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(5 of 1923)
JULY, 1962)
1. The Repealing Act, 1927 (12 of 1927)
2. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 1929 (9 of 1929)
3. The o!ernment of India (Adaptation of Indian "a#s) $rder, 1937
%. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 1937 (11 of 1937)
&. The Repealing and Amending Act, 1939 (3% of 1939)
'. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 19%2 (& of 19%2)
7. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 19%3 (17 of 19%3)
(. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 19%7 (3% of 19%7)
9. The Indian Independence (Adaptation of )entral Acts * $rdinances) $rder, 19%(
1+. The Adaptation of "a#s $rder, 19&+
11. The ,art B -tate ("a#s) Act, 19&1 (3 of 19&1)
12. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 19&1 (3( of 19&1)
13. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 19&2 (2& of 19&2)
1%. The Repealing and Amending Act, 19&2 (%( of 19&2)
1&. The Adaptation of "a#s (.o 3) $rder, 19&'
1'. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Act, 19'+ (1( of 19'+)
A.$. 1937 for o!ernment of India (Adaptation of Indian "a#s) $rder, 1937
A.$. 19%( for Indian Independence (Adaptation of )entral Acts and $rdinances) $rder, 19%(.
A.$. 19&+ for Adaptation of "a#s $rder, 19&+
,. for ,age
.. in ). for o!ernor eneral in )o/ncil
Ins. for Inserted
)l. for )la/se
,t. for ,art
Rep. for Repealed
-. for -ection
-ch. for -ched/le
-/0s. -/0stit/ted
( 12 of "
ARRA.323.T $4 -3)TI$.-
SECTIONS 1. -hort title, e5tent and commencement.
2. 6efinitions.
2A. Application of Act to feed7pipes.
2B. Application of Act to economisers.
3. "imitation of application.
%. ,o#er to limit e5tent.
&. )hief Inspector, 6ep/t8 Inspectors and Inspectors
'. ,rohi0ition of /se /nregistered or /ncertified 0oiler
7. Registration
(. Rene#al of certificate
9. ,ro!isional orders
1+. 9se of 0oiler pending grant of certificate
11. Re!ocation of certificate or pro!isional order
12. Alterations and rene#als to 0oilers.
13. Alterations and rene#als to steam7pipes
1%. 6/t8 of o#ner at e5amination
1&. ,rod/ction of certificates, etc.
1'. Transfer of certificates, etc.
17. ,o#ers of entr8.
1(. Report of accidents
19. Appeals to )hief Inspector.
2+. Appeals to appellate a/thorit8
2+A. ,o#er of )entral o!ernment to re!ise order of appellate a/thorit8
21. 4inalit8 of orders.
22. 2inor penalties
23. ,enalties for illegal /se of 0oiler.
2%.$ther penalties.
2&. ,enalt8 for tampering #ith register mar:.
2'. "imitation and pre!io/s sanction for prosec/tion
27. Trial of offences.
27A. )entral Boilers Board.
2(. ,o#er of ma:e reg/lations.
2(A. ,o#er of )entral o!ernment to ma:e r/les.
29. ,o#er to ma:e r/les.
3+. ,enalt8 for 0reach of r/les.
31. ,/0lication of reg/lations and r/les
31a. ,o#er of )entral o!ernment to gi!e directions.
32. Reco!er8 of fees, etc.
33. Applica0ilit8 to the o!ernment.
3%. 35emptions.
3&. (Repealed)
The -ched/le Repealed
5 OF 1923
Fer!"r#, 1923)
A$ "%& &o %o$'o()d"&e "$d "*e$d &+e (", re("&)$- &o '&e"* o)(er'.
;hereas it is e5pedient to consolidate and amend the la# relating to steam70oilers< it is here08 enacted
as follo#s
(1)This Act ma80e called the Indian Boilers Act, 1923.
-hort title e5tent and commencement
=(2) Is e5tends to the #hole of India
=e5cept the -tate of 1amm/ and >ashmir?
(3) It shall come into force on s/ch date
as the )entral o!ernment ma8, 08 notification in the $fficial
a@ette, appoint.
2. In this Act, /nless there is an8thing rep/gnant in the s/0Aect or conte5t
(a) BaccidentC means an e5plosion of a 0oiler of steam7pipe or an8 damage to a 0oiler or steam pipe
#hich is calc/lated to #ea:en the strength thereof so as to Render it lia0le to e5plode<
=aa) BBoardC means the )entral Boilers Board constit/ted /nder section 27A<?
(0) B0oilerC means an8 closed !essel e5ceeding
=22.7& litres? in capacit8 #hich is /sed e5pressl8 for
generating steam /nder press/re and incl/des an8 mo/nting or other fitting attached to s/ch !essel
#hich is #holl8 or partl8 /nder press/re #hen steam is sh/t off<
1. 4or -tatement of $0Aect and Reasons, see a@ette of India, 1923, ,t. D, p.2%9< ad for Report of 1oint )ommittee, se
i0id., 1923, ,t. D, p. 1&.
2. -/0s. B8 the A.$.19&+ for the former s07section
3. -/0s. B8 Act 3 of 19&1, s. 3 and -ch., for Be5cept part B -tatesC
%. Ist 1an/ar8, 192%, !ide .otification .o.A7'1, dated the %
6ecem0er, 1923, -ee a@ette of India, 1923, ,t. 1, p. 1'9&
&. Ins. B8 Act 11 or 1937, s. 3.
'. -/0s. B8 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 2, for Bfi!e gallonsC.
7. The #ords Bfor /se o/tside s/ch !esselC omitted 08 Act 9 of 1929, s.2.

=E B)hief InspectorC,. B6ep/t8 )hief InspectorC, and BInspectorC mean, respecti!el8, a person
appointed to 0e a )hief Inspector, a 6ep/t8 )hief Inspector and and Inspector /nder this Act<?
