Math Studies Project

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Math Studies Project

Nicholas Wastor

How do sexual material films affect the sexual life, if
any, of teenagers aged 15-17 years old?

Films and videos that contain sexual material are available and free to anyone who uses the
Internet nowadays. This automatically means that teenagers can watch these videos anytime,
although it seems to be illegal. In this project I will use examine how these videos affect the
sexual life, if any, of these teenagers. The group of teenagers I chose is 43 girls and 43 boys
from the Moraitis School who were aged from 15 to 17 years old. I gave them a questionnaire
with the following questions:

1) Gender: Male Female

2) Age: a) 15 b) 16 c) 17

3) Have you had sexual intercourse? Yes No

4) Have you watched pornographic movies? Yes No

5) How often (per month) do you have sexual intercourse?

6) How often (per month) do you watch pornographic movies?
After I got their answers I organized the data I collected from the questionnaires. In
this project I will observe the data to see if I can find a conclusion from them. Also,
in this project I will use these data and see if they evaluate my assumptions
concerning how these videos and films affect their sexual life with the help of the chi
squared test.

is the observed frequency;
is the expected frequency
n is the number of cells in the table

These are the data I collected from my questionnaires (Figures 1,2 and 3).

Figure 1: Table showing the data collected from the questionnaires.

Male 15 years old
Haven't had
intercourse total

Watched sexual material 1 9 10
Haven't watched sexual
material 1 0 1
total 2 9 11

Male 16 years old
Haven't had
intercourse total

Watched sexual material 3 6 9
Haven't watched sexual
material 4 0 4
total 7 6 13

Male 17 years old
Haven't had
intercourse total

Watched sexual material 9 1 10
Haven't watched sexual
material 6 3 9
total 15 4 19

Figure 2: 3 tables showing the relationship of the sexual life, if any, and whether or not they watch
sexual material (MALES that are 15, 16 and 17 years old)

Female 15 years old
Haven't had
intercourse total

Watched sexual material 0 0 0
Hasn't watched sexual
material 1 4 5
total 1 4 5

Female 16 years old
Haven't had
intercourse total

Watched sexual material 1 1 2
Hasn't watched sexual
material 2 6 8
total 3 7 10

Female 17 years old
Haven't had
intercourse total

Watched sexual material 3 4 7
Hasn't watched sexual
material 8 13 21
total 11 17 28

Figure 2: 3 tables showing the relationship of the sexual life, if any, and whether or not they watch
sexual material (FEMALES that are 15, 16 and 17 years old)

Just by observing the collected data we can make several conclusions.

If we watch the percentage of people that intercourse regularly, we will see that
mostly males are the ones who have a more active sexual life in these ages. The
following histogram shows this (Graph 1).

Graph 1 shows the percentage of people that intercourse regularly and their age and sex.
Also if we observe the percentage of people that watch sexual content material males
are by far more active, as shown in the second histogram. (Graph 2)

Graph 2 shows the percentage of people who watch sexual content material and their age and sex.

Again, the percentages below (Graphs 3, 4 and 5) show us that males are more active
than females both in their sexual life and in their habit to watch sexual material.

Graph 3 shows the percentage of people who have intercourse and watch sexual content and their sex.

Graph 4: shows the percentage of people who watch sexual content and dont intercourse and their sex.

Graph 5 shows the percentage of people who dont have intercourse and watch sexual material and
their sex.

So the main conclusion we can arrive to, from the data we observe, is that the sexual interests of the
males are much more than these of the females. This may be due to a lot of factors. Probably the most
important are the biological and the psychological factor. So this statistical analysis actually show us
the results of these factors in numbers.

With these data I will do the six chi square tests in order to see if my assumptions are valid by this test.
The calculations in this test are done by my GDC.

Here are the first three chi square tests. If the significance level is 0.05 then the accuracy of the test is
95%. When the significance level is 0.1 then the accuracy is smaller (90%). So I did the test for both
significance levels in order to see both the more accurate and the less accurate result.

In the first test, the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected when we have a significance level of 0.05 but it is
accepted when do the test less accurately (when we have a significance level of 0.1). This leads us to
the conclusion that having sexual intercourse is independent to your gender, but we should not strongly
accept this as valid. This means that the conclusion we arrived before about males is actually correct
but if we make a less accurate test then it is not.

In the second test we see that in both significance levels we have to accept that watching sexual
material is dependent from the gender. So the previous conclusion about males is also correct on the
part of watching sexual content material.

In the third test we can observe that watching sexual material in independent of the sexual life of

Here are the rest 3 of the chi square tests.

The fourth test shows us that watching sexual material is independent from the age of teenagers in

But, if we do the same test only for males, as done in the fifth test, we observe that, when the
significance level is 0.1, watching sexual material and age are dependent.

The sixth and final test shows that age and having sexual intercourse is dependent for teenagers
between 15 and 17 years old.

So sexual material films affect the sexual life of teenagers, but the factors that seem to affect it are
specific and are related to the age and the gender basically. The gender that has more sexual interests in
general is the male. As for the age, the older a teenager is the more interested he is. This project proves
through statistical analysis many results and behaviours of teenagers that are related to factors that have
to do with biology, sociology and psychology mainly and makes us understand better why teenagers
have habits such as watching adult videos and films.

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