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Level 1 Term 2

Course no Course name Books referred

Phy 107 Waves and Oscillation,
Geometrical Optics and
Wave Mechanics
1. Waves and Oscillations by N.
Subrahmanyam, ri! "al
#. $ %e&tboo' o( Optics )th *dition $uthor+
,-."$" /,. N. 0,$1M$N2$M, /,.
M. N. $3$/1$N$"0
4hem 1)1 4hemistry o( *n5ineerin5
-ndustrial 4hemistry 6 . 7. Sharma.
Math 189 3ector $nalysis, Matrices
and 4o:ordinate Geometry
1. Schaum;s Outline o( 3ector $nalysis :
Murray ,. Spie5el
#. Matri& $nalysis and $pplied "inear $l5ebra
y 4arl /. Meyer
M* 171 4omputer Pro5rammin5
1. %each 2oursel( 4: Schildt
#. 4 pro5rammin5 lan5ua5e 7amru<<aman
1um 101 *n5lish 1. usiness correspondence and report =ritin5 6
,. 4. Sharma > 7risnamohon
#. %he most common mista'es in *n5lish usa5e
6 %homa?s *llio(t erry.
9. $dvance learners /e5ree 5eneral *n5lish 6
4ho=dhury and 1ossain.
1um 10# %echnical ,eport Writin5
and Presentation
1. usiness correspondence and report =ritin5 6
,. 4. Sharma > 7risnamohon
#. %he most common mista'es in *n5lish usa5e
6 %homa?s *llio(t erry.
Phy 10# Physics Sessional Practical Physics
M*:17# 4omputer Pro5rammin5
"an5ua5e Sessional
1. %each 2oursel( 4: Schildt
#. 4 pro5rammin5 lan5ua5e: 7amru<<aman
Shop 170 Machine Shop Practice
Shop %heory: $nderson
Level 2 Term 2
Page 1 of 5
Course no Course name Books referred
M*: #@1 Metallic Materials -ntroduction to Physical metallur5y 6 $vner
M*:#81 Numerical $nalysis 1. $pplied Numerical $nalysis ABth editionC 6
4urtis D. Gerald, Patric' O. =heatley,
Publisher:$ddison:Wesley Publishin5
#. Numerical Methods (or *n5ineers A)th
editionC 6 Steven 4. 4hapra, ,aymond
P.4arale, Publisher 6 %ata McGra=:1ill
Publishin5 4ompany "td.
9. N0M*,-4$" M*%1O/S+ 0sin5 Matlab,
Dourth *dition, #00) .ohn 1. Mathe=s and
7urtis /. Din' -SN 0:19:08B#)E:#
Prentice:1all Pub. -nc.
). Numerical Methods 6 *. ala5urusamy: %ata
MacGra= 1ill
M* #)9 Mechanics o( Solids 1. Stren5th o( Materials A)th editionC 6 $ndre=
Pytel, Derdinand ". Sin5er.
#. Stren5th o( Materials 6 eer and .ohn Stone.
Math #89 Dourier $nalysis, 1armonic
Dunctions, "aplace
%rans(orm and 4omple&
1. 4olle5e Mathematics: 3ol One: Md. $bdur
#. Murray Spie5el+ Schaum;s Outline o( "aplace
%rans(orms MGra=1ill F *n5lish
9. Schaum;s Outline o( 4omple& 3ariables by
Murray ,. Spie5el
1um ##9 *conomics 1. *conomics by Samuelson
#. *conomics by .ohn Sloman
9. *conomic /evelopment by Michael %odaro
M* #@# Metallic Materials Sessional Same as M* #@1
M* #8# Numerical $nalysis
Same as M* #81
M* #)) Mechanics o( Solids
Mechanics o( Materials =ith solved problem:
$mlesh 4handra Mandal ,Guamrul -slam
M* #80 Mechanical *n5ineerin5
1. Metric /ra(tin5 6 Paul Wallah, Publisher 6
Glenceo Publishin5 4o, -ncH 1@7@.
#. /ra(tin5 %echnolo5y and Practice 6 William P.
Spence, Publisher 6 4has $. ennett 4o, -nc, 1@79.
9. %echnical /ra=in5 6 Drederic' * Giesec'e, $lva
Mitchell, 1enry 4. Spencer, -van
"eroy 1ill, .ohn %. /y5don, .ames *. Nova', -val ".
1ill, Publisher 6 Prentice 1allH1# edition, #00#.
