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Problem Set A:
1. Paraphrase: A COACH leads or heads a TEAM. Now, a COMPANY does not lead
an EMPLOYEEel!nate "A#. A $%O&P'E does not lead or head a (AN)el!nate
"(#. Howe*er, a +O%EMAN does head a ,-r.. The answer s "C#.
/. Paraphrase: ANA%CHY s the la01 o2 $O3E%NMENT. Now, a
CON+E)E%AT'ON does not la01 4TATE4. Howe*er, T%EP')AT'ON s the la01 o2
CO&%A$E. The answer s "(#.
5. Paraphrase: A CHA%'4MAT'C LEA)E% $AL3AN'6E4 people. L1ewse, an
A%('TE% MO)E%ATE4. The answer s "E#.
7. Paraphrase: A 4ENTENCE s !ade o2 8O%)4. Now, an AL(&M s not !ade o2 a
$&'TA%. A MAN&4C%'PT s not !ade o2 an E)'TO%. A PA%A$%APH s not !ade
o2 P&NCT&AT'ON. A NO3EL s not !ade o2 an 'N)E9. Howe*er, a COLLA$E s
!ade o2 PAPE% 4T%'P4. The answer s "E#.
:. To PA%%Y a (LO8 s to de2le0t or e*ade t. 4!larl., to E;&'3OCATE s to e*ade
a ;&E4T'ON.
The answer s "A#.
<. )'4;&'ET&)E s AN9'ETY. 4!larl., NONPL&4 s PE%PLE9'TY. The answer s
"E#. Cho0e "(# s a 0lose se0ond=>est. 4E;&E4TE%E) does !ean '4OLATE).
Howe*er, the par NONPL&4 and PE%PLE9E) o22ers a stron?er relatonshp >e0a-se
>oth words des0r>e a !ental state, as do >oth words o2 the par )'4;&'ET&)E and
@. To M'LA so!ethn? s to )%A'N t thoro-?hl.. Thn1 o2 the phrase, To !l1 t 2or
all tBs worth. 4!larl., to E9PLO'T so!ethn? s to EMPLOY t thoro-?hl., to ta1e
2-ll ad*anta?e o2 t. The answer s ")#.
C. A(4T%&4E !eans &NCLEA%, hard to -nderstand. 4!larl., NON)E4C%'PT
!eans 'NCON4P'C&O&4. The answer s "A#.
D. OMN'4C'ENT !eans all=1nown?, -nl!ted ANO8LE)$E. 4!larl.,
(O&N)LE44 !eans -nl!ted E9PAN4E. "The eEpanse o2 the -n*erse s >o-ndless.#
The answer s "E#.
1F. To 4TOAE a 2re s to str t -p or 2eed t. Hen0e, 4TOAE and 4MOTHE% are
anton.!s. Now, AN'MATE !eans to >rn? to l2e, to ener?GeH and ENE%3ATE !eans
to wea1en, to de>ltate. Hen0e, AN'MATE and ENE%3ATE are also anton.!s. The
answer s "(#.
Problem Set B:
1. There s no 0lear and ne0essar. relatonshp >etween )E+'NE and EA4Y. )e2nn?
so!ethn? !a. or !a. not >e eas.. Ths el!nates "A#. Now, to M&TTE% s to spea1
'N)'4T'NCTLY. 4!larl., to A%T'C&LATE s to spea1 CLEA%LY. The answer s
"C#. "Note: 'n ths pro>le! the e.e=0at0her s the answer. A?an, the e.e=0at0her 0an >e
the answer, tho-?h t rarel. s.#
/. 4PA%TAN has lttle to do wth 8'CAE)NE44. 4o el!nate "C#. Also (OL)NE44
has lttle to do wth $&'LT. El!nate ")#. Now, EMPATHY s a o2 +EEL'N$.
MELANCHOLY s not a o2 IOYel!nate "A#. And 'N4T'T&T'ON s not a
o2 ENCO&%A$EMENT el!nate "E#. Howe*er, a 4'(L'N$ s a o2 %ELAT'3E.
The answer s "(#.
5. There s no relatonshp >etween )'4O8N and +%'EN). One does not eEpe0t 2rends
to dsown ea0h otherel!nate "(#. Now, to )E3'ATE 2ro! the LECT&%E s to ?o o22
the !an top0, to d?ress. 4!larl., to MEAN)E% s to )%'3E o22 the !an path. The
answer s "E#.
7. There s no relatonshp >etween 'N4'NCE%E and M'4ANTH%OPE. A
M'4ANTH%OPE !a. or !a. not >e sn0ere. El!nate "A#. There s no relatonshp
>etween (ENE3OLENT and E9CELLENCE. One who s >ene*olent !a. or !a. not
>e eE0ellent at what he does. El!nate "(#. There s no relatonshp >etween
)'4CE%N'N$ "ha*n? a per0e*n? !nd# and HOPE. El!nate ")#. There s no
relatonshp >etween COMPO4E) and 'NNOCENCE. One who s nno0ent !a. or !a.
not >e 0o!posed. El!nate "E#. Hen0e, >. pro0ess o2 el!naton, the answer s "C#.
