More Than Just A Highway Project

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Multiple Use Mid-River Highway: More Economical & Beneficial

Than The Proposed Riverside Project. Potential For Renewable

Power Generator, Aquaponic Farming & Flood Control System.
by BK Lim & FASEI ( Jan 2013, revised 18 June 2014 i!" s#e$ia% em#"asis &n !"e '"a& ("raya )id*+iver #r&,e$!-
Duped into Oil Addiction when cheaper & cleaner alternatives are available
."e &r%d "ad been du#ed in!& &ver*de#enden$e (read addi$!i&n as in dru/ addi$!i&n admi!!ed by (res0 12 Bus"- &n e3#ensive 45&ssi% &i%6 by !"e 7i%
'aba% )a5ia (7')-0 ."e !ru!" is, m&re !"an 809 &5 !"e s&*$a%%ed 5&ssi% &i% e3!ra$!ed $&mmer$ia%%y !&*da!e, ere abi&/eni$ (ie n&n bi&/eni$:5&ssi%ised 5ue%-
in &ri/in0 ."r&u/" s%& /e&%&/i$a% mi/ra!i&n #r&$ess, !"ese %&n/*!erm reneab%e dee# abi&!i$ &i% even!ua%%y 5&und !"eir ay in!& s"a%%& !ra#s (reserv&irs-0
As s"a%%& &i% reserv&irs /e! de#%e!ed, &i% $&m#anies e3#%&red and dri%%ed dee#er !& !a# &%der and dee#er reserv&irs0 ;undreds &5 /ian! &i% dis$&veries
(dee#er !"an 5&ssi% s&ur$e basins- in re$en! de$ades, are irre5u!ab%e #r&&5s &5 reneab%e dee# abi&!i$ &i%, n&! an$ien! 5ini!e 5&ssi% &i% de#&si!s0
F&r de$ades, /enera!i&ns &5 &i% /e&%&/is!s ere $&%%e/e*!rained &n !"e 5a%se"&&d &5 5ini!e 5&ssi% &i%0 1e&%&/y s!uden!s ere !au/"! !"a! 5&ssi% &i% 5&rmed in
Fossil Source Basins, mi/ra!ed !"r&u/" #ermeab%e #a!"ays !& !"e s"a%%&er )i&$ene reserv&irs (!ra#s- mi%%i&ns &5 years a/&0 ."is %ed !& !"e $&n$%usi&n
!"a! &i% is a 5ini!e res&ur$e (n&n reneab%e a! %eas! 5&r !"e ne3! 5e mi%%i&n years- and $&u%d &n%y be 5&und in sedimen!ary r&$< reserv&irs (2*3 mi%es dee#-
and n&! any dee#er, in !"e basemen! r&$<s benea!"0
Bu! !"e +ussians "ad 5&und ne #e!r&%eum s&ur$es !"a! ere $&n!rary !& $&nven!i&na% 2es!ern (+&!"s$"i%d 7i% )a5ia- isd&m0 +ussia "ad dri%%ed &ver 300
ei/"!*mi%e dee# e%%s in!& !"e Ear!"=s /rani!e $rus! and 5&und &i%0 A$$&rdin/ !& 7)A+ (7i% )a5ia A/enda21 +unnin/*d&/- e3#er!s and F&ssi% Fue%
!"e&ries, &i% is n&! su##&sed !& be 5&und s& dee# in!& !"e basemen! r&$<s0 Basemen! r&$<s are !&& dee# 5&r massive de#&si!s &5 5&ssi% #%an!s, anima%s and
din&saurs !& 5&rm undis!urbed (n&! me!am&r#"&sed- 5&ssi% s&ur$e basins0 Basemen! r&$<s !"a! dee#, &u%d "ave under/&ne !e$!&ni$ "i/"
#ressure*!em#era!ure me!am&r#"ism "i$" &u%d "ave des!r&yed "a!ever syn/ene!i$ bi&/eni$ "ydr&$arb&n 5&rmed !"en0 S& "& $&u%d massive
"ydr&$arb&n reserv&irs s!i%% be 5&und be%& !"e F&ssi% S&ur$e basins &r i!"in !"e basemen! r&$<s0 >&! un%ess 7)A+ e3#er!s "ad a%% LIE? and i!""&%d
!"e !ru!"0 7i% mi/ra!e u#ards n&! d&nards0 ."is &u%d n&! be !"e 5irs! n&r !"e %as! !ime, 7)A+ s$ien!is!s and "&res &5 mass de$e#!i&n (2)?s- %ied0
)&re 5a%%a$ies $&n$&$!ed by !"e 7') $an be 5&und in 4."e F&ssi% 7i% (&n@i S$"eme6 (in #re#-0 ."e reas&n 5&r !"is in!r&du$!i&n is !& dem&ns!ra!e "& !"e
