The Importance of Mastering English

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NAMA : Musyarofah

PRODI :Teknologi Pendidikan
DOSEN :Hj. Nanik Retnowati M.hum

The Importance of Mastering English for Indonesian


Paragraph 1
Thesis statement : Mastering English is important for Indonesians in globalization
today and it can help them to get better future

Paragraph 2
Main Idea : Mastering English can help people to enrich the knowledges
Paragraph 3
Main Idea : Mastering english can help us to get better education

Paragraph 4
Main Idea : Mastering English can help people to get a job

Paragraph 5
Conclusion : So Indonesian people should consider about the importance of
mastering english and start to learn English.

The Importance of Mastering English
Language has important role to humans life. Its a way for people to communicate.
Todays people live in globalization era, which is mean everything connected to the world and
language becomes a tool to connecting people around the world. English is one of the
languages in the world that can makes people around the world to communicate, because it is
considered and applied as international language. Since then, it is very popular and have been
spoken and learnt by almost people in the world. So mastering English is important for
Indonesians in globalization today and it can help them to get better future.
First, mastering English can help people to enrich the knowledge. There are many
ways to enrich our knowledge, one of them is by reading books. To enrich our knowledge
we read many kind of books and sometime the books and the articles are written in english.
To understand it we have to mastering english, because if we cannot mastering english it will
be hard for us to understand the books or the articles. Although we use the dictionary it is still
hard to understand the book if we not mastering english, because sometime the translation is
not really match. So mastering english will help us to understand the books or articles that are
written in english and it can enrich our knowledge.
Second, Mastering english can help us to get better education. Many universities from
the other countries offered a scholarship to Indonesian people for free, but they have to
complete the requirements. One of the requirements is TOEFL, or English test and many
Indonesians failed in this requirement because they do not speak English. In Indonesia to
entering the leading university people also have to pass the TOEFL test as a requirement. Its
important for Indonesian to learn English so they can get the scholarship or entering the
leading university. Because with the schoolarship or study at leading university, the
opportunity to get better education is bigger And it also help Indonesians ton continue their
education to higher level.
Third , Mastering English can help people to get better job. In globalizations era
which is everythingconntected to the world, it possible for Indonesian to get a job it other
country but they have to be able speak in English because English is the international
language so when Indonesians get a job in others countries they will be able to
communicating. Not only that, in Indonesia when people want to get a good job in some big
company they also have to be able speak in English or have a TOEFL licences as one of
In a short, mastering English is become peoples needed in globalizations todays,
including Indonesians . Its important for Indonesians because it can help them to make better
future which help them to enrich the knowledge, give better educations and better job. So
Indonesian people should consider abou the importance of mastering english and start to
learn English.

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