System of A Down - Hypnotize Lyrics

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Breathing each other's lives

Holding this in mind
That if we fall, we all fall
And we fall alone
The cold insincerity of steel machines
Have consumed our euphoria
Transforming us into muted dreams
Dreaming of the day that
We attack
Attack, attack your fetal servitude
We attack
Attack, attack, attack with pesticide
We attack
All the years of propaganda
We shall attack
Books illustrate what we already know
Candles cry towards the sky
acing your flags along polluted coasts
Dreaming of the day that
What's the philosophy of displaced mines The !om!ing of all homes and
villages Truth is the only sword !leeding minds Bleeding till the day that
Attack all the homes and villages
Attack all the schools and hospitals
"ou attack all the rapes and pillages
We shall attack
#or today we will take the !ody parts and put them on the wall
#or treated indigenously, digenously
Human right is private !lue chip, pry
We're the prophetic generation of !ottled water, !ottled water
Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die $#or treated
indigenously, digenously% $Human right is private !lue chip, pry%
"ou, you went !eyond and you lost it all Why did you go there #rom
!eyond you saw it all why did you
We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma
Confetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage
&he lost her mind
&omeone kicked her into the !ack of the line
Dreaming of screaming
&omeone kick me out of my mind
' hate these thoughts ' can't deny
We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma
Confetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage $#or treated
indigenously, digenously% $Human right is private !lue chip, pry%
"ou will take the !ody parts and put them up on the wall And !ring the
dark disaster
&o ' felt like the !iggest asshole
$#elt like the !iggest asshole%
When ' killed your rock 'n roll
$(ow down the se)y people%
*very time ' look in your eyes
*veryday ''m watching you die
All the thoughts ' see in you
A!out how '
*at all the grass that you want
Accidents happen in the dark

Why don't you ask the kids at Tiananmen &+uare
Was fashion the reason why they were there made you
They disguise it hypnoti,e it Television !uy it
''m -ust sitting in my car
And waiting for my
&he's scared that ' will take her away from there
Her dreams and her country left with no one there
(e,meri,e the simple minded .ropaganda leaves us !linded
''m -ust sitting in my car
And waiting for my girl
"eah, oh right
Two skies
Watching it all, fading
Two skies
/iving it all, fading
Two skies
Watching it all, fading
Two skies fading
0ne's a!ating
Two suns
/iving it all, dying
Two suns fighting
0ne's a!iding
Two suns
Watching them !oth fighting
Two suns
&eeing them !oth dying
Two suns
Watching them !oth fighting
Two suns fighting
0ne's a!iding
Two skies
&eeing them !oth dying
Two skies fading
0ne's a!ating
Crack pipes, needles, .C. and fast cars
1ind of mi) really well in a dead movie star
'f ' feel like talking, 'never !e wrong
'f ' feel like walking, you !est come along
' close my windows crank the heat up high
Till my palms are wet and my tongue is dry
''m looking for a mother that will get me high
2ust a stupid motherfucker if ' die, ' die
''m a midnight fistfight
&uperstition taking all of us for a ride
(imes overtaken !y the signs ofthe ight
The !om!s are falling overhead with no sight
While you are talking all detached, so tell us
Where you going to the !ottom
Do you hear us we are rotting
We're going down in a spiral to the ground
3o one, no one's gonna saveus now
Ceremonies have killed religions for they provide
The masked comforts todelusionals, they're all in fright
The true !eliever's head was !athedin sunlight
While you are walking all detached, so tell us
We're going down in a spiral to the ground
3o one, no one's gonna save us now
3ot even 4od, no one saved us
3o one's gonna save us
Where do you e)pect us to go when the !om!s fall5
Where do you e)pect them to go when the !om!s fall5

(elt in the sun
Who wants to come with me and melt in the sun5
Hide in the sky
Who wants to come with me and hide in the sky5
"ou and me
&hould go outside and !eat 'em
All pathetic flag waving ignorant geeks
And we'll eat 'em
Come -oin the cause
Come -oin the cause
Who wants to come with me and come -oin the cause5
Hide in the sky
Hide in the sky
Who wants to come with me and hide in the sky5
All pathetic flag waving ignorant geeks
eali,e you're !lind
And we're out of time
't'll show your mind
't'll show your mind
That you have a mind
Can you feel their haunting presence5
/iar, 1iller, Demon
Back to the river Aras
&omeone's !lank stare deemed it warfare
#reedom, #reedom, #ree, #ree
Can you hear the holy mountains5
&omeone's mouth said paint them all red
They have returned
esting on the mountainside
We have learned that you have no
Honor, (urderer, &odomi,er
Back to the river Aras
Banana !anana !anana terracotta
Banana terracotta terracotta pie
's there a perfect way of holding you !a!y5
6icinity of o!scenity in your eyes
Terracotta terracotta terracotta pie

Terracotta pie hey
Do we all learn defeat
#rom the whores with !ad feet
Beat the meat, treat the feet
To the sweet milky seat
&he's like heroin
&ipping through a little glass
''m looking for some help
' need someone to save her ass
Chinese tricks in rooms
With ghosts of hooker girlie dudes
(e and heroin may!e
we can make some cash &elling ass
&elling ass for heroin
&he wants nothing more
But to !e a little whore
He wants nothing less
But to wear a little dress
&he's like heroin
&ipping through a little glass
''m looking for some help
' need someone to make some cash &elling ass
&uch a lonely day
And it's mine
The most loneliest day of my life
&uch a lonely day
&hould !e !anned
't's a day that ' can't stand
The most loneliest day of my life
&uch a lonely day
&houldn't e)ist
't's a day that ''ll never miss
And if you go
' wanna go with you
And if you die
' wanna die with you
Take your hand
And walk away
&uch a lonely day
And it's mine
't's a day that ''m glad ' survived
Dead men lying on the !ottom of the grave
Wondering when &avior comes is he gonna !e saved
(ay!e you're a sinner into your alternate life
(ay!e you're a -oker, may!e you deserve to die
They were crying when their sons left
4od is wearing !lack
He's gone so far to find no hope
He's never coming !ack
They were crying when their sons left
All young men must go
He's come so far to find the truth
He's never going home
"oung men standing on the top of their own graves
Wondering when 2esus comes are they gonna !e saved
Cruelty to the winner, Bishop tells the 1ing his lies
(ay!e you're a mourner, may!e you deserve to die
Welcome to the &oldier &ide
Where there's no one here !ut me
.eople all grow up to die
There is no one here !ut me

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