Level 3 Term 2
Course no Course name Books referred
Page 2 of 5
M* 991 Production Processes 1. Materials and process in manu(acturin5:
*.Paul /e5armo
#. Manu(acturin5 *n55 > %each:7alpa'!ain
M* 9#9 Dluid Mechanics -- 1. 1ydraulics and Dluid Mechanics -ncludin5
1ydraulic MachinesASi 0nitsC:/r. P N Modi
#. Dluid Mechanics: D M White
9. Dluid Mechanics: Munson
M* 9)9 Machine /esi5n -- 1. %e&t oo' o( Machines /esi5n:7hurmi
#. $ %e&t oo' o( Machine /esi5n:Shi5ly
M* 909 4onvection, oilin5,
4ondensation and Mass
1. 1eat %rans(er 6 .. P. 1olman 7e, Publisher :
Mc Gra=:1ill -nter. *dition.
#. Dundamental o( 1eat > Mass %rans(er:by
9. 1eat %rans(er+ $ asic $pproach 6 OI-S-7,
Publisher 6 McGra=:1ill -nt. *dition 1@EB.
M* 9E1 Measurement and Guality
1. Probability and Statistics (or *n5ineerin5 >
Scientists, ,.* Walpole, ,.1 Mayers, S."
Mayers , 7. "e , Pearson.
#. *ducation Guality 4ontrol and Mana5ement ,
/r. M.$.$ 1asin
9. *n5ineerin5 Metrolo5y 6y ,.7 .ain.
M* 99# Production Process
Shop %heory:$nderson
M* 9#) Dluid Mechanics Sessional
Same M* 9#1
M*:9)) Machine /esi5n Sessional
Same as M* 9)1
M* 9E# Measurement and Guality
4ontrol Sessional
*n5ineerin5 Metrolo5y 6y ,.7 .ain.
M* 90) 1eat and Mass %rans(er
1eat %rans(er 6 .. P. 1olman 7e, Publisher : Mc
Gra=:1ill -nter. *dition.
Page 3 of 5
Level 4 Tem 2
Course no Course name Books referred
M* )09 Po=er Plant *n5ineerin5 Po=er Plant *n5ineerin5: P. 7 Na5
M* )89 $utomobile *n5ineerin5 $utomotive Mechanics 6 4rouse
M* )B1 $ircra(t and $ero:en5ine
1. 1. $ircra(t 5as turbine *n5ine %echnolo5y 6 -
* %rea5er, Publisher 6 Purdu'e 0niversity.
$P : 9)B8
#. $ir(rame and Po=er Plant 6 4 $ I=en5,
Publisher : Galotia Publications.
9. .anes all the =orld?s $ircra(t %aylor W,
A#00#:09C 6 arr and -sroud.
). $ircra(t Structure 6 /avid > Pere<, Publisher
6 Mc Gra=:1ill.
B. -ntroduction to $erospace structural
$nalysis6/avid 1 $llen, Publisher6Weley >
8. .et $ircra(t Po=er System A9rd editionC 6
.ac' 34, Publisher 6 Mc Gra=:1ill.
7. *n5ine the Search (or Po=er 6 .ohn /ay,
Publisher 6 1amlyn "ondon
M* )1@ ,esistance and Propulsion
o( Ships
1. 1. Muc'le?s Naval $rchitecture:by W.
Muc'le ,evised by /.$ %aylon.
#. ,eed?s Naval $rchitecture.
9. asic Ship %heory 3ol:# A9rd editionC 6 7. ..
,a=son > *. 4. %upper, Publisher 6
"on5man Group "imited, "on5man 1ouse,
urnt 1ill, 1arlo=, *sse& 4M #0 #.*,
). Principles o( Naval $rchitecture A,evised
editionC 6 .oh P. 4omstoc', Publisher 6%he
Society o( Naval $rchitects and Marine
B. ,esistance and Propulsion o( Ships 6 S 3 $.
$. 1arvald, Publisher 6 .ohn Wiley > Sons,
Ne= 2or' and Sin5apore.
M* )89 Petroleum *n5ineerin5 -ntroduction to Petroleum, Geolo5y and /rillin5 6
Md. $bdur ,a<<aJ $'anda, Md. Guamrul -slam
Publisher 60*%.
M* )E1 -ndustrial Mana5ement 1. Operational mana5ement (or competitive
advanta5e 6by chase $Juilano .acobs.
#. Mana5ement 6 .ams $. D. Stoner, ,. *d=ard
Dreeman, /aniel ,. Gilbert.
9. Mana5ement 6 Stephen P. ,ubbins, Mar 4onlter,
,obin Stuart 'ot<e.
Page 4 of 5
). -ndustrial mana5ement 6by .ohn 4hristie /uncan
B. -ndustrial mana5ement 6by .narayan in boo's.
8. -ndustrial mana5ement 6by .oseph ,ussell Smith .
7. -ndustrial mana5ement 6by $re5a=i Gebreeyesus
Gebre michael.
M* )@B Mechatronics Mechatronics: olton
M* )0) Steam "aboratories
oo's relatin5 *&periements, re(er to boo's o(
previous terms
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