Periodicity Notes

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IB Chemistry 2013

Periodicity notes
(Topics 3 & 13)

3.1 The periodic table

3.1.1 Describe the arrangement of elements in the periodic table in order of increasing
atomic number

Elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number (Z)
Atomic number increases across the period and down the group
Metals on the left, non-metals on the right

3.1.2 Distinguish between the terms group and period

Period go across the periodic table (rows)

Group goes down the periodic table (columns)
Numbered 1 7
1. Alkali metals
7. Halogens
8. Inert/noble gases

3.1.3 Apply the relationship between the electron arrangement of elements and their
position in the periodic table up to Z = 20

Elements in the same group have the same outer shell electron configuration

Elements in the same period have the same number of occupied energy levels

This affects their chemical and physical properties

3.1.4 Apply the relationship between the number of electrons in the highest occupied
energy level for an element and its position in the periodic table

Dictates no. of outer shell electrons
Group 1 = 1 outer shell electron

Same no. of shells in the atom
All except outer shell will be full

IB Chemistry 2013
3.2 Physical properties

3.2.1 Define the terms first ionisation energy and electronegativity

First ionisation energy Amount of energy required to remove one mole of electrons from
one mole of atoms in a gaseous state

Outer shell electrons more easily removed

* Increases across a period; decreases down a group

Electronegativity Measure of the attraction an atom has for a shared pair of electrons
when it is covalently bonded to another atom

Metals have low electronegativities because they lose outer electrons easily
Non-metals have high electronegativities because they need electrons to complete
outer shell
* Increases across a period, decreases down a group

3.2.2 Describe and explain the trends in atomic radii, ionic radii, first ionisation energies,
electronegativities and melting points for the alkali metals (Li CS) and the halogens
(F I)

Atomic radii
Increases down a group (because electrostatic attraction b/w nucleus and outer
electrons decreased)
More shells added in each period

Ionic radii
Increases down a group as more shells in the group
Decreased electrostatic attraction b/w nucleus and valence electrons

First ionisation energies
Decreases down a group due to decreasing electrostatic attraction, hence easier to
remove outer electrons

Decreases down a group due to decreasing electrostatic attraction

Melting point
Melting point decreases down group 1 due to increasing ionic radii, meaning less
electrostatic attraction b/w cation lattice and delocalised electrons in metallic

Melting point increases down group 7 due to strong intermolecular forces that
increase in strength with increasing no. of electrons i.e. in covalent bonding

IB Chemistry 2013
3.2.3 Describe and explain the trends in atomic radii, ionic radii, first ionisation energies
and electronegativites for elements across period 3

Atomic radii
Decreases across the period increase in nuclear charge, but no. of shells remains
the same, hence greater electrostatic attraction
Na has greatest, Ar has smallest

Ionic radii
Decreases across the period

First ionisation energy
Increases across a period as atomic radii decreases i.e. valence electrons held more
strongly to positive nucleus
Will show sharp increase each time it reaches a new shell e.g. from Na to Ne

Increases across a period because increased nuclear charge makes atoms more
attractive to electrons
- Group 1 have lowest electronegativity; Group 7 (esp. F) have greatest

3.2.4 Compare the relative electronegativity values of two or more elements based on
their positions in the periodic table

Oxygen has higher electronegativitiy than Phosphorus
NB. Fluorine has highest electronegativity value in the periodic table
Aluminium has a lower electronegativity than Boron

Characteristic Trend (left to right) Reason
Atomic radius decreases in size from left
to right
increased attractive force (acting on the
same energy shell) of the nucleus
increases as the number of protons
Ionic radius decreases across the period
until formation of the
negative ions then there is a
sudden increase followed
by a steady decrease to the
In general as above. The sudden increase
on formation of negative ions is due to
the new (larger) outer shell
IB Chemistry 2013
Electronegativity Increases More electron attracting power of the
larger nuclear charge as we move to the
Decreases - Na, Mg, Al
metals; Si metalloid; P, S, Cl,
Ar non-metals
Metallic character is a measure of the
ease of loss of electrons from the outer
shell. This decreases with increasing
nuclear charge.
Melting point Na Al steady increase Increasing availability of electrons in the
metallic bonding associated with greater
charge density of the metal ion
Si massive increase Si giant macromolecular structure
P large decrease P
S small increase S
crown shaped molecules
Cl Ar decrease Cl
molecules and Ar atoms
The elements of group 1
Characteristic Trend (descending group 1) Reason
Atomic radius increases in size top to
The number of electron shells increases
from Li to Cs
Ionic radius increases from Li to Cs The number of electron shells increases
from Li to Cs
Electronegativity decreases Attracting power of the nucleus is sheilded
by the inner electron shells increasingly as
the group is descended
IB Chemistry 2013
Ionisation energy Decreases descending the
Shielding effect of the inner electron shells
increases as we descend the group and so
the outer electron is more easily removed
Melting point Decreases from Li to Cs The larger ions have weaker metallic
bonding as their charge density
(charge/volume ratio)is smaller
The elements of group 7 (Fluorine to Iodine)
Characteristic Trend (descending group 7) Reason
Atomic radius increases in size from F to I The number of electron shells increases
from F to I
Ionic radius increases from F to I The number of electron shells increases
from F to I
Electronegativity decreases Attracting power of the nucleus is shielded
by the inner electron shells increasingly as
the group is descended
Ionisation energy Decreases descending the
Shielding effect (repulsion caused by the
inner electrons) of the inner electron shells
increases as we descend the group and so
the outer electron is more easily removed
Melting point Increases from F to I The larger halogens have greater Van der
Waals forces holding the molecules
together as they have more electrons

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