F=(cc) BeconomiserC means an8 part of a feed7pipe that is #holl8 or partiall8 e5posed to the action of
fl/e gases for the p/rpose or reco!er8 of #aste heat<
(ccc) Bfeed7pipeC means an8 pipe or connected fittings #holl8 or partl8 /nder press/re thro/gh #hich
feed #ater passes directl8 to a 0oiler and #hich does not form a integral part thereof<?
(d) Bo#nerB incl/des an8 person /sing a 0oiler as agent of the o#ner thereof and an8 person /sing a
0oiler #hich he has hired or o0tained on loan from the o#ner thereof<
(e) Bprescri0edC means prescri0ed 08 reg/lations or r/les made /nder this Act<
=(f) Bsteam7pipeC means an8 pipe thro/gh #hich steam passes from a 0oiler to a prime mo!er or other
/ser or 0oth, if G
(i) the press/re at #hich steam passes thro/gh s/ch pipe e5ceeds 3.& :ilograms per sH/are
centimeter a0o!e atmospheric press/re< or
(ii) s/ch pipe e5ceeds 2&% millimeters in internal diameter< and incl/des in either case
an8 connected fitting of a steam7pipe<?
(g) B-tr/ct/ral alteration addition or rene#alC shall not 0e deemed to incl/de an8 rene#al or
replacement of a pett8 nat/re #hen the part or fitting /sed for replacement is not inferior in strength,
efficienc8 or other#ise to the replaced part or fitting.
1. -/0s. B8 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 2, for cl. E
2. -/0s. B8 Act 3% of 19%7, s. 2, as amended 08 Act %+ of 19%9, s. 3 and -ch. "i, for the former cl. (cc) #hich #as ins. B8
Act 17 of 19%3, s.2.
3. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 2, for cl. (f)
=2A. 3!er8 reference in this Act (e5cept #here the #ord Bsteam7pipeC is /sed in cla/se (f) of section 2),
to a steam7pipe or steam7pipes shall 0e deemed to incl/de also a reference to a feed7pipe or feed7pipes,
=2B. 3!er8 reference in this Act to 0oiler or 0oilers (e5cept in cla/se (ccc) of section 2, 3FFF%FFF) shall
0e deemed to incl/de also a reference to an economiser or economiser, respecti!el8.?
Application of Act to economiser
3.(1) .othing in this Act shall appl8 in the case of an8 0oiler or steam7pipeI
"imitation of Application
7 of 1((%
1 of 1917
(a) in an8 steam7ship as defined in section 3 of the
Indian -team7ships Act, 1((%, or in
an8 steam7!essel as defined in section 2 of the Inland -team7!essels Act, 1917< or
=(0) 0elonging to, or /nder the control of, the Arm8, .a!8 or Air 4orce< or?
=E appertaining to a sterli@er or disinfector of a t8pe s/ch as is commonl8 /sed in
hospitals, if the 0oiler does not e5ceed
(.inet87one litres) in capacit8.?
(2) The
()entral o!ernment) ma8, 08 notification in the $fficial a@ette, declare that
the pro!ision of this Act shall not appl8 in the case of 0oilers of steam7pipes, or of an8
specified class of 0oilers or steam7pipes, 0elonging to or /nder the control of an8 rail#a8
=08 the
()entral o!ernment) or 08 an8 -tate o!ernment? or 08 an8
rail#a8 compan8 as defined in cla/se (&) of section 3 of the Indian Rail#a8s Act, 1(9+.
1. Ins. B8 Act 17 of 19%3, s. 3.
2. Ins 08 Act 3% of 19%7, s. 3.
3. The #ords, 0rac:ets, letters and fig/res Bcla/se (e) of section ', cla/ses E and (d) of section 11, cla/se
(d) of section 29C omitted 08 Act 2& of 19&2, s.2.
%. The #ords and fig/res, Band section 3%C omitted 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 3.
&. -ee no# the Indian 2erchant -hipping Act, 1923 (21 of 1923), s. 2.
'. -/0s. 08 Act 3( of 19&2, s. 2, for the former cla/se
7. Added 08 Act & of 19%2, s. 2.
(. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. %, for Bt#ent8 gallonsC
9. -/0s. 08 the A.$. 19%(, for B-afet8 )ontrolling A/thorit8C.
1+. -/0s. 08 the A.$. 1937, for B08 the o!ernmentC.
11. -/0s. 08 the A.$. 19%(, for B4ederal Rail#a8 A/thorit8C.
Rail#a8s Act, 1(9+
9 of 1(9+
,o#er to limit

)hief Inspector,
68. )hief
Inspector and
/. The
(-tate o!ernment) ma8, 08 notification in the $fficial a@ette, e5cl/de an8
specified area from the operation of all or an8 specified area from the operation of all or
an8 specified pro!isions of this Act.

=5.(1) The state o!ernment ma8 appoint s/ch persons as it thin:s fit to 0e Inspectors for
the -tate for the p/rposes of this Act, and ma8 define the local limits #ithin #hich each
Inspector shall e5ercise the po#ers and perform the d/ties conferred and imposed on
Inspectors 08 or /nder this Act.
(2) The -tate o!ernment ma8 appoint s/ch persons as it thin:s fit to 0e the 6ep/t8
)hief Inspectors for the -tate an8 ma8 define the local limits #ithin #hich each 6ep/t8
)hief Inspector shall e5ercise his po#ers and perform his d/ties /nder this Act.
(3) 3!er8 6ep/t8 )hief Inspector ma8 e5ercise the po#ers and perform the d/ties
conferred and imposed on inspectors 08 or /nder this act and, in addition thereto, ma8
e5ercise s/ch po#ers or perform s/ch d/ties conferred or imposed on the )hief Inspector
08 or /nder this Act, as the -tate o!ernment ma8 assign to him.
(%) The -tate o!ernment shall appoint a person to 0e )hief Inspector for the -tate #ho
ma8, in addition to the po#ers and d/ties conferred and imposed on the )hief Inspector
08 or /nder this Act, e5ercise an8 po#er or perform an8 d/t8 so conferred or imposed on
6ep/t8 )hief Inspectors or Inspectors.