Howe*er, letBs *er2. the answer >. 0onstr-0tn? a paraphrase. NE(&LO&4 !eans
wtho-t +O%M. 4!larl., 'N4'P') !eans wtho-t TA4TE.
:. There s no reasona>l. ne0essar. relatonshp >etween CON+')ENT and 3'CTO%Y.
One !a. or !a. not >e 0on2dent a>o-t a0he*n? a *0tor.. El!nate "(#. There s no
relatonshp >etween ELO;&ENT and OPT'M'4M. El!nate "C#. Now, PEN4'3E and
MELANCHOLY are s.non.!sH >oth !ean sad or 0onte!plat*e. L1ewse,
4CO%N+&L and CONTEMPT are s.non.!sH >oth !ean dsdan. The answer s "A#.
<. There s no relatonshp >etween CA%TOON4 and 'N4T'T&T'ON. El!nate "C#.
Now, a COPY%'$HT dent2es the owner o2 a (OOA. 4!larl., a )EE) dent2es the
owner o2 a P%OPE%TY. The answer s ")#.
Problem Set C:
1. A))%E44 s an e.e=0at0her sn0e t !?ht re!nd one o2 a 4PEECH. )'$%E44'ON
s also an e.e=0at0her sn0e one !a. d?ress d-rn? a 4PEECH. Now, a +'L'(&4TE% s
a lon? 4PEECH. 4!larl., a MA%ATHON s a lon? %ACE. The answer s "A#.
/. Cho0e "A# s so!ewhat te!ptn?: tBs o2ten sad that we are EN4LA3E) >.
(&%EA&C%ACY, >-t that s !eant n a 2?-rat*e, not a lteral, sense. El!nate "A#.
Cho0e "(# does not ha*e a reasona>l. ne0essar. relatonshp: a MONA%CH !a. or !a.
not A(NE$ATE "reno-n0e# hs or her 0rown. El!nate "(#. Cho0e "C# s the e.e=
0at0her: $ENT%Y re!nds one o2 A%'4TOC%ACY. Howe*er, there s no relatonshp
>etween $ENT%Y and TALENT. El!nate "C#. Cho0e ")# s the answer. A paraphrase
2or A%'4TOC%AT : LAN) !?ht >e an A%'4TOC%AT has pr*le?e n so0et.
>e0a-se o2 LAN) ownershp. 4!larl., a )'$N'TA%Y has pr*le?e n so0et. d-e to
5. The e.e=0at0her s "A#: CLAN)E4T'NE has the sa!e !eann? as 4&%%EPT'T'O&4.
Now, 4&%%EPT'T'O&4 !eans se0ret*e or 4TEALTHY. 4!larl., PE%N'C'O&4
!eans n,-ro-s or (ANE+&L. The answer s ")#.
7. E%%O% s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t re!nds one o2 a +LA8. Now, a PECCA)'LLO s
a !nor 0hara0ter +LA8. 4!larl., a N'CA 0an >e nterpreted as a !nor or s!all
4CO%E "a ?roo*e n !etal or other !ateral that 2a0ltates >endn?#. The answer s "C#.
:. %AMPA%T s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t re!nds one o2 a LE3EE. 'n 2a0t, a LE3EE 0an
>e des0r>ed as a %AMPA%T>oth are e!>an1!ents or >arrers. Now, a LE3EE
0ontans a %'3E%. 4!larl., a CO%)ON 0ontans a TH%ON$. "Pol0e 0ordoned o22 the
0rowd.# The answer s "(#.
<. $ENE%O&4 s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t !eans &N4T'NT'N$. Hen0e, HE)ON'4T
and &N4T'NT'N$ are anton.!s. 4!larl., P%OTA$ON'4T "leadn? 0hara0ter# and
'N4'$N'+'CANT are anton.!s. The answer s "A#.
@. Cho0es "(# and "E# are e.e=0at0hers sn0e the. 0ontan ter!s related to so-nd. Now,
)'44ONANCE re2ers to dsorder n 4O&N). 4!larl., CHAO4 re2ers to dsorder n a
M'9T&%E. The answer s "A#.
C. HA%A44 s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t !eans to HECTO%. Now, HECTO% and
E;&AN'M'TY "0al!ness o2 !nd# are anton.!s. 4!larl., A++'%M "assert# and
4C%&PLE "!s?*n?, do->t# are anton.!s. The answer s "C#.
D. HOA9 s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t !eans a %&4E. Now, the p-rpose o2 a %&4E s to
T%'CA. 4!larl., the p-rpose o2 P%OC%A4T'NAT'N$ s to )ELAY. The answer s
1F. $%'PE s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t !eans to COMPLA'N. Now, CA%P'N$ s
COMPLA'N'N$ 0ontn-o-sl.. 4!larl., $L&TTONY s EAT'N$ 0ontn-o-sl.. The
answer s "C#.
11. LA3'4H s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t !eans E9T%A3A$ANT. Now,
E9T%A3A$ANT and +%&$AL are anton.!s. 4!larl., 3EHEMENT "passonate#
and 4TOL') "!pass*e# are anton.!s. The answer s ")#.
