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A. P. J.

Abdul Kalam
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This article is about the former President of ndia! For the ndian freedom fi"hter, see
Abul Kalam A#ad!
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Abdul Kalam at the $%th Wharton ndia &conomic
Forum, %''(
11th President of India
In office
%) July %''% * %) July %''+
Atal ,ihari -a.payee
/anmohan 0in"h
Krishan Kant
,hairon 0in"h 0hekha1at
Preceded by K! R! 2arayanan
Pratibha 3e4isin"h Patil
Personal details
A4ul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
$) 5ctober $67$ (a"e (%)
Rames1aram, Ramanathapuram
3istrict, /adras Presidency, ,ritish
(no1 in Tamil 2adu, ndia)
Alma mater
0t! Joseph8s 9olle"e, Tiruchirapalli
/adras nstitute of Technolo"y
Professor, author, scientist, president
Aerospace en"ineer
Website abdulkalam!com
Avul Pair Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (
: ; b d l k < l m := born $) 5ctober $67$)
usually referred to as !r. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, is an ndian scientist and administrator
1ho ser4ed as the $$th President of ndia from %''% to %''+! Kalam 1as born and raised
in Rames1aram, Tamil 2adu, studied physics at the 0t! Joseph8s 9olle"e, Tiruchirappalli,
and aerospace en"ineerin" at the /adras nstitute of Technolo"y (/T), 9hennai!
,efore his term as President, he 1orked as an Aerospace en"ineer 1ith 3efence Research
and 3e4elopment 5r"anisation (3R35) and ndian 0pace Research 5r"anisation
Kalam is popularly kno1n as the Missile Man of India for his 1ork on the
de4elopment of ballistic missile and launch 4ehicle technolo"y!
@e played a pi4otal
or"ani#ational, technical and political role in ndia8s Pokhran-II nuclear tests in $66(, the
first since the ori"inal nuclear test by ndia in $6+A! 0ome scientific eBperts ha4e
ho1e4er called Kalam a man 1ith no authority o4er nuclear physics but 1ho .ust carried
on the 1orks of @omi J! ,habha and -ikram 0arabhai!
Kalam 1as elected the President of ndia in %''%, defeatin" Cakshmi 0ah"al and 1as
supported by both the ndian 2ational 9on"ress and the ,haratiya Janata Party, the ma.or
political parties of ndia! @e is currently a 4isitin" professor at ndian nstitute of
/ana"ement 0hillon", ndian nstitute of /ana"ement Ahmedabad and ndian nstitute
of /ana"ement ndore, honorary fello1 of ndian nstitute of 0cience, ,an"alore,