7') de%ibera!e%y 5rus!ra!e any viab%e indus!ria% a!!em#!s !& "arness $"ea# and $%ean reneab%e ener/y0 )&s! "i/"ays $an be u!i%ised !& #r&du$e $"ea#
s&%ar ener/y bu! !"e mid*river m&de% #r&vides !"e bes! #&!en!ia% a! !"e m&s! e$&n&mi$ $&s!0 Es#e$ia%%y i5 !"e $&ns!ru$!i&n $&s!s $an be s"ared by an
in!e/ra!ed sys!em $&m#risin/ aAua#&ni$ 5armin/, dee# aAui5er re#%enis"*!rans5er and 5%&&d $&n!r&% #r&,e$!s0
Bu! !"e 7') an! !"e &r%d !& be $"ained !& e3#ensive 45&ssi%6 &i%0 A &r%d addi$!ed !& 45&ssi% &i%6 is easier !& $&n!r&% !"an inde#enden! na!i&ns i!"
b&un!i5u%, $"ea# and $%ean renea% ener/y s&ur$es0 7i% (besides a!er- is !"e %ar/es! $&mm&di!y in use !&day0 2&r%d=s dai%y $&nsum#!i&n and #r&du$!i&n
sur#assed !"e B2 mi%%i&n bb%:day mar< in 188C0 Sin$e 2003, D80 mi%%i&n bb% &5 &i% 5%& !"r&u/" !"e e$&n&mi$ veins &5 !"e &r%d ea$" day, a55e$!in/ and
$&n!r&%%in/ every as#e$! &5 &ur dai%y %ives0 4Control Oil and you control the nations; control food and you control the people6 ;enry Kissin/er said0
Simi%ar%y, ;a%%ibur!&n %ied "en !"ey $%aimed !"eir 5ra$<in/ !e$"n&%&/y e3!ra$!s na!ura%%y &$$urrin/ /as 5r&m s"a%e0 Fr&m a%% /e&%&/i$a% vie#&in!s, !"ere
is insu55i$ien! me!"ane /as in s"a%e 5&r $&mmer$ia%%y viab%e e3!ra$!i&n0 ."e !ru!" is, ;a%%ibur!&n=s #a!en!ed and se$re! 5ra$<in/ !e$"n&%&/y syn!"esi@es ne
me!"ane /as in !"e dee# s"a%e 5&rma!i&n i!se%50 A s&r! &5 in*si!u dee# under/r&und 5a$!&ry, "ere !"e bu%< &5 s&ur$e ma!eria% is in !"e s"a%e i!se%50
."e ine3"aus!ib%e su##%y &5 $arb&n $&mes 5r&m !"e s"a%e 5&rma!i&n0 ;ydr&/en $&mes 5r&m !"e "u/e (as!e5u%- am&un! &5 a!er #um#ed in!&
5ra$!ured*"ydr&$arb&n syn!"esis @&ne0 Fra$<in/ a%s& "ad !"e "idden sinis!er a/enda &5 #&is&nin/ and des!r&yin/ !"e na!ura% envir&nmen!, na!ura% 4sea%s6
(&ver%yin/ im#ervi&us 5&rma!i&ns-, aAui5ers and !e$!&ni$ s!abi%i!y0 ."e #r&&5s are e%% d&$umen!ed0 Fire*a!er (a!er !"a! i/ni!es- and Aua<es &$$ur in !"e
vi$ini!y &5 5ra$<in/ a$!ivi!ies, "ere n&ne as re#&r!ed #revi&us%y be5&re 5ra$<in/ s!ar!ed0 Fra$<in/ #r&ves !"a! 5&ssi% &i% is ba%&ney0 Abi&!i$ &i% a 5a$!0
E3#ensive 5&ssi% &i% is !"eir /&%den /&&se s$am0 ?& n&! e3#e$! !"e KEB (K"a@arian Ei&nis! Ban<s!ers- !& /ive ay !& $"ea#er, $%eaner reneab%e ener/y
any !ime s&&n i!"&u! a 5i/"!0 A5!er de$ades &5 s!udy, $"ea#er and $%eaner a%!erna!ives !& &i% e3is!0 Bu! !"e KEB i%% 5i/"! 4!&&!" & nai%s6 !& su##ress !"is
5a$!0 2a!$" &u! 5&r !"e 7)A+*s#&ns&red ides#read dis*in5&rma!i&n !& <ee# !"e &r%d under !"eir 7i%y*/ar$" $&n!r&%0
Thailand controversial Riverside hi!hway pro"ect#
The plan, which still requires approval from the military junta, is designed to ease traffic congestion capital and prevent flooding in the capital. The
ministry will request a budget of 40 million baht from the national transport infrastructure plan to conduct a feasibility study for the project, which
would see riverside roads built along flood levees between Bangkok and onthaburi. River-road-plan-revived.