1/. (&LAY s the e.e=0at0her sn0e t !eans MA44'3E. Now, MO)'C&M "tr2le# and
MA44'3E are anton.!s. 4!larl., %APT&%E and )'4CON4OLATE "s-llen# are
anton.!s. The answer s "C#.
Problem Set A:
1. LO;&AC'O&4 and $A%%&LO&4 are s.non.!s, >oth !ean tal1at*e. Now
HA%4H and A'N)LY are anton.!s. El!nate "A#. AN'MATE "*tal, al*e# and
8EA%Y are also anton.!s. El!nate "(#. $L&TTONO&4 and )'4LOYAL are not
related. El!nate "C#. %A4H and 'MPET&O&4 are s.non.!s, >oth !ean hast.. The
answer s ")#.
/. ANATHEMA and C&%4E are s.non.!s. An ANATHEMA s an e00lesast0 0-rse.
Cho0e "A# s an e.e=0at0her sn0e HE9 re!nds one o2 a C&%4E. El!nate "A#.
A)MON'T'ON and CEN4&%E are s.non.!sH >oth !ean an eEpresson o2 warnn? or
dsappro*al. Howe*er, CEN4&%E s !-0h stron?erH t >oth warns and deno-n0es. The
answer s "(#.
5. )'L'$ENT and A44')&O&4 are s.non.!s, >oth !ean hardwor1n?. L1ewse,
'N)'$ENT and POO% are s.non.!s. The answer s "E#.
7. LAMPOON and MOCA >oth !ean to satrGe, to !a1e 2-n o2. L1ewse, E9ALT
and ENNO(LE are s.non.!s, >oth !ean to honor. The answer s "A#.
Problem Set B:
1. 'NT&'T'3E !eans to -nderstand wtho-t ha*n? to CON4')E% or ponder. 4!larl.,
'MP%OMPT& !eans wtho-t PLANN'N$. The answer s "A#.
/. ETE%NAL !eans e*erlastn?, whereas EPHEME%AL !eans 2leetn?, short=l*ed.
L1ewse, +O%E'$N and +AM'L'A% are anton.!s. The answer s "E#.
5. A CYN'CAL person s wtho-t HOPE. 4!larl., a 4&LLEN person s wtho-t
(L'44. The answer s "C#.
7. An E9H'('T'ON'4T s !ot*ated >. a desre 2or ATTENT'ON. 4!larl., a
ME%CENA%Y s !ot*ated >. a desre 2or MONEY. A ME%CENA%Y s a solder who
2?hts 2or MONEY, nstead o2 0o-ntr. or honor. The answer s "E#.
:. 8AYLAY !eans to stop A)3ANCEMENT *olentl.. L1ewse, C&%( !eans to
stop MO3EMENT. The answer s ")#.
<. To M'T'$ATE an 'NI&%Y s to lessen t, to !a1e a!ends. 4!larl., to )AMPEN
ENTH&4'A4M s to lessen t. The answer s "C#.
@. 4CO++ and )E%')E are s.non.!s>oth !ean to eEpress 0onte!pt. 4!larl.,
LA&) and HA'L are s.non.!s>oth !ean to prase. The answer s "(#.
C. ACCOMMO)AT'N$ and 4E%3'LE are s.non.!stho-?h ser*le s not a
0o!pl!entar. ter!. 4!larl., OPT'M'4T'C and 4AN$&'NE are s.non.!s. The
answer s "E#.
Problem Set C:
1. A CON3OCAT'ON s a MEET'N$. L1ewse, a 4&PPL'CAT'ON s a P%AYE%. The
answer s "(#.
/. An O4T%'CH s a o2 ('%). L1ewse, a 4'%OCCO s a o2 4TO%Ma d-st
stor!. The answer s "E#. Note, e*en wtho-t 1nown? the !eann? o2 4'%OCCO, .o-
0an stll sol*e ths analo?.: )&4A s not a o2 )AY, +'4H s not a o2 OCEAN,
T&NNEL s not a o2 MO&NTA'N, and 2nall. HAT s not a o2 COAT. Hen0e,
>. the pro0ess o2 el!naton, the answer s "E#.
5. A 3'%&4 s a o2 O%$AN'4M. Now, a 3E$ETA(LE s not a M'NE%AL
el!nate "A#. NeEt, a TE4T=T&(E s not a (ACTE%'A el!nate "(#. (-t a
M'C%OCO4M s a o2 8O%L) "a s!all world#. The answer s "C#.
7. A ME%C&%'AL person s one whose TEMPE%AMENT 0han?es J-01l.. 4!larl., a
CAP%'C'O&4 person s one whose 'NTE%E4T 0han?es J-01l.. The answer s "A#.
:. 'n polt0s, to P&%$E an OPPONENT s to re!o*e h! or her 2ro! o220e, o2ten
*olentl.. 4!larl., to )E4AL'N'6E s to re!o*e 4ALT 2ro! sea water. The answer s
<. An ATOLL s a o2 '4LAN): a s!all sland 2or!ed >. a 0oral ree2. 4!larl., a
+O%A s a o2 &TEN4'L. The answer s ")#. The e.e=0at0her s "A# sn0e an
A%CH'PELA$O s a strn? o2 slands.
