free if you pay in full today. \t'lhen you pay in full you can schedule your sessions as
often as you want, subject to my availability, and complete your VIP programme
before the 6 month period if you want to achieve your results FASTER!
Option 1 (Best Deal) Pay in full at $2500 (Approx t6oo)
Add To Cart
VISA DOC .....
Option 2: 6 Monthly Payments of $500 (Approx 300)
VISA DOC .....
* Rachel also invites people to consider partnering with her in a
network marketing opportunity. The books and free offers allow her
to "attract" her audience and build credibility first.
Example Of "Entertainer" Role
___ You(im
Evolution of Dance - By Judson Laipply
Uko ip + Add to Sharo
Uploaded by judsonlalpply on Apr 6, 2006
For more visit
Q. Browse
Watch this video at:
There are an unlimited number of ways to create a business-career out
of the "Entertainer" role. This is one example.
We'll show components of his marketing funnel on the following pages to
illustrate what makes this a New Professional career, generating
significant income.
Note that this video has received nearly 200 Million views to date. While
this is an exceptional example showing the power of social media, it
illustrates how thousands of people are able to leverage the Internet and
reach an audience unlike ever before.
Go watch the video now, and then click on the link under his video. This
will lead you to part of his funnel. We discuss more of his funnel on the
following pages.
Judsen Laipply was able to leverage this ONE video to build his entire
marketing campaign free.
The Latest from Judson's Blog Judson fn Action
If you watch the YouTube video (web address was given on previous
page), you'll see a link directly under it. Click on that link. It leads you
to Jason Laipply's blog.
While we won't show all of this marketing funnel, the following pages
demonstrate how he has created a New Professional career that
generates significant income by leveraging the Internet in his own
unique style.
Inspirational Comedian
100 Days of Facebook Gratitude by Judson La1pply
II)Uke {fli]
I have Long been i nterested in our perception's ability to have an i nfluence on the life we
li ve. What we l ook for we f ind. What we focus on becomes real. It is the foundati on behind
the "Secret" the law of attracti on. When we believe something we will seek that which
validates our beliefs while ignoring the rest. It was with this i n mi nd that I embarked on my
100 days of Gratitude Facebook status updates. I woul d update my status with things I am
grateful for. It didn't have to be everyday but close to i t and it could be anything from the
little thi ngs to the major things. Anythi ng at all would qualify as long as I was thankful for i t.
As with the previous examples where a
blog was used, Jason provides 'content'
that's relevant to his purpose and topic
of interest. Here he has merged his gift
of "Entertaining" people with his passion
for teaching. Read his post above for
a sample.
To the right you see where he entices his
audience to express interest, so they can
begin receiving emails that will lead them
to more content and his products.
~ ~ e a d Now
Subscribe for Updates tS> No Spam
lemail I
( Subscri be )
He has been so successful with this YouTube video he hasn't needed to
create a free front-end offer to generate significant leads onto his list;
however, if he does create a free front-end offer, his marketing funnel
will become more valuable and effective.
Here is an example of some of Judson's products. People are led to
these products when visiting his blog. They will also learn more
about these products after subscribing to his email list.
Judson Lai pply's Store
Might as well Dance Book
Life isn't always the party we'd hoped for, but
while we are here we Might as Well Dance!
This isn't your avef'age self-help book. Di scover a
philosophy of living that's as enef'gizi ng as it is
practical i n Judson Lai pply's Might as Well Dance.
Leam M.o e
Li fe is Change ovo
Judson pply's "Life is Change" DVD will keep you laughi ng and
i nspired as he takes you through a condensed version one of his
more popular keynot es. Learn Nae
s2o tU1d'
Leadership's Greatest Hits Book
Leadership's G realest Hits Book Learn More
StO 'MIIIIiffi'
Struggle BusT-Shirt
A comfortable Tri-bl end T-shirt to remind us to "get of that bus"
Learn More
s2o 1Nit1@'
A Second Example Illustrating The "Entertainer" Role
Elsha offers a heartwarming example of the "Entertainer" role with her
self-made career based around art and greeting cards.
Paintings, drawings, music, humor/comedy, digital design, and anything
of value outside the scope of the other roles (see page 142) represents
an example of the "Entertainer" role.
I asked Elsha to share her story. Read how she's been able to create a
career within the New Economy and offer tremendous contribution as an
artist, even though she's no longer able to use her arms.
Elsha Stockseth December 6, 201.1.
Mike, it is really good to hear from you. I love reading your posts
and have really missed them lately.
I have been creating and selling my cards for 6 years now. I used
to do art using my arms and hands but around 2003 I couldn't
use my arms anymore. A little sad but not willing to give up I
began searching for a different way to do my art. Eventuall y I
found a head mouse, KeyStrokes- an amazing on screen keyboard,
and Photoshop. I was back in business! In 2003 after being really
sick I became a huge fan of the band U2 and Bono - who is a
supporter of charities in Africa. The messages in U2's music
inspired me to not give up and the African children inspired me
too because they have it was worse than I do, yet they always
seemed so happy. I finally got to meet my hero Bono three times
in 2005 (and 3 times since) and he has made so many of my
dreams come true that in order to pay him back - I pay it forward
by donating some of the proceeds from my cards to the African
Well Fund which provides clean water to the African children, and
to send other needed supplies to some African schools. I used to
call my cards Christmas cards, but now have changed to "hEArt
Cards" since I have E Art as my logo (Eisha's art) and my motto is,
Art with hEArt. Also my latest 2 cards can be used for tons of
Occasions not just Christmas. I do sell them online at my website: nator/U 2elshanator/h EArt_ Cards. html
Or people can just message me on Facebook at
All the details are on my website
I Write a reply ...
My hEArt Cards
Elsha inspires all who hear
her story.
Bono and his band, U2, were
also inspired by Elsha!
Elsha offers us all a
picture-perfect example of
what it means to live with
purpose, and to merge what
we love to do with a valuable
contribution in the
Elsha with Bono
Elsha with the band U2
Elsha's Art Is Packaged Through Greeting Cards
Elsha uses social media, such as Facebook, to attract people to her
web site (used in the same way as a blog). Her site provides the
opportunity to learn about Elsha and to purchase her art, which is
packaged as greeting cards.
My hEArt Cards
* About Me * My Albums * MeetingUz
* My Art * Links * Movies
Card Choices
( Dreams S 1.00 USO : I
( Add to Cart '
Dreams 20II
Hi everybody,
It is that time of year again and I designed a new card
for this year. I have changed them to be "hEArt'' cards
because some of them can be used for any occasion.
That means that I will be selling 5 different styles of
cards this year.
Card Choices:
I. 2011 "Dreams" with the snowman dreaming in his
blue room. Inside:" . .. and may your dreams be
Ufe ,s Beaut1fu1, Star
Wars, Pay t Forwad
U2, The K11 ers, Green
Day, The Beat:es
The Last lectue,
.,., t t ~ 11bout U2
Considering The "Coaching" or "Consulting" Role
J coachtng
more efficient
J Coachong

Regioter to get fullecceool
As you mull over how you might participate in the new economy, or
"what" value you can offer, there is a unique skill-set worth considering
as a starting point.
Many School of Online Business students have decided to invest into
developing "life coaching" skills at our adjacent school , Coaching
While this isn' t required to create a successful New Professional career,
or to take advantage of Internet opportunities for business, we
encourage "coaching skills" because it significantly adds value to all
else you do, while providing a great starting point as a New Professional.
As this chapter was being written, I happened upon a Facebook
comment from a past student who underscores the point.
Below you'll see a comment from one of our "Life Coaches," Andrea
She was replying to someone who inquired on my Facebook page
about our Winter 2012 Coaching classes.
Read what she has to say below about how learning "coaching"
impacted her life and relationships in surprising ways (she is addressing
an inquiry made by someone named, Cherieann Riley).
Andrea Bickel Happel Cher ieanrn Riley .. .l entered t hi s scfnool
because I t hought i t was a way to help otl"l @rrs. I did not know
how much iit would help me. Self - awareness .Awareness of
others. Listenung. I thougi11r a good lfl:stener before. Now
I am a betterr li stener . Hearing the message beyond t he
message. Understanding !h ow '"shou[ds" damag@ mysel f and
others. Gaining clarityfm mysel f on to go
f orward. Buil ding qual ity i onships witln otlh@rs in my class
t hat will cont fi nue. Undler standi ngJ people att a deeper level
and expl orung how to best serve t hem. Heltpi ng ki ds in
:S unday Scl"l ool to explore for t hemselves and come up wi th
their own (often insightf ul) ideas. Improving my rel ationship
wiith my husband, children and fri ends. Having more
semit i vuty of when to "'shut up and li sten'' vs. teU my own
thou:ghts. Understanding that hel pi ng people to move
f orward comes from gi ving them t he luxmy of time and
space to ex.plore their own i deas. I tol d you I would try to put
it int o words! The awesome part i s, it fits with ev.erythi ng I' m
doi ngJ in edlucat i ng my childrenf everything I want to do fi n
busuness. The personal development .s.ude may not be part: of
the webinar . but coming tlhrough 2 courses, it i s one
amazi ng benefit beyond what t lile course i s acWal ly about.
This. is not t ll eoretkal. You practice what learn. If you
spend any tim@ at all thinking about your s.elf , you can
t !help
butt grow un awareness. Best wishes ... enjoy!
Friday at 1:55pm- Unli ke - .6 3
:Si Iva What an awe some test imonial, And rea - to
leaJm something is one thin g, but to UVEit is what Ut's about!
A ,coach t ends to see the potent ial in people and
d rcumstances, a nd as yo u said so eloquently here, it does
impact every area of our li ves in a positive way.
Friday at 5:58pm - Unlike - 6 2
I.VI iilke KHngller Aweso me Andrea Bickel Happel,. it would be
GREAT to hear yoUJ share this om TUJesday's
staning what we hoped to accompli sh (and wlhat coaching! had
done lfor me}! Thank you!
about an hour ago - Like
What Andrea shares above is echoed by hundreds of students who
became certified coaches with Coaching Cognition.
How do "coaching skills" impact one's business?
Consider some of the "core" fundamentals of the coaching skill:
- Listening skills
- Learning how to give highly effective feedback
- Solutions-oriented planning (and problem solving)
- Recognizing others' needs (even if they aren't communicating them
- Reframing, which is restating something someone has said to move
them onto a solution immediately after they have stated a problem
Each of these directly impact the quality of every interaction you have
with your audience and clients, including how you frame a book, blog
article, video, and how you interact, in both an online and offline
These skills also impact the productivity-level of your own thinking and
The coaching skill is arguably
the single most important skill
for impacting the quality of value
one can bring through their
business and marketing, not to
mention in all other aspects of
one's life as Andrea pointed out
in her Facebook post.
How the coaching skill increases one's value:
1. There is a direct link between communication skills and the value you
can offer to a job, career, or business. Coaching skills significantly
boost one's ability to communicate effectively. In fact, after 15 years
of studying and teaching public speaking, personal development,
sales, copy writing, and various models for communication,
"coaching" has given me (and hundreds of students I have observed)
the most rapid advancement in competency and confidence
development, by far.
2. By becoming trained as a "coach," you can add this to your business
as a service to attract customers, while gaining an additional
revenue stream. It can be a stand-alone service, or something that
adds value to what you already do.
