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A. Students and Setting

Grade 7 students, ages 12-14, coming from public and private grade schools, with low-high
language proficiency
!rivate school wherein "nglish is divided into two sub#ects namely: "nglish language and
$iterature and "nglish %ral "&pression Students have '( minute periods, but are e&pected to
do homewor) outside the classroom *n a wee) the "nglish period is meeting 4 times and at '(
minutes each and 1 period a wee) for %ral "&pression +ost students have internet access in
their homes "ach class is composed of 4( students
B. Lesson Background:
,or this lesson students will be wor)ing on their writing, spea)ing, reading, and listening s)ills as
they go about the activities *t is e&pected that students already have a bac)ground in the
following: functions of sub#ect and predicate, simple sentence construction and capitali-ation
Since they are already in the 4
year high school, it is e&pected that the basic s)ills be
enhanced and will be used in a much difficult level
C. Learning Objectives/Expected esu!ts:
Students will apply their )nowledge in sentence construction Students will create their own
classroom rules Students will then evaluate each other/s wor) and give feedbac) to
other group
". #ateria!s and Sources:
+aterials : !en, paper, +anila !aper and Scotch 0ape
1 S 2epartment of State, %ffice of "nglish $anguage !rograms 3ureau of "ducational and
4ultural 5ffairs 62(17, 2ecember 128 Shaping the way we teach English: Approaches to
language teaching: Foundation: Module 3: Integrating Skills 9:ideo file;. <etrieved from>02)r)?a1%-5
5ctivities used:
,our 4orners
0he class is divided into four groups Students should come up with at least 1( rules in every
corner 0he rules will be written on a manila paper for presentation "ach member should be
able to contribute a rule 0he rule should be in sentence form
Gallery @al)
5fter the ,our 4orners activity, every group will post their outputs on the wall and let the other
groups to have a gallery wal) 0he tas) of every group is to wal) from one corner to another and

0his is a program of the 1S 2epartment of State, administered by the 1niversity of %regon
!aths to Success in "nglish $anguage 0eaching 4opyright 2(14 1niversity of %regon 5ll rights reserved
!hase 1 $esson !lan 0emplate !age 1
list down best rules for every corner %ther groups may give feedbac) regarding the rules being
presented by other groups
- 4ollaboration A B
- !resentation A 7
- 4reativity A C
E. Procedures / $i%ing:
$eac&er does/sa's . . . Students do/sa' . . . Approxi%ate
@ill as) the students to count
from 1-4 to be divided into four
groups which each group having
1( members
Students will count of 1-4 to identify
their groupings
C minutes
0he teacher will then assign a
particular corner to a certain
group and will form a circle using
their chairs Students will start
moving at the count of 1( and
once they have organi-ed their
groups they will immediately
raise their hand indicating that
they are ready
Students will proceed to the
assigned corner and will form a
circle using their chairs %nce they
have formed a circle they will raise
their hands indicating they are
C minutes
0he teacher will then as) the
group members to assign a
facilitator and a materials
manager 0he will as) the
materials manager to get the
Students in the group will assign the
facilitator and the materials
manager 0he materials manager
will then get the materials from the
C minutes
0eacher will then as) the
students to list down 1( house
rules that they would li)e to
observe during the school year
0he rules should be stated in a
sentence form 5dditional of C
points will be given to the group
that it not very noisy
Students will then list down the
house rules they would li)e to have
and observe during the school year
0heir rules will be written on the
manila paper
1C minutes
0he teacher will as) all the
groups to post their outputs in
Students post their outputs and
arrange the chairs
C minutes

0his is a program of the 1S 2epartment of State, administered by the 1niversity of %regon
!aths to Success in "nglish $anguage 0eaching 4opyright 2(14 1niversity of %regon 5ll rights reserved
!hase 1 $esson !lan 0emplate !age 2
their assigned corner and return
the chairs to their proper
arrangements in 1( counts
0he teacher will as) each group
to have the gallery wal), which is
to go around and will then give
feedbac) on the other group/s
Students will have their gallery wal)
and will give feedbac) on the
groups wor)
2( minutes
(. A!ternative Assess%ent:
5s their alternative assessment, the students will answer the Duestions: E@hat are the roles and
responsibilities you have on your home and in your community= 5re those rules helpful to you
on creating a family climate in school and in the community=F 0he students will then share their
answers with their seatmates
). C!assroo% #anage%ent:
4lassroom management is done in my class by having the counting first, this is done to
eliminate the tendency of having the fast learners go in groups, and friends being in one group
5lso, the counting of 1-1( in going to their groups and arranging the chairs 0here are only 4
groups which * )now it will be easy to monitor 0he point system of C points is given to the group
that is not that noisy Got very noisy because one cannot assure that silence will be carried out
throughout the whole activity, but students should )now the importance of having indoor voice
*. e+!ection , P&ase -:
0his lesson plan phase two is very similar to the phase 1, it #ust contains a few minor
ad#ustments 0he changes * made to phase 2 ones that will really incorporate classroom
management, li)e the following: counting of 1-1( during the going to and from their groupH the
assigning of facilitator and materials )eeper to have only a few students standing
0his lesson demonstrates the use of integrated s)ills and alternative assessment because the
s)ills that the students use for the activity were writing, spea)ing, listening and reading 0he
s)ills of the writing s)ills of the students were used during the formulation of house rules and in
writing their feedbac)s 0he s)ill in spea)ing was used during the discussion on what to write for
the house rules and for the giving of feedbac) ,or listening, it was used during the interaction
or when listening to the suggestions of other group members in the formulation of house rules
5nd the s)ill in reading was used in reading their accomplished output and in reading the wor)
of others

0his is a program of the 1S 2epartment of State, administered by the 1niversity of %regon
!aths to Success in "nglish $anguage 0eaching 4opyright 2(14 1niversity of %regon 5ll rights reserved
!hase 1 $esson !lan 0emplate !age 7
5s for alternative assessment it was used during the evaluation of the other groups output *t
was not only the teacher giving the feedbac) but also the students from the other group as well
,rom the activity, the teacher can also gage on how well they can formulate sentences, correct
grammar and spelling
2ifferentiated instruction is done in a way that the teaching of this lesson which is at the same
time a diagnostic test is not in its traditional way Students are given the freedom to discuss
among themselves the rules they would li)e to have

0his is a program of the 1S 2epartment of State, administered by the 1niversity of %regon
!aths to Success in "nglish $anguage 0eaching 4opyright 2(14 1niversity of %regon 5ll rights reserved
!hase 1 $esson !lan 0emplate !age 4

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