9hancellor of the ndian nstitute of 0pace 0cience and Technolo"y Thiru4ananthapuram,
a professor of Aerospace &n"ineerin" at Anna Dni4ersity (9hennai), J00 Dni4ersity
(/ysore) and an ad.unct:4isitin" faculty at many other academic and research institutions
across ndia!
Kalam ad4ocated plans to de4elop ndia into a de4eloped nation by %'%' in his book
India 2020! @e has recei4ed se4eral presti"ious a1ards, includin" the ,harat Ratna,
ndia8s hi"hest ci4ilian honour! Kalam is kno1n for his moti4ational speeches and
interaction 1ith the student community in ndia!
@e launched his mission for the youth
of the nation in %'$$ called the What Can I Give Movement 1ith a central theme to defeat
corruption in ndia!
$ &arly life and education
% 9areer as scientist
7 Presidency
A 9riticisms and contro4ersies
o A!$ Personal attacks
) Future ndiaE %'%'
F Popular culture
+ A1ards and honours
( ,ooks and documentaries
6 0ee also
$' References
$$ &Bternal links
#arly life and education
A! P! J! Abdul Kalam 1as born on $) 5ctober $67$ in a Tamil /uslim family to
Jainulabdeen, a boat o1ner and Ashiamma, a house1ife, at Rames1aram, located in the
ndian state of Tamil 2adu!
@e came from a poor back"round and started 1orkin"
at an early a"e to supplement his family8s income!
After completin" school, Kalam
distributed ne1spapers to financially contribute to his father8s income!
n his school
years, he had a4era"e "rades, but 1as described as a bri"ht and hard1orkin" student 1ho
had a stron" desire to learn and spend hours on his studies, especially mathematics!
G inherited honesty and selfHdiscipline from my father= from my mother, inherited faith
in "oodness and deep kindness as did my three brothers and sisters!G
IA Juote from Kalam8s autobio"raphy
After completin" his school education at the Ramanathapuram 0ch1art# /atriculation
0chool, Kalam 1ent on to attend 0aint Joseph8s 9olle"e, Tiruchirappalli, then affiliated
1ith the Dni4ersity of /adras, from 1here he "raduated in physics in $6)A!
the end of the course, he 1as not enthusiastic about the sub.ect and 1ould later re"ret the
four years he studied it! @e then mo4ed to /adras in $6)) to study aerospace
While Kalam 1as 1orkin" on a senior class pro.ect, the 3ean 1as
dissatisfied 1ith the lack of pro"ress and threatened re4okin" his scholarship unless the
pro.ect 1as finished 1ithin the neBt three days! @e 1orked tirelessly on his pro.ect and
met the deadline, impressin" the 3ean 1ho later said, G >3ean? 1as puttin" you >Kalam?
under stress and askin" you to meet a difficult deadlineG!
@e narro1ly missed
achie4in" his dream of becomin" a fi"hter pilot, as he placed ninth in Jualifiers, and only
ei"ht positions 1ere a4ailable in the AF!
"areer as scientist
This 1as my first sta"e, in 1hich learnt leadership from three "reat teachersI3r! -ikram 0arabhai,
Prof! 0atish 3ha1an and 3r! ,rahm Prakash! This 1as the time of learnin" and acJuisition of
kno1led"e for me!
A! P! J! Abdul Kalam
After "raduatin" from /adras nstitute of Technolo"y (/T * 9hennai) in $6F', Kalam
.oined Aeronautical 3e4elopment &stablishment of 3efense Research and 3e4elopment
5r"ani#ation (3R35) as a scientist! Kalam started his career by desi"nin" a small
helicopter for the ndian Army, but remained uncon4inced 1ith the choice of his .ob at
Kalam 1as also part of the 2950PAR committee 1orkin" under -ikram
0arabhai, the reno1ned space scientist!
n $6F6, Kalam 1as transferred to the ndian
0pace Research 5r"ani#ation (0R5) 1here he 1as the pro.ect director of ndia8s first
indi"enous 0atellite Caunch -ehicle (0C-H) 1hich successfully deployed the Rohini
satellite in near earth8s orbit in July $6('! Joinin" 0R5 1as one of Kalam8s bi""est
achie4ements in life and he is said to ha4e found himself 1hen he started to 1ork on the
0C- pro.ect! Kalam first started 1ork on an eBpandable rocket pro.ect independently at
3R35 in $6F)!
n $6F6, Kalam recei4ed the "o4ernment8s appro4al and eBpanded the
pro"ram to include more en"ineers!
Kalam addresses en"ineerin" students at T Ku1ahati
n $6F7*FA, he 4isited 2A0A8s Can"ley Research 9enter in @ampton -ir"inia, Koddard
0pace Fli"ht 9enter in Kreenbelt, /aryland and Wallops Fli"ht Facility situated at
&astern 0hore of -ir"inia!
3urin" the period bet1een the $6+'s and $66's, Kalam
made an effort to de4elop the Polar 0C- and 0C-H pro.ects, both of 1hich pro4ed to
be success!
Kalam 1as in4ited by Ra.a Ramanna to 1itness the country8s first nuclear test 0milin"
,uddha as the representati4e of T,RC, e4en thou"h he had not participated in the
de4elopment, test site preparation and 1eapon desi"nin"! n the $6+'s, a landmark 1as
achie4ed by 0R5 1hen the locally built Rohini-1 1as launched into space, usin" the
0C- rocket!
n the $6+'s, Kalam also directed t1o pro.ects, namely, Project Devil and
Project Valiant , 1hich sou"ht to de4elop ballistic missiles from the technolo"y of the
successful 0C- pro"ramme!
3espite the disappro4al of Dnion 9abinet, Prime /inister
ndira Kandhi allotted secret funds for these aerospace pro.ects throu"h her discretionary
po1ers under Kalam8s directorship!
Kalam played an inte"ral role con4incin" the
Dnion 9abinet to conceal the true nature of these classified aerospace pro.ects!
research and educational leadership brou"ht him "reat laurels and presti"e in $6('s,
1hich prompted the "o4ernment to initiate an ad4anced missile pro"ram under his
Kalam and 3r! -! 0! Arunachalam, metallur"ist and scientific ad4iser to
the 3efense /inister, 1orked on the su""estion by the then 3efense /inister, R!
-enkataraman on a proposal for simultaneous de4elopment of a Jui4er of missiles
instead of takin" planned missiles one by one!
R -enkatraman 1as instrumental in
"ettin" the cabinet appro4al for allocatin" 7!(( billion rupees for the mission, named
nte"rated Kuided /issile 3e4elopment Pro"ram (!K!/!3!P) and appointed Kalam as
the chief eBecuti4e!
Kalam played a ma.or part in de4elopin" many missiles under the
mission includin" A"ni, an intermediate ran"e ballistic missile and Prith4i, the tactical
surfaceHtoHsurface missile, althou"h the pro.ects ha4e been criticised for mismana"ement
and cost and time o4erruns!
@e 1as the 9hief 0cientific Ad4iser to the Prime
/inister and the 0ecretary of 3efence Research and 3e4elopment 5r"anisation from
July $66% to 3ecember $666! The Pokhran-II nuclear tests 1ere conducted durin" this
period 1here he played an intensi4e political and technolo"ical role! Kalam ser4ed as the
9hief Pro.ect 9oordinator, alon" 1ith R! 9hidambaram durin" the testin" phase!