3. Developing the coaching skill is a phenomenal starting point because
you are able to develop close relationships with clients, which leads
to collecting authentic written and video testimonials to use in your
marketing funnel (these are key to establishing credibility and
generating more sales in an automated fashion). Even though the
testimonials are associated with coaching services, they help you
sell other forms of products and services because they help people
see you have impacted someone's life positively. This builds trust,
which makes it far more likely someone will buy from you. (Video
and written testimonials are something we help our students obtain
when they attend both The School Of Online Business and develop
their coaching skills at Coaching Cognition).
4. By working with clients as a coach, you are able to identify "needs" in
the market (and their solutions) with a keen insight. My best
products and services were "created" out of one-on-one interactions
I had in the coach's role. What is learned by working one-on-one
with clients can be quickly turned into larger (higher paying) group
coaching sessions you hold online; and this can be repackaged into
training, CO's, a book, DVDs, online classes, anything (for more
leveraged income).
5. By starting in the "coach" environment at Coaching Cognition, you
gain the benefit of supervised practice along with the support of the
community, which leads you into gaining the confidence to create
your own passion-filled career.
a ~
_ C f f ~
YOLR QM: )?.
Kelly Baader studied to become a
coach at Coaching Cognition, and
attracted 18 clients her first month
after graduating-she incorporates
the skills she learned as a coach in
all she now does online.
"This is my first oourse in coaching and it really is an amazing experience.
I have more than 20 year,s as a college instructor and Dean. Regardless
of how good an instrucJor may be, t can tell you from experience that
students leam best by doing. That is the greatest of CC - you
/'eam coaching by coacMng. That is not to say that
tne curriculum and the instructors are not exce'llent
because they are. But coacMng other students,
with real me challenges, real life questions, real
life concerns - that is priceless. There is no
substitute for that in.teraction."
-Dave Coggin
How Is The "Coaching Service" Different From Consulting?
Coaching is where the client is guided to solutions.
The coach assists the client to gain clarity and get organized, and to create a
plan that aids them in overcoming a challenge, or to accomplish a desired
outcome in any area of their life.
A coach may also hold the client accountable to action steps they have
decided to take, and guide the client in making adjustments to the plan. This
allows them to make changes in their life and business, productively; and
without overwhelm, inefficiency, or procrastination.
Coaching is a highly evolved skill set where active listening skills are applied
to lead the client where they want to go, moving them out of overwhelm or
frustration, and into action and clarity.
Coaching can be applied to overcoming personal or business-related problems
of any kind.
Consulting is a very different service from Coaching.
A consultant is hired to solve a specific problem "for" the client (as opposed to
"working with" the client, as a coach will do). However, there are tremendous
limitations when the problem calls for input from the client (such as planning a
career or business, or working through conflicting personal or relationship
issues, as just a couple examples).
Some consultants apply coaching to their process. However, if the consultant
is not trained in the coaching skill properly, they may be limited in this capacity
even though they use the term "coaching" in their marketing.
These are just some of the reasons why more people are seeking credentialed
and certified coaches who meet "coach training standards" as set forth by ICF
(International Coach Federation).
Let's Look At An Example Of When You May Hire A Consultant:
If your home were to get flooded, and you were concerned it might
happen again, you might hire a consultant for a recommendation on how
to best reconstruct your foundation to be protected from future floods.
A Second Example:
You might hire a tax consultant to
find better ways of investing your
money for legal tax sheltering.
Coaching Skills Add Value:
Even in such cases as the two
examples above (for an appropriate
time to hire a consultant), you will find the most helpful consultants will
also be applying coaching skills (they are the highest paid). You would
recognize the coaching process in their consultative approach because
they would be asking a lot of questions to determine what suits your
needs, rather than merely trying to sell what they "think" is best for you
without ever working "with you" to determine your goals and needs.
There are many applicable uses for the service of consulting; and there
are many times when coaching and consulting can be offered together,
creating a more valuable service than just consulting alone.
What Is The "Facilitator" Role?
In the role of "Facilitator," you create a platform that provides some sort
of service, or brings people together to share content or collaborate in
some way, online. Some famous examples are Google, YouTube, and
Face book.
Or, the "Facilitator" role may mean you're using the Internet to direct
people to an offline event or service.
Consider the two examples below.
In the first example, a multi-million dollar business was created out of
the topic, "chess." People from all over the world pay a membership
fee to belong to this community, which among other things, allows
chess players to find a chess partner at any given time of the day, join
in tournaments, or even find a chess coach.
Go to to view this site.
} CheSStom "- ISII' t lt llmel x

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Q 'TheAr.rdience
Now, consider the next example, which may be where one might begin
before investing into the development of a more elaborate website.
In this example as "Facilitator," in the topic of chess, the Internet is being
used to attract chess players to their local chess club and tournaments.
This example is very inexpensive to create as compared to the first
example, and they each serve very different needs. Yet, they both
represent the "Facilitator" role within the chess topic.
To view this site go to
ChessWorks Tournaments
Per lrld Anl8 cr- rot.mamerulor Kdi
Upcoming Tournaments!
Get the fly<lrl ChMaWortao Toornam.m Flyer
Every day, new ideas are shaped into new businesses that never
existed just the day before. There is no end to how you can use the
Internet to create something of your own.
Innovate a new industry of
your own, starting on a budget.
You can literally create a new industry, just as
thousands of others have done online, starting
with a simple idea that blossoms.
Consider and These represent a new
industry birthed out of the new economy. They
allow you to easily hire people from all over
the world at extremely low rates, for any
service imaginable; from programming, to web
design, to writing your blog or book for you, to
managing your marketing. This is just an
example of how the Internet creates a
never-ending opportunity to meet new needs,
or even create new needs.
Consider Delivered Dish (
Because of the Internet, restaurant delivery
service is booming. ----
Coaching Cognition ( is another
example ofthe "Facilitator" role, which Barbara Silva and I co-
founded to connect clients to coaches and coaches to clients. Never
underestimate what YOU might create after you have learned the
Internet landscape, and begin taking your first steps in the new
economy! Your greatest ideas will come AFTER you begin.
Show Me The Money:
The inner workings of the Internet economy, and how the New
Professional generates income.
There are three main models that generate income online:
1. Advertising Revenue
(least valuable to the New Professional)
2. Referral Revenue
(more valuable)
3. Sale Of Your Own Products & Services
(most valuable)
This section introduces each. We'll also show how specific income
levels can be reached realistically.
*Note: If your goal is to grow or start a Non-profit, the marketing process
(and process of raising funds) is parallel to a New Professional
career/business. See pages 170-179 for an example.
Let's begin by reviewing key
characteristics that define the
New Professional opportunity
because it frames the context
for how we teach "income-
building" at The School of
Online Business.
Characteristics of the New Professional
- Your core values, interests & personality define your business/career
(this means you've aligned "who you are" with a need in the
marketplace so you enjoy what you do).
- You create your own products & services for personal fulfillment,
freedom & financial security.
- Your brand and message reflect who YOU are.
- Your career/business is a source of inspiration, growth, and self-worth.
- Your career/business reflects empathy and a genuine interest to
contribute (See page 245 for more on the Empathy-Driven Economy).
- Your career/business leverages the Internet and it's opportunities to
attract an audience.
- You employ a thoughtful, structured plan with an organized marketing
funnel. (New Professionals don't haphazardly promote a book,
opportunity, video, or blog post without "thinking" about how it fits into
a structured selling process).
The Marketing Funnel
In the last section, on page 158, we
introduced the Marketing Funnel-a structure
and process that attracts your online
audience, builds your email list, and sells
your products and services through an
automated fashion.
When you plan your marketing funnel with
the New Professional characteristics in mind,
it becomes far more effortless to create a
sustainable, lasting income than if you set
out to just "make money" without these
See page 158 for funnel review considerations.
By approaching it in a mindful way, you ensure that your message,
products/services, business structure, and entire strategy is congruent.
Congruency creates a sense of confidence and clear direction as you
make decisions about what to create, sell, and how you market yourself.
With this in mind, let's review the inner workings of the Internet economy.
Reviewing The Main
Models For Income
1. Advertising Revenue
* Least important of the revenue models.
This is revenue you receive for having advertising displayed on or near
content you share online. Your content might be a video, or it could be
articles at a blog. It can be content you post to a website, even if it's not
your website (such as posting a video to or an
article to
Your content can be about any number of subjects.
Income produced from Advertising Revenue can be significant when
your content attracts a lot of visitors. How much income you generate
depends on which "Advertising Network" your content is associated with,
among other variables. We'll discuss some of these variables below.
Here's an example of content
(in this case, a video) that has
attracted a large volume of
visitors, and generates
advertising revenue for the
person who posted it. This
example falls within the
"Entertainer" Role).
Surprised Kitty (Origina\)
0 Subscribe 1 vld#C ..
61 ,673,500 Jol
Dating Tips: ..Jealousy
0 Subscribe 40 videos ._

Here is another example of
content that has attracted large
volumes of visitors. This video
exemplifies the role of both
"Teacher" and "Entertainer" and
generates advertising revenue.
You may be surprised how varied
the topics of your content can be.
The examples we've just shared
are related to a "kitten," and the
other, "dating advice."
You may also recall Cassandra, an example we shared earlier, who
teaches how to apply make-up in one of her videos.
J l

Remember, the topic (and how you deliver it) will be unique
to you. No two New Professionals are alike!
Tens of thousands of people (and growing each day) see large volumes
of visitors to their online content on a regular basis on a wide range of
topics, which creates a steady flow of income for them.
The more visitors they see, the more money they make.
There are different models for how one might be paid depending on the
Ad Network you use.
For example, one model on YouTube allows you to earn 50% of all
revenue generated from an ad displayed on your video.
Here's how this particular model works:
Advertisers bid at Google by "search term" to get their ads shown on
Google's Ad Network (YouTube is a part of Google's Ad Network). The
higher an advertiser bids, the more often their ads are displayed as
compared to advertisers who bid less for the same search term.
An advertiser who sells products about 'How To Train Dogs' might bid
on related search terms to have their ad appear on videos about
'training dogs.' This allows advertisers to quickly and cost-effectively
find their ideal audience.
It's not uncommon for advertisers to bid several dollars per click. So if
an advertiser is paying, let's say, $3 per click, and their ad displays on
your video, you'll make $1.50 for every person who clicks on that ad.
When you have millions of visitors systematically visiting your videos,
like Cassandra does, that can add up to a lot of income.
It's likely that if you've watched YouTube videos, you've clicked on a link
while you were zipping around online; and you made someone else
some money without even thinking about it.
Other Models for Advertising
Revenue Online
Written content posted to "content
sharing" websites (not your own
website) also offers opportunities for
Advertising Revenue:
In this next model, even a few hundred
visitors can produce a noteworthy side
income, if you're posting new articles
regularly. This is because the average
reader is more likely to click on an ad
than the average video viewer,
because there are more ads on the
page. If you look at some of the
examples we shared from, and compare
these to examples we'll share next
from, you'll notice
that the Squidoo model allows more
opportunities to see and click on an ad.
Videos that attract
millions of views
on YouTube spread virally.
This means people share
the video among friends
(on Facebook, YouTube,
and other social media
sites), spreading it
throughout the Web without
a lot effort by the content
creator. The potential for
this viral marketing
phenomenon can almost
be incomprehensible,
sometimes creating
millions of views in the
first day of posting it.
This doesn't mean you make more money posting written content over
posting videos (or vice versa). It means, on average, for every 100
people reading written content, there is a higher percentage likely to
click on an ad than out of 100 video viewers. Video, on the other hand, is
usually shared to a much greater degree and is more likely to go viral
than written content (because it's more effortless to consume).
