Therapeutic Activity Analysis: 1. Indicate The Top 5 Body Functions Challenged During This Activity

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Indicate the top 5 body functions challenged during this activity

Body Function

Concept formation
Cognitive Flexibility
Insight/ awareness
Sustained attention
Selective attention
ivided attention
Short-term memory
!ong-term memory
"or#ing memory
iscrimination of senses$
iscrimination of senses$ &actile
iscrimination of senses$ 'isual
iscrimination of senses$
iscrimination of senses$
Multi-sensory processing
Sensory memory
Spatial relationships
&emporal relationships

%wareness of reality
!ogical/coherent thought
%ppropriate thought content
,xecution of learned movements
-ehavioral regulation

-ody Image
Self concept
Self esteem

(rientation to self
(rientation to place
(rientation to time
,motional stability
Impulse control
'isual Modulation
Integration of senses
%wareness at distances
&olerance of ambient sounds
!ocation . distance of sounds
Moving against gravity
-ody in space
Comfort with touch
!ocali*ing pain
&hermal awareness
Joint range of motion
Joint stability/ alignment
Muscle tone
Muscle endurance
Stretch reflex
%&/) reflex
S&/) reflex
)ighting . supp0 reflex
,ye-hand coordination

,ye-foot coordination
-ilateral coordination
Crossing midline
Fine motor control

+ross motor control

(culomotor control
+ait patterns
-lood pressure
1eart rate
)espiratory rate
)espiratory rhythm
)espiratory depth
2hysical endurance3 aerobic
'oice functions
'oice fluency and rhythm
%lternative vocali*ation
igestive system
Metabolic system
,ndocrine system
4rinary functions
+enital and reproductive function
2rotective functions of the s#in
)epair functions of the s#in

Therapeutic Activity Analysis
Activity: ___________Loseit.com_______________

2. What are some of the psychosocial benefits of this activity? (List more than one)
-One psychosocial benefit would be self-esteem. By participating with this website, a
person can set up future weight goals. Once achieved, they can feel better than themselves.
-Another psychosocial benefit would be social participation. On the loseit website the
members can add their friends and try to obtain goals together. This would help a person
socially engage with their friends.
3. Contextual considerations: (list only those that are appropriate)
Context Considerations
Cultural This website can be used by people of different cultural
ersonal Both males and females can be apart of this activity and they have
to be at least !" years of age. #t does not cost money to be a
Temporal This website can be used any day of the year. $epending on how
much weight is wanted to be lost, the course of the plan can vary.
hysical The website can be accessed through any computer, laptop or
%ocial This website is a great way to connect with friends as well. &ou can
add friends through the website and obtain the goals together.

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