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IPN: 0997027436

Longman Active Study Dictionary Wo r k s h e e t s

Fun homework activities with the Longman Active Study Dictionary
Activity 1
1 Find these verbs in your dictionary. They are all different types of sounds and are illustrated on page 647.
Now complete these sentences with the best word.
a) The church bells _____ every Sunday morning.
b) If you drop a tablet into water, it will ______ for a few seconds.
c) When I jump into a swimming pool, I _____ the people near me!
d) I knew the plate would ______ as soon as I dropped it.
e) When you fry food, you can see and hear it _______.
f) Can you _____ a ball more than twenty times without dropping it?
Activity 2
2 Look at the picture of a classroom on page 76. Write six sentences to describe the picture.
Activity 3
3 Now read the following passage written by one of the students in the picture. There are six spelling mistakes.
Underline them and write down the correct spelling using your dictionary to check.
Activity 4
4 Use your dictionary to complete these words and phrases.
eg: old-fashioned = not modern and not fashionable any more
a) out + _________ not inside any buildings; outside
b) rock +________ prices which are as low as they possibly can be
c) fire + ________ the open place in the wall of a room where you can burn wood or coal to heat the room.
d) your + _______ the reflexive form of you
e) school + ______ the time of your life when you go to school
f) living + ________ the main room in a house where you relax, watch television etc
The boy on the right is working on his conputer. The teacher is writing on the board at the front
of the clasroom. There is a map of the world on the left above the fotocopier. One of the boys
has a scoolbag next to his chair. There is some chork and a pensil on the teachers desk.
IPN: 0997027436
Aim: To get students working independently with the dictionary at home, and using it to check
meaning and spelling of words.
Level: Intermediate
Time: 45-50 minutes
Materials: Photocopiable worksheets and Longman Active Study Dictionary
Longman Active Study Dictionary Te a ch e r s Not es
Fun homework activities with the Longman Active Study Dictionary
Activity 1
1 Make sure that each student has a worksheet to take home and access to a Longman Active Study Dictionary.
Check the answers through in class as a post homework classroom activity.
a) ring
b) fizz
c) splash
d) smash
e) sizzle
f) bounce
If there is time, get students to call out some sentences using the other pictures of sound on this page.
Activity 2
2 Ask the students to swap the passage theyve written with the person next to them. Get them to use their Longman Active
Study Dictionary to check the passages. Afterwards take all the passages in to double check them!
Activity 3
3 As above, get students to compare the mistakes theyve spotted with the person next to them, and then ask students to call
out the mistakes starting with the first one.
The correct spellings are all shown on page 76.
a) conputer - computer
b) clasroom - classroom
c) fotocopier - photocopier
d) scoolbag - schoolbag
e) chork - chalk
f) pensil - pencil
Activity 3
4 Go round the class asking students to call out the answers one by one to the compound words.
a) outdoors - see page 468
b) rock bottom - see page 575
c) fireplace - see page 247
d) yourself - see page 775
e) schooldays - see page 592
f) living room - see page 392
If you have time, ask the students to write sentences using the above words. Can they include them in one paragraph for fun?
Or, if theres more time, choose a letter of the alphabet and see if the students can find five or more active compound words.

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