Examples of how people generate Advertising Revenue at a content
sharing site called, Squidoo:
A Grandmother's Love
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Grandmas are short on aiticism and long on
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As you scroll through my lenses my
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343 featured lenses
Top lens A Grandmother's Lave

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With over 350 wineries to choose from and five
million visitors a year, where to go, stay, and eat in
just a few days can be overwhel ming.
As wine lovers, my husband and I have visited the
Napa Valley several times. And, we can pack a lot
= "-'"=...., into three days.
On this page, you will find favorite wineries,
restaurant and hotel recommendations, and much, much more. Please add your
experiences and recommendations i n the comments section at the end.
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How to Make Money With Squidoo
See Examples:
How To
Make Money
Welcome to my Squldoo Tips and learning guide. I
love to learn and read other people's notes about
Mw to make money on Squldoo. This page Is
My hrnlngs Report dedicated to many of the things I' ve learned along
cese studies the way in my journey to make money with Squldoo.
How t o Guide When I first joined Squidoo I made my first page
without knowing anything about how Squidoo "WOrks
or the importance of SEO (search engine
optimization). And I didn't have very much success. My lenses weren't getting any trafftc and
I wasn't making any sales.
Then I started doing the 2n.!ln.e. advertising for my family's business and I dove head first Into
learning as much as I could about website marketing. And the concepts I learned for that
business are the same concepts I needed to implement over here on Squidoo. So I began to
scour the internet for free resources like websites and blogs that talked about how to improve
traffiC to Squidoo lenses. Maybe you arrived here on this page because you typed into the
search box How to Make Money on Squidoo. I hope you've found what you are looking for.
This lens is a summary of many of the things I' ve learned in the past few years in my journey
to make money on Squidoo. I wish I 'WOUld have found a page like t his when I started out on
Squidoo. I 'WOUld have been a lot more successful in the beginning if I had!
In addition to this page, I also have a Squldoo Lens Case Study, where I document more
speciftcally changes that I've made on Individual lenses and notes about why IINI'ote a lens
and why I believe it's doing well (or not). Originally that information was included on this lens,
but it just got to be too long, so I split it up into two different lenses.
As you review these and other
examples, consider what "Role"
the value creators are operating
from, and how their core values,
life experiences, and interests
define what they create.
To your right is a list of topics
people write about at Go to the
website now and study the
variety of articles there.
Many people who use Squidoo
do not have a developed
marketing funnel yet. They
are simply posting content to
generate income through the
Advertising revenue model.
Squidoo can be a great place
to begin formulating your
message, and to actively
discover what content and
products you might want to
Explore Topics
Food & Cookfng
Hobbles, Games & Toys
Par,enting & Kids
Pets & Animals
Books, Poetry & Writing
Video Games
Home & Garden
H'olldays & Celebrations
Travel & Places
Fashion & Beauty
Computers & Electroni cs
Arts & Design
Entertainment & Media
Culture & Society
Business & Work
Sports & Recreation
Non profits
Healthy Living
l ntemet
Rel ationships & Family
While you may or may not ever
use Squidoo, it offers another
endless list of examples
showing how people are using
the new Internet economy to
create value all their own.
"I just used some of my Squldoo earnings
to buy Tlm McGraw concert tlckets for my
----------3;11111_.-- wife's birthday."
Other Advertising Revenue Opportunities:
If your own website or blog gets a lot
of traffic, this can be a consistent
source of revenue for you. For
example, if you rank high on search
engines for terms that relate to a
topic an advertiser thinks their
audience is interested in, you'll
likely receive offers from those
So if your blog or website is about, "Sustainable environment practices,"
as just one example, you might be contacted by non-profit organizations
or businesses building brand awareness for environmentally friendly
products or public relations purposes. They will pay you to advertise on
your blog or website.
IwiJ Bl=llolllU!liul ADimlllll.lllm

Advertising revenue can offer a consistent flow of income for people who
have developed a presence online in a niche of interest.
Your site will have needed to establish some credibility before you can
expect to generate significant income with this model.
Most common (and what most do
when getting started with
Advertising Revenue), you can
easily connect your blog or website
to Google Adwords, which works
similar to the model we discussed
at YouTube. Google ads display
throughout your blog or website
and you receive payment from
Google for every click someone
Thousands of people who discuss topics related to relationships,
marketing, politics, investing, traveling, diet, exercise (you name it)
receive significant and consistent checks in the mail each month from
Google because they have established a website or blog in a topic they
are interested in.
Again, the Advertising Revenue model is the least important to the New
Professional for income. It's a part of the Internet economy and can be
a part of your model, but it doesn't have to be.
The next two models we'll discuss offer many more advantages for
producing income in the new economy.
You don't have to be a great writer or attract millions of views to
a video to be a successful New Professional. To build a profitable and
fulfilling career online, we encourage you to create an organized
marketing funnel that generates income through the sell of your own
products or services, and then offer affiliate products that are relevant
to your audience's interests on the back-end of that funnel (for Referral
2. Referral Revenue
Referral Revenue is money earned
from commissions by referring
people to a product or service that
someone else created. These
referrals typically happen
automatically through a marketing
Many companies you're familiar with offer affiliate programs. Just one
example is It's simple for anyone to set up an affiliate
account with companies like Amazon, and to receive commissions when
people make a purchase.
The process might begin when someone clicks on a link while visiting
your blog (or when reviewing your content at a website like Or, it might be initiated from links you provide within an
email sent to your list.
Referral Revenue drives much of
the Internet economy. In fact,
hundreds of billions of dollars have
been paid through Referral
Revenue. The industry continues
to grow with no signs of slowing
down because it's highly efficient
and effective as a model for selling.
As millions of people surf around
the Internet everyday, or open an
email from someone they trust,
they often click on a link that caught
their interest, which leads them to
When they do, a "referrer'' is usually getting a cut of the revenue.
Checks ranging from between several hundred dollars per year, to
millions per year, are commonplace.
One of the most successful ways to produce significant income through
Referral Revenue is to locate 'topic related' products & services that your
audience might be interested in, and to share them with your email list.
Because you don't have to create and deliver the product or service
yourself, this model offers significant leverage.
For example, if you created a New
Professional career around the
topic of pets, and have written a
blog article this week about, "How
To Choose the Perfect Dog Bed,"
you obviously might do well by
providing a link that sells "super-comfy
dog beds." That link would take your
audience to an online sales process
that does the sales work for you.
The more people who purchase, the
larger the check deposited into your
People will often trust your opinion because you provided the original
content about a topic of interest. If they've followed your content for a
while (such as in emails, Facebook, etc.), they will be very likely to trust
your recommendations. One person on your email list can represent
hundreds, thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars over
the course of several years, occasionally purchasing what you
recommend. Of course, the larger your audience and more credibility
you have, the more people who buy.
The more people in your audience
and on your email list, the greater
your potential for earnings (assuming
you have built a relationship and
provided value, which is what most
don't do properly). This is a primary
focus within our training at The
School of Online Business.
There are resources and entire communities that make it easy to find
ideal products and services your audience will be interested in.
Here is an example of one location where you can search for affiliate
products to offer your audience. Notice that this one resource alone
( has already paid people over 2 Billion dollars to
date. Another well-known resource you can check out is

Buy P"""
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Our clients have earned over 2 billion dollars. It's your turn.
Find tens of thousands of digital
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I> Mi ke Geary, New Jer ey, USA
Note: The commission paid on the sell of a product often ranges
between 10% to 75%, depending on what's being offered.
Selling other people's products and services can be a high-leveraging
strategy to significantly boost income while providing more value, without
having to create all the products and services yourself.
Because of this, many people have gotten excited about the idea of
doing as little work as possible to generate as much Referral Revenue
as they can. While there are plenty of examples of people who generate
significant income from this model alone, the key to building a loyal
audience who buys what you recommend is to establish credibility and
build a relationship through your funnel.
Establishing Credibility
When people see that you offer your
own products and services that you
created (book, coaching, consulting,
etc.), you establish credibility and
people will become far more
responsive to your recommendations.
This is why we recommend creating a
marketing funnel that includes both the
offering of your own products and services,
as well as offering affiliate products that
pay Referral Revenue.
Later in this section we' ll provide illustrations to show
how you might use Referral Revenue in conjunction with
your own products and services to reach a desired income
3. Selling Your Own Products & Services
In the world of online business and
marketing, "Selling Your Own Products &
Services" is the least taught as a model;
yet, it offers the greatest leverage as a
source of income for security, freedom
and long-lasting gratification.
So why is "Selling Your Own Products
& Services" the least often taught as a
means to generate income when it's your most empowering choice?
The answer is three-fold.
First, we have been conditioned to associate 'creating our own products
and services' with the challenges presented by this aim in the past (in
the physical economy). As described on pages 46-48, those obstacles
no longer exist. It will take time for people to be exposed to this message
and for the awareness shift to fully
integrate into our culture. Each day,
an exponentially increasing number
of people recognize, for the first
time, that the path of least resistance
for money and fulfillment starts
when they begin creating their
own products and services, fully
Second, the income and business opportunity
industries are creating a considerable amount of
confusion; perpetuating the disempowering belief
that says, "I'm not good enough to create my own
products and services," or "it's too hard. "
At The School of Online Business we're helping
people move to the empowering belief that, "I am
good enough," and to ask, "Why not me?"
Perpetuation Of A Disempowered Belief System ...
Many online and offline business opportunities promote a turnkey
'business-in-a-box.' More often than not, these opportunities appeal to
a person in desperation (need of money fast), or to their greed, which
is the desire to get a lot by giving the absolute least in return.
The promoters of such opportunities sidestep the importance of creating
your own products and services, in order to capitalize on people's
lowest-esteemed values, boldly selling that "you can make a lot of
money by buying their system and just following a few simple duplicating
steps." As alluring as this may sound to many people in our present
culture, this is a disempowering proposition and appeals to our most
primitive nature of wanting to get a lot with as little effort as possible.
Whether you're marketing
a business opportunity
online or affiliate products
for Referral Income, the key
to your success, and
personal fulfillment, will
always be to create unique
value in the marketplace.
Ironically, such systems do not actually
make it easier to achieve one's financial
goals. The amount of work, effort and
creativity required are equal to producing
your own products and offering your own
services, with one exception: When you
are marketing a make-money system,
without also offering your own products
and services, it's far more difficult to find
the sustaining energy to see the
process through.
Refer to the story summaries on pages 22-33 for real-1 ife
examples of people who created products and services as
New Professionals remembering that many of them had
no idea what they could offer before starting their training
at The School of Online Business. Refer to pages 129-134
for a detailed review of how we help you discover your value,
turn that into products and services, and create a high-
revenue Marketing Funnel structure all your own.
When you create your own products
and services, aligned with who you
are, you are on a path that offers
authentic inspiration. This path opens
up your flow of creativity in a genuine
manner; it also positions you to attract
your ideal audience more effortlessly
because nothing in the message or
process is forced. You simply pursue
developing products and services that feed you, interest you, represent
your purpose, and that fulfill and gratify you.
We are not against you promoting a
business opportunity (or affiliate programs)
to add revenue to your marketing funnel.
We are suggesting that, when you do,
participate as a New Professional and
offer your own products and services in
addition to promoting something you did
not create yourself.
