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NATURE|Vol 451|21 February 2008|doi:10.

1038/nature06799 INSIGHT REVIEW

A genetic framework for improving

arrhythmia therapy
Björn C. Knollmann1 & Dan M. Roden1

Abnormalities in heart rhythm continue to cause high rates of illness and death. Better treatment could
be provided by solving two main challenges: the early identification of patients who are at risk, and the
characterization of molecular pathways that culminate in arrhythmias. By analysing mechanisms that
increase susceptibility to arrhythmia in individuals with genetic syndromes, it might be possible to improve
current therapies and to develop new ways to treat and prevent common arrhythmias.

Abnormal heart rhythms, notably atrial and ventricular fibrillation, are (Box 2). Using drugs to ‘tinker’ with a complex biological system runs
leading causes of death and disability. Between 0.5 million and 1 mil- the risk of creating an abnormal electrophysiological substrate, thereby
lion North Americans and Europeans die each year from sudden car- failing to be antiarrhythmic or, worse still, actually promoting arrhyth-
diac death (SCD), which causes 10–20% of all deaths among adults in mia5. Given this complexity, an alternative approach is to design drugs
the Western world1,2. The most common underlying cause is ventricular that target the specific abnormal process that leads to arrhythmia in
fibrillation (Fig. 1). SCD most often occurs in patients with underlying the individual (Table 1).
coronary artery disease. Hence, as the prevalence of the disease increases Arrhythmias occur because of abnormalities either in the
worldwide, so will the incidence of SCD. Evaluation of patients who are electrophysiology of individual cells or in cell-to-cell propagation.
known to have heart disease can identify those at increased risk of SCD, One common arrhythmia mechanism is abnormal automaticity: that
but unfortunately in about half of all cases SCD is the initial presenting is, rapid pacemaker-like rhythmic beating in cells that do not usually
symptom of heart disease2,3. Among patients judged to be at very high demonstrate such behaviour. The mechanisms for such abnormal focal
risk of SCD, implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are often used arrhythmic activity are not completely understood, but the evidence sup-
(Box 1). These devices are highly effective at terminating an otherwise ports a prominent role for abnormal cycling of intracellular calcium ions
fatal arrhythmia if it occurs, but they do not prevent arrhythmia. (Ca2+). In some instances, focal activity starts spontaneously, whereas
Atrial fibrillation affects more than 2 million North Americans and in others a preceding normal action potential is required as a ‘trigger’.
causes substantial morbidity and mortality, predominantly through Triggered rhythms are commonly subdivided into those occurring when
stroke, heart failure, and disabling symptoms such as palpitations and the antecedent heart rate is slow (for example, long QT-interval-associ-
dizziness. Current therapies for atrial fibrillation comprise either symp- ated arrhythmias) and when it is rapid (for example, catecholaminergic
tomatic control by decreasing the heart rate during episodes of atrial polymorphic ventricular tachycardia).
fibrillation or intervention — using drugs or ablation therapy — that Another common arrhythmia mechanism is re-entrant excitation:
can prevent arrhythmia from occurring4 (Boxes 2 and 3). However, the that is, continuous excitation in an electrical circuit without independent
available drugs are incompletely effective, and such treatment carries triggering of each beat. Re-entrant circuits can involve a small region of
risks, including actually promoting arrhythmia (Box 2). heart tissue (a condition known as micro-re-entry), or they can involve
There are many other forms of abnormal heart rhythm, but atrial and large regions in a single chamber or in several chambers (macro-re-
ventricular fibrillation stand out because they are common and serious entry). Heterogeneity in the electrophysiological properties of tissue in
forms of arrhythmia and because safe and effective preventive therapies the circuit, notably differences in refractory periods or in conduction
have not yet been developed. Here we focus on how the emerging under- velocity, promotes re-entry. Sometimes the re-entrant circuit is anatomi-
standing of underlying mechanisms, especially in rare genetic arrhyth- cally fixed, and in these cases ablation at a key location within the circuit
mia syndromes, might inform the development of such therapies. In can cure the patient (Box 3). Fibrillation — atrial or ventricular — is a
particular, we emphasize how identifying the molecular and biophysical subtype of re-entry in which there is no fixed circuit; rather, each cell
abnormalities that cause arrhythmias can help to define pathways and is excited by neighbouring cells as soon as it has repolarized, so orderly
molecules that can be targeted to prevent arrhythmia. impulse propagation and contraction are absent. The two arrhythmia
mechanisms — abnormal automaticity and re-entrant excitation — are
Arrhythmia and electrophysiological abnormalities not mutually exclusive. For example, abnormal automatic behaviour in
The normal heartbeat is driven by highly choreographed membrane atrial cells can initiate atrial fibrillation in the susceptible heart6. Some
depolarization and repolarization in single heart cells (Fig. 2), propa- heterogeneities of cardiac electrophysiology occur normally; however,
gating in an orderly manner from sinus node to atrium to ventricle. exaggeration of such heterogeneities by drug administration, genetic
Mutations that alter the normal function of even a single component of lesions or changes in heart rates can promote arrhythmias.
this system can create a highly arrhythmogenic substrate. The develop-
ment of antiarrhythmic drugs has been difficult because the underlying The arrhythmia-prone heart
mechanisms of arrhythmia have not been well defined and because Arrhythmias reflect an interaction between a susceptible substrate
most drugs have targeted components of normal electrophysiology (for example, an anatomically defined circuit, a myocardial scar, atrial
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 1285 Medical Research Building IV, Nashville, Tennessee 37232, USA.