Photos and snapshots of him taken by the media ele4ated Kalam as the country8s top
nuclear scientist!
n $66(, alon" 1ith cardiolo"ist 3r!0oma Ra.u, Kalam de4eloped a lo1 cost 9oronary
stent! t 1as named as GKalamHRa.u 0tentG honourin" them!
n %'$%, the duo,
desi"ned a ru""ed tablet P9 for health care in rural areas, 1hich 1as named as GKalamH
Ra.u TabletG!
Kalam ser4ed as the $$th President of ndia, succeedin" K! R! 2arayanan! @e 1on the
%''% presidential election 1ith an electoral 4ote of 6%%,((A, surpassin" $'+,7FF 4otes
1on by Cakshmi 0ah"al! @e ser4ed from %) July %''% to %) July %''+!
5n $' June %''%, the 2ational 3emocratic Alliance (23A) 1hich 1as in po1er at the
time, eBpressed to the leader of opposition, ndian 2ational 9on"ress president 0onia
Kandhi that they 1ould propose Kalam for the post of President!
The 0ama.1adi Party
and the 2ationalist 9on"ress Party backed his candidacy!
After the 0ama.1adi Party
announced its support for him, 2arayanan chose not to seek a second term in office,
lea4in" the field clear for Kalam!
am really o4er1helmed! &4ery1here both in nternet and in other media, ha4e been
asked for a messa"e! 1as thinkin" 1hat messa"e can "i4e to the people of the country
at this .uncture!
IKalam respondin" to the announcement of his candidature by Prime /inister Atal
,ihari -a.payee
5n $( June, Kalam filed his nomination papers in the Parliament of ndia, accompanied
by -a.payee and his senior 9abinet collea"ues!
Kalam alon" 1ith -ladimir Putin and /anmohan 0in"h durin" his presidency
The pollin" for the presidential election be"an on $) July %''% in the Parliament and the
state assemblies 1ith media claimin" that the election 1as a oneHsided affair and Kalam8s
4ictory 1as a fore"one conclusion! The countin" 1as held on $( July!
Kalam 1on the
presidential election in a hi"hly oneHsided contest! @e became the $$th president of the
Republic of ndia!
@e mo4ed into the Rashtrapati ,ha4an after he 1as s1orn in on %)
Kalam 1as the third President of ndia to ha4e been honoured 1ith a ,harat
Ratna, ndia8s hi"hest ci4ilian honour, before becomin" the President! 3r! 0ar4apali
Radhakrishnan ($6)A) and 3r! Lakir @ussain ($6F7) 1ere the earlier recipients of ,harat
Ratna 1ho later became the President of ndia!
@e 1as also the first scientist and the
first bachelor to occupy Rashtrapati ,ha1an!
3urin" his term as President, he 1as affectionately kno1n as the Peole!s President!
n his 1ords, si"nin" the 5ffice of Profit ,ill 1as the tou"hest decision he had taken
durin" his tenure!
Kalam is criticised for inaction as a President in decidin" the fate of %' out of the %$
mercy petitions!
Article +% of the 9onstitution of ndia empo1ers the President of
ndia to "rant pardon, suspend and remit death sentences and commute the death sentence
of con4icts on death ro1!
Kalam acted on only one mercy plea in his )Hyear tenure
as a President, re.ectin" the plea of rapist 3hanan.oy, 1ho 1as han"ed
The most important of the %' pleas is thou"ht to be that of Af#al Kuru, a
Kashmiri terrorist 1ho 1as con4icted of conspiracy in the 3ecember %''$ attack on the
ndian Parliament and 1as sentenced to death by the 0upreme 9ourt of ndia in %''A!