@. PE%+&NCTO%Y !eans done wth lttle 0are, tho-?htless, whereas 4&PE%LAT'3E
!eans eE0ellent. L1ewse, %ET'CENT "reser*ed# and (%A6EN ">old# are anton.!s.
The answer s "E#.
C. 8'LL+&L and CONT&MAC'O&4 are s.non.!s>oth !ean st->>orn. 4!larl.,
3OLAT'LE and CAP%'C'O&4 are s.non.!s>oth !ean errat0. The answer s "C#.
Problem Set D:
1. To $O%$E s to EAT ?reedl.. 4!larl., to $&66LE s to )%'NA ?reedl.. The
answer s "E#.
/. O++'C'O&4 !eans >en? too HELP+&L, or ntr-s*e. 4o the de?ree o2 ntenst. s
2ro! less to !ore. Now, to >e 'NCO%%'$'(LE s to >e eEtre!el. )'++'C&LT,
-n0ontrolla>le. Here, the de?ree o2 ntenst. s also 2ro! less to !ore. The answer s "A#.
5. To 4AT&%ATE s to )AMPEN thoro-?hl.. 4!larl., to E9TOL s to P%A'4E
h?hl.. The answer s "C#.
7. A CLO&)(&%4T s a hea*. downpo-r. 4o t s !-0h !ore ntense than a 4HO8E%.
4!larl., a )EP%E44'ON s a se*ere %ECE44'ON. The answer s "E#. 8at0h o-t 2or
"C#. Altho-?h CEN4&%E s a se*ere 2or! o2 A)MON'4HMENT, the dre0ton s
wron?: an A)MON'4HMENT s less ntense, not !ore ntense, than a CEN4&%E.
:. To (&%$EON s to $%O8 rapdl.. To ENIO'N s to E9HO%T e!phat0all.,
a-thortat*el.. The answer s "(#.
<. NAT'ONAL'4M s an eEtre!e 2or! o2 PAT%'OT'4M. 4!larl., M'4E%LY s >en?
eEtre!el. +%&$AL. The answer s "C#.
Problem Set E:
1. A PA%A$%APH s part o2 an E44AY. L1ewse, a 4HOT s part o2 a 4AL3O "a
seJ-en0e o2 shots#. The answer s "E#.
/. A COMPO&N) s !ade -p o2 (&'L)'N$4. 4!larl., a COMMON8EALTH s
!ade -p o2 CO&NT%'E4. The answer s "E#. )onBt !a1e the !sta1e o2 0hoosn? ether
"A# or "(#. Altho-?h >oth n*ol*e the relaton o2 part to whole, the dre0ton n >oth s
not the sa!e as n the or?nal par. A COMPO&N) s !ade -p o2 (&'L)'N$4. (-t a
CLA44%OOM s not !ade -p o2 CAMP&4E4, rather a CAMP&4 s !ade o2
CLA44%OOM4. 4!larl., a )EPA%TMENT s not !ade -p o2 $O3E%NMENT4,
rather $O3E%NMENT4 are !ade -p o2 )EPA%TMENT4.
5. A CON4TELLAT'ON s !ade o2 4TA%4. L1ewse, a MO4A'C s !ade o2 T'LE4.
The answer s "C#. Cho0e "E# s perhaps se0ond=>est. A >oo1 s !ade o2 paper, >-t the
par (OOA : PAPE% does not 0ontan the noton o2 ds0rete -nts as does the par
MO4A'C : T'LE.
7. To ACCELE%ATE s to n0rease 3ELOC'TY. 4!larl., to ENE%$'6E s to n0rease
4TAM'NA "stren?th, *?or#. The answer s "(#.
:. 4')E%EAL !eans pertann? to the 4TA%4. 4!larl., TE%%E4T%'AL !eans
pertann? to the EA%TH. The answer s "E#.
<. A CON+E)E%ACY s !ade -p o2 4TATE4. L1ewse, an A%MY s !ade -p o2
4OL)'E%4. The answer s "E#.
@. To +%ET s to 0reate )'4;&'ET&)E "-neasness# n another person. 4!larl., to
'N4P'%'T s to 0reate CON+')ENCE n another person. The answer s "(#. (e 0are2-l
wth Cho0e "A#. To 2d?et s to eEpress -neasnessH t does not ne0essarl. 0reate
-neasness n another person.
C. A T%AN;&'L'6E% CALM4 a personKs !ode. L1ewse, an ANE4THET'C
ALLE3'ATE4 a personKs pan. The answer s "(#.
Problem Set F:
1. (. de2nton, a HE%M'T desres 4ECL&4'ON. L1ewse, an EM(E66LE% desres
8EALTH. The answer s "A#.
/. (. de2nton, an A4CET'C pra0t0es 4EL+)EN'AL. 4!larl., a P%O+L'$ATE >.
de2nton 4;&AN)E%4 hs wealth. The answer s "E#.
5. (. de2nton, ALT%&'4M s the ?-dn? prn0ple 2or the PH'LANTH%OP'4T.