2"i%e !"is ar!i$%e 5&$uses &n #r&#&sed '"a& (raya ;i/"ay, simi%ar mid*river s$"emes $an be im#%emen! &n &!"er river*5%&&d #%ains as e%%0 As e n&
<n&, bi%%i&naire ."a<sin S"inaa!ra (."ai%and=s () 5r&m Feb 8, 2001 F Se#! 18, 200C- as and s!i%% is, a $r&ny &5 !"e KEB0 ."is is n&! a #&%i!i$a% ar!i$%e0
Bu! <n&in/ "is #&%i!i$a% a55i%ia!i&n "e%#s us !& unders!and "is "idden #&%i!i$a% a/enda be"ind "is me/a #r&,e$!s0 ."e ."ai #e&#%e i%% never bene5i! 5r&m
"is ves!ed*in!eres! /randi&se s$"emes "i$" i%% &n%y serve !& in5%a!e !"e $&s!s &5 any n&n*&i% a%!erna!ives0
'"a& (raya )id +iver ;i/"ay i!" in!e/ra!ed 5%&&d $&n!r&% F 5i%!ra!i&n F s!&ra/e and #&er*/enera!i&n sys!ems0 (a/e 1 &5 1
."ai%and "as vas! na!ura% and "uman res&ur$es !& s"a<e 5ree 5r&m !"e e$&n&mi$a% s"a$<%e &5 !"e 7')0 I! &u%d be a !remend&us e$&n&mi$ as!e i5 !"e
revived +iver*side ;i/"ay #r&,e$! ere !& #r&$eed as &ri/ina%%y #r&#&sed by !"e #revi&us ."a<sin /&vernmen!0 Ins!ead &5 a river*side "i/"ay, !"e
#resen! benev&%en! ."ai /&vernmen! s"&u%d revise i! !& a mid*river "i/"ay $&ns!ru$!i&n #r&,e$!0
Firs!, s&me &5 !"e ar/umen!s a/ains! !"e river*side deve%&#men!0
1- A river*side "i/"ay #r&,e$! &u%d $ause a %&! &5 "ards"i# !& !"&usands &5 e3is!in/ river*side residen!s and businesses0 ."e $&m#%e!ed "i/"ay
$&u%d #&!en!ia%%y is&%a!e and $"&<e &55 5u!ure business0
2- ."e 5&unda!i&ns &5 inva%uab%e an$ien! m&numen!s a%&n/ !"e ban<s &5 !"e '"a& (raya river, $&u%d be #ar!ia%%y ea<en i5 n&! &u!ri/"! des!r&yed
5r&m !"e in$essan! s"ee! #i%in/ and re$%ama!i&n &r<s0
3- +aised emban<men!s d& n&! #reven! 5u!ure $a!as!r&#"i$ 5%&&din/ as s"&n by many #r&,e$!s ar&und !"e /%&be0 2"i%e i! d&es #reven! min&r
5%&&din/, 5u!ure massive 5%&&din/ 5r&m e3$essive rain5a%% i%% be even m&re $a!as!r&#"i$0 In &!"er &rds, raise emban<men!s d& n&! s&%ve !"e
r&&! $auses in !"e bi/ #i$!ure s$enari&0 ."ey !rans5er !"e 5%&&din/ #r&b%ems s&me"ere e%se0
4- By raisin/ !"e /r&und a!er !ab%e, %& %yin/ areas &u%d be seri&us%y im#a$!ed0 E3#ensive and $&s!%y !& main!ain a$!ive #um#in/ 5a$i%i!ies
&u%d be needed drain e3$ess a!er every n& and !"en0 ."e envir&nmen!a% im#a$! &u%d be severe and ides#read0 ?& n&! %e! s"&r!*!erm,
ves!ed in!eres! envir&nmen!a% im#a$! assessmen! s!udies (EIA- !e%% y&u &!"erise0 )&s! EIA re#&r!s are seri&us%y 5%aed and s!a$<ed in 5av&r &5
!"e #ay mas!ers (5r&m indus!ria% e3#erien$e-0
H- '&ns!ru$!i&n &u%d be s%& due !& $&n5ined s#a$e and "i/" densi!y #&#u%a!i&n0 ."ere is a "i/" ris< &5 de%ays, e3#ensive $&s! &verruns and
