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Course in ANSYS
Example0702 2
Example Plate with a hole
E =210000N/mm
n =0.3
a =200mm
b =100mm
t =10mm
r =10mm
s =100N/mm
Determine the maximum stress in the x-direction for
point A and display the deformation figure
Create a submodel to increase the accuracy of the FEA
without increasing the computational effort significantly?
Element type, Real constants, modeling, mapped mesh,
plot results, output graphics, path operations,
Example0702 3
Steps in Submodeling
The process for using submodeling is as
Create and analyze the coarse model. Create and analyze the coarse model.
Create the submodel.
Perform cut boundary interpolation (CBI).
Analyze the submodel.
Verify that the distance between the cut
boundaries and the stress concentration is
Example0702 4
Example - title
Utility Menu > File > Change Title
/title, Plate with a hole
Utility Menu > File > Change Jobname
/jobname, Example0702_coarse
Enter: Plate with a hole
Command line entry
Enter: Example0702_coarse
Example0702 5
Example Areas Rectangle
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By Dimensions
Create an area given by X=(0,100) and Y=(0,50)
Enter 0 or
leave empty
Enter 100
Enter 50 Enter 0 or
leave empty
Note: Keypoints (4 kps) and lines
(4 lines) are automatically generated
(also numbered automatically)
Press OK
Example0702 6
Example Areas Rectangle
Example0702 7
Example Areas Circle
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Circle > Solid Circle
Create an area given by (X,Y)=(0, 0) and Radius=10
Enter 10
Note: Keypoints (4 kps) and lines
(4 lines) are automatically generated
(also numbered automatically)
Press OK
Example0702 8
Example - Area
Example0702 9
Example - Operate
Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Booleans > Subtract > Areas
Create the final area by subtracting the circular area from the rectangular area
Note: Bottom left corner of ANSYS GUI
Press OK
Select the rectangular area and press OK
Note: Bottom left corner of ANSYS GUI
Select the circular area
Example0702 10
Example Areas
Example0702 11
Example - Numbering
Switch on Keypoint, Line, and Area Numbers
Example0702 12
Example - List Menu
List Keypoint, Lines, and Areas
Example0702 13
Example - Plot Menu
Plot Keypoint, Lines, and Areas
Example0702 14
Example Element Type
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete
Press Add
Example0702 15
Example - Element Type
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete
Press Options
Press Help to learn more about the
Select Plane strs w/thk
Example0702 16
Example Real Constants
Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add
Place the cursor
on the relevant
element and
press OK
Example0702 17
Example - Real Constants
Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add
Press OK
Press Close
to finish
Enter 10
Example0702 18
Example - Material Properties
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models
Double Click
to step in the
material tree
Example0702 19
Example - Material Properties
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models
Enter 210000
Modulus of elasticity
Enter 0.3
Poissons ratio
Click here
to Close
Press OK
Example0702 20
Example - Meshing
Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > Picked Lines
Lines to
mesh size
Pick the two
longest lines
Press OK when finish with selection
See next page
Example0702 21
Example Mesh Size
3 Element subdivisions
5 Element subdivisions
6 Element subdivisions
Example0702 22
Example Concatenate Lines
Select L2 and L3 to create
a topologically four sided
Press OK
Example0702 23
Example - Meshing
Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Mapped > 3 or 4 sided
Select individual areas
to be meshed
Select all areas defined
to be meshed
NB: It is often
necessary to Clear
the model for
example if Element
Type or model
geometry is to be
Example0702 24
Example Mapped Mesh
Example0702 25
Example Analysis Type
Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis
File > Write DB log file
Enter example0702_coarse.lgw
Example0702 26
Example Define Loads
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines
Select the
bottom straight
Press OK
Select UY to fix the plate in the y-direction
Example0702 27
Example Define Loads
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines
Select the left
straight line
Press OK
Select UX to fix the plate in the x-direction
Example0702 28
Example Define Loads
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Pressure > On lines
Select the
straight line
Enter -100
Press OK
to finish
Note: Pressure acts normal and
inward to a surface
Example0702 29
Example - Save
Display of Analysis model
Save the model
Example0702 30
Example - Solve
Solution > Solve > Current LS
Press OK
Example0702 31
Example - Solve
Press Close
Press here
to Close
Example0702 32
Example Contour Plot
General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Sol
Select Stress
Select SX for stresses in
Example0702 33
Example Contour Plot
Example0702 34
Example Select - Entities
See next page
for selection
Example0702 35
Example Select Nodes
Select the
Enter OK when finished
Example0702 36
Example List Results
Select Stress, SCOMP
Press OK
Example0702 37
Example List Results
Example0702 38
Example - Plot - Nodes
Plot Nodes
Only 11 FE nodes are
displayed the same nodes as
selected previously
Example0702 39
Example Select - Entities
Select Pick All
Example0702 40
Example - Plot - Nodes
Plot Nodes
Example0702 41
Example - Plot - Nodes
Example0702 42
Example Define Path
See next page for selection
Example0702 43
Example Define Path - By Nodes
Select the
Note: the
order is
start from the
Enter OK when finished
Example0702 44
Example Define Path - By Nodes
Enter an appropiate name, e.g. SSX
Enter OK
Example0702 45
Example Map onto Path
Select Stress, SX
Press OK
Example0702 46
Example Plot Path on Graph
Select SX
Press OK
Example0702 47
Example Plot Path on Graph
Example0702 48
Steps in Submodeling
The process for using submodeling is as
Create and analyze the coarse model.
