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Bullying Management Plan
Madonna University
EDU 4400
Dr !"sniu#
Mi$%elle Angel

'lassroom (tru$ture)
My $lassroom *ill "e stru$tured in a *ay+ "ot% emotionally and ,%ysi$ally+ t%at *ill %el,
su,,ort my strategies in ,reventing "ullying My strategy to ,revent "ullying *ill "e $reating an
atmos,%ere *%ere %ealt%y $%oi$es are en$ouraged and su,,orted "y an environment t%at
,romotes learning and gro*t% T%is *ill "e done "y edu$ating students on *%at "ullying is+ *%at
it loo#s li#e and %o* to re,ort it My main role as t%e tea$%er is to edu$ate all o- my students on
t%e signs o- "ullying in$lude "ut are not limited to teasing+ name $alling+ aggressiveness+
dis$rimination+ -ig%ts and ridi$uling ./oover 0 !liver+ 11123
4 *ill also tea$% di--erent $on-li$t management s#ills and te$%ni5ues T%ese te$%ni5ues
.13 6ela7) ta#e a ste, "a$# -rom t%e ,ro"lem and admit %o* you -eel
.&3 '%oose to solve t%e ,ro"lem) let t%e ot%er ,erson #no* t%at you are ready to tal# t%ings
t%roug% (tay $alm and don8t ma#e t%e ,ro"lem *orse
.93 (%are your -eelings) tal# a"out t%e situation using :4 statements; Be %onest a"out your
-eelings and ans*er any 5uestions t%e ot%er ,erson may %ave
.43 Listen) *it%out interru,ting+ listen to t%e ot%er ,erson8s ,oint o- vie* <%en t%e ot%er
,erson is -inis%ed+ you $an as# a -e* sim,le 5uestions to -ind out more
.=3 >ind a solution) toget%er+ agree on a *ay to solve t%e ,ro"lem+ t%en ,ut t%e ,lan into a$tion

.23 Ma#e a ,lan -or t%e -uture) t%in# o- some "etter *ays to %andle t%e situation i- it %a,,ens
again+ and agree to try one o- t%e ideas ne7t time ./oover 0 !liver+ 11123
4 *ill set $lear e7,e$tations -or students and esta"lis% s$%ool and $lassroom routines "y
$reating a sa-e s$%ool and $lassroom environments -or all students "y im,lementing rules and
$onse5uen$es Poorly $ommuni$ated rules *ill not ,rodu$e t%e desired "e%aviors To ,revent
t%is+ 4 *ill *or# toget%er *it% my students to ,rodu$e $lear rules t%at *ill "e en-or$ed
t%roug%out t%e year 'olla"orating *it% students at t%e "eginning o- t%e year to develo, rules -or
t%e $lassroom *ill allo* students8 voi$es to "e %eard and %ave t%eir o,inion valued 4 *ill use
a,,ro,riate+ ,ositive res,onses t%at *ill rein-or$e ,ositive student "e%avior+ even *%en students
re5uire dis$i,line
4 *ill model+ tea$%+ and re*ard ,ro?so$ial+ %ealt%y+ and res,e$t-ul "e%aviors "y using
,ositive a,,roa$%es to "e%avioral %ealt%+ in$luding $olla"orative ,ro"lem?solving+ $on-li$t
resolution training+ team*or#+ and ,ositive "e%avioral su,,orts t%at aid in so$ial and emotional
develo,ment 4 *ill tea$% %o* to use t%e internet sa-ely to ,revent and re,ort $y"er?"ullying and
also su,,ort students@ interest and ,arti$i,ation in non?a$ademi$ and e7tra$urri$ular a$tivities
My $lassroom *ill "e set u, in su$% a *ay as to allo* me to see every ,art o- my room
No se$tion *ill "e %idden T%is *ill ,revent any in$idents arising due to my la$# o- vision and
en%an$e my a"ility to monitor students e--e$tively 4 *ill also $ir$ulate -re5uently t%roug%out t%e
$lassroom so t%at 4 $an monitor student $onversations and "e%avior 4 $an %el, un$over "ullying
A%ot s,ots8 in t%e s$%ool 0 $ommunity :'rime analysts note t%at a small %and-ul o- lo$ations in
t%e $ommunity o-ten serve Amagnets8 -or $rime+ *it% multi,le $riminal in$idents re,orted to