INSIGHT REVIEW NATURE|Vol 451|21 February 2008

a Ventricular Rapid ventricular tachycardia

Normal rhythm ectopic beat degenerating to ventricular fibrillation

QT interval


Figure 1 | Abnormal heart rhythms. a, Cardiac rhythm recorded in a patient suggests active myocardial ischaemia. A ventricular ectopic beat (indicated
who died as a result of SCD. The four beats on the left demonstrate the in blue) is followed by fast ventricular tachycardia that degenerates to
patient’s normal rhythm. Components of the normal electrocardiographic ventricular fibrillation. The calibration bar (1 s) applies to all panels.
complex are indicated in red: each beat starts with a P wave, representing b, Intracardiac recording retrieved from an ICD in a patient with ischaemic
normal atrial activity, and is followed by a QRS complex, representing heart disease. On the left, the tracing shows fast ventricular tachycardia,
ventricular depolarization. Ventricular repolarization is shown on the and this is followed by delivery of a shock (jagged arrow) and subsequent
electrocardiogram by the QT interval: that is, the time from the onset of the restoration of the patient’s normal rhythm. c, Atrial fibrillation. Rather
QRS wave to the end of the repolarization (T) wave that follows (indicated than discrete P waves at the beginning of each complex, the baseline is
by the horizontal arrow). In this case, the morphology of the T wave undulatory, and the overall rate is irregular.

fibrosis or a monogenic arrhythmia syndrome) and a triggering event that constitute the arrhythmia-prone substrate, including changes in
(such as adrenergic surge, inflammation, an episode of acute myocardial electrophysiological or contractile function, changes in cardiomyocyte–
ischaemia, a change in wall tension due to stretch, or administration cardiomyocyte connections, or extracellular fibrosis. Mottled scarring
of a drug). following acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) can generate the
A very small number of patients are susceptible to arrhythmias substrate for ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation9, and
because they are born with accessory atrioventricular pathways, known hypertension and age-related fibrosis are common in those with atrial
as bypass tracts. In these cases, the most common type of arrhythmia is fibrillation10–13.
a regular rapid heart beat (tachycardia) generated by conduction from The presence of heart disease, or indeed frequent episodes of arrhyth-
atrium to ventricle over the normal atrioventricular nodal pathway and mia itself, can result in a remodelling process that further increases
re-entry to the atrium using the bypass tract. Patients with accessory susceptibility to arrhythmia. A seminal observation in the mid-1990s
pathways frequently have abnormal electrocardiograms even during was that rapid atrial pacing increases susceptibility to atrial fibrillation
normal rhythm (known as Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome) and after pacing has stopped. It was found that atrial fibrillation was more
can be cured by ablation of targeted portions of the re-entrant circuit readily elicited and lasted longer when the duration of antecedent pac-
(Box 3). ing was increased; so “atrial fibrillation begets atrial fibrillation”14. This
In some cases — particularly in many monogenic arrhythmia syn- finding provoked research into the underlying mechanisms and raises
dromes (Table 1) — a susceptible substrate can be present even in the the possibility that early definitive intervention to prevent remodelling
absence of any structural heart disease detectable by conventional tech- associated with atrial fibrillation could make therapies more effective.
niques, such as echocardiography or magnetic resonance imaging. In Extensive study of experimental atrial fibrillation suggests that there is
the case of atrial fibrillation, about one-third of patients have ‘lone’ atrial an early phase of remodelling during rapid atrial excitation, probably
fibrillation: that is, they develop the arrhythmia when young (before reflecting a decrease in the number of cell-surface L-type Ca2+
60 years of age), and they lack known risk factors and structural heart channels15,16. This remodelling is followed by altered expression of these
disease7,8. More commonly, existing heart disease results in changes and other channels, as well as of other proteins (for example, those in