While the sentence 1as scheduled to be carried out on %' 5ctober %''F, the pendin"
action on the mercy plea resulted in him continuin" in the death ro1!
At the end of his term, on %' June %''+, Kalam eBpressed his 1illin"ness to consider a
second term in office pro4ided there 1as certainty about his 4ictory in the %''+
presidential election!
@o1e4er, t1o days later, he decided not to contest the
Presidential election a"ain statin" that he 1anted to a4oid in4ol4in" Rashtrapati ,ha4an
from any political processes!
@e did not ha4e the support of the Ceft parties, 0hi4 0ena
and DPA constituents to recei4e a rene1ed mandate!
2earin" the term eBpiry of the $%th President Pratibha Patil, 1hose tenure ended on %A
July %'$%, media reports in April claimed that Kalam 1as likely to be nominated for his
second term!
After the reports, social net1orkin" sites 1ere abu## 1ith acti4ities
eBtendin" their support for his candidature!
,JP potentially backed his nomination,
sayin" that the party 1ill lend their support if Trinamool 9on"ress, 0ama.1adi Party and
ndian 2ational 9on"ress proposes his name for the %'$% presidential election!
a month ahead of the election, /ulayam 0in"h Mada4 and /amata , also
eBpressed their support to Kalam and re4ealed that they both 1ould su""est his name!