4!larl., L'(E%TY s the ?-dn? prn0ple o2 the L'(E%TA%'AN. The answer s "E#.
7. (. de2nton, a %ACONTE&% s one who tells ANEC)OTE4, stores. 4!larl., a
CYNO4&%E s so!eone or so!ethn? that attra0ts 'NTE%E4T or attenton. The answer
s "A#.
:. (oth PATENT and MAN'+E4T !ean 0lear, o>*o-s. '2 .o- donBt re0o?nGe ths
!eann? 2or PATENT, thn1 o2 the phrase patentl. o>*o-s. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or
s.non.!s. Now, >oth C%E)&LO&4 and $&LL'(LE !ean >ele*n?, easl. 2ooled.
Hen0e, the answer s "A#.
<. CEN4O%'O&4 !eans 0rt0al, 0onde!nn?, and CON)ON'N$ !eans 2or?*n?.
Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, PE%+&NCTO%Y !eans -sn? !n!al
0are, don? ,-st eno-?h to 2nsh the ,o>, wh0h s the opposte o2 THO%O&$H. Hen0e,
the answer s ")#.
@. To M'NCE s to lessen or !t?ate "!n0n? words s -sn? e-phe!s!s#, and to
E9ACE%(ATE s to worsen. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, the opposte o2
CON+&4'N$ so!eone s to CON3'NCE the!. The answer s "E#.
C. To 'N4'N&ATE s to 0la! or a00-se ndre0tl., and to )'44EM(LE s to 0on0eal
>ehnd a 2alse appearan0e. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, 'N3E'$H !eans
to atta01, wh0h s the opposte o2 %ET%EAT. The answer s "A#.
Problem Set G:
1. (. de2nton, a CALLO&4 person la01s 4YMPATHY. L1ewse, an O&T$O'N$
person la01s 'NH'('T'ON. The answer s "C#.
/. PE%'PATET'C !eans Lpertann? to wal1n?,L wh0h s the opposte o2
MOT'ONLE44. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, NECE44A%Y and
4&PE%+L&O&4 "eE0ess*e# are anton.!s. The answer s "(#.
5. An APOC%YPHAL stor. s do->t2-lH t la01s CO%%O(O%AT'ON. 4!larl., a
4AC%'LE$'O&4 state!ent la01s P'ETY. The answer s "E#.
7. NE(&LO&4 !eans 0lo-d=l1e, wtho-t 2or! or )'4T'NCT'ON. 4!larl.,
$&'LELE44 !eans wtho-t )ECE'T. The answer s "A#. )onBt 2all the e.e=0at0her
a!orpho-s: t re!nds one o2 NE(&LO&4. Howe*er, 'n0hoaton !eans a
>e?nnn?, and so!ethn? ,-st >e?nnn? s l1el. to >e a!orpho-s, to la01 shape.
:. Ths s a de?ree=o2=ntenst. analo?.. TA%N'4H !eans to lessen the J-alt. o2
so!ethn?, and 3'T'ATE !eans to 0orr-pt or r-n so!ethn?. The ad!nstratonBs
rep-taton was tarnshed >. the >rea1=n. Howe*er, the 0o*er=-p *tated an. hope t
0o-ld sal*a?e ts rep-taton. Now, (EM&4E !eans to 0on2-se, to 0a-se to >e0o!e
en?rossed n tho-?ht, and 4T&PE+Y !eans to 0on2-se to the pont o2 n-!>ness.
Hen0e, the answer s ")#.
<. (oth NOCT&%NAL and C'MME%'AN !ean dar1, n?htl.. Hen0e, we are loo1n?
2or s.non.!s. Now, >oth 4PEC'O&4 and 'LL&4O%Y !ean de0ept*e, 2alse. Hen0e,
the answer s "E#.
Problem Set H:
1. T%A3E4TY and PA%A$ON "per2e0ton# are anton.!s. 4!larl., A&TONOMY
"ndependen0e# and 4&(O%)'NAT'ON are anton.!s. The answer s "A#.
/. To )%ONE s to spea1 n a !onotono-s, &NEMOT'ONAL !anner. 4!larl., to
)EA)PAN s to spea1 or respond n an E9P%E44'ONLE44 !anner. The answer s ")#.
5. (oth MA%OON and 4E;&E4TE% !ean to solate, to se?re?ate. Hen0e, we are
loo1n? 2or s.non.!s. Now, >oth ENT%EAT and (E4EECH !ean to as1, to plead.
Hen0e, the answer s "E#.
7. To TOTTE% s to 8ALA n an -nstead., 2altern? !anner. 4!larl., to 4T&TTE% s
to 4PEAA n a 2altern? !anner. The answer s "E#.
:. To )'M a L'$HT s to da!pen or lessen ts >r?htness. 4!larl., to M&++LE a
P%OTE4T s lessen or pre*ent ts >road0ast. The answer s "(#.