#ub%i$ #r&!es!s0
C- ."e river*side "i/"ays may n&! s&%ve !"e !ra55i$ $&n/es!i&n #r&b%em due !& %imi!ed s#a$e 5&r 5ree*5%&in/ in!er$"an/es0 ."e !ra55i$ s&%u!i&n is
&n%y as e55e$!ive as !"e in!er$"an/es0 La$< &5 %and s#a$e i%% severe%y %imi! !"e &#!imum number and desi/n &5 !"e in!er$"an/es0 1&&d ideas
i!" %ame im#%emen!a!i&n a%ays $ause a %&! m&re #r&b%em !"an !"ey s&%ve0
B- E3#ensive %and re$%ama!i&n &r a$Auisi!i&n0 2"y $&m#e!e 5&r %and a! !"e $&n/es!ed river*side "en !"e ide mid*river &55ers ide &#en s#a$e
and un"indered #&!en!ia% !& deve%&# add*&n #&er*/enera!i&n (s%& 5%& $urren!, ind & s&%ar*!"erma%-, ver!i$a% aAua#&ni$s 5armin/ (5is",
ve/e!ab%es & &!"er sea5&&d- !& en"an$e !"e !&urism indus!ry, 5res" su##%y &5 $%ean na!ura% a!er and a #ermanen! 5%&&d $&n!r&% sys!em 5&r
e!erni!y, irres#e$!ive &5 5u!ure un#re$eden!ed rain5a%%I
2e "ave %&n/ been an adv&$a!e &5 u!i%isin/ %&$a% na!ura% /e&%&/i$a% res&ur$es !& s&%vin/ !ra55i$, ener/y, 5%&&din/, 5armin/ and e$&n&mi$ #r&b%ems &n a
"&%is!i$ in!e/ra!ed a##r&a$"0 A river*side "i/"ay &u%d "ave been m&s! as!e5u% i!" many s&$ia%, envir&nmen!a% and en/ineerin/ #r&b%ems0 7n !"e
&!"er "and, i5 !"e riverside "i/"ay ere !& be $&nver!ed !& a mid*river #r&,e$!, n&! &n%y &u%d !"e #rimary &b,e$!ives (!ra55i$ $&n/es!i&ns and 5%&&d
$&n!r&%- be be!!er a$"ieved, !"ere $&u%d be &!"er add*&n #&!en!ia%s su$" as e$&n&mi$ $%ean #&er /enera!i&n, aAua#&ni$ 5armin/, ine3"aus!ib%e 5res" a!er
su##%y and a means !& rem&ve !&3i$ as!e0
Advanta!es of a $idriver hi!hway%
&nhindered watertransport access for construction#
Jn"indered &r<*si!e a$$ess !rans%a!e in!& %&er $&ns!ru$!i&n $&s!s0 '&ns!ru$!i&n bar/es $an &r< r&und*!"e*$%&$< i!" %i!!%e dis!urban$e !& !"e $i!y0 ."e
residen!s in !"e "i/" densi!y #&#u%a!ed river ban<s, &u%d be in$&nvenien$ed 5&r &n%y a s"&r! #eri&d &5 !ime durin/ !"e $&ns!ru$!i&n &5 !"e %&$a%
in!er$"an/es0 2"& &u%d an! !"eir "ard*earned e3#ensive river ban< rea%*es!a!e inves!men!s be deva%ued by a "i/"ay b%&$<in/ !"eir a$$ess:vie !& !"e
riverI 7n !"e &!"er "and, an e%eva!ed vie 5r&m !"e mid*river "i/"ay a%&n/ !"e 5amed '"a& (raya, $&u%d be an added !&uris! a!!ra$!i&n0
."ere &u%d be be!!er #ub%i$ #er$e#!i&n and !&%eran$e &5 !"e deve%&#men! #r&,e$!, i5 !"e #r&,e$! d&es n&! $&m#e!e i!" !"e %&$a% #&#u%a$e 5&r %and s#a$e,
d&es n&! #&se a !"rea! !& !"eir %ive%i"&&d0 Ins!ead !"e mid*river "i/"ay mi/"! en"an$e !"eir rea%*es!a!e va%ues i!" 5u!ure #&!en!ia% business bene5i!s0 ."ere