(&) -/0Aect to the pro!isions of this Act, the 6ep/t8 )hief Inspectors and Inspectors shall
e5ercise the po#ers and perform the d/ties conferred and imposed on them 08 or /nder
this Act /nder the general s/perintendence and control of the )hief Inspector.
1. -econd paragraph ins. B8 the A.$. 1937, omitted 08 the A.$. 19%(.
2. The #ords B.. in ).C ha!e 0een s/ccessi!el8 amended 08 the A.$. 1937 and the A.$. 19&+ to read
as a0o!e.
-/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. &, for s.
') The )hief Inspector, 6ep/t8 )hief Inspectors and Inspectors ma8 offer s/ch ad!ice as
the8 thin: fit to o#ners regarding the proper maintenance and safe #or:ing of 0oilers.
(7) The )hief Inspector and all 6ep/t8 )hief Inspectors and Inspectors shall 0e deemed
to 0e p/0lic ser!ants #ithin the meaning of section 21 of the Indian ,enal )ode.?
0. -a!e as other#ise e5pressl8 pro!ided in this Act, no o#ner of a 0oiler or permit it to 0e
/sed 777
(a) /nless it has 0een registered in accordance #ith the pro!isions of this Act<
(0) in the case of an8 0oiler #hich has 0een transferred from one -tate to another, /ntil
the transfer has 0een reported in the prescri0ed manner<
(c) /nless a certificate or pro!isional order a/thorising the /se of the 0oiler is for the
time 0eing in force /nder this Act<
(d) at a press/re higher than the ma5im/m press/re recorded in s/ch certificate or
pro!isional order<
(e) #here the -tate o!ernment has r/les reH/iring that 0oilers shall 0e in charge of
persons holding
(certificates of proficienc8 or competenc8), /nless the 0oiler is in
charge of a person holding the certificate reH/ired 08 s/ch r/lesJ
,ro!ided that an8 0oiler registered, or an8 0oiler certified or licensed, /nder an8 Act
here08 repealed shall 0e deemed to ha!e 0een registered or certified, as the case ma8
0e, /nder this Act.

1.(1) The o#ner of an8 0oiler #hich is not registered /nder the pro!isions of this Act
(ma8 appl8 to the Inspector to ha!e the 0oiler registered). 3!er8 s/ch application shall 0e
accompanied 08 the prescri0ed fee.
1. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. ', for Bcertificate of competenc8C.
2. ,ro!iso rep. 08 Act 3% of 1939, s. 3 and -ch. II.
(2) $n receipt of an application /nder s/07section (1), the Inspector shall fi5 a date,
#ithin thirt8 da8s or s/ch shorter period as ma8 0e prescri0ed from the date of the
receipt, for the e5amination of the 0oiler and shall gi!e the o#ner thereof not less than ten
da8Ks notice of the date so fi5ed.
(3) $n the said date the Inspector shall proceed to meas/re and e5amine the 0oiler and to
determine in the prescri0ed manner the ma5im/m press/re, if an8, at #hich s/ch 0oiler
ma8 0e /sed, and shall report the res/lt of the e5amination to the )hief Inspector in the
prescri0ed form.
(%) The )hief Inspector, on receipt of the report, ma8 G
(a) register the 0oiler and assign a register n /m0er thereto either forth#ith or after
satisf8ing himself that an8 str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al #hich he ma8 deem
necessar8 has 0een made in or to the 0oiler or an8 steam7pipe attached thereto, or
(0) ref/se to register the 0oilerJ
,ro!ided that #here the )hief Inspector ref/ses to register a 0oiler, he shall forth#ith
comm/nicate his ref/sal to the o#ner of the 0oiler together #ith the reasons therefor.
(&) The )hief Inspector shall, on registering the 0oiler, order the iss/e to the o#ner of a
certificate in the prescri0ed form a/thorising the /se of the 0oiler for a period not
e5ceeding t#el!e months at a press/re not e5ceeding s/ch ma5im/m press/re as he
thin:s fit and as is in accordance #ith the reg/lations made /nder this ActJ

=,ro!ided that a certificate iss/ed /nder this s/07section in respect of an economiser
of an /nfired 0oiler #hich forms an integral part of a processing plant in #hich steam is
generated solel8 08 the /se of oil, asphalt or 0it/men as a heating medi/m) ma8 a/thorise
its /se for a period not e5ceeding t#ent87fo/r months.?
1. Added 08 Act 3% of 19%7, s. %.
2. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+. -. 7
(') The Inspector shall forth#ith con!e8 to the o#ner of the 0oiler the orders of the )hief
Inspector and shall in accordance there#ith iss/e to the o#ner an8 certificate of #hich the
iss/e has 0een ordered, and, #here the 0oiler has 0een registered, the o#ner shall #ithin
the prescri0ed period ca/se the register n/m0er to 0e permanentl8 mar:ed thereon in the
prescri0ed manner.
2.(1) A certificate a/thorising the /se of a 0oiler shall cease to 0e in force 7777
(a) on the e5pir8 of the period for #hich it #as granted< or
(0) #hen an8 accident occ/rs to the 0oiler< or
(c) #hen the 0oiler is mo!ed, the 0oiler not 0eing a !ertical 0oiler the heating s/rface of
#hich is less than F(1(.&( sH/are meters), or a porta0le or !ehic/lar 0oiler< or
(d) #hen an8 str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al is made in or to an8 steam7pipe
attached to the 0oiler< or
(e) if the )hief Inspector in an8 partic/lar case so directs, #hen an8 str/ct/ral alteration,
addition or rene#al is made in or to an8 steam pipe made in or to an8 steam7pipe attached
to the 0oiler< or
(f) on the comm/nication to the o#ner of the 0oiler of an order of the )hief Inspector or
Inspector prohi0iting its /se on the gro/nd that it or an8 steam7pipe attached therto is in a
dangero/s condition.