<. (EN'$N !eans har!less, ?ood, and PE%N'C'O&4 !eans har!2-l, e*l. Hen0e,
we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, APOC%YPHAL !eans o2 do->t2-l a-thent0t.,
2alse, whereas CATE$O%'CAL !eans 0ertan, wtho-t do->t. Hen0e, the answer s
@. A de2nn? 0hara0terst0 o2 a )EMA$O$&E s that he MAN'P&LATE4 people
t.p0all. >. appealn? to the >aser nstn0ts o2 the !asses. 4!larl., a de2nn?
0hara0terst0 o2 a CHAMP'ON s that he )E+EN)4 other people. The answer s "A#.
C. $%E$A%'O&4 and CON$EN'AL are s.non.!s>oth !ean so0a>le, 2rendl..
L1ewse, (ELL'CO4E and M'L'TANT are s.non.!s>oth !ean a??ress*e,
warl1e. All the other answer 0ho0e pars 0ontan anton.!s. The answer s "C#.
Problem Set I:
1. A TH'M(LE 2-n0tons to prote0t the +'N$E%. 4!larl., a 4MOCA 2-n0tons to
prote0t APPA%EL. The answer s "E#.
/. ANA%CHY !eans a la01 o2 O%)E%, a state o2 0haos. 4!larl., 'NEPT'T&)E
!eans a la01 o2 4A'LL. The answer s "(#.
5. &n-sed LAN) s +ALLO8lterall., -nplowed. 4!larl., a )ECOMM'44'ONE)
4H'P s one ta1en o-t o2 a0t*e ser*0e. The answer s "E#.
7. The 2-n0ton o2 a HE&%'4T'C s to TEACH thn1 o2 the phrase a he-rst0
de*0e. 4!larl., the 2-n0ton o2 a PE%+O%ME% s to ENTE%TA'N. The answer s
:. The p-rpose o2 a %&4E "tr01# s to )ECE'3E. 4!larl., the p-rpose o2 a
CATHA%T'C s to CLEAN4E. The answer s "C#.
<. %ET'CENT !eans reser*ed, retrn?, whereas 8ANTON !eans -n>rdled,
re01less. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, ;&'E4CENT !eans na0t*e,
dor!ant, whereas %AMPANT !eans ra?n?, -n0he01ed. Hen0e, the answer s ")#.
@. Ths s a de2ntonal analo?.. (. de2nton, a )&PE s $&LL'(LE, easl. 2ooled, too
tr-stn?. 4!larl., >. de2nton, a C&%M&)$EON s CANTANAE%O&4, ll=
te!pered. The answer s "C#.
C. OPA;&E !ateral wll not allow L'$HT to pass thro-?h. 4!larl., so!ethn? that s
HE%MET'C wll not allow A'% to pass thro-?h. +or eEa!ple, a her!et0all. sealed
0ontaner s art?ht. The answer s "E#.
D. ;&'9OT'C and P%A$MAT'C are anton.!s. ;&'9OT'C !eans ro!ant0,
dealst0, whereas P%A$MAT'C !eans pra0t0al, realst0, -tltaran. L1ewse,
MALCONTENT and I'N$O'4T'C are anton.!s. MALCONTENT !eans dssats2ed,
0o!plann?, whereas I'N$O'4T'C !eans Gealo-s 0o!!t!ent, 0ha-*nst0. The
answer s ")#.
1F. The ?ra!!at0al 2-n0ton o2 a COLON s to 'NT%O)&CE a lst or an eEplanator.
state!ent. 4!larl., the ?ra!!at0al 2-n0ton o2 a HYPHEN s to IO'N two ele!ents.
The answer s "A#.
Problem Set J:
1. E9TEMPO%ANEO&4 !eans wtho-t %EHEA%4AL. 4!larl., a MA3E%'CA a0ts
wtho-t 4ANCT'ON. The answer s ")#.
/. CO8E%'N$ s a s?n o2 +EA%. 4!larl., 4T%&TT'N$ s a s?n o2 4EL+=
CON+')ENCE. The answer s "(#.
5. To )8'N)LE s to de0rease n 4'6E. 4!larl., to )'44'PATE s to de0rease n
4T%EN$TH. The answer s "E#.
7. O3E%8%O&$HT !eans +%ANT'C wth ?re2. 4!larl., 4AT'ATE) !eans +&LL.
The answer s "(#.
:. L.n? P%O4T%ATE "2a0e to the ?ro-nd# s a s?n o2 )E+E%ENCE "0o-rteo-s
respe0t#. 4!larl., 4M'L'N$ s a s?n o2 PLEA4&%E. The answer s "A#.
<. &N8'TT'N$ "-n1nown?# !eans 0a-sed >. ACC')ENT. 4!larl., 4&CCO% !eans
an.thn? that s HELP+&L. The answer s "A#.
Problem Set K:
1. The 2-n0ton o2 a CENT%'+&$E s to 4EPA%ATE. 4!larl., the 2-n0ton o2 a
4'E3E s to 4T%A'N. The answer s "C#.
/. A%(O%EAL !eans pertann? to T%EE4. 4!larl., MA%'T'ME !eans pertann? to
4EA4. The answer s "E#.
5. PH'LATEL'CAL !eans pertann? to 4TAMP4. 4!larl., N&M'4MAT'C !eans
pertann? to C&%%ENCY. The answer s ")#.