i%% be n& ma,&r !ra55i$ disru#!i&n !"r&u/"&u! !"e $&ns!ru$!i&n &5 !"e #r&,e$!0 Every se/men! &5 !"e #r&,e$! is inde#enden! &5 ea$" &!"er0 ."is i%% a%%&
%&$a% en/ineerin/ e3#er!ise !& %earn, /r& and m&di5y as !"e #r&,e$! #r&/resses0 .ra55i$ $an 5%& 5ree%y &n $&m#%e!ed se/men!s0
."e 5%&&d $&n!r&% sys!em s!ar!s i!" !"e 5irs! dee# $&n!r&% e%%0 E55i$ien$y and $a#a$i!y /r& as m&re mu%!i#ur#&se dee# $&n!r&% e%%s are added !& !"e
sys!em0 Jn%i<e !"e KL S)A+. (!ra55i$ and draina/e- !unne%, #ra$!i$a% #r&b%ems $an &n%y be iden!i5ied a! !"e end ($&m#%e!i&n- &5 !"e #r&,e$! and by !"en i!
&u%d be !&& %a!e !& $"an/e any!"in/0 KL S)A+. !unne% is a 5ai%ure in many ays0 ."e 5&reseeab%e &rs! $ase s$enari& $&u%d #&ssib%y mani5es! i!se%5
i!"in !"e ne3! 10 years0
."e $&s!s &5 dri%%in/ and $&ns!ru$!in/ !"e dee# $&n!r&% e%%s are s"ared i!" !"e b&re*#i%e 5&unda!i&n &5 !"e mid*river "i/"ay and #&er*/enera!i&n
#%an!s0 ."e $&s!s &5 3 &r m&re #r&,e$!s are a%% s"ared in &ne in!e/ra!ed #r&,e$!0 ;en$e, a $&s! savin/ &5 a! %eas! 1:3 &5 !"e !&!a% $&s!s &5 3 individua% #r&,e$!s0
'ower !eneration options#
."e mid*river "i/"ay*#&er /enera!i&n s$"eme $&u%d $u! d&n e3#ensive 5&ssi% &i% im#&r!s by u# !& 309 "en 5u%%y im#%emen!ed0 (&er /enera!i&n
'"a& (raya )id +iver ;i/"ay i!" in!e/ra!ed 5%&&d $&n!r&% F 5i%!ra!i&n F s!&ra/e and #&er*/enera!i&n sys!ems0 (a/e 2 &5 2
$an be e55e$!ed by a! %eas! H di55eren! means0 S&%ar ener/y by %inin/ u# s&%ar #ane%s &n !"e e%eva!ed ed/es &5 !"e "i/"ay0 In addi!i&n, arrays &5 "e%i&s!a!s
$an a%s& be "arnessed 5&r s&%ar*!"erma% ener/y0 S%& $urren! !urbines ins!a%%ed benea!" !"e "i/"ay a! ea$" b&re*#i%e %&$a!i&n $an $a#!ure ener/y 5r&m !"e
5%&in/ river0 1ravi!y*a!er dis#%a$emen! #&er /enera!i&n me!"&d $an be u!i%ised i!"in !"e mu%!iuse dee# $&n!r&% e%%s0
Advan$ed minia!ure ind vanes $an $a#!ure na!ura% ind ener/y as e%% as indu$ed ind !urbu%en$e 5r&m "i/" s#eed !ra55i$0 '"ea# vibra!i&n*ma/ne!i$
$e%%s $an $&nver! indu$ed vibra!i&n (5r&m #assin/ ve"i$%es- as e%% as !"e na!ura% vibra!i&n &5 any sus#ended s!ru$!ure in!& e%e$!ri$a% ener/y0 ."e mid*river
"i/"ay &55ers mi%es &5 un&bs!ru$!ed airs#a$e 5&r reneab%e #&er /enera!i&n0 I! d&es n&! in!er5ere i!" !"e bus!%in/ $u%!ura% and e$&n&mi$ a$!ivi!ies &n
b&!" sides &5 !"e river ban<s0 A%% !"a! useab%e s#a$e and reneab%e*ener/y #&!en!ia% &u%d "ave been as!ed i!" a river*side "i/"ay0
Renewable-energy-from-slow-water-currents January 8th, !!"