Box 1 | Implantable cardioverter defibrillators

Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are devices that use trials have supported the use of ICDs in patients who are at increased risk
pacemaker technology to identify abnormally rapid rhythms and to of SCD — notably those with heart disease and decreased contractile
terminate these promptly (Fig. 1b). This approach was developed almost function — even in the absence of a past history of arrhythmia (primary
30 years ago. Initially, the devices were bulky and required thoracotomy prevention)77,78. This is a much larger group of patients, and more ICDs
(which had a 1–2% mortality rate) for implantation, so they were reserved must be implanted to prevent a single case of SCD79. Although ICDs
for patients judged to be at very high risk of SCD. Technological advances clearly prevent SCD in some patient populations, widespread deployment
have now resulted in small devices that are readily implanted and have is expensive. Moreover, SCD is the presenting symptom of heart disease in
sophisticated diagnostic, therapeutic and recording capabilities. Current more than half of all affected subjects2,79. Therefore, studies are needed to
devices do have complications, including the potential for painful shocks improve the identification of patients who are not yet known to have heart
in response to non-life-threatening arrhythmias, infection, and generator disease but are at high risk of SCD.
and lead malfunction, but these occur rarely. Patients with severe contractile dysfunction are also at a high risk of
ICDs were initially only used in patients who had been resuscitated SCD. In this group, the insertion of devices that have ICD capabilities,
after an episode of SCD caused by ventricular fibrillation (that is, as and the ability to pace at multiple ventricular sites to improve contractile
secondary prevention)76. More recently, randomized, controlled clinical function, can improve symptoms and longevity in some patients80.

NATURE|Vol 451|21 February 2008 INSIGHT REVIEW

Box 2 | History of therapy with current antiarrhythmic drugs and their limitations
Drugs that are currently marketed as antiarrhythmics were developed mechanism to achieve this effect is blocking the rapid component of the
in whole-animal models by screening for effects on normal cardiac cardiac delayed rectifier potassium (K+) current, IKr, encoded by KCNH2
electrophysiology. Indeed, decades elapsed between the initial use (also known as HERG). However, blocking IKr carries the risk of marked
of older antiarrhythmic drugs in humans and the definition of their QT-interval prolongation and a distinctive form of polymorphic ventricular
molecular mechanisms of action. Antiarrhythmic drugs are only partly tachycardia, termed torsades de pointes. Indeed, K+-channel-blocking
effective and have many adverse effects, most importantly the potential antiarrhythmic drugs have been tested in CAST-like trials and did not
to generate new life-threatening arrhythmias (a phenomenon known as prevent more deaths than a placebo85–87. Moreover, the same mechanism
proarrhythmia). underlies the development of torsades de pointes in response to ‘non-
The ability to record cardiac rhythm over long periods led to the cardiovascular’ drugs such as certain antihistamines, antibiotics and
observation in the 1970s that patients with frequent ventricular ectopic antipsychotics88. IKr blockers lead to increased action potential duration,
beats (Fig. 1) after an acute myocardial infarction were at increased allowing the activation of arrhythmogenic inward currents (transduced by
risk of SCD. But testing the hypothesis that suppressing such isolated entirely normal molecular mechanisms, such as those mediated by L-type
abnormal beats would improve survival was not possible, because older calcium (Ca2+) channels or Na+/Ca2+ exchangers), thereby generating
antiarrhythmics produced a very high incidence of non-cardiac side arrhythmias.
effects, such as gastrointestinal intolerance or allergic reactions. The Thus, drugs acting on a single molecular target — either Na+ channels
development in the 1980s of well-tolerated drugs that suppressed ectopic or KCNH2 channels — in a complex biological environment such as
beats both in experimental animals and in humans led to the National the cardiomyocyte (Fig. 2) might have unintended electrophysiological
Heart Lung and Blood Institute’s Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial consequences. As a corollary, the development of antiarrhythmic drugs
(CAST). CAST was terminated prematurely in 1989 when therapy with that target activation of abnormal arrhythmogenic pathways — which are
these ‘well-tolerated’ drugs was found to increase mortality twofold to absent or minimally active in normal tissue — could be a safer and more
threefold compared with that in patients treated with a placebo81. effective route to drug development (Table 1). Indeed, β-blockers, which
This study was important not only for antiarrhythmic drug development do not directly target ion channels, have not shown serious proarrhythmic
but also for drug development in general. It reinforced the importance of a effects and can reduce the incidence of SCD89,90. In addition, animal
randomized, placebo-controlled trial with a primary ‘hard’ end point such experiments and clinical trials have identified other pharmacological
as death — as opposed to a surrogate end point, such as ectopic-beat interventions that seem to have antiarrhythmic properties but do
suppression — to sort out whether a therapy is beneficial or not. The drugs not target ion channels91: inhibitors of the renin–angiotensin system
tested in CAST turned out to be potent sodium (Na+)-channel blocking (angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor
agents. It is thought that blocking Na+ channels increases SCD risk by blockers)92–94, HMG-CoA-reductase inhibitors (statins)95,96 and fish oil97–99.
slowing conduction or by increasing the heterogeneity of repolarization, The mechanisms by which these interventions, which are not reported to
both of which can be arrhythmogenic, especially in a diseased heart82–84. have proarrhythmic potential, exert antiarrhythmic effects is an area of
Another potential mechanism for arrhythmia suppression, prolonging intense investigation, because identification of the responsible molecular
cardiac refractoriness without targeting Na+ channels, was intensely pathways could lead to the development of more specific, effective and
investigated and developed after CAST. The most common molecular safe antiarrhythmic drugs.