(2) ;here an order is made /nder cla/se (f) of s/07section (1), the gro/nds on #hich the
order is made shall 0e comm/nicated to the o#ner #ith the order.
(3) ;hen a certificate ceases to 0e in force, the o#ner of the 0oiler ma8 appl8 to the
Inspector for a rene#al thereof for s/ch period not e5ceeding t#el!e months as he ma8
specif8 in the application
Rene#al of certificate
1. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. ( for Bt#o h/ndred sH/are feed.C
=,ro!ided that #here the certificate relates to an economiser
(or an /nfired 0oiler #hich
forms an integral part of a processing plant in #hich steam is generated solel8 08 the /se
of oil, asphalt or 0it/men as a heating medi/m), the application for its rene#al ma8 0e for
a period not e5ceeding t#ent87fo/r months.?
(%) An application /nder s/07section (3) shall 0e accompanied 08 the prescri0ed fee and,
on receipt thereof, the Inspector shall fi5 a date, #ithin thirt8 da8s or s/ch shorter period
as ma8 0e prescri0ed from the date of the receipt, for the e5amination of the 0oiler and
shall gi!e the o#ner thereof not less than ten da8sK notice of the date so fi5edJ
,ro!ided that, #here the certificate has ceased to 0e in force o#ing to the ma:ing
of an8 str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al, the )hief Inspector ma8 dispence #ith
the pa8ment of an8 feeJ
=,ro!ided f/rther that in the case of an economiser or of an /nfired 0oiler #hich forms
an integral part of a processing plant in #hich steam is generated solel8 08 the /se of oil,
asphalt or 0it/men as a heating medi/m, the date fi5ed for its e5amination shall 0e #ithin
si5t8 da8s from the date of the receipt of the application and the o#ner shall 0e gi!en not
less than thirt8 da8sK notice of the date so fi5ed.?
(&) $n the said date the Inspector shall e5amine the 0oiler in the prescri0ed manner, and
if he is satisfied that the 0oiler and the steam7pipe or steam7pipes attached thereto are in
good condition shall iss/e a rene#ed certificate a/thorising the /se of the 0oiler for s/ch
period not e5ceeding t#el!e months and at a press/re not e5ceeding s/ch ma5im/m
press/re as he thin:s fit and as it in accordance #ith the reg/lations made /nder this ActJ
1. Added 08 Act 3% of 19%7, s. &.
2. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. (.
3. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. (, for the second pro!iso #hich #as added 08 Act 3% of 19%7, s. &.
=,ro!ided that a rene#ed certificate iss/ed /nder this s/07section in respect of an
( or of an /nfired 0oiler #hich forms an integral part of a processing plant in
#hich steam is generated solel8 08 the /se of oil, asphalt or 0it/men as a heating
medi/m) ma8 a/thorise its /se for a period not e5ceeding t#ent8 fo/r monthsJ?
(f/rther) that if the Inspector 777
(a) proposes to iss/e an8 certificate 777
(i) ha!ing !alidit8 for a less period than the period entered in the application, or
(ii) Increasing or red/cing the ma5im/m press/re at #hich the 0oiler ma8 0e
/sed, or
(0) proposes to order an8 str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al to 0e made in or to the
0oiler or an8 steam7pipe attached thereto, or
(c) is of opinion that the 0oiler is not fit for /se,, the Inspector shall, #ithin fort87eight
ho/rs of ma:ing the e5amination, inform the o#ner of the 0oiler in #riting of his
opinion and the reasons therefor, and shall forth#ith report the case for orders to the
)hief Inspector.
(') The )hief Inspector, on receipt of a report /nder s/07section (&) ma8, s/0Aect to the
pro!isions of this Act and of the reg/lations made here/nder, order the rene#al of the
certificate in s/ch terms and on s/ch conditions, if an8, as he thin:s fit, or ma8 ref/se to
rene# itJ
,ro!ided that #here the )hief Inspector ref/ses to rene# a certificate, he shall
forth#ith comm/nicate his ref/sal to the o#ner of the 0oiler, together #ith the reasons
(7) .othing in this section shall 0e deemed to pre!ent an o#ner of a 0oiler for appl8ing
for are rene#ed certificate therefor at an8 time d/ring the c/rrenc8 of a certificate.
1. Ins. 08 Act 3% of 19%7, s.&.
2. Ins 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. (.
;here the Inspector reports the case of an8 0oiler to the chief Inspector /nder s/07section (3) of section 7 or s/07
section (&) of section (, he ma8, if the 0oiler is not a 0oiler the /se of #hich has 0een prohi0ited /nder cla/se (f)
of s/07section (1) of section (, grant to the o#ner thereof a pro!isional a press/re not e5ceeding s/ch ma5im/m
press/re as he thin:s fit and as is in accordance #ith the reg/lations made /nder this Act pending the receipt of
the orders of the )hief Inspector. -/ch pro!isional order shall cease to 0e in force777
(a) on the e5pir8 of si5 months from the date on #hich it is granted, or
(0) on receipt of the orders of the )hief Inspector, or
(c) in an8 of the cases referred to in cla/ses (0), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of s/07section (1)
of section (,
and on so ceasing to 0e in force shall 0e s/rrendered to the Inspector.
9se of 0oiler
pending grant
of certificate.
9 (1) .ot#ithstanding an8thing herein 0efore contained, #hen the period of a certificate
relating to a 0oiler has e5pired, the o#ner shall, pro!ided that he has applied 0efore the
e5pir8 of that period for a rene#al of the certificate, 0e entitled to /se the 0oiler at the
ma5im/m press/re entered in the former certificate pending the iss/e or orders on the
(2) .othing in s/07section (1) shall 0e deemed to a/thorise the /se of a 0oiler in an8
of the cases referred to in cla/ses (0), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of s/07section (1) of section
( occ/rring after the e5pir8 of the period of the certificate.