Doing so will provide you with far more security in case a company you
promote goes under, abruptly changes leadership (and their core
values), or their policies. It will also provide additional sources of
revenue, a greater sense of self-worth, a more attractive brand with
more credibility to build your list, greater confidence, and competence
while putting you on track for far more freedom as you continue forward,
regardless of what happens in the economy or marketplace.
Refer to Rich and Natasha's story on
page 1 05, as well as Rachel Henke's
story on page 180, for examples on
how they incorporated the New
Professional path into their "income
opportunity model" to attract their
audience with sustainable appeal,
while generating far more income at
the same time.
Most think that creating and selling their own products
will be difficult. In reality, it offers them a shortcut to living
life on their terms. As we pointed out in "Opportunity
Without Walls," it has never been easier to create your own
products and services as it is today.
The third reason we see the Internet flooded with messages about
"making big money fast with a duplicating system" instead of more
professional training on developing your own products and services is
because it simply requires more experience and investment to offer a
comprehensive training program assisting people with developing their
own products and services.
Consider the resources available through
The School of Online Business, including
what's provided at our adjacent school
(Coaching Cognition) for advanced
communication skill development, along
with the opportunity to connect with
professional coaches and consultants as
you develop your new career, marketing
plan, products, and business.
\ I I
..... ./'
Millions of dollars and over 4 years of
development were invested into providing you
with this educational infrastructure.
Over time we anticipate to see more
comprehensive and 'standardized' educational
programs emerging, overshadowing the hype
(systems promising to make you a lot of money
by contributing little value in return).
Next we'll share illustrations demonstrating how specific income
levels might be reached. These illustrations have nothing to do
with what you will create or earn personally. Each New Professional
career, including the products or services you offer, and how you
market yourself, will be entirely unique to your core values, personal
interests, life experiences, preferences, personality, and goals.
Review pages 133-202 for a review on how we assist you in
discovering your unique value.
In the following illustrations, we'll
share income examples using
these three models:
1. Information Products (like creating
a blog, videos, books, CDs, or
webinar classes from a topic of
interest, life experience, or past
career, etc.).
2. Brick and Mortar Business (like a
mechanic shop, retailer, cup cake
business, or athletic gym, etc.).
See page 158 for funnel review
3. Coaching or Consulting by Phone or Internet (like a life or business
coach, or marketing consultant).
*The examples will illustrate
funnels that produce a range of
income levels, from $10,000 to $1
Million per year.
As you review these income illustrations, let go of any apprehension
concerning your ability to implement a successful plan of your own. It's
common to experience resistance (fear, overwhelm, doubt) when we
move toward developing new awareness or skills. These thoughts and
feelings do not have to prevent you from moving forward. Refer to the
section "A Look At Your Options & Opportunities," and also the section
"Overcoming Fear & Apprehension" to address concerns or self-doubt.
Information Products
Example 1, Background:
A woman in her early 60s has started dating again. It's been decades
since she ventured onto the dating scene. She decides to build a
passion-filled career around her experiences. She shares insights, tips,
and personal adventures as a dating senior.
Her audience is mainly single women
ages 50 and up, who find her "dating
adventures" entertaining, inspiring,
and helpful.
She sells her newsletter for $10 per
Income illustration: $1 0,000+ per year
She attracts an audience using Facebook and a blog, following what she
learned at The School of Online Business.
Do you think there might be at least 100 people in the world interested in
reading her newsletter?
Do you imagine there might be a lot more than 1 00 people interested?
1 00 subscriptions = $1 000/month ($12,000 per year) supplemental
She now has many additional options available to increase her income
if she chooses.
Income illustration: $50,000+ per year
She can now accelerate the growth of her subscription base by
advertising on Facebook or other websites where her audience is found.
As her subscription base increases, so does her income.
420 subscriptions= $4200/month ($50,400 per year).
Income illustration:
$1 ,000,000+ per year
By employing an aggressive zero-cost
funded proposal* campaign, she can
continue to grow her subscription base
to 8334 subscribers, which equates to
1 Million+ per year.
While this is an unusual goal, it's within
reach for those with the drive and
determination to share their message
and gifts with a larger audience.
*See page 152 for an illustration of the
"Zero-Cost" funded proposal strategy,
which allows you to aggressively grow
your email list and audience with little
to no risk.
The New Professional
path puts you on
course to manifest
whatever life you
Other options to increase her income ...
If she wanted to generate more income without an aggressive
advertising campaign, she could offer other "topic related" affiliate
products and services to her email list.
These Referral products and services would be related to topics
concerning health & wellness, gardening, dating products/services, or
other topics of interest for women ages 50 and up. She would find
these at or, or by
networking with others she meets inside the School of Online Business
and Coaching Cognition community.
This would produce a substantial additional
Referral Revenue, and can often generate more
than what's produced selling your own products
and services (see page 213 to review Referral
If she chooses, she can also offer coaching, or
online/offline workshops to produce more income.
She could expand into offering many types of
products and services of her own (books, COs,
etc.). It's in her power to expand her business
and income as far as she chooses.
The next example provides greater detail to illustrate
marketing strategy and costs (and other variables)
associated with growing one's audience and income
as a New Professional.
Example 2, Background:
In this next example, Kasey chose
to build her career around an
interest in "healthy living," leading
with a niche in, 'raw food recipes.'
She also plans to sell other
topic-related wellness products
and services on the 'back-end'
of her funnel. Let's look at how her Marketing Funnel looks generating
an income of $10,000, $50,000, and then $1 million per year.
People will enter Kasey's funnel through two strategies:
1. Advertising ("Zero-Cost" funded proposal method)
2. Social Media (FB, YouTube, Twitter, Blog)
Through use of social
media and the "Zero-Cost"
funded proposal method,
Kasey attracts her
audience. These are
people who either follow
Kasey on Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, visit her blog, or who click on her ads. Her posts and
blog discuss topics related to well ness, with an emphasis on raw foods.
When Kasey's audience
submits their email address
on her lead capture page to
receive her free offer, they
move into the "Expressed
Interest" phase of her funnel.
Kasey's free offer is a 3-minute
video class.
Learn More Inside Course 301
In Course 301, we'll
expand upon these
income illustrations
and provide video
examples, and bring
clarity to how you lead
people through a funnel
applying "authentic" (core
value aligned) direct sales
The general message for Kasey's free offer:
"Why eating healthy has you feigning
for sugar, and how to turn it all
around so you'll just be craving the
good stuff. In a 3-minute video on
the next page, you'll learn a simple little
secret that will forever turn those
mountainous health goals into a cakewalk,
FOR GOOD! Submit your email and I'll
feed you on the other side."
(The above "message" provides a context
for the video content on the lead capture
page, and can be modified to create
captivating ads, as well as to formulate
content for Kasey's blog, social media sites,
and emails.)
After Kasey's audience watches the
free three-minute video, they are
offered an opportunity to purchase a
$39 program teaching how to design
raw food meal plans that:
- You and your family will love
- Are fast and easy to put together
- Are inexpensive
- Ensures all dietary needs are met
for vegans, vegetarians, and meat
- Satisfy your cravings to completion
- Make packed lunches for kids
going off to school tasty, healthy,
fast, and fun
- Include desserts sure to win over
the biggest "health-food skeptics"
- Offer fun alternatives for those with
food allergies
In her follow-up emails to her audience, Kasey offers free content
related to healthy and raw food recipes, detoxifying and cleansing
strategies, and other well ness topics.
She directs people who receive her emails
to her blog, Facebook page, YouTube
videos, and other lead capture pages
offering more free offers, each related to
living a healthy lifestyle. Those free offers
lead her interested audience to other
products and services Kasey provides,
and to other affiliate products she
Income illustration: $10,000+ per year
Let's look first at just one example illustrating how Kasey's funnel might
produce $1 0,000+ per year.
Applying the "Zero-Cost" advertising, funded-proposal method, Kasey
profits immediately on every dollar she spends on advertising. This
allows her to generate her leads at no cost, so she can profit on the
"back-end" of her funnel.
- In this illustration, let's say it costs Kasey
$3 to generate one email lead
- Therefore, 100 leads cost Kasey $300
to produce
- Kasey sells a $39 program immediately
upon the prospect viewing her free offer
(her three-minute video).
- Kasey generates a reasonable 10%
conversion, meaning for every 10
people who watch her three-minute
video, 1 person purchases the $39 program
- So for every 1 00 leads Kasey generates, she revenues $390
- Kasey therefore profits $90 for every $300 she spends (and every 100
leads she generates)
* Illustration expanded upon in Course 301
Kasey now has a continuous flow of leads to offer her "main" products
and services. This is when she'll produce the bulk of her income. She
can also offer other related affiliate products for Referral Income.
In this illustration, Kasey's main products and services (called her
"high-end" products and services) include:
-Kasey's Kitchen Plan ($39/month)
When people join the "Kasey's Kitchen" plan, they get to have Kasey
"virtually" right there with them in their kitchen, showing them,
step-by-step, how to create the
dishes and deserts she discussed
in the $39 one-time payment
program they already purchased.
In addition, she includes a quarterly
newsletter sharing new recipes and
tips, along with pre-recorded videos
that accompany the new dishes she
continues to share.
Those who already purchased the $39 (funded proposal) program are
offered the opportunity to upgrade to the "Kasey's Kitchen" plan while
they are still in the checkout process. If they do not purchase "Kasey's
Kitchen" upon checkout, they are introduced to it again by email.
Let's say Kasey generates only 1,000 leads total per year.
Of those 1000 leads, 10% purchased her $39 (funded proposal)
program, which equates to $900 profit.
If just 2 out of 1 0 of these customers purchase the "Kasey's Kitchen"
plan, she will then have 20 customers paying $39/month.
Kasey then generates $9360 + $900 profit.
Total earned: $10,260 per year.
* The amount would naturally increase because some of the
members will remain on the $39/month plan as new members
are added.
Income illustration: $50,000+ per year
Continuing with the same illustration, Kasey produces $51,300 by
generating 5,000 leads.
*Remember, we have not yet factored in other products she can offer
to her audience, including affiliate products for Referral Revenue. Referral
Revenue is often equal to or greater than the income produced by the sell of
one's own products. Once a relationship is established through a properly
designed marketing funnel, people often trust your recommendations.
Income illustration: $1 ,000,000+ per year
Few have the desire to do the work necessary to generate a
seven-figure income. This illustration, however, demonstrates that the
New Professional path puts you on a course to realistically achieve it if
your goals call for it.
This illustration also serves as a landmark
for pre-planning your strategy for a
six-figure income goal.
Building upon the example with Kasey, let's assume she generated
100,000 leads using the "Zero-Cost" funded-proposal strategy as
outlined in the previous example.
Selling her $39 program and the "Kasey's Kitchen" plan, this yields:
$1 ,000,000+
But it wouldn't be necessary to generate 100,000 leads in order to
reach a million dollar per year goal. By selling other products and
services, much more can be generated with a much smaller audience.
To illustrate, consider Kasey generates 50,000 leads, but offers other
products and services, including affiliate products that pay an affiliate
commission for Referral Revenue (see page 213 for more on Referral
50,000 leads would equate to $513,000 in sales of the $39
funded-proposal program and "Kasey's Kitchen" plan.
Additional products and services Kasey provides might include:
- Wellness Coaching (1% of list purchasing $495 coaching package
= $247,500)
- Healthy Lifestyle Topic-Related Book (Used mainly to build credibility;
however, 3% of audience purchases it on Amazon producing $7 per
book for Kasey, totaling: $1 0,500)
Affiliate products and services Kasey offers her list include:
- Raw food chocolate recipes cookbook (3% of list purchasing at $99 =
$148,500. Kasey receives 50% commission equating to: $74,250)
- Small and large complete-home water filtration systems (2% of list
purchasing at $300 average= $300,000. Kasey receives 20%
commission equating to: $60,000)
- Air filter systems (1% of list purchase at $150 average= $75,000.
