Speech:Stop Black Campaign For Indonesian Election Better

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Speech :Stop Black Campaign for Indonesian Election Better

The honourable Adjuricators

And all my beloved friends
Assalamualaikum wr wb
Most of all I would like to thanks to Allah, because of the almighty we can
gather here in the good condition. And also for our prophet Muhammad saw, whos
bring us from the darkness to the brightness.
adies and !entlemen,
"n #
$uly letter we will have a president election. As we know that we only
have two candidates to be our president for % year. &e need to choose which one is
the best candidate to be our president. 'ecause of that, we need to know them well.
(ampaign is the way that both of candidates do to give some good
information about their behavior, abilities, and all of the things that they think the
potential side to win the election.
adies and !entlemen,
&e can see in the social media about campaign from their supporter. 'ut I
think most of them include in black campaign. )o you know what is black campaign*
'lack campaign is the false information and material that purports to be from a
source on one side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is typically
used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.
'lack campaign contrasts with grey campaign, the source of which is not
identified, and white campaign, in which the real source is declared and usually more
accurate information is given.
'lack campaign is covert in nature in that its aims, identity, significance, and
sources are hidden. The major characteristic of black campaign is that the people
are not aware that someone is trying to influence them, and do not feel that they are
being pushed in a certain direction. 'lack campaign purports to emanate from a
source other than the true source.
+ometimes the source is concealed or credited to a false authority and
spreads lies, fabrications, and deceptions. 'lack campaign is the ,big lie,, including
all types of creative deceit.
adies and !entlemen,
'lack campaign has a big impact for our live. It can make us be more easy to
judge someone with untruth source. And it will make our society become worst . &e
can break our relation just because we have a different candidate.
adies and !entlemen,
I recommend you to filter all of the issue form both candidates and dont trust
the issue with unclear source. And about how we can choose who is the best
candidate, I will suggest you to do this - (ount the amount of their strength and also
thier weaknesess. &homever have a little weakness could be our option to be our
adies and !entlemen,
I think thats all that I want to share with you. Im so sorry if there is so many
false that I made in my words. .lease, be the good person to choose which one is
better. I think that whomever will be our presindent, he has a good vission, only to
make our country to be better, better and better.
&assalamualaikum wr wb

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