the extracellular matrix), which together generate the atrial-fibrilla- of molecular mechanisms of common arrhythmias. Third, elucidation
tion-prone substrate17–22. Rapid ventricular rates in atrial fibrillation of these mechanisms might lead to the identification of genetic markers
can also remodel the ventricle to increase susceptibility to arrhythmias of increased risk of atrial fibrillation or SCD in the population. Knowl-
and decrease contractile function23; indeed, rapid ventricular pacing is edge of genetic variants might also be useful for identifying patients
a commonly used approach to generate heart failure in animals24,25. In who are likely to respond particularly well or poorly to drugs or other
addition, other forms of remodelling, such as ventricular hypertrophy therapies. Fourth, insight into these mechanisms also provides a strong
in normal tissue adjacent to a myocardial infarction, can generate an argument for avoiding commercialization of certain drug actions. For
arrhythmia-prone substrate26. example, loss-of-function mutations in the genes whose expression
underlies IKr and IKs (key potassium ion (K+) currents in the heart)
Genetics of arrhythmia susceptibility cause LQTS; drugs that block these currents phenocopy the congenital
In the 1950s, a familial disease characterized by an unusual electro-
cardiogram (with QT-interval prolongation), a structurally normal Box 3 | Some arrhythmias can be cured
heart and an increased risk of SCD was first described. The long-QT Intensive work over the past 30 years has developed technologies for
syndromes (LQTS) and other rare genetic diseases that cause arrhyth- identifying stable re-entrant circuits responsible for arrhythmias. A very
mias remained electrophysiological curiosities until the accumulation high proportion ( more than 95%) of patients with such circuits but with
of large numbers of kindreds from registries allowed a comprehensive structurally normal hearts can be cured by delivery of ablative energy
description of clinical features and, most importantly, the identification to highly selected regions of these circuits, resulting in elimination
of disease-associated genes. In parallel research, familial diseases in of the arrhythmia100. In other patients, re-entrant circuits arise as a
which patients presenting with cardiomyopathy were described, and consequence of underlying heart disease (for example, certain forms
disease-associated genes were identified. All familial cardiomyopathy of ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction); in these cases,
syndromes are associated with increased susceptibility to arrhythmias, ablation can eliminate one cause of arrhythmia but often leaves the
and in many cases arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation, SCD due to arrhythmogenic substrate intact, so these patients continue to be at risk
ventricular fibrillation, or profound bradyarrhythmia (an abnormally of recurring arrhythmias.
slow heart rate) can be the presenting symptoms that lead to the diagno- More recently, catheter-based mapping has been used to identify foci
sis of heart disease in the patient or family. (See refs 27–29 for a detailed of abnormal electrical activity that drive atrial fibrillation from within
discussion of specific types of inherited arrhythmia syndrome.) pulmonary veins6. Ablation applied directly to the foci can eliminate
These diseases have several common features that have impor- the arrhythmia but carries a substantial risk of pulmonary vein damage.
tant implications for the diagnosis and therapy of arrhythmia. First, Thus, current techniques use ‘catheter ablation’ not to ablate the foci
themselves but to isolate such foci from the remainder of the atrium,
these syndromes are more common than was once appreciated: early
thereby preventing propagation from the foci. Patients undergoing this
estimates of LQTS prevalence of 1 in 10,000 have been replaced by
type of ablative therapy for atrial fibrillation have a lower cure rate than
estimates of 1 in 1,000–2,000 (ref. 30). Second, the identification of dis-
those with a stable arrhythmia circuit that can be targeted by ablation.
ease-associated genes provides an important starting point for studies
INSIGHT REVIEW NATURE|Vol 451|21 February 2008