3ays after eBpressin" support, /ulayam 0in"h Mada4 backed out, lea4in" /amata
, as a solitary supporter!
5n $( June %'$%, Kalam refused to contest %'$%
presidential poll after much speculations!
/any, many citi#ens ha4e also eBpressed the same 1ish! t only reflects their lo4e and
affection for me and the aspiration of the people! am really o4er1helmed by this
support! This bein" their 1ish, respect it! 1ant to thank them for the trust they ha4e in
IKalam8s messa"e to public upon denyin" to contest Presidential poll %'$%!
"riticisms and controversies
The contro4ersy that surrounds Kalam8s role as a nuclear scientist, is the lack of reliable
and factual reportin" of the yield of Pokhran-II tests!
The director of the site test, K!
0anthanam, publicly admitted that the thermonuclear bomb 1as a Gfi##leG test, criticisin"
Kalam for issuin" the 1ron" report!
@o1e4er, Kalam dismissed the claims and R!
9hidambaram, a key associate of Pokhran-II, also described these claims as incorrect!
Personal attacs
n spite of his leadin" role in the de4elopment of ndian nuclear pro"ramme, Kalam has
recei4ed criticism from many of his peers 1ho claimed that he had Gno authorityG o4er
nuclear science!
@omi 0ethna, a chemical en"ineer criticised Kalam claimin" that
Kalam had no back"round in publishin" articles in nuclear science, e4en in nuclear
physics! 0ethna maintained that Kalam recei4ed his masters de"ree in aerospace
en"ineerin", 1hich is a completely different discipline from nuclear en"ineerin", and
1hat 4arious uni4ersities a1arded him for his achie4ements had nothin" to do 1ith
nuclear physics! 0ethna, in his last inter4ie1, maintained that in the $6)'s, Kalam had
failed ad4anced physics courses durin" his colle"e life and Juoted GWhat does he kno1
(about >nuclear? physics)!!!!NG, on the national tele4ision! @omi 0ethna also accused
Kalam of usin" his presidency to "ain a national stature of a nuclear scientist!
5thers felt that Kalam had ne4er 1orked in any of the ndian nuclear po1er plants and
had no role in de4elopin" the nuclear 1eapon 1hich 1as completed under Ra.a
Kalam 1orked as an aerospace en"ineer in a 0C- pro.ect in the $6+'s and
from the $6('s on1ards, as a pro.ect director before he mo4ed to 3efence Research and
3e4elopment 5r"anisation!
n %''(, ndian media Juestioned his claims about his personal contributions to missile
in4entions 1hile 1orkin" in a classified missile pro"ramme! The media Juestioned
Kalam takin" credit of in4entin" the A"ni, Prith4i and Aakash missile system, 1hile all
of these 1ere de4eloped, researched and desi"ned by a "roup of scientists headed by
Kalam and he 1as in4ol4ed in "ettin" the funds and other lo"istic tasks! Ram 2arain
A"ar1al, former director, Ad4anced 0ystem Caboratory and former Pro"ram 3irector of
A"ni missile 1as considered to be the real architect behind the successful desi"n of A"ni
n his o1n bio"raphy, Kalam credited the de4elopment of A"ni missile to
3r! Ram 2arain A"ar1al, an alumnus of /T! For the Prith4i missile pro.ect, he named
9ol -J 0undaram as the brain behind this pro.ect and for the Trishul missile, he "a4e
credit to 9ommander 0R /ohan!
n %''F, senior media correspondent Praful ,id1ai,
in the "he Dail# $tar, 1rote that t1o aerospace pro.ects, Pro.ect -aliant and Pro.ect
3e4il, 1hich 1ere authorised by former Prime /inister 0mt! ndira Kandhi under the
directorship of A! P! J! Abdul Kalam, resulted in Gtotal failureG! n the $6('s, these
pro.ects 1ere ultimately cancelled by the "o4ernment under the pressure of the ndian
Kalam 1as also criticised by ci4il "roups o4er his stand on the Koodankulam 2uclear
Po1er Plant, 1here he supported settin" up of the nuclear po1er plant and ne4er spoke
1ith the local people!
The protesters 1ere hostile to his 4isit as they percei4ed to him
to be a proHnuclear scientist and 1ere unimpressed by the assurance pro4ided by him on
the safety features of the plant!
Friskin" by American security authorities
Kalam 1as frisked at the JFK Airport in 2e1 Mork, 1hile boardin" a plane on %6
0eptember %'$$! @e 1as sub.ected to Gpri4ate screenin"G as he does not come under the
cate"ory of di"nitaries eBempt from security screenin" procedures under American
"uidelines! @e 1as frisked a"ain after boardin" the Air ndia aircraft 1ith the D0 security
officials askin" for his .acket and shoes, claimin" that these items 1ere not checked
accordin" to the prescribed procedures durin" the Gpri4ate screenin"G, despite protests
from the airline cre1 confirmin" him as ndia8s eBHpresident!
The incident 1as not
reported until $7 2o4ember %'$$!