Re!ocation of
certificate or
9. The )hief Inspector ma8 0e an8 time #ithdra# or re!o:e an8 certificate or pro!isional
order on the report of an Inspector or other#ise777
(a) if there is reason to 0elie!e that the certificate or pro!isional order has 0een
fra/d/lentl8 o0tained or has 0een granted erroneo/sl8 or #itho/t s/fficient
e5amination< or
(0) if the 0oiler in respect of #hich it has 0een granted has s/stained inA/r8 or has
ceased to 0e in good conditionJ or
(c) #here the -tate o!ernment has made r/les reH/iring that 0oilers shall 0e in charge
of persons holding 1(certificate of proficienc8 or competenc8), if the 0oiler is incharge of a
person not holding the certificate reH/ired 08 s/ch r/les< or
(d) #here no s/ch r/les ha!e 0een made, if the 0oiler is in charge of a person #ho is not
ha!ing regard to the condition of the 0oiler, in the opinion of the chief Inspector competent
to ha!e charge thereofJ
,ro!ided that #here the )hief Inspector #ithdra#s or re!o:es a certificate or pro!isional
order on the gro/nd specified in cla/se (d), he shall comm/nicate to the o#ner of the
0oiler his reasons in #riting for the #ithdra#al or re!ocation, and the order shall not ta:e
effect /ntil the e5pir8 of thirt8 da8s from the receipt of s/ch comm/nication.
11. .o str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al shall 0e made in or to an8 0oiler registered
/nder this Act /nless s/ch alteration, addition or rene#al has 0een sanctioned in #riting 08
the )hief Inspector.

Alterations and rene#als to 0oilers
12 Before the o#ner of an8 0oiler registered /nder this Act ma:es an8 str/ct/ral
alteration, addition or rene#al in or to an8 steam7pipe attached to the 0oiler, he shall
transmit to the )hief Inspector a report in #riting of his intention, and shall send there#ith
s/ch partic/lars of the proposed alteration, addition or rene#al as ma8 0e prescri0ed.
Alterations and rene#als to steam7pipes
13. (1) $n an8 date fi5ed /nder this Act for the e5amination of a 0oiler, the o#ner
thereof shall 0e 0o/nd 7777
(a) to afford to the Inspector all reasona0le facilities for the e5amination and all s/ch
information as ma8 reasona0l8 0e reH/ired of himJ
6/t8 of o#ner at e5amination
-/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+. -. 9. 4or Bcertificates of competenc8
(a) to ha!e the 0oiler properl8 prepared and read8 for e5amination in the prescri0ed
manner< and
(0) in the case of an application for the registration of a 0oiler, to pro!ide s/ch
dra#ings, specifications, certificates and other partic/lars as ma8 0e prescri0ed.
(2) If the o#ner fails, #itho/t reasona0le ca/se, to compl8 #ith the pro!isions of s/07
section (1, the Inspector shall ref/se to ma:e the e5amination and shall report the case to
the )hief Inspector #ho shall, /nless s/fficient ca/se to the contrar8 is sho#n, reH/ire the
o#ner to file a fresh application /nder section 7 or section (, as the case ma8 0e, and ma8
for0id him to /se the 0oiler not#ithstanding an8thing contained in section 1+.
,rod/ction of
1%. The o#ner of an8 0oiler #ho holds a certificate or pro!isional order relating thereto
shall, at all reasona0le times d/ring the period for #hich the certificate or order is in force,
0e 0o/nd to prod/ce the same #hen called /pon to do so 08 a 6istrict 2agistrate,
)ommissioner of ,olice or 2agistrate of the first class ha!ing A/risdiction in the area in
#hich the 0oiler is for the time 0eing, or 08 the )hief Inspector or 08 an Inspector or 08
Inspector appointed /nder the Indian 4actories Act, 1911,
or 08 an8 person speciall8
a/thorised in #riting 08 a 6istrict 2agistrate or )ommissioner of ,olice.
12 of 1911
Transfer of

,o#er of
1&. If an8 person 0ecomes the o#ner of a 0oiler d/ring the period for #hich a certificate
or pro!isional order relating thereto is in force, the preceding o#ner shall 0e 0o/nd to
ma:e o!er to him the certificate or pro!isional order.
1'. An Inspector ma8, for the p/rpose of inspecting or e5amining a 0oiler or an8 steam7
pipe attached thereto or of seeing that an8 pro!ision of this Act or of an8 reg/lation or
r/le made there/nder has 0een or is 0eing o0ser!ed, at all reasona0le times enter an8
place or 0/ilding #ithin the limits of the area for #hich he has 0een appointed in
#hich he has reason to 0elie!e that a 0oiler is in /se.
-ee no# the 4actories Act, 19%( ('3 of 19%().
11 (I) If an8 accident occ/rs to a 0oiler or steam7pipe the o#ner or person in charge
thereof shall, #ithin t#ent87fo/r ho/rs of the accident, report the same in #riting to the
Inspector. 3!er8 s/ch report shall contain a tr/e description of the nat/re of the
accident and of the inA/r8, if an8, ca/sed there08 to the 0oiler or to the steam7pipe or to
an8 person, and shall 0e in s/fficient detail to ena0le the Inspector to A/dge of the
gra!it8 of the accident.
(2) 3!er8 person shall 0e 0o/nd toans#er tr/l8 to the 0est of his :no#ledge and a0ilit8
e!er8 H/estion p/t to himin #riting 08 the Inspector as to the ca/se, nat/re or e5tent of
Report of accidents.
12. An8 person considering himself aggrie!ed 08 G
(a) an order made or p/rporting to 0e made 08 an Inspector in the e5ercise of an8
po#er conferred 08 or /nder this Act, or
(0) a ref/sal of an Inspector to ma:e an8 order or to iss/e an8 certificate #hich he is
reH/ired or ena0led 08 or /nder this act to ma:e or iss/e.