7. A&4T%AL !eans pertann? to 4O&TH. 4!larl., %HETO%'CAL !eans pertann?
to 4TYLE "o2 0o!!-n0aton#. The answer s "C#.
:. A 4HA%) s a sharp pe0e o2 $LA44. L1ewse, a 4PL'NTE% s a sharp pe0e o2
8OO). The answer s "(#.
<. &4&%P !eans to 4E'6E "lle?t!atel.#. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or s.non.!s. Now,
TEMPE% !eans to MO)'+Y "thn1 o2 the phrase te!pered steel#. The answer s "(#.
Problem Set L:
1. L1e parentheses, (%ACAET4 "MN# ENCLO4E words or te!s. 4!larl., a HYPHEN
IO'N4 words or parts o2 words. The answer s "A#.
/. H'4T%'ON'C4 s eEa??erated, nsn0ere >eha*or, wh0h s the opposte o2 4'NCE%E.
4!larl., E9'4TENCE s the opposte o2 3'%T&AL "eEstn? n e22e0t >-t not a0t-al
2a0t#. The answer s "A#.
5. 'N)'4T'NCT !eans ordnar., wtho-t an. PEC&L'A% trats. 4!larl.,
'N$EN&O&4 !eans wtho-t )ECEPT'ON, nno0ent. The answer s "A#.
7. ELL'P4'4 " . . . # s a ?ra!!at0al s.!>ol nd0atn? OM'44'ON o2 words. 4!larl.,
AMPE%4AN) "O# s a s.!>ol nd0atn? A))'T'ON. The answer s "C#.
:. MAL'$NANT !eans n,-ro-s, e*l, and 'NNOC&O&4 !eans har!less. Hen0e,
we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, 4P&%'O&4 !eans 2alse, de0ept*e whereas
'N)&('TA(LE !eans 0ertan, s-re. Hen0e, the answer s "C#.
<. CAPT'O&4 !eans 0rt0al, 2a-lt2ndn?, and TOLE%ANT !eans 2or?*n?,
a00eptn?. Hen0e, we are loo1n? 2or anton.!s. Now, &N4T'NT'N$ !eans
0harta>le, wh0h s the opposte o2 PA%4'MON'O&4, stn?..L Hen0e, the answer s
Problem Set M:
1. HA&$HTY !eans CON+')ENT to the pont o2 0on0et. 4!larl., PEN&%'O&4
!eans P%O3')ENT "2r-?al# to the pont o2 !serlness. The answer s "E#.
/. A'%4 !eans %E+'NE), >-t tBs ne?at*e. 4!larl., P%&)'4H !eans P%OPE%, >-t
tBs ne?at*e. The answer s "A#.
5. %A4H !eans (%A3E, >-t s 0arres the ne?at*e 0onnotaton o2 >en? 2oolhard..
4!larl., +A8N'N$ !eans ACCOMMO)AT'N$, >-t t 0arres the ne?at*e
0onnotaton o2 ?ro*eln?. The answer s "C#.
7. E9HO%T !eans to A)3'4E stron?l.. 4!larl., $AL3AN'6E !eans to A%O&4E
stron?l.. The answer s ")#.
:. CONT%'TE "sorr.# and O()&%ATE "hardened, sha!eless# are anton.!s. 4!larl.,
APHO%'4T'C "sel2=e*dent# and E4OTE%'C "o>s0-re# are anton.!s. The answer s "(#.
<. 4A%)ON'C "sar0ast0# and 'N$%AT'AT'N$ "0har!n?, pleasn?# are anton.!s.
4!larl., P%EC'P'TATE "rash, !pet-o-s# and CON4')E%E) "well tho-?ht o-t,
pondered# are anton.!s. The answer s "E#.
Problem Set N:
1. PAN)EMON'&M !eans 0on2-son, a?taton, wh0h s the opposte o2
E;&AN'M'TY "0al!, 0olle0ted#. 4!larl., AN9'ETY s the opposte o2
CON+')ENCE. The answer s "(#.
/. 4OL'C'T&)E !eans TACT+&L, tho-?ht2-l. 4!larl., EN'$MA !eans
MY4TE%'O&4, p-GGln?. The answer s "E#.
5. CON3OL&TE) !eans 0o!pleE, ntr0ate, wh0h s the opposte o2 &N'+O%M.
4!larl., P%O4A'C "2lat, -nnspred# s the opposte o2 AN'MATE) "sprted,
**a0o-s#. The answer s "A#.
7. +AM'4HE) !eans *er. H&N$%Y. 4!larl., EN)LE44 !eans *er. E9TEN4'3E.
The answer s "E#.
:. 'LL&M'NATE !eans to !a1e 0lear, to enl?hten, wh0h s the opposte o2
A)&M(%ATE "to dar1en, to o>s0-re#. 4!larl., 'NC&LPATE !eans to a00-se, wh0h
s the opposte o2 3'N)'CATE. The answer s "E#.
<. PE%PET&AL !eans 0ontn-al, wh0h s the opposte o2 E3ANE4CENT "2leetn?#.
