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Butterfly Valves

Proven Reliability
For Marine
Easy Installation Long Service Economical Maintenance
Users have acclaimed Demco butterfly valves as the most durable of all resilient-seated
butterfly valves in the industry. Use Demco for your next application. Its the right choice!
Demco Butterfly Valves
The Best Value Delivered For...
Features and Benefits:
2" through 36"
Easy To Actuate
Large top fl ange
Fl atted stem 2" 12"
Si ngl e stem key 14" 36"
Blowout Proof Stem
Tangenti al pi n retai ns stem
Retai ni ng pi n l ocated i n dry stem
j ournal prevents pi n corrosi on
from l i ne fl ui d
Positive Stem/Disc Orientation
Rectangul ar stem dri ve 2" 24"
Stem key dri ve 30" 36"
Di sc posi ti on cl earl y i ndi cated
Stem fl ats on 2" 12"
Stem key sl ot on 14" 36"
Flexible Offering
Wi de materi al sel ecti on
Mul ti pl e shut off pressures:
Si ze PSI
2" 12" 0
Throttl i ng
14" 36" 0
Throttl i ng
Bronze Bearings
El i mi nate stem sei zures
Provi de rel i abl e l oad support
Mi ni mi ze torque
Dry Stem Journal
Li ne fl ui d does not contact
stems guaranteed
El i mi nates corrosi on
Protects stem dri ve for l ong,
troubl e- free servi ce
High Flow Disc
Mi ni mal stem boss i n fl ow path
Integral Flange Seals
No gaskets or O- ri ngs requi red
End-of-Line Service to:
200 psi 2" 12"
150 psi 14" 36"
Hard-Backed Cartridge Seat
Easi er Instal l ati on
Al l ows i nstal l ati on i n cl osed
posi ti on for use wi th
fai l - cl ose actuators
El i mi nates hi gh torque and
premature fai l ure caused
by el astomer di storti on as found
i n other seat desi gns
Manufactured i n our Okl ahoma Ci ty pl ant
whi ch i s certi fi ed to the ISO 9001 qual i ty rati ng.
4" Demco NE-C Butterfly Valve
Made in the USA
Series NE-I Valves*
Sizes 2" to 12"
The Seri es NE- I i s sui ted for a wi de range
of appl i cati ons i n many i ndustri es. Thi s short
neck desi gn i s offered i n a wi de vari ety of body
materi al s. The val ves are desi gned for i nstal l a-
ti on between ANSI 125/ 150 fl anges.
Series NE-C Valves*
Sizes 2" to 12"
The NE- C seri es consi sts of general
purpose val ves, avai l abl e i n both wafer and l ug
styl es. Neck l ength provi des ful l cl earance of
the val ve top over two i nches of i nsul ati on on
ANSI 150 pi pe fl anges.
Series WF Valves*
Sizes 30" and 36"
Seri es WF val ves are desi gned pri mari l y
for water servi ce. Shaft di ameters, seat, body-
shel l thi ckness and di sc desi gn conform to
Cl ass 75B, Speci fi cati on AWWA C504. The
off- center di sc presents a 360- degree seal i ng
edge for drop- ti ght shutoff. A centeri ng adj ust-
ment and stem- thrust beari ng ensure uni form
di sc seati ng. The steel rei nforced rubber seat
i s bi di recti onal , so i t seal s agai nst pressure
from ei ther si de. Mai ntenance i s easy because
the seat can be repl aced on the j ob si te wi thout
di smantl i ng the val ve. For sal t water and mi l d
chemi cal servi ce, the body can be pl asti c
* The NE- C l ug, NE- I l ug and wafer, NE- D wafer,
NF- C, and WF wafer and fl anged val ves can be
suppl i ed i n conformance wi th Ti tl e 46 of the Code of
Federal Regul ati ons, Part 56 of the U. S. Coast
Guards Mari ne Engi neeri ng Regul ati ons as wel l as
the Ameri can Bureau of Shi ppi ng Standard. In
addi ti on, a Mi l i tary Seri es i s offered to conform to
speci fi cati on MIL- V- 22133 C (SHIPS).
Series NE-D Valves*
Sizes 2" to 12"
Seri es NE- D val ves have short neck
bodi es and are notched to fi t popul ar l i ght-
wei ght fl ange patterns. Ideal for use i n bul k
materi al handl i ng and the transport i ndustry.
Val ves wi l l al so center i n ANSI 125/ 150
fl anges.
Series NF-C Valves*
Sizes 14" to 36"
NF- C Seri es val ves are avai l abl e i n both
wafer or l ug styl es. Wafer bodi es have two
dri l l ed l ocati ng l ugs at the top and bottom to
ensure centeri ng between ANSI 150 fl anges.
Bronze beari ngs are i nstal l ed on both stems for
mi ni mum operati ng torque.
Series WF Butterfly with Gear Operator
Series NE-C Lug
Butterfly Valve with Gear Operator
Series NE-D
Butterfly Valve
with 2-Position
NF-C Wafer
with Gear Operator
Series NE-I Butterfly Valve
with 10-Position Handle
Demco Butterfly Valve Designs
Demco pneumati c actuators are avai l -
abl e i n doubl e- acti ng or fai l - safe spri ng
return model s. Seri es DR actuators are com-
pact, hi gh- torque, pi ston actuators. Seri es R
actuators i ncorporate a heavy- duty, encl osed
rack- and- pi ni on l i nkage. Di aphragm actua-
tors are sui tabl e for l ow- pressure, pneumati c
servi ce wi th Seri es R encl osed, rack- and- pi n-
i on type l i nkage. El ectri c actuators are used
when compressed ai r i s not avai l abl e for
pneumati c operati ons.
Stem Extensions
Fabri cated from carbon steel parts, stem
extensi ons are contai ned i n a tubul ar hous-
i ng. Gaskets or O- ri ngs seal the stem exten-
si on at top and bottom. These extensi ons are
fabri cated to speci fi ed l engths.
Butterfly Valve Handles
Three basi c handl e desi gns i nterchange
on any 2" to 12" Demco Butterfl y Val ve. The
l ocki ng handl e consi sts of a l atch that
engages i n a notched throttl e pl ate at 10 di sc
posi ti ons. Two- posi ti on throttl e pl ates are
avai l abl e as an opti on. Upward pressure on
the l atch rel ease the handl e for movement.
Memory- stop handl es provi de throttl i ng
whi ch i s i nfi ni tel y adj ustabl e and can be set
by a l ock nut wi th a memory- stop setti ng
(adj ustabl e open stop).
Handl es are avai l abl e i n basi c tri m, cor-
rosi on- resi stant tri m and sani tary tri m.
Gear Operators
Demco weatherproof gear operators are
offered wi th a choi ce of handwheel , chai n-
wheel or square nut. The worm geari ng has
sel f- l ocki ng set screws to control open and
cl osed posi ti oni ng or an opti onal adj ustabl e
memory stop for "bal ance return" to a preset
open posi ti on after cl osi ng.
Electric Actuator
Gear Operator
Series R Actuator
Stem Extension on
Series NE-I Butterfly Valve
Butterfly Valve Accessories
Demco Butterfly Valves
The Right Choice!
Whatever your resilient seat butterfly
valve application, the Demco butter-
fly valve is right for the job. To place
an order or find out more, contact
the representative nearest you.
Series DR Actuator
Use our W-K-M High Performance
Butterfly Valve for your high pressure,
high temperature marine applications.
Deep stuffing box with stainless
steel fasteners, standard.
Positively retained stem.
Available with patented,
fire tested seat.
Capscrews are outboard of
lading to prevent corrosion.
Heavy duty eccentric disc with
wide sealing area designed to
reduce seat wear.
Sizes: Class 150, 3-24; Class 300, 3-24; Class 600, 3-12.
Body Type: Flangeless wafer, single flange threaded lug.
Working Pressure: To 1480 psi.
Temperature: To 1000 F.
Materials: Stainless steel, Carbon steel and alloys.
For more information on the W-K-M Butterfly Valves write
or call for Catalog TC859.
Satisfied Customers:
Allied Shipyard
Avondale Industries
Bath Iron Works (Congoleum Corp.)
Bollinger Machine Shop and Shipyard
Bremerton Naval Shipyard
Burton Shipyard
Electric Boat (General Dynamics)
Equitable Shipyard
Far East Levingston Shipbuilding
Halter Marine
Lee Vac Shipyard (Lee Vac Corp.)
Lockheed Shipyard
McDermott Shipyard
Main Iron Works
Moss Point Marine
National Steel andShipbuilding Co. (NASSCO)
Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock (Tenneco)
Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock
North American Shipbuilding
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard
Quality Shipyards
Seacor Marine
Service Marine Industries
Southern Shipbuilding
Tacoma Boatbuilding
Tidewater Marine
Todd Shipyards
Trinity Marine Group
Available Materials, Demco Marine Butterfly Valves*
* Other material options available, consult factory
* * 17 4 PH Stainless Steel, some sizes.
2-12 2-12 2-12 14-24 30-36

