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Fu Da Sacred Heart Elementary School English Weekly Test

Written test Semester: 1 Week 3

Foreign teacher: Andre hinese teacher:
Student!s "ame########## "o$#### %arent!s signature#########
Total amount
o& students
1''( )*'( )8'( )+'( ),'( -,'( .vg$
Read the questions carefully before answering them.
Question 1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
have having listen listening playing plays sleeping
1. Carl often _____ _____________ basketball in the evening.
2. He is _________ _________ football at the moment.
. Cathy doesn!t usually _________ _________ supper.
". Cathy isn!t ____________ ______ lunch at the moment.
#. $s %ara ___________ _______ to music&
'. (oes she usually ___________ _______ to music&
). $s *nna during class&
Question 2. Complete the table with the ,resent %imple .
*ffirmative -egative full form -egative short form
$ sleep
He swims
.hey drink milk
$t /umps
Question . .here is a mistake in each of the sentences below. 0ind it and correct it. 1rite the
correction above the mistake.
1. %teve2 Can $ speaks to .om&
(onna2 1ell3 he sleeps now. Can you call back later&
2. 4illy2 $!m hungry5 6et!s cooking some spaghetti.
Catherine2 -o3 $ am not liking spaghetti.
. 1endy2 6ook5 $t snows.
7ames2 8reat5 6et!s went out and play +12
Question ". 1rite sentences. 9se the ,resent Continuous and the prompts given.
1. you + make +hamburger + &

2. my parents + watch + a movie + moment

. $ + not do + homework + now

". your friends + go to + school + now + &

Question #. 6ook at the prompts and write :uestions and answers. 9se ,resent %imple or
,resent Continuous.
1. ;yle + smiling + & < =es

2. 7oan and ,aul + watch + tennis + & < -o + not + like

. %am + carrying + umbrella + & < -o + raincoat + wear


". the students + write + >nglish test + & < =es

Question '. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
C*?6 Hi %teve5 1hat are you @1A _______ ___________ @doA&
%.>B> $!m @2A ________ __________ @readA an email from my sister.
C*?6 1hat!s she @A _________ _________ @doA&
%.>B> %he!s @"A _____________ _____ @sailA from %pain to 4arbados.
C*?6 Cool5 1hat does she usually @#A ________ __________ @doA&
%.>B> %he!s a nurse. %he @'A ________ __________ @workA at a hospital.
C*?6 (oes she @)A ________ __________ @en/oyA her /ob&
%.>B> =es3 she does.
C*?6 *nd is she @CA _______ ___________ @en/oyA the trip&
%.>B> =es3 she says she!s @DA ___________ _______ @haveA a fabulous time.
Question ). 9nderline the correct answer with a ruler .
1 1hat /ob does %teve!s mother do&
* %he teaches maths and 0rench.
4 %he!s teaching maths and 0rench.
2 1hat are you doing&
* $ sail to 4arbados.
4 $!m sailing to 4arbados.
Question C. ?ead the following and then answer the :uestions in full sentences. .
* horrible green thing on a skateboard was chasing *nna. 7enny saw the green thing and said3
E.hat!s trig3 an alien from .riglon. He!s very friendlyF. *nna said that she didn!t care who he was
but that she did not like him. %he had never spoken to an alien before. .he town where both of these
girls live is called Gerton.
1. 1hat is *nna!s hometown!s name&
2. How did *nna describe the alien&
.otal +1HH
Make sure you have answered all the questions, and then check your answers.
Remember to write your name on the first page.
Write neatly.

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