Kasey receives 15% commission equating to: $11 ,250)
- Juicer (3% of list purchase juicer at $150 average= $225,000. Kasey
receives 15% commission equating to: $33, 750)
- Infrared Saunas (.05% of list purchases at $2500 average= $625,000.
Kasey receives 10% commission equating to: $62,500)
Total Generated= $1 ,012,000+ per year.
Remember Kasey did not have to create these
affiliate products. She did not need to ship them. She
simply sent an email to her list. Affiliate revenue often
represents equal to greater income than what is
generated from the sale of one's own products.
Brick and Mortar Business
John is a mechanic and owns an
auto repair shop. Over the years
he has become more mindful of
the ecological costs of the auto
industry. His shop now follows the
highest standards for environmentally friendly auto repair practices. He
prides himself on great customer service and is ready to increase his
client base. He plans to use the Internet to attract more business.
John is busy repairing cars and managing his auto
repair shop, so he enrolls his administrative assistant
into The School Of Online Business to assist him in
creating and managing an online strategy.
Let's first consider what the online marketing funnel might look like
producing $10,000+ additional income for John. Once his basic funnel
in place, he can then scale it up to $50,000+ per year, and beyond.
Income illustration: $1 0,000+ per year
John's assistant sets up a Facebook
advertising campaign targeting people
who live in their city. At the same time,
the ads target those who are
environmentally conscious because
these people are most likely to
leave their present mechanic upon
learning of an environmentally mindful alternative. In addition, the ads
target those who are more affluent and willing to pay more for great
*In Course 301, we show you how to target your marketing to
attract your ideal audience.
John needs to cover the costs associated with his campaign.
His assistant costs $15/hour. He asks his assistant to devote 10 hours
per week on the project. After his assistant learns how to set up the
campaign, he will continue to devote this same amount of time to scale
up to larger goals. John budgets for a consistent cost of $8,400 per
year to cover his assistant's time on this project.
John already knows that his average customer is worth $500 per year
in profit for his shop.
Without considering the costs associated with running the campaign,
he would only need to increase his customer base by 20 people in
order to add an additional $10,000 to his bottom line.
Factoring in the $8,400 allotted to cover
the costs of his assistant, John will need
36 new customers to equate to a
$10,000 profit.
*Keep in mind that once John
attracts these customers, he can
choose to end the campaign,
removing all costs associated with it,
and still continue to receive the
ongoing revenue increase.
Breaking down the cost of the ads:
Facebook charges per click or per
impression. This means that you
can select to either pay a set amount
for every click you receive on your ad,
or per 1 ,000 impressions (regardless
of how many people clicked on the
ads). Paying per click is usually
favored because you are paying
only for a result.
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John's assistant meets with him to discuss his progress. They decide to
pay no more than $1.00 per click for the advertising on Facebook.
This is there "bid." In this example, the average cost per click on their
ad is 80 cents. (The advertiser will always pay less than what they bid.
Their 'bid' is the maximum they are willing to pay. More on this in future
They create a video lead capture page where John appeals to those
interested in making environmentally mindful decisions. John may even
offer free information (a report, etc.) that appeals to those who are
environmentally conscious. If he already offers incentives to entice new
customers to his shop (free car check-ups, basic maintenance, etc.) this
may also be included in the free offer. The grand appeal in his message
for his particular audience will be an emphasis on environmentally friendly
practices which resonates with their core values, while demonstrating that
he's a great guy who will treat them well.
Within his funnel he may reference how
he takes care of his customers, including
an offer to email them when it's time to
change their oil, etc.
Their first lead capture page requires 15
clicks to get one person opting in with
their email address. Applying strategies learned at the School of Online
Business, they make a few adjustments and improve this, getting an
email opt-in per every 4 clicks.
Because their ads are so highly targeted
(environmentally friendly auto-repair) they
are able to attract a large percentage of
their audience through their funnel, with a
good conversion.
They begin to track the number of people
who are coming into their shop from the
ads. They are able to "track" this by giving a special discount code to
those who have filled out their lead capture page. They share this on the
landing page (the page their potential customer lands on after opting into
their lead capture page) as well as in the email follow-ups.
The emails discuss topics related to
good car maintenance, and underscore
the importance of environmentally
mindful practices. They also offer tips
on saving money on gas (and reducing
one's carbon footprint) by keeping tire
pressure maintained, among other
related tips. At the end of each email
they invite people to come into the shop
for environmentally conscious maintenance
and repairs.
Out of 15 people who opt into their funnel, John and his assistant notice
that they attract one new customer. Therefore, it takes $48 in advertising
costs to attract one new customer (80 cents per click x 4 clicks to
produce a lead x 15 leads to produce a shop customer).
Factoring in all costs associated with this campaign (including cost of
advertising, and the assistant's time on the project), John profits
$10,180 by attracting in 41 new customers.
*Remember, if he were to stop the entire campaign, his costs
associated with his assistant's time on the project and the
advertising return to zero; however, many of his new customers
will continue to do business with him year after year.
Income Illustration: $50,000+ per year
As John's past customers return to his shop, he collects their email
addresses. To entice them to share their email address, he might offer
them a discount or rebate for filling out a customer satisfaction survey.
He might also let them know he'll be emailing them with future rebate
opportunities related to the season (winter tires, free tire pressure
service, etc), and to inform them of products he recommends that are
enviromentally mindful and add value to their lives.
With their email addresses, his assistant begins applying what he has
learned at The School of Online Business to build a relationship by
email, while offering more value.
For example, the emai ls might
discuss the environmental costs of
missing car maintenance schedules,
and offer personalized reminders
by email when it's time for
maintenance and part replacements.
John might also begin selling affiliate
products to his email list for
significant Referral Revenue.
These would be products he
personally recommends that would
appeal to those who are environmentally conscious, including high-end
products that make the home more environmntally 'clean' (air filters, etc).
He could offer surveys at the bottom of emails to discover if a particular
customer has such interests before offering topic targeted niche products.
Over the course of a year, John may notice that by applying these
strategies he has increased his average profit per customer significantly.
The affiliate products require no additional cost to offer so these sales
are pure profit.
His high-value email campaigns and personalized reminders of car
maintenance schedules have attracted people back into his shop more
regularly. His average profit per customer increases from $500 per year
to $637 per year.
If John already had 175 steady customers who averaged a profit of $500
per year before implementing these "new economy" strategies, his profit
was $87,500 per year.
After implementing these strategies and adding on 41 new customers,
John generates $137,592 (an increase of $50,092).
Of course, he may continue to scale up until he has maxed out the
number of customers he can maintain at his present location. At this
time he would be far more equipped as a businessman to succeed with
a second location; or to create a franchise and perhaps a well-known
name brand.
Coaching and/or Consulting
As you review this next example, imagine that Robert is a ...
High school teacher ...
Work-at-home-dad ...
Grocery store cashier with a desire to coach
families on how to turn a child's ADD "disorder"
into an advantage ...
Imagine that Robert is "anyone" with a background in "anything."
(This next illustration still applies.)
In this example, Robert has spent
much of his adult career in Corporate
America facilitating management and
leadership roles. He's always wanted
to strike out on his own to work for
himself, but he's been putting it off for
years. Robert knows he has value to
offer, but is unsure "precisely" what it
is, or how to package and market it.
Realizing the Internet provides a unique opportunity to create a career
he would truly enjoy, Robert enrolls into The School of Online Business.
He starts developing a plan as he advances through the online
marketing courses.
At the same time, he refines his communication skills by developing
"professional coaching skills" at Coaching Cognition.
He connects with coach-consultants for help in clarifying what he would
truly like to offer, based on his background, goals and preferences. He
gets clear on his product offers (both short-term and long-term), as well
as his message; and creates a brand and marketing funnel plan.
Upon graduating from his initial courses, and as a part of his extended
"experiential training," Robert begins attracting clients as a coach using
the Coaching Cognition platform by implementing what he's learned.
He builds his marketing funnel initially
around offering "coaching services,"
.. x ... which allows him to get a strong grasp
on what people need so he can then
create high-leveraging products that will
pay him residually. This way he won't
always have to trade his time for money.
He also offers affiliate products for Referral Revenue to his email list.
He keeps his 'day job' and starts his New Professional career part-time.
Let's look at how his funnel numbers might "break down" to produce
$10,000 per year, then $50,000 per year, and then $1,000,000 per year.
Income Illustration: $1 0,000+ per year
In this example, Robert chooses to offer
coach-consulting services to those who
are migrating online. He helps them
overcome what he recently overcame to
help them discover their own value in the
new economy, and to create a marketing
funnel of their own. He makes their
process easier by pointing them to
resources that will assist them, and
employing 'coaching skills' to help them
create their own plan.
Remember, Robert could choose to focus on any number of consulting
topics to accompany his coaching services. It could be anything from
"assisting others in overcoming fears of public speaking," to ADD
coaching, to "being your own advocate to receive proper health care."
Or, he could offer life-coaching services without consulting. (See page
198 for a review of coaching vs. consulting.)
Robert charges $495 for 5 hours of coaching, as
a package.
With just 21 clients per year, Robert generates
This is generated with just 2 client sessions per
In this example, Robert could be employ ing free social media
methods to attract his clients, or using a low-priced information
product on the front-end of his funnel to break even through
advertising. See page 228 for an example that illustrates the specific
cost breakdown associated with attracting clients, including the
implementation of the "Zero-Cost" funded proposal advertising
strategy in detai I.
Income Illustration: $50,000+ per year
With the help of The School of Online
Business and his own coach-consultant,
Robert planned at the beginning of his
process to eventually transition out of
one-on-one coaching to move into 'group
coaching, ' and then to offer several
higher-end products for leveraged
He wants to generate more while working less, so he can make a bigger
contribution (by offering more value). To do this, he will create
"high-end" products and a more developed funnel based out of what he
learns about his clients as a coach.
He continues meeting with 2 clients per week, one-on-one (generating
$10,395 per year), as he makes the transition.
He focuses the bulk of his available
part-time working hours developing
the marketing for his "group coaching"
services, developing his first high-end
product, and looking for ways to
generate income through Referral
The Marketing For Robert's Group Coaching Services ...
Robert offers a special discounted price of $195 for 5 "group coaching"
sessions to his email list. He is able to leverage the video and written
testimonials he has collected from the one-on-one coaching he's done
to sell the value of his "group coaching" package with greater ease.
The School Of Online Business Master's Program offers you the
training, personal guidance and platform to transition your coaching
skills into highly effective marketing and your own product
development, so you can leverage your skills to continually earn
more with Jess hours spent, as you develop greater levels of value
for your audience. When you coach-consult WHILE learning proper
marketing strategy, you gain insight into the needs of your audience,
which can be turned into high-end products.
Robert decides he will coach 1 0 people at a time on his group coaching
calls, but will only do one group coaching call per week. This allows him
to still have free time to develop his higher-leveraging products while
learning about the needs of his audience during coaching sessions.
This equates to $20,280 per year generated through one group
coaching call per week.
The total that Robert is now generating from one-on-one coaching and
group coaching combined is $30,675.
He only holds three coaching calls
per week between both his
one-on-one and group coaching
Robert has purposefully planned the early steps
of his career to generate income while still
allowing him free time to create products from the
experiences he has gained working with clients.
