Superstitious Beliefs

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Science is not merely a collection of facts, concepts, and useful ideas about nature, or even

the systematic investigation of nature, although both are common definitions of

science. Science is a method of investigating nature--a way of knowing about nature--that
discovers reliable knowledge about it. In other words, science is a method of discovering
reliable knowledge about nature.
Science is what we see every day in our surroundings. Science is systematic study of for the
purpose of understanding how it affects our live and the environment. The food we eat, the
instrument we use for communication and the transportation we take to go other places are all
related to science.

Furthermore, the inventions of vehicle are good. They make us move to place easier and faster.
Transportation today are faster more comfortable and convenient than in the past for example
airplanes help to travel around the world faster but vehicle also produce smoke that causes air
pollution and air pollution is one of the main problems of our environment but some
transportations like commuter trains and light rail doesnt produce smoke, so it helps protect
air pollution.

The invention of communication tools such as telephones, mobile phones, televisions and
computers help us to communicate with other people easier. Telephones and computers also
help us to transfer money, pay bills and check our bank account balance through internet.
Internet also helps us to solve problem, the students today surf the internet to do their
homework or project. This help students learn more knowledge.

Medicine is also related to science and technology, without this we cannot be it treated.
Therefore, it is so important to us. The modern equipment like x-ray machines helps doctors to
detect decease easier. These inventions also help to cure some other decease.

Scientist can also help find new discoveries to make people live more comfortably and
conveniently. There is no doubt that science and technology is vital for our lives we must give
importance to science and technology which are invented to make life more comfortable and
convenient. We must also be grateful to the people who invented new technologies. We must
look forward and strive every nerve to build our future with confident.

Superstition is an irrational belief or practice resulting from ignorance or fear of the
unknown. It characterized by obsessive reverence for omens, charms, etc. The validity of
superstitions is based on belief in the power of magic and witchcraft and in such invisible
forces as spirits and demons. A common superstition in the middle ages was that the devil
could enter a person during that unguarded moment when that person was sneezing; this
could be avoided if anyone present immediately appealed to the name of God. The tradition
of saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes still remains today. Superstition is a notion,
act or ritual that derives from such belief.

Superstitious beliefs are based on myth, magic and traditions. Many famous superstitious such
as the one about black cats are originated in early Christianity or in ancient times. In ancient
Egypt people believe in mythical Gods. Christians were trying to get rid of the other religions,
black cats and their owners were burned, after many years black cats were thought to have
meaning which is evil. People that is a black cat crossed your path bad luck will happen to you
which is one example of superstitious belief, after many years ago it was proven that black cats
werent evil but to this day people still try to avoid seeing black cats. Mirror are also believed to
hold a lot of power. Therefore, if one is broken disaster should happen for seven years to that it
took seven years for the human body to properly heal and cleanse itself of illness.

Speaking of illness, after some sneeze they will say Bless you is actually one of the most
common superstitious in North America. It was originated during the great plague in Europe in
the middle ages. At the time people begun to sneeze violently and this was known as a sign of
death, more and more people begun to sneeze. The priest made a law that all people must
bless the sneezer by saying bless you so they will be blessed and will survive their terrible

Another famous superstition is hanging a horse over your doorstep with the open end facing up
although the origin of this superstitious is unknown, horse shoes are thought to be lucky
because they were mad of iron, which holds power over evil eye. When the horse shoe is hung
up, it is thought to collect good luck through the open end. However be careful that the horse
shoe doesnt turn upside down otherwise all the good luck that has been collected will never
Other superstition is that if you kiss a passion fruit on the first of February it is a good luck.
There are some existing superstition which nobody knows the meaning or the origin of it.

These superstitions are silly such as it is bad luck to kick a cat in a theatre or it is good luck to
have four leaf clover. Also it is bad luck to get married in the month of May. These are silly ways
to try to have good luck and bad luck. Many people doubt that the superstitions were made up
for many purpose.

Since we know some of the most famous superstitions and their origin you will be able to
decide if superstitions are for real or fake even if you believe that superstitions are fake, it is
proper to say God bless you after somebody sneeze but remember I am not trying to convince
you to stop believing at superstitious beliefs it is your choice to decide if you believe it or not.

Audriane Grace D. Lavarias Grade VII- Pine
Project in Science JUNE 20, 2014


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