1 Spring Assignment1

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California Polytechnic State University

EE 255 Assin!ent "#
Pro$le! #%
In the !anetic circ&it sho'n in the fi&re the (e)th of the core is 5 c!* The
'in(in has #+++ t&rns an( the relative )er!ea$ility of the core is 2+++*
Deter!ine the c&rrent for a fl&, in the core of 2*5!'e$*

cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 10
cm 20
Pro$le! 2
Consi(er the !anetic core sho'n in the fi&re an( notice that three si(es of the
core are of &nifor! 'i(th- 'hereas the forth si(e is so!e'hat thinner* The (e)th
of the core into the )ae is #+ c!* The coil has .++ t&rns an( the relative
)er!ea$ility of the core is 5+++* Deter!ine the fl&, in the core for a c&rrent of
cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 5
cm 20
Pro$le! .
The !anetic core sho'n in the fi&re is !a(e of t'o ty)es of !anetic
!aterials* The riht le has a relative )er!ea$ility of 2+++ 'hile the rest of the
core has a )er!ea$ility of /+++* The (e)th of the core is 5 c!* Deter!ine the
fl&, in the core for a c&rrent of 5 A an( a 'in(in of 5++ t&rns*
cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 10
cm 20
8000 =

2000 =

Pro$le! 0
In the !anetic circ&it sho'n in the fi&re the (e)th of the core is #+ c!* The
'in(in has 25+ t&rns an( the relative )er!ea$ility of the core is 2+++* If the
c&rrent in the coil is 5A- (eter!ine%
a* The total rel&ctance of the core seen $y the coil-
$* The fl&, (ensity in the riht- left- an( center les of the core
cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 5
cm 20
cm 20
cm 10
Pro$le! 5%
Consi(er the !anetic core sho'n in the fi&re* The (e)th of the core into the )ae is
5 c!* 1ne coil has a #+++ t&rns an( # A c&rrent- 'hile the other coil has 2+++ t&rns
an( 2 A c&rrent* The relative )er!ea$ility of the core is .+++* Deter!ine the fl&,
(ensity in the riht- center- an( left sections of the core*
cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 10
cm 20
cm 20
cm 10
turns 2000
turns 1000
Pro$le! 2
Consi(er the !anetic core sho'n in the fi&re* The (e)th of the core into the )ae is
5 c!* The coil has 2+++ t&rns an( 2 A c&rrent* The relative )er!ea$ility of the core is
.+++* Deter!ine the fl&, (ensity in the riht- center- an( left sections of the core*

cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 10
cm 20
cm 20
cm 10
turns 2000
Pro$le! 3
The !anetic core sho'n in the fi&re is !a(e of t'o ty)es of !anetic !aterials* The
center le has a relative )er!ea$ility of 2+++ 'hile the rest of the core has a
)er!ea$ility of /+++* Deter!ine the fl&, in the core for a c&rrent of #+ A an( 5++ t&rns*
The (e)th of the core is 5 c!*
cm 10
cm 10
cm 10
cm 20
cm 10
cm 20
8000 =

2000 =

cm 20
cm 10

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