Create the Create the submodel submodel . .
Perform cut boundary interpolation (CBI).
Analyze the submodel.
Verify that the distance between the cut
boundaries and the stress concentration is
Example0702 49
Example - title
Utility Menu > File > Change Title
/title, Plate with a hole
Utility Menu > File > Change Jobname
/jobname, Example0702_fine
Enter: Plate with a hole
Command line entry
Enter: Example0702_fine
Example0702 50
Example Areas Rectangle
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By Dimensions
Create an area given by X=(0,25) and Y=(0,25)
Enter 0 or
leave empty
Enter 25
Enter 25 Enter 0 or
leave empty
Note: Keypoints (4 kps) and lines
(4 lines) are automatically generated
(also numbered automatically)
Press OK
Example0702 51
Example Areas Rectangle
Example0702 52
Example Areas Circle
Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Circle > Solid Circle
Create an area given by (X,Y)=(0, 0) and Radius=10
Enter 10
Note: Keypoints (4 kps) and lines
(4 lines) are automatically generated
(also numbered automatically)
Press OK
Example0702 53
Example - Area
Example0702 54
Example - Operate
Preprocessor > Modeling > Operate > Booleans > Subtract > Areas
Create the final area by subtracting the circular area from the rectangular area
Note: Bottom left corner of ANSYS GUI
Press OK
Select the rectangular area and press OK
Note: Bottom left corner of ANSYS GUI
Select the circular area
Example0702 55
Example Areas
Example0702 56
Example - Numbering
Switch on Keypoint, Line, and Area Numbers
Example0702 57
Example - List Menu
List Keypoint, Lines, and Areas
Example0702 58
Example - Plot Menu
Plot Keypoint, Lines, and Areas
Example0702 59
Example Element Type
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete
Press Add
Example0702 60
Example - Element Type
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete
Press Options
Press Help to learn more about the
Select Plane strs w/thk
Example0702 61
Example Real Constants
Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add
Place the cursor
on the relevant
element and
press OK
Example0702 62
Example - Real Constants
Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add
Press OK
Press Close
to finish
Enter 10
Example0702 63
Example - Material Properties
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models
Double Click
to step in the
material tree
Example0702 64
Example - Material Properties
Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models
Modulus of elasticity
Poissons ratio
Click here
to Close
Press OK
Example0702 65
Example - Meshing
Preprocessor > Meshing > Size Cntrls > ManualSize > Lines > Picked Lines
Lines to
mesh size
Pick the two
longest lines
Press OK when finish with selection
See next page
Example0702 66
Example Mesh Size
6 Element subdivisions
10 Element subdivisions
12 Element subdivisions
Example0702 67
Example Concatenate Lines
Select L2 and L3 to create
a topologically four sided
Press OK
Example0702 68
Example - Meshing
Preprocessor > Meshing > Mesh > Areas > Mapped > 3 or 4 sided
Select individual areas
to be meshed
Select all areas defined
to be meshed
NB: It is often
necessary to Clear
the model for
example if Element
Type or model
geometry is to be
Example0702 69
Example Mapped Mesh
Example0702 70
Example Define Loads
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines
Select the
bottom straight
Press OK
Select UY to fix the plate in the y-direction
Example0702 71
Example Define Loads
Solution > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Displacement > On Lines
Select the left
straight line
Press OK
Select UX to fix the plate in the x-direction
Example0702 72
Example - Submodel
Example0702 73
Example - Steps in Submodeling
The process for using submodeling is as
Create and analyze the coarse model.
Create the submodel.
Perform Cut Boundary Interpolation (CBI). Perform Cut Boundary Interpolation (CBI).
Analyze the submodel.