By working with clients one-on-one, and then in
groups, Robert is able to "see" needs in the
marketplace that he can fill, which others cannot
see who didn't have this same experience as a
coach studying marketing.
Robert has created his own information products (a video course related
to the topic he consults on). He charges $197 in a recorded set of
videos that cover much of the same material he learned his audience
needed through the interaction he had with clients. He includes his
product in his funnel and sells 50 customers throughout the year.
To accomplish this, Robert would only need to sell 10% of those who
enter his marketing funnel with a list of 500 people. This means that 9
out of 10 people said no, and he still would generate an additional $9,850
this year on his first high-end product.
Developing and selling a high-end product at $197 to 10% of your
list is very realistic when you have taken the time to plan properly,
developed communication skills through coaching, and have
interacted with coaching clients of your own to identify needs that
you uniquely understand (because you engaged with real people to
identify their needs, assisted them toward solutions, while working
with them as a trained professional coach).
Because Robert continues to collect written
and video testimonials (as taught and
supported in The School of Online Business),
he now has a continually improving funnel
that becomes more and more attractive and
effective at selling whatever he offers, over
Robert also shares "topic related" products and services with his list to
produce affiliate income through Referral Revenue.
Based on the expectations given in the illustration
on pages 230-231, which shows a breakdown of
how affiliate products can equate to income
generated by one's own products, Robert
generates an additional income by offering
topic-related affiliate products (that he did not
have to create) to his audience.
Based on those expectations laid out in the previous example (see
pages 230-231 ), it is conservative to factor in an additional $10,000 in
Referral Revenue.
Adding up what Robert earns through one-on-one coaching, group
coaching, Referral Revenue, and his first high-leveraging product, he
generates $50,070.
Income Illustration: $1 ,000,000+ per year
Obviously, there are a number of ways Robert could exceed a million
dollar per year income by expanding his email list, product line and the
affiliate products he offers.
For a simple illustration, consider that Robert decides to focus all of his
time on building his email list through the "zero-cost" funded proposal
strategy and to only sell his original product at $197. He improves the
product over time as needed, and connects with clients by phone in
order to stay connected to his audience's needs.
He focuses on building his email list to
51,000 people per year.
At a 10% sales conversion, selling the
same $197 product would produce
$1,004,700 with 51,000 people on his list.
If he didn't sell anything else, and focused on producing a funnel that
generated this number of leads each year, this would represent a seven
figure yearly income.
More likely, Robert would create new products that addressed other
needs for his audience, and could significantly increase his income
with far less leads.
As his experience in marketing grows, so does his ability to offer more
expensive products.
He could expand into offering
public events.
He could continue to offer relevant
affiliate products to his list, and could
reach his seven-figure income goal
with far less leads generated than
Most people do not have the desire to generate a seven-figure income
or beyond. The point to including this in the example is to demonstrate
that this is a realistic path to accomplishing such goals if you have them.
How many career paths can say that realistically?
Most important to note, is that The School
of Online Business and Coaching Cognition
put you on course to tap into the "new
economy" opportunities with a sensible
Whatever your income goal, it's worth considering getting an education
to learn the Internet landscape. Only then will you truly know what is
possible for you.
The School Of Online Business offers a Master's Program that supports
you through creating and implementing your own marketing plan, brand,
message, and your own product line to reflect your core values. In addition,
you develop the "coaching skills" needed to successfully interact and engage
with prospects and customers; and are placed on a platform where you learn
to transfer those coaching skills into high-leveraging products.
The Empathy-Driven Economy
When we look to history,
we find clues that tell us
who we are as a race ...
what we're capable of
becoming ... and
where we're headed.
War, greed and the abuse
of power are just a part of
our shared histories. So
are peaceful times and
unforgettable acts of
Today, we see both
paradigms at play.
Violence, power struggle, and political rivalries that perpetuate an
almost tribal-like gang warfare mentality are still common.
At the same time, from a completely different kind of energy, we see
empathy driving our motivations. Religious organizations, business
entities and government programs (like welfare) offer a few examples.
Regardless of your political views or philosophies, we can all agree that
empathy and compassion describe a "part" of who we are.
Perhaps you have noticed a shift underway, moving us toward a more
empathetic economy and culture.
dri Ven eC. on om ee J
We can now hear a growing voice
that speaks for environmental
awareness, animal rights, helping
those in need, and a demand for
corporate accountability.
Even our language is changing.
A more empowering way of
relating to one another has
It's not uncommon to notice on a daily basis people lifting others up,
encouraging them to find their own voice, self-confidence and value.
The personal development industry represents this evolutionary shift.
As our economy continues to evolve into a more empathetic culture, new
opportunities arise. The School of Online Business (SOOB) supports
you in discovering your own role in this transition.
With grounded direction, SOOB doesn't just teach you "what" to do, but
how to do it. .. to help you discover your value, package it, and thrive in
the new world.
When you connect to what's
important to you and allow
yourself to live in accordance
with your beliefs, you discover
an effortless way of living.
This is fulfillment. This is the
"RISE of the New
From 80s Sales Culture To The Empathy-Driven Economy
Let's observe the socioeconomic shift toward empathy from
another direction ...
Consider the 1980's sales culture. The
strategies that worked then have lost
their appeal. Images of the "greasy car
salesman" and other relatable cliches
represent the 'feeling' we get when
confronted with 'greed-based'
Some companies try to cloak their
greed-based motives under an
authentic "caring" message in their
marketing; but people today are becoming more sensitive to such tactics,
and are attracted to companies-and people-who truly care.
Today, the transparency of the Internet allows us to connect more
closely to the people we do business with. This is why the "New
Professional opportunity" is so relevant to our time. People are looking
to collaborate with others who are here to contribute with a purpose.
Becoming a New Professional and pursuing a career that you enjoy,
based on a mindful contribution to the economy, connects you to
something bigger than you alone.
Perhaps you too want to
make an impact. .. to be a
part of something ...
By joining the ranks of the
New Professionals, you
help humanity evolve into
an economy founded on
compassion and empathy.
Learn from one of our SOOB students, Niko
Mercuris, who has moved into the empathy-
driven economy as a New Professional.
Niko was a high school drop out turned
self-made millionaire. He lost it all and made it
all, again and again. Now he's entered into a
spiritual awakening .. . "Did I need a lot of
money to do that?" recalls Niko. "It comes
down to introspection, and what really makes
you happy ... "
"It started when I was a kid," says Niko. "My father passed when I was
8-years-old. We were what most would consider a wealthy family. We
had a big yacht on the island in one of the nicest areas on the west coast
of Florida. We had a big house on the water, purchased from a celebrity.
We had lavish parties, fancy cars ... "
"But when my father passed away, it
was a rude awakening ... from living
this dream lifestyle to not being able
to afford anything. When he passed,
it was as if it were all for show. He
left us nothing."
Niko's mother moved him and his
siblings into a motel and started
putting the pieces together. She
started a business pursuing her passion-antiques and vintage jewelry.
"My mother was always spiritual. She found her niche. She did it for the
love of it. I later noticed a recurring theme in her going after her
Niko reflects back on that time ...
"I felt as if we were always rich. When the money was gone, the physical
things were taken away, but my attitude was still there. I felt a sense of
entitlement. I still carried myself as if my family and I were special. I felt
our situation was temporary. I knew I would get it back. I had that
drive ... I didn't know how I was going to do it. But I knew I'd be rich
At age 17, Niko dropped out of high school and went into telemarketing.
He immediately rose up in the ranks. He later started his own business
at 21, and within the first week made over $70,000 in sales.
"I've had money and lost it across several different fields, from old sales
and marketing techniques to making millions in properties. Money will
get you anything. People will do anything for you. Having money is the
fastest way to get what you want [materially]. But CHASING money is
the hardest way to get it."
At the height of it, he made $12 million a year with 140 sales reps. His
gross revenue totaled $1.2 million in net profit split with his partner. .. but
as Niko remembers, "Something was missing. I couldn't stand what we
were doing. I didn't equate it with a purpose ... I just knew there was a
better way."
"We need to make money. We live in a monetary society. But it's an
illusion to chase money. I didn't want to spend my entire life wasting
time accumulating money and then reach the end and ask, 'what did I do
to make a difference?"' says Niko.
He hit a threshold.
Niko admits, "It became
much more than about
making money. I want to
sleep at night knowing that
I can help people and
create something good."
Like many frustrated entrepreneurs, professionals and career-oriented
people, Niko entered the Empathy-driven economy with a thirst for
fulfillment. He just didn't know how to find it. .. yet.
He chose to engage his passion for writing and began a blog.
Without knowing how to leverage the Internet through online marketing,
he was at a disadvantage.
Although his business-savvy skills enabled him to connect to an
audience of tens of thousands, Niko didn't know how to turn that into a
business model. He didn't know how to create products congruent with
his message, brand, purpose, and that would generate sales through a
structured marketing funnel.
"When I was introduced to Mike Klingler, it all clicked with me right
away. I understood what Mike was saying ... the need to learn all
of this. And once I know it, I can teach it."
Are you Puzzled by Possibility? ,. ,_ ill ll u,.
Pubished Aprt27, 2012 by NloMorcuris
Stop playing small and start thinking BIG!
Never believing he would one day be a "coach," Niko stumbled across
Coaching Cognition and The School of Online Business with a desire to
not only thrive in the "new" economy, but also be a part of a
humanitarian shift in evolutionary change.
Niko soon realized, "Acquiring wealth should be of utter importance .. .
to facilitate a change in the world so you can help. And you really can't
help anyone in this world until you first help yourself."
The definition of "economy" has changed for Niko, as it has for many in
today's world. Creating value in the "new" economy is something Niko
and many other business-minded professionals believe can move them
forward in the next stage of their professional (and purposeful) lives.
"I want to be an inspirational person. I want to contribute. "
The "Empathy-Driven Economy" is establishing a culture that shifts us
from the old paradigm of 'working to live' to a mindful approach of
'living to work. '
Here's just another example of how the Empathy-Driven
Economy impacts every industry:
Stephanie Qui lao What se rendipity. Yesterday I was at The
Starrup Confere nce he re in Sll icon VaHey. I was telli ng a VC
and a couple st artup Founders developing fit ness and
healtln apps that I get pit ched by lots of health & well ness
app developers wanting me t o review and recommend t heir
app t o my audience. Most of t he apps are the same rehash
of t he same old thing. I told t hem that most ofthese apps
are lacking in one key feat ure and t hat is --> empat hy.
Losing weight and getting heal.t hier is hard and f rustrati ng.
Feeling empathy even from a mobile a pp would make a
difference. So, 1
m total ly int rigued to learn more about
what you have in mind for tihe Empathy- Driven Economy :-)
4 mi nutes ago Unlike o5 l
Overcoming Fear & Apprehension
What if I don't have much to offer? What if I'm not creative, educated,
or disciplined enough? Why does the idea of learning the Internet
landscape intimidate me?
Fi rst, let's consider ...
What's prevented you from reaching
your life goals so far?
At The School of Online Business (SOOB) you're given the platform to
redefine your goals ... work through your fears ... overcome your
apprehensions .. . and direct your creative energy into manifesting the life
you choose, far more effortlessly.
This is about much more than just finding your passion-filled career; it's
about accessing your own power so that you can apply it in every aspect
of your life.
What if you fee/like you don't have much to offer?