#low $ater %urrents& !e can use slow moving
ocean and river waves for a new, reliable and
affordable alternative energy source. "
#niversity of $ichigan engineer has developed a
device that acts like a fish that turns the
potentially destructive vibrations in water into
clean, renewable energy. This machine is named
as %&%"'( ) %orte* &nduced %ibrations for
"quatic 'lean (nergy+. &t is the first known
device that could draw energy from most water
currents around the world, according to a
statement from the #niversity of $ichigan.
,There won-t be one solution for the world-s
energy needs,. %&%"'( developer $ichael
Bernitsas, a professor at the #/$ department of
naval architecture and marine engineering, said
in the statement. ,But if we could harness 0.0
percent of the energy in the ocean, we could
support the energy needs of 01 billion people..
S&%ar*array*"&!!es!*su#er$ri!i$a%*s!eam*&r%d*re$&rd June 3, 2014
'"a& (raya )id +iver ;i/"ay i!" in!e/ra!ed 5%&&d $&n!r&% F 5i%!ra!i&n F s!&ra/e and #&er*/enera!i&n sys!ems0 (a/e 3 &5 3
2enerating supercritical steam, an ultra/hot, ultra/pressuri3ed steam that-s used to drive the world-s most advanced power plant turbines, has
previously only been possible using fossil fuels, such as coal or gas. The '4&56 is touting its generation using solar technology as a breakthrough for
solar energy production, with 7r "le* !onhas, '4&568s (nergy 7irector, seeing it as a potential revolution for the renewable energy industry.
9&t8s like breaking the sound barrier: this step change proves solar has the potential to compete with the peak performance capabilities of fossil fuel
sources,9 7r !onhas said. 9&nstead of relying on burning fossil fuels to produce supercritical steam, this breakthrough demonstrates that the power
plants of the future could instead be using the free, 3ero emission energy of the sun to achieve the same result.9
'ommercial solar thermal power plants that currently e*ist use subcritical steam that is generated at similar temperatures to the '4&56 e*periment,
but at lower pressures. The difference between subcritical and supercritical power plants is that the former operate at lower pressures, which allows
bubbles to form when heating takes place, leading to inefficiencies.
;owever, by increasing the pressure, the boiling temperature also increases and the latent heat of vapori3ation decreases. 4upercritical steam
powerplants operate at such high pressure that the latent heat of vapori3ation is 3ero: in other words, liquid water is converted directly to steam.
$odifying subcritical plants to operate on supercritical steam would vastly increase their efficiency and could help significantly lower the cost of
generating solar electricity while negating the need to use fossil fuels to achieve the same result.
."e*ar$"imedes*%iam*51*urban*ind*!urbine 809 &5 Be!@= %imi! * )ay 2B, 2014
&f 5otterdam/based tech firm The "rchimedes has its
way, however, that will soon change. Today the
company officially introduced its <iam =0 #rban !ind
Turbine, which is said to have an energy yield that is
9>0 percent of the ma*imum that is theoretically
feasible.9 That8s quite the assertion, given that most
conventional wind turbines average around ?1 to 10
percent. The @1/kg )0A1/lb+ 0.1/meter )1/ft+/wide <iam
obviously doesn8t look much like a typical turbine. &t
draws on the form of the nautilus shell, and the screw
pump invented by ancient 2reek mathematician
"rchimedes of 4yracuse.
That form factor reportedly results in minimal
mechanical resistance, allowing it to spin very freely
and to operate quietly B blade noise is one of the
common complaints regarding rooftop wind turbines.
"dditionally, the design is claimed to keep it always
pointing into the wind for ma*imum yield.