,oli$e; .($%merler et al+ 111B3 4n s$%ools+ too+ Cust a -e* lo$ations tend to "e t%e site o- many
in$idents o- "ullying !-ten+ t%ese lo$ations are ,oorly su,ervised and s$%ools $an in$rease t%e
level o- adult surveillan$e in %all*ays+ stair*ells+ and ot%er settings *%ere "ullying is -re5uently
re,orted !lder+ trusted students may "e $%osen to %el, monitor identi-ied lo$ations as *ell
Adult and student monitors *ould re$eive training a"out *%at "ullying "e%aviors to loo# -or and
%o* to intervene e--e$tively *it% "ullies "e-ore starting
(tudents ,lay a %uge role in ,reventing "ullying in t%e $lassroom My students *ill "e
edu$ated on *%at "ullying loo#s li#e and %o* to re,ort it T%ey *ill #no* t%at t%ey are e7,e$ted
to re,ort any sus,i$ious "e%avior o- "ullying and it $an "e done $on-identially (tudents *ill "e
a"le to re,ort "ullying $on-identially "y sim,ly *riting a note on %ome*or# "eing turned in or
as#ing to s,ea# *it% me ,rivately 4 *ill %ave a "o7 on my des# t%at *ill "e designated -or
students to leave $omments or 5uestions a"out *%at t%ey *ould li#e to #no* a"out $ertain to,i$s
*e are dis$ussing T%is $an "e used as an o,tion -or students *%o *ant to re,ort "ullying in t%e
$lassroom D s$%ool *it%out *orrying a"out ot%er students seeing *%at t%ey are *riting or ,utting
a note into a "o7 designated -or re,orting "ullying
(u,,ort and Edu$ation)
4 *ill su,,ort and edu$ate students *%o are "eing "ullied "y %el,ing t%em over$ome
di--i$ult e7,erien$es and to %el, t%em $ontrol negative emotions 4 *ill s%o* $om,assion to
t%ese students "y a$#no*ledging -eeling lonely+ a-raid+ un*ort%y and deserving o- t%e "e%avior
a$ted u,on t%em 4 *ill edu$ate my students "y letting t%em #no* t%at t%ey $an tal# to me and
t%ey do not need to "e a-raid to s,ea# u, a"out %o* t%ey -eel 4 *ill e7,ress t%at 4 $an %el, t%em

i- ever needed i- t%ey %el, me re$ogniEe a "ullying situation so *e $an ta#e ste,s in ,reventing+
$orre$ting and sto,,ing it (tudents are res,onsi"le -or res,e$ting t%e rig%ts o- t%eir $lassmates
and t%emselves
4 $an also su,,ort my students "y tea$%ing ,eer mediation T%is $an %el, students *or#
out di--eren$es "y going t%roug% ste,s *%i$% in$lude .13 6ela7+ .&3 '%oose to solve t%e ,ro"lem+
.93 (%are your -eelings+ .43 Listen *it%out interru,ting+ .=3 >ind a solution+ .23 Ma#e a ,lan
./oover 0 !liver+ 11123 -or t%e -uture and $%e$# regularly *it% vi$tims and $%e$# to insure t%at
"ullying is not $ontinuing F Learning t%ese $on-li$t resolution s#ills $an %el, in$rease a student8s
sel- $on-iden$e Anot%er *ay t%at 4 $an su,,ort and edu$ate my students in$lude re$ruiting ,eer
volunteers T%is $an %el, to su,,ort and assist t%e vi$tim Alt%oug% ,eers may not $on-ront t%e
"ully+ t%eir su,,ort -or t%e vi$tim in en$ouraging %imD%er to *al# a*ay or re,ort "ullying %el,s
t%e vi$tim -eel su,,orted and ,revents -urt%er isolation .David and Go%nson+ 111=3 4 $an also
give $lassroom lessons on ,ro?so$ial "e%aviors and a$tivities t%at may ,rove use-ul+ su$% as t%e
,eer mediation e7,lained a"ove
Parent+ tea$%er and administration involvement is #ey in sto,,ing "ullying in s$%ools
T%e role o- administration is to $reate a s$%ool?*ide atmos,%ere *%ere %ealt%y $%oi$es are
en$ouraged+ in$luding im,lementing Positive Be%avior 4ntervention and (u,,ort servi$es A
,ositive "e%avior su,,ort system is a data?"ased e--ort t%at $on$entrates on adCusting t%e system
t%at su,,orts t%e student T%is system is im,lemented "y $olla"orative+ s$%ool?"ased terms t%at
use ,erson?$enter ,lanning T%ere are s$%ool?*ide e7,e$tations -or "e%avior t%at are $learly
stated+ *idely ,romoted and -re5uently re-eren$ed (tudents are o--ered a $ontinuum o- met%ods