disease and thus can be proarrhythmic (Table 1). Last, these common mutations affecting mainly ion channels, although there are excep-
features strongly reinforce the idea that arrhythmia therapies are most tions. Similarly, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be viewed as a dis-
effective when targeted to underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. ease of the sarcomere, dilated cardiomyopathy a disease of the cardiac
This concept was enunciated almost 20 years ago by a Task Force of the cytoskeleton, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy a
Working Group on Arrhythmias of the European Society of Cardiology disease of cardiomyocyte–cardiomyocyte adhesion.
and is known popularly as the Sicilian Gambit31. Table 1 extends this Almost all studies in the field have focused on mutations in the germ
concept to suggest mechanism-based molecular therapies for congeni- line. However, it is also possible that somatic mutations might predis-
tal and acquired diseases associated with increased risk of arrhythmia. pose individuals to arrhythmias. In one small case series of patients with
Thus, whereas blocking IKr or IKs has the potential to be deleterious in atrial fibrillation, a mutation was detected in GJA5 — which encodes the
most patients, there is a small subset of people with arrhythmias caused gap junction protein connexin 40 — in atrial cells but not in the germ
by gain-of-function mutations in the underlying genes. In those indi- line32. The role of such somatic mutations in determining arrhythmia
viduals, K+-channel blockers might be curative. The identification of susceptibility in humans remains otherwise unexplored.
genetically defined subtypes of risk of atrial fibrillation or SCD opens Despite these unifying themes, the details of the clinical phenotype
the door to personalizing therapy by targeting the specific causative — which might be important for clinical management and prognosis
mechanism in an individual patient. — vary not simply by broad disease category but by disease-associated
gene. Thus, in patients with certain forms of LQTS, SCD occurs predomi-
Common features of monogenic arrhythmia syndromes nantly during exercise. By contrast, for other forms of LQTS, it occurs
With few exceptions, monogenic arrhythmia syndromes are transmitted predominantly when patients are at rest27. Similarly, some studies suggest
in an autosomal dominant manner with variable penetrance. Occasional that mutations in myosin-binding protein C tend to cause symptoms later
individuals who inherit two abnormal disease-associated alleles (often in life in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy than do mutations
from parents who have minimal clinical phenotypes) have a much more affecting other genes33. In addition, when large numbers of families have
severe phenotype than individuals with one disease-associated allele. In been studied, mutations affecting specific protein domains or specific
general, monogenic arrhythmia syndromes in patients with structurally amino-acid residues have been implicated in a better or worse progno-
normal hearts can be viewed as ‘diseases of the action potential’, with sis34–36. The idea that disease prognosis and management could vary with

Plasma Na+ complex
Cytoplasm K+ K+
Na+/Ca2+ Na+ K+
exchanger channel channels
Ca2+ K+

Junctin–triadin Cytoskeleton Connexin

complex channel

Ca2+ Sarcoplasmic
L-type Ca2+ Ryanodine ATPase
channel (Ca2+-release)
channel Calsequestrin
Phospholamban Ca2+ pump
K+ Troponin
Ca2+ complex

T tubule
Sarcomere (myosin, actin, troponin and titin)

