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10/17/13 Difference between biodegradable and non biodegradable waste? 1/3
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Difference between biodegradable
and non biodegradable waste?
kiran k asked 7 years ago
Was originally asked on Yahoo Answers India
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Taurus answered 7 years ago
Biodegradable waste is waste that can break down into natural
components and be recycled into the life cycle naturally...examples
are old vegtables / food, paper, cardboard, deceased animals, and
phyto plastics( special plastics that break down when exposed to the
sun after some time) etc.
Non biodegradable waste is waste that does not break down into
natural components and exists in the environment for a long time.
Examples would be tyres, plastics, elctronic components, metals
Kalooka answered 7 years ago
biodegradable waste; waste looses it form and all the constituents
dissociates by bacteria to non hazardous elements such as H2O,
CO2 etc.. and they enter the cycle of life again (from chemical
non biodegradable wastes: wastes that is tough to dissociate like
plastics which can be present in the environment for more than 50
years or more.
so, the biodegradable wastes are good for the environment.
swati answered 7 years ago
Biodegradable waste is a type of waste which comprises of waste
streams that are available for biodegradation. These wastes typically
originate from plants, animals and other living organisms.
It can be commonly found in municipal solid waste (sometimes
called biodegradable municipal waste [BMW]):
* Green waste
* Food waste
* Paper waste
* Biodegradable plastics
Other biodegradable wastes include:
* Human waste
* Manure
* Sewage
* Slaughterhouse waste
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10/17/13 Difference between biodegradable and non biodegradable waste? 2/3
Biodegradable waste includes kitchen waste, garden waste, paper
and the kind. Non-biodegradable waste includes glass, most types of
plastics, wooden articles, rubber, batteries and the kind. Public have
been asked to stop giving mixed garbage to the conservancy
workers. Also, they have been advised not to give biodegradable
garbage in plastic bags, as it will defeat the purpose.
nature_luv answered 7 years ago
Everything which nature can recycle on its own is biodegradable
waste and things which it cannot is non biodegradable. Plastic is one
of the most harmful non biodegradable waste and should be used
least possible and any thing made of natural material is normally
biodegradable. All biodegradable waste are recycled and reused in
some form or another which is not same with non biodegradable once
and so they are very harmful for us our mother earth and our coming
venkat answered 7 years ago
jdsheth2004 answered 7 years ago
Segregation of waste:
Waste can be segregated as :
1. Biodegradable and
2. Nonbiodegradable.
Biodegradable waste include organic waste, e.g. kitchen waste,
vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves from the garden, and paper.
Nonbiodegradable waste can be further segregated into:
a) Recyclable waste plastics, paper, glass, metal, etc.
b) Toxic waste old medicines, paints, chemicals, bulbs, spray
cans, fertilizer and pesticide containers, batteries, shoe polish.
c) Soiled hospital waste such as cloth soiled with blood and other
body fluids.
Toxic and soiled waste must be disposed of with utmost care.
Biodegradable waste is a type of waste which comprises of waste
streams that are available for biodegradation. These wastes typically
originate from plants, animals and other living organisms.
It can be commonly found in municipal solid waste (sometimes
called biodegradable municipal waste [BMW]):
Green waste
Food waste
Paper waste
Biodegradable plastics
Other biodegradable wastes include:
Human waste
Slaughterhouse waste
anu answered 7 years ago
The difference between biodegradable n non biodegradable waste is
Biodegradable r those which can be recycled.For ex: paper.
Non Biodegradable r those which can not be recycled.For ex:plastic.
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10/17/13 Difference between biodegradable and non biodegradable waste? 3/3
Ganesa Murthy A answered 7 years ago
It is something to deal with Carbon 1/2 life period. If a waste material
takes more time to disintegrate then it is nonbiodegradeble waste
Pooh M answered 7 years ago
well biodegradable r wastes dat the nature can take. i mean 2 say
dat they rnt harmful to the nature
but non biodegradable r harmful 2 nature. for example plastic. it
doesnt get into the mud. it remains as plsatic for millions of years.
aravind l answered 7 years ago
bio degradable means these are the things which can be made in to
simple molecules by the microbes present in the soil or in the
atmosphere,. ex ANY FOOD ITEMS /PAPER,in contrast the non bio
degradable can't be made in to simple molecules by the action of
microbe. ex PLASTICS

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