4!larl., (L'THE !eans >lss2-l, wh0h s the opposte o2 )'4CON4OLATE "sad,
?loo!.#. The answer s "C#.
@. A%$OT s lan?-a?e 0hara0terst0 o2 a $%O&P. 4!larl., )'ALECT s lan?-a?e
0hara0terst0 o2 a %E$'ON. The answer s ")#.
C. An EP'C&%EAN s a ?o-r!et, wh0h s the opposte o2 A4CET'C'4M "pra0t0n?
sel2=denal, a-stert.#. 4!larl., P%OTECTO%ATE "0olon., dependent# s the opposte
o2 A&TONOMY "ndependen0e#. The answer s "A#.
D. )'4CE%N'N$ !eans 1een, persp0a0o-s, wh0h s the opposte o2
M'4APP%EHEN4'ON "!s-nderstandn?#. 4!larl., (%&4;&E "0-rt, r-de# s the
opposte o2 COM'TY "?ra0o-s#. The answer s "E#.
1F. E9TOL !eans to COMMEN) "prase# h?hl.. 4!larl., CHA4T'4E !eans to
C%'T'C'6E se*erel.. The answer s "C#.
11. 4E)&LO&4 and 'N)&4T%'O&4 are s.non.!s, >oth !ean hardwor1n?. L1ewse,
'MPEC&N'O&4 and )E4T'T&TE are s.non.!s, >oth !ean poor. The answer s "E#.
1/. A%OMAT'C !eans ha*n? a stron? 4MELL. 4!larl., TA%T !eans ha*n? a
stron? TA4TE. The answer s "(#.
15. A M'4O$YN'4T hates 8OMEN. 4!larl., A 9ENOPHO(E hates +O%E'$NE%4.
The answer s "(#.
17. A +O'(LE s a !nor 0hara0ter 2law. To >e (A4E s to ha*e a se*erel. de20ent
0hara0ter. 4!larl., TATTE%E) 0lothn? s se*erel. 8O%N. The answer s "C#.
Problem Set O:
1. 4MOAE s a >. prod-0t o2 COM(&4T'ON. 4!larl., ENE%$Y s a >. prod-0t o2
N&CLEA% +'44'ON. The answer s "E#.
/. 4o!ethn? P%E)E4T'NE) s *er., or 0ertan P%ONE to o00-r. 4!larl., so!ethn?
CELE(%ATE) s *er. NOTE8O%THY. The answer s ")#.
5. To MAL'N$E% s to 2a1e an 'LLNE44. 4!larl., to MA4;&E%A)E s to 2a1e an
')ENT'TY. The answer s "A#.
7. To +LA$ s to lose 4T%EN$TH. 4!larl., to )EMOTE s to lower n %ANA. The
answer s "(#.
:. CAMO&+LA$E pre*ents ')ENT'+'CAT'ON. 4!larl., 'NOC&LAT'ON pre*ents
)'4EA4E. The answer s "C#.
<. CONT'$&O&4 and A(&TT'N$ are s.non.!s, >oth !ean sde=>.=sde, to-0hn?.
4!larl., APHO%'4T'C and A9'OMAT'C are s.non.!s, >oth !ean sel2=e*dent. The
answer s "A#.
@. APPELLAT'ON and EP'THET are s.non.!s !eann? na!n?, 0lass2.n?.
4!larl., 4&(4E%3'ENCE and %E4'$NAT'ON are s.non.!s, >oth !ean s->!sson.
The answer s "E#.
C. POL'T'C and P%&)ENT are s.non.!s. 4!larl., )'4CONCE%T'N$ and
EM(A%%A44'N$ are s.non.!s. The answer s ")#.
D. Ths s a de?ree o2 ntenst. analo?.. %E4O&N) "2lled wth so-nd# s !-0h !ore
ntense than 8H'4PE%. 4!larl., L&9&%'ATE !eans to thoro-?hl. ENIOY
so!ethn?. The answer s "C#.
1F. To APOLO$'6E s an a0t o2 a PEN'TENT person. 4!larl., to 4M'TE "atta01,
tor!ent# s an a0t o2 a 8%ATH+&L person. The answer s "C#.
11. O%THO)O9 and 'CONOCLA4T "one who rals a?anst the esta>lsh!ent# are
anton.!s. L1ewse, PALPA(LE ">ele*a>le, o>*o-s, tan?>le# and CYN'C are
anton.!s. The answer s "A#.
1/. )%ACON'AN des0r>es str0t and COE%C'3E r-les. 4!larl., M&N'+'CENT
des0r>es PH'LANTH%OP'C "0harta>le# >eha*or. The answer s "(#.
15. CLOYE) "satated# and IA)E) are s.non.!s. 4!larl., 'N4AT'A(LE and
CO%MO%ANT "?reed.# are s.non.!s. The answer s "(#.
17. &NTENA(LE "0annot >e o>taned# and CATE$O%'CAL "0ertan# are anton.!s.
4!larl., 'NE3'TA(LE and CAP%'C'O&4 "0han?ea>le, 201le# are anton.!s. The
answer s ")#.

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