2a8, #ithin thirt8 da8s from the date on #hich s/ch order or ref/sal is comm/nicated
to him, appeal against the order or ref/sal to the )hief Inspector.
Appeals to )hief Inspector
(a) ref/sing to register a 0oiler or to grant or rene# a certificate in respect of a 0oiler<
(0) ref/sing to grant a certificate ha!ing !alidit8 for the f/ll period applied for< or
(c) ref/sing to grant a certificate a/thorising the /se of a 0oiler at the ma5im/m
press/re desired< or
(d) #ithdra#ing or re!o:ing a certificate or pro!isional order< or
(e) red/cing the amo/nt of press/re specified in an8 certificate or the period for #hich
s/ch certificate has 0een granted< or
(f) ordering an8 str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al to 0e made in or to a 0oiler
or steam7pipe, or ref/sing sanction to the ma:ing of an8 str/ct/ral alteration,
additional or rene#al in or to a 0oiler,
ma8, #ithin thirt8 da8s of the comm/nication to him of s/ch order, lodge #ith the
)hief Inspector an appeal to an appellate a/thorit8 to 0e constit/ted 08 the -tate
o!ernment /nder this Act.
Appeals to appellate a/thorit8
,o#er of
)entral o!t.
to re!ise order
of appellate

4inalit8 of
(23A.(1) An8 person considering himself aggrie!ed 08 an order of the appellate
a/thorit8 ref/sing /nder section 2+ to interfere #ith an order not to register a 0oiler or not
to grant or rene# a certificate in respect thereof on the gro/nd that the 0oiler does not
conform to the reg/lation made /nder this Act ma8, #ithin t#o months of the
comm/nication to him of s/ch order, ma:e an application to the )entral o!ernment for
the a re!ision of the order on the gro/nd that s/ch 0oilers are in /se in other co/ntries.
(2) 9pon the receipt of s/ch an application, the )entral o!ernment ma8, after
calling rele!ant records and other information from the appellate a/thorit8 and
considering the o0ser!ations, if an8, of the a/thorit8 on the application and after s/ch
technical ad!ice as the )entral o!ernment ma8 consider necessar8, pass s/ch order
in relation to the application, as the )entral o!ernment thin:s fit< and, #here the
re!ision is allo#ed, the order shall specif8 the terms and conditions made /nder this
Act are to 0e dealt #ith d/ring the e5amination of the 0oiler.)
(21. An order of the )entral o!ernment /nder section 2+A and, sa!e as other#ise
pro!ided in sections 19, 2+ and 2+A, an order of an appellate a/thorit8, or of the )hief
Inspector, or of a 6ep/t8 )hief Inspector, or of an Inspector, shall 0e final and shall not
0e called in H/estion in an8 co/rt).
1. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+ s.1+
2. -/0s. 08 s.11, i0id. for s.21
22. An8 o#ner of a 0oiler #ho ref/ses or #itho/t reasona0le e5c/se neglectsI
(i) to s/rrender a pro!isional order as reH/ired 08 section 9, or
(ii) to prod/ce a certificate or pro!isional order #hen d/l8 called /pon to do so
/nder section 1&, or
(iii) to ma:e o!er to the ne# o#ner of a 0oiler a certificate or pro!isional order as
reH/ired 08 section 1',
-hall 0e p/nisha0le #ith fine #hich ma8 e5tend to fi!e tho/sand r/pees.
2inor penalties
23. An8 o#ner of a 0oiler #ho, in an8 case in #hich a certificate or pro!isional order is
reH/ired for the /se of the 0oiler /nder this Act, /ses the 0oiler either #itho/t an8 s/ch
certificate or order 0eing in force or at a higher press/re than that allo#ed there08, shall 0e
p/nisha0le #ith fine #hich ma8 e5tend to t#ent8 tho/sand r/pees and, in the case of
contin/ing offence, #ith an additional fine #hich ma8 e5tend to fi!e tho/sand r/pees for
each da8 after the first da8 in regard to #hich he is con!icted of ha!ing persisted in the
,enalties for illegal /se of 0oiler
2/. An8 person #ho G
(a) /ses or permits to 0e /sed a 0oiler of #hich he is the o#ner and #hich has 0een
transferred from one -tate to another #itho/t s/ch transfer ha!ing 0een reported as
reH/ired 08 section ', or
(0) 0eing the o#ner of a 0oiler fails to ca/se the register n/m0er allotted to the 0oiler
/nder this Act to 0e mar:ed on the 0oiler as reH/ired 08 s/07section (') of section 7, or
(c) ma:es an8 str/ct/ral alteration, addition or rene#al in or to a 0oiler #itho/t first
o0taining the sanction of the )hief Inspector #hen so reH/ired 08 section 12, or to a
steam7pipe #itho/t first informing the )hief Inspector, #hen so reH/ired 08 section 13,
(d) fails to report an accident to a 0oiler or steam7pipe #hen so reH/ired 08 section 1(, or
(e) tampers #ith a safet8 !al!e of a 0oiler so as to render it inoperati!e at the ma5im/m
press/re at #hich the /se of the 0oiler is a/thorised /nder this Act,
(f) allo#s another person to go inside a 0oiler #itho/t effecti!el8 disconnecting the same
in the prescri0ed manner from an8 steam or hot #ater connection #ith an8 other 0oiler
or from f/el mains,?
shall 0e p/nisha0le #ith fine #hich ma8 e5tend to fi!e h/ndred r/pees.
$ther penalties
,enalties for
#ith register

25. (1) ;hoe!er remo!es, alters, defaces, renders in!isi0le or other#ise tampers #ith the
register n/m0er mar:ed on a 0oiler in accordance #ith pro!isions of this Act or an8 Act
repealed here08, shall 0e p/nisha0le #ith fine #hich ma8 e5tend to fi!e h/ndred r/pees.