$echanisms/systems/devicesC harnessing/power/from/slow/moving/currents
The directional vertical/a*is turbine they8ve developed has no blade/pitch mechanism, no yaw
mechanism, no gearbo*, and no oil or grease required. 5ecessed into a gravity foundation on the sea
floor, the turbine is mounted with a 9direct drive9 onto a generator designed to efficiently generate
power at low speeds.
Hermanent magnets are used in these generators, and the key is having many poles, says $ats <eijon,
research director and #ppsala professor. Traditional electromagnets cannot be used because their losses
are too high at low speeds. Both iron bore and ferrite magnets are possible, and how they are wound
affects efficiency, with wave windings being preferred over traditional sling winding distributions, says

'"a& (raya )id +iver ;i/"ay i!" in!e/ra!ed 5%&&d $&n!r&% F 5i%!ra!i&n F s!&ra/e and #&er*/enera!i&n sys!ems0 (a/e 4 &5 4
Flood Control, Underground Water Transfer And Storage System.
;ydro/dams can only control water when the water is still in the catchment area and not after the flood waters had reached the flood plains. $ost
typhoons, like esat and algae dumped much of their rain load on the fluvial plains outside the control of hydro dams. $ost e*isting drainage
systems converge and drain into the main fluvial channels. This is like causing a massive traffic jam during peak flows and they all flow southwards
towards Bangkok. !ith low elevation, there is not much gradient to speed up the water flow. (ven if there is, the flood water will accumulate at the
ne*t flat 3one. 6ur present surface drainage system is thus like a serial, linear system: never suitable to cater for peak flows during floods.
To solve our flooding woes, our fundamental concept of a converging system must radically change to a divergent distributed system )a complete
reversal+. &n order to do that
a. there need to be alternative water outlets, not just the sea.
b. any e*cess water above the optimum flow level of the main channels must be automatically removed so that the volume of water can never reach the
danger level of flooding )tackling the problem at root level before it gets too massive to handle+
c. water in the alternative outlet can be stored for e*traction during the dry period or channel out to areas in need of water.
ature has already provided us with a ready made solution. "ll we need to do is to harness the enormous potential of our natural resources, hundreds
to thousands of metres below us. 7rill large deep wells into the highly fractured fault 3ones to act as vertical and inclined channels to the suitable
porous rock formations for massive storage. (ach country will need to design their own distributed network of underground channels )a combination
of connecting tunnels and suitable fault 3ones+ to interconnect the aquifers and deeper formations based on their respective geological structures and
"t 0m flood height over an area 0sq km, the volume of flood water is 0 million cu.metres. " sandstone bed 00 m thick with ?0K porosity over 0 sq km
area, has the capacity to store an equivalent of 0 million cu.metres of water assuming 10K impermeability. &n addition a highly permeable fault 3one
with just J0K porosity )000m wide * 0km length * 0 km depth+ could store as much as J0 million cu.metres of water. "s these regional fault 3ones run
for miles into the interior of the continental mass, their storage and transport capacity is potentially enormous. 'learly suitable geologic conditions
can be utili3ed as deep underground resource )water store+ with the appropriate adaptations. 4ee illustrations in figures I@000a to c.
&f e*cess water is continually removed as soon as it rises above the optimum main channel level, there is no need to actively pump the water into the
wells. There can be various contraptions to generate electricity as the water flows downwards under gravity. These wells can have triple purposes:
drain e*cess water into the underground store, generate electricity and provide fresh water sources during droughts.
"s contingency )in the event of an unforeseen accidental flood outside the main channels: depending on the setup+ water from the flooded area can be
pumped into the nearest series of wells. !ith 1 wells per sq km and a conservative discharge rate of ?0,000 cu m DdayDwell, it would take 00 days to
clear 0 million cu.metres of water by pumping the water into the wells. The discharge rate can be improved by various means such as increasing the
diameter and depth of the wells. The money to be spent on building more irrigation canals and flood control dams )now proven to be ineffective+, can
be better spent on these vertical dual purpose deep wells. !ith faster construction periods )than dam construction+ and the immediate availability of
the natural geological resources, a system of vertical wells can be installed progressively to prevent the ne*t catastrophic flooding. !ith the
unpredictable climate change following the gulf -s mega oil spill disaster, the ne*t flood in your neighborhood could be just around the corner.
