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Youngest Wife of the Prophet Muhammad

Complying with the death of his first better half of 25 years, Khadija bint Khawilad, the Astrologer
Muhammad (peace be upon him)\* took part in twelve other marital relationships. Aisha Bint Abu
Bakr Al-Siddiq was the third and youngest wife, and the only child bride-to-be.
Aisha - Kid Bride
Aisha was birthed in Destination in 614 CE to Umm Ruman and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq. Many accounts
report that Aisha was six years old at the time of her marital relationship and 9 when the marriage
was consummated. Although the bridal age of Aisha in some cases attracts criticism, child marriages
in 7th century Arabia were culturally and ethically acceptable, equally as they were in Biblical times.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was known to have a remarkable personality, and his
marriage to a youngster bride was an exception to his other marriages. Aisha was the only kid and
one of simply 2 virgins to wed the Prophet (peace be upon him). His various other better halves were
all widowed or divorced.
A Strategic Marital relationship
Aisha's marriage to the Astrologer (peace be upon him) represents another cultural standard of her
time - marriages which strengthened family, tribal or political connections. Aisha's daddy, Abu Bakr
Al-Siddiq, was a very early follower of Islam, close personal good friend of the Prophet (peace be
upon him) and a famous number in Destination. Marriage to Aisha permitted the Astrologer (peace
be after him) and Abu Bakr to set up a public partnership, while the young bride-to-be obtained
honored standing as other half of the Astrologer (peace be upon him).
The Astrologer's Fave Wife
Although the marriage was strategic, historical accounts state genuine affection in between both,
and Aisha ended up being referred to as the Prophet's (peace be upon him) beloved wife. It was in
her lap that he relaxed his head when he perished, and under the flooring of her home that he was
buried. The Prophet's Mosque (Masjid Nabawi) now bases on that site in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Scholar and Witness to Islamic Record
Aisha was reported to have actually been really attractive, however it is her piety, knowledge and
amazing memory that make her a remarkable number in Islamic past. She soaked up huge spiritual
understanding from the Astrologer (peace be after him) - including memorizing the entire Qur'an -
and was witness to much of the very early history of Islam. She aided maintain the details of those
events, and also the information of the private and public life of Muhammad (peace be upon him), by
telling more compared to 2 many thousand hadith.
Aisha was only 18 when the Astrologer (peace be after him) died, but she was already related to a
spiritual scholar. Over the following four years, up until her own death, Muslims got in touch with
Aisha for her extensive understanding of Qur'an, Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), Islamic teachings and
practices (Sunnah). She assisted inform Islamic scholars and took protection of children - some
orphanhoods - to elevate then in Islam.
Aisha Remembered
Aisha died in 678 at 65. Her scholarly contributions to Islam, in addition to her pious example, have
actually made her special condition among the "Mommies of the Believers," a regard to honor
offered to all the partners of the Astrologer (peace be upon him).
\* Muslims invoke Allah's blessings on the Prophet Muhammad whenever his name is pointed out.
"Aisha Bint Abu Bakr," Dawaat El - Saheeh el-Bukhaari

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