(2) ;hoe!er fra/d/lentl8 mar:s /pon a 0oiler a register n/m0er #hich has not 0een
allotted to it /nder this Act or an8 Act repealed here08, shall 0e p/nisha0le #ith
imprisonment #hich ma8 e5tend to t#o 8ears, or #ith fine or #ith 0oth.
sanction for
20. .o prosec/tion for an offence made p/nisha0le 08 or /nder this Act shall 0e instit/ted
e5cept #ithin
(t#ent87fo/r months) from the date of the commission of the offence, and
no s/ch prosec/tion shall 0e instit/ted #itho/t the pre!io/s sanction of the chief
Trial of
21. .o offence made p/nisha0le 08 or /nder this Act shall 0e tried 08 a )o/rt inferior to
that of a ,residenc8 2agistrate or a 2agistrate of the first class.
1. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 12.
2. -/0s. 08 s. 13, i0id., for Bsi5 monthsC
=21A.(1) A Board to 0e called the )entral Boilers Board shall 0e constit/ted to e5ercise
the po#ers conferred 08 section 2(.
=(2) The Board shall consist of the follo#ing mem0ers, namel8 777
(a) s/ch n/m0er of mem0ers incl/ding the )hairman, not e5ceeding fifteen, as the )entral
o!ernment ma8 nominate in the prescri0ed manner to represent that o!ernment, the
9nion territories, the rail#a8s, the coal ind/str8, the Indian -tandards Instit/tion, the
0oiler man/fact/ring ind/str8, the /sers of 0oilers and, an8 other interests #hich, in
the opinion of the )entral o!ernment, o/ght to 0e represented on the Board<
(0) a senior technical officer con!ersant #ith the inspection and e5amination of 0oilers, to
0e nominated 08 the o!ernment of each -tate (other than a 9nion territor8).
(3)An8 !acanc8 occ/rring in the Board
shall 0e filled as soon as ma8 0e 08 a nomination made 08 the a/thorit8 08 #hom the
mem0er !acating office #as nominated.
=(%)The Board shall ha!e f/ll po#er to reg/late 08 means of 087la#s or other#ise its o#n
proced/re and the cond/ct of all 0/siness to 0e transacted 08 it, the constit/tion of
committees and s/07committees of mem0ers and the delegation to them of an8 of the
po#ers and d/ties of the Board?.
(&)The po#ers of the Board ma8 0e e5ercised not#ithstanding an8 !acanc8 in the Board.?
22. The
(Board) ma8, 08 notification in the
(a@ette of India, ma:e reg/lations consistent
#ith this Act for all or an8 of the follo#ing p/rposes, namel8J77
1. Ins. 08 Act 11 of 1937, s. %
2. -/0s. 08 Act. 1( of 19'+, s. 1%, for s/07section (2)
3. )ertain #ords, 0rac:ets, letter and fig/re omitted 08 s. 1%, i0id.
%. -/0s. 08 s.1%, i0id., for s/07section (%)
&. -/0s. 08 Act 11 of 1937, s. &, for B.. in ).C
'. The #ords Ba@ette of IndiaC stand /nmodified. -ee the A.$. 1937.
)entralBoiler Board.

,o#er of )entral
o!ernment to
(a) for la8ing do#n the standard conditions in respect of material, design and
constr/ction #hich shall 0e reH/ired for the p/rpose of ena0ling the registration and
certification of a 0oiler /nder this Act<
=(aa) for prescri0ing the circ/mstances in #hich, the e5tent to #hich, and the conditions
s/0Aect to #hich !ariation from the standard conditions laid do#n /nder cla/se (a) ma8
0e permittedJ?
(0) for prescri0ing the method of determining the ma5im/m press/re at #hich a 0oiler
ma8 0e /sed<
(c) for reg/lating the registration of 0oilers, prescri0ing the fees pa8a0le therefor
for the inspection and e5amination of 0oilers or parts thereof), the dra#ings,
specification, certificates and partic/lars to 0e prod/ced 08 the o#ner, the method of
preparing a 0oiler for e5amination, the form of the InspectorKs report thereon, the
method of mar:ing the register n/m0er, and the period #ithin #hich s/ch n/m0er is
to 0e mar:ed on the 0oiler<
(d) for reg/lating the inspection and e5amination for 0oilers and steam7pipes, and
prescri0ing forms of certificates therefor<
(e) for ens/ring the safet8 of persons #or:ing inside a 0oiler< and
(f) for pro!iding for an8 other matter #hich is not, in the opinion of the
(Board), a
mater of merel8 local or -tate importance.
(22A. (1) The )entral o!ernment ma8 08 notification in the $fficial a@ette, ma:e
r/les to pro!ide for 7777777
(a) the proced/re to 0e follo#ed in ma:ing applications /nder section 2+A and the fees
pa8a0le in respect of s/ch applications<
1. Ins. 08 Act 11 of 1937, s. &.
2. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 1&
3. -/0s. 08 Act 11 of 1937, s. &, for B.. in )C
%. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 1'.
(a) an8 matter relating to the nomination of mem0ers /nder cla/se (a) s/07section (2) of
section 277A.
(2) 3!er8 r/le made /nder s/07section(1) shall 0e laid as soon as ma8 0e after it is made
0efore each Lo/se of ,arliament #hile it is in session for a total period of thirt8 da8s
#hich ma8 0e comprised in one session or in t#o s/ccessi!e sessions, and if 0efore the
e5pir8 of the session in #hich it is so laid or the session immediatel8 follo#ing, 0oth
Lo/se agree in ma:ing an8, modification in the r/le or 0oth Lo/ses agree that the r/le
sho/ld not 0e made, the r/le shall thereafter ha!e effect onl8 in s/ch modified form or 0e
of no effect, as the case ma8 0e, so ho#e!er, that an8 s/ch modification or ann/lment shall
0e #itho/t preA/dice to the !alidit8 of an8thing pre!io/sl8 done /nder that r/le.?