ndia threatened retaliatory action as there 1as a
G"eneral sense of outra"eG around the country!
The ndian /inistry of &Bternal Affairs
protested o4er this incident and a statement by the ministry said that the D0 Ko4ernment
had 1ritten a letter to Kalam, eBpressin" its deep re"ret for the incon4enience!
Kalam 1as pre4iously frisked by the "round staff of the 9ontinental Airlines at the ndira
Kandhi nternational Airport, 2e1 3elhi in July %''6 and 1as treated like an ordinary
passen"er, despite him bein" on the ,ureau of 9i4il A4iation 0ecurity8s list of people
eBempted from security screenin" in ndia!
&uture India' ()()
A! P! J! Abdul Kalam deli4erin" a speech
n his book India 2020, Kalam stron"ly ad4ocates an action plan to de4elop ndia into a
kno1led"e superpo1er and a de4eloped nation by the year %'%'! @e re"ards his 1ork on
ndia8s nuclear 1eapons pro"ram as a 1ay to assert ndia8s place as a future superpo1er!
t 1as reported that, there 1as a considerable demand in 0outh Korea for translated
4ersions of books authored by him!
Kalam continues to take an acti4e interest in other de4elopments in the field of science
and technolo"y! @e has proposed a research pro"ram for de4elopin" bioHimplants! @e is a
supporter of 5pen 0ource o4er proprietary solutions and belie4es that the use of free
soft1are on a lar"e scale 1ill brin" the benefits of information technolo"y to more
Kalam set a tar"et of interactin" 1ith $'',''' students durin" the t1o years after his
resi"nation from the post of scientific ad4iser in $666!
n his o1n 1ords, G feel
comfortable in the company of youn" people, particularly hi"h school students!
@enceforth, intend to share 1ith them eBperiences, helpin" them to i"nite their
ima"ination and preparin" them to 1ork for a de4eloped ndia for 1hich the road map is
already a4ailable!G
@e continued to interact 1ith students durin" his term as a President
and also durin" his postHpresidency period as a 4isitin" professor at ndian nstitute of
/ana"ement Ahmedabad
and ndian nstitute of /ana"ement ndore,
9hancellor of
ndian nstitute of 0pace 0cience and Technolo"y Thiru4ananthapuram,
a professor of
Aerospace &n"ineerin" at Anna Dni4ersity (9hennai),
J00 Dni4ersity (/ysore),
an ad.unct:4isitin" faculty at many other academic and research institutions across ndia!
Kalam is stron" supporter of 0pace based solar po1er!
n %'$% 9hina proposed .oint
de4elopment bet1een ndia and 9hina to1ards de4elopin" a solar po1er satellite, durin"
a 4isit by Kalam!
Po*ular culture
n /ay %'$%, Kalam launched his mission for the youth of the nation called the What
Can I Give Movement 1ith a central theme to defeat corruption!
@e also has interests
in 1ritin" Tamil poetry and in playin" 4eenai, a 0outh ndian strin" instrument!
@e 1as nominated for the /T- Mouth con of the Mear a1ard in %''7
and in %''F!
n the %'$$ @indi film I %m &alam, Kalam is portrayed as an eBtremely positi4e
influence to a poor but bri"ht Ra.asthani boy named 9hhotu, 1ho renames himself Kalam
in honour of his idol!
A+ards and honours
A! P! J! Abdul Kalam8s +6th birthday 1as reco"nised as World $t'dent!s Da# by Dnited
@e has also recei4ed honorary doctorates from A' uni4ersities!
Ko4ernment of ndia has honoured him 1ith the Padma ,hushan in $6($ and the Padma
-ibhushan in $66' for his 1ork 1ith 0R5 and 3R35 and his role as a scientific ad4isor
to the Ko4ernment!
n $66+, Kalam recei4ed ndia8s hi"hest ci4ilian honour, the ,harat
Ratna, for his immense and 4aluable contribution to the scientific research and
modernisation of defence technolo"y in ndia!
n %''), 01it#erland declared %F /ay
as science day to commemorate Kalam8s 4isit in the country!
,ear of a+ard or
-ame of a+ard or honour A+ardin. or.anisation
%'$A 3octor of 0cience &dinbur"h Dni4ersity

%'$% 3octor of Ca1s (@onoris 9ausa) 0imon Fraser Dni4ersity

%'$$ &&& @onorary /embership &&&

%'$' 3octor of &n"ineerin" Dni4ersity of Waterloo

%''6 @onorary 3octorate 5akland Dni4ersity

%''6 @oo4er /edal A0/& Foundation, D0A

nternational 4on KOrmOn
Win"s A1ard
9alifornia nstitute of Technolo"y,
3octor of &n"ineerin" (@onoris
2anyan" Technolo"ical Dni4ersity,
%''+ Kin" 9harles /edal Royal 0ociety, D!K
%''+ @onorary 3octorate of 0cience
Dni4ersity of Wol4erhampton,
%''' A1ard Al1ars Research 9entre, 9hennai
$66( -eer 0a4arkar A1ard Ko4ernment of ndia

ndira Kandhi A1ard for
2ational nte"ration
ndian 2ational 9on"ress
$66+ ,harat Ratna Ko4ernment of ndia
$66' Padma -ibhushan Ko4ernment of ndia
$6($ Padma ,hushan Ko4ernment of ndia

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