Figure 2 | A ventricular cardiomyocyte. Illustrated are the protein electrophysiological activity, contractile function and cell–cell adhesion
complexes, cardiomyocyte architecture and intracellular organelles (the latter mediated by desmosomes) all need to be positioned correctly
involved in cardiac excitation–contraction coupling. The initial event within the cell and anchored to each other and the cytoskeleton. Some
in the cardiac cycle is membrane depolarization, which occurs with ion cardiomyocyte components are not shown (for example, stretch-activated
entry through connexin channels from a neighbouring cardiomyocyte channels, and ankyrins that target channels and other proteins to their
(right) followed by opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels and Na+ entry correct locations within the cell). Red stars indicate proteins encoded
(top). The resultant rapid depolarization of the membrane inactivates Na+ by genes that are mutated in primary arrhythmia syndromes; many of
channels and opens both K+ channels and Ca2+ channels. Entry of Ca2+ these proteins form part of macromolecular complexes, so mutations
into the cell triggers the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in several genes could be responsible for these syndromes. Green stars
through the ryanodine channel. Ca2+ then binds to the troponin complex indicate protein complexes in which mutations in multiple genes cause
and activates the contractile apparatus (the sarcomere, bottom). Cellular cardiomyopathies often associated with arrhythmias; these complexes
relaxation occurs on removal of Ca2+ from the cytosol by the Ca2+-uptake include the sarcomere (in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), the
pumps of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and by Na+/Ca2+ exchange with desmosome (in arrhythmic right ventricular cardiomyopathy), and
the extracellular fluid. Intracellular Na+ homeostasis is achieved by the the cytoskeleton, sarcoglycan complex and mitochondrion (in dilated
Na+/K+ pump. The molecular components that are required for normal cardiomyopathy).

NATURE|Vol 451|21 February 2008 INSIGHT REVIEW

Table 1 | A mechanism-based approach to antiarrhythmic drug therapy

Mechanism Phenotype Disease-associated Possible acquired Potential mechanism-
Molecular Cellular Clinical genes syndrome specific drug therapy