Hrevention is definitely better and less costly than cure. Those who had e*perienced the floods first hand and had suffered personal losses of loved
'"a& (raya )id +iver ;i/"ay i!" in!e/ra!ed 5%&&d $&n!r&% F 5i%!ra!i&n F s!&ra/e and #&er*/enera!i&n sys!ems0 (a/e H &5 H
ones L irreplaceable valuables, the aftermath clean/up of the disaster is as traumatic as the tragedies themselves.
!''/'!/(! )co-friendly-geological-solutions-to-hydrobalance-mother-nature-back-to-health-part-'-pressing-flood-problems
."e ab&ve ar!i$%e as #ub%is"ed &n 30 7$! 2011 ,us! be5&re !"e /rea! 5%&&d &5 2011, "i! me!r& Ban/<&<0 I5 emer/en$y dee# a!er e%%s ere dri%%ed !& drain
&55 !"e 5%&&d a!er in !"e u##er 5%&&d #%ains &5 !"e '"a& (raya, Ban/<&< mi/"! "ave es$a#ed !"e severe 5%&&din/ &5 20110 Bi%%i&ns &5 d&%%ars in 5%&&d
dama/es $&u%d "ave been saved0 I! is s!i%% n&! !&& %a!e !& im#%emen! !"is e$&*5riend%y /e&%&/i$a% sys!em &5 5%&&d $&n!r&%*a!er !rans5er & s!&ra/e a! a $&s!
%&er !"an a ma,&r dam $&ns!ru$!i&n0 I! &u%d be m&s! $&s! e55e$!ive i5 in!e/ra!ed i!" !"e mid*river "i/"ay #r&,e$!0
In !imes &5 #r&%&n/ed dr&u/"!, 5res" a!er $an be #um#ed &u! 5r&m !"e dua%*use dee# a!er e%% &r a! ne e3!ra$!i&n*m&ni!&rin/ e%%s "ere a!er is
needed0 Jnder/r&und dee# aAui5er s!&ra/e is m&re e55i$ien!, e$&n&mi$a% and easi%y a$$essib%e !"an sur5a$e dams0
Aquaponic Farming
Bein/ an a/ri$u%!ura% $&un!ry, i! &u%d be advan!a/e&us !& in$&r#&ra!e aAua#&ni$ 5armin/ !& !"e mid*river "i/"ay0 Kari&us mu%!i*%eve% 5armin/ desi/ns !&
$&nven!i&na% m&&red 5%&a!in/ #&n!&&ns $an be $"&sen !& bes! sui! !"e %&$a% ."ai 5armin/ #ra$!i$es0 ."e river mus! "&ever, be ide en&u/" !& a%%&
!radi!i&na% river !ra55i$ &n ei!"er side &5 !"e mid*river "i/"ay0 )u%!i*%eve% aAua#&ni$ 5armin/ $an e55e$!ive%y in$rease !"e arab%e a$rea/e and a%%& in%and
5armin/ &5 sea5&&d0 ."is i%% b&&s! Ban/<&< as !"e !&urism $a#i!a% i!" abundan! su##%y &5 Aua%i!y 5res" sea5&&d and &r/ani$ ve/e!ab%es0
I5 !"e '"a& (raya river is !& be used 5&r aAua 5armin/, !"e river a!er mus! be de!&3i$a!ed 5irs!0 ?e!&3i5i$a!i&n usin/ na!ura% 5i%!ra!i&n is e55e$!ed by
a%%&in/ $&n!amina!ed sur5a$e a!er !& mi/ra!e !"r&u/" mi%es &5 5ra$!ured 5au%! @&nes &r #ervi&us /e&%&/i$a% 5&rma!i&n under/r&und0 ."is na!ura% #r&$ess
is n&! &n%y m&re $&s! e55e$!ive !"an 5a$!&ry*5i%!ra!i&n #%an!s, i! a%s& re,uvena!es !"e 5res" a!er su##%y na!ura%%y0 A! $&as!a% areas, !"e dee# mu%!i#%e use
e%%s $an a%s& 5un$!i&n as desa%ina!i&n #%an!s i!" s&me ada#!a!i&ns0
'"a& (raya )id +iver ;i/"ay i!" in!e/ra!ed 5%&&d $&n!r&% F 5i%!ra!i&n F s!&ra/e and #&er*/enera!i&n sys!ems0 (a/e C &5 C

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