Special Order H
Demco Marine and W-K-M Dynacentric
butterfly valves conform to Title 46 of
the Code of Federal Regulations, Part
56 of the U. S. Coast Guards Marine
Engineering Regulations as well as
the American Bureau of Shipping

416 Stainless Steel

316 Stainless Steel**

303 Stainless Steel


Ductile Iron/Nickel Plated

Ductile Iron/SS Edge

Aluminum Bronze

316 Stainless Steel


Hastelloy C

Alloy 20

Buna N

Black Neoprene




Ductile Iron



Stainless Steel

Epoxy Coated Iron or Steel H H H H H
PO Box 94700
Oklahoma City OK 73143
Telephone 405 631 1321
Fax 405 629 0420
Sales Offices and Warehouse Locations
Auburn, Alabama
Bakersfi eld, Cali forni a
Sherman O aks, Cali forni a
Wi lmi ngton, Delaware
Napervi lle Illi noi s
Charlestown, Indi ana
Houma, Loui si ana
New O rleans, Loui si ana
Waltham, M assachussetts
O klahoma Ci ty, O klahoma
Tulsa, O klahoma
Corpus Chri sti , Texas
DeSoto, Texas
Houston, Texas
O dessa, Texas
Casper, Wyomi ng
Calgary, Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
Manufacturing Locations
O klahoma Ci ty, O klahoma
M i ssouri CIty, Texas
Edmonton, Alberta
Thi s li st i ncludes maj or manufacturi ng and sales locati ons. Contact your nearest
Cooper Cameron Valves representati ve for locati ons not i ncluded on thi s li st.
Cooper Cameron Corporation Cooper Cameron Valve Division 04/96/PDF TC1045

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