(3.2.3.) Affidavit-Rule 73 To Reconsider SCC Decision

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Affidavit of the Applicant Arlene Lowery

For Reconsideration of Application for Leave to Appeal

as per the Supreme Court of Canada, Rule 73: subrule 3(b) to (d) inclusive.
1. Exceedinl! Rare Circumstances to "arrant t#is court to reconsider t#e
$pplicant%s application &'o 'a(e )eave*% are as follo"s:
i. +t is exceedinl! rare t#at t#e court "ould eit#er "it# or
"it#out intent, misrepresent t#e facts and t#e damaes
incurred of t#is case in t#eir summar! ,udment, "it#out
appreciation of t#e in,urious impact t#is "ould #ave on
t#e $pplicant and t#e - infant c#ildren s#e represents,
#avin put t#is out to t#e public domain. See $pplicant%s
$rument attac#ed.
Ex#ibit 1 attac#ed: Summar! of t#e decision b! t#e
Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) ,ustices named, "#ic#
"as posted on t#e SCC "ebsite and ot#er "ebsites.
ii. +t is exceedinl! rare t#at t#e courts "ere unable to fairl!
represent t#e damaes incurred b! t#e $pplicant and t#e -
infant c#ildren s#e represents.
Ex#ibit . attac#ed: Summar! ,udment t#at "as posted to
t#e public domain #avin revisions in red or re! text as
t#e case ma! be, "#ic# more accuratel! represents t#e
true facts, damaes incurred and t#e case #istor! of #er
Statement of Claim as $mended (/res# Cop!).
iii. /urt#er it is necessar! to add 3 documents for t#is
courts consideration in t#is application. '#ese documents
are . medical reports on C#arlene 0obson on 0ecember
1112 and on $pril 1-
, 1117 and one report on 3onat#an
0obson on $pril 1-
, 1117, all examinations conducted
b! 0r. C. 4orman and attac#ed as Ex#ibit 3.
iv. Ex#ibit -: Summar! of 0amaes claimed b! t#e
$pplicant and for t#e - infant c#ildren (proposed) to
validate t#eir occurrence and impact. '#is summar! is to
support #er revised summar! of t#is ,udment at Ex#ibit .
beinnin part "a! do"n beinnin "it# 5Although
several issues were before the court suc# as a ne"
pleadin added of a "ronful deat# of #er infant randdau#ter
("#ile in t#e care of t#e Sas(atc#e"an 6overnment), and #er
allein t#at illeal and irreular improprieties occurred b!
court officials and la"!ers t#at "arrant discipline or
prosecution and furt#er allees #er ri#ts and freedoms as per
t#e Canadian C#arter "ere violated.7
v. Ex#ibit 8: 9pdated Curriculum :itae of t#e
$pplicant. 0urin t#e course of t#is la"suit counsel #as
s"a!ed opinion of ,udes involved in t#is case as to not
onl! t#e $pplicant%s mental #ealt# but #er professional
;ualifications of "#ic# s#e #as proof of t#is occurrin.
Affidavit of the Applicant Arlene Lowery
For Reconsideration of Application for Leave to Appeal
as per the Supreme Court of Canada, Rule 73: subrule 3(b) to (d) inclusive.
Recentl! + updated m! Curriculum :itae to attac# to a
report for a la"!er "it# Sas(atc#e"an )eal $id and +
submit m! Curriculum :itae for t#e sole purpose of
affirmin m! credentials to t#is court so t#e ,udiciar! in
particular can appreciate t#at m! lifetime professional
bac(round and expertise in t#e medical and #uman
services fields #as e;uipped me to reconi<e "#en
nelience and malpractice and in,urious actions #ave
occurred, and to furt#er appreciate "#en t#ese in,uries
s#ould be culpable.
.. 0en!in t#e $pplicant leave to appeal and strappin #er "it# costs of #er
