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Read the questions carefully before answering them.

Question 1. Spelling (Wordlist)

1. 2.
3. 4.
5. 6.
7. 8.
9. 10.
Question 2. M!e one senten"e #$ "%nging t%e senten"e in itli"s into de&ining relti'e
(%e relti'e pronoun "n #e t%e su#)e"t or t%e o#)e"t o& t%e relti'e "luse.
1. (%e *n +s lte. Julie invited the man.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
2. (%e do"tor +s si"!. I wanted to see the doctor.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
3. (%e ""ountnt +s rrested. The accountant works for my fathers company.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
4. - +rote to t%e &riend. You met the friend last week.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,
5. (%e *o#ile p%one "n.t #e &i/ed. The mobile phone is broken.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, /20
Question 3. 0%oose t%e "orre"t relti'e pronoun (+%o1 +%i"%1 +%ose) nd +rite it in t%e #ln!.
1. (%is is t%e #n! +s ro##ed $esterd$.
2. 2 #o$ sister is in *$ "lss +s in t%e #n! t t%t ti*e.
3. (%e *n ro##ed t%e #n! %d t+o pistols.
4. 3e +ore *s! *de %i* loo! li!e Mi"!e$ Mouse.
5. 3e "*e +it% &riend +ited outside in t%e "r.
6. (%e +o*n g'e %i* t%e *one$ +s $oung.
7. (%e #g "ontined t%e *one$ +s $ello+.
8. (%e people +ere in t%e #n! +ere 'er$ &rig%tened.
9. 2 *n *o#ile +s ringing did not !no+ +%t to do.
10.2 +o*n dug%ter +s "r$ing tried to "l* %er.
11.(%e "r t%e #n! ro##ers es"ped in +s ornge.
12.(%e ro##er *s! +s o#'iousl$ too #ig didn4t dri'e.
13.(%e *n dro'e t%e "r +s ner'ous.
14.3e didn4t +it t t%e tr&&i" lig%ts +ere red.
15.2 poli"e o&&i"er "r +s pr!ed t t%e ne/t "orner stopped nd rrested t%e*.
Keelung Fu Jen Sacred Heart Elementary School English Term Test
Written test Semester: 2 Week 5
Foreign teacher: Andre !hinese teacher:
Student"s #ame$$$$$$$$$$ #o%$$$$ &arent"s signature$$$$$$$$$
Total amount o'
())* +,)* +)* +-)* +.)* /.)* 0vg%
Question 4. Write %o+ t%e &ollo+ing "%nge &ro* 5ire"t to -ndire"t spee"%.
5ire"t Spee"% -ndire"t Spee"%
1 6resent
2 6st
3 6resent per&e"t
4 6st per&e"t
5 Will
6 M$
7 S%ll
8 0n
Question 5. 7eport on t%e &ollo+ing 8uestions t%t Susn s!ed t%e *n +%o &ell.
1. 9W%$ did $ou &ll:; S%e s!ed %i*
2. 95id $our &oot slip:;
3. 93o+ old re $ou:;
4. 9W%ere %d $ou #een:;
5. 90n $ou get up:;
Question 6. 2dd t%e "orre"t 8uestion tgs.
1. <o#od$ s+ us1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
2. Sen ne'er goes to #ed until rell$ lte1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
3. =et4s go to Me/i"o t%is su**er1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
4. (%e sun %rdl$ s%one ll su**er1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
5. So*e#od$ "lled *e1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
6. -t4s ne'er too lte1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
7. (%ere4s no %o*e+or!1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
8. >'er$#od$ en)o$ed t%e prt$1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
9. =et4s go &or +l!1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :
10. <ot%ing e'er "%nges1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, : /20
Question 7. 2re t%e &ollo+ing re8uests or "o**nds.
1) 95o $our %o*e+or! no+.; (e"%er to students.

2) 9=et *e %'e loo! t t%ese &rogs.; (%e pro&essor to t%e students.

3) 9?o to t%e dentist.; (in to (ro$.

4) 96lese gi'e t%is to $our te"%er.; (e"%er to student.
(otl /100
Make sure you have answered all the questions, and then check your answers. Remember to
write your name and number on the first page.

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