Throughout this book, we introduced you to people who have gone from
knowing close to nothing about the Internet (and their potential), to
creating value and passion-filled careers as New Professionals.
Today, some of our former students from SOOB consult with local
businesses on marketing strategies .. . even though they knew nothing
about the topic less than two years ago. When they first started with us
they never imagined they would have the capacity to implement what
they learned here as experts.
Others are now authors, speakers,
coaches, and top marketers ... or
have created a small business out
of a passion they didn't even know
they had before their training. When
they started their education with
us, many doubted their potential.
When you learn the
Internet landscape in
the unique environment
provided at SOOB,
doors open to new
opportunities spawning
creative ideas never
imagined before this
high-tier level of
Regardless of who you
are or where you come
from, you ARE valuable.
We help you cultivate it into "economic value" in the field of your choice.
Through the previous sections of "RISE of the New Professional ," we
illustrate that the world has changed to your advantage. The obstacles
that once stood between you and a small audience (of people who will
appreciate what you have to give) are removed.
And with a small audience you can generate a very large income ... and
have an impact (see pages 222-244 for Income Illustrations) in many
people's lives.

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Nothing stands in your way-
except perhaps obtaining a solid
education within a supportive
community ... a community that
will help you hone in on what you
can offer, and teach you how to
package your message, so you
can live the life you want to live ...
give what you want to give ... and
receive what you deserve to
What if I feel I'm not creative, educated, or disciplined enough? Why
does the idea of learning the Internet landscape intimidate me?
These are similar fears as the ones
we addressed above. Self-doubt is
a common human experience. But
letting these emotional experiences
run our lives is not helpful ... not in
business, not in relationships, not in
creating from inspiration, not in
Education opens doors.
It's human nature to resist change. We've all experienced it.
When we look back at the important milestones in our lives, when we
learned something new or made a breakthrough, we can reflect on
moments or long periods where we also encountered anxiety, fear, or
stress during the transition and growth.
Why does this happen? What can you do to overcome it?
Thousands of books and training programs have been created on the
Millions of people have
pursued a spiritual path or
a counselor to seek
overcoming these emotional
Some have turned to
Others look for an escape from this part of their lives as much as they
can, through television, sex, or by attracting drama to preoccupy them
from facing the 'process of growth. ' You may know loved ones who
have abused drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, etc.
And others just feel miserable
half the time, overwhelmed by
daily stresses.
There is a way to shift all of this
around ... to harness this "energy"
to your advantage.
Life's challenges 'can become' rewarding, inspiring and energizing,
rather than overwhelming, frustrating, or painful.
The first step is to ask, "How?"
Being open to seeing and experiencing things from a new perspective is
key to making such a shift.
From there, it starts as a practice.
Are you willing to practice paying attention to how daily challenges make
you feel. .. such as when new opportunities arise .. . or as you learn and
experience something new?
If you are, then it won't take long to
make a breakthrough.
And when you make a breakthrough in
THIS area of your life, an inevitable
shift will arise internally. This is the
source of "effortless living."
At The School of Online Business, we spend a lot of time with you in
class addressing this very topic. Those who attend Coaching Cognition
or the Master's Program, learn specific strategies to awaken their
potential and become fully expressed.
The Cost Of Not Knowing
It's 1915. There's a long dirt road in front of you.
You're tired because you've been walking many miles now. You're on
your way back home from a long day's work.
Just then a strange noise catches your attention. As it draws closer you
realize it's one of those new machines-a motor. A "Model T."
It zooms by ... literally leaving you
caught up in a storm of dust.
An empty feeling enters. It feels like
a knot in your stomach. You begin
to question what that all means.
Having material "things" never really
mattered before. It wasn't something
you had ever thought about. .. until
You never really needed much from life. You live by a few simple rules.
Work hard, enjoy your family, and enjoy your hobbies when you can find
the time.
You dropped out of school perhaps a bit too early.
That little voice inside of you says, ' It
would'a been nice if ya finished through
grade school. Pro'lly coulda' got a better
job ... made more of that money. Maybe
even afforded one of 'dem fine
Your world that once seemed so big, now
feels like you've been looking through a
pinhole. Your perspective of the "economy" has shifted. You feel as if
you still have something left to figure out.
There's a whole world out there you wish you could connect to ... but you
don't know how.
You're still proud of who you are, and you
know things are just fine. But. ..
You now realize the value of an education,
and the costs of not having one.
Consider the Cost of "Internet Illiteracy" In The New Economy ...
How do you measure the cost of not knowing
what you don't know .. . before you know it?
How do you measure the value of integrating
yourself into the new economy, fully?
Throughout this book we've shared what you
probably have felt. .. there's a whole new
world out there-of opportunity in career, in
forging new relationships, in connecting.
All that stands between you and "connecting" to that new world is an
Learning with The School of Online Business opens doors. Your
perspective about "what's possible" broadens. You see options you would
not otherwise see. You meet people you would not otherwise meet. You
experience new ideas and can pursue your goals more freely ... fully
connected to the rest of the modern world.
"You don't know what you don't know. " But we all know there is value in
learning ... and there are costs if you remain in the dark.
Life can be just as miraculous and fulfilling for any of us, regardless of
whether or not one gets educated.
It all depends on what you value, and the kind of experience you want to
Learning how to optimize the Internet to create your ideal career
doesn't need to be daunting. At The School of Online Business,
it's an exciting path of self-discovery and actualization. See how
an introspective learning process with one-on-one guidance and
"how to" instruction propels you forward in the new economy.
In the section, "A Look At Your Options &
Opportunities" we shared 10 categories
that The School of Online Business courses
lead you through to piece together your
ideal, fully personalized plan (see pages
129-202 to review).
Whether it's to grow a business you already have, market a book you've
written, monetize a blog, become or expand as a coach, or create a
passion-filled career you cannot yet fully imagine, the steps we offer you
are thorough, supportive, and will continue long after you graduate.
Unlike most online training programs, you won't be left to figure this all
out on your own.
In addition to the classes, you have
access to coach-consultants who
are trained to assist you with the
creation of your plan; including core
value alignment, product creation,
marketing funnel development,
branding, and implementation; as well
as overcoming any other challenges
you face personally, emotionally,
or logistically.
Perhaps most difficult to graps the significance of (and describe) ... you
have a community of friends to rely upon here, who can feed and
energize you, and who can give feedback along the way to greatly assist
in your development.
They act as a sort of mastermind alliance. It is invaluable.
This support continues long after the courses have ended. Many of our
students become collaborators and partner on projects, and develop
deeply rooted friendships that last the span of years.
In addition, there are several opportunities to springboard your career
right here, leveraging our resources and audience. After you've
graduated from the courses, you're provided a platform to begin
attracting clients and customers, where you can grow within the safety
and comfort of the community (while branching out on your own as you
gain the confidence).
The environment of learning here is experiential. This means you don't
just learn by watching and listening to information. You learn by doing.
You can practice your communication and marketing skills in a
structured, safe environment, which allows you to grow at an accelerated
pace as compared to developing these skills out there on your own.
This is an opportunity to learn in an environment that supports you in
every possible way-not only to create a passion-filled career, but also
to connect to the online world authentically and immediately.
We've created several free supplemental classes to assist you in your
continued learning. From there you can learn about everything we have
to offer.
Go to
to continue your education.
"What can I say here? Mike gave one of the most influential webinars I
have ever listened to. And for many reasons MFM:
1. Truly defines what Personal Branding really is (and has to be) for
success to be achieved;
2. Shakes the foundation of the annoying HYPE we normally see;
3. Exposes why some people have all the money, so to speak,
while others don't. In fact, those with money have actually
contributed to the whole ... without realizing it themselves;
4. Confirms that I am going in the right direction, even though I am
still preparing my own unique funnel.
It has taken me over a year and $4, 000+ to arrive
at this moment of focus, with some work still yet to
be done. This webinar confirms the necessity to step
away from the noise and identify one's own course,
instead of being sucked into the vortex of being an
imitator of someone else's value. Thanks Again!"
-Joe Young
"85% of the middle class jobs have been lost to robotics, offshore
growth, and recession. People will have to develop the "spirit "of the
pioneer to create a future for themselves, and to help their families
survive and thrive. The Occupy groups may be right in their complaints
but it is doubtful their methods will work. They need to create a country
from the bottom up by using theircreativity, persistent effort and
leadership skills. We need innovators, not complainers.
We need people that take responsibility for making our
country work again by developing new skills and taking
continuing action ... even when they fail. They can get
ideas from Mike Klingler, who has helped thousands
restart their lives which helped their families, their
local communities and their country."
-Jeanne Goldberg
"My biggest challenge re-entering the business world,
after my kids were grown, was being in mid-life and
not having grown up with computers-to figure out
how to do business online. It was through the
education in Renegade Professional, where I
learned about using the internet and creating
my own products."
-Leta Russel
"Mike's courses Marketing Funnel Mastery and Renegade
Professional earned him my loyalty for life. This was
life-changing material for me. He is one of a kind. I
want to find ways to repay him over and over again
for all the things I've learned from his courses, live
events and coaching."
-Evan Kopelson
"I was a mortgage broker for 20 years so I was spending a
lot of time thinking of different careers. I was so
scattered, but now I have a business plan. At
first I was skeptical because everyone wants
your money, but Mike is so honest and so
straight forward. I really got my
money's worth. "
-Fiortentino Montelongo
"Being able to combine Marketing Funnel Mastery with my
own passion for coaching has been a tremendous
freedom for me because now I'm able to really
hone in and laser target the people who will
benefit most from my life's experiences. It
will empower them and give them hope
to succeed."
-Emma Tiebens
"I was always selling my time instead of running my
own business. Mike asked me the questions that
got me from where I was to where I wanted to be."
-Pat Shanks
"To anyone brand new to entrepreneurship, one of the
first tings I would really recommend is-take a deep
breath and get that this is a process (this is going to
be a journey) and to be okay with that, and stop
looking for that overnight lottery ticket. If you
put 6-12-18 months into it, you can transform
your life significantly.
I attended an event of Mike Klingler's with
the gut feeling that I needed to roll out my
own products, and that's wher /learned
how I was going to get it done. "
-Steve Jaffe
"I've come to realize how valuable coaching is for all
areas of life, not only for trying to grow a business.
Learning HOW to empower another person,
through Coaching Cognition,has actually
empowered me!!"
-Jan Foster
"The biggest challenges in starting a home business,
before finding Mike, was having no support, not
having a place to go to get solid answers, and
how to get what you do in front of the right
-Jim Harris
"Over the last couple of years I have paid for a number of various
training programs. I won't mention anyone's name but I
have seen some product offers going at $97 - $297 from
prominent people that really have no clue what they are
talking about. I must say that you give away more
information in your free class on marketing funnels
than most people will ever give out on their over
priced products. Of course that should be
someone's first clue to the quality of a
product, are they getting a free training
video with sales at the end or a sales
video with no training to be found?"
-Robert Clark
"What Mike has taught me this weekend, showed me
how to go on and inspire others. My advice to new
people coming into this (creating their own online
business) is when you hit a challenge or a hurdle,
it's not the time to give up. That's a normal part
of the process. "
-Judith Costa
"I used to have no clarity on what I wanted to do because there
were so many things I was interested in. I hired my first coach
last year for that reason. That helped me figure out &
understand my core values. From there we were able to
examine which of the million things I was "interested" in
would be aligned with those core values. The list was
quickly chopped down to a reasonable & workable size.