Failure of Destabilized Na+- Action potential Long QT interval SCN5A, CAV3, Drug-induced LQTS Blocker of Na+ channels
physiological channel inactivation prolongation, EADs (most prominent at rest) SCN4B
channel closing or Destabilized DAD-mediated Catecholaminergic RYR2 Arrhythmia in heart Stabilizers of ryanodine
inactivation ryanodine (Ca2+- automaticity, polymorphic VT failure, phenocopied channels; blocker
release) channels premature Ca2+ Atrial and ventricular CASQ2 by digitalis of Ca2+-activated
release from SR arrhythmia, bradycardia intoxication arrhythmogenic
Abnormal L-type Action potential Timothy syndrome CACNA1C Drug-induced LQTS Blocker of Ca2+
Ca2+-channel prolongation, EADs (LQTS and extracardiac channels
inactivation phenotypes include
syndactyly and abnormal
Increased Failure of fast IKr Action potential SQTS (characterized by AF KCNH2 AF induced by vagal Blocker of affected K+
repolarizing K+ inactivation shortening and VF) stimulation channel
current Negative shift in KCNQ1
voltage dependence
of IKs activation
Increased outward KCNJ2
current due to failure
of normal inward
Increased non- ND Action potential AF ND AF Blocker of stretch-
selective stretch shortening, DADs activated channels
current (such as spider toxin
Decreased current Decreased Na+ Loss of action Increased PR and QRS SCN5A SCD during therapy Activator of peak
as a result of current potential dome in duration (slow conduction), with Na+-channel Na+ current; blocker
abnormal channel epicardial cells ST-segment elevation, VF blockers, especially of transient outward
gating or decreased (Brugada syndrome) in ischaemic heart current
cell-surface protein disease
Decreased upstroke Isolated conduction-system
slope of action disease (PR and QRS
potentials prolongation, bundle branch
block, AV nodal block)
Decreased K+ Action potential LQTS (often with exertion) KCNQ1, KCNH2, Drug-induced LQTS Activator or opener of
current prolongation, EADs KCNE1, KCNE2, affected K+ channel
Decreased L-type Action potential Combined SQTS and CACNA1C, ND Activator of peak Ca2+
Ca2+ current shortening Brugada syndrome CACNB2 current
Decreased connexin ND AF GJA5 Some VT in ischaemic Activation of gap
channel current heart disease junctions or increased
gap junction
Decreased Slowed spontaneous Sinus-node dysfunction HCN4 Bradyarrhythmia Activation of
pacemaker current pacemaker rate pacemaker current
Abnormal targeting ND DADs AF, VF, bradycardia, type ANK2 Drug-induced LQTS ND
of multiple Ca2+ 4 LQTS
control proteins
Cardiomyopathic Cytoskeletal-protein ND Mostly dilated LMNA, DMD, DES, Viral carditis ND
lesions, often dysfunction cardiomyopathy, heart SGCD, ACTN2,
associated with block, AF, VF VCL, CLP, LDB3
arrhythmias Sarcomere-protein EADs or DADs in Mostly hypertrophic MYH7, MYBPC3, Acquired cardiac
dysfunction some preparations cardiomyopathy: TNNT2, TNNI3, hypertrophy
myofibrillar disarray, non- TPM1, MYL2,
concentric ventricular MYL3, ACTC1,
hypertrophy, AF, VT TTN
Desmosome- ND Arrhythmogenic right PKP2, DSP, JUP, ND
protein dysfunction ventricular cardiomyopathy DSG2, DSC2, DES
Metabolism and Cytoplasmic Hypertrophic LAMP2, PRKAG2 Wolff–Parkinson–
lysosomal protein aggregates due to cardiomyopathy, ventricular White syndrome
dysfunction defective lysosomes pre-excitation
The molecular, cellular and whole-heart phenotypes associated with fundamental molecular defects are indicated, together with the genetic and acquired arrhythmia syndromes that probably have the same
pathophysiology. This information has led to specific interventions that are predicted or have been established to be antiarrhythmic. ACTC1, cardiac α-actin; ACTN2, α2-actinin; AF, atrial fibrillation; ANK2, ankyrin 2;
AV, atrioventricular; CACNA1C, L-type Ca2+ channel, α1C subunit; CACNB2, L-type Ca2+ channel, β2-subunit; CASQ2, calsequestrin 2, cardiac; CAV3, caveolin 3; CLP, cardiac LIM protein; DAD, delayed
afterdepolarization; DES, desmin; DMD, dystrophin; DSC2, desmocollin 2; DSG2, desmoglein 2; DSP, desmoplakin; EAD, early afterdepolarization; GJA5, gap-junction protein-α5 (also known as connexin 40);
HCN4, hyperpolarization-activated cyclic-nucleotide-gated K+ channel 4; JUP, junction plakoglobin (also known as β-catenin); KCN, K+ channel; LAMP2, lysosomal-associated membrane protein 2; LDB3, LIM-domain-
binding 3; LMNA, lamin A; LQTS, long-QT syndrome (QT-interval prolongation and ‘torsades de pointes’-type polymorphic VT); MYBPC3, cardiac myosin-binding protein C; MYH7, β-myosin heavy chain; MYL, myosin
light chain; ND, not determined; PKP2, plakophilin 2; PRKAG2, AMP-activated protein kinase-γ2; SCGD, δ-sarcoglycan; SCN, voltage-gated Na+ channel; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum; SQTS, short-QT syndrome
(QT-interval shortening associated with AF and VF); TNNI3, cardiac troponin I; TNNT2, cardiac troponin T; TPM1, α-tropomyosin; TTN, titin; VCL, vinculin; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular tachycardia.