Verify that the distance between the cut
boundaries and the stress concentration is
Example0702 74
Example CBI Steps
The following tasks are involved in
performing the cut boundary
1. 1. Identify and write the cut Identify and write the cut - -boundary nodes boundary nodes
2. Restore the full set of nodes, write the database
to J obname.DB
3. To do the cut boundary interpolation restore the
coarse model
4. Enter POST1
5. Point to the coarse results file
6. Read in the desired set of data from the results
Example0702 75
Example CBI: Step 1
Plot Nodes
Example0702 76
Example CBI: Step 1
See next page
for selection
Example0702 77
Example CBI: Step 1
Example0702 78
Example CBI: Step 1
Plot Nodes
Example0702 79
Example CBI: Step 1
Example0702 80
Example CBI: Step 1
Enter example0702_cutboundary Press OK
Example0702 81
Example - CBI Steps
The following tasks are involved in performing
the cut boundary interpolation:
1. Identify and write the cut-boundary nodes
2. 2. Restore the full set of nodes, write the database to Restore the full set of nodes, write the database to
Jobname.DB Jobname.DB
3. To do the cut boundary interpolation restore the coarse
4. Enter POST1
5. Point to the coarse results file
6. Read in the desired set of data from the results file
7. Initiate cut-boundary interpolation
8. All interpolation work is now done
Example0702 82
Example CBI: Step 2
Select Pick All
Example0702 83
Example - CBI Steps
The following tasks are involved in performing
the cut boundary interpolation:
1. Identify and write the cut-boundary nodes
2. Restore the full set of nodes, write the database to
J obname.DB
3. 3. To do the cut boundary interpolation restore the To do the cut boundary interpolation restore the
coarse model coarse model
4. Enter POST1
5. Point to the coarse results file
6. Read in the desired set of data from the results file
7. Initiate cut-boundary interpolation
8. All interpolation work is now done
Example0702 84
Example CBI: Step 3
Enter example0702_coarse.db
Press OK
Example0702 85
Example CBI: Step 3
Example0702 86
Example - CBI Steps
The following tasks are involved in performing
the cut boundary interpolation:
1. Identify and write the cut-boundary nodes
2. Restore the full set of nodes, write the database to
J obname.DB
3. To do the cut boundary interpolation restore the coarse
4. 4. Enter POST1 Enter POST1
5. 5. Point to the coarse results file Point to the coarse results file
6. 6. Read in the desired set of data from the results file Read in the desired set of data from the results file
7. Initiate cut-boundary interpolation
8. All interpolation work is now done
Example0702 87
Example CBI: Step 4-6
Browse to find the result file
see next page
Select All items
Example0702 88
Example CBI: Step 4-6
Enter example0702_coarse.rst
Read the First Set
Example0702 89
Example - CBI Steps
The following tasks are involved in performing
the cut boundary interpolation:
1. Identify and write the cut-boundary nodes
2. Restore the full set of nodes, write the database to
J obname.DB
3. To do the cut boundary interpolation restore the coarse
4. Enter POST1
5. Point to the coarse results file
6. Read in the desired set of data from the results file
7. 7. Initiate cut Initiate cut - -boundary interpolation boundary interpolation
8. All interpolation work is now done
Example0702 90
Example CBI: Step 7
Press OK
Browse to find
Example0702 91
Example CBI: Step 7
Enter example0702_fine.db
Press OK
Example0702 92
Example CBI: Step 7
Load the example0702_fine.cbdo
Press OK
Example0702 93
Example CBI: Step 8
Example0702 94
Example - Solve
Press Close
Press here
to Close
Example0702 95
Example Contour Plot
General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Sol
Select Stress
Select SX for stresses in
Example0702 96
Example Contour Plot
Example0702 97
Example Select - Entities
See next page
for selection
Example0702 98
Example Select Nodes
Select the
Enter OK when finished
Example0702 99
Example List Results
Select Stress, SCOMP
Press OK
Example0702 100
Example List Results
Example0702 101
Example - Plot - Nodes
Plot Nodes
Only 21 FE nodes are
displayed the same nodes as
selected previously
Example0702 102
Example Select - Entities
Select Pick All
Example0702 103
Example - Plot - Nodes
Plot Nodes
Example0702 104
Example - Plot - Nodes
Example0702 105
Example Define Path
See next page for selection
Example0702 106
Example Define Path - By Nodes
Select the
Note: the
order is
start from the
Enter OK when finished
Example0702 107
Example Define Path - By Nodes
Enter an appropiate name, e.g. SSX
Enter OK
Example0702 108
Example Map onto Path
Select Stress, SX
Press OK
Example0702 109
Example Plot Path on Graph
Select SX
Press OK
Example0702 110
Example Plot Path on Graph
Example0702 111
File menu
Clears (zeros out) the database stored in
memory. Clearing the database has the same
effect as leaving and reentering the ANSYS
program, but does not require you to exit.
You can include commands to be
executed when the program starts up in
the start71.ans file.

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