Becoming aware of your core values helps you quickly
and easily realize where to go next. To achieve any
kind of success, you must experience absolute clarity
about who you are -your values and beliefs, and
where you are desiring to go with your life. My coach
was wonderful and taught me how to ask Empowering
Questions to get better quality answers.
Where my questions led me was to Mike's pages and videos.
I'm STILL getting through all the information! It's amazing
how much value you will get from all the free content here.
I'm not sure if you can tell yet, but Mike is actually coaching
in one way or another with each interaction.
He has caused a shift in me that can
never be undone."
-Krisna Flum
"I didn't like the corporate environment. The lack of
independence and the constant pressure for
increased productivity, at any cost, I found frustrating.
Mike has laid out a path, for me, to figure out how
to build a business online & help people. That's
important to me. "
-Dave Coggin
"/ know now that in order to continue succeeding, I will
need to get over my fears and get into more involved
with educating myself in doing webinars and blogs,
and more; in order to get further with my business.
I am going through a Jot right now in my life, but I
am already seeing the light at the end of the
tunnel. Thank you so much for this class, Mike,
had no idea this was going to educate
me this much!"
-Carmen Valdez
"/ never REALLY laid out my long term plan and how it all fits
and flows together and I am actively at work doing so.
The INTERESTING thing for me is the peace this has
created in my life as I don't feel "chaotic" and treading
water anymore. Even though I have built a successful
business, there were pieces of it that felt very out
of control at times. With Mike's marketing course,
I no longer feel that way. "
-Jackie Ulmer
"WOW MIKE! My head is spinning! This is EXACTLY what I
have needed to gain clarity and get me "unstuck."
I have been running in circles trying this and that
but not implementing anything because of being
overwhelmed. Through your course I was able
to come up with aso/id plan for moving forward!
Mike, you are absolutely AMAZING! Thank
you! I have my first set of worksheets and
I am actually looking forward (not dreading
or procrastinating) my BIG VISION . "
-Jason Parker
"Hi Mike, my journey started 2 years ago and had zero
knowledge of the internet. Now I'm on target to
launch my own SBI website by the end of the
month. Guess what, it's NOT about Network
Marketing! Most of what I've learned was
from you. Thanks for being such a
brilliant teacher."
-Pat Price
"/worked for Verizon for 10 years and what I didn't like
was the slow nature of change and the Jack of
opportunity. There was a ceiling on my income.
But with creating my business online - I am
growing and learning new skills that can
increase my income exponenially. Mike
helped me by gaining clarity, specifically,
on what it was I wanted to do online. "
-Brian Francis
"/ took Marketing Funnel Mastery, with Mike Klingler,
because/ was studying online marketing and I saw a
way I could use it for my engineering company-to
bring in new business, in a way no one
else was doing."
-Kathy Mills
"The way Mike presents this course just makes sense.
It's the missing piece that no one else talks about.
In the process you get really clear on what you
need and how it all fits together. I really
needed that reference to create my
business. "
-Chris Sutton
"The reason I am creating this business is because I
want to secure myself financially, help my family
and I have a strong desire to give back. I
discovered Mike Klingler and Marketing Funnel
Mastery and realized this is someone I can
connect with because he's extremely
passionate about what he does. "
-Giuseppe De Caria
"You must hear it often. However, I want to say "thank
you, and bless you, I speak MORE strength, focus
and passion over you." Mike, you've reminded me
of "who" I am or "what" I can become. If I never
meet you, sincere thanks ... "
-Brent Engleman
"Thanks Mike. It was great to connect with you. Ron
and I have been so impacted by Coaching Cognition.
The skills we have learned and are applying have
benefited us in every part of our life. /love the
way you guys have not settled for 2nd best.
You have vision and are moving forward,
taking others with you, changing lives
along the way!"
-Lois Zehr
"Thank you Mike for being a voice of reason in a world that is full
of "noise" screaming at us 'Just do as I do and you too can
have what I have". People who are trying to get our
attention away from what we need to believe in
(ourselves), to get us to believe in what they are
trying to "sell" us, really just want todrain us of
our energy, time and money. If we can put
that same energy into developing ourselves
we create something of value and are
able to give back. "
-Debbie Schumacher
"Mike Klingler's teaching style, commitment to education,
and training has had a great influence on where my
online business career is today. He's not only a
excellent leader within the industry, but he also
has a way of breaking down the many aspects
of creating a valuable online business into bite
size pieces which makes for a comprehendible
learning experience. "
-Kevin Thomas
"I'm looking to find me. To figure out where I am and
where I want to be. Originally my goal was to create
an automated online business-something
that works while I'm sleeping-but after this
Marketing Funnel Mastery event, I think
it's much more than that. "
-Luke Anderson
"For me, Mike is the only person, in his industry, that
very clearly tells you-up front, and lays out a plan
that 'This is what it's going to take. Are you willing?"'
That is what really helped me and
my audience as well."
-Kelly Baader
"Mike has been a tremendous help because he's helped
me make the transition from branding on Madison Ave
to the electronic age, and shifting the techniques
I use to the internet medium. "
-AI Carlson
"What attracted me to Marketing Funnel Mastery was
wanting to present myself on the internet in a very
authentic way, because I'm a very down to earth
person. I really connected with Mike's message
of presenting yourself in a real way. That
really got to me because it's something
you just never see."
-Shelly Glass
"I've been studying online marketing for 2 years now.
There are too many people who just pitch on all
the hype, don't deliver and don't go beneath the
surface. What /like about Mike is that he has
more integrity-he goes right into the core
values. This is my life, I don't do things in
half measures and I want to work with
the best!"
-Liz Hindley
"Dear Mike, I just wanted to send you a note to finally
acknowledge & thank you so very much for all of the
help & support you've so freely given me over the
past 5 weeks since I first got involved with Renegade
Professional. I am both impressed & in awe of all
the training you provide. You truly live up to your
credo of actually delivering content-rich value. I'm
completely "buying" into your philosophy & taking
to heart all the advice you offer. You're absolutely
right when you say that it can be overwhelming
& I fully appreciate your advice on taking the
training slowly-in digestable, bite-sized pieces.
I, for one, am not looking for instant gratification
& fully realize that there is a learning curve. I
am looking forward to a long & very successful
relationship with you as my mentor."
David Erstein
"Mike, for several years I have known that Internet Marketing
was the future of network marketing, but not being a
"computer nerd" I really had trouble trying to figure
out how to do it. You and Renegade Professional
have put it all together for us non-nerds.
The step-by-step instructions were
just what I needed. THANKS! !"
-David Enders
"So take it from me, everyone, a baby boomer newbie,
the quickest way to success online for me was
to become a Klingler apprentice. All you have
to do is what he does in his video tutorials
and voila! In no time, you will be generating
business and the right kind of clients."
-Terri Stal/cop
"/ started learning internet skills a year ago when I
joined Renegade Professional course. I did not
know a thing ... I was totally ignorant of the lingo:
squeeze page, conversion, copywriting .. did not
mean a thing .... Yea .. It took me a bit of time ...
but I have just published my 1st video and 1st
squeeze page. THANK YOU!!"
-Vera Laos
"Thank you for all that you do provide Mike. I believe with your
training you have taught a lot of Mumpreneurs that it is
not only DESIRE that gets you closer to your
goals but the PAIN one endured some time
in their lives which inspired them to take
action and acquire the DESIRE to move
forward and do whatever it takes to
succeed and change your life."
-Happier Work at Home Moms
"Hi Mike, about 3 years ago I decided to get into internet
marketing. I did the typical dance, bought home-study
courses(plural), and attended high-cost seminars with
several of the top guru's. I would start out with a bang,
get my squeeze pages up, get my auto-responders
ready, set-up Google PPC and get really excited
and .. . FLOP! Nothing happened. I never made
any money. On Tuesday (couple days ago), I set
aside the entire day (literally) to go through the first
4 MFM classes and all/ can say is A WE SOME!
I have learned more in those (13) hours going
through the MFM training than I have in the past
2. 5 years banging my head against the wall and
wasting thousands of dollars. MFM is the "real
deal" and you teach the behind-the-curtain nuts
& bolts of what it really takes to make money
online. I appreciate you and what you have
done for me. See you at the top!"
-Tony Davis
"Mike, I've come to the realization that the funnel is a
means to an end. The clarity of purpose from the
creation of a funnel opens up a level of awareness
in our lives and businesses that allows us to live in
the moment, in our passion without any distractions.
Ultimately, this begins a huge universal shift of
creativity in our direction that culminates in the
creation of "Grand Opus" content every single
time we sit down to create something! You
have reached this level of mastery, of
"Grand Opus" creation and I am so
grateful that I have the opportunity
to learn from you. "
-Jason Siebold
"Clarity and focus often comes after knowing what the big picture
or vision is for your business and then marrying it to the
attention and details needed to execute that vision.
However, for many of us who are still very green to
this whole internet marketing thing, having mentors
who have walked the talk provides immense value to
shortening our learning curve. Thanks so much for
your leadership to be THE ONE who's leading us
through this maze with MFM to be the successful
entrepreneurs that we in our hearts know
that we can be. As I keep my head down
working my funnel, your video reminds me
to every now and then, come up for air,
and check that the details that I am
working on is still leading me
towards my vision. Thank you!"
-Christina Leo
"Mike, this is revolutionary, a new paradigm in marketing.
It goes way beyond knowing your target market, copy " ' ' ~ - ~
writing and all of that. The emotional connection,
the ability to create a virtual emotional home for
our clients is a missing ingredient in all of the
marketing mix I have seen so far. "
-Kai J Drahl
"Through MFM I actually accomplished something I
have wanted to spend time working through for
many months! I did it because I had scheduled
time for your class, which I find of great value
and through it gave myself and my business
more clarity. I will now look at my business
as an extension of myself and not as a
separate entity. Thanks Mike for
all your wisdom!"
-Kathi Erber
"When I began MFM I couldn't see past the end of the week. Now
I have a clear and awesome vision. I am building an e-leaming
business of soft skills training both for corporate audience
and entrepreneurs (I have 3 interested businesses
already). I also now have reseller agreements with the
software vendors for an LMS system and a personality
profiling system (both online). All of my trainings
incorporate NLP. I have been invited to be a
shareholder in an interent start-up and I have
the opportunity to live my life goal- the biggie -
of being a Master Trainer of NLP, having a franchise
in South Africa training NLP and being coached
and trained by the best. I'm working my plan -
watch this sapce:-) And thank you
Mike for your influence. "
-Heather Bond
"Thank you for your genius Mike! This course ROCKS
and I am not even done yet! Business changing.

Life changing. My mind has been non stop. Love
it!:) This is exactly what I needed ... everyone
who starts online or any business needs this! "
-Jaxi West
"MFM taught me the advantage of personal discovery
and how I can apply it to my business. In addition it
helped me apply the things I enjoy in life to my
business as well as look to the things /love to pull
me along through the difficult times."
-Calvin Lofton
Photo Credits
"Martha Stewart" Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia,
Inc. Retrieved from on 312012012.
"Oprah" Harpo Productions, Inc. Retrieved from on 311212012.
"Anthony Robbins" Robbins Research International,
Inc. Retrieved from on 312012012.
"Suze Orman" Robert Trachtenberg. Retrieved from
Suze Orman Worldwide Enterprises, Inc. on 511512012.
"Americans are Drowning in a Sea of Debt" Retrieved from on 3120112.
"The Secret" TS Production, LLC. Retrieved
from on 312012012.
"Hype" Anthony Kolber. Retrieved from
on 312012012.

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