INSIGHT REVIEW NATURE|Vol 451|21 February 2008

the presence of specific mutations has provided an impetus for the more (Na+/Ca2+) ion exchange. In the mutant mice, arrhythmias are elicited by
widespread use of genetic testing. catecholamines and arise from trains of DADs or from DAD-mediated
Although relationships between mutations in disease-associated triggering of re-entry. This is consistent with ventricular tachycardia
genes and clinical presentation can be seen when a large number of arising during adrenergic stimulation, the key clinical feature in humans
individuals are studied, it can be difficult to apply such data to indi- who carry mutations in these genes.
vidual patients and small families, because penetrance of the disease Humans and mice with these mutations show surprisingly normal
phenotypes caused by the mutations can vary substantially37. The contractile function, considering the importance of Ca2+ release to
mechanism underlying variable penetrance of these rather striking cardiomyocyte contraction. However, leaky ryanodine channels have
phenotypes is unknown, and environmental or genetic modifiers also been implicated in acquired heart failure associated with contractile
are thought to be involved. Strategies for moving forward in this area dysfunction56,57. Some reports support the idea that adrenergic activa-
include very large studies of kindreds with variable penetrance of a tion (a near-constant feature of heart failure) results in the hyperphos-
single mutation, and studies in animal models using strains with dif- phorylation of ryanodine channels and renders them leaky, perhaps by
fering genetic backgrounds. altering their affinity for the key regulatory subunit calstabin 2 (also
known as FKBP1B)56,58,59; it has therefore been suggested that inhibition
Population genetics of arrhythmia susceptibility of the leak can be antiarrhythmic60. However, more recent studies have
Studies of large populations of patients who have atrial fibrillation7,8 or not been able to confirm that ryanodine channels are hyperphosphor-
had SCD38–40 have identified family history as an important component ylated in heart failure61–63.
of risk. Occasionally, common polymorphisms in the disease-associ- Another mechanism by which contractile dysfunction might engen-
ated genes listed in Table 1 have been reported to be modifiers of risk41, der arrhythmia susceptibility was suggested by recent studies of hyper-
and these are clear candidates for further study. In atrial fibrillation, trophic cardiomyopathy. Arrhythmias associated with this disease have
and in particular lone atrial fibrillation, there is a high incidence of generally been attributed to micro-re-entry as a result of a characteristic
other family members being affected7, further supporting a genetic myofibrillar disarray64. However, mutant myofilaments can directly alter
aetiology. Linkage in such kindreds has allowed the identification of cardiomyocyte Ca2+ homeostasis, for example by altering cytosolic Ca2+
disease-associated loci42,43, although no causative mutation has been buffering, with attendant arrhythmias arising even in the absence of
identified at any of these loci so far. Another emerging approach is to marked myofibrillar disarray65,66. Similarly, arrhythmia susceptibility
carry out genome-wide association analysis in large cohorts who are in the case of heart failure might be caused by a molecular lesion that
at risk. This could be a special challenge in patients who had SCD, can lead to both contractile dysfunction and arrhythmia, rather than by
because their DNA is usually unavailable. Genome-wide association an indirect effect of proarrhythmic remodelling. One example is activa-
approaches have identified an atrial-fibrillation susceptibility locus tion of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II (CAMKII)67,68, which has
near the PITX2 gene, which encodes a transcription factor important been observed in a range of acquired heart diseases. In animal models
for atrial myocardial development44,45. Similarly, variability in the nor- of acquired heart disease, inhibition of CAMKII by small molecules
mal QT interval has been reproducibly associated with polymorphisms or transgenes expressing inhibitory peptides can improve contractile
in NOS1AP, which encodes a subunit of nitric-oxide synthase 1 (also function and prevent arrhythmias69–73.
known as nNOS)46–48. Before genome-wide association studies were Thus, it is clear that abnormal function of Ca2+-release channels or
possible, neither NOS1AP nor PITX2 had been reported as a mod- abnormal homeostasis of intracellular Ca2+ can both affect contractile
ulator of arrhythmia susceptibility. Thus, in addition to identifying function and cause ventricular arrhythmias. However, further studies
disease-associated genes, such studies can also help to identify the are required to establish the underlying mechanisms in acquired heart
signalling pathways in which the products of these genes are involved. disease, potentially providing new therapeutic targets.
Components of these pathways are thus candidate modulators for the
arrhythmia susceptibility phenotype. Future directions
The study of fundamental mechanisms underlying arrhythmias has
Why does contractile dysfunction promote arrhythmias? led to a marked improvement in treatment for some patients, such as
The most powerful predictor of SCD in the general population is left those who can be cured with catheter ablation. Gene delivery and cell-
ventricular contractile dysfunction, which is most often caused by based therapies are also being explored for treating the substrate for
acquired heart disease, such as mottled scarring due to infarction or re-entry after myocardial infarction or for replacing electronic pace-
hypertrophy due to hypertension. Contractile dysfunction in these makers with biological ones74,75. Studies of rare familial syndromes can
cases is associated with obvious remodelling, including fibrosis and identify molecules whose dysfunction leads to arrhythmias, ushering
myofibrillar disarray (typical of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy); it is in an era of mechanism-based therapeutics. The great hope is that the
also associated with measurable proarrhythmic changes in funda- same approach can be applied to common types of arrhythmia such as
mental electrophysiological properties, such as repolarization times atrial fibrillation and SCD. Studies of large populations to identify com-
and conduction velocity. However, although contractile dysfunction is mon genetic variants that predispose individuals to arrhythmias hold
linked to arrhythmia susceptibility, and although remodelling can cre- similar promise for early detection and intervention in asymptomatic
ate a proarrhythmic substrate, the actual mechanisms linking contrac- patients at high risk. Arrhythmias are an important public health chal-
tile dysfunction and arrhythmias remain only partly understood49. lenge, and the opportunity to reinvent the therapeutic ‘armamentarium’
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90. Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group. A randomized trial of propranolol in Correspondence should be addressed to D.M.R. (


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