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MSO Redirection

Hsr*e Ffirfrary ?Yograr*s &ecar'darY ?r*garfi, lvaleriiat h*rh(){afty

h,pptic?,1i6ft Fo,jm$ t{rlrar1el
MSO Redirection
Last Updated on Friday,
February ?01 1 13:44
Ttle MSo (MAT Support ofijcer) Redirection prograffi is ddsigned to $upport primary age children who are struggling wjth
modelste to severe behaviour challenges and who may be. or are currently at risk to the*tselves or others Mso,$ are trained
chilrirelr\#ithiftlherlassroomsetting. t"4so,sarenot
trained in educatiotl suppofi although PD's may be sffered in tr,is area aft*r foimal tt.aining is completed. 11 is exp$.ted
w;ll give clear guidance in this ai?a if they woilld like the lv1s0 to provide supporl ,n thi$ area. the role ot MSO,S is to
suppo!-i the schools' behavioutal ifltervention plan and to ensure the $afeiy ofthe target chikl, other chiklren an.l staff and are
lo be considered a$ a part of a broader suppo{ plan ior the ch,!d.
M$O's are also trained in safe restrainl technique$ wl]ich sr only applied wlten there is te*l risk of iniury to the child o.
The cost for f'{so's trained for Redi'eotions begin &1 $200 a day for a 6.s hr:ur shift. The co$t fiay vary rieponding ofi the r!$k
faclors involved with the individuat requiililS *upport.
For more information pleass contact:
Guy Rhynsburgar ofi 97242937 at
V,a e-mail at Rhyn$burger.guy.a@edumail.vic^
Tlps for $chools Employing M$O,s
\Mial is an MSo?
The MSo (l'{AT support officet) Rediie*tion progra{r is designed to cupport priffiary age childrBfi who {}ra 6truggling with
moderate'to severe behaviour chellenges and who may be. or are cLlrrcnfly at risk 10 thefi$elves or others.
arc lraified
in worhifig with this cohorl af students tB en0age afid suppsrt indiviaiual childrBfi within the classrocm sBltrfig. M$o,s are not
trair]ed in education suppoil althougir Pp'o may be ofFered in thi$ area afterformal tiaining is compiet*d ll is exp+cled
leachers will give clear gujdance in this area ii they rryorild like the Mso 10 provide suppori in this area. t he rote of h4SO,s is to
support'the 6chools' behavioural ifiteruenlion pian and to e$sure the salely of the target child, other children end staff and are
to be con$idered as a pail o{ a broader suppoft plafl for lhe chi,d.
M$O',s are also trai,led ;n safts restraint lechnj{iues which are only applied when there is real risk of
to the chjld or
The aim of the Mso Redirection progra,n is lo suFport $chools tD better n'teet the fieed$ *f individual chiidr*a, th*jr p#ers a,ld
leachers and school community
MS0's have complated iormal tlaining and practical placem*nts
with host schools and have different tevels of e).periefice and
capacjty to support the managemenl of childrcfi willt moderale 10 severe behavjooral challenges.
is based on assessm*nt of releira'5 asd individual capacilies ol availab!e MSo,s. Mso,s are employed through
EMR options, are superdsed by MAT Pro0ram Team Leaders. MSC'$ are required to attnd ffiandatory professioftal
developnrcnl ancl sup8rvision sessions The MSo Redirectton Program wolk$ best whsn cDllaborative parinersnips
established between the MAT Program, placentent
schosi isaching and leadership staff and the MSo. lnforilretion about the
child and his or her needs are cleally articulaled and pl*ns to address llehaviours of conceflrs and skiils to be develcpecl in
the young person are available to ths MSO.
The MAT Program has foufid the moit helpfui way {or schools an,J MSo s to \4/ork and suppoii posjtive behaviou,.al cha,ge in
children is when schsols are prepared to:
" Provide teachiilg staff tim* to sxplaifl ths issues and $aeds of the *hilrl along with and ho\,r' the tsacller will give
and supporl when needed and any other expect{lions io the aide in a meeting pilor to the airje slarting. A brief orientation
of the $ch.,ol
slalf arcas, toilets u/hefi aides can have a break and whefe th+y can g$ etc.
" spend five to ten ininules at tlle end of tite day debriering the MSo. 6ive feedilach and guidance to Ml;c,s in a
aonstructive Yr'ay le, whal uiorked, Yr'hat clidn't and urhal c$ulcl be done next time ta sLrpport th8 child and whole group.
aide has' reviaw the child's behaviour pian and how the tBachsa wou,d like ih8 Mso t$ rospon{i to padicu,ar behaviours of
ihe child and any other issues that arise.
The MSo is introduced to all school $iaft and their role clearly expteined.
' The MSo is introduced by the teacher to children as someone who is in fiie classroom as a suppcrt ia the t*acher.
Have a crear bhavior.rf guidance
school poricy that i3 expraineal *nd pr.vide{i to the Msc.
challefigitg behaviours. ho\ff these are to be responded to and by \d/hom, ctearly defined sk
that afe to ile deyeloped
afld supporied aiong with $trategies, and cu*ent skiils a,rd strengths of th* chird.
http : //www. emroptions.
vic. edu. aulmat-pro gram/redirection
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EtulR 0ption$
Croydon Community Schoot
ABN 1 1 076 433 537
P0 Box 2gg
Croydon VtC 3136
lel: (03) 9??4 290A
rax: (03) *724 2999
MSO Redirection
The Behaviour plan i9 reviewed al rcgular ifitervals and lhe $chool includes MSO in behaviour management planning or
reviews u'.here pos$ible.
The child is informed about consequences of severe aggression or risk taking behaviour
which places the
child and 6ther6 at ri$k) as restrainl by the teacher.
Be open ig contributions frafil the MSO regarding possible $trategies tg manage challBnging behaviour
suppoft tite
development of skills in ths chitd.
lf an MSO is required to reslr5jn a chiid the MSO is to be allowed to determine the length of time requirerj for reslraiftt and
is to be cofllrol of the siluation. lt is impsrtant ihat thB child is clear who i5 in cha'"ga at the tinte Bf restraini. lf released
too quicklylhe child can slil| be hiEhly escalated and hurt the MSC, them$etves or other studefits. MSO's have been
trairled t6 asses$ when the snitd can be
safely and lh* process to do this.
MSO'S may al times determine that reslraini!'r$ a 6hild presents a high risk to themseJve3 for incurring serious injury and
other options for the child s illanagement w!l! need to he considered by th6 sEhs*l in this instar.lc8.
Should an MSO be invotved in restraining a child, leaching stalf to offer suppsd and assistance aod debriel MSO atler
r*rso Redirection$ Referrat Form
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http : //www. emroptions. vic. edu. ar.r/mat-pro gram/redirection

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