t%at %el, t%em learn and maintain a,,ro,riate "e%avior and dis$ourage violation o- $odes o-
student $ondu$t .($%ool?*ide Positive Be%avioral 4ntervention and (u,,orts+ &0103
Administrators $an also %el, sto, "ullying "y en-or$ing t%e t%ree 68s) 6ules+ 6ig%ts+ and
6es,onsi"ilities 6ules) ($%ools and ,arents must demonstrate t%at t%ey are in $%arge and *ill
not tolerate any student %urting anot%er student in any *ay 6ig%ts) every student %as t%e rig%t
not to "e %urt and t%e rig%t to learn in a sa-e environment 6es,onsi"ilities) edu$ators are
res,onsi"le -or su,ervision and o"servant monitoring .>ried+ 11143 4 e7,e$t ,arents to ,lay a
su"stantial role in ,reventing "ullying 4 *ill send %ome di--erent ,eer mediation te$%ni5ues+
-a$ts a"out "ullying+ and *%o "ullying a--e$ts Parents *ill "e e7,e$ted to go over strategies and
in-ormation *it% t%eir $%ildren so t%at t%eir $%ildren *ill "e$ome $on-ident and *ill not "e
intimidated "y a "ully *%en -eeling t%ey s%ould ma#e a tea$%er or adult a*are o- somet%ing
4 *ill %el, students *%o are "ullied "y listening and -o$using on t%e $%ild to learn *%at8s
"een going on and s%o* 4 *ant to %el, 4 *ill assure t%e $%ild t%at "ullying is not t%eir -ault and
let %im or %er #no* t%at #ids *%o are "ullied may struggle *it% tal#ing a"out it 4 *ill $onsider
re-erring t%em to a s$%ool $ounselor+ ,sy$%ologist+ or ot%er mental %ealt% servi$e so t%ey $an
re$eive advi$e a"out *%at to do 4n t%e mean time+ 4 $an give advi$e *%i$% may involve role?
,laying and t%in#ing t%roug% %o* t%e $%ild mig%t rea$t i- t%e "ullying o$$urs again 4 *ill
*or# *it% t%e students to resolve t%e situation and ,rote$t t%e "ullied $%ild 4 *ill s%o* a
$ommitment to ma#ing "ullying sto,F
Dis$i,line and 6edire$tion)

Gust as in t%e $ase o- overall student dis$i,line+ 4 *ill im,lement our $lassroom rules and
$onse5uen$es 4- 4 o"serve "ullying+ 4 *ill $on-ront t%e student o"served in a -air and -irm
manner Ta#ing immediate a$tion is $riti$al "e$ause it sends a $lear message t%at it *ill not "e
tolerated 4 *ill use a $onsistent message o- %ig% e7,e$tations -or "e%avior and em,%asiEe t%is at
every o,,ortunity+ even -or students *%o "ully to*ards ,ositive "e%aviors 4mmediately a-ter
a,,roa$%ing a student a"out "ullying and $lari-ying *%at 4 o"served+ 4 *ill re$ord t%e in$ident
and immediately im,ose a $onse5uen$e in a ,rivate *it% t%e student along *it% reiterating t%e
$lassroom e7,e$tations regarding %o* *e treat ot%ers *it% res,e$t and #indness
4- t%e student8s "e%avior does not im,rove+ a "ullying re,ort to do$ument su"se5uent
in$idents and a$tions *ill "e ta#en and *ill "e s%ared *it% t%e student8s ,arents 4 *ill as# t%e
,arents to $ome to s$%ool -or a meeting so t%at 4 $an em,%asiEe t%e seriousness o- t%e "e%avior to
,arents and *ill allo* t%e s$%ool to as# -or ,arent su,,ort in sto,,ing t%e "ullying "e%avior 4- a
,arent is una"le or un*illing to sto, t%e "e%avior+ t%en a $on-eren$e *ill "e s$%eduled *it% t%e
,rin$i,al and any ot%er s$%ool ,ersonnel needed to $onstru$t a ,lan to dis$uss strategies t%at $an
"e im,lemented to %el, sto, and im,rove t%e un*anted "e%avior 4 *ould suggest and ,rovide a
list o- ,ositive o,,ortunities and a$tivities t%at t%e student *ould "e a"le to ,arti$i,ate in T%is
*ould in$lude a-ter s$%ool and *ee#end e7tra $urri$ular a$tivities t%at *ould %ave adults *%o
are su,ervising and a$ting as ,ositive mentors to t%e student

>ried+ (uEllen and >ried+ Paula+ P%D .11143 Bullies and vi$tims Ne* yor#) M Evans and
'om,any+ 1114
/oover+ Go%n / And !liver+ 6onald .11123 T%e "ullying ,revention %and"oo# Bloomington+
4N) National Edu$ation (ervi$e+ 11123
Go%nson+ David < And Go%nson+ 6o"ert T .111=3 6edu$ing s$%ool violen$e t%roug% $on-li$t
resolution Ale7andria+ IA) A('D+ 111=
($%ool?*ide Positive Be%avioral 4ntervention and (u,,orts .nd3 Mi$%igan De,artment o-
Edu$ation 6etrieved >e"ruary &+ &014+ -rom %tt,)DD***mi$%igangovDdo$umentsDmdeD
($%merler+ K+ Per#ins+ M+ P%illi,s+ (+ 6ine%art+ T+ 0 To*nsend+ M .111B3 '!P( ,ro"lem?
solving ti,s) A guide to redu$ing $rime and disorder t%roug% ,ro"lem?solving

relations%i,s <as%ington+ D') U( De,artment o- Gusti$e+ !--i$e o- 'ommunity !riented
Poli$ing (ervi$es

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