,o#er to ma:e r/les
,o#er to ma:e r/les
29. The -tate o!ernment ma8, 08 notification in the $fficial a@ette, ma:e r/les
consistent #ith this Act and the reg/lations made there /nder for all or an8 of the
follo#ing p/rposes, namel8J7
(a) for prescri0ing the H/alifications and d/ties of the )hief Inspector
(of 6ep/t8 )hief
Inspector) and of Inspectors,
F F F for prescri0ing or constit/ting a/thorities to #hich the8
shall respecti!el8 0e s/0ordinate and the limits of the administrati!e control to 0e
e5ercised 08 s/ch a/thorities<
(0) for reg/lating the transfer of 0oilers<
(c) for pro!iding for the registration and certification of 0oilers in accordance #ith the
reg/lations made /nder this Act<
(d) for reH/iring 0oilers to 0e in charge of persons holding
(certificates of proficienc8 or
competenc8), and for prescri0ing the conditions on #hich s/ch certificates ma8 0e
(e) for prescri0ing the times #ithin #hich Inspectors shall 0e reH/ired to e5amine 0oilers
/nder section 7 or section (<
1. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 17
2. The #ords Bfor reg/lating their salar8, allo#ances and conditions of ser!iceC omitted 08 the A.$. 1937.
-/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 17, for Bcertificates of competenc8

,o#er to ma:e r/les
=(f) for prescri0ing the fees pa8a0le for the iss/es of rene#ed certificates, for the
inspection and e5amination of 0oilers or parts thereof or dra#ings for steam7pipes, for the
testing of #elders or for an8 other matter #hich, in the opinion of the -tate o!ernment,
#o/ld in!ol!e time and la0o/r, and for prescri0ing the method of determining the amo/nt
of s/ch fees in each case<?
(g) for reg/lating inH/ires into accidents,
(h)for constit/ting the appellate a/thorit8 referred to in session 2+, and for determining its
po#ers and proced/res<
(i)for determining the mode of disposal of fees, costs and penalties le!ied /nder this Act<
(A) generall8 to pro!ide for an8 matter #hich is, in the opinion of the -tate o!ernment, a
matter of merel8 local importance in the -tate.
,enalt8 of
0reach of r/le
33. An8 reg/lation of r/le made /nder section 2( or section 29
(ma8 direct that a person
contra!ening s/ch reg/lation or r/le shall 0e p/nisha0le, in the case of a first offence,
#ith fine #hich ma8 e5tend to one h/ndred r/pees and in the case of an8 s/07seH/ent
offence, #ith fine #hich ma8 e5tend to one tho/sand r/pees.?
,/0lication of
and r/les.
31.(1) The po#er to ma:e reg/lations and r/les conferred 08 sections 2( and 29 shall 0e
s/0Aect to the condition of the reg/lations and r/les 0eing made after pre!io/s p/0lication
(2) Reg/lations and r/les so made shall 0e p/0lished in the a@ette of India and the local
official a@ette, respecti!el8, and, on s/ch p/0lication, shall ha!e effect as if enacted in
this Act.
1. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+,s.17 for cl. (f)
2. ,ro!iso omitted 08 the A.$. 1937
3. -/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 1(, for certain #ords.
%. -/07-ection (2) stands /nmodified. -e the A.$. 1937.
=31A. The )entral o!ernment ma8 gi!e s/ch directions as it ma8 deem necessar8 to a
-tate o!ernment regarding the carr8ing into e5ec/tion of the pro!isions of this Act, and
the -tate o!ernment shall compl8 #ith s/ch directions.?
32. All fees, costs and penalities le!ied /nder this Act shall 0e reco!era0le as arrears of
33. -a!e as other#ise e5pressl8 pro!ided, this Act shall appl8 to 0oilers and steam7pipes
0elonging to the o!ernment.
=(1) The -tate o!ernment ma8, 08 notification in the $fficial a@ette, e5empt from
the operation of this Act, s/0Aect to s/ch conditions and restrictions as it thin:s fit, an8
0oilers of classes or t8pes of 0oilers /sed e5cl/si!el8 for the heating of 0/ildings or the
s/ppl8 of hot #ater.?
=(2) In case of an8 emergenc8 the -tate o!ernment ma8, 08 general or special order in
#riting, e5empt an8 0oilers or steam7pipes or an8 class of 0oilers or steam7pipes or an8
0oiler or steam7pipe from the operation of all or an8 of the pro!isions of this Act.
(3)If the -tate o!ernment is satisfied that, ha!ing regard to the material, design or
constr/ction of 0oilers and to the need for the rapid ind/strialisation of the co/ntr8, it is
necessar8 to do so, it ma8, 08 notification in the $fficial a@ette and s/0Aect to s/ch
conditions and restrictions as ma8 0e specified class of 0oilers of steam7pipes in the
#hole or an8 part of the -tate, from the operation of all or an8 of the pro!isions of this
35.=Repeal of enactments? Rep. 08 the Repealing Act, 1927 (12 of 1927), s. 2 and -ch.
TL3 -)L369"3 G =3nactments repealed? Re. B8 s. 2 and -ch., i0id.
1. Ins. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 19.
2. The original s. 3% ren/m0ered as s/07section (2) of that section and s/07section (1) ins. 08 Act 9 of
1929, s. 3.
-/0s. 08 Act 1( of 19'+, s. 2+, for s/07section (2)
The Indian Boilers Act, 1923 is presentl8 /ndergoing maAor amendments. The R/les and
Reg/lations presentl8 in force #ill also /ndergo maAor changes after the Act is amended.
The salient feat/res of the Amendments incl/deJ
(i) Introd/ction of Third ,art8 Inspection of 0oiler d/ring man/fact/re, erection
and /se<
(ii) ,eriodicit8 of inspection of 0oiler d/ring /se ($perating )ertificate)<
(iii) Introd/ction of 3fficienc8 criteria<
(i!) )hange of )onstit/tion of )entral Boilers Board<
(!) )hange of ,roced/re of Appeals< and
(!i) 3nhancement of ,enalties.

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