action b! simpl! reiteratin "#at t#e Sas(atc#e"an =ueen%s >enc# ,ude%s
decision "as in !our summar!, and areein "it# t#e Court of $ppeal ,ustices
"#en + "ent to reat lent#s to meticulousl! la! out m! arument, is un,ust
and punitive.
3. '#is ,udment summar! as it stands #as created onl! furt#er embarrassment,
rief, #ards#ip, pain and sufferin for t#e $pplicant and t#e - infant c#ildren
s#e represents.
-. ?n September 1.
, .@@1 t#e Sas(atc#e"an C#ief 3ustice Alebuc directl!
addressed me at t#e beinnin of oral aruments and at t#e end.
8. + paid particular attention to "#at #e said and bot# times #e indicated t#at +
#ad "ritten ver! clearl! "#at #ad transpired #ere and t#an(ed me and furt#er
added 5Be (t#e appellate ,udes) (no" (exactl!) "#at #as #appened #ere.7
2. + too (no" exactl! "#at #as #appened #ere and t#is court must also (no".
7. 'o date t#e public domain does not (no" "#at exactl! #appened #ere and
t#e! need to (no".
C. + #ave been as respectful and as patient as is #umanl! possible t#rou#out t#e
nearl! 2 !ears t#at t#is la"suit #as been before t#e courts.
1. D! #ope still remains t#at t#e ,udiciar! "ould ensure t#at ,ustice "as served.
Affidavit of the Applicant Arlene Lowery
For Reconsideration of Application for Leave to Appeal
as per the Supreme Court of Canada, Rule 73: subrule 3(b) to (d) inclusive.
1@. '#e Supreme Court of Canada is m! final avenue to o to receive
,ustice, at least on planet eart#.
11. D! lon and arduous fi#t #as come to an endE "it# t#e exception of
t#is application for t#is court to reconsider m! application &'o 'a(e
1.. B#atever t#e final decision on t#is m! last application to it, + "ill rel!
on m! Fi#er Go"er, t#e one "#ose deat# and resurrection "e C#ristians
"ill celebrate t#is "ee(end.
13. B#atever #appens, + as a C#ristian, "ill pra!erfull! stand on t#e
follo"in Fol! Scripture and believe t#at t#is court "ill be an instrument for
me and t#e infant c#ildren to brin about t#e conclusion of t#is matter, "ill
rule ,ustl! "it#out partisans#ip, bias, pre,udice and t#e li(e.
The Conclusion of the Matter
4o" all #as been #eardE #ere is t#e conclusion of t#e matter:
/ear 6od and (eep #is commandments, for t#is is t#e dut! of all
/or 6od "ill brin ever! deed into ,udment, includin ever!
#idden t#in, "#et#er it is ood or evil.
Ecclesiastes Chapter 12: verses 13 to 14
+ pra!erfull! and respectfull! submit m! s"orn affidavit, "it# its ex#ibits and
$rument attac#ed for !our careful reconsideration of same.
S"orn before me t#is .@
da! of $pril, .@11 $.0. in t#e Cit! of Reina and t#e
Grovince of Sas(atc#e"an.
Commissioner of ?at#s $rlene )o"er!, $pplicant
Commissioner of ?at#s
in and for t#e
Grovince of Sas(atc#e"an.
D! Commission expires HHHHHHHHHH.
Arlene Lowery, Applicant/Appellant (Plaintiff)
Affidavit of the Applicant Arlene Lowery
For Reconsideration of Application for Leave to Appeal
as per the Supreme Court of Canada, Rule 73: subrule 3(b) to (d) inclusive.
.@3I1C@C Smit# Street
Reina, SA C$4. S-G .4G
'elep#one number: (3@2) .@8I-12@
/ax 4umber: (3@2) .@8I-121
$40 '?:
0eput! Dinister of 3ustice and
$ttorne! 6eneral, Sas(atc#e"an 6overnment
Sas(atc#e"an 3ustice
Civil )a" 0ivision
/loor I 1C7- Scart# Street,
Reina, SA, Canada,
S-G ->3
'elep#one number: (3@2) 7C7IC183
/ax 4umber: (3@2) 7C7I@8C1

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